I "it: .. 54, ??ul ?mu. .m -. "tu?CJ; Ln f. .1 ?hk?A i way? 21:53??9253. 99:? . A. A . 'i him-,1. . 1 34700000 Pres g.Pre '52 1 3mm $331053 Brit.l? 9 Dec., a?cd m?mm Khmmuw.?m . hm ?1.mumw m. .vlirlzi.?llfiig; . 34700000 mam-7?Mmmw Ivy. ?r *0 '7 - -5. In?- 3 ~21 :bh'u?u- u; 'r :Tr?u'L917 . i i "r I I - 32-3.. 0-3 (- -- ..-- 3 I 3 i- Jib?ht .?wm?mm7.2-- - I 8' Inmw?m4 3537. .73.- --.-I22 49 1431;: 7?4. ., i HKH 42 3324-" .. - I, '3 r23. .12 I . runn- A A i - 3:91;- (62 .77 1:371- I mud?rd I __434 35/ f3. .13: I 7--M 2.4.33-3-3 73.23. 29 2 753:2 :27 :73 Nut/737 Jam- 17.2 "i i I m30/_' .2 - .21 .-.L 3 3: 9 3? ?0 (ix-p.137 AKA-1.77 {m 397-335 .3337-- - .76 7 3. rlw- m- I ?Sig/? I .?rru I IC?ml?? - 3714.; w! . magma-Jamar - 713.75.?; .ru.:na- 34700000 ., .. ?wt-RAINAIR ?pmtr?akhhuch) .cmox - To cm: cf Station, 2m? City Chief, has me Harold Po ma?m (pa) am 19152 dated 25 A9111 1953 mom Rater-mm: I scum 2W: ?mm mt}! for infmtirn Letter cf Cam lash-mum signed by 5i? 0:116?? is a c0323? 0! the 1,2 ,cmzm wan llfmi?im at: I . KING #02322 to?? .1 312"" a; 35533 I: - mm 51?29 . .uwhu..- W, 5 13H-) :1xd .., . - y?/w/l 555.hAz?q-awagm' I . . 14-00000 lm?xw amazesOFFICIAL DISPATCH AIR mam?5325 thsum m1: DISPATCH NO. - - . 201-32723 aim? 1 IO 3- Chief of Statim, Maxim . an I 3 a we}, mm a Chief, 11m: . . 6mm $1 Gym-mum i SUBJECT .. 5 [85?3ch Russ 135? .1 REF: 51164-5326 - 1. ?Femaual data, on Subject is forwarded for a 9 1111?s inxomation in connection with the gar-apnea}. contained in refer-we Hh1ch 13 being poached so arataly. 2. Ross Lester was barn 011-: De Kalb, 111111215, the oldest. of fiva children in a middle 9 "v YEW 112311195 '1 is Stm'ling, Illinois. 1%5 - ma de 103 Angela 001391-210 Calder-m, a 568% Mean citise -. 1913. sat-'5? have tut-W 6. gsubjeot and his family W1. 3. Subject. received 21313117 and I Wed at. odd Jabs until 19 the Amed Forces, aux-Hing first in the 1m, trim in .: 1. .3: 3.9111 and 19115 he served 1 as an Intelligence: 13:13:}. Zane and in the India- Elma. Theater. mama-u the endo. the ar, he worked briefly in . Ilium, than Nunez: Le Canal: at 1:316 end of 191.5 and obtained diligence 59913131131: until the - April 131.9. at. which time he was 19mm Sergeant. . gi-V .. the PM Canal 70118 5 and fro-:2 43:1:19119 to ?1arch .71? 1 1 an as a Ire?e mes tograjmer in Imam ataMing Economics ccurscs at. 111/7 He returnad to the: United: States during the latter part of j: res ed in than for a few months attendazi ?ne University r, of San Carlos Rum-113 31y, email my 19%. .zhortly after he transferred 4* to wc??ml _01' {We Sciences of the University of Havana. which he E- attended until '195?. Subject financed the first tax years or his advanced - 1. -- - - Mg his stay in Havana. mg? (Amman-amuse?) f1: can?: 3 441/11 . . - Mir-scam? A I - gm} thmiau?. 51-29 1 . [1:37; . 1/17? 421.1[cc-.75 3144/ 5?3? 1:1.pr j: - ga/w/K ggy/ ?mane-.. my 14-00000 - .K - . s?h?201-52723 Page 3 n. working can polling st?ioa for the whim Ema-ya Institute of 33.1153, Tm which Employa hm . - 5. Subject 1% 6'13 tall, slezzder Emit, athletic {1952. ?ute-6551.3 national reward in discus, track, high and 12mm jump, etc}; is a pistol expert; has amt-1mm as 2. m4!? is im accm'pli?hud Mn desigmcd m5 din-acted a photographic laboratory in 6. Subject awaks and male Spmish ?uently ark: except for his Might and angle 5m emu-mm could pass as. a mauve of Latin American (Imam-39. .Subjea?i beam 3. Cztholiu mm :13er after his marriage. 7. Subjeet'a vita an; educated at. the Lie-en (Eastman-1m in Sam Jean,- G.E., [ad has Havana-i mcae?vely. Her father was born in 01b3, attamied 5 the 3:32:13 921 i?htaxw Academy? amt! scrvet! in Spaniah mm. In 193ij was Lemma in {tam mlitiea and was fair-3% to hairs real. .1 .. . 1.: until [[13 in Her mother?- ;?mta1na an intmut in Coma 311cm ea? . 2 as an active part inroutice. . 60 a. 9:21;: a! a 19168 pgwtogrash 9? Subject is attached. 1-Wa- infmattun 1a cum ?ier-ems, fax-maria under 3mm much. . - . ?39. The iatamticm 51m above is based :3 PEG a 313W a; 31mm rmiw in 191.3 and 1956 on emu-mm by Hm Wm as; have hem wmmed a 1 1 mm. WOW - 37?: 37}.Distr1butian: .3 .. ngico City 1 [Emlmorn . ji.? . RI ~93; 1 a Subject . of 15m: whiz - 4U J, W/Persmnei?1?5? .- A: ?lg - :4 14700000 - a" DISPATCH mm?h?mkpw mamas. m?qgh; I . - ma?3mm, um 73?? 8 ?magma E. (QM?megawavmm [Mk IMW: E??a/?p37?3 I action. mm: Em n. .. 28 August 1956 vv'. Distribution: at ?vhf-134700000 Lug?; A A 41 .ng . OFFICIAL -w-x mum DISPATCH 140. All a $00 Pouch) . 20142723 ., . 7? bi??ii WCATION 70A . of 8mm, &m u; m? came, an - swam WWBEB 5mm 5 Arum a. vamna . 16 mm mm mm ta BMW, - SW moi-i mm Witwt 5mm in Inna km a $133 in 6? pawn-3%: i EWGWB mug: 1a mam: 19:: is mite? a? mime mash mum ori?- 3; . mm at cm Stature, will of ewe in mm to seam 34:3.- 3 . and approval WW. depmding a r; -- .MWMV in mgect etc. -- . . -- 7? jails Hay 1957 . 53" ?ii? Distribution: - l??iJH/Cum/Chrono i? 7: 7 3 3 - Habana 1- Subject - J. ?1 ChiefWmd?m? I I a - ?3 ?213.98." I - 35mm _5 man an. 4 51?29 14700000 OFFICIAL DISPATCH I . DISPATCH no:2113:Chief a? Station, ?m . rams SUBJECT i I mmfw, . . .5 mm amehas 113 Mm mm 51m 33mm . E. II 4.335013 'rmmiw??m?mimty mt Sub I. ?m 1?51-29 E. Emma at I mm :2 if; .128 my 1957 ?r-I Di?stziibution: Lam/Gum/Chmno ?if I I .1 3 - Habana 1- Subject .C'Ifam .-.. . 14-00000 up. All} a DISPATCH no. txwasm6_ (SpocuyAumsoaPauch: . 20162723 .. Q.) Jai?sshm?u was 3599 Chief of Statim, Mexico City pm: 15:13:? mu 3 ChiefOperational . 1 w: i ?mpoaad maigraaent of inhur G. Vii-am. (P) REP: n?155 ?if; :2 33% 3 '3'de Station ?cmenta- and/or concurrence [33' 12153 .- ., - -. . - i i' - 1. Subject is idmtifiud in reference which gives his personal - data and is famed in a separate pouch. A -. of that. diapa..c. outlines the cover activities of Subject. for 31.3 to the magenta, during which he has been actually Wm? agent then, sinca Hay 1957, as a carat: Elf: salary apps-Oman! equivalent to tI.' . - . 2. Subject'a current, attend? 'f L. ?am and in May 1953 due to his own-n. . . .. .4 fi KUBIIRK in Gust-:4 . ..--. .?jV prospect. as a re acment 17,? . 3. Originally .o be ued by Bird! 111?} Subject wan ?Iri - instead assigned to I in 19 -tha HJHAWID pmject. Kaila . *z a handle? . 2e and of "3'5 2" at. Headquarters, he was assigned to . a PEUC CELSS H?he - 5 2- also performed creditably. In July 1955 he was m-asaign; - . station as the principal agent. of project. gr; I a AWCIJARCH whi --: t- a recruitment and hamlirg or CF penetraunna :12: 3 in that country.- I and Subject's pct-sons]. files have been . .1 - . if; reviewed by this ring ?gather with tha training and the assessments at the ease officers for whom has marked, the files show that. Subject. is 3 I minently qualified as a recruiter and agent hammer in operations. . records straw that. Subject. possesses a great. deal of intc rity, ream-ca. LE . . Mama and intelligence: he was highly rated both by Headquarters . training officers and his or crational work in vha field. 8616 .E E: 1 I - 71.1623 020/5 my! was 51-29 . . .4 i' E. 147053000 :3 3' . aha-it235.33! LA ?I'sti'gifl201-32723 $35273?? 9599 ?Pm?tm 5.. Shea-31d bio maigrmeat tn Henna Station be agreed upon, cow? maaih?i?iee can be magma-ad in the fields of an! athletic training which are mama Subject'a specialties. Ea 11m: Mme? a a ?pistol expe?" and a clarification this term will bi: requiem if, in the Station's amnion, it may calm cower maalbilium, pn-r?mpe under . 1 . - 'c-uu-k-m' WHY. Subject?a wife 1a still a 506m Mean citim at pmm, #121116 his ma children 11.3. citisena, - it I -: 5. ?tatian'a comma can this mead assistant and Marlble cover x: Wham will b9 ?elm . . o. 7 7 January 1958 . I - . DistributionI-fexico City -, 5:111COORDIHATEWITH: -I -. QMAHQ I I HH/Carib? -. L. . . WBrSOmal??l n. I'll MESH53?? ?139}: a ff :33: "i ?Earth" ?7 .233. - .1 . I. axx??ipl ?13--.-. . . .0949/:- .4:'rr?f? ..--: ?u 1 . .-, inc. . . . . . ?Kong's" 34700000 ?rm marDATE I To 3 0119 Wilma/M7 m? - ?as. - .- .u-o a? h? ?3 2 CLASSIFIED MESSAGE I . 22 MAY 1958 4 I . SECRET 2 - ?1:43 DIRECTOR $3323 '87 53:58 ., ROUTI -fmmawn-?HM-u a m. ., "3,9 ng . 1N 32h13 DIR N0 . GTE MEXI 165258 as: . mm aniss'mgagsg om 13212 (on? 515314") 2? PLEASE ADVISE ETA HAROLD nomm. .END 0? MESSAGE - . - SECRET 'mooucnoN av omen THAN me ISSUING OFFICE IS momma). cm f' - . .52.. max-WW ??qu . E.A ?r .. 512} 'w . 9 24:73.14-00000 . nu?. waxy-1a? . . 3,75%an Public Surveys Instilule . - - General Polling Service I mu?Em?u [-94 - 5 i $32 Finiry Umbra Emu- .r'ng 15!! 5w Sheet 5 9, Dalian. Tum 1 RIM 1-3674 manila-1.12 mm 231? 3'33 i 5 1710: q1_u nurl?am.gz?JiJKpr-igg?. . . 34700000 -. 2- wit-:5- ?an-awn} .-. .h a. ?3.32 1 . - twin-132"" {4 . Jug-raw.? I . 1 1 UNITED STATES, GOVERNEBNT M73: 19 1%8 Wm 91mm Meal 3. mm . Dal-I6 Hr: ?a?aq?n I, mpg-um. - .. .u-u 3 . . .W.me.u ?an . 4.1.24 1. . .iur :11 um run.1. nlA'I?l?n 14-00000 .:rgan04253:;3 if - I'r; 13 May 195 i i mwmme roe: Chief, 2211 Division '3 a . mx'smzon - SUBIECT Cover awry for Emrold R. (P) '52Transoitte? herewith is a cepy of the coyer story prepared for Harold R. HoemayrYou are requested to review the cover story, as Well as Hoemayr's contract, to insure that the cover arrangements satisfy .1 1 i the reqnirezents involved. If the cover story meets with your i 5 approval, please sign the copy of this memorandum in the Space 3 provided an? return it to this office. 5 E"irt? 3. The copy of_the cover story should be forwar?ed to the 5 Ti? :n?3 appropriate Chief of Station for retention in his files where it jo' "a E_can be reviewed by Roemayr whenever necessaryual?F, . i 3 . - .. i 1'7? - y. -. 1.. Hr. human B. Romy:- (P) . 2 Baahington, n.c. - i . -. as?. national emanation, '7 2. Public mgraflastit?te is a no?on?l orgmization Hui-tick its . ostensibly tamed incanductmg 3117 types of polls to aster-mine public" 3 reactions on cattersfof intereg?hftd its many chem-.3. This organi'iation 3 iallncated at Suite 5?lFidality Union Life mums, 1511. Bryan?tmet, mun, Tessa, tehpbonzr Riverside l-367h. Th: Institute is directed: by Albert 3. Johnson, a. fictitious indi?dnal- . -~AIL-alp.3155?; i . . 7. Yamaha ham legitim SEERET i: . . . 51,1] 1-4-0090?; rug-arm.3335 .2- 8. Your cover story for having been rammed by the Mlle annexe mum 13 as fellows: During a $71511: to the United ataf'ABB 13:" his? 1957, yoga Em wanted with Albert E. Johnsoh, the Director of Public mm_ Institute. Johnson indicated that he was interested. in the services of several people to organize and conduct pollh tn various mun ?nial-1m areas. - Since: were already lowted in Cuba mama a knowledge 61" tba languagehnd exams, he expressed an interest in employing - you in As you felt this type or work mm mat mnflict with war photomphic: efforts, you accepted the position effective ML, 1957?, inordertolmvaanextmmofinm. Early in 1955, 3051115611 advised you mat he had acquit-ad several transfer you to Mexico City since you had. both mum and the madman" law qualification. Eon. r?adlly agreed to tha . transfer and planned. to Leave for ?exino during the lattar part of my after a short mum in th? Uaited. States. I I mining acadunts 11530 were interested in wax-1m and. he desired.- to 10. Wee re?ecting 3w progress or Wealth: ?enwtered shouldha firms. Eu? correspondence shouldb? at intervals which mid. mke your . relationship of as . v4439.3.: .4. .153?- 14700000 Financial entg I . 11. It is anagram that he . . 5 of fumis for Mary 0: otherwrpo?e?ata you tbmugh m'myerIIfim; II i and therefbm, ?manta for Balm-y payments are matte; pf 00mm3 7 . .. betweeh you and. your division case. officer. However, pmt?lonsIm 5 2 be taken to 1mm tmt. mam-1m I ?ta mdeI_ Hill-'mt'mnf-lict with; 5} your? 'emraratoIry.? I - . i i 12. YIour income tax Mum' Bilibe ruse, manna Internal . i i Revenue Tax Unit stationed at lzeadqamrs in accordance with . I Agency ma 20-6694. I I - I ?e??cbicma time feel the necessity for a Eadi?mtian I of this cover arrangement, or mappianenting the cover outside of tha- 7 present armament, or it any arise affecting your cover! -. . dime: a mating Matias ta" 1mm- cave;- firms outlining the names" I . -: or mutation concurrently notify your case officer or the? commons . I no ?at. he may check with headquarters. Submuently, will mm - a?viaa 2mm 5mm cover cancer-n3 an mid hefmml and 5 I ?x with of?cial pampatibla instructions em. your Cafes officer; . . 15. $112: rem to am peraons desiring to apply for positing: with either hover firm, are matmcted to state that to best. or you maledge and. belief, the. 21m are adeqmtaly staffed. nomrthathemtterwbetmted to Mt. his applimti?n to or Tame Map, ma aver applies, share it will. receive mammal-anom1L6. In?theatatian . Youmy-refertoit Ibenuace?try . . .. .rA.A, .wg??gngga94mm. @3353 3mm83". g? ma?a. ?a 8565 ?g . in A, . E. ma?a 33.343365. HonI?..14700000 . 1-. "f I: :m ??Haas-um. mam??m: Chief, thraat Fez-am). Dividen- 51mm; Az'thui- a. Wt. of Contract 1. It. is mquented that Subject'a contrast e??ective 1 Jun 1957 be Wed ta include under Paragraph 1., that Subjact be entitled to the Educational Alumnae far hi8 claims-en, effective firm: the initial data of the aontraet. -. 2. above provisien we inadvertently omitted hm Subject'e contract by the Area Beak, am since the Station notifind Subject. he was entitled to thin allowance, it would be appreciated if this matter be corrected am the mtract {?awed accordingly. - The amr em to the attenticm at the inn Dara}: w? Subject-'3 claim for - th 11110ch dated; 18 ?pril 1958, was tm?ned dam . by Finance Division banana: 0! the Mammal-zed omission Ira the Wet. 7 i -dtl. ml .- 257: . . 14-00000 . CLASSIFIED MESSAGE mums? .. - I v; '025 I . I - . 29 APRIL 1958 I: SI I . I . DIRECTOR I. I . $830 95 Q3353 ndMEXICO CITY . . I. AWN-I 5 ROUTINE I I NO I 0/0931 m22383 I "?50 I GTE, RE: I - I. CONCUR PARAS 2 AND 3 REE. - - H?jiI - RECQIEIEND USE JEREMY A TOEKING. I END OF MESSAGE . . - .. . I-c/s COVER SET up BY Res FOR THE TRAVEL or NOEMAYR. SECRET REPRODUCTION a? THAN THE momma} 'Conv R91 1.x. .rm . - I -- 14-00000 582 CLASSIFIED MESSAGE Sounxo - 02:5 . um 582 I Saga-GaRuEmT2555 2 3 - . DATE 25 APRIL 1958 7 a . u. i I Mint; :9 g-Jo -: Smco CITY i if rim, 3.: LAHL: can. mom. DIRECTOR '3 Damn) PRIORITY ll mm CONF ROUTE - mm ca, ever??3, cu/a-SNFQ CITEVDIR RE: DIR 16715 (cm 61381) - . f; 2 S. ESE: 1M6 (12: . c. SSW-5826 . . . . SUB REF 0 ASSIGNED NEW PSEUDO rmaom R. - 2. ASSEECUTE RES sumEs'mE'. ?Emma, HQS mums momma. - .gr- COVER AS REPRESENTATIVE PUBLIC QUICES m1 IN DALLAS, WHICH 2:03am: USED IN CUBA, I S130, HE HILL 0021mm scam moms . ?ro Sal's LIFE mm. vas ABOVE com HILL arm Samara GOOD mm mam AND and. mm SE21 NEED mwag LOCAL coma. . . 1473.? Seaman mus Em Em END nu AS TCURIST. HILL. 'Sonmm .. SEES STATION SEX: Law FIRM. . .- 51;, REQUEST rm coxcumm mus 2, AND 3 mom. swamIll?. "Mm?ijD 31' 2 - J. 0. mm, c/wEn' sanccaansmr 595 3-3: Inn'sma' omen OFIICII 3 . . SEPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE 15 PROHIBITED. Copy No. 5 1 2. Qoi14-00000 1' ind 7 nourma- - - aha-Fm - a .E 3 nin?i-r?ah?APR?I-g#323 03' 37:5; .- 5205? IMEXJQO CITY is"? - i - warm cum/09$, H, ?lms 2, Sit: 2 a RE: DIR 16115 (OUT @381 '9 7 i 2 ""133 Ei?m'm? mm mum COVER. 7 25:35- 3233:; - . .w monument BY OTHER we nssum'c mice as momma).- - . . . -.. waxinaviwr. . i?mn-I' .1 .Hu ?St ?anh n5" 05:"ng 114f-?fw?u-n In? 51f urinargldagwh. may ?This?ux? . my?) -- SEER . . 1. April 1953 '5 WWNDUH THE RECORD: SW: Comerxdation for Arthur- G. VANADA 5 1. Arthur G. VAIVADA, an Care?r Agent, is hereby I T. 1 comaded for his outstanding performance and devotion to . duty in carrying out the assignment'describsd below. 2. During the period 12 - 26 March 1958, VAIVADA, by working his way into the mom stronghold of the Cuban rebel forces and winning their friendship, procured timely and valuable intelligence and operatihnal infor- nation. Hails on this assigmsent, he mrk'ea. tinder conditions of personal risk and hazdship. 3 3. This is 'wrl?ittsn to he inclu?odsa 9v- - i permanent in Snbject's persomlf??. - 'a .1 I 5 .?Q?O?f'llt?fgj - '7 Wm? ?Timur? 14-00000 ?gnu?MW"'(Entrug?fti April 1955 . i ?rmsf?m 97-11: Chief, Strive 9f ?emritg . . .. . gm 2 mr, (ti/em . .3 Cf?? SW 5191?. E'amld meeweasza? . - ?msw - .H -- . It it: (BE-A gm. ntad iiml? 3. 1,323 -Vomarly . Eff ham Wu 9. vmms. 53 3 mm 195? m- 233 in cm i-?mgace. . be ma fa mm his 113.19 4.3 ?ex-?59 any, m?m arm r} ii- he transferred 9133.9 fame; at; in 533 133% mare he will be cam-rm may . 7 . mam. 1.2333 mm: is being pmared Mama to fem? ELM. I ?Lam ?minFMw. 2 - i Disiributian: -. ?m -- -. Orig. 1 - Addresses .. .. 1 .. c/cxfm 1- 4 7 1,5- Haxi?o szno .- 7.: Vla- Subject - . {g2. 34700000 _7 i125? - ii- ELE-?E?Fzrw - - {yr 4; I 77777 2 i LE x, 15 ?a?l 19531? g. '2 rami-?zazem. m: Chiaf af??mti-Mm, my? - i 2315 m5, Central {may Erma}: i mmam? 1. Cat-er far iic-rcid E. 35.31133: {gm} - -?ttacmd w: gmruimE to swsaa'a a: d' 3i; Wm??d aa-mquimd by C31 21M{Ff-,1 i. Eastern Rampant Ruining 3: Chm, Central {Em Eganch . - . ?lm. one: - - . CW Er Jwam?sp . . 7-. .-. 2' rid-i:- -- . . . 