1441111114041 .18 in contact? 11:11:44 duyau 4:0:Lda?ya 444.41 144411194318 '7-30 52610-13330 pn??lor u?edr (43444435 444444 54414141414433 19-1515 11.44:.- 54-13444-4444444 145044.314 4444.110 ?Mylar". 'md 204440443 stations. b1 Dramatlea-l 44044144443144 throu gh 1134110 rater-144nm 4.130 some 4444: carnal} 41ad1o 4414-41444 34:44: 10441;. PRESB- hexspapersuu Cage-rein" ?"1'1Me1e1ralo" (Guayaquil) ?.1433. (Guayaquil) we can 'e'ounl: on 1:143:44: M'Gaayaqa? for any 4441p we need. 0411;144:er because the u1reetar was 444411114 Lamina. ?La Cane" i??ta pa mg each week. . cm?on?. work Vel?; e4 4: on 3. Lean ar- grana- 434444-144 thrown out under 14:40 44144444 or 44cc1on 444 4:1eonaJu144ta, - group aux-gai- 41.121341 amid direeted by cue student ch 934-4454444444? o" . ,3 . 04411144179. 1:10:44: -. eacab11saad? 143' tae Zoelegationnl- 1-;4ce10n ?nu-emu: 13:94 44444440444444. - . an'tj I - r54"?53 .- - rm?. .. .- acnools w;a__wan;c41ap;y :Egegtv?n Wig?, {may "mire all #3033110!) 3 59d public MW. super- cli??ig?y f- - unmask-Pug? n" 1- ovum-03 ah- . u. . vii}. . a r? ?77" . . ?75: 14-000 ngtii?i?? Eh. u?v?o?b: A $33313 ?1 I 11411-11 "mt-teal 2.1: li- fatldq --.- .. ,-iuu_ I- Indekanoi .JII '"gf'i 5 c' A333 -I dJ ovinlanto?SoclalI Cristiano. I II I -hc last electionsI tn: :30 lane eugiegte joined the a- nerservadorea, winning tne Jaguty 33333 and mbat 3: -:Iaa (:ayar'Ia atticestyuayao 11 and @053. - cue 3 ?e can rely faily- on these tuoIgrqu . I In the breakian 01? rclutI13na. - 5 I Student field:~> - 3f; a) n13h'3cu001 - 3'11: - 1 he an6 its full 34*.ort ?bat h3ldsna I - bJ Jiziver31ty The _roup ?br1;.adaa? Jhivensicnrlaa which ans accoupiisnedng -greai labor inside taeIstuuent z'Ield and -1n :ae :udlan sector. is 01? lain-tendengy mt aas deuacratic.0ri?nu.~ ?1 'r?niversli ad de Guayaquil in: desacrnt-i forces j?laed the laat elections aan ?,raucoaiad ogenly.v- Tue atru l?qusaagiqurled'hy 333- ?n1?a?ns? have Ithe coapleteIauppa?t SF'tnis?F" Whe executive comdttee is cah.r011ed communists. Its Erea debt r,i is xilton BurLana. ue nave connections inaiao the ?exec: tl?a Eomml?ae the representatives at Jdantolocy, v1ctar.11 ErCJ-tectare,lharcelo Avilea. Tats comnittewis inlly cantralled- by. tae,V1ce-Princl 313% University 01'- Quito, manual asjhhuErre (605233133 auditv at CastraJ Luis Variegato, gean- or Pailosopny :ani inn e1 Araujo aida1.o, also'ue"er 3; :of-CEStro. r- _3*r :EJa.?realaento 31 tne rue; I:alle as (soliticul ScieaceaJ 33 r? gresencatives in cue JIazversity ?caucil are 311? taaiar .e 3: Gdantolo .y Le? -335 fuente and? ilaan females. ies are Iaqat_ly Wm. .. ?v .mmk?. .3 .. w- . .1 .ww?ww Ts}. .mur?n_ nu_:umu wu.n??aao uu?nuoshou no on anus acu_.nonwwuaa cancd. . .nauauwau ..J55.14%, . a. a .333.? ,mno?m?uwcoumwv?wm.m?nun so ado an wumnunnm,dusm may owuuan . . khm..anw&du wamoamw muse cu nvom,x wannauds?oo_hn ?dupwuum_ Lu - .-9Hao_ .. .n .. mow?numnoo; umau. . w, .. u. no. u.ua ?Haw . augym&wom new . . . . . . . 19621 .51.. an ,dw .The Pfogr?55339p?rt 'Ureweiagg; EARB: ?Iqr-the??onth or August 19 '62. ??Sp . 1 71. agtiili?tf. follows . AgaanLg- vthec' aha 1g?h? on support/pantro;t ?they*SH??r - {.30.le ?lculd?ed.fo impresg?upbn e?f' tlbh? dr t0 this actioh;? lag OPE attracted wot ?mmnuh? 'Prl 5b ratt?h: i? . . S.p?peh; . ?asubsgq 34AHSPELL pe?t 9111 ?JuwAv ??rthhis, en a it trv??s?ction?Hgf. ?ertginly rel?ted to It was an ?git t??tf3n3dnd>conCErn - Ibi?tributid? ?undef-resp?c L. 22; MICPD- 5?53?