Case Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 1 of 41 dmim no ot/ooi [\pplituumlibm UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for Ihe Western District ofNew York In |Iic MBHCI ofth Search of mite/h lilo [viopt'tn' it wore/mt ()i'ldeilli/ it Mum In new it 14085 and "is per aid a cellphone with call numbe APPLICATION FOR A SEARCH WARRANT Case No, 187MJ71081 l, a federal law enforcement officer or an nilomey for the government. request a search warrant and state under penalty ofperjiiry that have reason lo believe man there is now concealed on the following person or property lucaied in the 7 Western 7 District or 7 7 (it/nit, it tho ton tn timing pro/vel'fl' la tnintnnan; Residence located ai-Oid Lake shore Road Lake View, New York 1408 548' and the person or Gerald A Buchhe'ilr Jr,' iora cellphone cell number 7167-- are more ittliy described in Attachment/k which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein The person or to be searched described above is believed to conceal min", ant-m an Evidence peflaming to violations of Violations olTIile1B, United States Code, Sermons 1343' 1348' and Tllie15' United States Code. Sermons with) and 7a" and Title is, United States Code, Section 2' 371 and 1349. as more min set ionh in Attachment B, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reierenee herein The basis in. the Search under Fed. Critn. p, 41(c) is <Case Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 2 of 41 ATTACHMENT A Case Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 3 of 41 Attachment A Propem and Person to he Semched The premises to be searched (Lhe "Subject. Premises") is located zit-31d Lake Shore Road, Lake View, NY 14035-9542; The Subject Premises sits behind the gates marked Lake Shore Road. The gates are depicted in followmg photograph: Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 4 of 41 The person to be searched is Gerald A. Buchheit, Jr., as pictured below: Case Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 5 of 41 ATTACHMENT Case Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 6 of 41 Attachment Lg; to be Searched and Sg'yd A. Evidence and Instrumentalities of the Subject Ofi'enses 1. Law enforcement personnel are authorized to seize a cellphone with call number 716--(tl1e "Electronic Device"), and, during the execution of this search Warrant, are authorized to depress the fingerprints and/or thumhprints of Gerald A. Buchheit, Jr. onto the Touch ID sensor of the cellphones, or hold the cellphones in front of Buchheit's face to activate the Face ID sensor, in order to gain access to the contents of any such device as authorized by this warrants 2, Law enforcement personnel (including, in addition to law enforcement officers and agents, attorneys for the government, attorney support stalf, agency personnel assisting the government in this investigation, and outside technical experts under government control) are authorized to review and seize the E51 contained on the Electronic Device for evidence, fruits, and instrumentalities of violations of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1343 (wire fraud), 1348 (securities fraud), and Title 15, United States Code, Sections 78j(h) and 7&7, as well as Title 17, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 240.10b-5 (securities fund), and aiding and abetting and conspiring to commit these offenses in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2 (aiding and abetting), 371 (conspiracy) and 1349 (conspiracy) (the "Subject Offenses") described as follows: a. Evidence concerning trades placed in Innate Immunotherapeutics Ltd, including communications regarding the same; b. Communications regarding Innate hnmunotherapeutics Ltd; c. Evidence concerning the location of the user of the device and the times the device was used; d. Evidence concerning the identity or location of, and communications with, coconspirarors, including, but not limited to, photographs, contact lists, address books; e. Evidence concerning any proceeds or benefits received as a result of the commission of the Subject Offenses. B. Review of ESI Following seizure of any computer devices and storage media and/ or the creation of forensic image copies, law enforcement personnel (which may include, in addition to law enforcement officers and agents, attorneys for the government, attorney support staff, agency Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 7 of 41 personnel assisting the government in this investigation, and outside technical experts under government control) are authorized to review the ESI contained therein for information responsive to the warrant. In conducting this review,law enforcement personnel may use various techniques to locate information responsive to the warrant, including, for example: • surveying various file "directories" and the individual files they contain(analogous to looking at the outside of a file cabinet for the markings it contains and opening a drawer believed to contain pertinent files); opening or cursorily reading the firstfew "pages" ofsuch files in order to determine their precise contents; • scanning storage areas to discover and possibly recover recently deleted fihes or deliberately hidden files; • performing key word searches through all electronic storage areas to determine whether occurrences of language contained in such storage areas exist that are intimately related to the subject matter ofthe investigation; and • reviewing metadata,system information,configuration files, registry data, and any other information reflecting how, when, and by whom the computer was used. Law enforcement persoimel will make reasonable efforts to search only for files, documents, or other electronically stored information within the categories identified in Sections n.A and ll.B of this Attachment. However, law enforcement personnel are authorized to conduct a complete review of all the ESI from seized devices or storage media ifnecessary to evaluate its contents and to locate all data responsive to the warrant. Case Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page Tina M. Taylor, being duly sworn, herel7y depose and state as follows: I. Introduction A. Afliant l. I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("Investigating Agency"), As such, I am a "federal law enforcement officer" within the meaning of Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure that is, a government agent engaged in enforcing the criminal laws and duly authorized by the Attorney General to request a search warrant. During my tenure with the FBI, I have participated in the investigations of numerous frauds, and have conducted physical and electronic surveillance, the execution of search warrants, debriefings of informants, and reviews of taped conversations. Through my training, education, and experience, I have become familiar with the manner in which securities frauds are perpetrated. Z. This Affidavit is made in support of an application for a warrant to Search the residence (the "Subject Premises") of Gerald A. Buchheit, Jr. ("Buchheit"), or alternatively the person of Buchheit, both described more fully in Attachment A hereto, for a cellphone in Buchheit's possession with call number 715- (the "Buchheit Cellphone" or "Electronic Device"). This afidavit also seeks authorization to search data stored on the Electronic Device for the items and information described in Attachment to this Afl'idavit. 