34-00000 r9121? gru- - 1' .4 C. ?ntzi?g intgmaw, ?ber .?thleticn in gem-ml, wank-:01" 11333:, jungle lore and ?31553. Obj?ctiva avers-:11 "12113.; {welt-.31 tinm act is 5-31 astute, Gym-111211601: cu patent. when: as 11033111391311 an attitude and a ?emmnlity 1:111:21 are (1.1.1119 :21 49.2513 1" .z-r prolanged existent;- :15 ?mp-cumr unset. 1113 pamzmliLy 111 1333.1 51: Had fer the 1:41.113 (15.1911:- b.93?1151m1d ma?a?:1 .w?jliting that. ha 153.11 haw in: Quiet: 1135'. Agant?a {111311161111 status: Fias- drypen?e entimly on his salary. Previous 502121111. raridencm Panama. ?Jute. lice Law. 1.01mi? and 9 8 Cuba since 1953.9131tary service-1.11 ms er ?31m. 11:13:: 191134-145. (9) Amn Gmrienw: Arm; emerieszee m1 reflected in the ramming 5311113111111 15 extenaive. (10) La? ?mags qualificatianm E?mbjact hm: fluant Spmiah end 3%11531. Sergrity' Cowi?mtimww (1) ?Perlad of agile-3mm with CIA: Jam 153.19 - pmmt. (2) Frequancy..of 111119.111: 1?11 inatgllationa: .. Hot amiimblaysinmw contacts ma?a 1:1 Extent of Ema-aims of ethers of Eubject'a CIA affiliatiam Hm we is aware that. subject is engaged in intelligence activities, however, mt. mmeaarikv for C-IA. a other non-agency 1131-5931131- am 31911911315 ta? .3 mm at subject's atom. (11.) P531. 11114111133309 annotations: 3511.11 9.8. tray and Air Form an indicnt?d above. . . (5) Else 0! (in aaeredit. reference: Sam (6) plans rm- agent: Canteaqnlam c-mtinunuun- 1n non-official . mar status upon amalgam of Inn-rent assimmnt. (73- Fwergamy abata?: ?rs. Lest-er E. Cronier, mum- - 17315 5. 261.11 31.. - 0311313, 5, Rob. Personal insurance held and banaficisriem ?50119, except 2.9 ..I .1. pruvmbu 101? u: umlu-auu. 54.5 H36 16 ?31.6 (9) madam involving multy? 1n past mm with 13115 Agency: n-u ..- . 1511119 11er La :23 reaum Noumea that. has Ema 61908911 or . 9.. campus-M 199:: 61:21:11: 3111: years of mmrating in Santa Rica, ?mmenla cr 3 Cuba? Ch, the folio-ding: ineidanm invoking his I forth far ycut? - 1 a. um {am ?materials gar-1m.- to his) eeimduled I <16th 111m a. Emu-ca inf?fa'ikd '23 Heat she had i i Mara {m3 high-19W}. party mum-3a 2.51.1. 2. z: .3. want. specwlist in ?lm-132521.13; amt: r5, he? umd ?3993 far twain.? 37:13 Va: Lie raft? ance un?t?. mmtel?; {2111;213:311 mhjeut' :2 arrival Ln buzt?n?laV1110 the Cuban gallon will probabiy hum ram . mannered as hams visitaci the Sierra E'Iaeetra region, the publication at his photographs and perhaps an article at . 1 3 later date, 621.3116 covar subject. a miter ?rm-eh: minimising my security ham 1n this: 13. Qpernuonnl Internaticm (1) Type sf avast? .1 Subject will ha ?an autsizh cm afficer for Metal stat-ion ?mentions tumcmd at. the Senegal Cam-amt and main parties. 1111: 11111::3 ?ew of mbuity deairedr? Sui? 49:31: 1:111 spend most should be free to travel {2 A I 34700000 (7) (9) (10) .5- ?ppmxiz. am nimu?] imam to his attributed ?43 ?10,030 - (neluii. ?llcaanms). diam which must. Li} ?a awrmi?rial :5 cities; Lubf?ect ?233.6le be sable ta devote at East 531ml" hit: him to omradmml eciivity. His prmsed cover mil 21.191315 9 awimm of 31*: ability in arranging 3:13 (waver m1! activity. Physical security E-?o anticipated in this' aspect. Cgmmicnticnm' Elubjectradll? utiliaa atatien cmmications f5cilittea and will have raf?ul?d' cmtact. mm statign Lamar gamut: trauma: 5 In additian to the shave manganmtu, it. is suggested War that the mum-ml covar (Public ?uh-r973 institute, Garnerhl Polling Sex-vim, Lungs, Tm) previously amused by subject be emtinuad. Subject. mint-1x238 that to has develnpad a very mum! .md detailed newer based on this national amngmat and that it meld be very lo teal for hia to: use it in dance. Ala, this additional com:- wuld give mt :Sact. moths: seems a! incur-25 together with aided 80618.1 and manic ability. . ?1004-9-404 .. ..I. lull! . 1.011.]! . .. . A . 3 . ..; a A . . .31.. .. - when? - - . it. 34:030ch 3; 4' h' 'k r?Date: 16 April 1953 - . . 3 3 I To: Honor Award Board . .Through - 3 i . . 3 From: Chief, Western Hemisphere Div-1.51m . 3 Name: 3302133, Ross Position: -- Career Agent 31 Grade: 63-11 . 3 O?fice 3.551ng to - I StationLegal Residences Washington, 9.0. 3 3 Citizenship American, by birth I. I If any of the above 3 I Recomencled award: Intellig?nce Star and Certificatepf?erit 3 7 3 Postumous: No. II Rama of next. of kin: ?1?fo Argentina-d3 los Angeles Cordaro de crazier I3 - . 3 Relationship wife I 3 I. .. I Address: Washington, 13.prey-ions recommendation Were Not applicable Were you an eyewitness to the act? Ea. I Personnel in imediate vicinity or? . .- 33 3 3 ?at anplicable List. any of the above - Rot. applicable . _Condition/under which act. was porsforzzad: =30/ It? i I 3I Location: Sierra. ?Taestra mmtalns I 12-25 ?Jarch 199'8 ?Jot applicable f$aw?ose Cassia?. 0400 -. Era-Win? haw?: Ami-U511;- J: - . 4' 1" 533;; -.- -., ??3535; r; {4.11.2- . 1.53.3.Lap,_ 1 14-00000 fan3.1. .. -. i 5 i Frevailind geographic conditions and obsticles encounteredThe area in Ur. Crc31er undertook $15510n is the :19??3 i . T: '?aestr a mountains loczted in the lentn Vtovince, Cuba, Where tie Czban OLUtuionxL rebel leader, :idel Castro has hem . M1 to hide-cut and #5::t-tne eflcr t5- 4 LE 47 3? of the Cuban Arqy to e?te?winate him. for over a ear. The amgntainous area 19 extre.T .ely rou-h and wild tew aln, primarlly th;:xly i a, vegetatedw w;th jungle growth. It is sparv?ynpo?ulated, and the only means access are float paths and mountain trails. -ne 3: :roaches to the area are bean patromgd by than. ?overnmant troons who are an the alert We . ail pa to ent-r or leave the area. 5 aug? 1 Office, component, or station: inzxx;x?nkx Station, Habana, Cuba Inclusive dates for w. uch recommended: 12-26 E:fch 1958 .. Assignme?t'completedz* Yes 2 ?ow in same or relate? assignmentAchievement performed: 2 . ?Towards the latter part of 1957, as a result af an increasing number of alarming reports concerning aged Communist penetration and 52:: rt of Fidel Castro's 26 of July'?ovezent operating in the Sierra Kaestra mountains, the Western Hemisphere Division became aware of the urg Lt need and reliable information and, I - ta_mouht an operation to acquire first-hand? data an the Cuban rebel forces. In early January 1958, Mr. Crozier volunteered to undertake the precarious mission to contact Fidel Castr? in his mbuntain retreat in the 33 arranged for his free I ?gm-wh- -MI 111- w- w: n. . 1 thin-t 5; ?13ng NM ligam- .1: :41? ?Irv-a: ?mu-whac- 4:3 .11; 552.?.5 ?-I?br >1 . 34.0-0ch I . I..ft?sL? ?tpz?. 1: . i t. 1 "rzinI in? 2:3 HOV-3231115 3 passage into the ierras through con 1617.3 ..1 . --.. 1- 'vhich the Station developed earlier. After the necessary 1 . 311'. Brazier left L3 EEabam on 3 April 1958 for Saunago rin Cuba, from Where 11er for the Sierras under the escort o? a revel 3.352 I i - l' conduct? ed 1.213 Cuban 3V 11:133. 723211-22; I?ne cause acproximately We. t3 (1- 315? ?st-:13 at: It?apheadquarters, Crone-r was exposed to ..an .311. pamonal II risks. ?n 25 liarch 352?. Crazier accomganlea :lalel -.asr.-ra 9.11:1 a force I. . i Hr.) 0m 9' .-nm-mo - a . Max:320?) den onadawnat- tack a I . 1 bro?fn- or"? cantact. with the inn rebels and rctu .md to his base }Ir. Crozier successfully acconn3.ishea miss-1.011 by 1111.0. tugs, .cnaldcz inte'l lib ?arms and opera Liam]. :33: of note-19:1. 1:531 .mua, tenWith an excellent. phntographic coverage of mapTf?vc?exrloitg? "it. 2-: f?or??x-eewzr, clearly Jane-5.193 Crazier?s adaptability in precarious sit mama, as wedeep devotion to his workmd to CIA(Copy attached report?st-bangs.11 .. .. . r. . . . .. ?rmwm ill11.5.2.mh-rn.? :4 mun 14700000 . . 1. :15! . . 1:9 vllalvl4-11..- .. .. .. .. .1.-1.11: 11 1 Ilsa-.1311 . Iii-1:1: ill-1?11? . ?an. . ?Paw.51131n311l.? In.I-.sll ..l19L ,14700000 Rs -P w: it bum- MLWJ{.47 .WW i ?412? {An art 21;" -.I- use I mus - . ARI) CHECK LIST - . :2 Con-plane a? Juan, lion un- Human: DIME .F are 1108 rattan! original and on? copy for prtpa . amnion . ?5 J43) or 3162 SECTION I GEIIERAL . . I. new: Ejnzuaa 2. ?one! a. Anon-u! no. i i. SLOT via. LILLGR5.5930153 Bo 1 5. 9n?v ous cu wssuoonm on aunts a. we: Inca-In gamma. on ms sun. camera'av'cu on I15 Anna 7 - LCHVIHES nu :ma: CAPAC1W I . no (Illyiu. duucribo and i . include salary) I - Arthur LI. VAIHLDA Cm Agent {13?12 c79570d30 . I y. SECURIIY CLEARANCE (fun and dun) a. tantrum I5 to BE In stir-IL: ram: I.E.. 'uJ. in; . covsauuzut' n. .9 55:15:; 3 In}? tn 1n? - 9- mmnouu may. r??QQa?tAt?Lour nzeuun owner: 10. "was? tumour (Canny ?we, I HSURS IRON rev! 'FM-?nnurn THE SUPERHSION or contract. anpiayco. etc.) .3 . A EHPLOYEE 0R STAFF AGENT I HECTIDN II . . H- mnuusmp Ir not n.5, cums-a. {saruumiur I3. AGE I4. on: or 3mm (I'oalh, 1117. put) RESIDENT. ALIEN no - - E3 - I. Is: {City and nut or century) CURRENT (C tr'y) i I - 11. HARI - .I .. I Dang? I !Iinluta moo-la Dim-auto - Ban-unto Dana-can 7; In. or DEPENDENTS including individual) as. INDIVEDUAL 15 RELATED r: A STAFF awn? on 3 RILATIOHSHIF: AN INDIVIDUAL cunaznn'r WORKIRS ran THE Mi taut: I - CAPACITY ru [3 n. . a . RELAIIQHSMIPI Three, wife and tam chi-SECTION u.s. MILITARY STATUS i 20. ??52295 vtrzau EF RETIRED. (Longevity. co-ablt Ii berries disability non-co-ba!) Is? 13.. OF SERVICE 24. 03 GRADE .25. DRAFT ELIGIBLE 20- DBAFV [:11 17:3 - . '3 COMPENSATION 21-. SALARY to. rest DIFFEREHHAL 29. cover: (Bu-idem. if my) TAXES 73 BE urns-uh .. A. can: . Imam derived from cover will. 3.9 Rs7o?70n00 p/a Hm tamed in to Station [mm .. I i SECTION ALLOMINCES (uosmur suntan ONLY 70 RESIDENTS or me UNITED STATES33- Ten: 23-; 11% llowance if required, not to i exceed as ?112% 0E1 $06 - 5 5 34.. 1 anySECTION - - Yuma . WM: is. un- atvzuaznrs re: Ina-19h: aria-?an?. "Inca I VII mug n. HOUSEHOLD to a: 3.. Pusan-AL VEHICLE 1 a: sauna so. nusvoetm vauIcL: to I: Turn rot .ZE . . .. [3-0 I oPtkanonAL nun. 1'3? w) w.;We, Costa Rica: ci?sen, barn - alum ?yuan AND accauunmun nu. a: casroauuca um El - an menu Mucus no noun-u serum? VII - OFERAYIONAL EXPENSES _3 . a 3? .. m. mug-u . .. .. I ?I?m A. ?mull; 5. En 44. chain . . ?"hm?u .. - - -.-. . . .fn??glqru?r . - CFV mugs-{m CONTRACT wsoaunm CHECK LIST I #391- - -- . (CON7IHUED) unused. (newsman2535 cut? 3152 U3 April 1958 stanza.- ma - a? ll- ti?l5?i (509 Part a! Cn-oh?warial Fund erufnnoal or racers-or regular-on: for 3" carcgon'a- 9' If Augie-l brain's. arr traucllod. Ice 1 [5-210 0? i 9. manual. Lama - - 31:73 1ww.- mm disability mitt-a equal in mm numerimd 1m Federal gamma much Act. .?amng Perm Act. - .. Fania:- Staff 1551M mdical. bmm?ts far mzpioyea and dependanw a: atatod in fie-1.5230 (Mast will mt. mire: ants when amputee cram medical on 21 Am]. 1958) u. (?2fo Acnvm -- 3' 11- 511131. 2? 'Iro'aun Flor-nae." cums? i mus-u i ?nuns-Ha {Ch?dU- ?Mun-nu roman-nu; uunnu it u. I5 (built ?news not: THEY nu a5 (uncut: an REIIBURSABLE BASIS i mac Dru-nu: [Ev-Hun. 3 r. - ONSET OF INCOME .E 50. arts? or ?can: an own Luau-Ens Esau (H than ton-I'. int?! in 8'9? i attached henna.) [j 1:3 ?in-?L Hall sacrum 7 . man 5 51. nunAhou mu- 53. RENEIIBLE i i?zotzj [nu-nus] 2.1 Inns 1 1953 i u. YE?auihAlic-n IOTICE (Huabrr at 55- ronnuvuni or ninja? ?guru. ran seisxournon To counuci Tcnumh?rla '7 . 12:3? I sacnm an 4.. . - ruxcnoa: so. IUIUCTI- PP. other) i 1?1 satin-vs nu nunEs 51. Gun?. ?scanner; or nunu n: a: 5 (Saw officer far ("Wat Party mucus in Fianna. 773' i I SECTION xw QUALIHCATIONS 5.. unusual emu-mtandemaguntaimaJu-aww. . Costa Rica, anemia, and Gain. 'x ii- sun: ?neon suc- Icueu "counts nu: ?nu-H (its! Hiatus nun-(Is ICIBBL ?luhnrl eta-atom?. Inn-eon. Larval ltloiuod I In ef- Ian! tuna-mt: .- Inn ?0 Luci-ME! CWEHICY ?nouns: 59h? In?: .550 '?mvmu?rs comer" or oucm . mun-1 nun? an nun- nun.? Dun Luun ?ei .7- ii Cheri lppropriatn mm 1. 2L 05$ ?3 Degree PRIOR EMPLOYMENT 5 5131.?..ck: .- vaik?i?; . a? H: ?Ikr I I 1w: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION u. munch-u. on unuwu ?cumin-nu. on [luminous {the ?9er side if uncanny-y) h? i. . I APPROVAL _.(fir!- $135144. n. . .a 1.1700000 . .- 9.3% - Writ": .5 j. . - - 133 ?will 13': ,ais am? mam-rt i I . 22am?? amt-3;: 7.. .Lmn (harem-ma is 2256:: 11m 991.35% Bay's; via-9w? Wth?fr?? arr.afJu i in 3.9-. m5 431' (2:33.52; 3* L3 - an 2331':me ms-amtim abguzvct. Tfm. the mama? ugrm for a525, a! 3' . for. - j: Qmainatic?? was 35%) haer 02: 23:. Am?ca"Ioerm be ?an: at 253:. I 36.11335; 13:32 32955A2211 tam 2.3x; Ham: saw air?ow am! iirw ?ner, gun; . - . Orient. l? h?dmasaa y. 11 - sin/1: I/Chrono . - 1- h?El/?Zemo/Chrom - . - - I, l~3ubjact ,30114700000 - a. '3 ?912. - omr . - .5 513-3 . um: yaw/mum f-I 3:07 :3 2' 5 I 2055 - 3! 6 3 DATE . 1 - I 2? 1 c'g?t C71: fie-mmthis may macaw: I Brhm?om? mid-35 indir: w: uu CAESL ., {rut- 3 FROM: DIRECTOR ?uted . 1 CW 1 5 Signamr OPRATIOHAL I I ROUHNE INFO . ca, ca/ops, Fl, s/c 2 DEFERRED mom 3 1'0 . I INFO CHE DIR "of-n7" ?U'w '3 . QWT HFLROID R. REPORT TO- HQS 32mg; FOR COIWTATIOH PRIOR TO APPROX THO FIBERS CUBA T0 RESTABLISH CGHTACT RIDE BASED, ABOVE HISSIDR - mm: - ADVISE ETA. A . A qr'x ix. .. A - k? mums u\ 251/ LI . . I . A??F?r .yl . i Wz/mxc?" -. omens I . J. c. m, cr'?n 7 53633! . uL 5 - i qmcu Mooucnou OTHER THAN THE ISSUING omcg IS CopyNo. 31??1389 . . 9-0l- ,145?991- m. ?u . "?4me . 'n in . a 2" .. (ha?7W Hamish have: a w. n; a - Lug" ?mun-o '11 'rlrr?. nu . .. "(autumn-c ?Evin Arthur G. Vaimda (3-342. 1 in in? force anti citect. ?i i be low. ACCEPTED: Arthur G. \?aimda ?5 sentence of Dafagraph hm: ?en All dthar harms and as 41mm,4? Eiafezfanca is magi-2 to your coatract with the: United Stataa ism rap?eaeuted by the Contracting Officer. efisctive 1 31:211- 195?. Ian?ye 18 Arm-ii l?Lsaid contract is; amen?ediby revising the ?re: 2 :?itlnd "'Cm ?:pensation" read as fellows: in full consideration far yaur services ycu will be compensated at the rag-.2 a! :dithras of the contract. as amgnded. "ran-min. - . um wilt please indicate your appz'ovai by 3155121129; 33;: the: upace provided wrm?ssd APPROVED: "-nah". a Career 5 '70 per azmmn5-.- 3 I . r-n?q?m-?.n?hu. A .4. . a ?nun: nun-c. .. 74-00000 ?a ?Fp?ld u: .22? mama was am: (Cmauan) am substituting in lieu thereof Um touching?le 1958 Chief, Contract. Faresnnal Division eats . . Attentio?: . 2' W: Arthur G. Vai?da .. ?mndm?ht of Contract. 1. 1:15 reqmted that. Arthur 0. 331mm eontraet, effective 1 Jane 1.957; Wed by deleting the first sentence of Paragraph 2 Cmnatian. In full eonaideration for year services as a Career kgem, 31m m1 be compensated at the rats or $?3'570 per-man 7? 93.12.". . . . A .2. All aha: term and canditium: of the original emu-act min in full force and effect. . . ?g {343: :5 21:: ?J.c.xmg 'Chiet, beaten Hemisphere 91mm I - 53:; a mamm..-? . .1 . .1, momma you: 'fof GS?ll_on 1 June 1957;} 11 April 1953 Chief, FI/Staff SUBJECT: Arthur G. vmnu - Requeat for Promotion?; l. ~It in requested that Arthur G,,Vaivada, a Career Agent, be promoted from 05?11 to grade for his outstanding perfornance in carrying out a precarious mission in line with the objectives of Project AHPHODARCH, in which he is the Principal Agent. 2. In early January 1958, Vaivada volunteered to undertake a mission to contact Cuban rebel leader Fidel Castro ?ux in the Sierra Mhestre mountains in south-eastern Cuba. He arranged for his free passage into the Sierras through contacts within the 26 July Morenent which -he and the Station. developed earlier. After the necessary arrangements, Vaivada loft La Habana on 5 April 1958 for Santiago dc Cnba,_ from where he left for- the Sierras under the escort of rebel guides. In the course of approximately twenty daye' etay at the mountain hideout of Castro 3 headouarterc, during which time he has exposed to many hardships and great personal risks, he accompanied Castro and a farce of about 200 rebels on their damn attack on the town of Hanzanillo on 26 March 1958. At Hanzanillo, Vaiveda broke off contact with the Cuban rebels and returned to his base in Habana. 3. During his relatively short stay in the Sierra Haestra mountains, Vaivada was able to gather considerable intelligence and operational information of noteworthy value, together with an excellent photographic coverage of his trip. A. This exploit is another achievement to be added to the impressive past performances of Arthur G. Vaivada, who has always shown a deep devotion. huge: to his Hark and to the Agency. . . ?it 5. Vaivada born on and has been with on since 1959.' Ho hen been a career agent since 1 June 1957, one was promoted to the grade Hie tour of duty in Cuba 333 from August 195b until 31.Harch 1958.? i. .2 . Division Stunt! 1 .4, n. . .. ?41. 1 hum .943- 14-00000 Inglis tic Background 1) with CELEBS A . .7- - . 'Ghree short etaries: . Imqu Contributions'? Phutbg? 12 April 1335. None (Free lance)- "Clq Saber Nose? pub Sept 1?5b "The Golden Discus? pub 3933 LIFE, June 50. ?Duelo a 50% Brezas" pub n.vena, Sept 9? 1957- wafking-?h ohotogranher and Bettihg up a small studio ini -. . [During_thia ?dun-v? 7713;794:41d41 A awn-.