- AF 1' 4C I a?d_L, .J, 11'} F, A.7B. NTS ATTACHME 4? sum" 3 I I I ?4 1113;311:1311} DI SPATCH rho PS_Cednr t63m: 2) organ 1 of nn_int1111gonco' 111 (DANSOV) 111111111111: ,w(if applicable), . assessments where appropriate. there 1 154 6111'? 761there _1s. -not JMWAVB control because -of 1 conflict 7 gobjectives PBRUMEN liberation soonest) and continued QD ORE 1"k"of= ?Vf?panquN policy.. 25 Tat11 AHSPELL Support August 1. 113113 Section" ;;?tg5111' es ?3612246 66gi? . 1h . 1? - 7:700. 001 - 71,. .I_CProcessing}I, 2113. agfr?; a 4 7 h; 3666 66%. c. AMSPELL. Salaries -: ?'Ov?rhead - 2100. 00 3) Intelligence 2roduction: 7 1? I ll Tiljn?vn .75 '1 Truck Convoy in- Area of Trinidad. Foreign Personne1 at_ Guatana - Pinar 661 Rio.r WAVE-1616 WAVE61442 Arrival of Sov1et Shi?ps at Casilda. - Arriva1 of -S6viet Vessels at Casilda Trinidad WAVE-1457 Arrival of Soviet Ships 6t Banes.? 36:15 f-Fwew . ?~az "van-641;. Dev e1opment and Plans;? A11 planni_ng- phasos of AMSPELL activities supported by JMWAV2 ?Ei ?at the preSent time are subject. to the reenlts of meetings with- AHSPELL . concerning .1ncreased control, 111,111 d?cisions of JMWAVE to continue support relationship if an acceptabl-e -degree of KUBARK control -cnn be established. - Meanwhile, however, in .the developmental stage -is the organization and training of- an AMSPELL Intelligence 311.1101, to - _function -independent 6f. AMS2ELL normal op?rat_ions and directly _in a tact with JHWAVE. This w111 consi-St of two Officers- And: wogseggr - awho nil-1 process information geined from .de'briefing male ~?reiugee arrivals as well as AMSPELL operational returning perso?ne Cdmbined with thin effort, is the DAMSQN- intelligencev,e '-ch 3111! be ibrmed Around radio operator who has returned? 6'opera-? tionnl -status.' The target date for infiltration of the .DAHSON team is 15 October 1962. (See Attachment A.) A156 th6 ICEDAR ?111, a 2M team destined for Oriente Province returne and Are Awaiting infiltration. (See Referenoo .G 5) JMWAVE- -AMSPELL Contact Plan: . . ith- Reference request for JMWAVE-AMSPELL In accordance ing_ plan is submitted: ~oontact arrangements, the follow m" $7.31; idirtv an. i (am A) Ff?wwf?r?t A as "Jesse? AV A 'contact.1 1 ALSARB 33 e3 occasional 99 g?yfg/or/L as an emergency AHBARB contac ??Pecro Garcia as emergency AHBARB cO' ABSPELL Enreld R. LOEHAYR AB - Pedro Garcia- ;cnordinntor. Rndop for Radop for processing DAHSON team during processing AHHINT maritime. occasional legal/international is. AMHINTS: . Au_gust began with euphoria Among AHHIHTS becnus return of some of t_he1r nenbers who. had- participated 5? delegation to Helsink1 and the reports of successful ngit/prop carrie- '-out at the CommuniSt You_1h:festival helithere.? This was net enough;? however, to offset the continuing frustration -fn11ure to - on the BASEAN Series of operations._ :?returned fro_m Helsinki and .Hest Ber11n as. yet, the nc1ing leadership ofi vented their ire i_n a 6 AuguSt memorandum to JHHAVE in which" was blamed for much_of the support failures 1n the AHHIHT .S?ction and too much op?ritionn_l interference in the ABBARB functions . a An urgent "interview" was requested. When finally returned, a meeting was held with him on August. ZAHKA, and NELANDER represented .and AHBARBS, respectivelv,, and during a two-hour session, discus en; the points set forth in the AMSPELL memorandum, and when of the - control problen_ with AHSPELL In retrospect, the. meeting"ou1di? .3 . ??not-be considered a success.? Although some AMBINT paramilitary 9-3, 'tio_nnl problems were resolved AHHINT-Z was .adamant. in retaining 35 a control of AHBARB funding of at le_nst one off1c1_n1_ delegate in each country. He refused to even discuss LCFLUTTER for himself - he did . .however. assure those presen_t .that this was personal and that other I qvg= AHSPELL leaders may submit at their own discretion. One issue which _1 ?could have made for more rapport in the meeting, ?5 1' '-for their vessel, the I, which has been process a -n . :5 Six months. Negotiations on this point eventually?_1' 4 i pletely when AHSPELL rejected. the terms of the Maritimeg. me Agreement. The meeting ?as concluded with arrangements?ior-spedint" meetings on. the discordant points in the nenr future. These meetings never materialized, for in the interim . opted- to approve the AHBAEB funding arrangement Ji?t least fornghe :1 moment - and play a uniting game on AHHINT-Z refusal to accept techri cal assessment. Possiblv, when all Other l-eaders had been assessed. could then be issued an ultimatum, essentially "sharing? him into acceptance. Ahout .this tine, 2O August,a1other message. received from AHHINT-53 (Reference He advised headquarters in Miami that he would arrive on the 2lst no request for an operation, no -point of exit or' n1ry. And as the days_ mention of node of travel, pnssed no sign of either. I MO .. 1 .nv Nam-?Mam um- {fir} . .1 . A man:- .. I improvising.f f?otel and the the world, -thc destined to albeit students Ere apolitica-l by classical definition ?le-ace AMSPELL in a leading- -9911ticnl position in framework of ILatin "Americ5n and PBPRIME aInti? CASTRO, anti~Cbmmunist realized this and prepared for a deluge- of propaganda on the action :Inwh;le; On 22 August;C?v I (reported that AMHIATS PBRUMEN would? ransmi - vicinity of Havana Ion about 3500 t*_3700IKcsg ggtineretween I2100 .nnd 2300 hours local time. had been working fervently at coilection of intelligenc I *pic, the resort :seemcd strange to the JHWAVE Ense Ior.:- 'er? The past four months been attempting t9 sup'? dismissed ?honevcr, as another example of students IKOLA and RIMM -were aSked t9 nOnIitor the Ir9p9rt forgotten until Ithe IeaIrIly morning I91 25 August(Raterence C1 Bl??euita (now .roi??avana 5t 5hout 2330 hours local 11me on the night oIt 24 Angus ?19? ahI5s been- reported substantially in Reference D. 'covered it to t?he point of satiation, but the essenti5l. preIss reporti .~Iwa5 forwarded in Reference ngchanges cleared the operation cou1a be analyzed ior- wh5t it -was VaInd what it meant toI JMWAVE in terns Iof the control relationship with aspen. I I 1 As stated design?d to alert the peoples of Latin America,I5nd impreSs -u The press has As the Isner of cannon and-- cold w5r*~? ear1ier in this .report, was an Agit/Prop action reality of the Soviet bui.ldup in -PBRUMEN. It was 5159 By .theI tIime JMWAVE had received instructions irdmI Headquarters t0- cantiOn them 5bout glonIting over their sucCess, this' Ipaign was- alrIeady launched I Publicity was a buyers maIrket for thIem and there Was. not enough AMSPELL participants or.officials to satisfy I'the demands of press, televiSion,?radIio, and personal Their degree of foreSight and organizatiOn can :he appreciated by. the. fact that the AMBARBS tIhroughout the hemisphere were -Standing byI with . instructions for agit/prop should ODVOKE have decided to prosecu.e th participating