go Dccumsn TS-MAY BE copxab OR.REMOVED FR THIS FILE: .nrw, Vii I . f'prim. . .. Had' DAT RECEIV I DATE ED RE TERNED DELETION IF ANY: INCLUSIVE DATES CUSTODIAL ?Roon 155/57 REVIEWED BY (PRINT I SIGNATURE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL in 3 ?gag . i FILE HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEP 0N ASSASSINATIONS STAFF ?r HATERIAL REVIEWED AT CIA HEADQUARTERS BY 1W29 ll ?fa'r'j991?j 13f: a. .. . U. ?~34 name??4. -..: - ?ni- -. A m3 . . {gm-IR}; 31 .. frag-?33 - .r mam?Ea? I g. igi g2; 3 ~53 "5333 .E . gag?:85 . .5753. 3 0 Egg; - 14-00009 may: ?h .u .331! partn. . A '1-1 *5 -x 00p: . 1? . mi:- "?10?me he _'nlr . . -.{-7er aha-.43.? W?I?ilhr L: "nu-?w 1 "-921! ?.3151" -.. - . . "r1. . - 14-00000 - .TO Processing Branch: TAKE ACTICIJ 1333va Oh SUBJECT CASE (Always enack "Remarks" for limitations or details) .3. . SE1 urroa 'oa: Dunn": 5.9. IIDICIS Dunn": rs: nuances up mm . .00: [jun Dita; [Jun-r Usurr Dual? APP [35! wow" Dear! n. cit: Issut opt-annual. "noun. utoutsr EH reacts manner?; ?annoy?. ?noun. o'rzanloma. a ?Visual: users unnb Iron ma ours ataussr Hun YRACES ?mustn't 90.: ion nus man. about [jun I Duo ll cum: run 3.0. Drawers DFII nouns nzouzst momma?. menus-m: mu rouaga uncuuru?vg-owrsmu unuzsr 'r-nuu usr? manna Tu OfflCI t/wf ?out? atsuns sun Nissan in!" rune: cncnunou roan ntouts?l "suns lutcauocnmn rum.- rsea 'lciurhi' for Beacon) Dstcuan'v ornc: Dams?:- uun To Hanna: utuo won won cut) to: mug-ts) usvzo anon nuns?comes or uncut: ran use: As ano- La 30% pr W?m "once: .Ulst [Jana [3320 a nun. NHL: ran: on? nuns*7'5 - sec-nun "ton-s noun". Val. - . - . - mm. 1-{La-meshing 9-41? w, - - .- -. Inn-r; yd L..- ngr-n-in?" 1" SECRET "we ?unefH-y-g. INSTRUCTION SHEET CASE IO. ?6?3 14-00000 5? magnum was Chief, (mice of Security m; amm- Hamid a. 50mm (p6) 6-2550? . 5112569 I. It is mqnested ?at the mm?liarold R. Rog-mm - 1 fmly called Arthur G. ymam on 3 July 1-95? for use 111 Jim minder Project. MEIR-ARCH mainten- mate 99%? his ?h?m Imam- iject um, be hm amndad to cover his PCS ?30 W5. Etta m?ty'm or around the W, 13.6. area will also be com the HEDGE Project. . 2. numb a as?: Part. II to mm activity in _t.ho muted 3mm. Roman mil cantinne to live undm' cover and? MGM. -. . 3. 63m: mhoingraquemdm and sister-1m who am also living with m. . 1 1 . Il - -. - ?SECRET - -- 3' Jpne 1959 pm? . .1. Reference is made to your request to this office dated The rep1y_to your request is contained in the attached A I . if . memorandum from the Office of Security dated_29._.m_1959__ - I . Chief, cx/m I 1 ?51 -: . 41:! iw? i; L. Jr J. 131. - rtawry-w. v. . - roan Ins-Imam Ionian14-00000 it"$5.31. 24% Silk; 35%. 795,179: .1 .42..- pin. .W - - aW secasmsmucmx 3&1? 5?7 1'0 Prbcessing Branch: TAKE ACKOH INDICATED BELOW OH SUBJECT (Always check "Remarks" for limitations er details) ,7 at FER Pom Dunn?: 5.0. lumen Dunn": menus UP IN 3 [jun Dc? Dru; asurr 1'th Dan" In: Dinar mourn Duov?r n. cpl": ISSUE APPROIAL RIOUCSY Ell THACES\Sikiau . "mils-ATwc 'm - 757.? pun-u - - . - ?Wmm'mhm'ii?r?mH ISSUE APPQQUAL ovca'nmnu a mwswu atouzsv 'txttun van ron? ans'uutu. ?touts?r ?no TRACES ?manta: POA ran nus unru ntoucst Drag :1 Una Cult! 5.0. - Omani-Ls Ural Inn-cu ?out? monsorm. museum: can ?cuts! ?37' QTTACHMEIT 10 OFIICE U?afleg?o DIVLSIO: ntsuus 00551:: an!" "sun: upcnunon roam (Sec 'lo-qul' for Season) 3:00:51 arsuus imznnocnmn ?an: Dsmunnr ornc: DDIVISION ?1,?st 1'0 Pli?APt unto at rot un?t man can run nuns) usuo? an.? OF FOR 15 BELOW b4; 50. 9M ?21,42de 3?7- 8151' 0294!} D390 5 FINAL .1, ?yuan-4.. . 34700000 .. - I-u?n date to change the status pr use at this individual, a request If g; email. to me: any meed?ehange should be. auhnitted to? 5.311,. . . 5. Ms emu; heedee-?inmlid the event the'Sanect-e' .. sea-vices are not utilized within six months of the date ofthis '7 gt lame-ma or W: 7 s-e-c-a-n-tg? V. I .. - . Lawn??.2. mqn1.a..? . Ig?yA-I?-vn - :5 a . (when ma In) 2 9 JUN 1959 mm FOR: eater; ?4 Deputy Director of Security (Investigations 4? and Sumrt) 50mm c.2550? #112569 Reference is made to mam-anew dated 17 april 1958 from H3 Division through requesting that the ?overt Security Approval granted on 3 July.1957 be amended to permit :Spbject's utilization as 'a career agent in Hexieo City, under Project. LIKES. This um" confine the verbal Ccv'ex-t Security Approval granted to NB Division on 3 June-1958 for the use described above; - . 2. In accordance with the'pmvisions 3%:ch 1n cmaestine Services Instruction No. 10-5 and Clandestine Services" Instruction '1 Field No. 10-5, a covert security appro?al ie? greeted for the 'use of . the Subject, as described. in your rew?stas set forth in W111: above'Subjects' of co'frert security apprevalem not to repi?esent themtelires as; nor are they be representedes, employees of . . . it. Year-attention is (31133de the fact mate defert semty i . approval does not constitute mien: compliance with the prenyons .7 of CIA. Regulation 10-210. 'Iherefore, if you should desire at a ter ym? 7? W. ?cf-J Am. 29 May 1958 FOR ms; 330031) I 51m: Az-momca/a Lu 0-2550? . 1. On 23 April 1958 Mr. '_0f the Of?ce of Security calle? in connection Him the above desigm? case, specifically regar?ing the contingencies ulnar} which the GSA dated}; July 1957 wasI granted. 2. Mr; ad?sed Subjecthas been' comgle?bed has been aver). an mm, both with 1" 7? tafomble resultsview of the foregoing the restrictions (contingencies) A 1nthe3J1?yl9S'Zappronalarenowm H?nivisiunhaabem . h. Project munch Ellen,? was"g.veh the; above information also. He advised. sects in cram- that further action oould?betakenineonnection withthemaect . J. i a ?31. I Vow: . . -. nu ?QR-dwihe?cm- . ?gag-3? 5 . life7?SECRET 7 7. - - a (nun FiHud In) {Jig .. '10: Processing Section I . PLEASE nun: 1m: rouowmc; on m: CASE roam ABOVE. i :1 (Al-aye that} ?ltnarll" 55:19to: In?: - mutant" Hf cancs: (5. In)! APP l-nullt? lorl?l' clil'assuc ortu?nonu. ?outs! Bl nuccs "?essut Pnonsmun. OPERAYIONAI. ?Haul. ?mist Minnow?. a. DIV. TRADES ?r-l 3 3 mastic-non svnu. outsunnms atouzsr ?no tunes .roalmo trauma 1?0 sacunrv. woman?. mucus-m: mm 1? i uoncg): an? I Gall! LIST Minn: row . . - ruamsu can: us! lures-nuns I 3 5' ISEIB To REIARCHIVES RESULTS OF INTCINEAYION 2 run - sum 'auuv' now owns")! f1} . . . ?man PM 'roa707 anon" 9!"qu tannin. SECRET a ?2 till ?ma14-00000 a {?SECRET Sacszr 14700000 cakn nun: matributionchiei,c1/3.5.: 15:13" I fit-?n. Etna-PROJECT REVIER FORE - "Type of Proj?ct.w.m.mw New Project:Renewalvof. . . . . .year-old? pr?jectAmendme?:Extens'i'oh- ?01. . . . . . months: 'fermination1958' am; 3959 Project approval period . - I, 1. egg. - wrmunwwL a1a1?neamuwmn1msasummatmn wmwmabmm? $5th 7 'M?l?smm; me1WmWaWu. IN. 7 3. mammammwmumatam . (21/05 lute: lo?EvL1uaf10af . . 14700000 . '(Ihan Failed In) . INSIRUCJION SHEET . - . ?~To: Processing Section PLEASE run: rm: rou.Louus.acnpu on m: as: .sn roam agave. . {ll-ops duel 'lchoril' hole- for lio?tal'im- or details) 7 - ,5 s" :9 Ionwon. ll?h - . . 1 luau; can mungmen Dis. 1 ?can" count gun: can? Issue ?stulas? accutsr ?Acts . Issac "musical?. oPt?nnouu. ?mist DPEIAYIQIML a nuts i . STILL WISYANDIIG 7- I A rot-no Hum-urn y?nggumum! to staunm ?209:5! monies-NOTICE: :3 In 3" Club 3 run. A (qytuunon man walls? can! us! . ~14 :1 SEID 70 Hummus ?was? ?suns Of ?an. . 'l I. "i a stem 'ouuv' ?no urnwusnoEl'Ei? Coll 5315 _1 on?; . . 5 stunts5.rom- an- . . - I16. 95 tulle-?3.737;; .: -- 41946:;- 14700000 . . . . - - mom-m may mar, Strive. of'l?awfuluy. Chief, tax/ea ml! gimme? led 3. mm (pa) c.2550?" 1- #112569 .. It is mquuama that. Em granted ilamld??. foraerly ., 7_ must! 0. ?1th (98), an 3.41113 195? fax-- in Cuba m: iject be amended to permit. his use in ?ance City. 3mm will 7 - - - 1 be anagram F9810 rem?. Maw 1953 where-m am cirriaer fl 'Px-agact Lin-m which is being prepared tar mum to tar "ff; _Wa1. Attached}: :1 new PM Part II mm more our pm was amazed?on. .m Ei??bl'i??-szcacr VA 2? - .- - - PERSONAL RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE . - - 7 PART II OPERATIONAL INFORMATIOR Ewe}; r?iw! . - Mp ?-335: ?Hi? .23! 4 2' N) can: orrlcuunjust shauld fill In Pnri Port l?l o! no suit be filled steam to whine. 