- -1wmt'31 tits I alga hac some photos published but cannot recall whet) and v:han - mostly portrait work. Currently, I have had one photo (CABTHO Rev) come out in KY Mirror and abaut faur came 00% f3 in new Iork Times. !.bc -ut five more will b5: published if the news value of this m.vement holds up. ?)Connectiona persona known: Fr?ncia Smith, Fiction Editor BOYS LIFE. (Correspondence only for about three years now.) G. Gurdon Dewey, Fiction Instructian, -al?er Institute a: Authorship, ?olly- wood 28, valifsrnia. CHO Francis ?Ailliama, Technical hriter. bright Field, Dayton, uhio. Andrew St. George, Time-Life Free3ance writer and p?otogra; her. . Charles Schuman, staff writer and camera? man for UP, currently marking out of Ravana, Che. Arthur Gregor, Scientific iwr-1ter, HIT and Nuclear? ?eta19, Inc.-, Boston, 3533. (married to wife's aieter). .nmaue . rum-pr 30/ /922?/ i 'i 3 3 3 34790000 AriJDunelistic .115? 9.2 14 r11 1956. 5) Societies - Igzberehipa: Coneleted a 1H0 year carreeuondenee caurue in fictioa writing Palmer of duthorehip. Member of the Azaricen Legion Havana. 3 - Assessment jeeczLast assigncent: Arrived Havana in Auruat 195? with a one-rusr - the Univereitv of Habenal .- 77 After a few :cntha at the- unlverelty. .?ane:doned etudles (it waa.beceri?g increasingly difficult.anyuey due to nollti?el diaturb?ncea} and turned to freelance :h9205rephy and writing for my cover. For eeveral aunths I had the photography an juetdeneugh 9f a paying basis that would eatiefy any security surveillance. . i Fhotogrewhy and writing was definitely superior to university as cover, since it then gave my the Opportunity to work inconspicuous- ly on penetrations within the university. Concerning general security aspects of'that aeeign- went, there was that one incident With tue threat ta exposure caring out of the death of an asphodarch key agent and my proximity throughout the entire incident. However, there has never been any indication that I use expoa?d~ - or Eh: station in Cuba felt that if I cculd return and o?erhte* i i as free from surveillance as 1 did, that certainly Cuban security people did 5 - not have anything on me. 3 lb) Previous assignnentas .T0 the beet of my knowledge, I have never I been exposed or o:pro=ieed during the years of Operetlon in Costa Rica, 5 Guatemala and Cuba. There use an incident which prompted an early derarture from Gueterala for pereunal and aperat:0nal security reasons - but again, 5 there was never any further ludication as to the validity of the warning. what occurred apparently learned rte: high far Guaterele? and of course, this vegery unfertunetely coincide: my arrival at uuetemala. At any rate, I was ?ning very little 1 at Guatemala and would have departed any3ay in View of-the deteriorating situation of June 1954. level pert? sources that ?a US agent,-specialiet in csmmuniet nettera, had wi .-.- 1-r-4..- .- er; :4 3,2- .5- - lea-muz- 14009ch .. ?Nadya-?Mum?- . . ?mu?av.? .. [arr-.1. . Journalistic - Naturally, tuer are tany intaniiblea involved with operating over long periods (almost/?eara in Cuba) in one place, and than 7 travelling back and forth between areas of'nreviOus assignment (Costa Rica), an6_laat but least, cultivating communists 1n_all these places. iha queatian o?comea, Boa thzaug: thorough are a Eyes a.Cuban 6? character cammunicate with a Guatemalan or long lines of? security, of mavezcnt of $2ericans in these areaa, and actual auproachea made I Probably nat.! Lastly, the up to the Sierra Iaestra hoe security implifationa. Not a; much cancerning coumunism, but its reasonable ta eaauze that Cuban security people will come up with my name as having been up there.3' However, with the pictures *ubliahad5 perhaps an article later, be enough cover as a writer to neutralize any hazard there. Peat emnloygent (with us) a) Can?env or foundations? L1 last year (May 195?) was the ?ublic Surveya Institute, uaaercl Polling SerVice Fidelitngnio~ if: 1., r- "mHum? gwuwr-ka?m? - . n; . .- lhen the national cover set up? up 14200000 . ,?fj?anJournalistic - Estimate of ?aurn?listic ca?ubiligyw . 1- 3 1? ?l rm.11e 23' con:rib:tians in fiction have been princisally If juvenile, my writingt ":ining h: a ca01'_'rgely ever period of yJBre at i reportsriel tritiug.a Since I have 30:2 experience as a phutogragher . it is convenient to relate t_he two, -nd passibly mv Dist field wou- be 1 a . feature ar .d article v.riting.Honcver.wh11e an the mission uith the atro - revolutinnarv havetent, I exoociete -ith vsriaus me. bars of the press ans 5 had no difficultv whats; ever in :aesina ca one 3? them. G: ven a: sdcsucte period for feniliurizetion, I feel 12% at I could just about z.ve into any press or writing slot that did rot require a great deal of ccpy or tight feelinea. 4515Vin-3 7? . "g r51?? LL11Una-h! :zmnp. .. .. - Awhu?," . .- . . ., [q 1 ., 121313221123? VIA: 1 - 5; mm I ?52:?fti?B' DATE: If) 73Acti on Eemlrea: l. The write:- 23?} shes ta ccrnend contribuuad to 4.1 successi?u .jJIEparat1C clandestfme ope-r: 2.5m thatrecently place marquc; =2 saixtem (5333 in .-.arch 1958,2123 missiu - of considerable and timely raga: c'inp the . .- . revelaticnaw ?ve-52:35:12 that was 1251.221; 111;; 3 requested cus toner agencies. i In the writer 5 0:21:25 .011 the 032122-2125. on 1.2.: a 353221 (?ring cred? to 32.21.23 Eta ryersomel "ill in 2'16 'asay detract. .1301 the perfo ?nance. 01" "All. 71:? .imseli? . - .2 and Base person-2&1 whose 2.02134: 9 -, mounting, and execution of the' ?areer Mont, G. a? IS 0; 3r. -idcl." -212cults-d 1'22 acqui. 51' 521022 by 5331.133: 1- r1 {11 i) 2. L1it?) regard to the persczal courage aid nrof?ess?5. ab512.t.y . .. 1 as an intelligence officer ?enonstraterj cr. this {111555 on .:ere 0.13" we highest 3 order and. 2201110} .28 highlv Eiea?quarters is. aware, as is that. 1' edes1r0us of accuiring staff? agent stats: 2:5 TSBIQFE. 2.19 5 write:- halicves trat his desires in this respect; shculd be 31'1ien com-ii. :erat5on. as part of any action taken in recdgniticn cf WEI-1321. 5 services 5r. tne abject. . 5 operation. .. - 0--.. "i 3. Stati on and Base personnel directly concerned with 131." ng on this operation, for proper 121'1 e112: and of and. recovering him securely when as left. the .21 arm I-Laestras, were Humphrey I. James Dining--., and .ZelsonT .. cm . .. 22 Puma..-? . 22.312142512113121 2 ?4 *1 Dist?bgti?n: . 1' - - 5.51 121/272? 1 - Santiago de'Cu'oa ~2 - Piles- h; t? Huang a: .3 lawn-m I mung Pun-om 111- I hi; ?Irma,SPR/ahm 7, 3 . 3?33tiff-3?11; ?156 {inns/o My? - 5533-5544395 (SLAESEHCATION .3537 I .P .: uum 5 23A Flag?? 1 . . king-w, . . 12.39;. -- . 34700000 . . ?my ORIG UNKT DATE WED 2555 8?38 9 APRIL 1958 CLASSIFIED MESSAGE - - V. P?m? 4; ROUHNG 5V 4 .m?kv 5 6 510 FRCM: CONT- INFO E63100 CITE DIRECTOR NH 57_ Cl, 2, s/cg 1? 5: 2 1; 235. a- Jig? anus DEHRRED moan? OPERATIONAL ?mu mums .2 TO . INFO @1101? (In 263nof CITE DIR 45715 7 mam-Ion ma: - r: . Lu?uskie by phone OFFICIIS -T REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE PROHIBETED. CmNo. 9. mac, 6 IILIASING I yaw!- (a .7 {rt ., Eilwvralul ll 'w 14700000 . L49 .. . A . .. . SEEFEE 8 April 1953 mHuo? umMEMORANDUM FOR Tilt}: REco?n I SUBJECT: General: TraininglErlafing of Personnel . ci?c: Brte? of Row L, 9 Miaschedulesi to be the new undgr'covar . GPOHicer fur Station Mexico City. . 1' .3 1. 'In Harm, Cuba on :3 March1958. 1 briefed Ross (3:03:19? concerning: a) his proposed new assignment in Mexico; and b) Headquartera desire that he rateive special I i a hrie?ngeufrcm prior to going to Memco. . 2. 'Crozier atawd that he was very glad to receive- the briefing .. '2 . - because h? had not had a clear picture a! what the proposed asaignmeh: 7 in Mexico involved. He was pleased to ?nd. out that it was a pure A, . penetration assignment. He also responded 'enthuamaticany to $123 idea . . Fi- of receiving Headquarters briefings prior to to the rmm?.? He - ?uted that he would uke? to have a short Leave prior to receiving the Headquarters briefing. - . . f: i in: 1953 in v.0. . the maderoign?d and Mr. 34; - Chiei, briefed Crosser farmer concerning- 5314-5523-59- 7 matter ?linearised above. reaffirming our keen interest in that assignment. Mnmommd out :6 him that his "partner" in Mexico City [the in?ame? of?cer). was in yaw/?58 SSW (ff-?Jar ?'14-00000 - . c? I: . 5- 2? pau- . - 4 f' . SEEM . . - and. that if aecurely feaatbla it would be a good idea for ?meet there. Mr. Croaier stated that he thought that it could be i? am readily and, Bacurely as he will contact the- Embaesv normally as an American auger; and be in wall acqim?nted with COS, San Jase. One of the elamonw in cur plan for magnification of th'a in . Mexico is that these We very capable silicate should get to know . one another well in order to function 313100:th and affic?antly as a . . - team. - 4. Mi?. Crush: eta lake to return ta Washington, D. C. from his leave in urtng the approximate: period 20- 25 April 1958. Chief. .H-I is has-telling arrangements for the brie?ng of Mr. Greater. Daputy Chief. 3 L4'th?exi "an'fp. - . . i; Mule train a tries tanks of oxygen and mtylene for welding tombs. grquades ?nd armor tuner The rrhel leaderpri haw- thrre type-?THEN. nti rig shop a small press and upprr ierm graph machine for palalphleis. Era in (iris-ale Prov- Ines . $7.31 . A . :iy: . 'x'i ces in Cuba a. . Acti wtie of Fidel Castm?s Rebel For .13: a: .. . ?qgiocdgi . . . . . . . -iIf-I mu; Mimi-q 14-00000 up? nu.? Ibmu?x?hx 13:41ng mu mum-up 11.? u; Muq ux.? mum: 1?qu aq {gm :7an mu}: 3 '5 v. war): mm Hau?p- -: 145 ?911339 .LHIEUE-J in nan-4 1 .- . am?: [Inn-m. .x'hq: luau}: awn-w mm?: U: W: ?if-db? ,1 . mm: 2! gm?; :wuum? ?1 - - ?rum-q y; .(?wugrau 12w E-s-v: 'alruunumyq in? .fgiwlluduiaj. EJ715351 am uo .14?..qu ju 31; ?mg? buy :5 51.3.1125; mi: imam?) a? I .311 Min?3:4 'rI-?Hf' _f Kn; ?-xyqum? . 031qu v; Vishnu? .Lsmi l- fin-d am .?uii .. :5 anvil mm .121 Lm?lsuj a .11? u: Emu?! an: if? It; I I :fcms Wriun ?In pm.- mam}: . 7.7.21?? 4&2an gum ennui?: put: :1 31:? i . Hadlu Pawn}! :plil iu asmamq mu Flu-lung u; asuu -- - - 7 . 4; .- 3 .irs mun: zuyuaue: an: PRU {Uni-399:4. L: . i =1 MN: ate: a ?3 on Film.? - . Er .f 3mm Lump 1.. .31! . pug-g; 011mm Auumu ,1 I FfEL. isnr Laqu ,w .uuw" uu u; .mgpwi 'a .g 'pc-esdmb "?puud I 0mm 0} :11.)an - i 3:9 0; ?1:an 3mm! {30"3 . wo?auadxa Jaq pamd 31;? lungiuodUunur :an swung 103 ?91-'33 luvuuon 101-32:11? mm; all} .11.. 1??wa liltufu?g?s?l 'lmpammaao .., ?own mu mum: .1133? .C3 . EmaSm"? !h zxaN .. . ?ti-hamoga-?I? mums; put: um? . i - immune}: sum-'WOJ .. .3 4 run I "1352 'uus'ioql?m '8 was I?Ued 11?] 593103354 5 1?9 -. ?l?zudv ?juucu. in] 'Wu has 0?31.? Him-3 - . i. .WOH (IHVH HOW . Army Reports Clashes?Thirty Rebels Listed as Captured i . Tm HAVANA, April T?E?Eghting between G?vemzneat amps and twain under me command of 1 Fidel (2.an has 'mzensi?ed in Oricme Pro-.1322 in the .- {any-eight hours. a??cisl sources said today. A Cuban Army communique mid sewn rebel: made.- the semi of R311: mun, a younger brother a: the rebci} chgerhware killed in aging}: in; northen: Drieate Pre?x-e. The: communique said thirty-0?! the} Lasagna: band were captured; and the oLhera were . and an at: from 222: main body 9 of rebels in the Sim Mush-a. This was the fun mm: mentbyihe amyoizhecap-g tum-o: any rebel i: is be-; Read been that. msamzy has been rm; a policy at Rik- no Khomeini. Anu- Reprint Phne Mend Anny headquarters also re- Lpawted that troops had shot down a 0-46 pine carrying; arms ammunition to the; rebels. The mammal-:1: said! the plane crashed azrd burned! killing the pilot and crewman; .Smne unburned warm {ound in the wreckage, the! army said. rebel announcemen: mid insurgent forces had turned 1 amaze plant may near Mmmni?o an" it had landed with reinfurcemcnu 1:11 am: for Seine Castro's men. 1129 .. -: by 'Ekg? ?23; VJ 1-6.4 - 1- . g?g? 553%: 1. ?7 Ea ram? ?re 9* 1 . 3? MEG Press n-gorteq. 1 The mama: did say i a: when the pix?: had come from} 3 Another cm hem: Gov-E arm-nan: troops and reteis oc-! curred Sunday at has P3Imas_ near Santiago de 02:; The] any that I 2mm . ?w 0" RH: Mid been ?lled REBEL ARMS 8HOP: In this'enclosuro in Cuba's Sierra Mantra. so re- .4 . raz?j?m? a mmam :7 i awarded an! that 333"; mote that even mules cannot reach it. weapons_ are repaired for Em of [tidal . I Multan-d Page "tum,? .. in . 1G GGBG VEGLEG Army Reporls I WidespreadG Listed as Captured 5mm 2: at" York Tats. HAVANA April 7??Figh1mg bet.? ecn Cox emaient troops and rebels under in: command of- Fidel Caszro has intensi?ed in Oricnie Pm. ane ?11111: 'last tony-eight haul-3.0123331 sources said 1.01153 A Cuban Army communiqu? sold sewn rebels under the .younger laminar of the rebel thief, wort: killed in a clash in nothcm Oriazze Province. Th2 communique" said thirty or the insurgent b.1335 were captured and the 01mm were scones-ed and cut of! from in: main body of rebels in the Sierra Haeszra. This was Line-first announce- ment by the: army 0: the cap? ture of any rebels. It .is be- lieve-d hem that [lie army has boon folloufng. a. policy .0: tak- ing no prisoners. Army Reports Plano Downed Anny headquarters also re- ported that tmops had shot- down a (:46 plane coming arms and ammunition to the rebels. The announcement said the plane crashed and burned. .kming the pilot and men. .Some unburned arms were found in. the ?12:11:39 -the army said. - rebel announcement said Jamil-gent tomes had burned a disabled plane Friday near Manunillo after it had landed . with relnfomemenis and arm: for Senor Castro?s men. The Associated Press reported. The announcement did not say when: the plum had come from. 3 Clashes?Thrill Rah?lrsl? Continued From Page 1 command of Raul Cairo, a' Anolhcr club between Gov-ltompts to provoke a general cmment troops and rebels oc-P? Sunday at Dos Palm.? near Santiago de Cuba. The :__uthemic orzanization headed aha?r .I .. i Tue TIMES.. APRIL. 8 CONFLICT ill GUBG GAINS IN VIOLENCE .3333: 51:53?? -L'nivcrsiiy of MIchigan student- -r.eu:spaper men arrested ne- 7cause they weIe suspected- If Gama-2 truck's omen lilies and making Contact with CubarI meme ammunition had been rebels were released ioday In Gaized. Santiago de Cuba. Skirmish in .?lajngua James Elsman and Barton Got emment forces aim rc- Hazlm'aiic. who had been picked netted a. skirmish in the Maja- up at Utah hotel yesterdav by 3113. district near San Luis. near-arm; intelligence oificers ?at Santiago do Cuba. The arm} :?Iecd \Ihcn Pail: l-ields ollam slid the troops killed mo United States consul in? San and seized three jeeps am: .omc- liago, intertwined :arme and ammunition. One sol- Tl"? Wm? correspond :lier was wounded ems of 71?? ??Cmga? Daih. Seller Castro deriared ?total student pubhcauon has: war" On the Santiag? from Hmana a It? - Presidenl Fuizincio Batista hours before ?Vim-?5L G: starting April 1. The rebel chic-f - has said he would call a general revolutionary strike the "op? portune? moment. So far no. gull-re has occurred. President Batista told news-'- mon yesterday he was confide-n:- hai his forces would defeat the 25915. but he conceded ir. Icou'ng Miami Seusman Arrested 4. MIAMI, 'April 7 (UPIwTelCIi-fg-?? sion station CKT reported io-E. day that Ben Sil'. er one of nan-.smon missing in Cuba. since Saturda). had been reported under arrest. at. Santiago de Cuba. we a long struggle: (13116259er nous director of Meanwhile rebel sources -- ma nation. said the L'niIe? Hanna declared an annoz-Innr islaies Embassy had found 3.12: agent .by arm; headquaziers 2.43? lm?stigaiinn that ?115?? Saturday {hat a rebel band ?safe" The embassy all Se?or Castro had been end ?he \Iould he ?11935?! and re- In from. the Sierra Maostra .IuI-ned to Haxana V35 without foundation. These? . .ource-s said tliat Senor Castro' 5 If?cers had decided more than monihs ago that he should. at lead any guerrilla expedi- 055 but should remain in his- I mgdquarters in the Sierra Mae- ?An of?cial of the Consoli- -. med Rails-rm Company of Ca- Iaguey wih ch serves 1h; east- mind! of the island also de- led reports that the railroad' i. . 'nploses had gone out or. iv. :ri?xe. The of?cial said the abels had burned so many rail-j my bridges in the eastern pan- LCamagueg Province that it to maintain *ain service. . In Haxam the police am ounced arrest of eighteen bums accused of terrorism and Line. Audmn?xies Iaid some: 0: he youths are Communist. nd oLhers were members of the 'suxLuum: mam-m "ms SHOP: In lhislenclosure in. Cuba's Sierra line-3m. so re- mote that area "mules cannot tough it. weapons are repaired for tarot-s of We! Castro. 1 It -Wam&m8 f. . - .Ic- .9 E: .. -. 14700000 ?lm-mini:- an v. . an?- lag-Intjay??59?mgw umTimer .1911}: T-IE- Chief of Operations, zip/P" VIA I f. SIEJECT. Sgle of news Photographs by Arthur G. (n5) :Vr- - 1. It is requested that Arthur G. be Frunted panmission 2 to sell. news nhctogranhs of Fidel Cuban .evolutionary Grgup a 'to an_qppropriate linited atates news agency. 3 i 2. VAIVADA is a Career :Tgent was verv recently returned i i from a 253 assignment in Cubs.. ?t he iirection of the western . 1 Hemiss.aere Div1si on, snent the last three weeks his . 2 Cuba assignment in the Terra Emestra camn of Fi?el for the purpose of COIJeCtinf current intellirenca on GAE TE 0'5 activitieS. n3 8 result of his noti.on:1 cnver as a renresentative of a U. 9. public Opinion 0013.5ny service, was able to take 3 yxid numerous photocranhs o.f current news interest. This Division con? if}; siders the sale of these nhnto:ranhs as an interral mart of the never necessnr' to protect the identity of i actual FponSGr from three U. 9. news media Corresnp d.n.s who were with um Mina, his visit with 0.12.3120." 