in Ithe action.9 ?3-23 JMWAVE, however, cunnot afford to he very objective about AMSPELL revolutionary zeal that not only aggravates the cold war exchanges, - but places theI Tusk Force - and ultimately, KUBARK in an ankward "and untenable control position as far as PBRUMEN independent action is concerned It would be no overstatement to say that this exile .group could sink a Soviet vessel 5nd force ODYOKE to the brink of w?r. Therefore, en 30 AuguSt, when 4 reported _that the: AMSPELL att5ck _on Havana was the first of 5 three?pha_se plan, thesseconI being. an 5ttack on a Soviet vessel in Havana Harbor .- Subsgnuentl 'abandoned in favor of an attack- on a surfacecraft in Caibar it waIs obvious AMSPELL must he submitted_ to a profound and firm reappraisal? was done under I'conferences with TROUCHARD, ZAMIKA, -NOEMAIYR and' were reported to Headquarters by REUTEMAN in WAVE-7899 on 30 Augu this Reference reviews the AMSPELL independent Course 1962.1n short, ea?ji. that the control- relatiog?hi - the supervision of REUTEMAN 5nd through a series of of action, consequent liability KUBARK, framework of the JMWAVE relationship with AMSPELL and present commitments, and pointedI outI Station and the the date- of this writing. 3 that the ultimate test of the control issue would be tIhe severance. 754? of AHSPELL support funds. were requested but duringI the first seek in September, this problegI Was treated during a series of conversations between the Chief of. Headquarters comments and concurrence Chief of Task Force. A final decision is pending atI Jhe IresuIltsI? 1 . 5'4 ?rms: .- s-A . nice-?n: . . ?arc-.9 law":- .1 ?fJJ?iflu?-?JJ h?N AMSPELL development And ?lAnning are_ de solution oi the control issues outlined in this report ts or personnc1.to delegations in Lnti America w?re AAdo1 during August 1962, no representatives bf AABARA were wi1; 1 . .u 0 new during the? ontn oI August Bogota on- 10 August Ior a stay of several weeks during uhich to renew his resident visa. departed 22. August 1962 Ior -An inspection tour of- Latin American delegations And concq?p ing which A report will1be furnished; A AAin purpose of. this tri" w" for1 AMBARB- 16_ to 'explore -the AMBARB mailing operation capabili"i A listing of- AMBARBs nunitiqg assignment has been furnisned UFGA 5739; A listing of dropped AMBARBs. has been furni13hed -in UF1 The AMSPELL raid on 24 August l962 provided AtIhe dominahtta* theme for AMBARB exploitation subsequent toi'hat?even 1A u_ this ad_Venture was undertaken without_ JMWAVE knowledge or concurrence- an_A caunter to1 the policy- of- our government it would gbe superfluous of us to comAent. that we regard the event with misgiving Iron: A paint of KUBARK "contrOI" over AMSPELL. At the_ same time,1a clear -di?st?incti0n must be made betwe1en the activities of th of and those of the 5 military leadership? - eSSentinlly, AMBARB serves_ only to: promote propaganda activity in the. .5 Latin American Countries where AMBARB delegates_ are Assigned: _nnd additionally some. delegAtes work oA c0vert assignments. with'locar KUEARK stations in fulfilling GYROSE objectives.1 The- onert tasks, the ABBARBS, howeve1r,. se_rve- .td exploit _thE propaganda _value .of such strating the iAilures of CastroiSA And Sovi?tizntion of cuban. life; as Auch, _-the theAs_elves removed from the center of such controversial activities as the 24 August raid or tne_ thrents of AMHINTH2 Against shipping_ in cuba. NaturAlly, the