. ?11; 353 Order Confirmation. Page 1 of 3 Printed: 05/16/2019 15:23:04 Advertiser No: 127886 Order No: 1312408532 Start Date: 05/17/2019 Co-?op: No End Date: 05/20/2019 Pack 6: No Month Type: Broadcast - Agency Comm: 15% Revision 0 CPE: 0?0-1109? AE: MMS Entered: 05/16/2019 02:28 PM by Fusion Donald Trump for President . . c/o Harris Sikos Media Last Update. 05/16/2019 02.28 PM by Fusron Note: WKSB-FM 32892252 0 0 1109? Donald Trump for Presid 11350 Random Hills Road . Suite 700 ?Ole 2? 9? Fairfax. VA 22030 Req lnv: Market Start End No Of Rate Skip Spots! Spot 0rd 0111 Station Bind To Date Date Weeks Rev. Type W. W. Length Spots Cost 1 06:00~10:00 05/17/19 05/17/19 1 50.200.00 Commercial National Agency?Political 2 06:00-10:00 05/20/19 05/20/19 50.150.00 Commercial National Agency-Political 3 WILLIAMS 10:00-15:00 95/17/19 05/17/19 45.180.00 Commercial National Agency-Politico: 4 WILLIAMS 10:00-15:00 05/20/19 05/20/19 1 45.45,00 Commercial Nationai Agency-Political 5 WILLIAMS 15:00?19:00 05/17/19 05/17/19 50.150.00 WKSB-FM Commercial Nationa! if? Agency~PotiticaI 6 WILLIAMS 06:00?18:00 05/18/19 05/18/19 20.100.00 Commercial! Nationa: - Agency-Politicai 7 06:00?18:00 05/19/19 05/19/19 1 20.100.00 Commerciat National! Agency-Poiitical 131' 1:9 Page 2 of 3 . 5% Order Con?rmation Printed: 051161201915123204 ?7 Order No: 1312408532 No. of SpotslMischigital: 25l0/0 Ordered Gross: $925.00 Agency Commission: $138.75 Ordered Net: $788.25 Totai Neggue: $786.25 May Jun Jui Aug Sep Oct Nov Bier; Jan Feb Mar Apr May Amt. 0rdGross: 925.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net: 786.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Participating Custcmers Ear? Donaici Trump for President 100% 05% - 7 Page 3 of 3 rig Order Confirmation Printed: cans/2019152304 Ord?lvo: 1312408532 ORDER TERMS AND The Term ?Advertised shall inciude advertiser and any agency or buying service named in Order Continuation. and sit persons and entities inciuded within Advertiser agree to the purchase of this advertising schedule and that they are jointly and severally liable for at! obligations of Advertiser under this contract regardless of who is billed, except any agency is liable for invoice payments only to the extent the agency has been paid by the advertiser. The term ?Station? means the speci?c station set out in the Order Confirmation. or, if not identi?ed there. iHeartMedia Entertainment inc. PAYMENT ., 1.1. Advertiser agrees to pay in advance for the distribution of advertising covered by this contract (collectiveiy ?transmissions?) unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. 1.2. if Station has extended credit, Station shall render invoices Payment by Advertiser is due within 30 days unless invoice is sent to agency or buying service, then net payment is due within 45 days. Past due accounts shall be charged interest at the rate of 1% per month (12% annual percentage rate) or, if less, the highest rate allowed by applicable law. from the date of the invoice. If Advertiser notices any error on an invoice, Advertiser must contact Station in writing within 7 days of the invoice date, stating the invoice number, amount and description of aiieged error, and including any supporting documentation as may be required by Station. All invoice charges will be considered valid if no written dispute from the Client is received by Station within the 7 day period. 1.3 On Advertiser?s request. Station shall furnish certi?cations of performance to Advertiser at the time of billing, but unless requested prior to bill' the furnishing of such certi?cations shall not be a condition of payment or time of payment. $9 1.4. if Advertiser is past due in payment of any amount. Station may change the terms of payment for further transmissions by giving Advertiser written notice. If Station refers this contract for collection. Advertiser sheii pay reasonable attomey?s or collector?s fees and any court costs incurred by Station. 2. TERMINATION AND BREACH 2.1. This contract may be terminated by either party giving the other party 14 days prior written notice. If Advertiser so tennioates this contract. Advertiser will pay Station at Station?s rate card rate (without discount for the number of remaining transmissions) for transmissions made through the date of tennination. If Station so laminates this contract, pay Station for transmissions made through the date of termination and shail have the bene?t of any discounts it would have received had this contract not been so tenoinat . 2.2. Station may terminate this contract at any time upon failure by Advertiser to timety make any payment, or upon other material breach by Advertiser of this contract. On such termination Advertiser will pay Station at Station?s rate card rate (without discount for the number of transmissions) for all transmissions made through the date of termination and (ii) all payments due by Advertiser shall become immediateiy due and payable. 2.3. Advertiser may cancel this contract at any time upon motorist breach by Station of this contract and shat: be liable only for transmissions made in accordance with this contract through the date of termination with the bene?t of any discounts it would have received had this contract not been so terminated. 