2 0 1 89 NAVAL POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS Endae maio. Et vitiis dendelique verepe ped qui acipient.Ovit aut volut as TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP suntius, ulpa peam.Quiam, ipsusandenis min non ne moSum lam re possi.Ur, senestotam. THE U.S. NAVY POWER & ENERGY LEAP FORWARD DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. FOREWORD NAVAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP Ensuring maritime superiority requires a ready and capable fleet, and fundamental to fleet capability is the electric power behind the fleet. This roadmap aligns electric power and energy system development with increasing warfighter power needs, enabling the U.S. Navy to expand our maritime advantage over our adversaries. The need for a thorough and comprehensive document arises from the tremendous difficulty of the task. The goal of revolutionizing naval warfare is ambitious and should not be understated. The envisioned change demands intelligent synchronized development. Existing U.S. Navy power and energy systems represent a century of combined private and public investment. Fundamentally evolving the system requires an exceedingly careful and thorough technology development process, to which this roadmap is the guide. WE ARE ENTERING AN AGE OF ELECTRIC SHIPS. American Society of Naval Engineers Technology, Systems & Ships Conference, June 20, 2018 2 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap U.S. Navy photo ONE OF THE THINGS THAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT FOR US AS WE BUILD THESE PLATFORMS, IS TO MAKE SURE THAT PLATFORMS HAVE ENOUGH SPACE, WEIGHT, AND POWER SO THAT YOU CAN MODERNIZE AND ADAPT TO FUTURE THREATS. VICE ADMIRAL THOMAS MOORE COMMANDER, NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND USNI Navy Maintenance and Maritime Security Conference, June 1, 2017 3 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap U.S. Navy photo I’M GOING TO BUY AS MUCH AS I CAN AFFORD. AS MUCH POWER AS I CAN AFFORD. BECAUSE I KNOW BY THE TIME I RETIRE THE SHIP I’LL USE IT ALL. ADMIRAL JOHN M. RICHARDSON 31st CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS Directed Energy Summit, March 29, 2017 4 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap on energy storage. IPES development is currently focused on a medium voltage direct current (MVDC) system evolved from PREFACE Today, the U.S. Navy is on the cusp of revolutionary changes in how warfare at sea is conducted. Akin to the shift from guns to missiles, this revolution will take the form of high-power pulsed mission systems. These include directed energy weapons such as lasers and stochastic electronic warfare systems, radiated energy systems such as the Air and Missile Defense Radar, and advances in kinetic energy weapons, including electro-magnetic railguns. Legacy power systems found on all existing ships do not possess the inherent electrical “inertia” to withstand the ramp-up/ down (on/off), or ripple (pulsation) effects of complex power profiles of these advanced mission systems. These effects include excessive generator heating (thermal stress) and negative torques (mechanical stress) applied to prime movers such as diesel and gas turbine engines. Countering these harmful effects requires mitigation such as advanced controls or energy storage. This 2019 Naval Power and Energy Systems Technology Development Roadmap (NPES TDR) conveys the guide for an evolutionary strategy to meet the challenges of revolutionary weapon and sensor systems. The strategy, derived from the 2018 National Defense Strategy, is broken into two principal time horizons: 1) the current and building fleet and 2) the fleet to come, such as the Future Surface Combatant Force. For the current challenge, the concept of the Energy Magazine serving as the buffer between legacy MIL-STD-1399 AC interfaces and new highly dynamic, high-power DC mission systems is being refined. the DDG 1000 1kVDC Integrated-Fight-Through-Power system combined with shared and distributed energy storage as well as advanced controls with active state anticipation data linkage between machinery and combat systems. Near term Research and Development (R&D) is focusing on DC generation and distribution, while additional research continues to advance technologies across the breadth of AC and DC naval power systems. The current research target electric plant is centered on 12kVDC distribution and control system architecture with advanced power generation to produce DC at the source via variable speed dual wound/dual output generators using variable speed prime movers that can minimize fuel consumption and enhance time on station for a given fuel load out. The Navy has embraced advanced modeling and simulation techniques currently being employed in power-hardware–inthe-loop (PHIL) component testing in a computer simulated environment, which promises to significantly reduce the cost of developing and testing full-scale hardware. The advent of real-time simulation of complex power systems has enabled rapid early prototyping of systems, and we are at the forefront of an explosive expansion of knowledge that has informed a comprehensive system engineering approach to developing both Energy Magazine and IPES. The key to future success is continued close engagement between government, academia, and industry. The surface Navy electrical leap forward is truly a partnership between this iron triangle of expertise, transforming potential into reality through our joint efforts. The NPES TDR is our Guidebook. Developments in battery, flywheel, and capacitor technologies are informing next-generation energy storage systems and, when coupled with power electronics, will provide requisite power quality and the ability to continue fighting. Integrated Power and Energy System (IPES) offers the potential to provide revolutionary warfighting capability at an affordable cost. IPES utilizes integrated energy storage and power along with advanced controls to provide a distribution bus suitable for servicing highly dynamic mission loads and propulsion demands while keeping the lights on. Additionally, such a system can enhance survivability, reliability, and flexibility while providing new capabilities such as the ability to quietly maneuver solely 5 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Mr. Stephen P. Markle, PE Director & Program Manager Electric Ships Office (PMS 320) NPES Technology Development Roadmap AN INTRODUCTION TO THE 2019 NAVAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP The 2019 NPES TDR reinforces power and energy to material solutions, enabling future capabilities and system (P&E) as the foundation of the kill chain. This is supported integration recommendations while proposing a new strategy for by Navy studies, literature reviews, wargames, and the delivering capability upgrades in the following structure: Department of the Navy’s (DON) needs assessment for the future fleet. This 2019 TDR presents NPES approaches 1 The first section of this roadmap establishes why The second section of this roadmap presents P&E NPES are a critical part of the kill chain based on requirements that have been derived from mission the capabilities desired by the Navy over the next systems necessary to support future warfighting 30 years. It emphasizes that, based on recent Navy needs. 