3. All money resulting from the sale of these photographs will be retained by the ?ga.cy. 1'3. 0. . CHIEF -, . me DIVISIGN - 1 - . 6? . yw?l Lvm-Lie-ll. ?aw-H . . If unilm-?a?h 154700000 4w! . - .. AAES SAGE - - .J . -- ..-, - 3- . . 11:33! 2? 43:5? mwm?mwm I PRIORITY II cop, 2 .I 1-2-1494 ?9 . a? HAVAABS. 1. VAWADA HQS EVEMG 31 PARCH. WILL 2. A mama PER 2.2288 (OUT 1 UNLESS Amman CONTHARY. RELEASED 3227;132. .I- VF MESSAGE c/s cmm: ?5 was: SENSITIVITY AND LEAK 70 mass av EMBASSY, Hos PERFER N0 VMVABA MISSIGN UNTIL COMPLETION. a?paopucnow av own, mm Issumc arm :5 PROHIBITED. cm Egg-rmvim . . Alni? - gym-9:224 - . 34700000 ., .1 . . _w 330 muse/?5W CLASSEFIED MESSAGE some MARCH )258- -*7i7 - 5 . I: MREETEA 22 19:53 10 i i. ROM HAVANA- - . .I- ROUTENE I IN R9228 7? 93R CHE HAVA 232 RAYNOCK NOTE FROM 26 MAR. MILL LEAVE ?xj. SIERRAS VIA MANZANILLO 28-31 MAR ANS CALL RAYNOCK FDGM THERE. ?j COWENT. REBEL ACTIVITY MANZANILLO AREA MAY DELAY CONTACT. 27163?MESSAGE amonucnm av 0mg: Fm THE assume; OFFICE. IS PROHIBITEDEHEOW A.- Ah5331K). Pt 34700000 MESSAGE 7. - momma - g~ ?w??hj 47;_ k, .ng; a W: . ,4 ,9 ROUTENE 1M ha341 ?to .. nm CITE HAVA159 ,7 Apvase MMEN you CAN COME3MM VAIVADA MAS REACHED cEsrzmATaow?Ema . Mr"- ,5 52 tgp/szn; omen 1mm as momma CopyNnAura", . km" I 1'55}; MESSAGE - . 7-- - - :3 2.1 313.358" . 2056 It. 5 9:31:11 1358 - TO HAVANA i n: .. $15.91.: . mom. DIRECTOR - i - . ?05::ka mom? mm com: . NH 5 OPERAUOHN. mm [lemme In Iranian-3V INFO . 2, OP 2, s/c 2 TO INFO CHE DER 112%? RE mm 179 (m 331611010: 5311* 1m) 3. 1m 1017 (m 5m? HAVA) m. mm 1.2m. 2. 7 FOR 14311: vnmh? 1m IS 20 met"Sic 5 COMMENT: VMVADA 52501125110 15-20 DAYS ARRIVAL km. IMERVIEHED Hm 3 MARCH5'57_ 3? ?lm/1mm . ?rib-Q? . . - hH/Suppo . a 3 at, . (3. KING, c/mu l" ?gum? AUYNINIIEAHNG our?: ii? 2.1. REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE OFFICE [5 PROHIBWED. Copy?a. - .i UNI v.11 6:118:1le - f) - -- ?9.59.1231 1 file. 'for an Perch 1?59. W5 'r #333 Fan-"14-00000 .. A. .. . ?Ruf?c .3. .- . rm}: a w?h 3?3. #Mm?aid? if 1? uvr?ff?n?" I. . we?: 3:880 . . . . . nu . hr: 31 'ar Mth?dO34700000 o?s? unn In}! CARI 833.514? 205544;?? - DATE 27 .1958 . - . - CLASSIFIED ?CuT?hfFROM INFO DIRECTOR 5 Cl, ci/ac, 2, s/c 2 v- "1?35 "lac. liastmy'r HI file this can; 5: indie? Branch copy I led as indium. w; l- RE Insenn; (ch-w MA Parked 5143mm?: ERRED HAVA c/s com-55m: ?has um 067'65 (005?- 9m) REQUEST PEPE 2.33 (F 1?3 um.? DIR PESIRED TO APSIGN 5 TO MEXI A3 C9 PENETRATIG: CPS CASE OFFICER UNDER UNHFFICIAL COVER Ar TIER CASTRO MISSION AND APPROX ONE MONTHS ORIENTATION AT HQS. QUERIES IF (HE-tam 9955815:th massore AND MEET mama5.- rv. iti?i.? -.L. A 2.1coulomnma ?orncus I AUYKIHIQCATIIG OHICII REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. 5213/ m. 1534:." Ih? :11! a. 1. ism". - 54,-nL 14700090 a. A - 1 .3 I CLASSIFEED MESSACE 'nomms EWHEW - mm . IDATE 2419 $4474? . 1- 1- DEFERRED 003%; am 5 we "a COP, c1, Cl/sc, Fl, 2, PP app/095, s/c 2 . . D?unowu WW5 33?3?} WHATE 92831 .. i? - to INFO cm: 011 00?: A. DIR 21h? (OUT 50387) II I . EB. 0m ?1551! (OUT 86187) ?1 1, PROJECT AHPHODARCH NEEDED TO HECLUDE OBJRTIVES $81013: . A. NMES, BIOG ARI) BACKGHOURD DATA MED POLITICAL TOP OFFICERS CASTRO 5mm. 7 B. STRENGTH, Equmzzm 0:191:20 am. 7? . 4 c. EXTENT com-0:3 Psrammnou 0.5.5530 ?00035. - 3 3? D. EXTENT 0001031100100 mm 62199120? 179014 0m 90mm. @0005, PARTICUIAHII PSP. 7 BL OPS 003m WITHIN 01.5130 mm mumm' - . PROJECT mm INCREASE) $1000 APPROX 0000 111555113 mm as :11. *4 1 6, v.31 a ?1 . I . Forum: TRANSFEB ?er mum SAM $200; mm VANADA $200; 3mm .. CAR $600; MISC mummy 095 mm $1000 vuvm 00 00%? O!lleI5 315 j? 3mm; .smms amt-0mg AND RECEIVE mmnon mm mm 03 14153100. Jar- 3? 5 '7 l; OFFICII OIHCII REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN 702 assume: OFFICE 15 momma Copy Na. ,1 T'vl" . .wv. mg Lg; 1; 14-00000 .7 I A a mu MESSAGE aommc: 7 . 017.20UMTDATE 19:8 7 mom: DIRECTOR 7- . mum mom . OPERATECJNAP. tumour: INFO: . . - 3.6comok?sw&njcus me, c/uu/ - .. - -, ?Hume orrncu 5 1? . autumncahu?a ovucn 2% REPRODUCUON BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE 15 PROHIBITED. Ciipy NnI'F'?sh . 14-00000 km. a, an CLASSIFEED MESSAGE mm; ,1 um 134/m/C:mem 2: s: ., .2056- .. 5?8' 6 3 i . .. DATE :55 z: 8 :55 1-: . --.- .4 7-: a, MEL: oLv?OPERAWM 1? nnln?l?nl! N0 CI, c1/0Ps, caflc, 2, 5/1; 2 -: -.: n: .: t:;J 3i- . our 912121.1"? $0587.). - .1. Has 1:35ch VAIMLI: PCS 13KCASE OFFICER UNDER UNOFFICIAL COVER mm 0011131311011 0:511:10 K135311011 1am APPROX om; 1:011:11 ORIENTATION 11:15. - . i 2. REQIESTS VAIWDAS 1112111111., 1m 0m KAI 15m mamas: - 7. -: . mum: AND (NI-SEW PRIOR 01311111111113 mp 21. 91mm. . 4 1 . i .3. MUESTED PAR CAN MISSION AND MEET ABOVE SCHEDUIE- nr?1'317?15 zin- u?t'mm: - 1 . . c/s 1-0111 02117 Has AGREED VAIVADA HELL QUALIFIED T0 mm: MISSION PROVIDED MORE 5111 TABLE COVER cho as ARRANGEDhone h: I. I - 5 was? . QoI??l? 2' 27" ?coonomnmc orncus - 1 g? . o'uiuu Jig-,II?gfa ., . ?aruI?ll,? J2. 0/1111) - i: me ouncu .- REPRODUCTION 11 OTHER THAN THE ISSUING omce IS momma) 9w Mo. . -W;?14700000 ma"?577 DIRECTOR . Rae: $5 254% my @531?5 5?9? ., . zu 26341617 I &586fI)_ I _g DIR 7"?0 CHE 1. VAIVADA ACCEPTABLE. I "a SUGGEST ARRIVE ON 1 MAY FOR GRIENTATIOE 99:03 . . -IPOSTANY DEPARTURE. r- 3. POUCHIEIQG SUGGESTIONS RE COIVER. END OF MESSAGE . s/c cam: RE G. VAWADA AS REPLACDENT rm. POSTWOTIHER THAN THE omcs IS PROHEBITED .4 . . r. . . yuan-n?, Kruppm mw?u-mn IA .. . . A Ila"; 7 :ifj123-77 :r I 11-" (9 a? a: E1117 at? '7 I ?aim; (HID I ":wm'm'mwm f; if 3 [Ebrb??r i9q8? i TI -- ?erE-?gain?t?u: 11:; ?c '2 _r i 1 00000 I I -- 41"} 53: 1119? -11 ?93119.9? mm 1 . ?_,1111 .111 1.1 ul i?ld File 3- o. 23- CLASSIFICATION To Chief, 1-5111 if? . 7- DATE: EO?Jannarv 1958 I 'l 11' FROM Chief of 11 1 5mm? 6.5111111. 1 Ar bur 1_ Reference: 6 January $58 1 at. 3.1-5 . In reply to the query made in the referenced dispatch, VAIVADA has no objection he taking the FUUTTER test in June as soon as he returns to Headquarters, and the Station sees no problem of morale or other nature for in the delay. D15tri'kution= 2h January 1958 all as 5 ?28 A CLASSIFICATION Llf? was hinton 1 . 2 - Files ?9 (SECRET 1-7; 11111 - .. pop/43%? 7whi?t?: . IF 6 nguc Elfin: I. 2056 . .r .4 a4 06?3; 35"; a s-a-CT-ms-m .. HABANA ?racw . DERECTOR 1mg $50 cop, c1, cu/ops, Fa, PP 2, 99/093 . ?4'vai 2: 2: 39:53? DEFERRED PRIORITY ROUTENE - IMNIDEATE onunomu; WMK ,?syc 2 HAW: as; INFO CITE DIR SEED OF 1" m" CPOIDIRAYSNG 41-5-1? REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. Capin). I-hv n-I?Ir??n-Iill?Sum?. t?j'r? 1 E. ?hr?a. 5. 34700000 ?Hg-.wm-n-r?vw- ur- . . {flier V52 1 SHEET: subject of our letter nuuo' or 14025; Interestrecent cmversations with beta JRR and. .1 ,-SubjeCt has broached the proSpect of a possible assignment within the Hot}. follow- 1115 completion of his dabana assignment. He says he would not Haj-t his statements re reassignment union were recently forwarded to Headquarters to be interpreted to man test, he is not interested in a? U. S. tour. He says that no has been giving men thought stouhis future career, as well as to the needs of his family. fie points out met he personally has now, spent approximately. lb years, excepting vacations end snort training- perioo?s, living ma working outside tne? U. that ?113 two cnilcren have never lived mane, and trim; both be and his wife are concerned that. women time will elapse before they can provide their children with a period in the U. 5. during their formative years. 2. It is the opinion of both R05 and that subject is at a point in his career developmnt unexe a tour at. Headquarters walla be extremely beneficial. The b?tation lacks knowledge concerning the Specific demquartere jobs to which a person of Subject's status might be assigneu;obut it is. our merstanuing that CTR sometimes employs these persons as instructors. he believe t?n'at. a tour with Gift would not only remedy in great measure deficiencies in Subject's background caused by lack of Headquarters experience, but would at. the sane time afford 01R excellent instructor material. 3. In view or Subject's own intexest. in sucn an assignment, and our estimate of tee potential value to him and to the Organization that would accrue from it,? we recomend that Hesiquarters arrange such an at ?111 possible. h. In view of the likelihood of Subject?e transfer in the near? I future, a decision is requested. 7? ?r {591.5,- aw? r. 1 ga?a? . an 7 7 7 'wt; We; m: twiukmzi?fh} ?13. . I - any: {me -: m. N.- .2 .JJma}! - . pie-mm . i; - . -. 14-00606 5333:316- - ROUTINE niN 18923 41HAVA 133 . . u.s_ ?shining. - 2. HQS APPROVAL PROCEED THIS BASIS UNLESS EVENTS ORIENTE FORCE DELAYEND. or:- MESSAGE .-. - 3 H. (:13 cm: f' arms. I v- - .. .r SEGRET 90/ Mfg-7, upeoaucnon av om THAN THE assume omca IS momma cm Nu .mer'3:11 . 1. . ?mm. 1? . mt?mlw?i???airway-.?11: ?gill14700000 .ff'xd, CLASSHED . .ngfn?? ROUTING a - I, I t~ hf' awn :51? .. ,7 w? -- 5.5.3. r-r?rw .1:sz .2055 3&5 - a ?5 CURE 7358 3 RE . . 3 mm DERECTOR 1 {3 mi a DEFERRED OPUMUOHAL ?Tu-r15 CONF 5 . .- ENFO Ci, Cs; F5, Fl, rue:- ?1 r: '13 A. . L-?l ?l L-?UUS um): 3 ?fr-3'7: 3 To INFO - cm: can 92 517 i REF: (m 131.10) 7 1. Has amass Wm am. QUALIFIED To i DESIRE m: mm; on 24155103: 501' mm: m: FEB. ?m?m VAIVADA was ARRANGE 2. PENECT I-HPEODARCH UKDER PROCESS TO INCLUDE SFECIH n. nu) ma}: magma Pm mm mm tier: um. ADVISE APP-MAL. 3. 1m? um my AND EXPECT DECISIQH mm mm. '7 I 9m. mm ?cs HAVA mm(Cf-@533: {3333:3153 {?25 {5.12 {3'S'a'3 C. WHY-RCA TC: VISET . - . --.. . . . ."Nxf' My, 'cool onunuc orncus . . . . Edi 3, i?iif-??h 'k?ag?c. mu, c/m a ?r IELEASING - REPRODUCTION BY 0mm. THAN THE ESSUING OFFICE 15 PROHEBITED. 7 huh}; 3.9-. 9 '9 . ,1 .- wan-5 7. 3. 1:5? WJH DISPAICHNO #331132 WTAJHW f? 311a m, minnow crud-gr saggigg, gang-m ?hief, 1.1m - gnaw G. Vagra?gm ROM 91:11:31.1. {me Ruhr-emu saxmm, 11': .Gctober 1957 11111-14973, 21, samba:- 1957 Eating :1 1r 1 A 1111211121191 inlpagragmph .19 WW 1. with raferesca to request 5:1. 1.. Lag-?J be given an 15111511111 1 13:33:: he is incur-ring U718 .- - ?1795;?; an 333'" a: pitqukla-t um hEVs tnwen 1:53" 4-. 3 to retm to Hewqmertgem in ?Ema, the: - ?edded amuse fax- za ?11" 3: mm. Eloww- a - - . that his muting-m mum; uric:- 1113 mm cm?f?a?t of such a test. This, of com-291'; - 1? of any mplom; there 1191111.}! 12 a 5' ham-3 mm 2.3113 @117 - is at: e?vLed. .a .. 2. 3.15 upc?n Warletion firm the mqu?xmts mdo- his .3139 Mensa of dinunae?. is mam war "so ?feel them 1.9 a rezl problem irvulva?, gag 1101:. Our ecticn gm tag er. ?may .1 ?Nam. a 5% r; J. c. 1:11:11- CKIEP, an: Distribution: I 3 Habam . Ghmno Carib. 1 - Subject. 9 KING {Hum . 0511-80 - W) .. Mutual-l ?i?f?g . - . ppm-arr . . 51?29 33-13. mun-m 1 ?acme-4- g. .. .La; 1 .I:zgm. . r353- 34700000 . . c. n; a I. \me. A a?w?wra-Hum Him. . A, .- . . ..2 AOL ~21. gig}- ,7 gigs; 2555 mem 1958 . . 5 1 30 mm CITY Hg?; More um MI m. -A Mist: . me this ctr-7 as mom DIRECTOR mm" =19 Maj? jifafs?k?i-Fr?r-EM RE Indexing ?12 yum: I .I VT I momnv . - r- I Hark-Pd . COM 7 . F. m?un' a OPERATIONAL 5? l? 1' - .. INE INFO I that 5.5L t' I) 2 If! Flt?? . IMMEDIATE . I UUTODSBQI ., .. I. H. To . INFO . Kr max I . mm 5825 AND #26 Fora-mm) ,on mm OPS DATA RE ARTHUR G. AGENT WITH HGELEHT OPS RECORD COSTA RICA, GUATEMALA AND HAVAHA STATIONS SINCE 192.9. ms swan AS mecmvm FOR POSTMIY. Hm IN HAVANA mum mm AWE 53. PLEASE -. CABLE m: 3113 UPON RECEIPT DISPATCHE{Fil15.0, a: an omens Jd . ma, c?ln?, mm -.-I . . cult". one?! REPRODUCTION BY OTHER WV THE ISSUING OFFICE IS IPROHIBIITED. CupyI No3400000 If A - . 7 032. CLASSIFIED MESSAGE ??1"wa am . R2 OARUARY 1958 222m . .Mfr..- _t ?de if '5 ROUTHRE Fi, 2, PP 2, s/c g: DIRECTOR JR: 1 .TR HAVANA - - 05;? -mh A. IN 13Oi??533_ HOS CORRERTS. RELEA3ED O221O52 7 5? RS DIR 9R0 cue HAVA 119 RE: DTR OO452 76181)_ . . . ?3 1. ARTHUR OAR ARRAROE VESIT CASTRO I THRGUGH OASOAL OONTROT 26 ONLY LEADER HE RET RROORETTE-S. COVER ROULD BE REP SURVEY OORP INTERESTED RENETRATLNO BARRIER TO LEARN PROVINCIAL LEADER VOLUNTARILY ARRAROINO VALVADA LRTERVTER WITH (HKH 1535) HAVA NEXT TEN DAYS. 1i 2. EAOER UNDERTARE AND WELL OUALLFTED VIER 5 RARTIRE JUNGLE TECHNIQUES, KRORLEDOE OOSA, AND OLANDESTTNE EXPERIENCE. WQRED SEND i: ND JOIN THEM AFTER COMPLETION TASK TRIS ROULD A. RECESSTTATE ANOORETTE- -B CUT-OUT, BUT STATION EIRD TEMPORARY REPLACEMENT RENDTNO ARRIVAL FREAPANE. g; 'f ARRANOERENTS AND PROBABLY LEAVE FOR STERRA END JAN. C3Cw??n?7. ROS -: tb AW ATTACHES SUFFICIENT - TIFY COVERAGE FROM SEVERAL i ANGLES REPRODUCHON BY OTHER THAN THE OFFICE IS PROHIBITEDA Can No. i . . I (3.1-. .7 ?x x. TANCE CASTRO JUS- it .VIA3131-5- 0 [a?cmmammu 7 . .- B: . 19,9 ,7 - (20?iu-1688381Hog-m" . to Chief, WEED I . DATE: 2..- October. 1937 FROM 1 Acting Chief of SUBJECT: serational mam?Arthur G. VAITFADA Reference: dated 16 October 1957' 1. The Subject has no objection to submitting to an Loam-1TH test at the convenience of Headquarters. This could be easily arranged here in the event an LCFLUTTER team is passing, or could pass, through Habana; on the other hand, could just as easily go to any designated niece in Florida in order to take this test. It is understand that teams from time to time visit that state. 2. The Station will take such measures as are feasible to cover the activities of and his wife while in Habana. 3. While the matter was not referred to in the reference, Suoject's projected one?year tour of duty will end in June, 1958, at which time it is desire to leave Cuba for a reassignment in another area in his present line of onerational and under similar unofficial cover conditions. A detailed dispatch on this subject will shortly be trans? mitted to Headquarters; it is referred to here so that the Esadquarters desk may be alerted to the need for considering what assignments would be open to VAIVADA during the Spring or Summer of 1958. Distribution: . r? - Washington - ?October 1957 9th, .57 33.3%, 51-28A - . at con.- - .r y. 1 .?Asni ah I :33 a . Egg?, 71:] CQNFIS-EQIHIALI @29- . - - - 7? (cpmou . I. - - - A . FROM: I if, MW, 5 December 1956 (Of?cer duigwion. loom nunbtn..ond CAYE bu?lding) (Mamba-l each comment In tho-r iron: uhm ??77?15 ?9 urban, Draw 0 ?rm was: column aha! each roman.) ?w'H/Pcrs "Ofcr II . 1-1.1 i; I ?s'JH/Admin 51g? 3? ?ag/W I I Eli/Personae2050 BLDG(icy I I . II I, 7IIC ?mica Hifew/76 43/4 7/ . It.? - u-Ma-Iqr-HI-utwm Qw- r; [Ij Dawson-2:415? [j g?s?i?gmm Duncussmm 14-00000 .132:" -- mumovsv-I'SZMuwnnm -- AGTIUH .i 921W 77-3?in "157 REQUESTING Fill in ilfnji Lilajiaugli 12 9nd ghijm gale}; alien-Inc A 3 Ti??limm' w: - A applicable; chain vesignmim and ?ll in s?paraiicm dam on 'rcver?s'e?? I. (Mr. ?Hm?-Mu ?-Ono in?! name. Mingus). and aurmmo) 2. OF exam ?arm 33. A Of grim: G. (PseudoNATURE OF 0.213! - I. DATE 7. WEE (Spa-city whthIn appointment, momotiun. umaticm. on.) MLB: Excepted Appointment (Staff Agent) it (Sanity wholho: Mlebh'ut. change ?nd: or title. etc.) a. ma?a: mus- 1 mm ?ne Inn to.? ?km 1.0. (F1) BAP- ?l?I?r a. mm. no $6390.00 13.3.. E. . ?5 3:333:55?? . Branch I Havana, Cuba Station 1 . . Project I .. - 1:.qu Havana, Cuba 2 [nun IX luau I jammnzum . . I. ?In? $029 rev-err: I 57 A memorandwn has been fonrardcd to the Director of Personnel requesting that position RAF-A09, San Jose, Costa Pica, be transferred to Havana,- Cuba and upgraded to (35-12mum: magma In E- . . 3 -- Sign-taro.- 5 .- IL IDDHIWH til, relaphnno oxicnubn) 1' I . J. ?ii?52m. . u. PREFERENCE M. POSITION CLASSIFICATION Acnou' - 5 ?on: man: one: - was 1,I5. I1. mommnou - 39. SUBJECT 10 5. I19 DIET: 0F m. err- 29. mm. 955mm sax RACE nmaenm an mums .W - (mum) mum Gunman. ?mzI. srmomn man so REHARKS . SIGNATURE DATE REHARKSmummu . . ~j - - . 'l i ammonium. . I 7. -. 51W652~32" I . .f 52,5?: . I Elk-313m 5i. l- w; 3? [on PERSONNEL - . . . . REQUESHNG OFHCE: File in iIems 1 through 12 and A Ihrougl: except 68 anal. 7 unleIuI ll applicable, obtain resignalibn and Fill separation data or: reverse. .. 4_ w. liven name; and UT 0. lE?Em" Am (9. (PM) 5 55 - Wu I. ?if? of [Emil 1 I. UFETWE 7. C.5.0R OTHER A (Specify whathor appointment. pmmoh?m Inmuian om . . ULJIWPEOPDSW: AW. Emma: Emm? (3w: Em: I. Human (Specify whelhor mmbh?ah. change grade or HUB. B. l. . rm- 1000?"me 2:0. 0:3 m. E, 19H. 05mm 9.0? mm M: I . unmet. am 55? . nun33mmu?mmilln i . i 3' A. mu 'mnar n-ce-Iary) f? .- ?3 .5 Wm Ema ham 5'0?ng 90 that: I'Wel that mam 3??de 5m .30 a piggy Merriam $0 immp cum 0m?: 5 ?gym 00 {35:13. . ?0 5 I. a! (Namonnd mm a. 0mm may? a: SignMu-m: I Tk?amomh and Irolophano 1:an:an i a - Tm?! - 11mm - CLASSIFICATION ACTION nah: w" 0mm sh. Wumm'r we: LIL aw; I miorm 11mm: 0' APPOINT- -: . Is. IT. manna" . l8. ?guEE ACT RENT AEHDAVFTS an. LEGAL EESIPENCE I . I 0) (moss on?) UCLAIMED - L..- . sma- . :5 STANDARD roan a: REMARKS .11" - . 22. mamas SIGNATURE DATE amamonms.cqm - - -. C. mlrunou I . ~g . i unmarroaumgen/(arm 0.300% ?m I: 34700000 - I 19.53 13.55. T/Sgi. IISII, am; Intelligence mo Jan 1915 - April 19h6: Leading man labor.? $12. 