Liss. Celia From: Ruben Kennedy -- Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 201 a 10:16 PM To: Gilman, Daniel Subject: Fwd: Mercy Update Attachments: Letter Received undisput- 07710715 Letter Envelopepdt FYI Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: "McGongh, Thomas" Date: July 10, 2018 at 8:!!250 PM EDT To; "Peaslee, Gregory" "Cartwright, Eric" -- "AI-meyer, Roger" Emmet. -- "Grace, Michael" --, "Davis, Leslie -- "Baker, Scott" m: (umc --'Kreps. Gloria -- Cc: "Romoffi Jeffrey -- Subject: Mercy Update The game of political speed chess has begun. Below is a letter Mike Grace received today from a motley assortment of activist groups organized by SEIU Healthcare PA to demand further engagement over a "Community Benefits Agreement" before City Council approves the modification of our Institutional Master Plan, now scheduled for 2 pm on the 17th. Meanwhile, I called Dan Lavelle this evening at his mailed request. He spent the afiemoon meeting with reps ofPittsburgh United and Healthcare PA and will be meeting with them again tomorrow. He is clearly looking for a way to appease them in the long run while steering our approval through Council in the short run, I politely suggested to him that he might not be able to do that because their demands hadn't changed in years and had nothing to do with the Mercy Vision project. He said the one argument they made that impressed him was that our "specialty hospitals" including Vision should be accessible to everyone, regardless of insurer. I told him that they are and would be, even to those without any insurance, but that the amount anybody had to pay themselves would vary depending on their insurer and their plan He asked whether that was true for "unique" services. I responded that PID hadjust spent several months pressing Highmark to identify what services UPMC offered and AHN did not, that it turned out the list was very shortibasically some types of transplants and cystic fibrosis treatments and that UPMC had agreed to take Highmark subscribers in network for those services. 1 promised him I'd sent him the P-G's article from last week saying the impending separation was no big deal He also told me that the SEIU et al. are planning to hold a press conference on Tuesday before the Council meeting to call attention to their demands. Chelsea Wagner will be there, of course, as will others unnamed. Lavelle said he'd call me tomorrow at 4:30 to talk about his meeting with the SEIU and to give me the questions he wants us to answer at his meeting on the 16th. As for the letter below, drafi a measured response for Mike to send tomorrow, Our approach, I think, should be to say that we are aware that they have fixed opinions about how 1 healthcare should be delivered in Pinsburgh, than We disagree as do, apparenlly, the Governor, me Mayor, the pin, and Highmaik, and lhat iflhey believe furth engagement on these poinis is necessary Councilman Lavelle is holding a public meeting on July 16. Thoughts? Begin forwarded message: min: "Grace, Michael" -- Dnlc: July 10, 2018 3:558:13 PM EDT Tn: "McGough, Thomas" --, "Baker, Scott" -- Cc: "Davis, Leslie -- Michael A. Grace, FACHE President, UPMC Mercy UPMC Caving A LIS'L'mngl Excellence Innwailan Quality 5. Safelyl Rbfiporlsibility a: Inlaq'uy Mr. Jeffrey Romoff Presiden t and CEO Univers ity of Pittsbur gh Medical Centel' 200 Lothrop St Pittsbur gh, PA 15213-2582 July 9, 2018 Dear Mr. Romoff We are writing regardin g UPMC's applicat ion to amend the Instituti onal Master Plan for the UPMC Mercy Hospita l Campus . As leading commun ity, healthca re and worker advocate s, we see the investm ent of $2 billion in Pittsbur gh as a tremend ous opportu nity to make great strides toward improvi ng the health of Pittsbur gh resident s in the UPMC Mercy service area. As you are aware, on April 17th, of this year, dozens of organiza tions and individu al Pittsbur ghers attended the City of Pittsbur gh Planning Commis sion hearing on the Amende d IMP for that site, in order to raise concern s about the project's impact on the surroun ding commun ity and UPMC's failure to engage with affected stakeho lders beyond one neighbo rhood associat ion whose outreach to the commun ity was lacklust er at best. At the conclusi on of that hearing, the Plannin g Commis sion, in clear respons e to testimon y from seniors, employe es, medical professionals, resident s, and elected leaders, recomm ended that the plan be approve d with the conditio n that, "Betwee n· now and the council heating there should be addition al commun ity engagem ent .. Commu nity engagem ent shall include discussi on around CBA or similar mechan ism toward commun ity partners hip." ·' As far as we are aware, that addition al commun ity engagem ent has not occurred . On May 2, 2018 represen tatives from UPMC did attend a meeting of Uptown Partners to provide a briefing on the project. At that meeting , resident s and other concern ed Pittsbur ghers again raised serious question s about access to the new hospital , about UPMC's failure to address the assessed healthca re needs of the commun ity, and about the quantity , type and quality of the jobs that would be created at the new hospital . UPMC represen tatives at that meeting told resident s that they could only