orirs PROBABLECAUSEAFFIDAVIT my? 1 No Age-icy 0R1 humor 7 Arrow Nollie Aganay Regen Number JUPITER POLICE DEPARTMENT 54 --1B-000820 Crame war: i a madman" 5 names seashore i 4 Manson." one mete riai Middlel do. Kraft. Robert their smartest no sea psi. new State or Florida wet Aul (Eityi isms} Wham: 7 77' 210 Military Irailguplter' Florida 33455 (561) 7466201 mines. Address ion>>, Smelt ieiiy, ismi izisr We poem 1 The ands/Signed ceilines and swears that hushe has psi and reasonaoio gruunfls to and does ociiovo the aoove named oetenoant committed the 3; vioratioii allow me laken into cushidy gg l:l cammMed the oeiovr acts in my piesenoe was observed by tvhotoio 2 El to that hershe saw the snested person ooiriniit the helm :cls r; admitting to the helnw tact; a was round to have committed the oeiow acts. resulting tram my idesonoeal investigation on the 2am oaynt Jan sigh 2019 at 11759 MAM DPM (Speciticatly include racis constituting cause tcrarrest) ln Octooer or 2018 members otthe Jupiter Police Department began an investigation into criminal aotivtty occurring at Orchids or Asia Day Spa located at 103 3. us Highway 1 in Jupiter On January 17, 2019. covert surveillance equipment was installed in Orchids or Asia Day Spa pursuant to a sneak and peek warrant The rollowmg narrative is a description ollhe illicit activity that took places Room Surveillance Del Hirsch #402 Room Camera Cam 2 January 2019' 1059hrs --1113hrs Defendant Robert K. Krart 05/05/411 dark long sleeved shirt olue baseball cap' olue shorts-passenger) On Sunday January 20% 2019' video surveillance was conducted at the target business At approximately 1059 hrs. Krart entered the ousiness the tront door where he paid cash at the tront desh to an Asian remale. previously identified as Lei Wang which was captured on JPPD Cam 5. Wang escorted Kraft to a room identified as JPPD Cam 2 There, the two hugged each other and Krah took all or clothing. laid raoe up on the massage taote and Wang hugged him again. At approximately 1102hrs, Wang began manipulating Kralt's penis and testicles and then put her head down by his penis This went on for several minutes Arter a tow minutes, Wang wtped Kratt in the area or his genitals with a white toweli helped him get dressed and hugged him again Krart gave Wang a $100 DIH plus at least one other unidentitiaole oilt Kraft on the room at approximately 1113hrs Surveillance on scene At approximately 1059hrs a white male previously identitied as Robert Kraft 00/05/41) entered the establishment through the trout door At M13Nsi the Kraft exiled the tront doorand traveled to a vehicle waiting in the parking lot, a 2015 olue Bentley FL Tag- this was observed by Detective c, Cooh #404. Krart had previously entered the business on January 2019 and was positively identihed oy Massachusetts drlver's license Based on the arorementioned investigation 1 have probable cause to believe Robert Krart did solicit, induce entice or procure anothertc commit prostitution lewdnessi or assignation, contrary to Florida statute 796 07(5)(a)1. um irici row orrurrnunreoi irr orriorh noniu rows raihri February 21 2019 one Februag 22 2019 cars DISTRIBUTION: COURT -- 1 copy STATE ATTORNEY -- 1 COPY AGENCY -- 3 COPIES Page 1 or 1