Originally published at http://www.ultimatewarrior.com/030104.htm — Queers marrying -- so they think. Illegitimate. Illegal.
 Here’s what I think. 
 As a Conservative who believes, first (before anything else), that words mean things -- must mean those concepts they factually represent -- it was refreshing for me to see that some Conservatives had pulled out their dusty dictionaries, using the definition of “marriage” to forward their arguments. Too bad though that these same Conservatives don’t use the same literal standard defining and scrutinizing themselves and what they say they stand for. Most would find -- still deny, not accept -- that they are holding and rationalizing false identities. Conservative, too, has a definition.
 Of course, “queer,” too, has its meaning. This is my sole reason for making it my word of choice. Part-time Conservatives don’t. They won’t because it is not p/c. And many will find use of it shocking, even prejudice; never mind that “prejudice,” literally, was once a admirably recognized virtue connoting not racism but defining where one stood; what one believed; what thinking and conduct one would or would not accept -- where one drew his moral line. It is a sad and sorry truth, Conservatives have sacrificed too many great concepts at the altar of p/c.
 Let’s reiterate something said before here at Warrior Web. Political correctness is never true. Never. Its sole purpose is to lie. And tolerating p/c in any debate is arguing without using your mind; like defending yourself in a fight without using your body. Now I can’t think (or decide to fight) for others, but as for me and the sake of my own flesh and blood, these are compromises I am not going to make. I’m just not. Uncomfortable or not.
 Shocking people into outrage is not my goal -- having “truths” survive is. What people should be outraged about is that with each successive disappearance of a “truth,” the world our kids will be growing up in becomes more of a shocking and prejudiced fraud less and less capable of being rationally dealt with. That is my concern. My kids deserve that, don’t they? Don’t yours? Believe me, if you put your kid’s faces in your mind eyes, squashing p/c really becomes very pleasant. Soon, not a rat’s ass bit of concern will you give for those shocked or offended. Go ahead try it.
 “Homosexual” and “gay” are nothing more than soft-porn p/c euphemisms created to vulgarly detour people from the truth. “But, Warrior, queer is offensive.” Offensive to who I would say? Queers? Give me a break. Even queers know queer is queer. Ask one, they will tell you: “A queer is going to be a queer (and be proud of it). Must be. Has to be. It’s out of our control.” Why, then, can’t queers be called what they themselves know they are? And what about how I am offended? 
 In the beginning queer was used for an exact, good reason. Because it should be: queer means “deviation from what is normal and expected; strange, odd.” And, surprise! queers deviate!! Oh, yes, they do. The little darlings do, do, do! For starters (like its not enough), they deviate from what is expected of their nature as human beings. That they do is strange, is odd. It was when the first “closet doors” slithered open, and just so happens to still be. Homosexual and gay are nothing but prophylactics covering up the deviancy of being queer. Homosexual(ity) is used to create an impression that it is a credible, since-the-beginning-of-time traditional mainstream majority on par with heterosexual(ity), instead of being seen the unscrupulous minuscule 1-2% minority of the population that it truly is. Gay connotes innocent fun and frolic and party favors instead of the dissolute pornographic filth and dinginess from which the “bug-chasing” majority of the minority spawned.
 On an individual to individual public basis, going about my life day to day, I am indifferent to, and unbothered, by queers. I’ve no ill-will toward them, and have even known many who, aside from the anomalous fault of their queerness, seem decent, caring and dependable people. Frankly, I never would have been able to stand the environments of bodybuilding and sports entertainment if I’d had a problem, what with the persuasion of the California gym crowd, and the Patersons and Garvins et al roaming locker rooms sneaking peeks. 
 Really though, you want to downgrade the function and quality of your life being queer, go ahead, just don’t flaunt your homosexuality; keep it private around me and mine. Of the many queers I’ve met in my life, I’ve yet to meet one who was consistently happy, or without emotional discontent. Most are hysterics who, noncommittal and capricious, have personal lives rivaling train wrecks. 