3. This Affidavit is based upon my participation in the investigation, my examination of reports and records, and my conversations with other law enforcement agents Case Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 9 of 41 and other individuals, as well as my training and experience. Because this Affidavit is being submitted for the limited purpose of obtaining the warrant, it does not include all the lam that I have learned during the course of this investigation. Where the contents of documents and the actions, statements, and conversations of others are reported herein, they are reported in substance and in part, except where otherwise indicated. In addition, unless otherwise indicated, statements by others referenced in this Affidavit were not necessarily made to me, but may have been provided to me by someone else to whom I have spoken or whose report I have read (and who in turn may have had either direct or indirect knowledge of the statement). Similarly, unless otherwise indicated, information in this Affidavit resulting from surveillance does not necessarily set forth my personal observations, but may have been provided to me by other law enforcement agents who observed the events, and to whom I have spoken or whose report I have read. B. The Subject Premises 4. The Subject Premises is described as a residence located al.31d Lake Shore Road, Lake View, NY 14085-9548. 5. As discussed below, the Subject Premises is believed to be the residence of Buchheit. The Subject Premises is the residence that is located behind stone gates marked Old Lake Shore Road. Because the residence sits behind the gates, agents are not able to approach it for a closer description without drawing attention to themselves and arousing suspicion. The gates are depicted in the following photograph: Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 10 of 41 -s»' > *~ 'J i. >"% wj.,, I' ^ ; .j.' .p»tr^. ■ > 'K 'li, -^er. v>')\/.' • -t 6. t> '<' "'iV V' •■■■*V»'*J!' Based on my review of communications with the Securities and Exchange Commission, I have learned that the Subject Premises is listed as the return address on a check that Buchheit signed, and with Buchheit's name printed on it, that was deposited in a brokerage account that Buchheit maintains at a financial institution. I have also learned that location information for the Buchheit Cellphone indicates that the Buchheit Cellphone has been located in or around the Subject Premises as recently as July 9, 2018. Moreover, based on my conversations with other law enforcement agents, I have leamed that on or about the week of July 2, 2018, an FBI agent spoke with an individual who regularly performs household work at the Subject Premises, who indicated that Buchheit was not present at the Subject Premises at that particular time but confumed, in sum and substance, that Buchheit Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 11 of 41 lives at the Subject Premises. Additionally, based on my training and experience, I kno^w that users of cellphones like the Buchheit Cellphone often keep cellphones on their person when they are inside or outside of their home. Accordingly, this Affidavit also requests authorization to search the person ofBuchheit. An image ofBuchheit obtained from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles is provided immediately below; C. The Subject Offenses 7. For the reasons detailed below, I believe that there is probable cause to believe that the Electronic Device contains evidence, fruits, and instrumentalities of violations of the crimes of insider trading, conspiracy to commit insider trading, and aiding and abetting insider trading. These crimes constitute violations of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1343(wire fraud)and 1348(securities fraud); the securities fraud provisions ofTitle 15, United States Code, Sections 78j(b) and 78ff, as well as Title 17, Code ofFederal Regulations, Section 240.10b-5, which implement those provisions; and aiding and abetting and conspiring to commit these offenses in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2 (aiding and Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 12 of 41 abetting), 371 (conspiracy) and 1349(conspiracy)(together, the "Subject Oflfenses").^ As set forth below, there is probable cause to believe that the Electronic Device is likely to be found at the Subject Premises or on the person of Buchheit, and that it is likely to contain evidence ofthe Subject Offenses. D. Probable Cause Regarding the Subject Ofifenses Overview ofthe Insider Trading Scheme 8. As described in greater detail below, there is probable cause to believe that Christopher Collins, a New York congressman who sits on the board of directors of Innate Immunotherapeutics Ltd.("Irmate") and is one of its largest shareholders, acquired material nonpublic information regarding negative trial results for an Innate drug and subsequently disseminated that information to various individuals including his current and former campaign managers and his son. Those individuals then further disseminated the information provided by Collins to friends and family members in certain instances, as described below. Multiple individuals who received this information placed illegal trades in Innate stock, avoiding thousands of dollars oflosses. 'The Title 15 securities fraud statutes cited above make it a crime, among other things, to (1) willfully use a device or scheme to defraud someone or engage in any act, practice, or course of business that operates or would operate as fraud or deceit upon any person; where (2) the defendant's acts were xmdertaken in connection with the purchase of securities;(3)the defendant directly or indirectly used an instrumentality ofinterstate commerce or any facility ofany national securities exchange in cormection with these acts; and(4) the defendant acted knowingly. Insider trading constitutes a device or scheme to defraud xmder these statutes where a tipper has a duty to keep material, nonpublic information confidential; and the tipper breach that duty by trading or by intentionally rela54ng the information to another with the expectation that the information would be used in connection with securities trading and in exchange for a personal benefit. Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 13 of 41 Relevant Entities and Persons 9. Based on my review of publicly available information, including social media, I have leamed the following, in substance and in part: a. Innate is an Australian biotechnology company whose shares trade on the Australian Securities Exchange("ASX"). Innate shares also traded over-the-counter in the United States. Innate's business included the development of a drug called "MIS416," which was meant to treat certain conditions related to multiple sclerosis. b. Christopher Collins is a congressman representing the 27th district of New York. Christopher Collins sits on Iimate's Board of Directors. As of March 24, 2017, Christopher Collins was Innate's largest shareholder, holding over 37 million shares. c. Cameron Collins is Christopher Collins' son. Cameron Collins is one of Innate's largest shareholders, and, as of March 24, 2017, held approximately 5.2 million shares (roughly 2.3% of the company's public float). d. Lauren Zarsky, based on social media posts, appears to be Cameron Collins' fiancee. Lauren Zarsky's parents are named Dorothy Zarsky and Stephen Zarsky. Lauren Zarsky also has an uncle named Gene Zarsky. e. staff. Christopher Grant is Christopher Collins' former chiefof Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 14 of 41 f. Michael Hook is Christopher Collins' current chief of staff. Michael Hook is married to Vicki Hook, with whom he has two daughters; Mandi Culhane and Mindy Welninski. Mandi Culhane is married to Michael Culhane, and Mindy Welninski is married to Eric Welninski. g. Buchheit is a real estate developer in the greater Buffalo area ofNew York. Buchheit