2 studies, the Navy must improve its platform lethality and overall capability in the coming years to include material and nonmaterial solutions . 3 The third section describes activities that are The fourth section presents a strategy for identified as “required initiatives” based on the modernizing P&E systems throughout their service required capabilities introduced in Section 1 and life so that we can collectively achieve the CNO’s the projected electrical requirements presented in call to ‘improve faster’ and increase naval force Section 2. This section aligns the roadmap to Navy projection affordably. 4 top-level requirements doctrine and maintains the flexibility to enable a variety of mission and ship systems currently under consideration for future platforms. In summary, the 2019 NPES TDR serves as a guide for implementing the strategies, priorities, and advanced periodically updated to reflect changes in projected requirements and advances in technology. P&E technologies for the evolving force. This document is 6 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap U.S. Navy photo SECTION 1 CASE FOR A POWER & ENERGY LEAP FORWARD Naval Power and Energy Systems play a critical role in supporting future naval capabilities. An Integrated Power and Energy System, as a material solution for NPES, better supports future capabilities by sharing ships power and energy resources (such as propulsion) across multiple ship functions and users, thus allowing operational trades between large loads (e.g., propulsion and mission systems). THE PACE OF COMPETITION HAS ACCELERATED IN MANY AREAS, ACHIEVING EXPONENTIAL AND DISRUPTIVE RATES OF CHANGE. AS THIS PACE DRIVES YET MORE UNPREDICTABILITY, THE FUTURE IS BECOMING INCREASINGLY UNCERTAIN. ADMIRAL JOHN M. RICHARDSON 31st CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS “A Design For Maintaining Naval Superiority,” December 2018 7 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap SECTION 1(CONTINUED) COMBAT POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS INTEGRATION The CPES OIPT has established Working Level Integrated Product Teams (WIPTs) to bring together subject matter experts from several Navy organizations whose primary role is supporting NPES requirements development in the following areas: FRAMEWORK FOR COLLABORATION In 2007, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition (ASN RDA) established the Electric Ships Office (ESO) within Program Executive Office (PEO) Ships. Known as PMS 320, it was charged with establishing a competitive future electrical posture that maintains pace with “electric power development across industry, the increasing power demands of our ships, and the development of future higher power weapons and radars […]” (ASN RDA Memo, 13 Nov 2007). PMS 320 was also charged with providing centralized leadership to ensure power systems integration across all Navy platforms. ADVANCED DIRECTED ENERGY AND ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS, AS AN EXAMPLE, REQUIRE FUNCTIONAL CONNECTIVITY BETWEEN WEAPON SYSTEMS AND SHIP ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. “U.S. Future Surface Navy’s Next Generation Warfare System Top-Level Requirements”, Prepared for the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (October 2017) Recognizing the interdependencies between advanced mission systems and NPES, in 2014 COMNAVSEA established an Overarching Integrated Product Team (OIPT) for Combat Power & Energy Systems (CPES) to facilitate organizational integration and collaboration between key stakeholders. Co-chaired by PEO Ships, PEO IWS, and the Naval Sea Systems Engineering Directorate, the CPES OIPT enhances and endorses common solutions that enable shared asset utilization and support advanced weapons and sensors. Further, a 2016 ASN RDA memo directed PEO IWS to “ensure tightly coupled coordination with Electric Ships Office Requirements & Concept of Operations Mission Load System Characterization Power Systems Technical Architecture Ship Systems Platform Integration Design Tools & Methodologies Business Operations & Costing As the Navy emphasizes early comprehensive systems integration as a critical development step towards deploying enhanced capabilities, these requirements form the basis of the P&E system initiatives addressed in Section 3. Future NPES must be developed seamlessly in conjunction with advanced mission systems such as directed-energy weapons. Technology maturation and systems integration investments are required to de-risk the deployment of advanced mission systems. This will enable the desired capability enhancements as well as the desired upgradeability, survivability, and interoperability in the most capable and affordable manner. Without investments in warfighting capabilities and power system integration, future platform mission capabilities and backfit platform capabilities will be suboptimal and potentially add significant cost risk to correct emerging issues. This roadmap provides a path forward for affordable integration of mission and P&E systems. (PMS 320) for power system integration.” 