5; Iccdqunrursv-Hl not he able to p'rov'lde an Operational Close-ace unless it receives can.? to a? question: on pagcl of Part all ?out?. of I, Part II littls 35 :9 55] Ni emergency than ans-on, innumber, and with wan-Fri/.3 52 an! be caalod to Indqnartcn, fella-ed pro-pug by pouch data. Fully seaplane "to quit a. ?In to lcn'dqurtan soon as possible, (to topics of I ?Including copy In If and on. copy 0! Part II. On? acculred hear mug bc cent-10 ?anaconda.? [0 HQ fora" on a contlaulng cumin. - I. All page! of both parts at? can ?u "to nu-Icr, co-pcud of l-l'sutlcn usual Ibi no (cl nulbcl? antiqued consecutive? by station 0.9. I quently was transferred to BMDIAL project, Ear-old R. (D) 4- (Em-marl? Arthur. Edvance in the organization as a career, its remmeraticn ?and. as loyal an. u. when and where was subject first contacted undeveloped? was first recmitci in ranama as in 19W 3312;? TI-ZIID project. Su?osen and in 19Sh to project (Cuba) with; which heis currently identified. His transfer to and activity in i-ierlco will be covered by Project Cam subject be turned over quickly and in a secure manner to, How, and transferred to Cbsta Rica in'approVed machine for handling? ?res To vhcn? Record over the .mst years shows that subject has easily been turned over to different projects and case officers. - - 1 I Boat oatmte of subject's mimtim . is motivated Dy sis. interest $.11 intelligmca Bork, chain to .. .. no ?tc-i?tiED.11 if, --R zheftadet ES ikf?n.44..-- 1 'f I . Van'fm ..- -.- .m-vd111700000 SECRET 1+0. With what agencies and files has subject's name been checked? mien? Reeult? What else has been done to verify biographical information furnished by subject? ChecLed upon recruitmn. in Panama 225. 191.9 and subsequently neon transfer to otner projects. 121. What control exists over subject at. present? How can it be increased? Subject. is controllei through dependence on salary, loyalty because of American heritage, past Am and Agency service; and a desire for a career in intelligence .rork. - For'uhat'aernce (1968.110 think he in working? Hhat done he think becomes of his infomtion? ?41:9922- 22-113mm miy mbaoct'e" pastor present connection ma anyw" . 7 intelligence service. :71 15-51;: _Hhile in the US Army and . from 19110 - 19115 and again from 1? :19th- 19119, Subject. was concerned with intelligence. . I :2 - Nil"; 1.15510 3'22beet qualified by education and experience ta furnish! drive- "election of information received?mm14:50ch - ken-57? (.11.. 1' snow, 1 5; . gunman ?nis?f. . . rad-v? sans-Mami-514:9! 325;? - .1 ?we 1. 1?7 3135;31qu q. H. ?ft-i 35-3, 7 3&9. Have any promises! or omimanta whatsoever (not covered oinewhoro in this rm) boon to subject? mm. $10 See contract sigma by Subject as a Garegr igont.? 3?7" {135333; Bowibu .535 (.1 53755115. 19.115. If subject's duties are to be other than intelligence gathering, .. .oxploin. - - I. 'Hh?tz'; . .1. 1531":- . tags-e1; i ., is anticipated Subject. will be an ouvsi?e case officer for the Eiencico City Station, handling Con-1111:1131; and handst party operations. Subject - $7371 aiso act. as a spotter af- recruiter. has he been given special training as an agent? Explain. Subject. received intelligence training by the Am. He was. given covert. training by ARK from 5 October tiara: 3h 25 Iovember 1953, and again from 25' Ehrch mango 1" hay 195?. diurnal. training will. be 1 . given him at Headquarters from 21 Aoril tor-c.1311 23 3; 1956?ow and from whom does he obtain information? . .. His principal. function sill he that oi handling and spotting vents. 1 Is it. proposed to pay auhdoct. a reg-ole: saisry?! If no, amount per ?i Rook, month, etc. Explain any other methocio of paymont, ouch no exchange comdities. - is per his contract, Subject receives the regular salary of a 55-12, 9131.115 allowances, with provisions for no nal step increases. . . 50. Are ou?hjert' a language abilities and othor onch? . he could pass as a. native oi? a country or x-ogion other this his .55, He has native fluency in Spanish.? 3?01: this reasoo he Ming-time re51 49:11: are. possibl-r are: as a nauional of certain Central American-?arib?oem comtries, although he has obvious foreign physical . ~_characteristics:12; high: pass? as a' - - . -..?5.7 . 1 i. -14? ??mw ?air-ma arr??if} alga-fbru ?Jun?J. . L4 r-a. . 4 Iv.? .5 11h, . . . . grams-351. Hint in standing? upper middle class, lower middle pines, peasantry, etc. I 3 f" ?1m 313-35 l- . I 52. What are subject's personal habits? Liquor, drugs, gambling, mistresses i 1.1; or 1mmIi?liev?dia be normal- in all, msgpec'ts53. Wtion of subject's hamster, mummy, securityAll noted excellent ?2.x} With other totem would 8150.39?? be _noai. ,1_1k61,3 to. ?Jun-collnbarate becausia oi?; his ideology, obligatian, atc. Explain. '5 "51'hone. . - 3 g. - ti" sy?wjn - 3 55.? "hat special abilities, tnlent'a, or qunlitinntionp are possessed by - fanb?ect which uauld conceivably be of value for other operations . En? gin?- nag-.Hiy-lilutrait."- . .3 153.?- I . u. nan: ??ml - =9 . . SECRET - a: . (has fitted to) a our: . APPROVAL REQUEST -. 11-Apr-11 1958 i To Deputy Director of Security noun 3 ATT. 33% ?2513 I 3 FROM Chief, (SI/Operational Appmal- A if - and Support Dijision . . 6-2 SUBJECT I 590? 112569 . ?in: or scouts? a. ?not: or "mum; I run" Inn Man A I In". a. I In: I Inn-nu I 'Ila'unu 3? a. mates: ?suns ?outsan") I. a. an or ?new?: For briefing by 01/181) and representatives in ?rehouse. I. use or summer 1r. mnahsnnou NOT YOJEIEAL- ?rust? 3r a. $911!. wuss"; ml autumn-or U. I. I I l ll IIUCOIS I I Ito-Ilitllg, - Iowan o. ?suits or nuns ?no nuns an can? us! zunnuzn I'll I I Do to. nucunturs I I'luunn I I on": i menu: i I I . nun?: a sea 32.33? scum: . H?m?wjm? 51,31}: {47-1?503?2; In. .3 was milmurj??n?} b.5141. .hu Whlh?m mih?uh (- 14-00000 . 1' . f: I I 3% u-{.SECRET -- . r. ?ta (nu. nun: 1-: mu cur. .. INSTRUCTION SHEEI 3/ v? . . a 2,513 . . x" 10: Processing Section - . PLEASE TAKE THE FOLLODING ACICON 0H ?-15 CASE SET {Ahoy- cheat ?luauln? baton for ?hinting- at dclan?llg 51! UP roauncn n- an an:- In or FOR: on cu Evin 'uwr mph?; have" :3 ?our! on" urn asses; ornunonu. uncut. now!? ?mils i i Issu: ?cannon? "noun. banana?. 3 our. ?rants 1 ?a - .j sum. . ?out? ?no nucuulm to . . ":qu . 4 ran-no nucuuzut to szcumn' arms? lawn-mu. macaw?: In?! . ?once: . 2? Duo 3 NHL ?west as? usv . 5 PREPARE cwcuunou ran ruamsn Han: LIST ?minutes z- - 'sun In ailment?: ?out? ?5:13.11 Tr.cu._ Ig??wmnc? .: . i 3 sun 'aumv? 1?0 i \r 5.- [man sumo 99A *ron . nus Lm?rn. one:- 0 . (II/rap awn!? - I r7 uncut?air-m:- .- ?New 34700000 omen: Hymn/Heme . ?m . aim ?o . 11 April 1953 . mm was: 'cgsa .OMCE mum Wes . thief. germ? mm, Office of logistics 3 mar, Central Cater hunch, lib/P sl last. 2555. 5162 . Filament so. 8.3570434?? 0084 HAS?1025,255nna may mg of mfehcm requested: Offiao location and Elwin-Wt: hummer}, 9. Cu- Buzimss ?res. mum Price Page: ?lo/ml: Occupancy m: 21 Apr-11 19% Intended Use: mamas will be oompied by one (1) career agent and personnel ?rm the CI Starr and; The agent will live simmers, not Lathe; mfahmse. Ths'agent. is a' U. 5. $34861, Sensitive material will be in warehouse during Same old. day. Hone will be left back .411 he need the an and an; be stored overnight. 66m Want: &bj'qi:t of Bylaw of Putnam?: Institute, (a national piling fin) 1m Dull?; Tone.? Dan-lug a .- mm ?n rm}: still live Pt: ma?a. the agat' M_miva113m: To: 2321.2: 1.955 overnight. 1} upe?i-eeardgr for play that. recent. operational Mg: ha $001!?th- a? tho 2m} 316331.131 Apes-mu, Alma satay - 152;}: A I 0313651152; 25:23:: @1335: TC 3..- AUTHCREZENG .- - a. ., - . . . l-521? ?mh-nnl' awn33mwm- . ?w ?mfml' w?l?mimm'v? WW. ?any: m?nnma. ill? Wad.? ?In?r??fw. ?5;?E5wg . . ?.uuw?i..m.m.rra.kr 'aeumLu.MW~ a I Vi?? 34-00000 . 3 .7 sscner - . g4 2? i (UM: Filled Ila) -, SI . 3, m: Ira/m4 I 1cm: . I 153:1 51I . rem-1: til/Operational Approval and Support Division A 3 3 5mm: 1. Your request dated 26 F613 56 for approve} I to use the Subject has been processed by the Office of SecurttIy. - 3 2- The results of this action are" transmitted herewith\kri . A 3 Ir i . Attachment: a I I .I 'mm3?u157manewe 3 . I. - I I1 File DEC. 5 .fznSECRET . a; . 'r no. Ii'l?tll nu 99.3.. auc- enounv?quw?Jd?n- .FEIVICUI til 5? 7 ragrww??v?ua a ?mimmaarsam . Mr. '10: u-?-if ?Ma?a? 3&1 dud-r15SECRET .: r. 14;: 5% {anon nun: In; - -. . an: us: no. INSTRUCTION SHEET 911/8 {77 . 1 In: Processing Section . PLESSE TAKE YHE ACHON YHE CASE FORTH ABOVE. . . . . (Always (heel 'l?mrkr' (or limitation? at detail.) j, an o! roan 8? - E. ran um: "plus ra- Duncan: an (in: so. 1 5n n? ton: v. on [3:51 0:5; it)? up Mount In" nuns, - 5 onunoun ?outs: a: mitts a; i . use: nunsmuu mentions?. nnovu Mention-u. 3 our. Incas snu. ouvsnwamc REGUESY nun ranczs 4 1 Immune ?new?! vo mvusmw i . .7 - Imusran-nan ?name?! to stcuaun nous! aauunciuu. moan?: min :7 pouch an up [373" . run-n. atouzst came usx .. "gnu-?Elfaictunwu roan. runmsn can: LISY :uronuumu 1'0 amass: assuus or term. tuuniomnou . 1 nu . stun ?mun" mm to ounsnou Elmo POL run: on; mun. own 34700000 if 11. 1 . 1 :11: mun-use. ll 1% - SECRET - 1? . 1 11-1.? 1_1111' - O?i i 66 emorzm 24272- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT .- 2 chief, ?lm 1 1 DATE: 13 JUL 19571 i .. mm- Deputy-Immater- of Security (Investigatims and Support) 11 - ?1 1 I Mm= c-2550? . ., . #112569 . . 