l'-. to November 15, ?0L8 Beturn of Private Foundafion Extended ' -pr or soouon 4SiU(aXll Trusì Trêatsd as pñvôto Foundâüon number5 on thrg torm âs tt may bs mado publrc, 201 Þ Þo not enter soc¡al sscunv neasw Fol c¡lo 2gEsL32B04g1 5, l7 ol tax Name ol lnrundalnn (or P O bo¡ nuñbôt ñâtt rl rs rlÒt dotlvrrÞd to qt¡sot addrg$s) äôg¡n/sJ tt numb¿r 2to slals ür pr0vtnce, counlry, and ZIF or lorergn postal codê 6 fgturn lnrlnl Conlrrbulrons, grlts, 0iâ0ìb, elc,, rgro'"o¡ *oo > El lrìrl0!nd¡00À lìtsêd ôt ËðwnBô 8nd caah ¡nvô8tmênt6 t5 rotrËqch tôúÞtrry StatemenL otvldends and tnlÊresl hoùl securrl {t 5 g o ç2õ I ètË c\¡ Nol shorl'torm raDllal gatn w æ a {o u¡ LL 1.ùA1-?55l3 Çomp¡no¡tron ot 0tlìçs5, l{ olher employec salarres '15 Pensron plâns, employee lö¡ Lega¡ foes tmt b 2 3 g ô ,È 17 tl 1A !th !7 .2Ð6. 19 .768. 337.490. 58 ": ,4i 0 2 9.884. 33',7 .490 . l9 25 .L34. 18 .805. Ë 20 Ë 2',! ! c 22. ßl r5 2t 24 Tolel operating End ¿dmìristrativ0 exp¿n$eo Ald hßes 13 tñrou0h 23 25 26 Contilbulrons, 0rfts, orants pard Total expenge6 âñd d¡sburgementr. Add hnes 24 and 25 27 2! 0 s39. 1q¿ -104.316. - s50 .931. 951 .800. 383.593. 1.502.731. 383. s93. Subt¡acl line 26 kom l¡ne 12: â Ërcsss plrqysûus ovs g¡pônsss b Ne úd drsbursmenlS I ¡nve6lmenl income {'l nqsarpo, ônlø .0, -30.2Ã3. 1.068 .3-73. C Adiu¡ted nol incÕmê {il néoãr!v6- Mtd -o.Ì 723åor 0r,03-1s LHA tor Pàperwork Redurtion Áct Nor¡ce, see inslru(lions. 104311-14 788682 LL60 1 2017.03050,t I'r FOTJNDÀTION ñ/A lb ffio-rrt'ott¡ 1160 1 B 990-PF Pail ll 'l 2 3 Balance Sheets 51.1.47 Savrn0s and lemporary cash tnveslments > Accounls r¿c€tvabl0 Pledges recervable 7 o ttt qt¡, I g Þ o 11 0l¡l! flolls3¡d loa¡¡ 981. 77 > rordY?Þþ Þ líìvèntones lor sale or use Prepard sxpensss and defeffed chårges lnvsslmenls - U.S, äßd slale government oblrgahons $tmb Inveslmehls - corporale slock lnvestmenls - corpomle bonds lnv4lñrtllr-þil,!rlEl¡lr,¡it¿q0ìÐm;îlDrc¡ iltuñùl¡l?d deDrftl¡ho > > lnveslments - mortga0e loans lnvertm¿ûts - olhet Land, burldrn0s, and equrpment: basrs l,35r ¡J' .'t9e. 28 tc Farr Markel Value Fecelvables due lrom ofrcers, dtrectOrs, truslees, and othsr dtsquahied petsons 7 $tnh I gtrnt I Þ 13.83? .6û5. 1 , 879.53?. L5 ,627 , e3â, " 2.223.982. 8, û61,384. 15 .L,¿ 8.( r{¿i¡[[bld d¿lllrli[0r 1$ olh¿r assels 16 Tolâl âsrêto tl, L.223.71-s. - Grants rgcgtvable Ir¡! 12 13 11 Value I 1{9,. 5 3 4,,1 7',1 a .916 " Þ [sss: allowanco for douhllul accsunls tô {b) Book Þ Less: allowance for doublful accounts 5 6 End of (a) Book Value Cash " non.rnteresþbeaflng L€ss: allowånce lof doublful åccounls { Begrnnrng ol year Albchø l¿hrd0l?3¡nd ¡m0unls ln iñ0 úrsrlfùon ßoÌuñr shû!ld ùe l0¡ $ìl-0l.yâ! ômol,nls oôry 560 .264. {descnbe (10 bs compl0lod by all ûlers '17 Accounlu payaÞle and accrued expenses 18 19 Grants päyäble - sse 464.357 . : thÊ ?¿-q63-7q1 13.095. 2"t .331-.648. 13.095. 25.000. Ðelerred revenue 2ù ¡l ó 21 ?2 2f Tohl li¡bililian ladd ltnes l7 lhroÌoh 221 here tl) o (, g ß toïnd¡lionr thôt tollow SFAS 1t7, lirgk snl c0m0ltle lin6s 24 through 28, and line! 30 and 01. 24 25 s 26 \ä 0 ll U th Unreslrcled 4\2.1q6 - 518 _ 910. - R1 .8r2 -138 24,sr_o.995 26 24.510.995. 