 I just don’t buy that it’s built in. That there’s a queer gene. I believe more in the absolute fact that people are less leaders and thinkers for themselves than they are mindless followers, and are easily influenced and do become products (and prisoners) of their environments. Unfortunately, not all environments are positive (there is evil in the world) and some are highly destructive, especially when it matters most. When we are young and developing our sexuality, alongside figuring out our “self-esteem,” all influences are powerful and it is easy to be ill-influenced and misguided; fall in with the wrong crowd; take on dysfunctional and inappropriate behaviors. And you practice a wrong behavior long enough, it’s easy to believe it’s “right” and that you can’t or don’t know anything else. You believe it, and everyone around you -- the crowd you’ve surrounded yourself with -- convinces you of it, too. I believe queers are made, not born. That is the belief my life experiences have built, you build your own. And if you are queer, I don’t detest you outright or believe that God does or that He disowns you and on and on...it is just that what you are doing is wrong and doesn’t work AND... 
 Marriage is not for queers. I’m against it. I’m bothered by it. 
 Marriage has long been defined: “the social institution under which a man and a woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitment.”
 But for queers and liberals and queer liberals, Webster’s literality won’t do; we can’t use “queer” to call them what they truly are and they want “marriage” to mean something other than it truly does. 
 And as we are witnessing, neither will the laws work. Laws, mind you, intended to secure civilization. Not that that means anything to those queers and liberals and queer liberals breaking them. Whatever the rationalizations and excuses to ill-justify an unjust ruse, those queers and liberals and queer liberals breaking the laws are criminals, pure and simple. Laws make most kooks think a second or two about the consequences, not queers and liberals and queer liberal kooks though, their panties really get in a wad. Just think if there were no laws. Acting like there are not and getting away with it is the same damn thing. To sustain civilization, toleration of lawbreaking will not work. Even if they are not queers and liberals and queer liberals. Certainly this paragraph makes its point. 
 Sure, you’re probably right, and for the sake of a lighter moment here, I’ll agree with you. Right now things are not totally out of control. The gay anarchy is limited and the gay anarchists are for the most part feminized and sissified “bitches” already trained to enjoy, not repel, submissiveness. Emotional hissy-fits the professional police force can control. Besides, they remind queers of S/M specialists -- the batons, the handcuffs, the Village people look...STOP IT ALREADY, I’m being serious here!
 Newsome should be arrested, and Schwarznegger should give the order. The governor should stop pre-calculating down-side effects to his popularity and just enforce the law. Bush, too, like Arnold, is pandering to his popularity quotient, to his own demise and society’s as well. Instead of mumbled equivocation worse than plain silence, he should set the tone and aver harsh condemnation (move for constitutional amendment aside, which I’m not doing back flips over). 
 I have to wonder, what kind of man would want to keep a job that had him compromising principles and beliefs he claims he truly holds? I say just stand up and lay it down and let the cards fall where they may. Quit being cognizant of the camera’s presence, just let it rip. Quit pulling your punches. What kind of a President doesn’t know history? -- or chooses to reject its lessons? Monuments are not built for fence-sitters.
 It’s all so uncomfortable and unnatural and wrong. 
 Even for queers. Watch them show it. Not one photo-op is appealing. All eye contact is shifty. Not one kiss is heartwarming. There is no vibrancy, no glow, no ebullience. No bust-out: They know it and affect it. Their body language says it all. Their flaunting rally to get illegitimately and illegally married is no less gratuitous and indecent than their “in make-up and jockstrap only” parades. It’s embarrassing and disgusting. For them and us. 
 It’s a flat-out fallacy that queerness has become more accepted in our society as a result of queers, themselves, becoming less ashamed, less uncomfortable and less guilt ridden. They still are. They’re sick with it. Horribly. All one has to do is look and listen. They didn’t find a backbone all by themselves, then, rise up and defend their behavior on any legitimate merits. That’s bullshit. Absolute bullshit. There are no legitimate merits to queerness and they are all, staring in the mirror at what stares back at them, unsettled and defeated by what they see. Weakness is their only strength.