AHBARBS support the pelicies of their organization and the .statements of- its lender;g as noted above, they_ could also bri1n1g their faAilities to beari?o 13h embarASS ODYOKE, at the behest of in the evensA?S to mount A cence.ntrated propngn1ndn barrage condemning to unilateral undertakings.? It i1s clear tha-?i?? potential to mount any such _cnnpaign of support: to: K?gv?ih;p controlled by KUBARK only to the extent thAt locAl statio?s hnv'e" direc't dealings with the AEBARBS in Lntin AAericn.1 JMWAVE, .for it 3 part, exerts every posSible effort to aSsure that AMBARB. representntiv1 1 will not engage in any propaganda action likely to embarnss ODXQAR or GYROSE policy (aux-595? he are encouraged t9 believe that, While overall JHWAVE control of ANSPELL appears negligible At this tine on the large issues of _Striking direct -blows Against thrgets oi- oppor- tunity, we do have fairly good Control over .the subordinate AMBARB leadership within AHSPELL. I not no :1 - events As the 24 August rnid And to? capitAlize upon- .informntion demoA-E"U I ?temnsm tot, emmumouor 4 t9;xhc Of th? re?lz??tied-sineriihe?bn is?e?t? reverts for any. Jehe; marks are? Easy; ?55955 tuna-1m. :alisi the readers 1' we: fate atreidb??ht bf cni?te?ou??s?t?as? which RUBARK {3 1n-' reise augelute control, but on the AMSEELL ithlf meg aIvashopest a wi?iis?au gparamilitary undertakings; .. re?t-Ann . ?72? ,uaian 1c sensixivc to what it touidiregard nc'ahgf?f{ thereioreguinxthe*matter -. hue agr?e?.that at f9? the present {egrecgive. . V3?3h?3f?n?ing continue t09be?paid,l "fer the present by to its ucxegcges).v JMWAVE does not hel'eueg?7 local Statiens to attempt to fund these regular aetirities, since it ancig reme?bered that these overt5AMBARBfactivities give the Organ' gaits public reason for?being an E?;wle which AMBARBs May be-Utilized by local Stations for'ceuert?a?ti?ii?f Since Jealous'of administering the funds fer its overtl aetivities, JMWAVE feels it should be permitted to dO'so for the sake or KUBARK with the group. -At the.same delegates receive and'funds to cover local ehpenses.in carrying out the overt -f:918510n. local exerting influence?en??'le= Objectives. Since the?local? Stations will be paying the_salaries of all as well as funding covert?aCtiuities; it should be7possihl?ifor 1oca: Stations to influence work'substantially.4 By agreement with AMSPELL, all coyert utilization of aussaes by local Stations is; strictly-by arrangement between the AMBARB representatives :and the expects;no information conc??pi?g??g ?2?such.covert AMBARB the_fie1d. 1 . my. . Over a period of tine, we expect that'local Stations will gradually' take over complete AMBARB funding. For_example, in Chile the Santiago Statioh has assumed funding of ell-three AMBARBS, although 88-3269 ':required that 1% fund only one amazes? .wc convinced AMSPELL to accept this situation, so that in effect the Santiago Station will exercise .direct} local control a: continue for the time being to send the delegation $600 the.conouct of'overt AMBARB'aetivities in Chilec There is an additional advantage salary bf at least one of its delegates by-mail from-Miami and in -nllowing AMBARB to disburse funds, provided by JMWAVE, for overt aetivities. By-this?means from AMBARB a the totalwo?ert AHBARB werk; this repert}rforwarded-in-the-greup of attachments to this diSpateh, in turn furnishes Headquarters with a single point of reference in assessing the overall AMBARB overt effort. Haturally,p;wmm for its part, JNWAVE does everything possible to elicit from (as complete an accounting as possible?of the propaganda activity undertaken by each AMBARB delegation throughout Latin America.