26,8L2.738. hsre > f Caprlal sl0ck, trusl pilncrpal, or currsnl lunds l8 Pard'rn or caprtal surplus,0r land, bldg., ônd equrpmenr fund 31 flela¡ned earnrn0s¡ accumulaled tnç0me, endowmenl, 0r 0ther lunds Ïolôl n0l asdÉ18 orf¡núbalanceô 24 "q63. ?q1 Tolel liâbitilìå¡ and nel ¡sr¿le/lurd hâlâñrêg Part 1 3 27 29 30 2 480 Permânenllyreslflcted âild oomplete lìnes 27 lhrough IU . TemÊorailyrestrßled Foundations lhst d0 n0l lollow SFAS 1 ! 7, checl J \r > IJJ 5. ¿39 .701 27 "331 648. Analysís of Changes in Net Âssets or Fund Balances al begrnnrng of year - Parl ll, column (a), lrne 30 Total net assets or lund b (must å0rse wrlh end-of-year Í0ure reported on 2 3 4 Ënter amounl lrom Part l, llne ?7a S Decreases nol tncluded rn lrne 2 (rtemrze) 0lher rncreases n0t ìncluded .l,2, Add lrnes . rn lrne 2 vw yeat's telurn') 0 1 *30 2 (rlemr2e) See Statement > and 3 5 BL2 4 ) ¿ 3 3B 5 0r 6 rorm 990-PF lzotz¡ 72351r O1.03-18 2 10431114 788682 L1.60 2OI'] . 03O5O '] M FOUNDÀTTON 1160 1 I 990-Pt ncom9 on (r) ' (b Lrst and doscrùa the kmd(s) ol Droperty sotd (lor exampte, real eslate, 2-slory Þilrk warehouse; or common st0clq 200 shs. MLC C0.) (d) Date sotd (mo,, day,yr,) P P {ll DeprecÉìon (e) Gross sales plce (g) Cost 0r olh$ basis plus axÞsnse ol sale allowÊd (or allowâble) 72 / I .82â I7t ^ th0 0n m¡nus 0vel Ê also entêr rn ) Caprlal gâtn nettncome 0r (nst capttal loss) 3 ll secton 49{0(d)(?l alptesi Nel value ot 2 Tûtål of ltne 1, 3 Averaoedrslnbulronralrol0rlheS-yearbasepenod-dNrdethetolal oflllne2by5.0,orbythenumberofyears the foundatron has been tn Gxlstencp tl lesslhan 5 years 3 4 Enter lhe nel v¿luÊ ol nonchaütable"us8 asseis lor 2017 l¡om Pârl X, hne 5 I 5 MulttpLy lrne 4 by Ine 3 E 6 Enle¡ 1% o, nel rnvestnent ntome (1% olParll,lne2Tb) 6 7 Add lrftes 5 ând 6 7 I Enler quah¡/tnq drstrbulrons lrom Parl XlJ, ltne 4 lf hne t See th8 723521 rs equal lo or 0reatcr than kne 7, check lhe box 2I ,,? 0 t rn Part Vl, lrn€ 1b, and complele lhal pôr1 usrng a 1% lax ral€. FartVl tnsfruc(rons. O1"03-ls 104311"14 ?88582 rorm 1160 3 2017.03050 J D{ FOLüDÀTïON 990-PF pol ¡) 1.160 1 I Part la on - see Fxempl operatrno foundatons descnbed tn sectton 4940(dX2), check herg Þ enler'N//f on Ine aßd 1. f Dateolrulrn¡j0fdetermlnalfonletl3r:-{ôüåcìcopy0lle1tefilnec€ssåty.9oo¡nstlucl¡on6) bDomesllcfoundalronsthâlmeelthesectroß4940(e)requrrementstnParlV,checkhere -J Þf---lanOenterl% ol Part I, lrne 27b c All olher d0meslrc foundahons 2 t Enlet 2% ol hne 27b. Exempt lorer0n QrganEaltons, sntsr 470 of Pad lr lìne .l2, Tax undsl ssclron 51.l (domeslrc sÊclron 4947(aX1) lrusls and laxable foundal'ons only;Olhers, enter -01 Add lrnes 1 and 2 4 Subùlle A (mc0m0) tåx (domestrc seclron 4947(aX ) lrusls and laxable loundalrons onlyì othÊrs, enler -0-) 5 Taxia¡ed9nlflyçslmenllnoomc Sublraclltne4lromÍne&l{reroorless; enler-0. ã trBdûsiPaymants: I N 201Ì estrnated hx payElenls and 2!.l5 ovorp¡y¡enl ctûdtlÊd l0 2017 al s'ourcê b Exeüpl lorer0t ci0ânÈaltórts , tax '¡vllhhèld åcr;: c I I 8d r, s Entor Þ Þ $ 10 1¡ ûurrng l¡ âny pohllcal campar0n? b 0d lb. th lhe rnslruc[ons lo¡ lhe dsfnrlron ú spend morÊ man $100 durrn0 thÊysar (Êilher üüoclly ll lhe aflswer rs Yes' to 1a or attaoh a detarled descilplrcn YêF N + -l publßhsd sr coptes of a drslrrbuled by lhe l00ndatt0n tn connectton wtlh lhe c Ddthe loundatron ltle durn0 Þ ? Entcr the rsrmbursem+nt managers.