1. Reference is mde to your memorandum dated 28 Febzury -. '4 1 11 1957 therein a covert. security approval as requested to arable - 1 the Subject'a conversion from contract agent. to career agent . ?5 status for use as principal agent for Project WHGDAFKJH in - Cuba .nder non-official cover. Reference is also made to our 5 memorandm. of 2 April 1957 in which a provisional covert security clearance was mated for the above use. 2. In accordance with the provisions set forth in the Director's Pmorandm of February 19119 entitled, ?Security 1 i: 7 and Operational clearances," a covert security clearance is 11., . 1'1" i; 1 wanted for the use of the abject, as described 11:: your request.- . - as set forth in paragraph 1, aboveThis clearance is cantin?ent upon the following: I. a. The receipt by this office of full overseas .1 - 1 traces and such actual overseas investigation as 13 1 i? possible on Subject and on his wife and her familythat Subject be afforded a :colygraph' inter- 1. 11'; mgation as soon as possible and mat. the verbatum .2.) . results be furnished to this officeOffice of Security will be happy to 11.11 - W8 this interrogation. 1 - . 52:57:21 3, . -. . . mjecta of covert security clmances are not to represent. thanselm as, nor. are they to be represented as, employeesot moYour attention is called to the fact that. a covert security .- - ,j ?clear-awe does not. constihzoe couplets.- cmphance with the provisions of CIA Regulati- 10-213. memfcreindividml, a request. for clearance to cover am proposed change should be mural to this of?ce. E, . - - 1 .11Lcm? 1 mwaww .kStawl?vviw-mawm?" 51-131: 4700000 Elf- :9 1E3 warm?lial lclaaranfce b?cmea invalid in the event the Subject-?5 gel?vices are not utilized uithin'?o days of the date of this memorandum. . . DIRECM 0F SEURIH: 'rgiawl raw-r. mm? .6911. .me_ TL .. i an:meJ; 5.: WW max. :9 I . - 350m . "unqu- .9. - [yaw-yank? i 1 (?01?in Memorandum . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 10 Chief, ci/m om: 3JUL1957II Deputy Director of Security (Investigations and support) . n-t: Simmer: c.2550? #122569 - . - 1. Concurrent with this donor?andum a covert security . - clearance is being iSsued to enable the Subject's conversion from i contract afoot to career agent for use as principal as out for .1 Project WHWH in Cuba under non-official cover. 2. 13113 is to advise that infomtim has boon mosh-Bad - i E. - . - was report, the above individuals were described as Costa Rican citizens than in Panama under . - . I suspicion and members of the Russian Ballet team of Pedro and '5 Lidia CHUPRIIE. Arnentina is known to speak and undorstaTnd i Gaman._ She was formerly married to Pedro MARZAL, reportedly 2 a German mtic rial and formerly on both British am! U. S. - 1 - Proclaimed List. She is reliably reported to have made pry further reported that both of the above indivimals have at . - times attempted to secure infoma tion Iran members of the I - . Amerioan Amod ForcesGsman renarko and is pro-Gem in her sympa?iiesview of tho shove- mfomation, itII is roquosted .. . current overseas tracesami - . smother members of his wife's immediate family and that the results thereof be furnished this office. . 7-: h. on covert security cledronce which is how issued Tin this case is made cenmgent- upon the faovrahlo res-nits of the requested overseas traces and investigatim. - _m Wren armurn-us" nus-?caILANv Jun. 1.1.. .. 1- 3: a, "335143913scan- - ?ul?d'uug'il? . . Eugsa?a??m??azcg . . .. .1 . .. . 53636.389 3.6 3333 3.853 3 no3.3 833580 5 333%.? 33 :3 35.54 .3333taboo aga?g 33583 an 33.. #9333 33.303 3050 .0 .. . . .. graham.? 3333 ad was; Eu be.? 0333 . . . . .. .. .. lewd-F3 gag .93 33 an wad $3463.2330 33% :3 3? 330 .u .333 33333 IrvES): 34700000 I I swam 1 1 ruled InREQUEST FOR AKBJER) puma ?23 Febm 1957 . ?1 . Deputy Dire?tor?of Security nont'v. A 10 5 an: mi 12613: . mu Chief. (SI/Operational Approval 1, and Support Division - 67-23561 . requested by Sum-Ear 9112569 3. EETNOD 0' HINDLIIG [unnui? I luau-u . FII CHECK REQUESTED Taxi 1 3 - iIunncn usuns'uoozsuo IV. I BY .(bue) a 5. AIER 0? - a. use up suwccv see marks 1- 70 Of SUGGESTED POI IIVISTIGA130N In. 9. Govcsp-xuv 1 1 luau: 3 9. IEIULIS 0F TRACES IILCES E?lt? LIST no, uncut-av; 11131 81 YIACCS RBI .. I on P15 . Jun-u" I stun: a 13': nuns Subject baa served (:11 -1 a anti-act capacity ai?c'e 19119, with a continuous i' high level of perfume. He is currently assigned toCuba, where he is being a . . E. ?utilised a we Principal Agenh- for' Project Project wwmma '16 a; . . i F1 operation design-14> provide information on political activities (including . I Isommnist) in universitycirclne in Havana, Cuba._ In view of his; outgtanding MON am! atrong'ovemll qualifications; and his axpr?ssed desire for? 3 Cam: - with CIA, it has been waded h?bq Iconvert?d, Int-oncommct to cum agent. status. . . - 1 ?me .ma; \1 693 us: virtuous minus. -- rt. ?secm . - wa? ??aw?arm; ?sammguzyw . - ..- te"- -.. ., VI. a 707 I'llifll. ?a uriu?r- Lara 29111- 1:955? u-g-ggkx'm? Ell-{Mum to?mw ?aim-d1 Wm -- Sac" "r?m?m?xumzum?m n?W? . 94 54700000 . .1 . . . . -- 33:13 - '13 .113. T?S?cf' 125SECRET . mm? (mm Filled In5.3. INSTRUCYION sneer 2" a - -- f7 m: Processing Section I . I . - nus: rm: rouowec ACTION on In]: case 551 roam move. 1:3 (AI-or. chest 'lclarla' below In! ?sinuous or minus) .2 . up was: '3 5 "i - to; Ianll'lill-l' nu "In: cutrunDun Des. Dina! mute?; 'uouuv cornIssuz'mcunmn. ?noun. ?was! in -: I'gsu: Housman. wanna?. ?noun a our. tutu 5 mu. mutual-m ?an Inc?s >2 I roe-no "rm-nu? to Mention A :3 . - - "Mston-Ann We i nouns? gunmen?. BIOGRAPHIC INFO . PMS - M. . . 7 . i noun: [3 an Dan . nun? sacs? 3 ?it'll?. roan sums? cum Lust unroaunnon 3 scan 10 azquzsr RESULTS or 1:05. muniwenncn sun 'ouur' ?no to olnsuou I . . .3 . lump eon roe (Sea Resins) . i. EEMADII: . . . lane-n9!? new no. 14-00000 mom?: on Pstuoo-w Arthur G. YANADA . nu er Assn on removalSECRET i (Mn Pillar! InFem-Lars? 1957 REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATIGH AHB APPROVAL . a In: CIIOperational Approval and Support FROM: 2 -. (Division). 3 1mm? . cnion FELE no. I so FILE No. - mat ?on(Full anus?. - - - . high level of performance. He is currently assigned to Cuba, where he is being -9 ?Wir utilized as the Principal Agent for Project AMPHODARCH. is an PI operation designed to provide information on political activities(includ1ng Communist} in university circles in Havana. Cuba. In View of his outstandingm, recor? and strong OVerall qualifications, and his expressed desire for a career with C18, it has been recommended he be conVerted froml contract to career agents W53. TYPE acrnou 9313115165?. newsman caviar ?tmnu?r?r stun-mu. ?new?. I count np?novn. - cannula ?use can: . - rhonninnv ?noun. . :IsI-g. ?on? (50 ?dd investigalion) OTHER: 7' . . i ..2 PRO AND GREEN LIST STATUS - 5 -I no I. on us 1114101?: In no cones no mu 3: ran-note min . Hm :5 "menu. ar-oeumnm: - oazau 4.451 CHECK ms szu mmnto TRACES . ?2 . - 1 inc?. Illa nf IILL at ran-mun In? 5' nun ?rah-um}: Ls ATTACHED - not i?llTlA?l?tD. nor unctto To QELEVAHT mm. susaasrza covzn . mun-wt? 0 anaemic ?cm emu: . - . an TRACES . n:Vusnun TRACES I I I llama-aim demgami' inmatemo uI? dew QM) I ?line ?can IIBICIIE ?[8441 OI INVESTIGATIOII DR DESIRED - . 4 unaua?'aownon-c mun" at an. urtaur "7 . i - no?: unacsll II 3.9. scum-mun? Harlin" - 7 any? gaunt or uni-nun ?unusual. 3- .. gov-3;;- uurlo on I 'cnno sun A stung #L?r no. . . SECRET wt? Hudg; H: 11-. waAwdc-nuw .4 we? .?h?Ml -?mb ?Maw" M1~w~nd~ '4 A 1 'l -. . mum" -: 8-35. STATEMENT Instrumongal. Answer all eomuleteiy. If question is neat applicable write. Write I 1F- Inez-50ml records. Use the blank pages at the 9nd of this form for em details on - any quation or questions for which you do not hme suf?cient room. I: T571312. print, or write awfully; inegible or incomplete forms will not receive consid- eration. . . HAVE READ ASI) DO YOU UNDERSTAND TII-E I'I'en or No) 1. P2123051405:: AFULL 3mm..- - ?ne Kai -. cums . (Ln-ft) II I 5 - .1 .I. ADDRESS WT OTHER NAMES HAVE i mm WHAT mews-rmcs's HAVE YOU EVER USED THESE I ?251,15 - I . HOW IPALEGAL CHANGEGBE - HA I harms - Irnew-1mm nay anAmoFmW Margin_m;mun HP 112111jag: HWWHIP a 133mm 'mr ?my mu - '5 "a Jul-7? ya -Un . Eli?; .m - . _j mm ALP- - I n" ?939 Mn 2: to ANY emu muonm . . . II 1 2.7(MyPARTICULARS 51Hindi -. - gwilsq Air?mm" 0111: if you do not know the answer and cannot Obtain the answer from- If? a .-. - .M'Nmi-w-wcam? (Bum mam -. -, . 3 - I I .IV . 39mmESP BORN OUTSIDE U. 8. WHEN DID YOU WEST-ARRIVE IS THIS 25? PORT OF OH IPOBT OF WHAT LAST ?1 SEVISA I (Wait- Try?) 1? I ?Morgan Signet-Illa) 8:0. 2. PHYSICAL ms COHPLEXJON W4. SCARS 5 3. a I - I BUILD OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES Sac. STATUS, . - ?u . A. SINGLE HARBIED nwoncnn magi?..- .a wmowzn STATS DATE. Pugs. Am: Reason An. slams-mm. 0:30am (in ?Strum-ITS B. MFE on HUSBAND YOU HAVE BEEN MARRIED mom: TRAN - A SEPARATE SHEET FOR FORHER WIFE oi: HUSBAND GIVING DATA REQUIRED 2 - BELOW FOR ALL pnavxous MARRIAGES.) -2: NAME or SPOUSE L. 3; - - may) Tm; em) . FLAGS AND DATE or MARRIAGE 17 195' O?ntohal, _c?