UNCLASSIFIED M/T FRONT ALTAIR, M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS ATTACK AND CREW RECOVERY IRIN HENDIJAN PGG IRAN M/T FRONT ALTAIR Multiple Fast Inshore Attack Craft, 1x HENDIJAN PGG JASK M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS M/T FRONT ALTAIR Large hole USS BAINBRIDGE M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS USS BAINBRIDGE HELO USS BAINBRIDGE AND COASTAL ACE HENDIJAN PGG USS BAINBRIDGE HELO between HENDIJAN PGG and M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS UNCLASSIFIED Timeline: 13 June 2019 0312Z: USS MASON receives bridge-to-bridge call from M/T FRONT ALTAIR reporting they were attacked in the Gulf of Oman (GOO). 0320Z: Large fire observed onboard M/T FRONT ALTAIR. 0320Z: USS BAINBRIDGE, 40 NM from M/V FRONT ALTAIR, closes to render aid. 0400Z: M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS reports being hit by an external projectile, taking on water, and a fire in engine room. 0400Z: M/T FRONT ALTAIR and M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS are approx 10 NM apart. 0509Z: Iranian HENDIJAN PGG and multiple fast inshore attack craft observed within the area. 0515Z: M/T FRONT ALTAIR confirms major fire amidships. 0535Z: HENDIJAN PGG, 8 NM southeast of BAINBRIDGE, closes to intercept BAINBRIDGE. 0612Z: Iranian fast inshore attack craft crew pull M/T FRONT ALTAIR unoccupied life raft from water. 0626Z: Unidentified Iranian patrol boat requests M/V HYUNDAI DUBAI turn over crew rescued from M/T FRONT ALTAIR. M/V HYUNDAI DUBAI complies. 0629Z: HENDIJAN PGG transits east, closing M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS. 0805Z: BAINBRIDGE approaches Dutch tug COASTAL ACE, which had rescued the crew of M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS. 0805Z: HENDIJAN PGG attempts to reach COASTAL ACE before BAINBRIDGE. 0810Z: BAINBRIDGE reaches COASTAL ACE and the M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS master requests BAINBRIDGE take his crew onboard. 0832Z: Crew safely aboard BAINBRIDGE. Attack on M/T FRONT ALTAIR in international waters 19NM south of Iran. Attack on M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS in international waters 21NM south of Iran. UNCLASSIFIED M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS: USS BAINBRIDGE APPROACH / IRGCN EXPLOSIVE DEVICE REMOVAL 4 6 1 0830Z: As BAINBRIDGE turns north, HENDIJAN PGG attempted to block BAINBRIDGE from gaining an inside track to M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS. Prob Explosive Device 5 Timeline: 13 June 2019 0830Z: BAINBRIDGE begins approach of M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS-approx 5.2NM North of BAINBRIDGE. 1 GASHTI WPB GASHTI WPB 2 0915Z: BAINBRIDGE closes to within 1.8NM. 2 HENDIJAN and Iranian fast inshore attack craft arrive on scene. KUCH WPB 5 3 0920Z – 1415Z: BAINBRIDGE maintains constant observation of the Iranian vessels near M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS. Site of Removed Prob Explosive Device BAINBRIDGE 2 2 GASHTI WPB 6 3 HENDIJAN 5 1 U/I TUG 1 Fast Inshore Attack Craft GASHTI WPB UNCLASSIFIED 4 M/T KOKUKA COURAGEOUS has a large hole above the waterline on the starboard side (see image on previous slide) and a probable explosive device attached above the waterline amidships. BAI remained 7nm from the Iran TTW line, and 19nm south of Jask 1310Z: Crew onboard a GASHTI WPB were observed removing the device attached amidships. 6 The GASHTI that removed the device conducted an at sea rendezvous with a U/I tug. No transfer of material was observed.