- Since it is doubtful that a timely, coerdinated.picture of all AMBARB activities in all countries could be obtained by means of separate local Station progress reporting on overt ggs?ge work, JNWAVE eon.' 'eiders this system the meet satisfactory for keeping.tabs.on such widespread activities; we are doubtful that any central?zed control? OF er AMBARB pr pa?anda could be 11551 16 rotati- hI I IipressIcovo?age A15 ?pe eItaincd 1rdmI ABPA Iteo reports, .withl Delegation Reports - - Following i5 aI1151 ofIAttachmente ering2lo ?1 I tIibn activities in the various Latin American countr105?' descretion Headquarter5_I may wish to drau?po?tio to- tho ct 16cnI Station discus I interested WE DiVision desks: 5?eoiiv1a.I Attachment 5 Brazil}. Attachment Attachment IChile: Cblomhia; Attachment _Ceete Rica;_ Attachment :Ecundor; Attachment I'Meiico} uAtth?hmeht i 5Panama; IAtteehhent -Uruguay; Attachment A 'gvenezuela;I Attachment ?11) Deveidpment and -Plah5x5I unchanged 55 reported 151 GeIneral plans for the future remain A number of AMBARBB areIT a Progre55 Reports for the Inwaiting Assignment, as re .'0ur mainI undertak-ingI. for the ?graduni eitIhout impair pletely oIf admi -believes it 15 in inteIres last thIree month5. ported in a Sepmra tans-fer of AMBARB representatives to 10? ing AMBARB morale bx dep responsibility te Idispateh cited abOVe.r to iInsure an orderly and a] Station control, r1v1ng the. oftiIcIe. com- 55 dI1sIcussed above for the leICAl Stations future 5111 be -the majoritv of ABBA 11:5?1 Office wiIli cont insure an erderly flow of A ts through the ABBARB delegn.tions, outle RES in the field; at the same. timeI the"? inu? to fund the minimumI bf ANBARBS MBARB propaganda meterihl td lochv?LA to Igunrehtee timely repertihg AMBARB office- -in- orderI tIoI enable from AMBARB delegations to the central prephration of an evern AMEARB activity, and fine-11y to efforts to step up_ recru covert use by nItion in mee 11 progress repore' yI inIsure the responsivener 6f itment of delegates suitable for ting GYROSE objectives. .Non? TI- I7I I 2) Intell?ggpce Production: I3) Support: See Support 3.00000 .J . h. an. Havingaablna .. 32133;. Gen . Cw?f??z?at I. can (.4 3.3. an. 5me A ?Luna?: 0. . mu . J. .131}, .. . .66 easilhonnwa *1 1 3.50" _wauawmaow_ 00' (new. .07.. .qu ?E?a 1 '3 ?32? n-bt'f tk? ?allroad -. :tl?r ?2n ?0137~fn? invited all ,rii?n: to ?Fe ?ort-Tuxurious 59991L4 *o tPe attabki .fr-sc?rz ed bi, .1-?l1?nf?o lj?ynlusec?.? ?f Y1'??r?u'r . - The Delc~w**onr frat nce,_ fEsE.iag and- Guinea, arr'VHG _at 'nT'1nki.r . - I i- 1 tasar?s 91057 i . '1 a ..4 in.? 393911'm 9 r; *5 rwf'43n ?wbcr number?\ .?nir 30c1t1?n inw~e4~~a n4 Removed from .s45yv :"Cri;i. A Boxajl_f .6 57.2? . - {nun fTH?zn?usnabar?en made 69. Lyout? i0?_ Fition ana dislike or pin?g?? "hAEhr?1?? zrarnv?151v ravawnna n1n?n?*v .Hht chitn an?n? dicott tnc'recfivil?i In ".rT tn :0 f? "if; ?l?ni?E rauth n-E '"iwli stre at: -nrtno1n111: f5 f3 '4 ?fhkr .ant?n*t _gt*on had q?o: -v a ,.nnJ tear ugfi??n?pfortm?*ely 2 o?clock. Lgny vgung boys Vpdlice ?ars' Vslrens pqnl? hehf??throy?houtEth? 