88 per day, Us Naval Air Station, Coca 5010, Canal Zone April 19h6 - April 19h9: T/Sgt USAF, Intelligence NCO, Albrook Field, Canal -SECRET . anuswu 9 CONTRACT INFORMATION CHECK LIST (CONTWUED) - an: . years: 551?: 09: suzsr. . 2971 necembaj? 19; . ofwsn BENEFITS . IE- BENLFITS (See Part 0! Confidential Fund Regufaliana or Illuinliaal Io: benefiil appiit?bic 'illdli 3 talcum-ion oi? centric! Personnel medical benefits are requested. at. U- 256 or Iuccealu: . . . . All banah ts net-many given to a. (:14 staff employee7.4. 3 _Aumm .4 - ,i 7 .L '"mijf: 1 I Ix - COVER ACTIVITY 7E if STAYIJS unorosta ?pi raw-?tun (mu-nu count-Inn :7 g: (chuk) ?nous-Ia wumuw nun-Ir sus- . I u. If coy?: PATHENYS AM: caanuPLnno. THEY at BASIS my? man- r:on;1 i SECYIGN OFFSET OF INCOME- so. or Instant mm and] BLRIVEO ram-I ACTIVITIH In" than justify in caper?: Irma attached harsh; . 101AL - Ian-I 7 i 7' .: ?1 SECTION TERV: SI. . sz. :rracnv: an: 53. Inivll Incubus] 2 i will? Mediate 54. NOTICE. (Mmbar of days) 55. FDSIFEITURE or REWRN Hunts. ron EESIGAATION PRIOR Tr: coxfiI-JLU ?MI-unfm i i Thirty days 523"? 1 SECTION . _g sq. amino,? runcuou (Fl. PP. I i FI Operations i 3 SECTION DUTIES arr-nu. or Dunc: To a: renown 1?3, 7 a I spewing and recmitang agents. Obtaining information as principal agent for youth-student net, with emphasis on Commist and revolutionary mattersQUALIFICATIONS i . .- ?g Arm and Air Force inmlligence. CIA Training. Other- as indicated in Number 6, abm. m" 59- EDUCITIDH enact. unseen. Exlulcu SCHOOL canon-u I Ina?: steam. GIADUITE . . 659?? Hil?W? nun-ass scuool Sllnul?lt ecu-?cum suuo; ?llnut11 . Live) Alf?i?cd . i . 1 3; :0?.th {No degree) Jxlcoutu: JFOIY snap-1: 1 la! '6 10-0 59- COMPETENCI . LnusuAGI . SPEAK as?: A -. Duel COUIIYIY cult?! Chock Apr-reprin- _Spanish 3: I . . (Drum-e Cmpatoncy) USA I :5 EL 52. AREA KNOILEDGE i Very goodPRIOR u. we Imp SALIIT Paton 1'0 snnc?than ADDITIONAL INFORMITION 55. Il- - GR UNUSUAL DR EIFLANATIOIS (0'0 ether side If Eaten-I27) 1 Performance of Subject. has been outstanding. He has moved Inrticularly adept at 1113 - and recruiting of agents and his work has been hi gully praised by the C03, Habana. Plans/Projects has stated of Subject. that he "has obviously been a valuable, dean cm: I - ij?l" I 3i . APPROVAL I g: an: on arrIcu Ian: i '1 4 '?nd 14-00000 .mp- mm wvanm?n . . A 1 312's} .. . HBHURAHDUH FOR: Chief, FI SUBJECT I Request for Conversion of Arthur G. Prom Contract to Staff Status REFERENCE HKH-A-2577 1. Referenced dispatch from the field recommends the conversion of contract agent ?rthur G. FAIVADA to staff status, and presents a strong case for such conversion. VAIVAZA has Served CIA in a con- tract capacity since 19h9, with a continuous high_1ovel of perfor- mance; first in Costa Rica, later in Guatemala ans Cuba. He is cur- rently assigned to Cuba and is expected to remain there indefinitely. VAIVADA is 3h years old and was promoted recently to the equivalent' of a 63-10 rating. His expresaed career interests lie in cautioned by CIA, more especially in the area ofunofficial coser assignments, for which he is highly suited. 2. Unfortunately Subject?s spouse (since l9hS) is 3 Costa Rican citizen, a situation which complicates his proposed conversion some- what. She has expressed a desire to acquire U.S. citizenship, however, and it has been determined that this can be arranged within tho next several months, barring unforeseen develooments. She will be required to spend most of this period in the_U.S. and is currently Baking .plans to do so. . 3. In View of outstanding record as a contract agent, his strong overall qualifications, and his expressed desize for a. career with CIA, it is recommended that he be granted staff status at grade 05-11, contingent upon his wife's first becoming a U.S. citizen, and providing he can moot.Security and other There is available in NH Division a staff position to which WAIVADA can be assigneo. h. HE Division contemplates bringing VAIEADA to the U-5- for covert training in the near future. 5. Approval for the conversion'of from contract to staff status, as indicated above, is?heroby requested. J. C. KIEG Chicf, western ?emisphere Division SEEM - w. .2 . .. "gory-"a LIL-.1 v. --.. La? . 3. 1-2! 1-17!- .5 {13,5 it Jam-114:5! w? . . . .hb 34700000 53LEJIEJ - .5 - 20 Sapmuber_1956 1 momma FOR THE REOGHD . Arthur a. warm? 3w: stoma v? 1. The undersigned discus?ed dose this "date _with Hr. E, . (2709 .telophone {Extension 255162552) no . Mr?. - . (20142; both of Security oivisign. Hn was 31am 3 con? 9 - tent of (recmadotion for - status for urva) Eu?m and a, 'is of Ea problem of- Mrs. VANADA hot. being a U.S. citi??' W?i ?m zen. stated that, while cases like this were usually vary 7 difficu a {alt thin particular one migiit. bo justified in via?a {1.34.18 Ed?v of long and excenlent. record with the [tame and tho r?olab EVEQEMQJE tive?ly long t-iae dug-1:3 whiz}: he has boom mie?. Elisabet! that the procedure uould'ba as follows: - (beau); Presentation of a formal request for waiver on citizenship ME requirements for spousoand granting of staff gums to wawi . The mamararxium would bu prepared for Personnel, would then go, . EL to Security, land subsequently, 31th of-both, Ww M- - -.- to Deputy Direc tor?, who would one tha?finnl decision in this {315 :f 7 .case. .. . . rmudnik EE was to discuss the matter fm'ther with other ol?ments of' t9? ourity and advise within tho next several days as to what the next step should be. - I 2. I Considering the_ possibility that one to gig?t be. -- 7? turned down, the undersigned discussed with the proce- dares for acquisition of citizenship'forf Hrs. A, and donor-g - - min?d that this should be relatively?simple. ?ora; presence in the (vicinity of?ashington)?for appro?mtol'y; . . - forty-Jim days with some additional tim'o maggot-t; . 5g E: -- . long as we have ?nou'lingihat would make, her" immissable .to 1 2.1210 basic requirezoa'nta'would ?his: [:abilityfto speak, English andto 3_ pass a relatively simple test.? basod'on pamphlet Eurhi?ch. would be gives? _to her foostudy. f3 Security Hauld mamoly?ha'odlq her case than", she arrijma? in ~_tha states. . .E 3. It has boom-bombs wars-igned' that. itis means-u? for VAIVADA to acquire citizenship, VANADA- omolf 7 - could to bi?O??ghic? to thal'iashington vicinity for, traini?g' pu?ma?s? j. fin order? to facilitate ?the vioit of his wife, This . would at the 'same time afford an opportunity to wovigjg - a - - ?1th formal Headquarters or PEEPRDE training - :5 i. Jew/6 Eh - utuai . .: - a y. A - 1 +71. .- 55- i I 1 31-? 34700000 -saga A a A 213?5?)th 19-56 Lima- :Ef - VA FOR: Chief, Western Honienbere Diyision SUBJECT Proposed Starr Statue to:- Arthur. G. ?mam ?3 W3 KER-A4577, 17 April 1956 1. Retorenced dispatch from the field racommis the conversion 3 of contract agent Arthur G. VANADA to staff status, and presents a good case for such obnmsion. VANADA has served CIA in a contract '3 cepacity since 191:9 nitn a continuous big: level of performance; in Costa Rica, later in Guatemala and Cuba. He is 311' yearn old and ., mo 12?. onoted recently to the equivalent of a grade Gs~10. Bic lex- proceed career interstate lie on continued enploymnt by CIA,more 3; especially in the area of unofficial cover assignments} for which he is highly suited. 2. Unfortunately Subject'e opouse'_ (since 19h5) in a Costa A Ricen citizen. Preliminary investigation at Headquarters has rcvoaled f; that Subject's conversion to staff status is virtually out of the . i? question no long as hie wife mam an alien. It has also been de- .I - tomined, barman. that the wife can acquire U. S. citizenship within 9.3. for that period of. tine. This eculd remove the major etunbling - A block to acQui?sition or etaff etat'us for VAIVADA. A . ,1 3. In View of outstanding record as a contract agent, . . . his strong overall qualifications and his expressed desire for 3 ca- rear with CIA, it is? recommended that FANADA's we be encouraged - - . ;i j; to seek 11.5. citizenship under the terms outlined above VANADA - - be granted staff status, contingent upon his wifo'a. first becoming a 3. citizen, and providing ho can meet all other requirements, . . 2 . has endorsed the r?comendation for staff status and a My . . 5.. :5 section by ONE/Admin that BAP-4409, a new position currently 81ch . .- 3 '3 A to San Jose, be- transferred to Banana to be tilled by wannafurther mommied that HE Division conaid?er bring- ing. VAIVADA to the S. for covert training to coincide with his wife's .. . - . . 33f stay (at Headquarters! convenience). .This would facilitete acquini- . tion of citizenship for the wife and At the' cane ting afford ,1 ?it a chance for additional Headquarters treining, .Sobject myiously received covert training at Headquarters from 5 .October through 25 . -d ._Bovenber 1953 . - - . 1..114. Q2. 5, 3 ?1 . 154700000 . a a . 1 . (7-5351: ET a (This? of Win, Rabat?: 3 Ellis mm - Amwmiw Attachment: 1 - 33 abu're i 1.2 September 1956 - Distribution: - 3 - Banana, u/att. . 1 - - vf- h?/m/Cuba/Subject 5 - 1 - HWam-om . rum!? .3333 I: IV 53% EELFti?j?h?itr?: nix-33.1mm 17 Eng-am 1956 gamma for 3w:- information and rammim in Station files 15 any 1: of the 151mm, cami?eci?. cumming: fog? c. mama. c. 25m; Chief14-00000 . Tn: . aura-r??w. "022201.215; DESPATCH . 1.. - .. 2, - 'msparcn-Ho; . _Gpa=dyhum5mFm?ch3. gal-um) DATE 16081571; 07 7? Chief a? Sutian, Hebam Gm Gp-eratiurml mm 6. VAN {aim SUBIECT Hetemtmem 1326 Got sent. to Ham) 215:; .13 :epteuhar 1957 1. the: time the manage. mm sutza?t. 00!: tract spent. to ?2;er agent. status, a pm ear?.6 grant-ed for um: purpose. 2:220:12. maturity charisma had ham: gr 11:2.an ?0 -. -: cf 3.11153 - 21 Principal agent, with the p??z?wm data: 11. Febng 19:591. rt 522123222. Em set-ion the be 222922. . actual overseas Wespigaz-igm - Rubject. and his wife and has? family; ham Subject. 11.?me with a feasible. - atiur. of Lubject am his wife and bar Todaw only can Jean has replied with - Bahama. Batman is mqueaw So' take appropriate :2 Subject's and his activitias during their residence in Habnna, and inform Headquarters of the results. with refaz-enea to mascara mat. for a mum: mat. on ?lmy have amt-awed their desire to ham Subject. tested in mm ?52.11possible, or as as the appropriate mam-g. manta can be made. 22:20.22 has Micatmi that ?aw will be happy to assist. in arr-singing this tea-t. WM . initiated the action sat. fart-h in Para 2 1 . 155:3? JLI-?ii?l?j . kiwi? I Hr LCATICN El 2 3X11 roan no. - an my 53'29 - 3 11 . I 5.: .25: [fr 007? 57' . LEEML, . 51.; 2- - . . i=5} '2 221211;: gar. I .N. 1-. ?he. ?aming. 34700000 -0. .. Tr.- . bk: 4-. malaynea of v7 an MW- 3- WE Hamlin 10?210. {annuity anagram ?aw mt. cmqtitnm 8;:an mus: if the ataticn :1 amt-m Ewan maid cams-ma receiving um Station's view; 3353 Main cat that matte? as quickly an pessiLle no that KUEGBA tn mm and 3511 make em mammary planting. 5. Tbs: atatim: is famine-ti 1:th of m? mnii; Martian; are ?rst ta Permanent themaiws :33, nor are may to fan as, Your QtMEXt-ic? in .1159 called ta tbs: fact that a mm an villa Hm Mam 931911.111 ?innit-e at 1121353? data We tho stems car use nf Subject, meanest) for ales-runes tn cars-a? 11 October 1957 --.- mam-Mun- Distribution: Ham (1/111 6.11 - im?ailroom 1 - Subject ?74. A: $7742 J. 0. KING CHIEF, mm -1 - hH/Ill/Cuba/Chrouo J. C. m5, (lifts-1'33" 9.15:1ij offiEeiTCOONinating offider) ?i my mm Mn be :51:th ta gamma. SEERH (Authenticating officerlit 14700000 '31-?SECRET . Inany; . - 3-- - 11 Sentember 1957 3 REQUEST FOR IEVESTIGATEOII AND APPROVAL "out, g. . I Su?p?p?t?* 3 Division (Division) i Sumac: . ca/oa FILE no. so FILE no. - mu: Mun: . t' i ?vi-mum on 6.2550? . Arthur G. Wm) . i PIPE o: on EHPLOVEE . . . I. 3 mar agent. 5. USE or on EMPLOVEE (ran detailsrequester} fhat. Subject's GA be amended to allow the Station to use .3 him as a contact between the Case Officer and Project AMOUBETTE-B, and other I 'i - assetg at the Station's discretion, on a tmorarybasia until a permanent staff '2 agent cam be assigned to?thesa 'duties?. Thigtemporm assignment will not interfere with mbject?s regular duties. 3 9' 5 Baeia of the request: (311.8405) 7 . 5 TYPE ACTION REQUESYED Housman. covrn SEEUMH ?nor-Lita. ?"0an caviar sEcumn APPROVAL "gas: 3 covannusu nun: APPROVAL _w i spam? new" (50 field inuriguian; 0mm: amend-ant of 03 i Pm me GREEN LIST sums .. 3 no i?ulillihl?. as numto an no COPIES PM IILL a: romunoto was Rica-vats?? .. - - no Is Atnzuzo. 1F 0297:1511st 1 anEn LIST ancx HAS BEEN mnancn :53 i FIELD TRACES . *0 . 5 Raven. no unsoumm ar mm. a: roannozu mm 1 7 1 SEVEN. A5 NOT INIYIATEO. NOT TD INFO. SUGGESTED INVESTIGATIVE COVER 3- SDVERNIEHT ACADEIIE amen: 2? mncas mvuswu macss I I I Income I In nEco?n . ucoan I i? "coco malts?! on ua SPECIAL -- i in?; :5 .7 cu; {an-tit. i 35 .1 11.3.. . i SUBJECT hag-nil 'El-vll snlr? . I 3 M91 tum-51cm sns13:2321; 7?72 SECRET . {55?4? 11% . 14700000 - . - -.. . 53--.-.2 7:15 CLASSIFIEDMESSAGE . QWW 26 IOUHNG 4DIRECTOR i" CABLE $207. 2 FROM IHAVANA .. . . -. . . . .- - I I EACH . - - ROUTINE 2% :2 21113.5: rI/opsz342938 'i ?30 DIR - cm' HAVA 999 as: Mommas I . - .. . ADDRESS Is was 6 Imam 311 Auras sums Isvn, . VEDADO, HAVA, CUBA. anowaav ACTING. - I END or HESSAGE II @2122 (2.2/in}. alhf? I I?h?rmi? r. why-AL any wry-mun w- -. Wan?Mn- :j fig.5- .., .r-n - k- .. ans-Hull3.p?mww?m - a 30/- we 2:32, - - 320221? i . .I 1 . ham-gala ?gamma MODUCTION av OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE i5 momma14-00000 mm om CLASSIFIED MESSAGE 19amusr 1957 to I a HAVA m. DIRECTOR n/ops a, {5/83 eggs/c 2 ~i mgzazzf?r?J5%?tv 6 l' Mira; CABLE 522;; DEERRES opeunomt IMHEDIAYE 5 nounua :1 TO HAVA I INFO mmuaposnmum? HESSAE CHE DIR '3r708 AND name ADDRESS asapauLkuaany?? l? m, arm: OFPECEI Sam: can PFICII e~1lpyax$w [5 A COPY or an .. . . I Copy Na. HHS MESSAGE 2 5 7 3? :?nd ?my . - ..-. . 5 Lift: I i. :53? 4? E: 5 I. ?THE-flan?! J). 111700.000 . . A, -: :1 a - . am?, 7 SECRET . - ., (Winn pm": In) - w? mm? @713in FROM: CI/Operatlonal-Approval and Support'Divieian :1 SUBJECT: CRUZIER, Ross Lester m. a a i_ 1. YCur request dated 20 55 for appr0va1 to use the?SuDject has been processed by the Office of Security. i 3_ i 2. The results of this action are transmitted herewithAttachment: . 1 A i so memo 3 Jul 57. ac 33Distribution: 3 1 Addresses 2 .1 File 7 - SECRET tonal no. Inn-cu can ?-45 40? 388 IIOCI BIIOLIIS. 14-00000 as set forth in paragraph 1, 9.120763. 3. This clear area is 3nt upou the fall: ?ns: a. The receipt L7 this office 01? 9.11.1 aver-areas . . ,_,traces and such actual ovarsaas as is . possible on Subject and a: his wife and her family"uh-*J i i . snafu/{Deputy Director of Security (investigatims and Euypm'9?2559? 6?1125209 . i . 5 :f 1. :5 year memora. ?1.6.2.th 23 Feb-m1"; E. I - . i 1957 whammy: a covert. security approval requested to amtm the Subject's conversion from extract. age. at to career agent . 3 status far use as :rincipal agent for IA?x-aject. in Cuba under nary-official coxcz?. ?iesmce is $0 made t0 our 5 memorandmn of 2 April 1957 -J: ti?ich. a pmvisicml cover-t. E: security clearance ?was granted far the above 115accurdance with the". gmvismns 5451?. fart}; in the . 1 3. Director's Hemomndm of Fat-mam: 191;? . - 3 and Wrational Ckammes,? a covert secgrity clearancu is i i mated fer tit: use cf the Subject, 2: described in your that Subject hr: affordeda inter- magnum as soon as possible and that tha verbam . . . results be rum 'to this office. The . . i Office Security bill be happy to assist. in r. - amnging this interrogatim. wig. - ?03m Subjects sf covert security clearances are hot to 1'3qu l: J. 7- ?mmselvea as, war are they to be represented as, @33le at - CIA. - 5. Your attention is called to the fact that a covert security: A 2; -: clearance does not ccmtitate can?plate cmphance with the . L: provisims of CIA Regulation merefm?e, if you should A *3 11111175.: 1131, a request for claarance to cover aw pmposed creme should be submitted to this nflice"'s?scm 34700000 93.1; . 1 EECRET ;JUL :95Mia clearmme Lecmzca invalid in the eve-n the Subject?l?s 3. 2 ?was 8131: not. utilized mm 63 (33.313 of me,- date of 11-115,; ji mmwrandm; EH F051 TEE, 0? 5319313177 ?a 3.x: .. sm? . . mum. A 1 .. Chief, Deputy Eire-std:- of Security (Immiga?ons and Support) c?szO? 5112569 1. with $.15 a covert se-??urity clcm?ance is being issued to enable the Subject's amaze-r3101} iron contract agent to career agent for use as f-rimigual 2130:: for Project in Cuba under non-official cover. 2. This is to advise that has beun received from a can?dent?al some of the Office of Security ccnceming Argentma Calderon and her sister} thsuelo, who are believed to be the Subject's wife and sister-1:14:11; respectively. Roaming to a Member 19M: revert; the above individuals were described as Costa Iiican citizens than in Panama under suspicion and members 01' the Russian Ballet team of an Lidia CHLIPEGHE. is 11mm to 82.188}: and mzdorstand German. She was fomerly married ta Pedro EERZAL, 1?0me 3. Gama andrfamacrly on both British and U. S. Proclajned List. She is reliably reported to have nude pro- Geman remarks and is pro?30mm in her 5351;132:103. It was further repprtod that both of the above indiviklualz IhaVe at times attezpted ta secure infm?mticn from Mars "bf the Amman Armed Forces. 