-M1 Zane ms (011 HER) ADDRESS 33mm; him 1 . . manta-hm ?dis; . (Sinn- team? -- 1.1va on Living? BATS or DECEASB ALE m, - ADDRESS 3t? Bu. 655 Vachdo, Hanna, Gain . - 1 and Santa) (Gm (State) - 1m! lAmsrn or BERT PLACE or 3mm ?n Jose, Goa-ta Rica ?7 f? 51?? 3 Tr noun OUTSIDE u. S. DATE AND mm: or mar a? 31%? Asqumrw; wanna: Mea- ,1 -. a- ?am am: ?hungry m? - - mm OR BUSINESS ADDRESS ,3 - - (main?am) (anSERVICE 3 . my Fg?f; 11mm ormsn aqua s. on roman):- ..- --..-. . . . wmmuau?mm- I . I I, . -.-. man. nnunonsmr . non 5&5 So. 655. Gum; (sputum; {Girl (Sun) I- 2mm- nnm?noxsaw- . ?Acn 5th no. 655. Ham. Gum ?am (Canny17ADDRESS - I amunmamas-mm; min) (6mm) SEC. 5 FATHER (Give the same information for stepfather and/or guardian on :1 Separate sheet) ., - - ,1 FULL NAME W) . gm: (Last! LIVING OE DECEAISEJID DATE OF IDECEASE CAUSE =rmam1-w Winningm my, (nan-Mew; sum? (Bun) . pl! 1 sum 131111013 DATE or Inm'rn ?93: 15 359%an; on 31.11111 (sh-ill) (Clint?!) IF S. INDICATE DATE AND PLACE LAST. IADDRESS CITIZENSHIP 3 WHEN .. . - 3 (Shh) Imam-n5 OCCUPAITION LAST EMPLOYER he 1 . . 111190 13 EMPLOYEES 9m; nusImnss ADDRESS - I- .1 - . M.) 1911 -. 161%?? 05 yam-ran? ms: T0 - amen on (Dab) War mm mm Ioromn?cow. menu.- non FOREIGN .annImm' main. 2:13 95.2133. . v5. vse?an'?; ?ffxi?s MI BI. MOTHER (Give the same infatuation for?. stepmother on asepafateaheetcausnf._ L- ml? 1 - -m nun o?mwuw 017 3mm Mum27;? Me? on mm? DATE on um ling". 34700000 3" 3233OCCUPATION LAST ENnLorEn (?amnmi 3cm: . Jane) imam) inmm'nv SERVICE FROM To BRANCH on SERVER - .. . ,2 DETAILS Ion OTHER cow. SERVICE. D. a. 0R FOREIGN I i ., ISEG. I7. IRRIDTNERIS. AND SISTERS hair. Inter?, and 1.15pm: bmiheis and sisters): 2. nmA. NAME .1: AGE. - 1W PRESENT ADDRESS. .. 3313-5018 335 ?3 222i?? . (samxunhu) . . lanai-? (OWE) . 2. Iii-131.1. NANE AGE -I3 PRESENT ADDRESS- 1 mm: 11118013 - 338 Mum?) i' a. InmJ. AGE if 3 - ADDRESS- .1299. 9ng(Gig) 15:12) mum? (min-mun) I I 4. NANIEII AGE i. 1 PRESENT ADDRESS Mmzm..smm.2M2 (Gunship) I 5. NANIE I - AGE .- . I ?munPRESENT ADDRESS . '-I. (SLImsuth-y (can 18mm .. (Guarani . iCiISuuhlp) I 2. mo. 35. FATHER - i . 2393? is? 1:;13? ?'rz-n 3 I "1:22-15:35 :iF'4 2?2" i3: - FULL NAME ?i .. I .-.-- - -.--. .. {DR: DECEASED -.mhp DATE on W?l?usz 3mm 1. I . i .: 312mm 031431;me .. . ?harm? .8. 1 I - (Saar) . (Cough! . if}, In}. on MA m?E or Jungian! 338? I 1" '3 n2 BORN 13.8. DATE AND PEACE on ENTRY ll E, Rizsmaizzr W: ?n 3 3 3? .3.- i . . 3 WHERE mm . mmenm__Am_M - 73 . . I (am . (Sula) (Gunny! 23? 4 hid-In - - 'l'ii- aw} -. . .5 - awnmw?l?w - 1W.: EM. ?531.33 m'i: . WILLIAMS A: I [lull (51. and Nanak-r) (can {Sun}; D113 01' 111313 333.212- 1%03 01' 3mm Imw. Eta?w IF 30123 1111131111: U. 3.11111ch1]; A311 PLACE. 01? 3111-31 - - . 311-1233311113 EMHEN mm - - 1am (Sunk) 1m) OCCUPATION W3 LAST 121113101133 SEC. 10. RELATIVES BY BLOOD, MARRIAGE 0R ADOPTION. EITHER LIVE ABROAD- QIR ARE OT CITIZENS OFI THE UNITEDI- STATFIEI: 1.31.111: .4 33141111033311- mm A61: s31 I I 11171133 1? AM A Ih?g Arw. 1&1. a, ?1st 1 . 2. 11131311031311: 4mg 7.27.. 01112333311- ADDRESS .?am?m?m?am MW iw? a. NA111: RELATIONSHIP. AGE 831:. 11. 3313111133 BY 31.11011 03 1111131111111: 13 11111 I113 1:31-11. $331363 01' . 11:11:11.3 OR OFAFOREIGN GOVERNMENT. Hm - 11.41.31? 3.. 1'77"" 311111333331II.I .. ma?a-Am . 10:11 (cu-am: (11-33mmmm- 3.. 1111113333 - "3 11' . ?StIu-ndNqu-? lem . MI I (cum) 2m AND 1.0011193 or 311311113 (11- 3301111) ""48.me - ~11. . ?1 I -- 3 1311121131311? AMMEW ADDRESS museum) 19:? AM: 11mm 1311 1031.11113 01' 81:3ch (11' 113011133 - . 151 1-1. "1 551I..- .. .. .I I: I .. 1.11131: 03 DECEASED .. 311.111-11.112 or 11110111511 1:111:31: P335331 03 LAST, 1.1133335 ..- - I. 1 ?Mn" . 'r 11?. I. - 1.111111: . - 121700000 SEC. POSITION DATA 2?POSITION APPIIED Eon BA - i 3 Dim? 13 WE AENUAL EETRAECE SALARY YOU WILL ,3 (You Will Not Be Considered I-?or Any Position With A Lower Entrance mayyou ARE WILLING TO TRAVEL. sr'EcrEY: '2 mqumw -mm CONSTAETLE CHECK n? YOU WILL Accm APPOINTMENT. IF OFFERED: IN WAsIEmc'roE. D. 293 :5 . 2 ANYWHERE THE UNITED STATES OUTSIDE THE Emma I I . A Eur. YOU mu. ACCEPT CERTAIN LOCATIONS ONLY SPECIFY LocA'rxoxs I '2 i Preference for Ietin America and SpeiD .5 Sac. 13. EDUCATION - 5 2 3 IELEMENTARYI ADDRESS DaKalb, minda'm 2 2' if (at! (Sum . (Comm) . DATES AWENDED 19264934 GRADUATE: Ya? I A . - Iii-man schon Dam.? Tm ADDRESS Daub: 113-13515 ?55 ?i 2 ="lzi . - mm .- (Sc-u) - (Cantu) A. i DATES ATTEEDED 10" ?2 2 . 2 IUDLDEGE I . - 3 - - Waning . -: - - amen AEDI SPECIALTY 2; i2 A. - V'J'f?z? DATES AMENDED DEGREE -- ?EmisSan Anna! 6mm City, Gmtemh 3' - (M) {my i amen ADD mm? - moomm 21mm 135amp UNDERGRADUATE coma Smarts 19? 55? mm cum Pam 3cm? mum at Wan-gum, Enticing? WM 2323" Iva-a; - - a) g'mtr 2 I . u-u "?352 ?Jr .- P. new - Mil .E. +13; . 2E w: 31 vigil? lax; I a mg: Sec. 14; ACTIVE 11. s. or: FOREIGN MILITARY SERVICE .1 :7 am: .l?urlg) 7. (my 4deSERVICE Homo Evans}: . . ?88- 1 .7 INDICATE MEMBERSHIP mum? RESERVE - m_ . 15. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF EMPLOYMENT FOR PAST 15 YEARS. . ACCOUNT FOR ALL PERIODS INCLUDE CASUAL INCLUDE ALSO PERIODS OF UNEMPLOYMENT. GIVE ADDRESSES AND STATE WHAT YOU DID DURING PERIODS OF UNEMPLOYMENT. LIST- LAST POSITION FIRST. (List all civilian em; ployment by a foreign government; regardless of dates.) - V. CLASSIFICATION GRADE F303 WW. To up In I-FEDEEAL SERVICE) mme." TERM OR AGENCY ??nal, 5 ADDRESS .18: Ind Nani-? (01b) (M) (Dam-n KIND OF BUSINESS OF SUPERVISOR 7 mEormn 9A Ell-Lump?; PER Youn DUTIES WWuta- in? m; ?1m Wmuwof informant- of- and" magnum mm of Wmi'im 'msms FOE LEAvmo 9; 1m mos! mmo on AGENCY mums Mud?ats) (mu) . 4mm . r. .--.. .. or FEDERAL SERVICEnames HARE or: SUPERVISOR mg arms Wm? man? mm?. PER . A ,3 flax-W .. . :95" . . {151 CLASSIFICATION GRADE 553?. CLASSIFICATION GRADE a 7-331 mob! WQM) 1N FEDERAL SERVICE) mm on AGENCY . (aim . 1mm 5' mm or BUSINESS 1MME ORSUPERVISDR . momma _mm mo. - 55 HA ma DUTIES can: of panties]. analysis of Caribbean am! South Anna-inn ramblingREASONS FOR LEAVING and ?0 am Political Room atGRADE . . ?59? 13: 1949.10 mm FEDERAL SERVICE) HAW on AGENCY mm photomphy and B?mdantterm? (an; -- -- (mm . . KIND or BUSINESS -NAHE 0E SUPERVISOR 5911?le 7 . .9 Photo. TITLEOFJOB gm Variable? . . . *2 REASONS FOR LEAVING .7 CLASSIFICATION GRADE - - mom TO (urn: SERVICE) "mm .. i mils] . - (My) mop BUSINESS .1351? or 3 ?mum-In i 4321;51:- mt. 7 mypun?trunk"! 1.. '2 GI mSoxS ESE ?amrk?temm Wm? 2'.41) . ?7 A . ?w?I-I-?lh?rJ-r{fro-55W . a . 1? T?a' thanLit. . A 3:1 wwi I Anagram: I .11. 4 4' '7 16. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN DISCHARGED 0R ASKED TO FROM ANY POSI- . HAVE YOU LEFT A POSITION UNDER CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH. YOU DESIRE TO GIVE . i . 17. GEXERAL QUALIFICATIONS LNEEICN LANGUAGES (STATE. DEGREE 0R PROFICIENCY A3. OR -J- LAXGDAGE SPEAK- Melanin WRITE fig LANGUAGE SPEAK Wm- READ mm. WRITE LASCUAGE 39m READ warn: ..- 2' 3.1151" ALL SPORTS AND nannies WHICH INTEREST you: INDICATE DEGREE or Pn'nm- a If may IN EACH: 1 E. . ?35. ,e .-. 3 ?35:12" i .. - 1m mam? may?freelance and i 7 .. can: you ANY QUALIFICATIONS. As A RESULT or mech on EXPERIENCE, waxca 512:: '1 g: i 3mmSUCH AS ormnov (w SHORT-WAVE comonmsn, m2! PUNCH. . mm LATHE. scramc on PRBPESSIONAL if ?13m in In91155., 3 MI - (?If ru? mum-?sm? lMI?l-?d-.kw. (10) . BARE YOU NOW OR HAVE YOU FVER BEEN A LICENSED OR CERTIFIED OF ANY OR FROFESSION. SUCH AB PILOT, ELECTRICIAN, mmo cram-Ian. TEACHER. LAWYER. cm, ETC so IF YSS. INDICATE a? AND STATE rim? 1.16. on CERTIFICATE '(Ym a LATEST me. on CERTIFICATE (YR) .2 - F-GWE ANY SPECIAL QUWICATIQNS NOT comm- IN Tova? APPIJCATION SUCH AS. (1) YOUR MORE IMPORTANT PUBLICATIONS sum NOT SUBMIT COPIES UNLESS REQUESTED) 5(2) YOUR PATENTS or. my: swung . In) PUBLIC SPEAKING AND mam: SEMI-IONS EXPERIENCE HONORS AND FELIDWSHIPS NECEIVED - - 3 ?1 (1) in 51?11an mama.IA) Em . 13"? - . (RHAVE YOU A PHYSICAL HANDICAP, DISEASE, OR OTHER DISABILITY WHICH SHOULD BE CONSIDERED IN YOU ANSWER 13 EXPLAIN1-,AWN: star. -. EDD YOU RECEIVE AN ANVUITY mom THE UNITED STATES on DISTRICT OF (:0me - com UNDER ACT on ANY PENSION on OTHER Tron InurmY on NAVAL IF ANSWER 13 GIVE comm Danna: x: 4 .. 5. .- .451'. 1.1: .. .f-f?n 3 r' ul'r: - F1, ?y -.- - ..-..- MMWW aura-Cam- wW-i?" Jam14-00000 .41: . Sac. 18. GIVE FIVE THE U. KNOW you midm and businm whae pqgsible.) - f' 'Stmload?m'of A cw 'Sme #JV/Om?iaum Daytm emu?- .a BUS. ADD733mm! mom - . - .41" . 3113.591), - - - I 659Wnus. ADD. $.ng kWh?gL??a?hHWJ' ?1 1, . 4601?Ic? 39'3th BUB. ADD a; - I . Emma #5550 CamEnsRES. - . Sm. 19. NAMES OF FIVE P13350513 WORN-OW YOU 300mm: 1N . NOT REFERENCES. RELATIVES. SUPERVISORS. OE residence-r - and business addresse'sIH'here ngsible.) -- . - __Lumm 1.: P313 . . Gav Sam?aunmmwi?u?-k? - Hummus: - . 