8 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap The U.S. Navy must reduce the cost and time required for ship construction and modernization availabilities while ensuring ships meet or exceed their planned service life. Although the traditional tightly coupled ship design process produces very effective platforms, high modification costs make this legacy ship design approach impractical for flexibility upgradeability. Future U.S. Navy ships can achieve flexibility by decoupling platforms from payloads and utilizing open standard interfaces to allow for more cost-effective maintenance, modernization, and mission reconfiguration. Innovative approaches are required to increase adaptability, modularity, scalability, and commonality with the objective of achieving greater flexibility and cost-efficiency over the ship lifecycle. The engineering community will lead the drive towards a vision of a U.S. Navy with greater levels of adaptability and cost efficiency is through: 1. the adoption of integrated power and propulsion architectures that support payload flexibility, and 2. enabling technologies such as Energy Magazine for legacy non-integrated applications. Currently, FLEXIBLE SHIPS FOR NPES flexibility is based on the concept of quickly modifying/adapting (consume available margins) the ship to support the installation of a new mission or combat system during a ship’s availability. In a general sense, flexibility is the readiness or speed at which a new capability or capability change can be added into the fleet or platform and can be measured in units of time. Flexibility can be applied across all phases of a system’s design and life cycle, depending upon the capability change envisioned: Enterprise flexibility (how quickly can the engineering enterprise design/build a new system) Architecture/design flexibility (how quickly can an existing system be redesigned to enable new capability) Modification flexibility (how quickly can a system be modified to support a new capability) Operational flexibility (how quickly can a system be reconfigured to support a change in mission) As flexibility is a new concept to Naval power systems, our system engineers and manufacturers will need to mature capabilities to provide FEATURES BENEFITS • Rapid prototyping of payloads enables rapid acquisition of new capabilities • Modular open systems enable acquisition of new capabilities • Efficient and more affordable technology refresh and incremental upgrades • Distributed lethality enabler EXAMPLES 1. Providing excess cable capacity either by number of cables or size to locations that currently have loads or to areas that are anticipated to have them in the future. 2. Designing the ship upfront to house larger generator sets than initially installed - this would include sizing the machinery rooms, intakes and uptakes appropriately or installing a large generator with a smaller gas turbine (GT) knowing that in the future you may upgrade to the larger GT when necessary. 3. Switchboards and load centers that can be upgraded to provide more 9 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. • Payloads decoupled from platforms - Treat mission systems as common, modular payloads that can be easily replaced for mission adaptability and new capability insertion • Standard interfaces - Well defined, common interfaces between payloads and platforms that are prescribed and managed by the U.S. Navy • Rapid re-configuration - The ability to easily reconfigure ship services and ship spaces minimizing hot work and avoiding major ship modifications as much as practicable • Planned access routes - Ship structure and arrangement designed for the easy removal and replacement of interior equipment or systems, which requires maximizing the use of hatchable systems • Allowance margins for modernization - Space and weight allocations for future capabilities, and provision for projected demand on distributed systems such as electric power, cooling and network bandwidth; this includes, but is not limited to, leveraging predictive analysis tools • System engineering enterprise empowered with methods, processes, tools, and resources to analyze the impact of notional new requirements and design, redesign, or modify a system power as the demand increases. 4. Fit for but not with – provide electrical, controls, and thermal management interfaces at specified locations to facilitate future installation of power and energy equipment. Practice rigorous “keep out” procedures during design and operation to ensure “real estate as well as distributed services” are preserved for the desired equipment. 5. Integrating energy storage system into the electrical architecture which can provide a stable (uninterruptable) power system and enable reductions in UPS requirements as well as new mission capabilities. NPES Technology Development Roadmap U.S. Navy photo SECTION 2 FUTURE POWER & ENERGY REQUIREMENTS This document provides P&E requirements supporting future platforms in the Navy’s 2019 30-year shipbuilding plan, shown in Figure 1, as well as current ship designs that are in the fleet or under construction. P&E requirements were developed based on the NPES Characteristics described in Section 1 and are further discussed in the following pages. Requirements will evolve over time to outpace emerging threats, but future requirements will have less fidelity than near-term requrirements. Specific future Figure 1 10 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. requirement values will be derived from a continuous, well-supported analysis and engineering process. The power and energy requirements of this document will be applied to different ship classes, refined and quantified to support specific capability packages, and allocated to individual ship and warfare system elements. Ultimately, the requirements presented herein represent the framework needed to achieve an advanced level of performance, integration, and interoperability of P&E systems that can be continually modernized. NPES Technology Development Roadmap SECTION 2 (CONTINUED) U.S. Navy photo NPES, when implemented as an integrated power and energy system, must fully integrate all generated and stored electrical energy in the ship platform so that it is available to all electrical users, including high power weapons, advanced sensors, and electric propulsion, as mission scenarios dictate. This removes the need for individual Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) now proliferating on ships. Furthermore, this breaks the paradigm of stove piped energy storage and allows all users to benefit from common, shared sources of energy whether that be for mission systems or providing ride through power for mission critical systems or ship systems. Ship power systems today are limited in the ability to effectively 11 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. utilize all energy resources to meet demands. Without an integrated architecture, unique system specific energy storage and control systems would be required for new mission systems, negatively impacting ship arrangements, driving costs and potentially limiting the effectiveness of these mission systems. Integrated power and energy systems will deliver system and mission effectiveness benefits for future surface combatants and other candidate ship