3. In View of the above: information, it is requested that current mmcas traces and investigtiou be conducted on the a, Subject as well as' on his mife and sisteruin?Lm, Commln, and other members of his uife's iz'nediate ?family and that the results max-e01" be ?zz-aimed this office. h; The cavert sec?rity clearance which is being issued in this case is made upcn the [ramble results of the requested overseas traces and investigation. . - nmro? 0? stacmirrtilt! 3: mt: yummy :1 the Sammy 0mm LJ shamd be Iranian-dwarf, Cumdn ham . 7 . -- menu mus: not dii?k??! m5 9] Emma?. In ?mm-?cc or c? a. m" 535 015:": c-Juwmzd. Train muu?i} mum whmu Iridwu: :hq prim Appzmal a! ?u Secs-my hint. SECRET A - ?luv-.75, .d J. l-l-I?hu-I-i?I-a-I-II?14-00000 Iain . ?Mylar. . I 1 . r?en Fund In) ?41:6. ?Fr?s? . _7 n. uocunaar,ragusrga AND CROSS REFERENCE .. SUE JECT DOCUHEHT IF EON 1 ?v-Iu?q ?gum?.n?r?o ?1 ?gay-v?; I . 3 . ?Rum . msrucu on sauna: one. summ(?flat 4 some: canton?: our. 9f :nro. OISSLKIHITIO IN DAVE I .4 DISPOSITION C3055 REFERRCS 10 fltE YRANSFIRHED Ra PERT INEHT INFORMATION KURIOT TRAINING FOR THE SUBJECT . - - . 3 ?u . r'n-v J) FILE THIS FORM IN FILE we; Ion no. 867 "IL-rot- gn Ion-cu - -7 'ww I in! i8! OIIOLIYI. SECRET - - .. 77Janew-?a ,i way-of: akin-in 1?5 Fr.? - I I . nu?, 1 ?Ha 14-00000 . . Fifi ,g ?7 9:3. i - 2-772:3 June 195? I mmumm?g FDR: (may, gamma: fc??r?sgpnallmviaim .9 53m: Arthm' a. (113.) i i l. Subject'a emu-act dated 1 August 195:1 $53.3 5.2mm ta ysmide hm wi? 'oml ccay-enaatign ta cover mm?er? 1:113ch for his family 535 I?m 21 ?95:me 1953?, mm he and his family were oth g1 '59 cam :ia 315. for operatimml security reasons; and to cam? the purimi Sub; act was can T03 for training purmaes at ?mdquarters. 26 Subject returned to Rab-am with his wife a; 1.1. kg 1957.1? resume hm ?ntiea :19 Him 'Ez?ojcct His children jcinerequeabad that Subject'a Harm-u; as get man in him elated Augsmt 19523., and whammenm amended, be reinstated for the period LL to 31 Hay 1957. His new ceangt him ?rs agent. status as effect?'c cm 1 Jam 1957?. 3? i . c. mo chief, Eastern 15,4 333430303060 . . 3 - 3 balm! 7 - ., - 20143323723 - - SECREY . Chief, WAD DATE: 13 June 195'? 3 3' mom Chief of Stati ?abm? 3 SUBJECT: cznm? Operational 3 3 mane-?? Arthur (3. . Referenc?: Hm-w-zzss, 22 my 1957 3 5 3 1. Forwarded under separate cover is a copy of a Kano on Cover Status. I 3 3 prepared by Subject as reqdested by Headquarters, outlining his estimate of the situation and including a. draft statement for Headquarters' use in 1 i preparing the.= directive his cover first will transmit to him. '3 2. Subjecifs Home and outline appear adequate in the opinion of the 3 Station; therefore Headquarters can proceed to prepare agpropriate 127115111953 3 letterhea? and cards (described in paragraph 2 of the reference) and mail 3; than to Subject. 3 Attachment: 1 -E=E_Meno on Cover Status (single copy) 3 Distribution; .3 '33. ?3 w/att 3 I. . 3- ?3 3 29- Files u/att June 1957 . . . . . . 3- ?13 1. 3 . 3 32:: i .0 333:: . .114 I. .. I: - Ri car-'3' 5.3 - 33:39 51-28333. - 34700000 ma Ell-5:! . LY ~14 unli? -. -m ?m Heme on Cover Status - Arthur G. Vaivada 1. Enclosed herewith is the outline La ?ataxia, Cubu' ?i?ii 7 .. of an idea in keeping with the nature of this notional cover plan' of. a temoorar ?at?EE: Careful consideration has been given to a number of of which were rejected because possible local conflicts._ This idea is still general - iw" enough (and.I hope convincing) to leave opportunity for _changea and/or improvement at Headquarters. The idea, and the terminology, was gleaned from the pages of "Investment in Cuba", a July 1956 study published by the U. S. Department of oommerce. 2. As I understend this cover arrangement, the PSI should mail me a directive somewhat along the lines of the enclosed information. This should I?held, us" for a couple of months, with nossibl} some queries from me occasionally. Then when bur Operational picture require: in"estigation in some particular field, PSI can be notified thrbugh the Station to reauest a survey or poll in that field. - 3. 0n the basis of the enclosed ?directive? (plus stationary and allied materials) I can consult a local lawyer as to the registration of this ?Agency" and then advise PSI as to the legal requirement. Arthur 56. Vaivada ?Maui?? .. ?mums .Mauw - .. . . .. .1 . ?Eu -, gear 2? - . -. - M. 71-, if.? 5' #3 SEQ 1 1. Public Surveys Institute of Dallas, Texas, has placed a {53 '5 representative in Cuba for the purpose of conducting public surveys, by polling, which will provide the home of ice with the requisite '5 7% data for periodic- park-2t analyses. Those periodic regorts Hill .HE, made available ion to ES investment and/or distribution 3 agencies, and will contain comprehensive studios of market. potentim and limitations, including the role of government. as affected by 3 current. political developmenys3331 of Dallas will first compile reports of broads-cope, from i which subscribers may select their fields of special interest and?place 5. thier orders accordingly. These initial reports will cover such factors as: ?The three P's - Population and Purchasing Power. b) Productive Opportunities. .E i - c) Improved Distribution Patterns. Factors Affecting Dmnd. e) A Study of Marie ting Areas. . 3.4- General Estimate of the Situation. fr - 3. The PSI representative will not require an office imtallation or local employees during the initial studies, but. will prepare the-38 at his residence until special recpests are forthcoming from subscribers. At that tima,? all materials and installations as well as employmentE. will be of temporary contractual nature, entirely Edependazt upon the scope or the survey. 'Arttm- e. Vaivada r?lhfitdbl-MN, ilkis?: new? o-mg-wun. are m- Fryig?al'w'ug?! TO AITN PROM 0. p1 . - i. O?ce Alemam?dzz o' UNITED -- .- 99;; lO June .195? 7 7 scam: Training Report on Arthur G. VAIVADA, (P) Training Alias: l. ?rthur G. was trained covertly by instructors of this-office in Washington, D.C. from 25 ihrch lei? through 7 any l957. The original Training Request form dated December l9?6 reveals the following information concerning his background, experience and proposed assignment: is thirtyufour years of?age, married and a U.S. citizen by birth. He attendea high school in De Kalb, Illinois and entered the U.S. Army in into, later trans? ferring to the.U.S. Air Force. The trainee served as an operations and intelligence Specialist, first in the ChinafEurma theatre and later in Panama. He was discharged from the service in 19kg. Following his discharge, worked for a short period as a laboratory technician in the Sterling Silica-Gel Corporation, Illinois and then returned to the Panama Canal Zone to work as a stevcdor and a labor foreman. He reenlisted in the 5.3. Air Force in April l?ho and was honorably discharged in l9h9. 0n 1 June lQhQ, VAIVADA became a contract agent for this He served in this canac'5 tv in Costa ?es In July 195%, the trainee became principal agent of Project AHPHODARCH. He has been ccerating under a student cover, working for his A.B. degree at the University of Havana. It is planned that VAIVADA will return to Havana, Cuba under cover or a representative of a well known U.S. polling agency. He will perfonm' the-duties of principal agent, handling a large net of sub-agent informants in Cuban university youth circles to provide coverage of Communist, leftist, revolutionary and other political activities among these groups." . . 2. The instructors who participated in training Vindicate that his overall performance vas'above average. is a highly intelligent; practical and realistic young man possessing excellent Judgment and common sense. His motivation is strong and his interest in clandestine activity as a profession?appears . to be genuine. VAIVADA should continue to develop as a skilled and competent agent. The official to whom Ehis report is entrusted is per- sonolly it Although he mopwithin . his discretion. .3: :c othe: marches of his staff. . QFPH the report should new: be shown to the madam? - 1? . whom it concerns .- - .moi-34700000 I'For the purgoses of the re: 0rd, it should be noted that VAIVADA received prior Covert Training during October and liovember r, 1953. The pliesent Frainingsvas more in Dana's f3V.1IVADA received instruction in the sub.jetts set forth on the attached Trainir ?g Evaluation Reports. In addition, certain, . supplementarv reading, discussion material casn historiesI, - books, films and '1ive"problems were also covered. 3 I 5. His was conducted by as . "Hank? and Mr known as ?Frank.? Their Training Evaluation Reports are attacned. I AttachmentsThe of?cial to when 1535 report is cnwustod is par5:?2?2 I - '1 I hzn't?r :?emsctho.:cpczi sizcuid 33.7.: in mm to ItheI 5mm L. - - whom it can-cum. I I . 3 JCEHEI - 3 I - . n?un-u Hum-ween;- i - . .i'L 14-00000 . m? 1- . -. r?x 3a.: T: i r. on: (361?. Brush. ., . 3' . REPORT, A 79 Irhzui?LSIS? '7 if 7- um: or-sween (Pleodanym) Puree cos-sun 25 March to .10 April 57 g- VAIVADA, Arthur G. and i7. ii nan-nut; nus 26 April to 7 May 1957 E- i .5 RATEHE nmmnoxs SUPERIOR An extremely outstanding performance. 'i EXCELLENT An Outstanding performence; above average. i SATISFACTORY Requirements met without distinction., POOR A deficient performance, below average. i FAILURE An extremely deficient performance. I Hie-{mas sueaccrs Security . ,Cover i 3. Ooservation Description i 4. Intervier?ng I 5. Interrogation I . I Surveillance i .3 j; 7. Telephones Mikes (Theory) 5. General CI Methods 3 9; Contacting' 10. Intrafield Communications 11. Recruiting of Agents - . a . Training of Agents . imfv'? 13; Agent Management Control 14. Double Agent Management Control 3 .. 15. Reoorting 16. CE Operations 17. Communist Theory 5 la. Soviet IS 19. Warfare. - 30. Political Warfare 5 - :ygiq 21. Economic Warfare 22. Sabotage 25. 'Counterwsaootage 5 i 24. Resistance Force Activities . 3 f" . 25. ?Guerrilla Warfare 3 26- Evasion Escape 5 Weapons i 28. Demolitions . 39. Special Devices Tn? official to who r. ihle iepozi 3? Eziiuw?.? ?fit? .30. Air Reception "e affg?1-- 31. Sea ReceptiOn nhew' 3 32. Man Reading thezepo?EhDUKE?C be? 1 3? 35- whom it concerns 5 :34. :55. $332; 33! us: ruinous mane-a. SECRET . 1L: u-W SECRET RATINGS a . a i STUDEFE- EVAIJJA1 Securiiy consciousness 2. Ability to work wit?l and get along .Sth others 5. Ability to follow instructions 4. Maturity of judgment and common sense I '3 Initiative I 6. Resourcezuln es: and independeece of judgment Tactfulness ani sense of discretion 8. Cooperativeness 9. Sense of discigline lO. Imagination and creativeness Amenability to consuructive criticism 12. Attention to necessary details 15. Observant and careful in The collection of facts 14. Political sopnis tication and 3.2'arencss 15. Interest. azid enthusiasm for_oronosed assignment - 16. Motivation?for clahdestine activities Ability to relate theory to practice 18- 19. 2(Jo CGMPARATIVE EVAIMATION TO BELG- AVERAGE OTHERS rain-Era FOR 0R SIMILAR ASSIGNLENT .1 VAIVADA is a reliable, stable individual possessing a quick, alert mind. He was mature, serious and purposeful in his approach to training. His interest and atten- tion remained at a high level thrOughout the instruction. In general, VAIVADA has the background and the desire to perform in a professional manner. The trainee possesses the ability to apply himself completely. He recognizes his shortcomings .and was completely amenable to constructive criticism. VAIVADA zealously tries to fine solutions to pertinent questions and He analyzes facts and details thoroughly. He wants to know his Job and, in any given situation, tries to learn as much as possible. During the training, VAIVADA showed no signs of restlessness with the more routine aspects of clandestine activity. He is practical minded, adept, Serious, willing to "dig in and do the grubbing." The trainee learns quickly and shows excellent promise for progressi"e impro. enent within the field of covert work. He carries out instructions and assignments in an efficient manner. VAIVADA possesses a calm, tenacious attitude. It is felt that he will develop steadily as a skilled and competent operator. He should become an increasingly valuable asset to this argnnizntinn. His overall performance was above average. I - . sensewm?y 14-00000 -. . 93%DAN, (Day, month. year) TRAINERS REPORT . arril 1957 an: or slough-1? - - 7 FERIDD mvm; Arthur a? 11 April 1957 'through TRAIVHQG ALIAS 25 April 1957 RATING DEFINITIONS SUPERIOR EXCELLENT SATISFACTORY POOH FAILURE 'Requifements met without distinction. An extremely outstanding performance. An ouLStanding performance, above average.. A deficient performance, below average. An extremely deficient-performance. RATINGS 2 -4 E. a r. . SUBJECTS 2 3 *4 1. Security 2. Cover ?f >1th ion iptrion . .3.) 4. Interv1ewing -X 5. Interrogation 6. Surveillance 7. Telephones Mikes (Theory) . a. 'General CI Methods . 9. Contacting 10." lnt?afield communicaLiOns . '3 ll. Recruiting of Agean 12. Trainingiof Agents 13. Agent Management Control 14. Double Agent Management Control. 15. Reporting 16. CE operations Communist Theory 13. Soviet IS. 19. Warfare 20. Political Warfare 21. Economic Warfare 22. Sabotage 23. Counter-sabotage 24. Resistance Force Activities 25. Guerrilla Warfare Evasion Escaoe Weapons 28. Demolitions 29. Special Devices n? .. .. - 30. Air Reception 31. Sea Reception ozxty want Map Read ing if? c: -.: 33_ mtruofueu.a: 9:3 nuden 34? In. an: aa'bvuu??s. 35- $0332; 33! us: unions :mtnm., SECRET - . - 1? 3 . -- nan" -.. .. .. .. .5 14-00000 3 SECRET i ii" . _u - RATUNGS i 2 it i - 2 sruoeur EVALUATEGH 'Seourity consciousness i Ability to work with and get along with others 3. Ability to follow instructions -f7 1 4. Maturity of judgment and common sense i 5. Initiatiuc i 2 6. Resourcefuiness and ihdcpendence of judgment - 7. Tactfulness and sense of discretion 8. Cooperativeness 9. Sense of-discipline . 10. Imagination and creativenoss' ,22' Amcnability to conStructive criticism' - i i 12. Attention to necessary details 15. Ohservant and careful in the collebtion of facts - I 'i I i 14. Political sonnistication and awareness . 3 15. Interest and enthusiasm for proposed assignment 5 16. Motivation for clandestine?activities 5 i Ability to relate theory to practice . ,CCMPARATIVE T0 Aggy: . - an? mas TRAINED FOR OR -. 3' it SIMILAR ASSIGNMENT - . . - 3 COMMENYS G. VAIHADA impresse? this instructor most favorably. 'The trainee is 5 highly intelligent, practical and'realistic. ?He possesses excellent'judgment and conmon sense. VAIMADA is mature, wellnbalahced, resourceful and positive. He appears to be openwminded and objective, possessing a questioning mind and a strong 9 sense of curiosity. VAIVADA approached training with a strong desire to add to his Ijrg knowledge and to refine his own methods and techniques. He was highly'receptive_anq 3 amenable to constructive criticism. The trainee has a feeling for detail and is i i' i. If observant and careful in the collection of facts. It was necessary for VAIVAEA f' a 't to spend considerable time on administrative matters during the training. Hovever,II ?,nv y? he completed all outside assignments punctually and completelyperformance was.excellent. He is above arerage in every nepect. Bis motivation is strong and his interest in clandestine activity as a profession' appears to be genuine; If properly supervise?, he should be a valuable assot to this organization. The trainee appeara?to he industrious, possessing initiative - with leadership qualitiesmsmucran ?700000 1.1Mr. Arthur G. Vaivada CRET if. Dear Mr P. Va?ivudaz, ,1 ir- made icy-your comma: with the Unitc? ad" ff, 5/1 ?5110321 7 1? ?3'23; 7; :3 States Government. June [$357. as represented by the Cantracting Of?cer. cffectiva 1 Effect:"c 1 32.211: 3?35.- nix-act is: amen?ed by 24:12.; in gafter sub- parasrap}; of}: aragr; p?a 10 our enti' lei unlawauces. the followi. '13: "(c3 win entitle to with .11- Government regulations. All other 10:51:; effect: 21.1 3.11 Dam-11:21: in .1 a: the: rate-r. prescribed is applicable 2. remain in full farce and APPROVED: . If . .9 1.1.1. Jew/o a? I :21; .1, L11 ta?ni'; ulx' Jun a. . Win34700000 ?Ad ?1.3-5.3619 .2 - - 201-933-723. .1 Chief, mm . 29 Mac; m? Chief of Station, ?diand Open-at iunal utma.w?_ 1 Reference: dated 22 Hay 1957 1. Subject and his wife 'mived in Habana on 114 May 195? and have taken meat. quarters here; than children rejoined them the following weekend. 2. As outlinad _in the refer-We, and after conversation with Mina}. hisself, than national polling cover arrangement set. up for the approximate tinge-month trial period addauate. At. present Subject and ?Liza case affixes are engaged in wax-king out a suitable area or areas 2:7: his pa wtivitids and will shortly notify Headquarters of tha results. 