Þ $ 2 ll forflì 1120-P0L lôr Tìß ytân d ËÍlÕrtie (11 0nlhô tourrdalron. lhe yßa,: 0n .$ (ú any) pad 0. $ fourdat¡oî durng,the yeai lax rmposed on foundatron 10lhe IRS? Has lh3 2 ll "Vcs,'aflåth a dêlûilfd d6tcrrplr0n 0t 3 I reporled bylaws, 0r olh0r stmrlar rnslrumonls? lf Y6s, conformed 4¡ ûd I rn rl8 g0vQrn¡n0 rnstrumefll, arlrrles 0l rncorporatloo, or Has the loundalron made any changes, 3 ol lhÊ changos rnore durng lhe yoaË lhe foundaïon havô ¡le b lf "lDs,'has il 1b 5 Was lh8re a lrqurdalron, t Are the raqurremenls of sectron ll . . Igs,' By state legrslaltsn'lhaì n lo 494 I through 4945) satúlßd erlher: Dtd the foundahoû,1!sve al leasl 8a Enter lhe slates to b lf rnstrument s0 lhal no mândalory drreclrons thAt conllrct wrlh the sÎåle law the g0p_ÊÍ¡rng 7 9 T by Goneø/ altach lhe x å By lan0uage rn remârn of dunng ìhe year? x 7 x x 8b X ß a[ any llme durrng thc year? ll Aes,'complele Parl ll, col. (c), and Pârt roporls 0r wrth whrch rt rs tegrslered, See rnslruclrons. X/ Þ lo lne 7, has the loundalron furnrshed a copy oi Form 990.PF to ìhe Aliorney General (or desrgnate) slale as requrred by Genera/ /nslruclron GT ll 'No,' attach explanalron ls the loundaÙon clàrmìnS slatus as å pnvalB operafrn0 loundatron wllhrn the meanrng of seclron 49a2(¡)(3) or 4942(1)(5) lor calendar year 2017 or llìe lax year begrnnrng rn 20 l T? See lhe rnstruclrons lor Parl XlV. It Yes,' cornplete Parl X I lV -t J to rorm 990-PF leorz¡ t2353r 01.03'r0 4 r_043r.114 788682 1160 2OI7, O3O5O 'J M FOUNDÀTTON 1160 1 îl 'î-' I s90-PF t 1 Al any ltme riurrng lhe year, drd thÊ louilallon, drroctly or lndrrectly, own a conlrolled sntrty wrlhtn the meantno of sectlqn 512(b)(13)? lf Tes,'attach schedule, See tnsfrucltons 1 2 t3 otd lhe foundalton make a dtslrbuùon to a donor advssd fund over whrch lhe f0undatron 0, a drsqualtlred person had advrsory ll Tss,'anach stalemsnl, See nslrucfrons Drd the lound¿iroñ comply wrth Websrls eddress > Th6 þooks are rn câre 11 0f tht publË nspedtotì requtremÊnls fôr ìls âûlual rslurns and Bxemptton > 'tô 't8 secuflties, 0r other fnancral aicoullt tn a fora¡gn counlry? Sge lhç rnsÌructrons fûr sxrBptt0ns and filmg rsquÍsmenls lor FTnCEN Form tn a dtsqualrtBd Þbrsont Furnrsh goods, sêrvrce$ or tactl¡trss lo (0r accopl them hom) a Pay t0mponsalton 10, 0r pay 0r r0rmburË0 (ö) $e exoÈnsss ol, Transfer any rncome or asssts to a drsquahfred Berson lor lhe bencfrl cr ¡rss 0l a dßquahlrsd porsonf? ,l lhe foundahgn ågleed lo make a granl l0 or avadable llJv,u ffi no lhå lermrnaÙ0n of govëf nmeñ1 b ll any answer is Yes' lo la{1)-{E), drú ßny 0l thÊ acts larl lo guahfy seclron 53,494 1(d)"3 ø rn Regulahons 0rganrzalons relyrflg on a c old the foundalton tngaoe rn å belore lho 2 lrsl 1t >n ¡n a current nolrce lhan exqepled acls, lhat vfefe n0l corroôlfd rn day ol lhÊ tàx year ysâ¡s the foundâlron was a plrvale ooelâlmg loundatlon Taxes on latlure l0 dtslftbut¿ lncorne defrned rn s¿clron 494?