has contributed money to Christopher Collins' political campaigns on multiple occasions since 2012, including in March and October of2017. Innate Drue Trial Results 10. Based on my review of notes from conversations with representatives of the SEC,as well as my review ofpublicly available information and other records,I have learned the following, in substance and in part: a. On or about Thursday, June 22, 2017 in the United States(which was Friday, June 23, 2017 in Sydney, Australia), Innate filed a press release stating, in substance and in part, that the results of a trial of MIS416 would be announced shordy and that trading in Innate stock on the ASX would be halted "untd the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday, 27 June 2017 or when the announcement is released to the market"(the "Halt Request"). Based on my training and experience, I know that trading halts are sometimes requested in foreign markets in advance ofsignificant announcements and are not indicative of whether the announcement will be positive or negative. b. Although trading in Innate stock was subsequentiy halted on the ASX,Innate's stock continued to be traded over-the-counter in the United States without restriction. Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 15 of 41 c. On or about Monday, June 26, 2017 in the United States(which was Tuesday, June 27, 2017 in Sydney, Australia), Innate announced the results of a clinical trial showing that MIS416 "did not show clinically meaningful or statistically significant differences" over a placebo on various important metrics(the "MIS416 Announcement"). Within days of the MIS416 Aimouncement, the trading price of Iimate's stock fell by over 90%. Prior to the MIS416 Aimouncement, moreover,there had been little public reason to believe that MIS416 would fail the trial. To the contrary, on or about Tuesday, June 20, 2017 in the United States (which was Wednesday, June 21, 2017 in Sydney, Australia), for example. Innate had announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration had cleared MIS416 for additional clinical trials in the United States (the "FDA Announcement"). A press release issued by Innate on the same day described this clearance as "a further important milestone in the ongoing clinical development ofthe Company's lead drug candidate MIS416."^ Trading on Advance Knowledge ofInnate Drug Trial Results 11. Based on my training and experience, my review of notes from conversations with representatives ofthe SEC, my review of publicly available information, and my review ofbrokerage and other records, I have learned the following, in substance and in part: a. As discussed, Christopher Collins is one ofIrmate's largest shareholders and a member of its board of directors. Based on my training and experience, I know that individuals who are members of a company's board of directors commonly receive material nonpublic information in advance ofthat information being publicly released. Irmate's stock does not appear to have appreciated as a result ofthis announcement. Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 16 of 41 b. Although Christopher Collins does not appear to have purchased or sold Innate stock in the days immediately preceding the MIS416 Announcement,^ there is probable cause to believe that Christopher Collins leamed ofthe MIS416 Announcement before it was made public and provided advance information of the MIS416 Announcement to certain family members and close associates, who in turn passed it onto others for the purpose oftrading on that information, including the following: i. Cameron Collins. As of June 9, 2017, Cameron Collins owned over approximately 5.2 million shares of Innate stock held in two separate trading accounts (the "Cameron Collins Accounts"). On or about June 23, 2017, after the Halt Request but before the MIS416 Announcement, over approximately 50 sale orders were placed through the Cameron Collins Accounts,resulting in the sale ofapproximately 616,508 shares ofInnate stock in the United States. On or about June 26, 2017, still before the MIS416 Announcement, moreover, orders were placed through one ofthe Cameron Collins Accounts to sell an additional 775,000 shares of Innate in the same manner, for a total of 1,391,500 shares. These sales allowed Cameron CoUins to avoid approximately $571,000 in losses. Additionally, as discussed below, Cameron Collins' girlfriend, her parents, and her uncle sold Innate stock immediately before the MIS416 Announcement and therefore avoided significant losses. ii. Lauren Zarskv. On or about June 19, 2017, a brokerage account was opened in Lauren Zarsky's name(the "Lauren Zarsky Account"). On or about the same ^ According to media reports, Collins lost millions of dollars as a result ofthe decline in Innate's share price following the M1S416 Annoimcement. See, e.g., Doni Bloomfield & Brandon Kochkodin, GOP Lawmaker Loses $17 Million After Favorite Pharma Stock Plunges, Bloomberg (June 27, 2017), available at (last accessed Sept. 22, 2017). 9 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 17 of 41 day, the Lauren Zarsky Account was wired approximately $23,000 from a bank located in New York, New York. As discussed below, the Lauren Zarsky Account both purchased Irmate shares immediately before the positive FDA Announcement and sold Innate shares immediately before the negative MIS416 Announcement. • On or about June 19, 2017, an order was placed through the Lauren Zarsky Account to purchase over approximately 20,000 shares of Innate stock. This order was placed using an internet coimection associated with Cameron CoUins's home address. The next morning, on or about June 20, 2017, the Lauren Zarsky Account was used to purchase additional shares of Innate stock, for a combined total of approximately 40,464 shares. Notably, these purchases occurred shortly before the FDA Announcement, which occurred on or about the night of Tuesday, June 20, 2017. • On or about June 23,2017,after the Halt Request but before the MIS416 Announcement, a limit order was placed through the Lauren Zarsky Account that resulted in the sale of all Innate shares in that account. Through these sales, the account avoided losses of approximately $19,400. iii. Dorothv Zarskv. As discussed above, Dorothy Zarsky is Lauren Zarsky's mother and is married to Stephen Zarsky. From on or about September 14, 2016 to approximately June 22, 2017, approximately 50,000 shares in Innate stock had been consistently held in a brokerage account in Dorothy Zarsky's name (the "Dorothy Zarsky Account"). On or about June 22, 2017, the day of the Halt Request but prior to the Halt Request being made public, a limit order was placed through the Dorothy Zarsky Account that contemplated the sale of approximately all 50,000 shares on the ASX. Because of the price specified in the limit order, only about half of the shares were sold before the trading 10 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 18 of 41 halt went into effect. On or about June 23,2017, after the Halt Request but before the MIS416 Announcement, a Umit order was placed to sell the remaining shares in the Dorothy Zarsky Account on United States over-the-counter markets. This limit order was set below the trading price, and was filled. The combined effect of these sales allowed Dorothy Zarsky to avoid approximately $22,700 in losses that would have accrued had she sold her stock after the MIS416 Announcement. iv. Stephen Zarskv. As of on or about May 31, 2017, an IRA account in Stephen Zarsky's name (the "Stephen Zarsky Account") held approximately 303,005 shares ofInnate stock. On or about June 23,2017, after the Halt Request but before the MIS416 Announcement, a