3? ra t1?n ?n4 nanqdr made'the to; ing_' "inau~r?11 march I rattan'.inn1'n {outh ha! fo>ih? Fad-i?hown sinne? on of?is?il?curs, v9 Je- erminnd to pro?ttce a 4nna?? 1 kin-u} .1155mwui?? mung IJULY 22, 311. FF;ench. The Finnish traHSl t1on a; not raiiy 1n time not be nresented. ?wnuld take photos Iond' t?n otho? one vauld ins .neot t- p1ace in ord?r t6 find. the mos approprIiuf 0 point. to ntoduo6 the inoidenth' Salv t, John Kooh, 4nd Enrique loyrai drivin6 a VW onen cor, zipd to bro ak the line of spectators and. place car 1n front of the Cub f5 -.Dglesgtion-wh1ch as at th moment croSsing the bridge to m?rch before Ehg parliament. But the poOpl6 did not go back, so txoy parted tho cur theie. Koch and Baloyra climbed to the ton of the car and beIran: virorou3n_1 I 1y crying out while unfolding the cloth. The other two -Hnrnandez and i- ~$alv t- st yed standinr in the street and late rushed_ "bend agaln?t the ,Communist Cabin Delegatcgg The police Captured . I Dales tion that carriod the 616th and?the oth?E" 11 in the middle of the confusion 6?1ch as bro afht about Pootos on the _1ncident were taken by ?na. Dinz an' Josegl. ?OJ?iPuegf" 1- and also t.e OBS and by photogr phers a- ners 29 may 01? estern .Germ?ny. The police seized t:1e cloth and .en released the _two members of the at c. tn?t had beentaapturod, after having taken record of tho.1n?? - ?Amp, .- .- 2-9 vaum Haw my .o'uvn .. that afternoon to solicit creden91ils to . a1 ?reparnt rV'uommittee of the to go directly to ?u9an*9919199.Qpras19999 99 the 221ttee awd'hirhest hie src1ic~1 r: rures loflfhe-Fest1v21. rein: avaided the nr??lem tailing us,jas.had,theg Cuba,I?b1ch we evi-jen t13_ did notI 50. .nn .Wmer 1can ne Mpe ruan'2cco:r2r ?193 us in 311 on: the credentials. He apparent1y929 to casterI hL 591? contr ?Roger, and made a pleasantfimpr?ssiOngon ns;? Du?i?r t? 9 west of whichI h? :lr9tuy Lost strength' 9999. W913 991 1199;9 0999 2 7?..912 .?TtFe 2r 919999?9~9199991 fiv?n a cony 02? our bdo?11etI "The ~ewvorsion of- -a Unlve'sitv"' the onnort?. ty_ to 9999- =991999999 fry t. iss_Coord1n tionu CenteIr, also a Cu! an na?ed- Pedro. ieui? Quin? er_o ?lm I2t f_1rst _seemed 9. 7 :9 999999? 11tt1e su5219ious, 2ni 3- Congo tive member of Pat ?emana.5 .akean2rt the offici 192c?s of the FostiV9l as re pres2nt2 tive 99199 tion of tr 9.99990999991999c999292 AfteIr having visited two or three arr.:2192t122 centers 0. th? Internatidn9 otherI officials 93 the Testiva H1 th "0 Sim 1: 99999199 in 299 933191917-- ;1 Inerv?s_d?rinr all the time. ?e ??:nbf?r chemb2-r his 3 .e,Iwc mI1led him . nothing is npart2nt Of?re_markab12 tookm place, -the acts of the ?estiva1, '1 wain, inciaents between Finnish veuth 3.3 the po1i?e teok'pl?ce'that night 4:13.. :1 43493.. 21:91:11.. 1.1-.-.1 . 5/03 tad h?p?osed gd 8 *csa?frn with7u?f?qd' 1 at 351? #9?!st aricam?yEIOh 4 355 w? has .iuargn?ee?off?fgd by farcia;;J?h?F?we nag the Fe?t$v51? . 1V??7?niiJ?anf7 the Tw?in?d bbJ??v?d?t?a? qurgd ?qb? 33;rb Balk]; shit; :5 :26 agi5w fcomo_abqutiu31 'gof the ??ny?r?p?rtera wag had 05W . F1nni3h=policesand_the quarrels b?tween the Ea One?ts'to the Festival task place. 9 er.and?m02e3vl 9? ~reat . ?u '31gp?3th?.manife?tutidng were ?(flvi 1 {91?th ?ghjva?idus?z I vaeatgrau neg manp?'r?neimv theta ey?? IE1 - 133399.11 - 13:39:53.9.- . u-l-p Hun-.1. 