speak to the architec tural design of the building and they were not qualified to speak about how the changed IMP would advance or fail to advance UPMC's mission or whether the project represen ted to best use our tax subsidie s and charitab le assets. They did, howeve r, promise that there would be a commun ity meeting to discuss these matters. On May 19, 2018, UPMC held an ''Open House" at Mercy Hospital . Uptown resident s and employe es, believin g that this perhaps was the promise d commun ity forum, attended the open house and once again raised concern s about access to the new hospital , UPMC's plans to address the healthca re needs of the commun ity, and the quantity , type and quality of the jobs that would be created at the new hospital~UPMC represen tatives at that meeting once again told resident s that they were not qualifie d to speak to these issues but thought perhaps another meeting was being planned . We believe that this outrea ch falls far short of the community engagement and discussions aroun d a CBA that the Planning Commission required. We believe that the following organizations represent impor tant stakeholders whos e needs , priorities and ongoing financial contributions, in the form of tax subsidies, Medicare, Medic aid and VA payments, and commercial insurance premi ums must be considered in the formu lation of a Community Benefits Agreement. Pittsburgh Unite d-Pit tsbur gh United is a coalition of community, lab,.,r, faith, and environment-,ll organizaticlns committed to advancing the vision of a community and economy that work for all people. Pittsburgh United is a leadin g voice for equitable devel opme nt in our ciLy and region, and coalition partne rs includ e the Group Against Smog and Pollution, Ute United Steelworkers, the Allegheny Group of U1c Sierra Club, UFCW local 1776, Clean Water Action, Just Harvest, UNITE HERE Local 57, SEIU 32BJ, SElU Healthcare Pennsylvania, the Hill District Consensus Group , and Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network. Penns ylvan ia Alliance for Retire d Amer icans -The Pennsylvan ia Alliance for Retired Amt!ricans is a statewide organization wiUl over 300,000, prima rily union, retirees. TI1e Alliance works to make senior voices heard on Jaws, policies, politic s and institutionc; that shape their lives. Penns ylvan ia Healt h Access Netw ork-A s the state's leadin g consumer driven organization. PHAN is focused on making our health care system more affordable and accessible for all Pennsylvanians. PHAN works to expan d access to and improve Ute quality of the Comm onwe alth's health coverage options. Since 2007, PHAN has broug ht consu mer voices into discussions of health equity, reaching vulnerable populations in rural and under served communities. Penns ylvan ia Interf aith Impac t Netw ork-T he Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PUN) is a network of congregations and organizations in South western Pennsylvania committed to drawi ng together people of faith to act powerfully on local and regional issues of justice and fairness. Through the processes of comm unity-building, working with politicians and policy makers, direct action, and negot iation, we transform our communities. UPMC Worker Organ izing Comm ittee- The UPMC Work er Organizing Committee is an organization of front-line healthcare workers from UPMC hospital-; and hea!U,care facilities aroun d the city of Pittsburgh. With the suppo rt of SEIU HealUlcare Pennsylvania, the UPMC Worker Organ izing Committee organizes for fair wages and wuon rights for all UPMC employees. Together, our organizations represent a large and diverse pool of stakeholders that includes patients, employers, employees, and residents whose housi ng prices and cost of living will be impacted by this massive development project. We believe that each of our organizations has an impor tant role to play i..n this discussion. We cannot, in good faith, suppo rt the final approval of the amen dmen ts to the Institutional Master Plan for the UPMC Mercy Hospital Camp us until a satisfactory community benefits agreement has heen reached tliatensures that this investment olnur charitable assets will truly henetit all Pillsburghers. We believe that any community benefits agreement must include guarantees tor good jobs, access to quality that addresses the needs or our community and embody a model of equitable development in our city We look forward to meeting Willi UPMC leadership to begin a robust process of community dialogue and engagement the creation 0! a community benefits agreement Please cunt-act Jennifer Rafamm Kennedy, Executive Director uf Pittsburgh United --or to make armngements to begin this impotmnt discussi . Sincerely, Jennifer Ratan Kennedy Dwayne Thomas Antoinette Krause Executive Director President Executive Director Pittsburgh United Alliance lor Health Access Retired Americans Network Jamaal Craig Joshua Manoy Executive Director UPMC Worker Organizing Committee lntertaith Impact Network CL. Pittsburgh City Couneil Pittsburgh Planning Commission Boh Darnewoorl Bay, Regional Housing Legal Services Jules Lobe} Esq, A. .. ?f Ef?g?rfar- Raf {731,5 pA 15-2sz PA 150 (39 JUL .2018 P142 12? L?l 0 1M I'Lhael grace (Vite/1f UPMC Merry ?/00 [?06.0451 40/4 157:? 15215?516699