 No, no. Ironically, queerness has gotten its strength from the common sense majority -- the heterosexual Atlases sustaining civilization -- who knew most, just from their gut reaction at the very beginning of zealous activist pressures, that queerness should be rejected; tolerated, yes -- but rejected. But over time, more and more the queer’s empty, inane and emotional whining numbingly wore down the heterosexual’s natural defense. And the popsicle we gave the crying child was more tolerance. More and more phallic shaped popsicles of tolerance. Until, my heterosexual friends, the heterosexual’s natural reason for intolerance was petered out and the Vagina Monologues was booked in every city’s Community Center.
 Now, decent, good heterosexual people are what are abnormal, deviant and intolerant, finding themselves with their common sense decency hijacked and packed up their own a--. We are being force-fed already deep-throated popsicles. Heterosexuals are now the perverts. My wife and I and your husband and you and the children we reverently worship and joyfully watch play with one another are the scourge, the slime. We are the sleaze.
 Queers (and like now-normal-ilk) have used the last 4-5 decades of cultural degeneration -moral relativity, its spearhead -- transporting shame and guilt and uncomfortableness on the tolerant backs of what have been throughout time the unquestionable Atlases shouldering civilization. Our virtues have been violated, civilization's common-sense decency has suffered a crisis -- yet all the crisis centers pander to and protect the perps.
 In every gut, except an , wrong is hollering. Hollering because each gut knows queering ceases civilization. For all the ways they repulsively exploit sexuality, no two queers lying together will procreate. Ever. EVER. Decency conjures up the traditional picture of people going next door to borrow tea or sugar, what do we call wanting to borrow sperm and eggs? Nice picture, really nice. Just the kind of forthcoming conversation you may just end up having next time your queer neighbor knocks at your door. Queers don’t make the world work. Marrying them will bring it one step closer to its end.
 What don’t they understand? 
 It’s time for Atlas heterosexuals to shrug our abused and too-long hauled tolerance.
 The End.
 Couple things before I go.
 Many have written asking about the JAKKS Ultimate Warrior doll. That is my deal. I cut it. 
 Relative to the upcoming release of those, I have some news. To begin, I will be getting a personal stash of three different versions. The one going out to mass market; a limited edition version done as a give-away promotional item at Toy Fair; and a custom-designed set of 5 limited edition dolls which only I will have. Each of the three versions has different gear.
 Those who are collectors know even better than I that UW dolls get cherry prices and appreciate better than other dolls like-genre. They do because of various factors: the highlevel yet sporadic nature of my career, the uniqueness of the character and its unique success, including my absence from the sport on my terms, etc. What also helps is that neither the property or myself are saturated out in the market. In a sense UW’s entire career (and my own after-SE career availability) is "limited edition.”
 I will be making autographed packaged dolls available to those interested. 
 Naturally, the mass market doll will be sold for less than the other two, for what will make it different is only that it is autographed. None of the mass market dolls JAKKS shelves will be. 
 Of the 10 dolls I will get of the Limited Edition give-away JAKKS did up for the Toy Fair (they did 100), my intentions are to only sell 5 at this time.
 Of the 5 custom-designed dolls -- which I will design and only I will have -- I will only sell ONE.
 I do not know the exact date I will have these dolls in my possession, but will be entertaining offers immediately. The price to be charged will be set by the demand. Keep checking back to find out. Those interested in purchase or having questions related can contact me here. Put “Buy UW Doll” in subject line.
 Many have written asking what my take is on “The Passion.” I have not seen it. In fact, I have not seen a movie since “The Gladiator.” You have to practice what you preach. Most of the stuff is junk -- there is always a book that will entertain and teach me more. My wife and I would like to see "The Passion" though... if I do I will let you know. Always Believe – Warrior