a" are a we: at August 24, 2016 Dr. Trevor Douglass, DC MPH Provider Clinical Support Unit Manager Oregon Health Authority 500 Summer St. NE Salem, OR 97301 RE: Contract 151473 Concerns Regarding Future Deliverabies and Outstanding Deliverables Dr. Douglass, KEPRO is committed to our partnership with the Oregon Health Authority and our obligations under contract 151473. We understand your concerns and have outlined our approach to addressing each of the issues you have outlined in your letter dated August 16th 2016. commitment is organization wide and our Oregon office has the full support of me and all corporate resources available. Building of our performance for the past seven years, we will continue to deliver for OHA and fulfill any and all deliverables identified, as will be the case here as well. i-sheuldfiinclude ppach :thmt - - recess .. .. KEPRO Response: - KEPRO remains committed to deliver on all deliverables as outlined in our contract. As acknowledged above, is managing current referral levels and meeting the 10 day requirement for authorization.? - Regarding Staffing: Kevin Minor has taken on the role of Behavioral Health Manager and has hired one Support Coordinator and one Data Entry Operator. Two additional full time resources have been redeployed temporarily to provide additional support (Jude Treinen and Angus Dunlavey). Dr. McWilliams has expanded his hours to support the transition. Overtime has also been used to ensure compliance to the turnaround times. These six resources will be supplemented by three new hires- scheduled to come on board on 8/29, 9/6 and 9/12, respectively. This will bring the total to nine by 9/12. 0 KEPRO is fully aware of the critical need for these resources to be in place. Creative approaches including signing bonuses and engagement of nine different recruiting organizations are being employed to address this. 0 In addition, KEPRO has hired a highly-qualified, highly experienced who is also a Medical Doctor. She will represent KEPRO well with her experience in the Oregon healthcare system and she starts immediately. 0 KEPRO has successfully brought up the required web?site and phone system which has taken on a higher volume of calls due to the backlog of referrals from OHA at go-live and due to the fact that a majority of the referral authorizations expired on June 'fhe combination of these two events has been an additional challenge but one that we have handled well resolving the backlog and processing the required additional authorizations. KEPRO Response: The Atrezzo System has been enhanced to deliver on all of the deliverables of this contract. this system has been up and running in production since go-live on July 1, 2016. Staff received significant training on the system prior to go?live. All referrals are entered into the Utilization Management and Case Management modules to house the required clinical documentation. Access to the system can be made available through our Information Systems Department. Please let us know the names of OHA employees that need access or training so we can coordinate this activity. in addition, as requested, the shared database has gone live allowing OHA staff to access standard reporting via IP Switch. This will enable us to share reporting as required without the burden of sending secure emails back and forth between organizations. KEPRO Response: 0 Prior to July 1, 2016, a full web?site was developed that clearly provided all the necessary information and instruction on how to communicate with KEPRO, how to access all the necessary forms, and how to complete all necessary 1915i activities. These are all functioning very well and have been since go-live. - in addition, a two page summary of services was developed and shared with several critical audiences throughout OHA. This could also be shared with the provider community as needed as mentioned above. There are no specific requirements in the contract to send these materials to the provider community, but we will be giad to do so as desire by OHA. n?d evid?e? eat-b KERRO. 1 Disk KEPRD Response: 0 KEPRO is committed to meet all deliverables including those connected to the Oregon State Hospital (05H). Our management team has already engaged weekly at meetings with the OSH. In addition, we have participated in the analysis of workflow processes, background materials, training materials etc. to ensure we have a comprehensive understanding of the challenges that the system. 0 As stated above, KEPRO has a clear understanding of the staff that is required to deliver on all contract requirements. The hiring of staff remains our top priority as described in our initial response above. ?due .. thi a, KEPRO Response: 0 As stated above, KEPRO clearly understands the requirements of the contract and wili be adequately staffed to deliver. 0 We wiil ensure that all staff is hired and trained prior to going live with this activity - in addition, we wiil ensure that OHA is aware of our status reiated to hiring appropriate staff. 0 The steps outlined in our initial response above will address this need sufficiently. .. .. 14.. KEPRO Response: 0 KEPRO would iike an opportunity to discuss with OHA the best due date for this report to ensure it meets all the needs of OHA. Given the first quarter of 1915i will end on September We suggest that November 35th may be appropriate given the due dates for the other Quarterly Reports in the contract. - KEPRO i'i' has already begun putting together the business requirements analysis necessary to properly develop the report elements specified on page 30 section 13 of the contract. 0 All reports will be run out of our Atrezzo operating system. 0 Once all business requirements are complete, programming wili be done and initial reports will be quality tested (estimated for the week of September In the quality process, we will include OHA in the review process to ensure that the extensive reporting meets your requirements. Any adjustments to format or content could be made at that time. the sass-dame I. system ?xi-?23 2 ii ewe 223: was a KEPRO Response: Similarly to the development process described above for the QES reporting, KEPRO IT is currently documenting the business requirements for the census report. Once complete, programming will begin to be shortly followed by the quality assurance steps necessary to generate a quality report. We anticipate doing quality assurance by the week of September 12th to ensure time for any adjustments to format or content. This report will be run out of the Atrezzo system and will reflect information submitted to date by providers for the 1915i eligibility and services. Should a more comprehensive census report be require of all residents in each setting, we can work with OHA IT to develop reporting via MMIS or other OHA systems as appropriate. KEPRO Response: KEPRO has two qualified Utilization Management Nurses who began employment on August 22nd and are awaiting state training scheduled for August 25th at 500 Summer Salem, OR. Both employees report to Dr. McWiliiams. Recruitment efforts are continuing for additional staff, as needed. 0' EP KEPRO Response: Beginning on the meeting on September 19, 2016, this item wili be added to the agenda of our Care Coordination/Nurse Triage Line check in meeting. At this time we can discuss strategies, possible participants, a charter, possible agenda items, etc. and ensure that this group is convened two times per calendar year. We look forward to not oniy discussing the above items but ways we can ensure that there is no further disconnect and that all of our goals remain in aiignment with the this very important work. Sincerely, WKM Meghan Harris EVP Chief Operating Officer KEPRO CC: John R. DiPalma Colette Riehl