3. There is ban-:2, forwarded as a separate. caver attachment aniadministrative mrandm from Subject, informing Headquarters mat. he established a bunk . - mount. in Kiwi, Flo'rida, and his viz-hes respecting madam of his salary and .amwancea he be deposited there following 1 June 1957. Subject/a initial 5' opening deposit in the Miami bank account was in the amount. of $20.03; the I ?may of. check with true name and present balance? mentinned in the attached maxim is being retained in Station ?1185. It is requested that tha Statian ha notified by cable of the amount. of total salary and albumen to be paid direct to Subjent each math in the fisld aft?r 1 June. 5mm: 7 . 4 ?Egg I . . 1 . mmuatim (single cepy uncle:- aeparata cover) . E. 3 - Self addressed bank envelopes - Distribution: #3 - Washington H/att. 013/6 2 - 3.1.138 At?b p? ?455" ?m/mm . rl' w-h'4- 1:4 ?ag! A. 1 n' 53271: 14700000 1; .-- err-.7. .1 i1.? ?Harm . .. 57?3?? cs1 -- 11"? A 'yuunuv?f ""722May1957 r0: CbionelJ. Caldwell King, Chief, WH Division Attention: WH/Cuba FROM: Chief, cmco [ff/271% SUBJECT: .- General: C13 Penetration Program Specific: Informal discussion with Ross ster Crozier, - 9 May 1957,1-e his interest in, and availability for recruitment approaches in various Latin American countries 1. On 9 May1957, MrmDeputy Chief, held Subject discussion with Mr. Crozier, whom he met outsice of official quarters through the?cooperation of Mr. WH/Cuba. I 2. Mr. Crozier has a fine record in GP penetration work did an outstanding job in handling the HUMANOID- 3 Operation ind?irer an extended period, and he has worked hard in the CP penetration program in Cuba. since his arrival there. 3. It is believed that he would be an effective recruiter in various countries in Latin AJnerica. He stated that he was keenly interested in, and would like to engage in, such operations. and would welcome being asked to hit a well-chosen target in any (Spanish? ?speaking) Latin American country. Mr. Crazier stated that he expects to return to Cuba shortly. If, after three months, there is no indication that his security has been =?ected. b" the recent aeedseiuation of one of his agents, he expects to be there about a year. gm gm .D u. . 43v?: ?Vi3-?0 M4120 whirl" - 33an A moiety?! '1 1. I I Eff?3r{var Ff:- 941313." . E5 V. i759"; "3?54 ?rear- 14-00000 43:31. 9-. i . I (Am7?4?42 I ?7 - td?ja?z a - 7 uf?fif recommended that VWH Division give consideration to emgloying Mr. Cr?zier a; a recruiter when recruitment- in-plaee CP targets are deveIOped, or otherwise arise, in various 1 . . . . Lam: Amer-man countnes. 1t 18 again made clear for the record that the foregomg dzscusslxon was mformal and wuhout - . 5 on either side1.: Liz'ilffawn? 1 - . 34700000 DISPATCH - i an! I A H?h?d??a Wigwam I II I DISPATCH xo. V- l? - 7' WCAHON To Warsmm,sam Inmai?sii . I FROM vaEvamm Mm: ampem 25 gm; 1957 I I . . Em. 3-911, 7 Fay 1957 u- a 9mm 10 3.951fawn-beating 13a cog; ei'n mom 2 his mm that of Gentmmwm??533 few his rem. How-m . I I . :Pw for Subjeat can not Ww?wat?mumr 51m - . - .2 g: to leave the country Witter arrival. this as mi mar H111 allow Subject almat emplata hem . 1 .j to maintain his cum. immigrants 2mm letter-ma and cards to im?a- . f7 mt Subjm'n mm- ?:11 ha humans a. an a; as 39133.39AWE: to um. mm to select a 90mm activity not I - .- i2. sI' Echoing damn {Gunman 0mm] Ra?-IuI?xIru 7 - I 4 memes ,1 A117 3.7 man?s}; 51.29 - . 7cgf/VI . 14-00000 i ?E?Lfv -41 1 7 - ?Chang: 1 ?4 Pin-'1'? .S ?1 pi! 7 7 Kauai-.2265- '11- 7'14. Pag??'ruo i .E 1, prawn cove-red hymather away, so as ba- minimizea the pessimlity of . 7? instigating inquiries atom. hm by the mtimm 1n the: area. - 5;th Subjaet remain at his mamrmd it ham-d he will, the carver 12de can he Wq? was? if er the Skit-:3 fa?la 5 that the IIPe'?t?t new? 15 mt. 9W 5 an the mm:- hxmd; km can :3th to nee than pregesnt mxgment. . . 3.. With respect to tea mm? 3f his mlary and Subject E- was 5.312th to open a tank :1th Exam harm-e he rum to the ?eldo- Headquar?em requests ha submit. the mm of the tank and the nan-mt. of hit: - mm and al?lmancaa (preferably in rams? figures) he wishes he be mid by the Statiom 't?ha munce will be paid to his: bank tar {Imam 2 tam. ?mdqm?em requim th?t this arrangement be abet up to ampm . 1: semi expedite: his mm in the Meat of any salary ?rm-lova- 7; emcee. S?dbject?aaid he mum give the 1:32th to Stntion for ~1th to Hmdquartam. - A. unmanned um.- Subject'a wife act. @1319 to trauma 1 . twiimd at this time, since she mien?a this. an a teapomry - If ?aim'a vista, and 1t mum have teal-w too lung to change: her mum to that of a permanent resident and imam mtufalizmd. Since the amvemioa 0f Subjectia status tn tint of a Caz-m Agar?: not 5.1??th by hm wife's o?iwuahip, it was auggwted to Subject that he pin: to haw: his: wife beam 3 citiaen when he retums to this country in ma yam-a um teem: 1911311113 fer statutory hem leave. . :Eubjaet still has an ?autstanding trawl vauahar being mead at Badquartars, and the Statiaa will gamma plated. Subject rm: byes maid in full for his salary and allmnoes fair the math at Ami]. 1957. .423 . .. ., '1 A . ~16 my 1957 - Attachments: .. . . ?opy of Contact - . i- Copy of Contract men?ment. . . . .. Identity A under Sep.? Caver Atta?DistributionHabana u/attachu/o attach. -. 1 . 1. WH/I-hilroom w/o attach.? .- . 1 - u/o attachSub?ect- erttach. .. . .-.1.). CFJEJE) . . EReleasing Officer) (Coordinating Officer) (Authenticating Of?cer) 71-11?; f" a 7' Siiszmi 4700000 - Sammie Cd?ve? Atm?hmnt toHaw-2263 . I . . . - . Imam A: - - . Public Surveys Institute 532 Union Fidelity Life Building . - 1511 Bryan Smut I i' ,g I. - Telephone: ?lmside 1-3674.? . Contact: Albertmagma, Ham - RI 3- Cube/chrome . -r-1 . ?r 34700000 .1 i i 1.. . ,r-V P?s-fru- . "am? Mr" .. L.tr(531?. I g? ?Luq g'Mr. Arthur G. Vaivada - -, .- .. ?du?mu? -Atrv ?sDear Mr. Va.ivad.a: ?amended. Reference is made to your contract with the United. States Government. an represented by the Contracting Officer. a?active 1 August 1'954. as ij?by deleting in. its entirety Paragraph 10)) and substituting in lieu F?the following: Effective 14 May} 957. said contract. as amended. is further amended merecf Additional compensation calcntated at the wig of $5135 per annum. All other terms and conditions of the original contract. as amended. remain in full force an& effect. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Contracting Of?cer A PPR OVED4-r, v- . . -l I win?I ?I-Iu?rwru - . . r?wr?v-qu-s . 4 .Wmay?: r. 7. A. 14700000 I 1 I llmn? .. n. ?Hung??.m- . .7 mu.- muum . mReference is made to your contract with the United States Government. 5333 represented by the Contracting Officer. effective 1 August 1954. as amended. :l '3 I 5:35;: . oaid contract. as amended. is hereby i; i:tcriririinisto<3 by mutual consent of the poriioa thereto and in lieu thereof this agreement is substituted: 5E i;hersby contracts with you for your services as a Career Agent under the jjiollowing sermoand if 1, Statu?- By virtue of your relationship with the United State: Govern- ?5ment in the performance of services under this agreement your legal status igis that of a Government employee under contract. As such, you are sotitlod ioniy to the rights. privileges and benefits stipulated harem. it is understood I you will act under cover suitable to "disguise your relationship to the: 5 . but you will be subject to administrative and operational direct- ions and control by the Government at all times. 2. Comgonsation. in full consideration for your services on a Career Agent. you will be compensated at the rnto of 56390 per annum. - I. In addition. you will be entitled to promotions in a manner similar to the procedures prescribed for Government staff employees. In tho event. that the salary level of your indicated grade is altered by Federal legislation and adoptod by tho the compensation authorized under this - contract shall be altered accordingly. Payments will be made hereunder as directed by you in writing in r. manner acceptable to the Government; or in the own: your covertocility withholds taxes on only part of tho compen- involvod, will withhold Federal income taxes from all or the remainder of United States income tax withholding schedule" based upon. your 2232131: iac'oma .nndor this ogrcomsnt and present onemptioo?}. Sums so withheld by the Government will be paid over to the Internal Revenue Service. No Form ?7-2 will be issued you by the Government nod you trill bo instructed in to the method to he followed in looking timely filing of returns. estimates oodlpay- ments in order to preserve security. true to: liability under this agreement, the Government will make appropriate reimbursomonts in conformance with applicable policies and procedures. will minutiae! to {manual-29:1. warmers in conformance with and at the rates prescribed in the Standardized Regulations; ?avernment Civilians, Foreign Areas). . i! The United Government, as represented by the Contracting Officer Taxes." (8.) 1 in the event taxes are not withhold by your cover-facility '4 aatioo duo yon?orounder. the Government. in view of security considerations .i i If for cover considerations your to): payments oxcsod yoor ?Me-r914700000 addition to tho above p'avmonto, you will. be entitled allowance to in idem of any prcoont or {moi-o standardized post allow-anco' for yourotesont permanent post of duty oven-nonma? but in subject to the entitlamont provisions applicable; to 'omndagdised post nliownnceo?; . It to moorotood,.and agreed that this allowanco is predicated upon the compare.- uvorcoot of-lt?ng-botwoon Washington? D. C. andTour ovor?o?cnn'?oot; ironi- cover. family atoms and hosts compensation? Consequently. this . .. . - to unknown-nation allowance-calculated nt?th?o? rate; of $2180 in": almond; This" h' . ?Au-Hm. ?Hat?mm LDu?mlw-I .. - 4 Ala'ih' in n. nun .14.. .1, . 4' 1 or discontinued by the Government Whenever warranted by a change in any of these factors. No occodnting will be requiroo for this allowance. - 5. Travel. You will he advanced or reimbursed funds for the VE'otlox'ving Brown}. and transportation expenses: . . . For you alone for authorized operational travel. In addition, 3? yon wilt be entitled to reimbursement in accordance with standardized rates for the authorized oificinl use of your private auto. .: ?33} 3:14:- mobiia.. 1 Upon the antiofactory completion of each two (2) yearn of . successful eves-soon service under this contract. you will be entitled to? home leave travel expenses for you. and your dependents from your pct-man: . [toot post of duty overseas to your place of recorded con?dence in tho United Staten and return travel expenses to your permanent post of duty overseas; provided, however. that you have fulfilled any other: require- mots relating to home leave which are apolicablo to Government sta? employees. . a r" Upon the auccoauful completion of your services: under this 1 agreement. for you, your dependents. your household effecta?cnd you: - 3 private automobile from your permanent post of assignment over eons to your placo of residence in the United States. You Will be entitled to par diam in lieu, of in the course of oil trovei poriozmod hereunder and, when authorized. for you alone while on temporary from your permanent 35081: of assignment. travel. and per-diam provided {or under this paragrAph must'be properiy authorized and oneness incurred hereunder are anhjoctlto payment. o2! accounting in compliance with applicable Government regulations. 1 . . 1? 5. Oletational Expenses. You will be advanced or reimbursed funds for Manor? operational expenses including, but not limited to. entertainment smiths purchase of information, has specifically approvdd by the Government. ?nch {undo win be subject in compliance with Government rogu- l?done. - - a; - Rapament. It is recognized that your failure to account {or or refund monies advanced you hereunder shall gn?tle the Government to withhold total amount of such indebtedness or any portion thereof from any monies ?ne you tinder the terms of this contract in such manner as it deems appropo ?ue. . . - avg, ?ar-qnn14-00000 $qu to those autharize? udder the Federal Employeeu' Compensation Act.? 5 as amended. {Shims by you. 523:5: hairs. or legal representatives under this - .paagraph will be. p:o__ces__aed by the_ Gpvernment in gcqox?dance with it__9 graced-1 urea such manner as ?not to impair security. 3. Banefits. You will be entitled to death and disability. ben??ta 1 ?-?Hm?lm - .A I in a. manner aimilar tn that act farth in the Miaming Persona Act (5C U. C. A. . ?App. 1001-151?; in acivance b7 apgropriaxe rep.esematives oi the Gavernment. All accrued but unusad .aave earned under your contract with the Unite-3' States (by You will be entitled to continuance 0E pay and allowancau Yea will be antitled ts sic}: and annual leave equal to andi subject to the same rules and ragulations applicable ta Gaverument staif amplayeea. Such annual leave may only be taxan at times and places appravedi _effective I Aug?uet 1954. as amended, will be tranaferred to year leave account under this agreement in conformance with-i established awaiting procedures. (6) From the compensation pain; you pursuant to this con- trmt. there shall be deducted the appropriate rate percentage (presenny I 6 for depoait anti evantuni crediting to the Civil Retirement Fund. If the ccndit'ons of your cover warrant or requtre that you mite con- tribmiona to the 50:12:! Security fund. such caatributions uhail be at yon-:3 expense. 9. Cover, It ta anticipated that you will. undertake certain ccver emphy- mam'm the course of your performance under this agreement. It is emrasaly nadeiktood and 'a?greed'that any and all documents which you: may omcutc in the amuse of Each cover employment are Bub: rdinate to thin agreement and any contt'J?a. ?Action in terms which may in any way amplify, extend or restrict your rights and/or obligationa shall be resolved by thig agre?l?nent which shall always be dominant. . - 1 3-. 10." Offset. A?y mid all compeasation. allowances or-other b?ne?ts {including bene?ts in kind) received from or thr?ough your cover activities will be used to offset ametmts due' you under this contract and will reduce accor?ingly the Goverme?t's direct payment obligation hereunder. Sums so offset are payment by the Government under this contract and for purposes Federal income tmti?'n. You wilt report every six (6) months during the term of this agreement all benefits received from or thruugh your can! acti?dtiaz 325. if such benefits exceed'those due munderlthis cantract. the ,5 report will. be excess amount. which you hereby agree in the sole propert? of the Govemmnt. Failure to submit timely "reports and. appropriate. exceas payments. may result in. suspension of my Iiaymenia ?ne you yereLngr. A: an aitgmtive to the?above. ?the qu?rnmeht may}: any time exercise ita basic right to require yaymen't over to it a! the amok- manta received by you from or through your cove: activities which wuuld . otherwise be offset as described above. In such cases the Government will pay directly ta you the enactment: called (or by this contract. 1L Execution of Batman?. hi the petiorxnutce fa! services tinder this contract. you assume the custody of'Govax-nmcatgL-MQ f3! ?sake title a: record to pxoperty of my nature whatsoever End wherever situate. which property has intact been yurchmed with monies pf the U. S. Gown-meat.? you hereby reccgniao and acknowiedgo tho existence of a this: ralationahip. either express or constructive. and you agree to axeCute whatever documenta mm: be rams: red I: Govarnznem tn avian-nae this reiatiannhin . wn?l??r?34700000 7 7 3m!- 311- information ?which you may 91333133 by reason. heme! (33331333 {31333331 and regulations. Lu" 3 "a 3 12. Secret-:21 You will be required to 3:339 forever?near? thin contract: Sin writing by 3323 Govarument from such obligation). with full Mamadga that - igviahstion of eegrecg jazz-Ly sub}: gt. 3033 35 criminal prosecution 33331331213 ??Eapicn3ge Laws, dated 25 June 1943. as amendeu, 311:! other 3139;331:3333 laism l3 ?335 received 33v unu {ram than: Fauna-11mg55?; a. mu mew-2 3.3-3 "nun-1 u. n? ?mu- arm?ruinotherwise arra'gart?ef'ihis conerzi'ct ?uid are incorpsrate ad herein, provided that such instructions are: not inconzzi?ant with the terms 9333301. mauthorized C5mmitv 73.353335 Na promiscr or pertaining to rights. privileges or bene?ts other 333231333092 3x13313333 -1y stipulated in writing in this agreement or 3219? amendment thereto ahau be bin?ing on the Government. R5. Term. This contract is effective as of . 1?3 Jim . 333.23 shall continue: thereaftnr for an indefinite period unlea? umner tera?natad. either: (3) By ninety (90) days? actual natice by either party harem. er lb) Withour prior notice bv the Gaugrnmant, in the. 33:33:32; cf 13 333933-33 of this contract by your vialation of the security preview-33 har'aoi or by your otherwiae rendering yourself unavailable {or 32:33:33,333 service. In me evant of wluntarv termination on your part or termination for cause by the Government ycu will not be entitied it; the gravel expenses set {Ortiz in paragra?h five {Suit} supraf? Termination 3331:5333; agreement will 33: release you {ram the abilgationa of any 36:33:. 