1912.. Saar the final meetin? of the anminary for Eu9 nemocratlzation at tne Edut At Ithe be innin? tney 01d not 1et Iu_s oat; 1n aztaraaras Ina m9_t swlasI Iqu. yOJng man ranted 9Ia some credentials If' I {H.931d9, we ;0t -9 9pot for eecn.nb,.and had also, the ri OFIR tnree-minute spe?ching 1n Iqase we ??1ned to do it'ia -: beiore us. - At 12.50 pm. we nAd a brake. members 01 tIaa reIdI Cuba :11: L144 - dI1r9cted by V9119599 and for the evening session to produc?Ia. 3rcut end. when we retavned back 1t was 3 SJ T919 time nercadliu't make? fit Then w? _b9:an to Idiscus? our 991nts 01 View. In tn? ciacassian more a f' -or less, nobert 01' tue Jnian at students; ,i - I- 131d us 99 had no right to participace'-n-tne A911nary cause :e'w?ra exited 999999. In allI tna ulscu_ssion we were sorrounaea by security a39nt9 of the International I:rcparatery american corres?ondent. .- w- - TheI disc: ssion I'inisned .unen xinel r9keI 1: up. 'corhea-ondent iniarmed us Cunt tue 117131 golice Wu: 3994' us with 991? l? order of uxtradict19n. ue aecidea.?ue?e, to abanian the plac9 91d r9t1r9 back to tum about ?99 new Sitd?tiJn and take a deci '-hocn and 8913.7 ra were 1nt?rcepItea a; an 'arnored jeep of the fi?tsn p911c9}1? f? - 34700000 1:21;: (A 5 ?Permanent after tney knew ?413 dneds.I-The ;ress failed?tr?rng l??re t?i Theg day finished 31th the Ila?sn slice Sind?n? out two automatic 3? .i arrested.. The pistols 1' w-uggu: Ijngust 1, 1Larsd"y:v I A .. The day ?95: wi?h the ruuor that a lthe'?1 n.5h u'ist ?artv Hen e,.w 1 1.1 Itcr a four ours vunstioni?r, ?urinr 19g t1on, what "tried 9 5091 who unsor?? 1191991311} our- do 9911913, th9 2 luprisapone 1-31e and oth9: routine qu did delegati 199 a: re Sponaahle tian were acuused b} pol I'zemb?rIs of our 19g: ?were submitted f9r nirht r1ats, 119ga1 weapon nosse asian and: releas Cd under tthir to -ke --the first pl? At 5 p11. ttay were 0 Stockholm. - I 15 - . delc""tlon put a ?10 The_ rest of Ithe ress the followinrsdeclar I- ?nris cal? iauner he1n9 Statue, 993 99VG the tion: ers of ??tter this EVL L?n1n" incidvnt in which Imwmb of 15t1t?e Coloquiun orgqn1?nti?n .91 cubs 9911195 youth, w=re forbidde E0 955 convocated3byI theI 819.1Youth ??st1V91, 1E has .- are merely ac$nbject at the serv1ce o$.the end?I and pu?poses cownnia totalitariun.gs 1ing efforts ion have been .ma DRE represeht?t to; ?99 tad? thems?IVes the :est1\"1. iThis- arming scene the make 1t -!hen thex'ro. of the Shilean Eadicrl Yanth. I Thcya an?ointedI Junn': anuel galva The subject v25134t19391 - IiIf, - '1a11henIthey re?ched the plac? whereItbQ Colcquiu9,?as' Adaissian ntion _con troll 955? - DEE itoI- 1o1.,1n..1 ith ti: fwass of havin; a nsblic deb ate about the wituati"n 1n theif banal m3, ~*ene 15'; 000. 39uth "re in?r053aaned?*3?t er were -act of canoslng tot*"t2 reg1ImeI whaI h? de troved pub11Ic dIucg??g the peIOple to :23 chance of electim ?39:15: vd??I . -75? Vs - -..- As ?31:?encc tha1- is is what isIr01llv ha en1::. CubIe theI heIr thIe poIrer and _tot .l*tary: I I ..If 1n i1.' Th?v h"v? :3 orc?ni atinns, stay ca fined chance~to- _freel3 comu icate with t1e ?ear Le, nni- the3 are stricts wrosulations, as fi?i?h peopl?.chnn rov? 13:1-1msel i DRE quali"1 Ig??i1rgr3 and lutunious intoler?t 'xwh?n th?v co .plnint af?ir st th as the world w-blie 35?: - Op1n1on-a n9 this iv o; ev?nts~? "th nev?? the subj?ct by izh they ?arcI convo?ated is trotted. T:ev alva"s take nagiticns?dndI 1&9? make thei?' to stimulnt? subversionIfeeds th"tI could 3.713.1?icuba The deleor1ionIfi. is Pi their declaratian pr331Sin??1oI caitinue?th crus'de. th 'h -ve began to li?erty Sub; from dernotisa ?r35516n7t- . -. . "o para AfRi?e .. he): i tblefance and day. tot -th? eSt' of; fish Helsinkiwgll lit: ris' i Iol?i?k1* zfinihhi ?g