2. - .. BUS. - timom . - - I . BUSRESEREE 73096119! Wok -- rho-M1- raumuWuum-?Lwr?Lw gurgw?mun: f. mama. J. RES. ma?W?h. hm_ - .mp- mam): .--, RES- wD-mm 3 Sham Sm. 20. GIVE THREE NEIGHBORS AT YOUR LAST NORMAL IN THE U. possiblg): - . . ?01m: - sw?w?'m Me . . . Bus; -. w? .. - . .333. . "Bus. ADDHus. ADD. . - - 333. mp. - - sec. 21. FINANCIAL BACKGROUND - A. ARE YOU mm?- on 11'? 3m 1PM.8TATH SOEEHHs or man mco'uE was ?rmJr. -.-- - asusm-a-Zu . . ?any?? .. ?Jpn, ?13" Lg." gimm. N7. 14-00000 . nun-.? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN mon PE'rmoxEn FOR. '39 GIVE PARTICULARS, INCLUDING a - - GIVE THREE CREDIT TREES 31 credit mfma ara' 1. NAME Witwa?en??l 1.. hale EMMQ- 11:9; $5.319(SL315: Kuhn) . (C5111 (sun) I I EINAHEI I . EL nut?Cit!) mm)- 13' RABBI . (can (my 830. 22. RESIDENCES FOR. TIHE PAST 15 YEARS Egon 1955 To PrIesant 08.118 5 Ho. 655 Verhdo Balsam, cumI- . . . lSI-udnmheIn - (Sun) (Country) . .5139. 19551.0 Gallo 11 So. 1013 ?dado Cub). I . . (Rambo?) 16:3) . ?int?) . tannin} Haw. 19541.0, Apr. 1955? Gallo 16,843. 511 ?165,60 Ram, Gala . 151.com) . ?my: 15m) . 1m; no? Aug. 1954, TO 56v. 1951. cam 3, Bo. Haham, Cu?i'a e- .nm (sum (Cannot; mom .33 1951* T0 ?13' 195? .Il- . . .. (Sud-dumber) . (am (Sun) - (Cs-mun FROM Jan. 195? 7th E. M, Jocetamingo, (hat.- City. -.. .. (ac-Mamas: - (any ?Exam- ?gnaw; mm (Sub) - . IQCaunlnl no? Apr. 191.9 To Jul. 1953 I En p'i-Idi- madame ms ?liWW to M) mum) .896. I23. RESIDENCE OR TRAVEL OUTSIDE OF THE ENTITY-3D STATES APE, .70 "Elm Plaid m. Dec ?1 T'o' Mar . .. (Pea-m ?4 16? June? #5 ?1333. 93$. - . urn-Emma (Comma) . no?: MAS.-. TO 432149.. 3.- 10 July-51- 836. CLUBS, SOCIETIES, AND OTHER ORGANWZATIOXS- LIST NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL CLUBS SOCIETIES. PROFESSIONAL SocrEfrIEs, Em GROUPS. ORGANIZATIONS OF ANY m'D MEMBERSHIP IN. on SUPPORT (wamh - (Page!) OF ANY ORGANIZATION HAVING HEADQUARTERS on BEANCE- IN A FOREIGN coma?) To - BELONG 0B HAVE BELONGED: . . 7 Club ?Muslin?, Av 331;, mm, Etna, Guh i [Rm (St. all; ?unk!) (I-Glz? (M) {My} '3 3mm 01? MEMBERSHIP- 195? 7 3- ?Wco .II 250? I 51'3" II ?sulfa?! .. ll?and?mhI - 6336'): I :g mass 05? MEMBERSHIP14-00000 . 3'5213ram 'mmwuy- cam that AWL 15:57 3- DATES OF MEMBERSHIP: . HIIEET . - - . 152??.1?3 4.21." '2 751-1? s} 5. - - Mach-pm) l?snd?mbu) (um . ?sum scum-? .- namormzunnmm' - . mam-smug) 1mmnm: A ?can; Cam,? ?mm: nA-rss?op unmann'snlr--.. Ira-Wmm) {gum . Mm?, nuts 0? MEMBERSHIP- SEC. 25, MISCELLANEOUS YOU ADVOCATE OR HAVE YOU EVER ADVOCATED: OR ARE YOU NOW OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A MEMBER 01". OR HAVE YOU SUPPORTED. ANY POLITICAL PARTY OB WHICH ADVOCATES THE OVERTHROW OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL- FORK OF ERNMENT IN THE UNITED - 1? EXPLAIN: *nhuqn.no YOU USE. on HAVE YOU ussn. into. to want- .. - axes .. - ICEAVE YOU EVER BEE - OB CONVICTED FOR ANY VIOLATION OF LAW OTHER THAN A MINOR TRAFFIC IF SO. STATE NAME OF COURT, CITY. aura. COUNTRY. muons on orransn AND DISPOSITION or CASEYOU EVER 13m: warm A man. on THE mucus: n? ANSWER 18 was: 13mm nanowu ., . - w- ?fi- 2 1. oa . 1? 23:2? 13.1 1? BELOW. THE NAHES 0F GOVERNNENT DEPARTHENTS. AGENCIES OE omens TO - 1} men YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR EMPLOYMENT SINCE 1940 YOUR KLOWLEDGB ANY OF THE ASOVE HAS CONDUCTED AN INVESTIGATION OF - . YOU. INDICATE BELOW THE NAME OF THAT- AGENCY AND THE APPROXIMATE DATE OF 7 THE ESTIGATION: mum (unity abet fam- seem-my) in I 'i A _Sw f0!" :13 1956 . . Lyra?, .u ?3,123.3 7. . 25. PERSON TO BE NOTIFIED IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: - RELATIONSHIP Gallo 5 Rb 655 rkm? cum -- . I 2' ADDRESSqii?kxmp - ?cam - 1:3qu - Imam! 27 YOU ARE INFRRIIRO THAT THE CORRECTNESS 0F ALL MADE . HEREIN WILL BE INVESTIGATEO. - - i; . I ARE THERE ANY UNFAVORABLE INCIDENTS IN YOUR LIFE NOT MENTIONED ABOVE WHICH 3 3 MAY BE DISCOVERED IN SUBSEQUENT INVESTIGATION. WHETHER YOU WERE DIRECTLY INVOLVED OR NOT, WHICH MIGHT REQUIRE IF SO, DESCRIBE. IF ANSWER CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ANSWERS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AND I AGREE THAT ANY MISSTATRNENT AS To A MATERIAL FACT WILL CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR IN. *mmTE 015mm OR OF, MY APPLICATIONInn-Rim (WNW 1 I i . (MidwUSE THE NLIDWING PAGES FOR mm NUMBER ACCORDING TO THE HUM I BER OF THE QUESTION TO WHICH THEY BELATE. SIGN YOUR NAME AT THE END OF ADDED MATERIAL IF ADDITIONAL SPACE IS REQUIRED USE EXTRA PAGES THE. 7 SAME SIZE AS THESE AND SIGN EACH SUCH PAGE. . . cuss?um? wantm_?hxh?Frw- ?-.14? 7? I 53331 -.-.-. m?rii1? 515:?! .1 I.- mun5.5.53 9.0. have? w?Lip. . . 5395.. Hon Hana?5.. wannabes. 050353. .. . Fan?. 338.8? 55558. ?45.33. an Egg ng? me. 95?. 9555..? 2.5. 5.5 w. 8 .3 2: 95555.25. i .g?au. ma?a 9.5 mag?. mg I Rafi-1% .1. {Va 3.3 . .u ?any. . ud? mu, n: 535- 43%, .v .B. .- was!? r_ . ?54.3451 Link .15 a Ira-x. y" 1 Manama mating carvers mining; fat man:- 5. vnmm. a. mummum at. Earth mm: mm mm .. W, Guam 3mm: 56- nwmmamadm mm ?51 max 14-00000 names 1956 5 3 .5 - . 7? mfg?. .- :5 - Request for Covert Training . . . Project: momma (PI) . - 5. Pseudom: MG. VAIVADA 5 5 ?t 5 1. :?Lti?ciached are saazxat: .20 3.: cu CT Jivisiod lzamd abow. car-41 Gite:- reviewing atmchod 1 request for training, 11 was ru?x ed balm REL (Cub a should be record-ad or: dye corrlent. Shae..- 311:1 a- ?rsts on sheet. .1321 the rauti. 3 sheet; 2. 2331511 you semi axis by itan? .7 3. Your acme-nu: 1.1111 craleirlabcd inane a marmdm fro the '1 THE Eivisicn over tr. r- GT Staff. ?22.13 mama .. razdum will be 11139112- {1 11;. .3113:. this cones" :andm 01:11.5 or contranLs we pf 3.1513 23:11:72.3, {Sig/u. so inf; you. . . J. ?a 3194:: awn13.11? you .322 311?on remix: 1.3-1.1 =r c-Jcm-a ation within CI Stai?f, . or 5:111:91 to roaming; shoet and ?inward, 3, outside :31? CL Staff can only be mde by 34700000 32pump-?Lam" ?33530chth a. Vmapaf.. 61 not?a that trai?i?g f9: ebmm?nce on? . mem hing scheduled for-m a .__This aituatianseem inherently . dangerous and Immanted by the as )knmm toCI Staff. - i'?end1ngifurther Juatificationacl Staff in minimum.? . requested; but would 6f course?ohcm? in tha- >.tra.1n1ng for VAIVADA if the? locale wartahirted to anothqhaty such aa?Neu York. . . 9; Wm therefore urges that'cI/o? Am discuss ?the prams; .. .. . A - with the desk, and resolvp Ltpossiblegix cz/Rw'ms' of course dare:- to cx/opsmn in this water1.x. . 14-00000 J's. m: mam-5? 5 ?aw. runamnqua ?fun-- u'x'es'vmh,? ?Pg-In". 93?dbes not hdncur with th?1CIfR=& A recommendations as Set forth for the following reasons: 1. The security compromise would only stem from the two ERAS officers identifying the VAIVADA affiliation and training on behalf of this AgenC5. This antears extremely rerote as the desk a?vis?d there is no indication -that the ERAC officers know VAIVADA either me mae or sight. ?hile -VAIVADA is being trained. his wife will _he attending citizen? .ship classes in 0.6. greparing for her citizenship examination before returning to Cuba. .Consequently, to stay in New York City and his ?wife in 3.3. honitor sage of the CTR training. 3. The desk will instruct CTR of this joint training'aspect and as a precautionany measure, request that training sites. hours, etc. do not overlap. it would be a financial drain for VAIVADA In addition, certain.;er diam icosts_would be.1ncurred.b3 the Case Officer traveling to ?ew York City to.- .unudL. . .1 he .nwm rag?h gnu-?bu- ?Ioh?n?u? \r .- I . .7 .4 - . ..-.. . .. A i . . {i mag-329.: A . a. spur-4?0?. .. an. ?lazivfx?viubm .. "a d-prr-W: ?276 ISIa/gf 7} A at/Qrz [Racy f/r?a/afd . g?f/f-f 17/45 rf/fp/Pa 4 6045;" 9025' 5 049-73; - ??G?fdf . . 01/ fly/y"Oren?.u?n?"mm-45?? nun-l fl" ."vd 34700000 mm4-1 ,p?Hr' a ?I?m -- . - 0mm?: and th Ian Pruposed hauling of Arm 6. - - manor: . 3m ?1 Ami}. 31mm has ?worked mm, and ?panama; an, 2 you mum alugq.mcp1??fneat by ,m Am. its van-k Imaging magnum 153mm} with mean; ., .- 'far mum ?=an apwuigalu an - plum chants?C? penetration mum wind .193 mam nrpmatmunn a: tan mtermtiqml Wat meagpt . - 2. In mam, unkind) amid also be giveavmtemiln nnd- a 1:1meth I be gin: the {allowing mtg?als to 5% discuss airman: pane . of training remaded above: ?The: Cpefntiml Pattern of Inga-national - comm manna m~ (a paper. by The .: mist. Mme? of Cuba? (a paper. prepared Halal/?l ?serials m' be mm either from or farm . cm Wine . fast-anon out? studies mm him 5% "m GP Pmmfign Frog-d1- anon-ammo?, CU . (nam- mam. am of mankind 52.3554. dig-m may, ?mus. W. spars um nag-n. warmer? Hwy .. nu? gun??duh, ., m. ?ad-g. 14100000 .--. 1% -. hum-ml? .. . W?Muy?unw-rr-vr-mv - '5 . 1 bnr?wli-LLI 7731mm- of Wm; 53mm can: for covert Mg, calm . chair, Eastern kmpberojmlvisim 1 Wet far m? Psi-0305;: ?Panama (m Arthu- G. Yttrium Retina? muf?ed by Project. Amen]. -_Agent Clearance 8. Project. LWPEBDARCH last :1pr for renewal an 5 Octo- ber 1956 b. PIA has opsmtiaml alum dam 19 July 1959.. sent. Status Gama-ant (contemplate charge to start status _in near futures). int madam mm seam either; (by hm). mummy-rum; mm. Inmb Opt-sum Officia- Dinah Mum. lumen ?.72.. .. LunarBiographies ;nfomtioa 1 subject was bora'ia De Kalb, murals, an ?ee-j .