limit order was placed through the Stephen Zarsky Account directing the sale all Iimate shares at a price below the previous day's closing price. The order was executed as soon as U.S. over-the-counter markets opened. These sales allowed Stephen Zarsky to avoid losses of approximately $144,000. V. Gene Zarskv. As of on or about May 31, 2017, a brokerage account in Gene Zarsky's name held approximately 9,000 shares ofIimate stock. On or about June 23, 2017, after the Halt Request and before the MIS416 Announcement, an order was placed to sell all 9,000 shares ofIimate stock in the Gene Zarsky Account. By selling prior to the MIS416 Announcement, Gene Zarsky avoided losses of approximately $4,300. vi. Christopher Grant. As discussed above, Christopher Grant is Christopher Collins' former chief of staff". On or about May 31, 2017, brokerage accounts in Grant's name (the "Grant Brokerage Accounts") held approximately 23,300 shares ofInnate stock. On or about June 23, 2017, after the Halt Request but before the MIS416 11 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 19 of 41 Announcement, all of the Innate stock in the Grant Brokerage Accounts was sold in the United States. These sales allowed Grant to avoid losses of approximately $11,200. vii. Michael Hook. As discussed above, Michael Hook is Christopher Collins' current chief of staff. Michael Hook is married to Vicki Hook.^ Although the Government has not to date identified trading by Hook prior to the MIS416 Announcement, individuals who appear to be Hook's family members sold shares in Irmate during this period: • Public records indicate that Mandi Culhane previously shared an address with Vicki Hook. As of on or about May 31, 2017, Mandi Culhane and Michael Culhane, who is believed to be her husband, held approximately 201,000 shares of Innate stock in two separate brokerage accounts. On or about June 23, 2017, after the Halt Request but before the MIS416 Announcement, orders were placed to sell all Irmate shares in both accounts in U.S. over-the-counter markets. The sales allowed the Culhanes to avoid losses of approximately $83,600. • Public records indicate that Mindy Welninksi previously shared an address with Vicki Hook and is currently married to Eric Welninski. As of on or about May 31, 2017, Eric Welninski held approximately 110,700 shares of Innate stock in a single account. On or about June 23, 2017, after the Halt Request but before the MIS416 See, e.g., Nate Hoffman,Rep. Collins keeps it all in thefamily, Legistorm (Oct. 2, 2015)("The congressman's new chief of staff, Mike Hook, is the uncle of the congressman's legislative assistant The 56-year old has come on board to replace Christopher Grant, who took a job with Axiom Strategies while being investigated as part ofa state corruption case.... Mike's wife, Vicki, also made a name for herselfon Capitol Hill. She was the chiefofstafffor former Rep. Vito Fossella(R-N.Y.)and the deputy chiefofstafffor Rep. Tom Reed(R-N.Y.).")(last accessed Sept. 22, 2017). Further, a Facebook account in the name of Vicki Hook is "friends" with accounts in the names of"Michael Hook,""Mandi Scott Culhane,""Michael Culhane," and "Mindy Scott." 12 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 20 of 41 Announcement, an order was placed to sell all Innate shares in that account in U.S. over-the- counter markets. This sale allowed Eric Welnmski to avoid losses ofapproximately $47,700. viii. Gerald A. Buchheit. Jr. As discussed above, Buchheit is a real estate developer in the greater Buffalo area who has donated money to Christopher Collins' political campaigns on multiple occasions, including in March and October of 2017. As of June 22,2017, Buchheit held approximately 90,000 shares ofInnate stock in a single account. On or about June 23, 2017, after the Halt Request but before the MIS416 Announcement, an order was placed from Buchheit's account to sell approximately 45,000 Innate shares in U.S. over-the-counter markets. This sale allowed Buchheit to avoid losses of approximately $19,000. 12. Based on my training and experience, I believe that the above-referenced trading patterns are consistent with the dissemination of material nonpublic information regarding the MIS416 Announcement from Christopher Collins to his son, and, separately, to Christopher Collins' chief of staff, who then in turn traded and/or disseminated the nonpublic MIS416 information to others. I beheve that the trading patterns are also consistent with the dissemination of material nonpublic information regarding the MIS416 Announcement from Christopher Collins to Gerald A.Buchheit, Jr., who then in turn traded on the nonpublic MIS416 information. Dissemination of Material Nonpublic Information Regarding the Failed MIS416 Trial 13. On June 22,2017, at approximately 6:55 PM EDT,Simon Wilkinson, Iimate's CEO,sent an e-mail to the members ofthe company's Board, including Christopher Collins, in which he notified them that MIS416 had failed the clinical trial. At 7:10:46 PM,EDT, 13 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 21 of 41 Collins responded to the group, "Wow. Makes no sense. How are these results even possible???" 14. Phone records obtained from AT&T Wireless indicate that at 7:11:00 PM EDT, the cellphone used by Christopher Collins (the "Christopher Collins Cellphone") attempted a call to Cameron CoUins's cellphone (the "Cameron Collins Cellphone"), which was not answered. The Christopher Collins Cellphone attempted a second call to the Cameron Collins Cellphone at 7:11:23 PM EDT and was connected to voicemail. The Cameron Collins Cellphone then attempted three calls in quick succession to the Christopher Collins Cellphone between 7:14:16 PM EDT and 7:15:27 PM EDT. At 7:15:50 PM EDT, the Christopher Collins Cellphone returned the calls and was transferred to voicemail. At 7:15:52PM EDT,the Christopher Collins Cellphone again attempted to contact the Cameron Collins Cellphone. At 7:16:19 PM EDT, the two parties connected and spoke for approximately six minutes. Thereafter, at 7:23 PM EDT,the Christopher Collins cellphone called a cellphone associated with Mary Collins, and the two parties spoke for slightly more than five minutes. 15. Christopher Graham is the president of Volland Electric Corporation, a Buffalo, New York-based electrical repair and distribution company. According to Christopher CoUins's 2016 financial disclosure form (which was filed in 2017), CoUins owns an interest in VoUand Electric worth between $5 miUion and $25 miUion. According to public filings, the company has contributed $10,800 to CoUins's campaign committee for the 2018 election cycle. Photographs that Chris Graham posted on the public portion of his Facebook Account demonstrate that on June 22, 2017, Christopher CoUins, Michael Hook, Buchheit, and Graham were aU present at the Congressional Picnic, which took place on the White 14 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 22 of 41 House lawn, and posed for pictures together. Press releases issued by the White House indicate that the Congressional Picnic began at 6:00 PM EDT,and that President Trump and Vice President Pence began their remarks to the picnic attendees at approximately 7:27 PM EDT. It thus appears that Buchheit was likely present with Christopher Collins and Michael Hook at the Congressional Picnic on June 22,2017 when Collins received the news about the failed MIS416 trial. Moreover, brokerage records indicate that Buchheit sold approximately 45,000 shares ofInnate the following day, June 23. Although Chris Graham also held shares in Innate and did not trade, it appears that all ofthe shares he held were in Australia and thus could not have been sold before the Trading Halt went into effect. 