platforms at a lower cost than current power system architectures. NPES Technology Development Roadmap SECTION 2 (CONTINUED) NPES RELEVANT CAPABILITY REQUIREMENTS & DRIVERS The required Capability Enhancements were evaluated MAJOR DRIVERS OF REQUIREMENTS FOR NPES: Advanced Sensors and Weapons for their overall impact on NPES. Additionally, major requirements drivers were identified, and the following is a discussion of those drivers in relation to NPES. Appendix Advanced Electric Propulsion B covers the requirements derivation process with related footnotes for references. DRIVERS ADVANCED SENSORS & WEAPONS Survivability Unmanned Systems Power and energy capabilities required for advanced sensors and weapons are seen in current guidance documents such as the National Security Strategy, Naval Operations Concept, Quadrennial Defense Review, U.S. Future Surface Communications and Information Security/Cybersecurity Navy’s Next Generation Warfare System Top-Level Requirements (TLR) Document for Surface Ships (DRAFT) and the Surface Warfare Enterprise (SWE) S&T Strategic Plan. Advanced sensors and weapons are significant drivers of NPES, and these systems impose significant demands on Flexible Ship/Modularity/Standard Modular Interfaces (see Flexible Ships callout) NPES in both average and pulse power requirements. ADVANCED ELECTRIC PROPULSION Advanced Electric Propulsion provides significant warfighting capability in the areas of enhanced survivability, future large unmanned platforms, flexible design and upgradeability, and increased platform endurance. 12 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap U.S. Navy photo FLEXIBLE SHIP/MODULARITY/STANDARD MODULAR INTERFACES The Navy continues to pursue flexible platforms with key COMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION SECURITY/ CYBERSECURITY Communications and information security/cybersecurity are attributes of adaptability, modularity, scalability, and commonality. included early during specification development and design of all Payload systems will be decoupled from ship platforms using new NPES products and systems. standardized interfaces and modular components. These and other By assuming a lead versus follow strategy, the U.S. Navy is flexible ship features will permit parallel development of payloads developing advanced tools and complementary security solutions and platforms, later installation of payloads, more efficient and across enclaves and systems to proactively defend against diverse and frequent modernization and technology refresh, and swift mission unpredictable future cyber threats. Integrated system architectures reconfiguration as needed. are being developed to deliver secure mission performance for all UNMANNED SYSTEMS Shipboard NPES can be developed to support rapid charging P&E systems while ensuring the level of security is appropriate for cybersecurity risks. Communications and information will be vital to supporting of multiple UxVs without requiring embarkation and deployment, situational awareness and coordinated decision-making. NPES must thereby mitigating the possibility of limiting the effectiveness be designed to maximize power continuity, and this can significantly of deployable assets in theater. With the increased utilization influence the design of a ship’s power system.* of unmanned systems, there is a potential that rapidly charging deployable mission systems can impact ship power distribution systems. IPES advanced controls and power distribution can address issues associated with bulk rapid charging. Additionally, it is conceivable that UxVs can themselves have IPES as their method of ship service, power, and propulsion. 13 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. CAPABILITY REQUIREMENTS TRACEABILITY Figure 2 2018 NATIONAL DEFENSE STRATEGY 2017 NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY U.S. FUTURE SURFACE NEXT GENERATION WARFARE SYSTEM TOP-LEVEL REQUIREMENTS (TLR) DOCUMENT FOR SURFACE SHIPS 2017 (DRAFT) SUMMARY CHEI SIHMEGV DOD CYBER STRATEGY DEFENSE POSTURE STATEMENT, 2015 2018 A COOPERATIVE STRATEGY FOR 21ST CENTURY SEAPOWER, 2015 SU RFACE FORCE STRATEGY 2017 CNO GUIDANCE 2018 DON MISSION, VISION DON MISSION, VISION AND PRIORITIES (2017) I AND PRIORITIES (2017) DON MISSION, VISION AND PRIORITIES (2017) Naval mo - A Navel r&D framework 2017 frarrework 2017 CAPABILITY REQUIREMENT CAPABILITY REQUIREMENT CAPABILITY REQUIREMENT Offensive Cybersfrike, Bafflespaae Informafion Manogemenf/Communicafion, Cyber Defense Force-Level Counfer?lnfelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Targeting Surface Warfare: Air Warfare; Undersea Warfare Fleef Tacfical Grid/Infegrafed Combaf Sysfem MISSION CAPABILITY MISSION CAPABILITY Integrated Air and Missile Defense; Elecfronic Communicafion and Informafion Securify Maneuver Warfare Cyber Warfare; Informafian Warfare REPRESENTATIVE MISSION SYSTEM Strike Warfare; Marifime Security Operafions REPRESENTATIVE MISSION SYSTEM REPRESENTATIVE MISSION SYSTEM Laser S-Band and X-Band Radar Sysfems EASR S-Band and X-Band Radar Sysfems DBR VSR SEWIP High Power Microwave DBR Spy-3 AESA ?SECTION 2 (CONTINUED) SURVIVABILITY The objective of survivability is to maximize the retention of mission capability in threat environments. A major discriminator of a NPES is how it provides and supports survivability requirements. Survivability is defined in the U.S. Navy Survivability Design Handbook For Surface Ships (reference OPNAV P-86-4-99) as having three capability areas: Susceptibility (hit avoidance): the ability to avoid detection, reduce the probability and number of hits, or seduce weapons to less vulnerable areas Vulnerability (damage tolerance): the ability to withstand damage, minimize casualties, and maximize the ability to recover Recoverability (restoration response actions): restoration of key capabilities such as mobility, seaworthiness, critical ship systems, and warfighting capabilities Zonal design, equipment enclaving, and separation are design methods to meet vulnerability requirements. However, the operational plant alignments have a major impact on these survivability areas. Currently, power and propulsion systems are designed to bring on additional generation and propulsion power capabilities and align the distributive systems for a less vulnerable and more reconfigurable plant alignment. The Navy’s evolving operational strategy requires ships to be within the enemy’s search area on an increasing basis. This may result in “undeclared hostilities” at any time. The NPES of future platforms must support survivability in any condition. This includes the following bulleted key attributes. Extending time on station Reducing susceptibility Supporting offensive and defensive capabilities in any plant operational condition A highly survivable NPES can also reduce both equipment degradation and the crew workload required to operate/maintain ship systems at a high state of readiness. Integrated energy storage enables increased survivability and the readiness of future platforms. Full energy storage integration in a NPES can also reduce dark ship event times and their frequency, providing critical power to operate emergency loads during such events. 