- roaoived his primry ami'highnaahool adac'a-M'mjn Kalb and; tempered? the later-transferring home 0.3. Air ham. 3. . - - sex-rad as an operationa and inhalligeme specialist, first 1am -- 1 Chine-Hm theatre and later in ?e yaa the 7 service in" 19h5'u1th the ?r'ada-of Technical-Sergeant. amaz- hia Mao ?3 charge he worked for a brief period laboratory technician in tha- .- Sterling (Illiapia) Silica-(91' ramr'nad?to. the ?w 5-5: Panamacanal 'Zona ?agrant-gunning :cmoio?ga Cost-a Mean girl, - 1n Danube:- 193515.] For about; {bur months aanuax-l?cad 'as' a armada-sand laborafmaimthe banana-Pbroa 1n the Canal Zone an'd was discharged ma yam-a lam-,1; I 7 use art-191:8 he had?be-en recruited by the Adanay; and m? 1 June 191:9 he became a CH contract. agent. It. was originally p'l?amed that he MW but he was $851ng instead to .. 13-311 ?:13 . 2:3: :11: 7 WM - I . 1953 he an: an . ,l . ?Pg-35m Z. . for a brief pariod.'.'1a July. 1951:1250" in Huhing-_ - ton whereby he became the mun principal agent. 'of? mg?; hm?Betas-bean mdef?atudent. cover andlhas ism-iced for his BA. dam - ""35 at. the University or Kahuna. . a .h .s - Subject. happily'm?ed am is the father of childronr - Ea is ?uent in Spanish and is well qualified 'to?coatim work in his -- ma'af operatiuna as shown byhis mat. per-rm. Ea is also vary. - Versatile and has a wide range of outsida'intereata, including sports, ?own-aw, outdoor 1113,. and HIV others. 8. Mum arm" . . . - manual: Mimi m_m at. Mia; the pond 5.09am:- through 25 am:- 1353, man-nth mn- in; an? of ?ns-Huang urns ofza?cmnaivo aam. 9. Mama manta": rm ?Assign: 'g wjeetiu-of Project. 1: to With-gamma! . 6mm laf?ust; molqtimq and Manipulation neuritis: at; - - the Mal-city of Bahama, and the sweat-youth ail-ales annual .. . ?Jr?i- . rvv133hcll'e?rf'l I a 14-00000 "II10. Cover - Operational. Duties 7- ?Emma present covet-I consists "or. being a gradasto atudaht at the Univoraity of Habaha. Efforts are currently'undaruay to obtain a mu oover as representative in Maha of a 19011?an v.3. polling agency. Subjaot'a duties are those of a handling a rather large ast or aubuagsnt informants in Quban University-youth circles with I owns an Comat and revolutionary mttars. Ha raporta directly L. . .- . 11. Training Cover Consultation in oonhsotion with proposed new polling cover (see above) cowimd with vacation and acquisition of citizenship for vita (would explain tima spent it; mammals). . "t 12. Availability for raising - IStndent um be available for training on a full-tine basis. . 13. Spgoial Problsna I I &a 8o particular probloma anticipated. 7 I Subjects tabs Com-ed I I Refresher course in Clandeatino Intelliga?ca Operationh. I I . - 9.15 15. Technical Training Requirements 2 . Only those falling within proscribed Opsratioao Course, if am 16. Visits to Overt CIA Installations him, past or present. ~17. mm Attributes to be Wanted 7-, - I neural suitability only. Subjsot'a pox-forums has bus?int, ?atom Wax-a Division if 99w.) r? J, 3- our: ?ainithi?oar I -, - . 3? I1 ranmun; a ?gamut.4- Eluhuza' iv a 1 3W Eunr um . 1 ?m ?O?ce Memand?m - UNITED STATES . . . Hq-_ ?Qua?: Chief, Special Secu?ty Division :1 should be anted to pemit the Subject's use as an Agent in - ?i returned to the writer in a sealed envelope marked "Eyes Only" _when it has served its purpose3mg: i . - r'h?rm' 15001?135; #112569 . . . i. Reference is made to your requ?st dated 21 July 1951; for a. recommndation as to whether an Operational Clearance i umier unindicated cover. The attached information is 911111de as an aid in - determining whether of not Subject Should be used 7 - - requested capacity. ?j 3. In View of the fact that Subject has teamed .mtside . we United States since, zit-least, 19115 no field investigation 7 was scheduled in this case. . 3 it. 11113 memorandum pertains only to this proposed I '4 .- .. assigament. It is requested that this office be infomd of if your decision in this case. The attached material should be - a; x5: a For: m: OF - . awn-?L 3.5.3532! Hun: - i, Ia?izimuumI.Wv-qw.umhim{1.2 q. . 14-00000 i .m mm W, :7 mm' 5112569 1. mrareme ismdeto yearn-squat mmaamm for a mum as to whether an Opsrauoml Gleamm under Wasted covsr. 2. ?ssttached Momtionis hamishsdasanaidin wmw. 3. ?uted States aims, at least, 19 no field inmtiga?m maWinthisme. - h. Wt. Itinrsquestad that thisoffids be mma melatisiminth?acase. mithasaewvaditsmose. 53 Emma OF 8361312138 Mine Fates to We as use as anAgentin . . 4-00000 . ., . '-am. w-vtwul. 4 . A ~=m=~vrw ?EBREV . . . COVERT NAME CHECK REPORT 03$ 1W: 2.3.0. 112569 cc F. In accordance with your request, a covert name check - was conducted am Subject with results as indicated below: - AGENCY RETURN . DATE STATE . - (legs Passport) FBI- ?wage; mu? ?3'53! . 1 nmi? u- wit: 5.. . . an". . . 14-00600 many 1 {gal i PASSPORT FILE cram: I . 1? - '1?4 ~1gJ-llzxar?nqumu?gm1-1.1 9 at$.DATE :11me '21 Sentaatrer 1151' 111111115 1113 cm mm:- xiz, L-gg' 1:112:60 DATE mm PLACE BIRTH. 11'" near: Ill?rs?a (Pbotostatic copy of -irth eerthi cat -e tam-ears i'r. +1113 file: 1 RECEIVED PURPOSE . 90511101: 12111 I 02111112111101 I - mm ISSUED COME mm. September 1945 61011;?an Personal. E?usiress .394 . . Awarded l? Keven}: er to show occupation as Sgt. United States Air Force in Panama. :Wg?s Harman . 3-. . Panama arxl auerded the above passport at Farm City, Parana 2? January 191;? under orders from the 13rd ted States Air 8-1. authorizing .1: 1C days leave of absence with permission to visit ;Zepu?olic of Farm an? I Sutriect rewguered 1 53 at] [or 3 Elana-19!? where he was for t:.e pumoee of 81:11eg ?nder g; the GI E111 of Rights11. Augast 1950 I1 1 tudent 1 51803811? I (passport included sort, Floss, A. mix september 1?9. Anemed the above passport, 9 Cctober 11-5-1 atlm:]to include minor 311m mum; CELDAD, June v.51- - . . -.. Renewed the. above passport at [1'7 Angst 1?35}. Leavinz: for Upited Student 2 July 1954 WG-9 States for visit mmam 11303-111101: am: (1115) 612 west. Wham-eat, mint-113.9 who is not a: Azerican citizen. . barn Palestine, Illinois 15 1:333:11 19m and mimbeth Lo . a: Lester Earl of utom currently reside at Taapiea, Illinois. gamma, La 51:11.19, 11111013, bet.-. Mject's file Virdlcated 1:531: he resided 111' Dekal Illinois from until 10130.. Fro?a: mm i Erase mamas, not related, 1322 Pleasart Street, D?kalbf Illinois. 5.1. . airman: Ian-1a: 1? Decanber 1615 to Argentina some at. Cristobal, cz, who as Ibex-a on 1945 Ito 1910.122: resided 111 Pm, from 11:49 to date he had naked haw. 1 1 - . . My" ?why-kw. ?3.34, .1 .5415 i .5. sscaer (no. ?Mod v, q. crewman. unmet Quiet,? - I Operational (:1ch is granted for the use or Minn- G. Wilma: as followsThis clearfancya is for the . appraisal- . a rantee ofa 1' hm: macs, but merely reflects that derogatory any, has 221:3 a instant purpose only. - I 3mm 'm??d?59537 ?ma?avulflm Ii" 70 ,1 can . . .-.. '.-.- 14-06000 vestigativo or aeourity nature other than that {wished to Staff r? A r'n_ canSECRET - summon 3 1.3. CLEARANCE 35011551? '3 9f?: 21 any 195331;; ., To I a Chief. Special Security Division, it Flog Chief. Staff MY ?g4 a? rmn?dfrom?El}? ?ue/M Character of Case: 013 I ml. 2. CIA indicas check required in advmco: ?-Yoo?No-rux 3. Project name: - Proposed country of assignmentContomplatod'type of contract or E. i - (see 14.1) 6. Scope and nature of use oi- activity: 1 I . 7. aabjoct'a cover: cited. 3 Present whereabouto and ocoupation of wjact: saw guide of 1&5 investigation: 5.830012; Om?ercial . Other: Qrodit em. - I . x} . 10. anooial coverage desired in investigation: I 81%. .. E: 3? .11; Limit-Mon, 1: any, on investigation: not cited. ?1 . . . 12. Subject aware (if-"Agency intereat- -Yoo?-Nor?-' ?in; . '13. Subject aware of pending investigation: Yaw-Nov!- 14. Subject briefed on ?cover? story to be used in inustigatim?Yer?NoL-xi 15; Probable investigative contacts mm of ?cover" may will use: I ?a . . If not, state reason. hturn attached. PEG Part I I??'mmw awn?, ?mg. gr?: 0! your action. 7 Certification having been was by the this! of the interooted Division that g?z operational files one! docunents contain no 'pertinat .Iinromtion of on in- 5 Yea-:- such intonation forwarded to your 7 _Bmarks:;_ arc/Spa (has) {m been cameo-1: organs: manual: . IQIYIIU mar-'7 - meMMrm-mmng . 34700000 - 6' . JEISSL i - PM - - a M435. - I . . ang-Part Previous or: obtained in Ho. 68, dated. 19 guilty 191.9, . . . - for progect. waom. . - ?n - calm-within nama'wma . - (1mm. ?55 . .5 remand $1;receive a salary or $5060.00?many, pln??allwams. 1 so replace may in proje'ct maxim. .. gritwnw? nun. . . LNLJnuL, .. .i 4 . thu?u. Lita; .. 1 . k?nmwm. ?3u?bum W: Evans H3303 .. 