16. Brokerage records indicate that at approximately 7:38 PM EDT on June 22, 2017, Lauren Zarsky's brokerage account was accessed from an IP address associated with AT&T Wireless. Both the cellphone used by Lauren Zarsky(the "Lauren Zarsky Cellphone") and the Cameron Collins Cellphone are serviced by AT&T Wireless. I have examined data records for both phone numbers. Although there does not appear to be a data packet that corresponds to the 7:38 PM EDT account log-in on Lauren Zarsky Cellphone's records, there does appear to be a data packet corresponding to that time on the records for the Cameron Collins Cellphone. 17. Historical ceUsite records for the Cameron Collins Cellphone and the Lauren Zarsky Cellphone indicate that between 7:16 PM and 7:38 PM EDT both cellphones were using the same tower in the vicinity of Cameron CoUins's apartment in Morristown, New Jersey. 18. Moreover, data records for the Lauren Zarsky Cellphone and the Cameron Collins Cellphone indicate that from 7:30 PM to 8:55 PM EDT both phones were accessing 15 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 23 of 41 the internet in the vicinity ofCameron Collins's apartment in Morristown, New Jersey. After 8:55 PM EDT,both phones began heading southeast, eventually coming to rest in the vicinity of Dorothy and Stephen Zarsky's residence in Summit, New Jersey. 19. At approximately 9:02 PM EDT on June 22, 2017, Lauren Zarsky's brokerage account was accessed from an IP address registered to AT&T Wireless. Records from the Lauren Zairsky Cellphone indicate that the phone was accessing the internet at that time. 20. At approximately 9:22 PM EDT on June 22, 2017, Cameron Collins's brokerage account was accessed from an IP addressed registered to Dorothy Zarsky at 28 Club Lane, Summit, New Jersey (the "Dorothy Zarsky IP"). At approximately 9:28 PM EDT,Dorothy Zarsky's brokerage account was accessed from the same IP address. 21. At 9:34 PM EDT, Dorothy Zarsky used a cellphone (the "Dorothy Zarsky Cellphone")to place a call to her brokerage firm. During the course ofthe call, which lasted over 20 minutes, Zarsky placed the above-referenced limit order that contemplated the sale of 50,000 shares ofInnate stock (all of her holdings) on the ASX. 22. At 10:53 PM EDT on June 22,2017, the trading halt in Irmate was announced on the Bloomberg News Service. At 11:57 PM EDT,the Cameron Collins Cellphone was in communication with the Christopher Collins's Cellphone for approximately one minute, thirty seconds. Shortly thereafter, at approximately 12:01 AM EDT on June 23, 2017, the user of the Lauren Zarsky Cellphone contacted the cellphone used by Stephen Zarsky (the "Stephen Zarsky Cellphone")and the users ofthose two cellphones spoke for approximately five minutes. 23. On the moming of the June 23, 2017, at 7:42 AM EDT, Cameron Collins's brokerage account was accessed from his apartment in Morristown, New Jersey. An order to 16 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 24 of 41 sell over 16,000 shares of Innate was placed at approximately 7:42 AM EDT. At about the same time, a call was placed from the Lauren Zarsky Cellphone to the Stephen Zarsky Cellphone. The call lasted for just over four minutes. Shortly thereafter, at 7:52 AM EDT, Stephen Zarsky placed an order to sell over 300,000 shares of Innate. Additionally, Lauren Zarsky placed an order to sell her holdings in Irmate at 9:37 AM EDT. 24. After Stephen Zarsky sold his holdings in Iimate, at 9:40 AM EDT the Stephen Zarsky Cellphone was in communication with a cellphone used by Gene Zarsky. At 9:43 AM EDT, Gene Zarsky placed an order to sell his holdings in Innate. 25. Based on my training, experience and participation in this investigation, I believe that the above-referenced pattem of trades and communications suggests that Cameron Collins, Lauren Zarsky and Stephen Zarsky may have used the trading halt as a pretext to trade on inside information regarding the MIS416 results that they obtained from Christopher Collins. Additionally, as set forth below, the communications between Hook and his sons-in-law indicate a similar effort. Communications with and Trading bv Michael Culhane and Eric Welninski 26. On the morning of June 23, 2017, at 7:18 AM EDT,Michael Hook forwarded an email chain to Michael Culhane, Eric Welninski, Mandi Scott, and Mindy Scott indicating that a trading halt had been announced in Innate. Hook commented on the news, advising that "[a] trading halt means bad news."^ ^ The names on the email appear as "Mandi Scott" and "Mindy Scott." 1 understand "Scott" to be both individuals' middle name(their last names are,respectfully, Culhane and Welninski). I know that the appearance of the names in the email may be a result of how the names are entered electronically in contact books or by the user ofthe account. 17 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 25 of 41 27. Despite this advice, Michael Hook himself, who held substantial holdings in Innate, did not sell his Innate stock in the gap between the Halt Request and the MIS416 Announcement. Moreover, as discussed, trading halts are not necessarily indicative of bad news and Innate itself had previously been halted on at least one occasion earlier in 2017. Based on these facts, and the proximity of Michael Hook to Christopher Collins at the time Collins apparently learned the bad news regarding the MIS416 trial, I submit that there is probable cause to beheve that Michael Hook knew that the results of the trial were negative at the time he sent the above-quoted email, in which he advised that a trading halt indicated bad news. 28. Indeed, despite failing to sell his own Innate shares. Hook acted diligently to cause others to do so. For example,toU records indicate that at approximately 7:40 AM EDT on June 23, 2017, Michael Hook's cellphone called a cellphone belonging to Christopher Grant, and a conversation of over 17 minutes ensued. Shortly thereafter, at approximately 8:51 AM EDT, Grant sold substantially all of his holdings in Iimate. 29. Archived iMessages obtained through a search of Michael Hook's iCloud account show that on June 23, 2017, Hook encouraged Michael Culhane to sell his holdings in Innate: Time Sender Recipient Content 11:02 AM EDT Hook CuUiane You should call Eric and teU him what 11:03 AM EDT Culhane Hook I'll do that. I'm just watching it for now. Up 11:19 AM EDT Hook Culhane to about 800k in volume and .48 a share. Just told Eric that I consider a halt bad news. 3:52 PM EDT Culhane Hook you're doing. I was able to sell all OTC. Made some profit and have no risk now. Just wanted to let you know. 18 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 26 of 41 Probable Cause to Believe that Gerald A. Buchheit. Jr. Resides in the Subject Premises 30. Based on my review of communications with the Securities and Exchange Commission,I have leamed that the Subject Premises is listed as the return address on checks that are deposited in a brokerage account that Buchheit maintains at a financial institution. I have also leamed that location information for the Buchheit Cellphone indicates that the Buchheit Cellphone has been located in or around the Subject Premises as recently as July 9, 2018. Moreover, on or about the week of July 2, 2018, I spoke with an individual who regularly performs household work at the Subject Premises, who indicated that Buchheit was not present at the Subject Premises at that particular time but confirmed, in sum and substance, that Buchheit lives at the Subject Premises. 