{.0(3) ar r mcoms {ltnes 6d and 0s, Part Xlll) for lax vea(s) beornnrn0 Aì lhe end ol laxysat 20171 beÍorc2017? llYes,'kst h+ y€ars lTl Ho > b Are lhere any years hsled rn 2a l¡ê not applyrn0 the prôv6tons of Eeclton 4942(aX2) (rêlålÍt0 l0 tnc0rrecl A 2b a 3a I'lo b Éorm 4720, l0 deterrnrnÊ rl tht foundalron had oxcess busrness holdrn0s N/À rn 2017.) 4a Dldtheloundatonrnveslduflnotheyearânyamountrnamannerthatwould¡eopardrze¡tschartlablepurp0ses2 b 0ldthe loundatronmak¿anytnvestmentrnapíoryear(bulatlaroecember31,l969) thaÌcouldJeopardtzertscharttsblåpurposelhat n2017') kom 3h 4e ; rorm 990-PF 1z0tl¡ 72354r o¡.03-18 5 104311r-4 788682 1160 2Ot7.03O5O J M FOUNDATION 1160 1 lor ments 4720 Be Yas 5À ouilno thû year, drd the loundalton pay or rncur any amouol t0: ( 1) (2) l--lye, lnfluencÈ the outcome ol any specrûc pubhc eleclron (see secuon 4955I of l0 carry 0n, drrectly or tndrrectìy, t: H t_l E Yoa lfo Yoa fio l--l Vm fKl Ho f-l V.r [R ruo any votel regtsralron drve? (â) (4) H Carry on propaganda, or otherwrse ansmpt lo rnlluence lÊgrslalron (sectton 4945(e))? Prowde a 0lant l0 an rndrvrdual l0r lravel, sludy,0r other Stmrlar gurposes? Provrde a granno an ofoanEalron olhef than a charrtabl0, stc,, or0anEalton descilbed rn sgctt0n 4945(d)(4)(A)?Ses rnstructrons ¡¡o (5f Provúeforanypurposeotherlhanrelrorous,chanlable,ssenlflc,lrlerary,0reducatronalpurposes,orlor lhe prevenlron olcrueny lo ch¡tdren or anlmals? b N/A 6ù >[: c [--J ¡¡o ta Hruo 6b b 7s Al any lrme durrng ths tax year, wàs lhe loundalron â parly lo å prohlbtted Ye¡ lTl uo tb ì on About I l I List atl (bl Tttls. andaverate ."hòu'rs psi week.dsvo'led t0 ooslttún (å) Name and address (c) Compensalron lll not o¡id. 'ânlar'.fì.ì' 158.207. 49. s10. (al and Name ¿nd address ol each employee pard more than 550,000 er (c) Compensalron ber rorm 990-PF lzotz¡ ?23551 01.03-10 6 10431114 788682 IL60 201.7 ,03050 ,J M F'OUNDÀIION 1150 L lnf o rrnatíon Abo ut Off icers. Directors, Trustees , Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contiactors 3 Five þon'ttnued) coñUactors for prole6sional seryices. Name and address oÍ €ach ll enter'NONE.r' pard more lhan Compensatron ÀSSET s T ,3 3 I ol O AVEìíUE Expenses benelrctanes served, 3 Amounl 2 Ail othor program"rgl¿led rnveslmenls. 5ee tnslruclt0ns. 3 rorm 990-PF lzotz¡ 7¿356ì 0r-03.18 7 104311r.4 788682 1160 2011 .03050 J M FO('NDATTON r.16 0 1 FäfÏl 1 Minimum lnvestment Ëleturn Average monf hly fatr market value of securrlres b Average ol monlhly cäsh balances c Fau markel value ol all other assels e p¿¿ Forergn foundatrons, soo rnstructrons,) o[ assels not usod (or held lor uss) drreclly rn carryrng oul char:table, ê1c., purposes: Farr markel a d fottl (All domestrc foundatrons must comptere rhre 7 (add lrnes la, b, and c) Êeduchon çlamed lo( blacka0e or olher facl0rs reporled on lrnes'la and 1c (attach delarled explanatron) 2 g Âcqursrlron rndebledn¿ss applrcable to ltns 1 ðssets 1 Casb deemed håld tor chantabls aclurlres. Enlet 1 1l2o/o ol lne 3 {lor grealer amounl, ser Instrücttünsl 5 llå1 vslüe 0l Suìtrsd 2,6 lron ilne 1d ltne 2 îo,ì0ìsritable-u0q år8el6. Suþtrarl lrnð 4 from ltne 3. EntÉr herË añd on PaÍl V, ¡rne rl 5 6 bUtAbls AmOUnt D¡ .757 . tÛi 39? - 34t 1 2E .7 Eå, .7 1 .:8f;,2: (soe rnstructions) (Sectron 4942{t)(3) and (D(5) p¡vale operolrng afld f Mtn¡mum rnvrslmsnl relurû lrom Pal X, lrne 6 I 2d Tax 0n rnvestmenl rncome lor 20 t7 lrom Parl Vl, hne 5 7.288 .23, ,J ¡ lncome tâxl0r 2017 (Thrs does nol rnclude lhe tax lromPartVl.) c Add ilnes 2a and 2b t. 2c 3 0rstfibulable amount belore adtuslmenls. Subtract lrne 2c lr0m llne { fiecovenes olamounls troåtÊd as quâlfytng:dtstr¡bultons õ Add i¡nes 3 and û 0educlnn lr0m drslrrbulaÞle amounl ($ee rnslruclons) L.2 1 r{fi 4 7.264,.24,4 6 ,Ì E 1 ¡ b 2 S t:t-Xi[ Q ual ifyin g Distr¡b ut¡ o ns (se o chenlablq, elt., purposes: Amoonls pard (rncludrng adrnrnrstralrye expenses) lo le th Êxpens¿s, cofl lnbuions, ûtlls, etc. - total frorn Parl l, column {d), hne 26 Pr00råm-relal¿d rnvestmenls - lolal kom Parl lX-3 Amounls pard to êcqurre assgts used (or held for urs) drr€clly rn çarryrng oul chanhbl8,otc., purposes 2 Amounls set aslde lor specfrc chanlabìe proFcts lh¿l salßlylhe: ð Sufâbrlrty lesl (prrcr IRS app¡oval requred) 3â b Cash drstrrbulron l€sl (atlaçh lhe requrred schedule) 3h 1 ö oualifying distributions. Add hnß5 Îa through 3b. Entor here and on foundåhons lhal qualrry under sechon 4940(e) for lhe rrducËd rate rncome. EnteT ô 1o/o olParl l, The âmounl Xlll, lne 4 Sublract hne 5 frorn lrne 4 rn Parl V, ç0lumn (þ), rn subseguent or hr¿ ô redutlron ol lax I 9r 5 ltne 27b Âdjuated qualityinp distrib llott; pår-t V, hne Bi and Part 011àx on net rnveslmenl 6 years',then calculahng whnlher lhs loundahon quahÍos for lhe seclìoß rn rorm 990-PF (zolz) 72352r 01.03"18 B 1_0431,1L4 788682 IL60 2OT7.O3O5O J M FOUNDATTON 1160 1 t-Pir.,iÏiil Und i strib ute d n I co m e (so€ In sltu criorì s) (b) {s) Corpus J Years (d) plor to 201ô 2017 Orslilbutabls âmount lor 2017 trom Pãn Xt, Irne 7 2 Un¿r¡l¡,uutc¿ rncomo, ¡l å/ìy, ås o, ì!ô ûfi dol 20l7 â Enter amounl lor 2016 only b Tolal for pilor y8a¡s: 0lo l7 4 b ApDlred t0 undßtrrÞuted tncome of pttor yeats (Electpn requrred - sea rnslructron$) dBtrbutons out of corpus (Elîóllon requrrad " seô rnstfuctt0ns) d Applr¿d to 2017 dtslflbulable amount c Trealed as c rîguQd, or on lax hâs doflcrency 0 d Subùact hne ôa lrom hne 6b. 0 0 be dtstlbuled m 20lB 7 Amounls l¡eåled as dtslfibultoos oul of corpus l0 sahsfy requuem0rlls imposed by seclron 1?0{b)( I }(F) or 4942{0X3) (€leclron g rnay be requttåd - see tnstrucltons) Excess drstnbuhoRs carryover kon 0 21fl not aÞÞl¡ed on line 5 or Ine 7 I 0 Excess dìslribulions cârryovsr l0 20 Sublracl Lnes 7 and I 1 8 r13.382. lrom ltne 6a 173 .382 - rorm ¡?3581 01.0r.r8 10431114 788682 1160 2TL7,O3O5O J 9 M TOUNDÀTTON 990-PF (2otz) LL6O 1 990-PF vate u rnstructlons and Part Vll'4, 1 a ll the foundatron has ¡ecerved a ruhng or delermtrìalron letter thal tl s) À rs a pnyate opera¡n0 loundalron, ahd lhe rulrno rs etfeclrve 1ot 2017, Ênler th e date of the ruhng b Check Þox to rndrcale whelher ths 2 e Enlar the P¡lor 3 Tax lessË/ ot the adlusled r¡lcome lrom Part I or lhB mtntmum rftveslmenl returÍì kom Part X for each year hsled b 85% ofhne o 2a Quahfyrng drstnbutrons kom ParlXll, Itne 4 for each year fsted d Amounls rncluded nol rn hne 2c