1 . . . gag,? Mg. mm 33.. a a Lao mepmm. gang ~50333.03 huoamwgu as 3.359 33.5 33%. H33 .0 . . 5835 Ease 3533: . . . . gage.? hen?.03 .3 gag so managed: new @3850 . .. . .. .. . 33 mp3 um?m ~23??on Em snag m5aw?? m? Ammanam Ebb mums?. mama and.? 30tan. 2 ?5qu ..H y. La. - Tzoagdgx?m ?Em nae?; ?g W- gun-3tr;- 111100000 eerietag}: ?msom. RECORD emrdramm ?r PART I - BIOGRAPHICAL 1-. .U?rite clerrly. 2. Answer all questicns completely. If question does not apply, write ?not applicable" 3. Attach blank pages if additional space is needed, Full Name 5 3' - .IW 1% Name in native Name at birth (11? different from 1. Aliases, nicknames, legal changes (State briefly time, reason and (I place of 5. 6.. .1. 9. 10. '11. . I date and name in which certificate gamed.) .1 - 12- a. Date of birth 1-, Place of birth W3 Present citizenship, race 11? appropriateW??_ ?atienality at hirth and. any subsequent nationalities: (if different - -1l&lnm from '6 . I. Permanent address (it'different from 8.) P?aent occupation (full ,title, ?aalary etc.) - Also practie photo and leaning to haturalizatiieggof sub?ggth?orm of Pclose rele. on m1]. ?nding, aux-es in tea United States. Relatives, Manda; corre?pnndente 1n Salted States. (Explainfre- latimship) . 14-00000 - 1 1' . 13. Father - full name, occupation, ?resent. residence, year and place of birth, nationality at birth and a?beequent natienalitiea. .1 1' 1 I 7 Trucking business. sterling Illinois. born 1900 15' l?eloe?ne 11:14:91.0, cities; with-duo subsequent nationalities. . 11;. Mother - same Narration as 13.1 I (32.1493 new? Stu-nag 1111:1915. 1903 at mama, Illinois. 0/5] at birth wit-H an subcequent . neutrality15.. Wife (or husband.) - full name, Emaiden same, date and placeurof birth, 1; date and. place of marriage nationality at birth and any subsequent . - nationalitiee, meant residence, divorce, annulment. (Give data - . for all previous marriages.) .., . I 1 . '1bom1913 at Swabs. - - es 0e. married at Cristobal Canal Zone an 11 Dee 1945; ?Costa Moan . at birth with no subsequent anthem?, presently u?aidca It course T1353. a; San Jose; Costa Rica; no profane Earring?111.6, Children full names, sex, year and place of birth, nationality I at birth and any Hubae quent nationalities,? present residence?, 1" E- - . 1 ma. born 4. ?pt :94, at 5.: Jose. cm] at 3 i ?uttered '3 ?131m ?lthy! nah-?art nationality, residing? 1 at emu-d1. nuns? Jun, . . . 1k. 322; -..1- - . 1 1 11.11?? Brothers and sisters - Sera Moreetim 63716. m" 1933- m. um. Star-111:3: m: . . =55? a 1933.1th I . .WS/?Sumnhon mean; with - .. 1 T. 1924 F: v.5. Sterlinglzu; .1 ym?, 1927 Dem 111. Sterling14-00000 - 18.. Relativeo in oen?ico of any names and positions held. I I Fax-pom, 13/5] Amy in Corsair-I- . I I I .19. List all official identity papers held Hi uh dates, numbers, place of issue and. duration of validityLions-20. HeligionII - degree practiced, membership in religious orders . I . "Glih?li? mam-actual oamionolIly. I -I I . ?21. Preoent and past political affiliatiocna I m. ?Pusan? . 22. Travel outside country of present residence - country, dates, Whom?: P891319 and 3m visited . no u/s/ m. max-{ea us in' m: and ?sound Panama, Fun-to Rico, Ecuador, Toot: Rina, than dcpartod US in e. NW 1944 and covered Australia, India. 3m. Chino, ImQuo, Iran, Egypt, . - ?Greece; Ramada. Day as in Nov 1945 to Panama as "civilian Case 3::th than Bop 6/2/ in AprilI19491 .- 23. Education - school, location, com-8e, degree, datea Ii ii 4 - - Graduated Granol- School at Five-9013? School, 33m, 111. 1931 . Quinta! High ?110011303!? Illinois by vim of recognition at erodito I mum thr- ash educational vex-k me was 166311: 111- 1m._ - . . IWI attending! than year, 300nm: 331nm, ?k 4. Languages and dialecta (Indicate IproficieIncy as good, fair, pant. I) . J- uar-w'lw . o. . a . -..1-.. f' .. 54' r- 12? Hays-w}! I 1? .- .., . run-n . 3? - . .mmspeakM Read Undoaatand "gu? 5 ii: Language swam Read _M_Undorstand .dodd-II 'm Spook Read Undorotand . 9,154,, ?Arr we". wA-ua-?ti?k 14-09000 . ?ma-95y? . n_ ?in? ?ll??luu lama-m ?my? I I. W18 11'- evIer prisoner of var. u/s/I Mug 1sz - mum-y. II - Special skills, abilities, hobbies (radio, photography, etc.)_ I Wesson-spiny. . I :.25 Fimcisl status - earnings, bank deposits, securities, property . Isa-mane: m: bill of has? 0129.00 . Apps-en ?rungs from Photography 3 QM Guesthouse a af?; :le. but deposits. . - a . 1? 29.I Iw type or work, sniary, dams, employers, ..- 1_ Technical sergeant, 135 dollars month, on tons. 5: entries.? (-1. .2 T795 25.. - Military service .. de?es, comtry, unit, rIank, duty, where services performed, ascorstions, when discharged, why. Give . . I Private. North Carolina, for entry in Air. forces. us Air 1941 - 1945, Intelligence Specialist, Pandas, India-Burns theater. temien of War. as Air Forces, 1946-196. technical sergeant. Intelligence Specialist. Politics}. analysis. (113ch - up tom of service. . II I26. Present and. past mbership in organizations (professional, social, political, etc .) Jam-eases, reasons for leaving.1nc1uds Wt by in: serum. ?ner martian 1939-40 --8tap1ins sushi" IopI. 430 in]: - California. .- ?can; Corporation, Dish, 111. Left for some. with U8 any. - 1940-4450 I138 Amy and AI, Operations and I- unissued Specialist - 1945 - 0d 45- Label-66:7 Btu-lint $11.10!. 001" Corp - 60 weekly - is? due to strike connections. 19465- April 19? - 8.0104?- and labor form - 13 Entry Case his. 08.. approx 65 dollars weekly left tor entrance us Moos. - 1:46-19:11 1949 use Air Forces, Albreek am. as. Tosh sum,- Intelligenee Spaainiiu, diochgd dub to up ?em a? ?wise. 34700000 . . a Carruspondontpa 30. Has 3111936:ch done any writing? Give details including titles of a .. books, articles, pubigghera, dates. Honoarr? 3r0u98.1 corr29pondents at home and abroad. . . - s? '5 31. List persons living at same address, clone associates, (individuals or. . sun- in rmm-wi11-" .5 war-0mm. ?e :?r-?l-hmwiv .3, 14-00000 ninw? H3 . 4 33- Height damification, 3h. Descriptian (Use Amrican standards of measurement, inf-possible.) Complexim sentences ,Je Apparent. am i?rominent features Othar identifying featuf?a acquittals Court. ream - emu-t, date, Teeth Hair Scars Build. Posture. and. act I . . Waste?, varicose ?an: right 108. Slander etc 7. arrests, charges, Height {Ii-11: I .1 34700000- emblemPERSONAL BEE-71D GUETIOM - . - - Part II - ammom museums .z I . ?summons 19 CASE OFFICERfeesibte. Ismject amid fin inI Part I of mo in his om hamPart II of' P90 is cymified. must be fines in by the case officer and is not to be Show to subject3.. Hem'mr'ers In?? not be able to provide- oberetionaI clearance it receives . sinners to an Questions on page 1 of Part I 1 to 12). 8M ?0 3? QWSWOVG ?37 :5 em I: (Items 35 to 53euergemy these answers. keyed to ?eas 1 to 12 by newer. and with scenery of Part II.I my be cebied to headwaters. fella-ed prauptly by poucn with complete data3.. Fully completed P90 trust ?e sen' to Hearse-marten as soon as FOSSIME. 2'0 copies 0" . Part I copy ?.5995?? 5 Morning. if possible) Ian: one may of Part. IIone ?mired later Mt be sent teneadauarters in PRO form: on contmuing mis. . g; 4' 1. AH ages of both parts will bear the ?39 newer.- (med of station 11' - (bl me (C) number assigred coreecu?uiveiy by the ?eld station; mlmoi:o.: 3? I 35. new G. VAIVADA 3? ?1 . - 37. How, then and where was subject first contacted. or velopedSubject was first; recruited 111November 1953 - and. transferred to approved W013) project. Subsequently . (".135 ?f was transfer-fed to 3m projecbI and - .a33. Could. subject he turned over quickly and in a. secure meme:- to . .I . I swam: else for handling? I To whom? Above record over the paeb - four years shows that. subject-has 3- - easily been tux-Md ever be - . different. projects and case officers. :39. Best estimte of subject's motivation I -I_&bjeet. is Minted by his interest in intelligence wk, de?ne be - advance in the aIrgaMzabicn as a career, end .bbs muons 14700009 '7 I I ilf'zl' k? - - 2:5? I 1 71-. . .. . . Id"; 1; ho. with what agencies. and. files has eubaect'e nane been checked? When? Eeeult? what else has been dune te Verify biographicell information {uni?ed by subject? . . . ?e - mocked upon maritime: in PM in 1959. . I . Hes subsequently been check upm employment in other projects. j_ 7 mt control. exists eveneubject at present? ?ow can it be increased? '3 Subject is controlled through dependence on salary, loyalty because of 7 American heritage, past Am and Agency service, and a desire for a r. - eereer in intelligence work. - I . 11become or- his information? . i; i Subjectif enmizant of the identity of this organizetiunf h3. hplein fully eubJect'e past or present connection with any - intelligence service. . I - Subject. mucus]: in'U.S. me Intelligence. .e 5? - a. mtiypeum' (nullified by educatian and experience to ?nish? am evaluation of inforrmum received. hue?non:- . . I 3., .