Suu of ?{ru{ofi" I,)aifu[Court Systen 25 cBoaarStrcet !l{{, 07 Nwtor{, (212) 428-2100 rcou tuwrerueKtWafrl May 31,2019 Cti$XtniaisrttiwXr/g Hon. Richard Thomas Mayor Cityof Mount Vernon I Roosevelt Square Mount Vernon, New Re: York 10550 Molrnt Vernon City court-.oneoine Mqintenancc Issues (UCS]-ana I write to report, once again, the serious concerrut of the Unified Court System the Mount Vernon City the Office of Court eOministraiion iOCn) over the current condition of gourt .ri*ing from the City's ongoing inability to clcan and maintain that facility properly. we have RegretfablylOir ir not our frrst comirunication on this subject ov-er many months, which have had all of of cleaning and maintenance problems at the facility, ipi*a "i"urtituar vernon. In addition' we have an adverse impact upon court elmployees and the ieoplq of Mount problems in air serious reported on nurn rous occasions iertain structrual deficiencies proper use. Our efforts to conditioning *iir, *aroof leakage - that compromise the building's proved fruitless. In resolve tttese proUiems through joint discussion and cooperative action have its power iscxercising consequencr, thi, letter will J.rve us notice that tlre Court System -. p*rr*t to naiciary Law g39(3Xa) to notiry the Comptroller to withhold State aid to the City in provide appropriate court an appropriate arnount untii thi City nrtfrtnits sututory obligation to proper clearring and the faciliiies'for public use. Concurrently, we will take steps to assure maintenance of that facilitY. and forwarded In brief recapitulation: for a lengthy period of time, the UCS has received conditions within to the City reports from local court adrn-inistiators describing the unsatisfactory representatives the Mount Vernon City Courthouse. As early as September 2013, OCA conditions, areas of inspected the courthouse and observed sub-siandard-cleanliness and hygiene ,"uiodu*uge due to roof and facade leaks, and evidence of possible mold growth. Numerous followed- In April additional *poJon these conditions weremade to the City in they_ears that Commissioner Works 201g, OCA representatives met with the City's new Department of Public an opportunity to rectify discuss ttre issue anJagreea to delay further action to allow the CiB to the continuing deficiencies. ultimately The unacceptable conditions persisted throughout the summer of 2018, resulting September, in culminating in a failure of the building's ccntral air conditioning system Despite numerous in unhealthy temperatures within the couffooms and adjacent court oftices. was compelled to the UCS taken: was action no this system, tt City repair rcquests UiOCe t.t " rent porrable air conditioning units-- noisy, disruptive, and expensive reliefto cou(room users during this crisii. - simply to bring marginal In october 20!8, in response to the faiture ofthe air condirioning system, court slstem rcpresentatives met with city representatives, including yourserf, ro disJuss ore ongoing-' problems. in the court facility; at that meeting we proriied reports ofcleaning and irainieuance deficiencies' To dale, none of tlre issues discussei at that rneeting have u..ripr"f"iiy .a-Ji.r."a. jle,.bur]dilc,: tobby doors faile