*Official Statement frem The Aviarv" Last night an unfertunate incident eccurred between an emplevee at The Aviary and Eric Trump. We did net witness the incident and we are just beginning te learn the details. What is certain is this: ne custemer sheuld ever be spit upen. We have net vet speken with the emplevee but cut HR team has. in the meantime. placed her en leave. We will net discuss internal matters bevend this statement. Mere breedlv, the enline discussien sheet the incident is treubling. Hundreds ef peeple are calling fer the demise ef eur business, threatening eur emplevees. and pesting fake they are wreng te de se based en the actiens ef a lene individual. Se tee, hewever, are these peepie wreng whe are praising this as an act ef civil disebedience. We have veices and the means te be heard. A degrading aet iewers the tener ef debate. Te seme it might feel geed, but it is unlikely.?r te serve any larger purpese. We hepe this incident can. at ieast, serve to illuminate the current absurdity ef the disceurse in eur pelitics. As fellew Americans and citizens, we sheuld all aim higher.