2.4. if Station has contracted to purchase other program materiai (?Third Party Materiai?) during the term of this contract in reliance on the agreement of Advertiser and prior to the end of the term of this contract Station terminates pursuant to Section 2.2 or Advertiser pursuant to Section 2.1, Advertiser agrees to pay Station all costs and expenses incident to the acquisition of Third Party Material. After such payment, Station shall credit Advertiser for any not amounts obtained if Station is abie to resell such Party Material. but Station shall not be obligated to make or solicit any sale. my. . 2.5. To the extent provided by law, neither party shall be liable to the other party (including liability for incidentai. indirect or consequential damages or lost profits. whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages and punitive damages) other than as specified in this contract 3. REPRESENTATIONS AND HOLD HARMLESS 3.1. Advertiser represents. warrants and agrees that: Station's use of the Advertiser Materials (de?ned below) as authorized by Advertiser, including, but not limited to broadcast of the Advertiser Materials over the facilities of the Station shaft not vioiate or infringe upon the rights of others; provided, however, that the foregoing representations and warranties shall not apply to any materiei furnished or added to the Advertiser Materials after detivery to Station by any party other than Advertiser, and (ii) Advertiser (and the Advertiser Materials) shall comply with all applicable federal, state and locat laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, those of the FCC indecency. EAS oompiiance and all other FCC regulations). 3.2. Advertiser shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify Station, its parents and af?liates, and their respective of?cers, directors. employees and agents from any and sit claims, actions, causes of action. liabilities, demands, damages or costs (including reasonable attorney fees) of whatsoever name or nature, inctuding but not limited to defamation, unlawful competition or trade practice. infringement of intettectual property or other property or personal rights (including but not limited to public performance rights with respect to music. spoken word or any other copyrightable material embodied in Advertiser Materials); (ii) any breach or violation of any sort of Section 5.5 or the representations and warranties described in Section 3.1; or claims arising from the products. services, operations, data. representations or warranties rotating to, directly or indirectly. any materiai furnished by or on behalf of Advertiser in connection with this contract (?Advertiser Material?), or Advertiser's business, services. operations or prizes (if any). Station shall defend. hoid harmtess and indemnify Advertiser and its of?cers. directors, employees and agents from damages relating to. directly or indirectly, programming transmitted by Station other thanAdvertiser Material. 4. TO TRANSMIT AND SUSSTITUTION PROGRAMS 4.1. if, due to public emergency or necessity, force majeure. restrictions imposed by law. acts of God; iabor disputes. or for other cause. including mechanical breakdown beyond Station?s controi. Station shall be unable to transmit or otherwise distribute any program or announcement to be transmitted under this contract, that transmission shall be canceled. and Station shall not be liable to Advertiser except as provided in Section 4.3 betow. 4.2. Station shall have the right to cancei any transmission or portion thereof to be made under this contract in order to transmit any program which it deems to be of public signi?cance. Station will notify Advertiser in advance if reasonably possibie or otherwise Station will notify Advertiser within a reasonabie time after such scheduled transmission. 4.3. Station shall transmit such canceled transmission. subject to availability. in a comparable time period. if Station is unable to so transmit the canoeied transmission, - Advertiser shall not have to pay for the canceled transmission and the cancellation shall not affect any discounts under this contract. 5. PROGRAM COMMERCIAL DATA 5.1. Unless otherwise noted in this contract. all material to be transmitted under this contract shall be furnished by Advertiser, and at: expenses of delivery to Station and return to Advertiser, if so directed, shall be paid by Advertiser. If Station has not received Advertiser Material by 72 hours in advance of scheduled transmission. Station shall reasonably attempt to so notify Advertiser. 5.2. if Station has not received Advertiser Materiai by 48 hours in advance of scheduled transmission. Station may in its sole discretion reschedule the transmission ct such material or cancel such transmission, and in either case. Advertiser shall pay for the transmission as if transmitted as originaily scheduled. 5.3. Advertiser Materiai is subject to Station approval and Station may exercise a continuing right to reject such material. inciuding a right to reject for unsatisfactory technical quality. If the material is unsatisfactory, Station shall notify Advertiser, and Advertiser shall furnish satisfactory material 48 hours in advance of transmission or Section 5.2 snail apply. All program material must conform to the program and operating policies of Station and Station shall have the continuing right to edit in the public it??rest provided, however, that Station approval of such material shall not affect Advertiser's indemnity obligation under this contract. 5.4. Station will retain all property rights in any program material prepared or created by Station or by any of its employees for use in connection with material transmitted under this contract. 