- Ju-?aii- A?lh?xg?h?r? Mrooqoo - subJect's duties are to be other than intelligence" FE explain. . $.22 '1 31.1 5 I I. 8mgbeen given special training as ?an agent? Explain.- U. 3. Arm Intelligence Training and Agency c?svert :trainjng {rm - 2 5 0610an through 25 ?Wt 1953. . ?um xii?, g? 1:7; How and. from when does he obtain information.3: Previously worked a Principal Agent banning various sub-agents. 5 f" 3 - 1&8. Is it proposed to pay subject a regular salary? If so, amotmt per ,3 . 1 1 week, month, etc. Explain any other methods of Mt, such 4?13? exchange cmoditieaabject 1-8 t0 rsceivs plus allowances. I Have any or cannitmnta whatsoever (not Gavel-ed elsewhere this form) been to aubgectr . Explain. 50. Are subject's 1% shilities cm! other characteristics such that he i- Explhity lo. I i. '51 mi 18 36-ch umn1ddis class laser aims class, peasantry, etc. 2 um e1Wmmimqm 1 1, - m? .Juf 5m: '61.rnr - - . .- .. .. .5 .. A a 52. what are subject's pereonal habits? Liquor, We, gambling, mistresses {mud-ma, 1.. or lovers? Social drinker but very model-aw. No sealing or ?stulas53. Eveiuation of aubJect'a character, reliability, maturity. I All noted excellent?an, Apr,? 96: $11531 what other fox-aim power would. subJect be most likely to .. urn-u -1. - .v collaborate because of his ideology, obligation; etc. 2 Explain. None. . A . -- - 55. what special abilities, talents, or qualifications are possessed by A, subject which would conceivably be of value for other 'operatione in Subject. cen send .and'receh?e Morse code. . ?f - -6 iv?m?'au?l?n 1mlw?nm? ?55- Attach-samples of subject's signature and handwriting in?ell languages? than to him, also a. recent, dated. photographh andfinga' mints. - 58. Other miscellaneous operational dam and cements. . . 4. Mallard: work'done 115 previous. #633 - . .. eta should ably-qualify sub act 1? . 5 'use in project AHPHODARCH.-A ?lh?Iflk? . 352?": ?armhaw rims-HUM" WM diam 3.3.Jung-h1:2 14-00000 L. it: I i: 4? 4 153?2&9 . . .O?ice Memorandum~~ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . i to -: naxn=_19 Juxy 195a I I. . mf?lmm ?at?g, 7 Request for Operational Clearance for use of Arthur G. . - f' 1 . YAEVADA in Project AHPHUDARCH 5 ans. Jau? 1. Reference is made to Operational Clqarance Jo. 0-25507, dated . 28 April 195L5 wherein the Subject was cleared for use is.requ?sted that Subje?t may be cleared for use in ProjePR2, Parts I II have been submitted to your office, Green List Check 30. 9A6?'was subuittad to STD and this office was informed by phane on '9 i i. 16 July 1955 that no dercgatory information on Subject was on record with 3T9'11\a - '3 . canmgr-guy .. 2% ll?Y. 11k. a . anWA? "a - inww . 25? . 633050 on. pagan no 3333.?? no -039an . 355 3 voa?Jagua? uSme?? ., . . .. 3.803% zones . . . .. . . ?Hana . . . .m?nmo?u . hug ?x momma: $393 "m2 4 4. I 11.1ch 883: 14-00000 'lu? a all! 's mint-a.? Office Sui?Es- GOVERNMENT 1'0 V's At tention: Hr. Chief, mu . now i Reque?st? for Amman - BIBADIAL mm: "25 .intuif55j . - I 1. This di?sibn has been adyised by the that EIRADIAL (formerly HUMAROID) ?is currently station gegg use; as cutout in- the WIDE project. 2. BIRADIAL, whose pseudo P35550335. - - ?30 In acc0rdance Hith the "Memoramlun of the Chief,? Plans, Renewal. it is requested to authorize his additional use is Ahthoqy G. VAIVADA, holds OK: for. recomndatien contained in Para. 6:03), F1, dated 7 ?ay 1951;, subject: Project that the" 0?90 for this agent be amended as stated in Para. 1 above I ?my ., .51.. 43Anne. grad-Fahd . a, A- 34700000 . v. 332gems .-. .-.. . - - 7" . - In-.1.: ?3 man": - (I?hn follicle} =1 .- ..-. .v A u-n?u-nm . A . 1.10:? Chief.? . - Operationei Clearance is granted for the use of mim- Q, mnum as follows: - This clearance anemia Subject's first nag (F3) from Anthomr To Arthur. . like bosom, regins as stated in clemme datedzcs April 1954-. Ilarequested in manor-ending dated 77 Avril 3:9? I 1 . his clearance is for the specific use set forth above, and is based upon 311-, appraisal of information available to this office. It must be home in mind that this. clearance is in no way to be construed as a guarantee of subject's hono tides, but merely reflects that derogatory information, if any, has been considered and evaluated for the instant purpose only. :fw?m? engines: non-?10 II: em 1400.000 35WM.-. . M, . . .. W.-. .- 4- rm - Wag-..SECRET ruin-d1.) .h CLEARAICE by" Operational Clearance is granted for the use ofmmv G. VAIVADA '1 as follows: -f . :1 -- As requested in mm or 53-1-1 195.1. this clearance supersedes .. that of 19 July. 191.9 am under Project . ESTECESS. Father, this claarama use: amnde? to allow - .. I for ?ubjact's mitional (3:13.35 as cutout. under Enjoysrequesifgd in mrandum dated A3211. 195.1; '1 - 59% ms clearance is for the specific use set forth above. and is based upon an 4: a . appraisal of information may milable go thisoffice. It must be bom? in hind tgat this clearance is 'in no way to be construed as a. guarantee of subjeo't's tides, but merely reflects that derogatory infomtim, if any, has been idol-ed and Evaluated for the instant purpose only. - - 11'. -..L a? . 23 3 59-I7pmuqus Its-Inna? not to I: . Jo .Bmumm ?new?? no ..uaopsu 3 ?33? 3.3g m.?uu?nm ?3.88 3 3 Evans on 3 .333 was on? $5 ?masw? EEC m. 2 .3533 an . . page?? no was alpuvnosm 3am 390E 3.0% ?$38 on ?ung .33 2 .. 8.6333qu $53398 u?u ?.3353." 3. .mmMu??magma .. Eu 345.,? .u ?g ?on 83.303 3mg .. ?115a '1 3.11431 14-00000 a . UNCLASSIFIED ..- I A amt-mg. AND com: SHEET SECRET {f rk?a-. gnu.? INSTRUCTIONS: ?Ofiicer designations drank! be used in the column. . and each comment numbered to 00de with the number In the eoiumn. Each of?cer should initial (check mark insui??am} T. before further routing This Routing and Retard Sheet should be returned ta Registry. Under each comment a ?ne shank! be drawn across sheet Emu: mu: II - Minx-111951: om: . . To 91:31:! an: new: ?gmm - l. 5' . Ig?zdav thmmiisnx>cm??icuiof 2-4 are. (If - interest, m. 15 the ?5 primary interest am 1173 .p - Wing PBsuccms. [9?7 - jm 260? 1.. I: e. Liftl 33:32.? . 'if.muusm - . Wm tumm?m Inns; 5? IO Miriam Sam? - ENMSIFIED ELL). df" hm. 4.5-7: 3. .. .- e: +I?r .r 3? .. . . . 0 14-00000 ant." . .. . manna Ii r? Gin?" I :O?ice Memorandum ?9 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENTChief, Mil) . a ?alum, Sea - 94m: 12 April 1951; - a :isunm: Use of Contract. Agent Anthony 3; VAIV as Cut-men 33cm Project r. has advised Headquarters that subject contract ?j 5 . -agent, who holds Provisional Operational Clearance for 'i i A A is currently also being used as cut-out in the Project. 2. Pursuant to telephone conversation this date between and the desk Officer concerned, it. is requested that?ahme reference_F;ovisional Operational Clearance be amended to u?l f? 4 i' . authorize the p33 of in the ESCR project as indicated 7-13 paragraph 1 above. 9 - n?iqua?gnaw w. (7. (555;: mini? . . 2.2.2\bI?hudl?r. 3r! Ehriqp?uan? um. 34700000 ma?a? A .19. . on 3 61 was01nth-TQM 14-00000 - - . 'sgcum mmam?r - . ?r?ugust1953. 'moml - 7 m1: mjocf. 312mm . I ?t 1f. (fomrhagent. involved in this .- 5.. operation at the present time. Additi-ml a t, an: mectad added atalater data. an; - - - 2. The Case Officwroportad mat. the Agents other-than - . 137: Jfomarly used in ethe caper ticm would picked - - oparatima in the area in m? a near future. up by othar a: -- 3 I 3- The Case Officer was 1:15ch to re I 7 part no change in - 1 1:me and use to and also the changoa for 12:9,; . other agmts when their transfer to new projects hag hem i" "h h. concurrence is I. - subject to mm:- rcviaw aftm' six nonths when Comm details Hill'be known74?pl-.34B?cunmu .. . .. . . . 1-umm?awm14.64171f3.00000 ?%Imus-.maw?yrrIx). 1 ..tutti5.259389? 35 :5 $8838 on c5 .. . g?u 3380? 03??on 99.3 08.0.55 Bu . Egg gag. d. ggenagg?? mama3&6; EgEaEa . ?3.59 Eu? pugs?. oogao?a?mg mmuo?wwg ,7 . .. A young gang?. 5 ?.8033 .. . H. . 0 gga??o?gma 3.88?fl-av . . .44?ems-uh. 1 359351? m. mm. src/oco - - .. - 2-3 Februaryml95lun?l?; - . There have been no apemtional or other changes in i .. ?1 ?1 ?123.113.? Warmly ?3-4 - 5 e9. O?m Mmemndum TUNITED STATES no? Chie?m .. The following answers are keyeti ta your questionnaire dated 5 February 1951 cemerning 11111111501112. a2. Subject is an ?cti'ire agent. b. He is used mbstant?lly the same as When plearance . ?x was issued. e. Subject has not been used in connection with pmjects ?5 other then originally contemplated. . . do ill. information on subject's pee-eons]. and operational - 1, . security hae been sub?tted. 1. . e. The operation has been conside?d excellent. 'l?he only - i; test of meats security has been the test of (9 evaluating his information, and the evaluation of his reliability by the Chief of Stationthe statue of this agent which have affected our . "a evaluation of this agent. 4. . . . . 559,-: tale