15 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap IDENTIFIED & DERIVED ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS Mission systems are generally developed in an evolutionary approach to keep pace with threats by anticipating and filling warfighting gaps. P&E system requirements are derived from these anticipated warfighting and mission system requirements while also focusing on affordability by leveraging opportunities for commonality across multiple applications by developing modular designs, reducing maintenance, reducing parts inventory, providing fuel savings, and increasing ship service life. Mission systems, those currently in service in the Navy as well as those still in development, were identified and their specific P&E needs derived. Increased average power and pulse requirements, along with required power for all other shipboard systems, will provide new challenges for NPES. These derived electrical power requirements are foundational for the system engineering, development, and technical implementation recommendations that follow. Electric power requirements also affect other ship systems including controls, thermal management, and cooling. Although those requirements are not listed specifically here, recommendations for system integration, including necessary controls, thermal management, and cooling, are included. U.S. Navy photo IT HAS BEEN DECADES SINCE WE LAST COMPETED FOR SEA CONTROL, SEA LINES OF COMMUNICATION, ACCESS TO WORLD MARKETS, AND DIPLOMATIC PARTNERSHIPS. MUCH HAS CHANGED SINCE WE LAST COMPETED. WE WILL ADAPT TO THIS REALITY AND RESPOND WITH URGENCY. ADMIRAL JOHN M. RICHARDSON 31st CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS “A Design For Maintaining Naval Superiority,” December 2018 16 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap 17 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap Figure 3 XX KW TBD 21 – 30 MW 0.6 – 3.1 MW 4 – 10 MW 786.5 KW (FORCE), 150 KW (GROUP) N/A 200 – 700 MW 500 – 700 KW +/- 55 KVA TBD 0.8 – 1 MW 786.5 KW (FORCE), 150 KW (GROUP) +/- 3% AVG POWER N/A 0.9 – 1.2 MW +/- 55 KVA 1 – 1.7 MW 1.7(GROUP) – 4 MW 786.5 KW (FORCE), 150 KW +/- 3% AVG POWER N/A 200 – 700 XX MW KW TBD TBD 4 – 10 MW 390 – 600 KW500 – 700 KW +/-KW, 55 KVA RAMP UP TO 290 INTERMEDIATE POWER DRAW AT 330 KW, AND TOTAL POWER DRAW AT 390 KW (SMALL RCS VERSION) – MAX 60 KW INSTANTANEOUS PULSE 18 – 20 MW 0.9 – 1.2 MW +/-OFF 55 KVA 5 SEC ON/1 SEC 0.8 – 1 MW +/- 3% AVG POWER 1 –0.2 1.7– MW 1.7 – 4 MW 0.06 – 0.2 MW 0.6 MW 3%4 AVG POWER 5 SEC ON/5 SEC OFF+/FOR MINS, OFF FOR 16 – 76 MINS @ AVG POWER XX KW XX KW 21 – 30 MW 0.6 – 3.1 MW 390 – 600 KW RAMP UP TO 290 KW, INTERMEDIATE POWER DRAW AT 330 KW, AND TOTAL POWER DRAW AT 390 KW (SMALL RCS VERSION) – MAX 60 KW INSTANTANEOUS PULSE 18 – 20 MW 5 SEC ON/1 SEC OFF XX KW XX KW 0.06 – 0.2 MW 0.2 – 0.6 MW 5 SEC ON/5 SEC OFF FOR 4 MINS, OFF FOR 16 – 76 MINS @ AVG POWER SECTION 2 (CONTINUED) Industry’s internal research and development (IR&D) investments and technology trends inform the Navy of what technical advances it may leverage to support its needs. Conversely, technologies and technology attributes of interest to the Navy help inform industry where to invest to support Navy needs. This section highlights both industry trends and technology attributes of interest to the Navy. For the purposes of this roadmap, power and energy technology areas are divided into the following categories: Energy Storage Power Distribution Power Conversion Controls Prime Movers Rotating Machinery A complete discussion of technology benchmarks and trends are in Appendix C. Detailed technology area metrics and intended applications for the 2019 through 2037 period are in Appendices G and H. ENERGY STORAGE HIGHLIGHTS Electrochemical capacitor improvements continue to focus on improving energy density while maintaining inherently high-power density. Design improvements include development and integration of higher temperature films, advanced electrolytes, advanced electrode materials, and minimizing equivalent series resistance (ESR). Factors of interest to the Navy with respect to electrochemical energy storage include the ability to maintain state of charge when not in use; change in voltage versus state of charge; charge and discharge capability; the temporary or permanent loss of capacity due to repeated shallow discharges; the ability to shallow charge and discharge or partially charge intermittently during a discharge; battery life considerations such as service-life, cycle-life, and shelf-life; and off-gas properties that affect the level of ventilation and associated auxiliary systems. POWER CONVERSION HIGHLIGHTS In this application, locating power conversion equipment in the nacelle reduces transmission losses between the generator and associated converter. Today, innovation in power conversion comes primarily from the development and implementation of wide-bandgap devices based on SiC versus Si. The development of vertical GaN and GaO based wide-bandgap devices promise reduction in losses of 3-5 times over silicon carbide. The use of high frequency transformers can provide galvanic isolation with reduced size and weight compared to traditional transformers. Other applications include traction, mass transit, and microgrid converters. Advances in cooling methods will be required to handle larger heat loads associated with higher power operation. PRIME MOVERS HIGHLIGHTS Enhanced fuel injection, higher operating temperatures and pressures, and optimized thermal management are critical for future prime movers. Advanced controls for increased efficiency, reduced maintenance, and increased reliability include implementation of digital controls; autonomous and unmanned power control; enhanced engine monitoring, diagnostics, and prognostics; and distributed controls. Advanced designs for increased efficiency include new applications of thermodynamic cycles such as Humphrey/Atkinson cycle for gas turbines and diesels and Miller cycle for diesel. Industry continues to drive towards increased power density, increased efficiency, higher switching frequencies, and refined topologies with associated control schemes. This is particularly true of the off-shore wind industry. 