31. There is also probable cause to believe that Buchheit is the user ofthe Buchheit Cellphone. Based on the results of a search warrant on the iCloud account belonging to Michael Hook,I have leamed that in Hook's iCIoud account,the call number for the Buchheit Cellphone is listed as the contact number for "Gerry Buchheit." Based on the photographs ofHook and Buchheit together at the Congressional Picnic that took place on June 22,2017, I believe that that"Gerry Buchheit" associated with the Buchheit Cellphone in Hook's iCIoud account is Buchheit. Indeed, based on toll records obtained in the course ofthis investigation, I have leamed that the Buchheit Cellphone placed a call to Michael Hook's cellphone while the Congressional Picnic described above was underway on June 22, 2017, further strengthening the iuference that the "Gerry Buchheit" listed in Hook's iCIoud account is Buchheit 19 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 27 of 41 Probable Cause to Believe that the Buchheit Cellphone Contains Evidence ofthe Subject OflFenses 32. For the reasons described above, there is probable cause to believe that the Buchheit Cellphone will contain evidence ofthe insider trading scheme described herein. 33. I know based upon my training and experience that, like individuals engaged in any other kind of activity, individuals who engage in insider trading schemes store records and communications relating to their illegal activity on electronic devices such as the Buchheit Cellphone. As mentioned above, I have learned that the Buchheit Cellphone placed a call to a cellphone used by Michael Hook while the Congressional Picnic described above was underway on June 22, 2017. Other such records can include, for example, text and voice messages; logs of online "chats" with co-conspirators; email correspondence; contact information ofco-conspirators, including telephone numbers, email addresses, and identifiers for instant messaging and social medial accounts; and records ofillegal transactions including trading records, bank records and other financial records. Individuals engaged in criminal activity often store such records in order to, among other things, (1) keep track of coconspirator's contact information;(2)keep a record ofillegal transactions for future reference; (3)keep an accounting ofillegal proceeds for purposes of, among other things, dividing those proceeds with co-conspirators; and(4)store stolen data for future exploitation. Additionally, such individuals often simply fail to delete relevant records such as communications relating to their scheme. 34. For example, based on information obtained as a result of a search warrant on the iCloud account belonging to Michael Hook, I have leamed that Buchheit used the Buchheit Cellphone to have a conversation about a stock with Hook on or around March 29, 2017, at which time both Buchheit and Hook had substantial positions in Innate stock. In 20 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 28 of 41 sum and substance, Buchheit used the Buchheit Cellphone to forward two files to Hook, the contents of which are not accessible, and asked Hook whether "this hurt the stock;" when Hook responded that the information forwarded by Buchheit did not hurt the stock, Buchheit replied,"Good." Based on the timing ofthis exchange and the mutual investment ofBuchheit and Hook in Innate stock, I believe that "the stock" referred to in this exchange is Innate stock. This exchange also demonstrates that Buchheit used the Buchheit Cellphone to discuss his investments, making it even more likely that the Buchheit Cellphone will contain evidence ofthe Subject Offenses. 35. In addition, the majority of the trading activity that is the subject of this investigation was conducted online and so accordingly could have been effected through the use a smartphone like the Buchheit Cellphone. Based on my training and experience I know that searches of cellphones may yield evidence that at or near the time a trade was placed or a brokerage account was accesses, a particular individual logged into his or her email, conducted a distinctive web search, or took some other action with the computer or phone that would allow investigators to identify who was operating the device at the time of the suspicious trade. 36. Based on my training and experience, I also know that, where electronic devices are used in furtherance ofcriminal activity, evidence ofthe criminal activity can often be found months or even years after it occurred. This is typically true because: • Even when a user updates or replaces a smart phone, it is often the case that some or all ofthe contents ofthe old phone are transferred to the new phone,including any historical message, call detail and browsing history. • Electronic files can be stored on a hard drive for years at little or no cost, and users thus have little incentive to delete data that may be useful to consult in the future. 21 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 29 of 41 • Even when a user does choose to delete data, the data can often be recovered months or years later with the appropriate forensic tools. When a file is "deleted" on a home computer, the data contained in the file does not actually disappear, but instead remains on the hard drive, in "slack space," until it is overwritten by new data that caimot be stored elsewhere on the computer. Similarly, files that have been viewed on the Internet are generally downloaded into a temporary Internet directory or "cache," which is only overwritten as the "cache" fills up and is replaced with more recently viewed Intemet pages. Thus, the abihty to retrieve from a hard drive or other electronic storage media depends less on when the file was created or viewed than on a particular user's operating system, storage capacity, and computer habits. 37. Based on the foregoing, I respectfully submit there is probable cause to beheve that the Electronic Device contains evidence of the Subject Offenses, including: • Evidence concerning trades placed in Innate Immunotherapeutics Ltd., including communications regarding the same; • Communications regarding Innate Immunotherapeutics Ltd.; • Evidence concerning the location of the user of the device and the times the device was used; • Evidence concerning the identity or location of, and communications with, coconspirators, including, but not limited to, photographs, contact lists, address books; • Evidence conceming any proceeds or benefits received as a result of the commission ofthe Subject Offenses. 38. Moreover, for the reasons set forth above, and based on cellphone location information, I submit that there is probable cause to believe that the Buchheit Cellphone wiU be found in the Subject Premises or on Buchheit's person.® ^ Law enforcement agents dso intend to execute the searches described in this Affidavit in the early morning, at a time when the relevant individual(and his phone)are likely to be physically located in the Subject Premises. 22 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 30 of 41 n. Procedures for Searching £SI A. Execution of Warrant for ESI 39. Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 41(e)(2)(B) provides that a warrant to search for and seize property "may authorize the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying ofelectronically stored information ...for later review." Consistent with Rule 41, this application requests authorization to seize any electronic devices found in the Subject Premises and transport them to an appropriate law enforcement facihty for review. This is t5q)ically necessary for a number ofreasons: First, the volume of data on cellular phones is often impractical for law enforcement personnel to review in its entirety at the search location. Second, because electronic data is particularly vulnerable to inadvertent or intentional modification or destruction, such devices are ideally examined in a controlled environment, such as a law enforcement laboratory, where trained personnel, using specialized software, can make a forensic copy of the storage media that can be subsequently reviewed in a manner that does not change the underljdng data. Third, there are so many types of cellular phones and cellular phone operating systems in use today that it can be impossible to bring to the search site all of the necessary technical manuals and specialized personnel and equipment potentially required to safely access the underlying data. Fourth, many factors can complicate and prolong recovery of data from a cellular phone, including the increasingly common use of passwords, encryption, or other features or configurations designed to protect or conceal data on the phone, which often take considerable time and resources for forensic personnel to detect and resolve. B. Accessing ESI 40. I know from my training and experience, as well as from information found in publicly available materials including those published by Apple, the following: 23 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 31 of 41 a. Some models ofsmartphones such as iPhones and iPads offer their users the ability to unlock the device via the use of a fingerprint or thumbprint (collectively,"fingerprint")in lieu ofa numeric or alphanumeric passcode or password. For iPhones, this feature is called Touch ID. I also know that the Apple iPhone X offer its users the ability to unlock the device via the use of facial recognition (through infirared and visible light scans) in lieu of a numeric or alphanumeric passcode or password. This feature is called Face ID. b. Ifa user enables Touch ID on a given Apple device, he or she can register up to 5 fingerprints that can be used to unlock that device. The user can then use any ofthe registered fingerprints to unlock the device by pressing the relevant finger(s) to the device's Touch ID sensor, which is found in the round button (often referred to as the "home" button) found at the bottom center of the front of the device. If a user enables Face ID on a given Apple device, he or she can unlock the device by raising the iPhone to his or her face, or tapping the screen. In my training and experience, users of Apple devices that offer Touch ID often enable it because it is considered to be a more convenient way to unlock the device than by entering a numeric or alphanumeric passcode or password, as well as a more secure way to protect the device's contents. c. In some circumstances. Touch ID or Face ID cannot be used to unlock a device that has either security feature enabled, and a passcode or password must be used instead. These circumstances include:(1) when the device has just been turned on or restarted; (2) when more than 48 hours has passed since the last time the device was unlocked;(3) when the passcode or password has not been entered in the last 6 days, and the device has not been unlocked via Touch ID in the last 8 hours or the device has not been unlocked via Face ID in the last 4 hours; (4) the device has received a remote lock command; or (5) five unsuccessful attempts to unlock the device via Touch ID or Face ID are made. d. The passcodes or passwords that would unlock the Electronic Devices are not known to law enforcement. Thus, it will likely be necessary to press the fingers ofthe user ofthe Electronic Devices to the device's Touch ID sensor, or hold the relevant device in front of the user's face to activate the Face ID sensor, in an attempt to unlock the device for the purpose of executing the search authorized by this warrant. Attempting to unlock the relevant Apple devices via Touch ID with the use of the fingerprints of the users, or via Face ID by holding the device in front of the users' faces, is necessary because the government may not otherwise be able to access the data contained on those devices for the purpose of executing the search authorized by this warrant. 24 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 32 of 41 e. Based on these facts and my training and experience, it is likely that Buchheit is the user of the Buchheit Cellphone, and thus that his fingerprints are among those that are able to unlock the devices via Touch ID, or his face is able to unlock the devices via Face ID. Although I do not know which of a given user's 10 fingerprints is capable of unlocking a particular device, based on my training and experience I know that it is common for a user to unlock a Touch ID-enabled Apple device via the fingerprints on thumbs or index fingers. In the event that law enforcement is unable to unlock the Electronic Device as described above within the five attempts permitted by Touch ID, this will simply result in the device requiring the entry of a password or passcode before it can be unlocked. f. I also know from my training and experience, and my review of pubhcly available materials published by Apple that Apple brand devices have a feature that allows a user to erase the contents ofthe device remotely. By logging into the Internet, the user or any other individual who possesses the user's account information can take steps to completely wipe the contents of the device, thereby destroying evidence of criminal conduct, along with any other information on the device. The only means to prevent this action is to disable the device's ability to connect to the Internet immediately upon seizure, which requires either access to the device itself to alter the settings, or the use ofspeciahzed equipment that is not consistently available to law enforcement agents at every arrest. g. At the time the agents execute the requested warrant, they will ask Buchheit for the passcode or password for any seized devices. If he refuses to provide the password or passcode, I request that the Court authorize law enforcement to press the fingers (including thumbs) of Buchheit to the Touch ID sensor of the seized device, or hold the seized device in front ofBuchheit's face, for the purpose ofattempting to unlock the device via Touch ID or Face ID in order to search the contents as authorized by this warrant. C. Review ofESI 41. Following seizure of any electronic devices and/or die creation of forensic image copies, law enforcement personnel(including, in addition to law enforcement officers and agents , attorneys for the government, attorney support staff, agency personnel assisting the government in this investigation, and outside technical experts under government control) will review the ESI contained therein for information responsive to the warrant. 25 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 33 of 41 42. In conducting this review, law enforcement personnel may use various techniques to determine which files or other ESI contain evidence or fruits of the Subject Offenses. Such techniques may include, for example: • surveying directories or folders and the individual files they contain (analogous to looking at the outside of a file cabinet for the markings it contains and opening a drawer believed to contain pertinent files); • conducting a file-by-file review by "opening" or reading the first few "pages" of such ffles in order to determine their precise contents (analogous to performing a cursory examination of each document in a file cabinet to determine its relevance); • "scatming" storage areas to discover and possibly recover recently deleted data or deliberately hidden files; and • performing electronic keyword searches through all electronic storage areas to determine the existence and location of data potentially related to the subject matter ofthe investigation'; and • reviewing metadata, system information, configuration files, registry data, and any other information reflecting how, when, and by whom the electronic device was used. 43. Law enforcement personnel will make reasonable efforts to restrict their search to data falling within the categories of evidence specified in the warrant. Depending on the circumstances, however,law enforcement persotmel may need to conduct a complete review of all the ESI from the seized device to evaluate its contents and to locate all data responsive to the warrant. ' Ke5rwor(i searches alone are tjfpically inadequate to detect all relevant data. For one thing, kejrword searches work only for text data, yet many types offiles, such as images and videos, do not store data as searchable text. Moreover,even as to text data, there may be information properly subject to seizure but that is not captured by a kejrword search because the information does not contain the kejrwords being searched. 