5.5. if Station provides Advertiser with any data pertaining to the transmission of Advertiser Material ("Station Data?), Station grants Advertiser a limited, revocable, non-exclusive. non-sublicensable, license to use Station Data solely for interest purposes as necessary to vatidate Station's transmission of Advertiser Material. The foregoing license expires. and Advertiser must destroy, Station Data thirty (30) days after the date of the applicable transmissions. Advertiser may not, without Station?s prior written consent, disclose Station Data to any third party, (ii) combine Station Data with any other data. or use Station Data for any other purpose. including, without limitation, to create an attribution model. 6. NON-DISCRIMINATEON. in accordance with Paragraphs 49 and 50 of United States Federal Communications Commission Report and Order No. FCC 07-217. Station will not discriminate in any contract for advertising on the basis of race or ethnicity, and at? such contracts will be evaluated. negotiated and completed without regard to race or ethnicity. 7. GENERAL 7.1. This contract is for the transmission by broadcast on radio, transmission on other media when Internet is indicated, or both, of programs, announcements andfor displays of the Advertiser for the purpose of advertising the named products or services and is subject to all applicable federai, state and municipal regulations, inciuding the rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the Sederal Trade Commission. Station will perform the transmission covered by this contract on the days and approximate hourly times (current at Station) provided in this contract. Station may make reproductions of program material furnished by Advertiser to effect the transmissions. 7.2. If an agency or buying service is included in Advertiser, it is understood that party is the agent of advertiser and not of Station. 7.3. Station shall assume no liability for loss or damages to program material and other property furnished by Advertiser in connection with transmissions under this contract. 7.4. Advertiser may not assign or transfer this contract without first obtaining the written consent of Station; nor is Station required to transmit any materiai under this contract for the bene?t of any person or entity other than Advertiser named on the face of this contract. 7.5. The failure of Station or Advertiser to eoioroe any of the provisions of this contract strait not be construed as a waiver of that or any other provision. 7.6. This contract and any appiicable written credit agreement. agency commission arrangement and/or merchandising arrangement contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter in it. and no modification of its terms shalt be effective unless in writing signed by both parties. 7.7. TO THE. EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS. IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, ABOUT THE SERVICES IN THIS AGREEMENT AND ALL WARRANTEES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. NAB Farm 338-18 Candidates (check appiicabie box) Harris Sikes Media beingian behalf 0f: Donald Trump f0? President m0- a legaiiy quali?ed candidate of the Rapubiican a? President of the United States political party for the a?ice 0f: iowa Caucuses February 3, 2020 in the election to be held on: d9 hereby request station time as foiiews: g; See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Scheduie See Scheduie See Schedule COpyright 2013 by the National-Assaciation of BroadCaster?s. May not be copied, reproduced or f?her distributed 1 NAB Form PET-18 Candidate's i rapresent that the payment far the above deschbed breadcast time has been furnished and you are authorized to anncunce The t?me as paid for by such person or entity. 1 represent that this person ear-entity is either a iegaily quaii?ed candidate or an authorized cem'mittee/organizatich of the iegaliy quali?ed candidate. d'd the ed, committee. is: This station has d?sciosed to me its poiiticai advertising policies including: applicable classes and rates; and discount promotiunai and other saies p'ra?ctiCes (not applicable to federal candidates) TETTE QQEE MEET ET TEE TETE EAST TEE RAGE ET THE GT: ETEVETETT TEST Tia? Ta- Be Signed By "date. arAutharized Cammitiegb Date Sim: tu re Ta 89 Signed By Staffer; Representative Accepted Accepted? in Part E3 Rejected E7 Signature Printed Name Titie Copyright ?2013 by the? Nationa! Association of Broadcasters. May not be caplet}, reproduced or quETer distributed 2 NAB Form P848 Candidates FEDEML CANBEBAYE ?g - 3e - estate-teem teateeaa -- .- - tee teetieetee (name 0 federa can a a er authorized mmittee) hereby certify that the programming to be broadcast (in Whale or-in part) pursuant to this agreement: 5 does . Eli does not refer to an apposing candidate (check applicable box). i further certify that for the programming that does refer te an opposing candidate: (cheek appiiceble box) it}! the redid programming contains a personal audio statement by the. candidate that identi?es the candidate, the of?ce being sought, and that the candidate has approved the broadcast. the programming contains a oiearly identifiabie photograph or similar image of the candidate for a duration of at least four seconds, and a simultaneousiy dispiayed printed statement identifying the candidate, that the candidate approved the broadoast, and that the candidate and/er the-candidate?s authorized Committee paid for the broadcast. sigature of candidate or authorized ed i?ttee printed name date Copyright 2013 by the National Association of Broadcasters. May not be copied. reproducedor further distributed 3