18 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap ROTATING ELECTRICAL MACHINES HIGHLIGHTS Industry is focusing their development efforts on the following areas: Increased magnetic material flux carrying or flux generation Improved structural materials and design concepts that accept capacity higher torsional and electromagnetically induced stress Improved electrical insulation material and insulation system Innovative and aggressive cooling to allow improved thermal dielectric strength management and increased current loading Increased mechanical strength, increased thermal Increased electrical conductor current carrying capacity and loss conductivity, and reduced sensitivity to temperature reduction Recent trends in electrical machines also include neural networks; artificial intelligence; expert system; fiber communications and integrated electronics; new ceramic conducting and dielectric materials; and magnetic levitation. High Temperature Superconducting rotors have higher power density than their induction and synchronous rotor counterparts. Wind power generators eliminate excitation losses which can account for 30% of total generator losses. The offshore wind power industry is moving to larger power wind tower generators in the 10MW class. Advanced low resistance room temperature wire and HTS shows promise for these higher power levels because of low excitation losses and low weight due to reduction in stator and rotor iron. HTS motors may be up to 50% smaller and lighter than traditional iron-core and copper machines. They have reduced harmonic vibrations due to minimization of flux path iron and have mitigated thermal cycling failures due to precision control of temperature. The development of a room temperature, lightweight, low resistance conductor is of great interest to the Navy. Industry and academia continue to invest resources in advanced conductors that have applications in power distribution, power generation, and propulsion. Research is focused on using carbon nanotubes (CNT). CNTs appear to have greater conductivity than copper at room temperature on a mass basis. Copper/CNT combination wire shows great promise for meeting the characteristics of a room temperature, lightweight, low resistance product. This wire can reduce the size and footprint of electric machines, enabling high efficiency, highpower-dense electrical systems. POWER CONTROLS HIGHLIGHTS The desire for more distributed control structures has led to the development of control architectures that rely on the concept of intelligent agents that have the ability to reason about system state and enact control policies. A simple example of these agents in a control system is the use of autonomous software coupled with smart meters in a smart grid implementation. The agents, smart meters POWER DISTRIBUTION HIGHLIGHTS Industry has used MVDC transmission as a method to reduce losses across long distances. Complementarily, Industry is developing MVDC circuit protection for use in MVDC transmission variants of approximately 50, 100, and 150 megawatts (MW) at DC transmission voltages of 20 to 50 kV. Analysis includes modeling and simulation to determine methods for assessing the benefits of DC vs AC undersea transmission and distribution systems for offshore oil and gas. 19 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. in this example, can temporarily shut off air conditioning but not the refrigerator in residences during grid peak power usage times when the cost per watt is highest on hot days. The agent software acts autonomously within its authority to comply with programmed customer desires. NPES Technology Development Roadmap U.S. Navy photo U.S. Navy photo SECTION 3 POWER & ENERGY TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT: THE LEAP FORWARD INTRODUCTION This section is the technical context for an evolutionary warfighting capability takes advantage of, and change to the Navy’s approach to P&E systems. An outline relies upon, the fungible nature of electricity. An of the development activities necessary to meet future integrated energy system involves converting energy Navy warfighting needs in this new paradigm is presented. to the electric weapon or sensor’s needs. The vision This alignment between the roadmap and Navy top level of integrated P&E systems carries this further, with requirements doctrine maintains the flexibility to affordably the end-goal of linking all energy consumers with enable a variety of mission and ship systems currently under all energy sources in a single electrical network to consideration for future platforms. maximize flexibility in affecting the ship’s functions, THE CASE FOR CHANGE The Navy expects more out of its future fleet. Ships perform a range of functions from basic mobility to putting namely a total and complete solution for Tactical Energy Management (TEM) that provides capability optimization. kinetic or electromagnetic energy on a target. These functions must be supplied by the energy sources that the ship brings with it: fuel for prime movers or reactive propellants (for traditional kinetic weapons). Electricity allows moving large amounts of energy from one place to another, controllably and quickly, making the energy resource (power generated by prime movers) extremely fungible. The trend towards electrification of 20 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap THE CHALLENGE OF INCREASED COMPLEXITY Enabling TEM requires identifying and controlling the complexity of the integrated systems that comprise it. For any single component or subcomponent of that system “nth” node (‘n’ being the total number of nodes, producer or consumer), there are n-1 nodes and subnetworks with which it can potentially interact; thus, the complexity of the network grows factorially (faster than exponentially). Additionally, some of the consumers under development have strong interactive behaviors including (but not limited to) high amplitude, high ramp rate pulses, and stochastic behaviors that can adversely affect other nodes and parts of the network. For a fully integrated system to become a reality, the following capabilities must be developed: Managing system complexity Maintaining controllability over many possible interactions S&T Recommendations Specifications & Standards Overview, Priority developments and updates Note: Although this section