used dl.eclly f0r actfve c0nducl ol ixenpl ¿rhvllres e 0ualtlyrng dr5t(rbulrons mads d[eclly lor acIve conduct ol erefipl âchvrhes. Subtratl lrne 2d lrom ne ?c Complele 3a, þ, or c lor thc 0 alleinð¡vt tÈst iëlted upon: a 'Asssts' ållernatvE lost - gnts( (1) ValuB of all asseìs (21 Vatuo olassÈß qualúyrng under soclron 4942{l)(S){SX') issl - enter 213 of rnrnrmum rßveslment rglurn sþown rn Part X, lrne 6 lor each year b 'Endowmenfal[ernatMe Irsled c 'Suplorl'allernalve tosl - enter: ( 1 ) Tolal supporl olhor hal rnveslment rncom€ dNrdends, rents, secuillras 0ross 0n royallns) 51 (21 ' - Supporl from general publrc and 5 or more exempt organEatrons as provrded rn setlËn 4942(t)(3)(BXil) (31 Lar0esl amount of support from an extmpi of0anEaùoB or morg tims at I tho instructions.) lnlormatlon Fegarding Fo¡¡ndalion Managers; I Llsl anymanaoers0l lheloundatronwhohaveconütbutedmorelhan2%of thelolalcontnbutronsrecervedbytheloundatronbelor0 lhecloseof änytÂx year (but only rl lhey have conlilbuled more lhan $5,0t0). (See seclron 507(dX2).) None b Lrstanymana0ers0f thelounda(ronwhoownl0%ormoreolthestock0l olher entrty) of whrgh lhe loundatron has a l0% 0r grtaler rnleresl. acorporalron(oranequallylargepor(ronof theownershrp0f apartnershrp0r None 2 lnf orrnat¡on Regarding Þ Conlrrbulion, Grônt, Gift, Loan, Scholarsh¡p, etc., Programs: IIJ rl lhe loundaltoû nnly m¿kes conlnbulrons l0 preselected çhanlable orçanrzalrons and does nol accepl unsoIc,ted ¡sq¡Jests for tunds. lt lhe lDundalron makos grfs, 0ranls, etc.,10 rndrvrduals or or0a0rzalrons under 0lher c0ndtlrons, complele rtems 2a, b, c, arìd d. Check herc a The name, addrcss, and lelephone 0umber or ematl sddrBss ol lhe pers0n l0 whom applrcåhons should be addressed: b The lorm rn whrçh applcalons should be submrlled and rnlormalron and malerals lhey should rncludei c Any submrssron deadlrrìes: d Any reslncttons or ltmìtatrons on awards, such as by çe00raphrcai areas, chartable ltelds, krnds ol rnslrtulrons, or olher factors: 723ê01 0r"C3,18 rorm 10 l_0431114 788682 n"68 2OL7,O3O50 J M FOUNDÀTION 990-PF lzotz¡ r"160 L ' Recprônt Nams and aúdress (homa or busrness) a tôctptenl Paddanngthayøar 9rEr5 I ¡ 1 b Approvøcl FUND 116 lor FON, pc ]ËNERåI, SUP'ORT VII,IJÀGE Foral 12017) 1230lr or.03"r¿ 11 10431114 788692 1160 2OI7, O3O5O .T M F'OÜNDÀTTON 1r.50 L Part XVI-A 13-6058i40 .T M EôTTNÐÀÍFTôN Form 990-Pt 120171 Paoet2 Analysis of lncome'Produc¡ng Activities Enler 0ross amouñls unless 0lherwrse rndrcatsd. tJnrelâ euJ,Il,, 1 Program selvrce revenue. code (e) (ql {b) Àmounl I rrl txctuSlon Relaled o¡ exempl Amounl cod¿ rnc0me a b c d e I g tees and contratts lrom governmenl açenctes 2 Mernbershp dues flnd åssessmenls I lnteresl on savrnos and lemporâry cäsh rnveslmenls 4 5 NQI .Q;¡l j, t000û{ì 0rvldends and rnleresl lrom sfcurûros TA 4.$,9 ,913. renlal tncome 0r (loss) ftom real eslûle: a oebl-inanced propËñy b Not debl-frnanced properly ó Net r€ntal rncorns or (loss) lrorn personal pf0perty 7 0$er tnveslmanl rncome û G¿rn or (loss) lrom sales 0f assels 0ther AF lhan rnvenlory I L.Ð42. 