3y :3th {on 32:33y be required to 3333. UNITED STATES 3 33? . . Capri-acting Oi?icer_ ACCEPTED: ?fthm- 0- Vaindi WITNESS: ?5 3 3 Appnavnng ?an? - A .332 A A A .3 .. - 4-.- . i 2' . 34700000 in the amount of 8 639.72, for which he signed a receipt. 30/? g' )r?j Jr. .f ,f . 1, fig?if? iv :5 -- -Hmsom?rmwl - . - . - "m i Arthm' G. vuvmu 92.5-; 1. On this date the undersigned had a final meetm with Subject, at . . I which tim Subject was given a. copy of his new contract. to read and to acknowledge by signature the original copy. ?aubject had 'no questions j. 5 concerning this document. . i 2. Cover Division, was also present during the first part of this meeting, t?'idvise Subject cf the correct address of the covar firm he was to use as reference: i Public Surveys Institute 1, 532 Union Fidelity Life . 131.1 Bryan 1 Dallas, Texas . Phone: Riverside-b36713 . hr. Albert e. Jomzsow 3 1 s. The address will give Subject the necessary backstopping in. the'event g, of any inquiries that might arise in the field concerning his employment. 1 . Subject was asked to my the field. upon his arrival in Habana 1 n0 . and submit his views on the best type ofa activity for him, so that the - mper business letterheads could be printed and sent down to him. He was are to i? also massed that he will receive business cards. These items we: be 7 2 pouched to him through Station 'chaimels.? . 33- familiar; stated that he was preparing a. memrandum concemihg $ubject's cover to be sent down to the statics: for Subject's acknowledgement and signature. This document will be coordinated with the Cube. Desk. 5, Subject was also paid his salary and allowances for the month of X31311 195sag-N: ?mi. r: I 22:1.? 14-00000 fan}. {3:935} 7 Finance Division will be in a position to ma mt adjustments 9 deiay. Snbjact was instructed to advise as to the must. of allatmnt .77: Mjecf. was 3.130 instructed to Open a. bank account. in Jim, Fla}; ?fths "i . aha. o" - to be paid him" by the ?taunt: preferably in a. round figuraensv'~11" kHz-Ink. .mmh?. i. - ?mt?In ass-grim . MFSSAGE . new.? 'i one2956 '8 \51' '6 Wt 10 2M 1957 "-35 5372, .. 3.1.2? so? DIRECTORounces 7:10er I 7 - -..- l?c?f?r?fixnd?n um . 1095 mauve 5 '5 5 - . - 0UT54289 . 510 5 cum on . . I 8802 REF: Em 35508; 1.065}. 1. . 1.. . .. ?maxim-ink; 5" t?j'n; h" ii Nu Eyv'ki . . 15 mi. Puma cm mm. 5 'n . .- liar-um . airl-u-Nl"-in}. - 'I-rri Fin-u a. v. cobaomnmo onacns VJnun-no ouncn - is: 5 IT IS FORBIDDEN MAKE A COPY or ms MESSAGE comm. -. TEE-.En- ?tfr 1? . 741.1: 14-00000 2 . 5 .- . 5 W2: cmssumo MESSAGE 5 . . 3543; .-.. Fugue . 7 MAY 57f1, #5677? ., 5m?. HAVANA -. . A .- I 5 . swammuz-p 5.5 ., ,5,55 ROUTEIEE - . "if9 f? 46551 ?5 to DIR mm: an; HAVA 911 RE: HKHA 3583 i LEAVE PBPRIME 24 mavgDESIRABLE VAIVADA ETUEN PRIOR THAT DATE. $719452. 5 1?END.0F MESSAGE -*4:le q. ?Mum-.4 . I Aliromonm 10 A com or was MESSAGE cm? 55 . .Hw: - .35; 4-?fvm?Jhm-Janmu - 5,1: 34700000 '1 .. .f n?w?r'm u? item no. as. I gangs: ?Gov?mbimssi;if. 3?11 ant-L Cr? I 62"" . 7 . mom . Spasial amt Staff, scabs). Staff .-. 4 I - 7 suajscr: G: . - . I .S-ubjact. baa mlnatsd by basics}. Staff and ram mamas 3 for grow PC5 mmas assimnt. 5. i Of?csr . - maximums lI-lul nu?. . as r?T-mI I'm; Lassa/J sm. am kg? sardmn? . than}: 1 ?an-1' .u a. .a-n ".5311 7,1r): ?9 1 u?md anng-uh-m .Mu-u? arm-?w- a =3 14700000 ow?. - a 7 ,?smr: - - FOR THE RESORD i - 303mm Vaivad w/a 1. During the morning of 30 April Mr over tele- 3 phoned regarding Subject, citing IN 35508. Hr; said that he would be meeting-With Vaivada at 1500 hours to an proposed providing him with a temporary rather than pefmanent cover with 5 the new cover comoa which was being contemplated for long-range development. 3k.qrm:mjreasonjng was that he did not wish i; to place Vaivada un er the new company with the chance that. the i. trial period approved for. the Station might. cause Va' da. to be pulled out from thatncover in short order. Hri?said that . the temporary cover he intended oiferijxg Vaivada woul be adequate. f' 2. I concurred with the above proposal-.II anal?. A - . . . '(lr?fEVy ?Hugh-39.3.! H: . ?Wm?-?de mm? a. 5 . get?Hum. I li? 573gel? Pun-5:4- 14700000 . "i .4 . 3 3 v353mm? I RoUTmo mo- RacoRo SHEET . i: I I . 5W. "r Date Received SA DATE A . To . .. 3. 3:235 - comm . . Received Forwarded 42/127251 47/ - GPA ?a?a?l . [liqJu. ~51? . i . Qua-?(Lou?k?. ~94? be Wat? . . ?w i. waj?bgm 10. Cable I Gov-?- - desk .. - . i I \Dt? - i Each comment should be numbered to correspond with number To column. j; A line should be drawn across sheet. under each comment. - -33 . 33 O?ioer designations should be usod on To column. Each o?oer should initial (check mark insu?ciont) before {Ln-tho: routing. '7 - ~11 - E- Action desired or action taken should be indicated' 11: Commune column. E. 3 Routing sheet. should always be ream-nod to regisuryFor omelet designations see separate sheet14700000 - if" .- MESSAGE comma . . E, 2 .I 1 '53(:57 7- DIRECTOR I am 25 . 1426 Wm? 21+ APRIL 1957 EC CAFE SECT. 3m? HAVANA - -. . 'i :mon:? ?315 r- I ROUTINE 3W0 - CI, '2 . . - IN 35568 - -m 13.9 1 . - an: HAVA 891? RE: DIR 13-772 (OUT 982% . . SUITEON DONSIDERS DORTINUED HAVA . ,3 I - BUT DEPENDENT-SECURE COVER ARRANGEMENT.. HQS SET UP ADEQUATE COVER THEN HAVE VAIVADA COME HAVA TRIAL PERIOD To DETERMINE ADVISABILITY CONTINUED ASSIGNMENT, RECOMMEND INDEPENDENT POLL TYPE ALREADY 2. STUDENT ACTIVITIES wow MINIMAL OWING DRIVERSITY CLOSURE WITH no PROBABLE OPENENG PRIOR REXT sDRooL YEAR. RDEEVER FEEL WITH FIRM COULD PERFORM VALUABLE SERVICE FOR . IR SURVERSIVE AND COMMIE PENETRATIONS. I END OF MESSAGE E. Ii: - sin 04 .17SECRET . E. . IT IS FORBIDDEN To MAKE A COPY or THES MESSAGE --. . .. 1? ?154,54 14-00000 . . "f - . {?ax I CLASSIFIED MESSAGE, i oounuo 7? 4 5 I6 (MN 25 (8'52 CABLE 5 on2971. - 2'5 one 22 APRIL 1957 I 219' . 6' 611 imam: CONF - 5_ (mo . (*1/sz ?hpmums A ?le DEEMED ?i WK A IMMEDEKTE - . Ehr- ?2 7; TD HAVE. . - mm . mm; 2377? mm 822. (m 11.5%) I '5 i - i Eqs Germ RENEE VAIVIEA mm RAKE EAT ma TRIAL PERIOD SLEEHAL warms i To (1mm MARKET-T cm?r?m (LAKE STANCE EmsMW- COOIDINAIING OFFICERS WE I. OfFlCil IT IS FORBIDDEN TO MAKE A COPY OF MESSAGE Emu[?12 - V- it 34-00000 April 19?5?? - 13333339153 Fm: Chief, emu-act Personnel Divisicn 1 3 aux-um; 0. 1. 3?th G. VAIVAM, Agent, (13?10, assigned to ijwt 13:2 Bahama, mm, was ?nial-ed by station to lewe Cuba. 3 3' for remnant! of operatianai s?urity following the killing of an indige- 1 3 mus manly-02? (mm: of 3115 a gem. net by the Cuban au?mii ?z Minna on 18 ram-v 1957, and arrivet?z in on or abwt 21 1951?. He imamtiam? his 7 res em a stared his household dream, and ?set up new qwmu ten: in for his fmly. ?e will maintain maze quwrma until aunt 6 May 1957, when he Hill 136 rmsigned to Lhasa cri' 3. to Mother am. Subject, himself, 13 omently receiving training remehted that. authorimtian be mam-<5 to my Subj?c?t 1: to mahle 11L. to maintain residence for his fazdly 3 11' fer the this necaasary to his trairaing at qua:- . reassigned to the fieldamt: . Chief, western Hemispnere Divialm .3 Msttihution: 3 1 1 Orig. 8: 1 - Addresses 1 cub; Chrome, 1, .1 . 1 vamm File' 1 '3 "3 . 3erhEgi14700000 12 April 1957 Fem Chief, Caver - HP. 2 W: Wu:- G. Saver Dam. . . i ?tmeIth, in with tam rcquiremnta 01? your ambient . N1 are certain data. coming Arthur G. a HR contract went, 3 for cm: as a pollster is being awn .. ., Chief, Heater-n Hemisphere Divisions: Dist-rimuon: Orig. 1 Addresses: . . . . . :A-Cumcm-ono -- - 1 -- VAIVADA File Attechiment 2 . As mentioned above ?15: I I 070111300000 . .. .4: . .4. . ,T-"iar . Emma. mm m? (1) 3 rjmg?gss Barnum-gr: gm; gage; i Arthur G. vsmm. Ho previous request, alt-ham cover suggested 5 i harain has been under midamtion for Garza tin}: and has been 3 discussed 'uibh representatives of Cover Division. (2) 325,231,933.th Sigma 1: Cmtract Agent, in prongs of convex-316:: ta} cafes:- auent at - i - salary allowance $2,4Q?3?eqkm?zation .3 . $32,180; and following banafita: .- Hath-9mm; Sick and annual lmvo; haze lama 3 trawl; Federal Employees Commasauon and I Missing Parsons_Acts. (3) 92.533312229213215. Subject has rngular Operational and a Frovision?a Covert a . Security pending receipt_ offal}. Covert Security Approval. - Ea clearances wife, who is only adult gnawing agent over?. 5 seas. (2.) mm 5.25m - Check-up pending; believad to be in excellent. mam-a1 condition, . 3 . 3 As Contract Agent, has not been subjected to amusement. (6) Em 5.9.51 Mme; 5; Com sinc- June by Agency been primarily I i that. of ?uiversity Student with gift time *1 during one period with 5 . 11:: ea. instances haa 1mm . ?1 W. than acquiring no particular . ?23: mm r? :15 ray-1957' I 3 3 . - 1.1 4'3: '33: . -. 14700000 311th expects to return to max-Bean duty an or about 10 Ah}? 1957. has?; hug-Hum-11:7fq-(Lay; a .. (9) 2m nzmoma Wm$mm (1) Age, 31.: Sex, ?1.15; Religion, Catholic] subjeot is misc: and 2m) tam mall children? (2) mkrgentina gum?mmagr - 19 J, San Joae, tha film; Marriaa to Subject since 1955; Guam? Rican cium in mass of obtaining citizenship. Additiwal- Memphis infer-ration available at emu-y ?oak. . High Eichool, [19311113, Illinois aw 25 yam nmdergmduate study at. universities in (A) MW lawn-519.215 7? Intelligence NCO (Technical Sargeant Am - -am Ups. Air . Jan. 19454111". 46 Law:- Foreman, Statm, cm 5910, Canal Zone, Pawn. April 194643.49 Intelligence (Technical Sergeant 133.1?) 61119! a! Section, Political Analysis, Caribbean Air - April eand Univarsity mam, rm. 195m 53 (5) 94mm M2153: m- - Athletics (Emmi), outdoor life. mm, mm lax-mu.) . h? . ..- .L- .VW. 34700000 H-mn??k m4- 7 ?pbj?ct is bath energetic and forceml and 5.43323 wholahanrtedly to any venture much he undertakw. M. the: 6am: time, he has a Meaning per-normlity, in vet-mule, and 5 adapts? easily to most lirtuationa. He presents a {food aprmranca, I has Immat of a ?midget- of fortune" of which i ?acquirad while working for CIA), and is a' good i? It be pointed out that in spite of ?the "6011111317 or fartune" 5 tag; Subject is essentially a stable indium and devot?d to 2 hit: family. H113 work teat! and his ralatiuna with them in CIA with 1mm he has may in contact, have'baen Excellent. 5 (7) mm 315333.15; miss. .-: 301mm cum me. i" i (3) mm 318-19 Pam, mama. and Cuba since 191;: as: Micahd above. :7 mice in Far Fast ELL-195Area refl?cmd in f?rcgoing intonation is mate-naive. - i (10) mm . Subject. is ?ueni in language, which #3 indigenous tot area in which he is and will be operating. - - 22am 3.4m M1949 to present. . (2) 1.. 1m applicable. 30 visits othm- than to carol-muses. (3) It mt. be gramme! that. wife in aim of intelligence nature Subject'a work, though not. Mr! 13 the ETA matm. other non Agency personnel believed to be aware of CIA chmlaii?gj 14700000 692nm 5" with U.S._Aray aha Force as indieate? above. 45(91- ?at applicable (6) Mm pig?.129. -- . swr= Cemteaplate cantinuation in nO?wofficLal cover status upcn nom- pletinn of current In the procena of being arranged. (8) Am-Wlmm Ho Agency-apgnsored Insurance as of this writing. Extent of oth-fsl not known, but believed adequate. Duration of assignment indefinite, but at least tan year?. Oparutions frum average to high. $enaitivity??no persona, other than Agency peraonnal ana sewer facility officials, will ha nada aware of CIA affiliation while under nsnuofficial cover. travel 31 will throughput country, however. Fran the operational standpoint, access to political circles in meat desirahln. a? ?Pr-rm? 7.mama J. I .. . ..- 34700000 gap?v? -: n, i eff810,000 (11mm ally-sauces) (6) mmuPanovs EWW Subject be- able to devote at least 50?! of time to spam- tiomal activity,,althm?1 dutiaa entailed in prams-ed caviar will fit in very nicely with operatimaljequiremmt. (7) . 1? Ho particular problems: enticimted in this respect. No special aWta remix-ed, as Subject be in wars 2 or has regular mutant with Station personnel. 5 (9) mm A pulling carver- (employment as of msenmtim of a large?- 6.8. polling firm) has been suggeated and seem highly appropriate in this case, as it mid afford exec- Llent ability in Mdition to f. a job backstopping. mi of Caver Division has been . atmaptmg for some time to arrange such a cow? for Subject'04} rag: . :1 Til; 14700000 sscaer - 2 (I'hon Mum InApril 1957 .. v. HEHORMDUH FOR: m/m/Cuba?I} i? .- .V FROM: 7 7 i Ross Lester . 1 V- . . 1 1956 *for approval 1. Your request dated 26 prE?ary the Office of Security. to use the Subject has been processed by 2. The results of this action are transmitted herewith. f1?? 1. Attachment: so meme 2 Abril 195?/par DistributianAddressee 1 1 File - SECRET . y' man no. IuLAcu Ion syn. - . I Jun 55 In)? anon". A 11?4H-oopooCLASSIFIED MESSAGE towns 1uu?caloRsE FE, 2 mtom? PRITY DIR HAVA . -. 'm SANJ 2531 HAVAQRZR (EN 273% 53 1: DOSSIEP. HA3 ROI ARREVED. VAWADA AND RIPE HAVE Emmi- SHE WELL JOIN HIM ZRMETAL Now USENG TOURIST vnsA. CHILDREN RILL REMAIN 2. PARA 2 REF A STATES N0 cmzewsmp? REQWREMENT WIFE. . 3. SHE ARRIVING ZRRETAL MORNING 8 APRIL. i REQUESTSIEMVADA MEET. HAVE ADVANCED HER N0 FUNDS?"xs A . 2-1-3 A A be paying mlmw. 4.- . "arr A 7 .. . - IS roasmoen TO MAKE A com or nus MESSAGE Camus. - ?end-1km IvnanmHu-u. u-luMk?h'?ar: WNW- .. a . . an.? -- - . 91Rmar gal" i Ra; JAIL g?=ua'm?g. 111%.. 14700000 ..- -, . -nu-qdk?p .. Thesday of the month)? 5 April 1957 mmammuu ma 'Rgcq?ng Arthur G, VAIVADA . Subject: 1. Hr - Alien Affairs Officer, Office of Security, Room 2503, I Bldga, stated that the following requirements and procedure sre_necessany to submit ?ubject'a wife's application for naturali- 'zation! 7 a. Hemerandum from'C/HHD to the Director of Security, Attention! Alien Affairs Grficar, requesting that application for ?naturalization b3 expedited so that Subjact'a wife may accompany him overseas on or . b. Application for Naturalization forms to be filled nut in duplicaps, . ?h?y are NOT to be signed by the applicant? c, 3 passpottus?aa photographs- 1 fingerprint card (Gotained at. the Imigration Office in Room 313, 01d Fest. Office Bldg-, 12th and Penn. NMJ . 2. The above mama and docmnente are to be subx?tted to the Office of Security After a security check an appointment pillgbe made for subject's wife to appear for questionning and signing of'applicationo Onto this formality is done, tha.dpp11bation is placed in the ?isgri?t-Uourt for the final swearing in by the Judge (The swearings ?take placn- each 2116 Simmereyi'iifbe a fee - h. VAIYADA can be ans of the two required- 90/? a - an. - 4-. .Un n-.3. rr?u-1400000 33$ MESSAGE f. .-: . I y? A ijmu APRIL- 1957.12; -S EC-RE-T -. . DIRECTOR 2 I Jim?? a . HAVAEA - man; XL) 3 .. 2-7' . ROUTINE .. - W3 .. -. ?7 7? c_I27345 3 - SAHJ DIR - an - HAVA 866 I as: SAN 2523 26:95) - I I . CONSULATE ADVISES Ims ANGELA ARGENTINA IRIS: comma CALDERDNA DE caoma FORWARDED SANJ VIA POUCH MARCH. ENDOFMESSAGE ?5.1 -?wum . . 71rtv70" /2 3? - 3; Is FORBIDDEN to MAKE 2.4-. . _v_3 . 34700000 051?,- iggwm-Aw m1 - 0 . . MESSAGE ?W?s 01125.5? .3599 [35131.5 SECT. 1am . a2 APRIL 1957 - j':o m+5 - . . . ROUTINE ca/ops, n, ?[095, Fl/Rl 2, 2 ?91' -. . HAVA SANJ 2523 SANJ 15323 1 '1 El .3, ,g HAVA 84? - _5 . IVISA WIFE STILL NOT RECEIVED SANJ. LOCAL ii i- - END OF MESSAGE - . . .- - 1.9- .- cam?0.51m "a SECRET ., .11 IS Fonssoosu to MAKE A COPY or mus MESSAGE wan" . A rm . . Wu." a l' .- A. "at-r. . i I I 14700000 7:73'37.35? . SECRB -. 1 2 APR1957 7 i . . . 3 Chief, 3 5; Acting Deputy Director of Security {Invasiigeti one and Support) 3 1" #112569 1. mferenoe is made to your memorandum dated 28 February 1957, 1 wherein a provisional covert security approval and a covert security i approval were reqmsted to enable the Subject's conversion to career agent status for use as Principal Ment- for {reject memca in 3 1 .1 Cuba, under non?official coveraccordance with the provisions set forth in Clandestine i Services Instruction No. 10-5 and Field Regulatim 10-215, 3 pro? i visional covert security approgal is granted for theSubject, as described in your request set forth in paragraph i 1 aboveshould be noted that the provisional covert security 3 1 i approval herein granted is based on limited investigative coverage i =5 1 and should not. be in any say 3.50 a final security deter- 3 i mination relative to a full covert security approval. Upon con-- i pletion of additional investigation now pending; you will be ap- . I . propriately advised as to our decision with regard to the issuance - 3 1 of a full covert security approvalSubjects of proviaicnal comrt security approvals are ?not. to represent themselves as, nor m-e they to be represented as, 3' employees of CIA. - 5. Your attention is called to tin: fact that. a provisional covert security approval does not constitute couplets compliance 6 1' 3 with the provisions of CIA Regulation 10-210.. Therefore, if you should 3 desire at a later date to charge the status or use of this individual, 3 a request for approval to cover any pmosed change ahauld be submitted 1 i to this office. - 5? i 6. This apprmal becoms'invalid in the: event. the Subject's i - services are not. utilized within 60 days 'of the date of this memo- 2321*?- . i E?s' randomsrcmum r41 imp-In. Inna?Fm?-?lwluld? i ?wan-low l?Ie W??m