26 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 34 of 41 D. RetnmofESI 44. Ifthe Government determines that the electronic device is no longer necessary to retrieve and preserve the data, and the devices themselves are not subject to seizure pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 41(c), the Government will retum these items, upon request. Electronic data that is encrypted or unreadable wiU not be returned unless law enforcement personnel have determined that the data is not(i) an instrumentality of the offense, (ii) a fruit of the criminal activity, (iii) contraband,(iv) otherwise unlawfully possessed, or(v)evidence ofthe Subject Offenses. m. Conclnsion and Ancillary Provisions 45. Based on the foregoing, I respectfully request the court to issue a warrant to seize the items and information specified in Attaclunent B to this affidavit and to the Search and Seizure Warrant. 46. In light ofthe confidential nature ofthe continuing investigation, I respectfully request that this affidavit and all papers submitted herewith be maintained under seal for a period of60 days or until the Court orders otherwise. Although Buchheit will know that the search was executed when it occurs, unsealing this affidavit and the associated papers would allow Buchheit to leam about the Government's investigation, including its ongoing investigation of multiple other people involved in the Subject Offenses. This risks destruction of evidence and hindering the Government's investigation. Disclosing details regarding the Government's investigation would facilitate the destruction ofevidence and collusion among the subjects ofthe Government's investigation, who would leam more about what exactly the 27 Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 35 of 41 Government was investigating, how so, and the Government's particular theories. Further, disclosure would enable the subjects of the Govemment's investigation to determine which forms of communications have been the subject of process, such emails and iMessages, and discontinue those methods. Tina M. ..Taylor, Taylor, Special Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation Sworn to before me this /o day of July, 2018. /^/l - JEREMIAH Jc^McCAkTHV United States Magistrate Jddge 28 } Case Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 36 of 41 ATTACHMENT A Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 37 of 41 Attachment A Pronertv and Person to be Searched ocated at 6210 Old Lake :s behind the gates marked le following photograph; ■ Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 38 of 41 The person to be searched is Gerald A. Buchheit, Jr., as pictured below: T. % Case Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 39 of 41 ATTACHMENT Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 40 of 41 Attachment6 Ttems to be Searched and Seized A. Evidence and Instnunentalities ofthe Sa1]ject Offenses 1. Law enforcement personnel are authorized to seize a cellphone with call number 716-913-9911 (the "Electronic Device"), and, during the execution of this search warrant, are authorized to depress the fingerprints and/or thumbprints of Gerald A. Buchheit, Jr. onto the Touch ID sensor of the cellphones, or hold the cellphones in firont of Buchheit's face to activate the Face ID sensor, in order to gain access to the contents ofany such device as authorized by this warrant. 2. Law enforcement personnel(including, in addition to law enforcement officers and agents, , attorneys for the government, attorney support staff, agency personnel assisting the government in this investigation, and outside technical experts under government control) are authorized to review and seize the ESI contained on the Electronic Device for evidence, fruits, and instrumentalities of violations of Tide 18, United States Code, Sections 1343 (wire fraud), 1348 (securities fraud), and Tide 15, United States Code, Sections 78j(b) and 78ff, as well as Tide 17, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 240.10b-5 (securities fraud), and aiding and abetting and conspiring to commit these offenses in violation ofTide 18, United States Code,Section 2(aiding and abetting), 371(conspiracy)and 1349(conspiracy)(the "Subject Offenses") described as follows: a. Evidence concerning trades placed in Innate Immunotherapeutics Ltd., including communications regarding the same; b. Communications regarding Innate Immunotherapeutics Ltd.; c. Evidence concerning the location ofthe user ofthe device and the times the device was used; d. Evidence concerning the identity or location of, and communications with, coconspirators, including, but not limited to, photographs, contact lists, address books; e. Evidence concerning any proceeds or benefits received as a result of the commission of the Subject Offenses. B. Review ofESI Following seizure of any computer devices and storage media and/or the creation of forensic image copies, law enforcement personnel (which may include, in addition to law enforcement officers and agents, attorneys for the government, attorney support staff, agency Case 1:18-mj-01081-JJM Document 1 Filed 07/10/18 Page 41 of 41 personnel assisting the government in this investigation, and outside technical experts under government control) are authorized to review the ESI contained therein for information responsive to the warrant. In conducting this review, law enforcement persoimel may use various techniques to locate information responsive to the warrant, including, for example: • surveying various file "directories" and the individual files they contain(analogous to looking at the outside of a file cabinet for the markings it contains and opening a drawer believed to contain pertinent files); • opening or cursorily reading the first few "pages"ofsuch fdes in order to determine their precise contents; • scanning storage areas to discover and possibly recover recently deleted files or deliberately hidden files; • performing key word searches through all electronic storage areas to determine whether occurrences of language contained in such storage areas exist that are intimately related to the subject matter ofthe investigation; and • reviewing metadata, system information, configuration files, registry data, and any other information reflecting how, when, and by whom the computer was used. Law enforcement persormel will make reasonable efforts to search only for files, documents, or other electronically stored information within the categories identified in Sections II.A and II.B of this Attachment. However, law enforcement personnel are authorized to conduct a complete review of all the ESI from seized devices or storage media if necessary to evaluate its contents and to locate all data responsive to the warrant.