refers exclusively to technology development, some of the items can be considered prototype products such as Power Generation Module and Energy Magazine. For completeness and simplicity, we have included them in this section of the document. The systems integration initiatives, as well as the technology development initiatives, include the following information: Opportunity – Warfighter Benefit / Required Capability Development Approach Challenges / Gaps / Barriers / Inhibitors Milestones / Interim Schedule Targets Required Initiatives (2019-2027) REQUIRED INITIATIVES Mitigating strong interactions To support projected electrical requirements derived in Section 2, advancements in technology and systems integration will be required. Note that in the sections that follow, there is a number corresponding Much of the technology required to enable the future warfighting capabilities documented in Section 1 has been, or is currently under development. It is the ability to integrate those technologies into a full system that moves us further down the path of TEM. Regardless of whether a system is AC or DC, medium or low voltage, or high or low current, a systems integration phase is required to field the next to planned activities for the required initiatives described. Those activities are graphically illustrated in Section 3.3 Figure 6: “Required Initiatives” on pages 38-39 of this TDR. electric power system. CONSTRUCT The required initiatives presented in the next section are necessary to effectively field the next generation electric power system. The section is arranged as follows: System Integration Initiative (FYDP through Far-Term 2019-2047) Technology Development Strategies (2019-2037) o Energy Storage o Power Conversion o Prime Movers o Rotating Machines o Distribution o Controls 21 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap SECTION 3 (CONTINUED) SYSTEM INTEGRATION INITIATIVE: INTEGRATING POWER & ENERGY (2019-2048) OPPORTUNITY Increasingly the Navy is recognizing the need for incorporating flexibility and adaptability into the ship design and acquisition process, and into the individual platforms it delivers to the Fleet. The pace of warfighting technology innovation is rapid relative to a ships service life. As platform designs become more complex, the task of integrating new warfighting technologies into platforms is challenging. This integration of new systems will now be an ongoing challenge throughout a platform’s lifecycle in order to maintain warfighting relevancy. An affordable approach to maintaining combat relevancy requires the ability to rapidly outfit new ship designs and fielded ships with new warfighting technologies as they become available. The ability to support advanced electrical payload warfighting technologies requires not only power and energy systems delivered with the flexibility and adaptability to accommodate them, but the Naval power and energy engineering enterprise with the capacity (knowledge, labor, and capital) for continuous systems integration. The approach to IPES System Integration outlined below recommends a strategy for IPES-enabled TEM to maintain relevancy by supporting the fielding of advanced weapons, sensors and other warfighting capabilities on an ongoing basis. INTEGRATION APPROACH The high-level strategy for developing an organic Navy capability for continuous P&E systems integration has two primary elements: 1) Industry engagement for knowledge development, knowledge transfer, and technology de-risking and 2) Building a comprehensive modeling* capability ranging from solely computational (i.e., completely virtualized components, systems, and environments) to system models incorporating production or near-production level hardware components. The challenge to implement Tactical Energy Management is to integrate energy storage, power generation, and interfaces with advanced warfighting systems and controls. Complex problems associated with this integration must be approached by exploring the trade space to acquire the knowledge necessary to reduce the design space. The Navy can more affordably explore this trade space by shifting as much of it as possible into the computational modeling and simulation regime. This enables the Navy to quickly transition TEM capabilities from the virtual world to the fleet. The Navy power systems community currently has limited small-scale facilities for simulation and emulation activities. The Florida State University Center for Advanced Power Systems (FSU CAPS) facility has been successfully used to develop knowledge regarding energy storage sizing of various media and control schema, to test advanced DC circuit protection devices, and, as of the time of publication, will be testing production power converters for the AMDR. Planning for a system emulation facility with power- and controller-hardware-in-loop test capability is ongoing at NSWCPD. Concurrently, the Navy is planning initial procurements to support initial exploratory studies with IPES at 12kVDC, using a very simple and low-power topology. With investment, these capabilities can be built up and out to encompass larger-scale simulation, emulation, and test capabilities that are more representative of ship-level power and power and control system complexity. This roadmap recommends a two-pronged approach to building a comprehensive modeling capability: Develop power systems real-time simulation capability Integrate this simulation capability with components and systems, and their related controls (including an overarching TEM control system) and the test facility to enable high-power emulation and testing *The term “model” used in this context is much more abstract than the typical Department of Defense usage that refers to a set of code and data that runs in a computationally simulated environment; rather, “model” as used here refers to “any reduced-order representation of a real system”. It includes both computational models and system models such as land-based test facilities. 