8s3. ?1. Nel ¡ncome 0r (loss) lrom spÊcral êveilts 1û Gross profrl or (loss) from sales ol tnyênlory ll oth¿rÍevsnuel a b .: 0 d e 12 subrotâl. Add Öolumns (b), (d), änd (e) :, ' 20 ,722, 1.451 .?66. 13 Total. Add lrne 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) lq'WT=ll Line I'lo Êxplarn below how each actlvrty lor 729621 Ð1.03-18 pu¡poses rs reported :n column (e) ol Part XVI-A contrlbuled rfiporlanlly lo the accompltshment ol lor I2 788682 1160 r.4'12.488. of Exempt Purpoçes Rerati the foundalron's 10431"1"1"4 r3 2QL7, O3O5O ,J M FOUNDATION Form PF (2012) 1160 I I PF nformation Regarding Transfers to and Exem I ¡ b ctions and Re With Noncharllable atíons Drd lhe orgañrzahon drreclly or lfldtreclly engage rn any ollhe lolloutn0 wtlh any other organtralton descrlbed (other lhan seclron 501(cX3) organrzalrons) or ln s€ctron 527, rolalrng to pohbcal organrzalrons? lranslers lrom the reporttng fouÍdâlron to a nonchallable exempl organrzallon ol Yes rn (l) Cash lafll (2) other assets .l x al2l 0lher traßsacltons; (l) Sales ol asseÌs to a nonchafitaùte exempt oroantzatron tbill (2) Purchases ol assets lr0m a nonchântaÞle exempt oroant¿alton tù12 I [3) Rsnlal 0l fac,lttles, equrpment, or 0lhrr ässêls JñI3 ì Rormbursemenl atran0emenls 1ñlôt ({f (5) Loans or loan guarãlrtêEs Íbf6l (ül Pcrlormancs of servlqes or membershrp or lundrarsrng solLcrlatlons lhtËl c Shaflng of facrhtres, equrpmenl, matltil0 ltsts, olher assels, or pard employees d ll 'tc lhe answer lo any of lhe aþov€ ls YBs,'complefs the ol lhe or $efvrcos oryen by lh€ rop0rlrng loundatroo. ll ¡he fou column valut ol lhe 0th0r In {b} Amount rnvolvsd L¡ne no Ma¡O@ffils ol N/À 2a ls the loundahon drr8clly 0r rndrferily att¡håled wJth, ûr reiated lo, rn sectron 50 1 (c) (olher than sBchon 50 1 (t)(3)) or ons¡r norï lax-exernp¡ Sign Here of rqìuh, ¡ñchdng BøDÞúyrng $hedole6 ud slalmôñls, ud to the bôsl ôf my knÒwlBdgo (othtr thM lilpayw) ts bùsôd on all hlqmalrcn ot whr 13-2060851 ) $Q EasE 42nd Street Form 990-PF (eol;) ¡?302? 0r.03-18 1.3 1043111.4 188682 1160 zOL''I , 03O5O ,J M FOUNDÀT]ON 1160 1 ù M Fo,IINDATTON 13-160683'40 Source Gross Àmount DTVIDENDS ÀIID INTEREST 429 rEss suBirBc! ro fo Part I, line 4 Reven Per Books Gains Dividends 0. , 0. 0 429,635, 0 FoTm 990-Pr 429 ome 06. Àcc g (d) Charitable Purposês L7 ,206, 0 L7 ,206, Statemenb Net lnvest,- ment fncome (c) Adjusted NeL Income 3 (d) Charítable Purposee 6,000, 3 , û00. 3,00û. L9,768. 9,884. g, BB4. 13, ?68. 2OT7 , O3O5O 6, 884. 6, 8B¿, 1B 1"04311.L4 788682 Lr60 2 0 {b} Pg 1, 1n 16b (c) Âdjusted Net, ïncome 5'ees s Per ,'122. SbatemenL L7, Fo¡m 990*PF o Ë Per tro Fm 990*PF, Þg 1, ln 16a N,et Income ,913. (a) I,EGAÍJ SËRVTCËS fncome ,635. 0. Legal Descrípþíon l" (a) Capital ,635 UBIT To Form 990-PP Statement Dividends and TnEêresE from SecurÍtíe d Form 990-Pf 'T I,I FOTIIIDATTON St,atement (s ) L, 116 0 2 3 , 1" J M FO.UNDAqION 13*ti0683U0 Form 990-35' OEher Professional (a) Statementr Fees (c) (b) SPECTAT, PROüËCTS 504. POgTÀGE COMPUTfiR 9,514. 2,458, 7 ,962. -238,824. orFrc8 suppLrEs GENERAÏ, AND OTTIER ßEII{BURSEMSNT }TYS FTLTNË FNHS 750. -216,636. 154. Foìm 990-PF Oèher Increases in Net Assets or Fund Ðalances Ðescription Statemenþ 6 ÀmounÈ TN UNREÀLTZED APPRECIATTON NET OF ToEal, to Form 990-PF'. ParE rII, line TÀXES t_160 2AT7.O3O5O 2,33L,986. 2,33L,996. 3 1"9 10431114 788682 td) 0. 1,000, BA¡ÍI( CUSTODY FEES CHANGE 4 J M FOUNDATTON St,atement(s) 4, 5, 1150 6 1 ,J M Form 13-lt0583',40 FO,UNDÀTION 990-Pf Corporabe Slock StaÈemenb DescrÍpt,ion srocKs Form 990-Pl', ggO*pi _ Part II, Iine ôorporate _ eonds :.,,':' .ry #L5 ,..,,- ::: TotaL to Form 990*PF", Par¡ II, liae .1.0c .. ;9!þg:g , Oescrípt,ion ::. , j,!::. . r*vqYlY. ToEal ta Form 990-Pf,r,.,,.F.art ,, r, ,tt" ' Beginning of 294,903. 265,367. ÐÐFERRED COMPENS"&TION TNVESTED THE MTTJBANK FOUNDATTON To FÖrm 990-Pp, Þart I1, l-ine L0431"1"L 4 788682 1.160 15 5 ,'?3 ,982, 560 2017,03050 2,223,982, ,,.,,,?',t ., 2,223,982. :: .,-,, _ ._ 2,223,982, it"fe1e* e Fair l¡arkeU Vatue 3,513,6?9 ' 52,42L. 8,061",384' Other Assebg Yr Eook Value Description '.':" Fair Markgt Book Value V¿Lue -. :-',: '' FlfV : FMV TI,,line 13 990*pF btaL;ment I ,.1:Val"uation $e..ähod Book Value ','i :. ':. STÍTVERCRãST fNfßRNâff ONAIrl';¡rffi,, SILVERCREST SpECI.ilIr SIfiIATIOñS GLOBAT, OppOË,?IfNTlflþS Ft,ì{F. . Form ue t5,627 ,434, 10b Ðescriptíon coRÞoBÀrE Bo¡{Ds Market t5,ezr ,aJ4, #15 Total to ror¡n Fair Book Value 7 ,264. 3,513 ,679, 52,42L 8,061,38{. Stalement End of Year Book value 10 Ë'air Market Value 314,882. L49 ,475, 314, Bg2. 464 ,35"t 464,357 , 149 ,475. 20 Stabement(s) 7, 8, 9, ,l M FOUNDATTON 1160 . 10 1 ,J.M TÀXES FO.UNDATIoN 13-50683140 P.AYABTJE RËSARVË FOR DEFERRED COMPENSATTON DUE TO BROKER DEFERRED ?ÀXES ToEal to Eorm 990-?f, FarÞ II, Line 22 Form 990rPF SbabemenL 12 Empl-oyee 1e Name a¡rd ÀddreEs t 8en Plan Bxpense Cont.rib ÀÇcounE orl CHRIS OLA¡ÍÐER C/O 0. .TM FOUNDATION PRÍNCETON, N.T 08540 .ÏEREì{IAH BOçERT C/O 0. ,TM FOT'NDATION PRINCETON, Nü 08540 MÀRY E. Cå,SLTN ROSS clo Jt{ FoU$DAtrrON 0. PRTNCETON, N.T 08540 W1'1. IJËE H.ANÍJEY, C/O JM ,lR. FOIJNDATION PRrNCËÎON, N,J 08540 JEREMTAH MTI¿BANK III C/O JU FOUNÐÀTION PRINCETON, NJ N't 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 PREgÏDËNT 1.00 SECRETÀRY ' 1.00 08540 CÀRL HELSTROM C/O JM 0 OB54O PEîER C. MORSE. C/Q JM FOtTÌ.IDATÍON PRINCETON, 0. Ë'OUNDÀTTON PRINCETON, N.] 08540 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/ÀSST TR 20.00 L48 ,207 . 49,510, Tobals incl-uded on 990*PF, Page 6, ParL VfIT r.0431114 ?88682 1150 2t 20L7.03050 J M L6g,20'l 0, , 49,510. 0 SLatemenÈ(s) LL, I2 FOUNDATTON 116 0 1 ,J M rOIrlrDATrON L3- t068340 Grant, À¡rpllcaEíon Submiasion Informa tíon ParÈ XV, LLnee 2a tbtough 2d Form 990-PF Name and. Àddress of Pergon to Whom A¡¡¡rll,eabions ShsuL.d St,at,ement 13 Eed CARfr HEITSTROM 11'6 VÎTJIJåßS FfrVD. ÞRTNCETON, NJ 08540 t. 'Têlephsua, ìir¡rnbør :! '609*9:51--ilâÊ3 ËXPT,åTÑS lttH,E: YOU $EEK FUNÐ.ilNG. On' ORÇÀIÍIZÀSION' g MI9S'ION Àl.lD-.''TÍIB Any $ubrnísgion NO FçRI,TÀT¡ Restrictions PROPOSÀLS CÀFITAL C,CUP TNTSRNATIOÑå,L Í"':. oRçÃr{ru.@.{irrs [I{F ÐOAnn 'MnFg,S ,IN' UA.F,âI{Ð Ofl*þBER¡ Àwards ÀRË RAREI¡Y ÀPPROVEDI À¡{NItÃ,t' APPEÀLS, IDHE An?9, . ENDOI,ùilEUTS, GOVHRI{}IENT ENTITTES, INDIVIDUALS, YEÀR GR.N{TS, POLIUCAI., CAIJSES "â¡fÞ äxBMPr STA$US. 22 1"0431"1L4 788682 1160 2OT'I .O3O5O ü M FOITNDATTON SÈaternenb(s) 13 1150 I