22 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap CHALLENGES While many of the technology development efforts underway may produce deliverables that can be leveraged towards TEM, their potential will not be realized without significant investment in a comprehensive system integration effort. The required capabilities do not exist yet to support an IPES. The knowledge base for implementing and integrating these technologies is limited, and the naval engineering enterprise (government, industry, and academia) needs to undertake various learning activities to analyze, design, and control these new technologies in a complete system. Regardless of any specific architectures and component technologies, a systems integration activity must take place to deliver a system that enables any new capabilities and provides for the following: Continuous and seamless knowledge management from multiple activities and sources Engineering expertise Knowledge about the trade space Ability to capitalize on the industrial base Enabling industry engagement with evolving Navy design processes Table 2: Systems Integration Milestones / Interim Schedule Targets REQUIRED CAPABILITY FYDP/NEAR-TERM • System and component modeling System integration initiative • Representative hardware and simulated hardware system testing • Part-scale part scope • Full-scale, full scope real tactical hardware testing • Studies and de-risking activities to close knowledge gaps leading to integration MID-TERM FAR-TERM • Continuous learning through studies and de-risking activities to increase and maintain knowledge of advanced electrical power and energy systems • Continuous learning • Periodic upgrade of specific power system equipment that enhances warfighting capability • Model, test and integrate upgraded equipment to increase warfighting capability • Continue full scale, full scope real tactical hardware testing REQUIRED INITIATIVES (2019-2027) The following efforts support systems integration as currently identified: Integrate, test and demonstrate an IPES for future naval platforms. This effort should evolve in complexity and enable integration of maturing hardware as it becomes available. The effort should consist of a combination of hardware and real-time digital simulations to support learning and reduce the risks associated with fielding an affordable ship’s power system capable of servicing advanced loads and meeting future platform power system requirements, including flexibility and survivability. The effort is further defined in Appendix G. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) Upgrade the power system through integration of new technologies as required to support advanced mission capabilities. 23 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES (THROUGH MID-TERM 2019-2037) ENERGY STORAGE (2019-2037) OPPORTUNITY By integrating energy storage into the power system, new capabilities are enabled affordably. These include increased survivability, endurance, reliability, flexibility, and adaptability through the ability of energy storage to be shared across multiple systems where this was not previously possible with point-of-use energy storage. DEVELOPMENT APPROACH Conduct a series of progressive development and integration steps to mature from the current state of point-of-use energy storage to the long-term vision of multi-function energy storage fully integrated within a ship’s distribution system. NPES Technology Development Roadmap Intermediate power system capable of powering a laser from energy storage. Continuous charge capability while in use. Available for platform integration in 2021. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) ) SECTION 3 (CONTINUED) Near-term efforts focus on developing a common set of building blocks that will be configured to meet the interface requirements of individual loads and develop Navy intellectual capital in energy storage systems integration. Additional activities will focus on shared energy storage systems that can support a suite of advanced weapons and sensors initially on low-voltage subsystems of the electric plant. Intermediate power systems that can power multiple advanced mission loads simultaneously (LWS, SEWIP, etc.) and provide power to ship’s bus with energy storage. Continuous charge capability. Available for system integration in 2022 with IOC in 2029. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) Additionally, develop intermediate power system MVAC variant to support DEW integration with 4160VAC legacy distribution system. Available for system integration in 2029. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) Mid-term efforts will develop media agnostic energy storage systems, capable of integration onto the low or medium voltage bus, available for multiple users and functions. CHALLENGES Development of energy storage systems that can be qualified for shipboard use Development of alternate energy storage technologies (rotational, electrochemical, and electrostatic based) Table 3: Energy Storage Milestones / Interim Schedule Targets TECHNOLOGY FYDP/NEAR-TERM • Deliver intermediate power system that can power a laser load from energy storage alone and has trickle charge capability (2019) Energy Storage • Deliver intermediate power system capable of powering a laser from energy storage and has continuous charge capability (2020) • Load-specific and shared low-voltage energy storage prototype to initial introduction • Fully shared low / medium voltage energy storage demonstration MID-TERM • Initial introduction of fully shared energy storage • Introduction of ES system: -Low / Mediumvoltage - Multiple energy storage technologies -Media agnostic • Intermediate power systems that can power multiple advanced mission loads simultaneously • Energy storage for ships with legacy MVAC distribution systems • Energy storage integration onto the distribution bus to support bus stability REQUIRED INITIATIVES (2019-2027) The following efforts support energy storage development as currently identified: Intermediate power system that can power a laser load from energy storage alone. Only trickle charge capability. Delivered to Navy for integration testing in 2018. (Depicted in Figure 6 as 24 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. System that supplies energy storage to the distribution bus while supporting bus stability. This system should be capable of supporting advanced weapons and sensors on ships distribution bus. Additionally, if battery energy storage technology is utilized, this system should provide battery failure containment capability. IOC in 2031. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) Develop a non-battery based highdensity energy storage system capable of supporting both high voltage and medium voltage bus stability available for systems integration in the FY23 timeframe. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) Develop energy storage for larger UxVs capable of powering advanced weapons and sensors. Note: Development of an off-board charging system is addressed in the power conversion section. Available for platform integration in 2024. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) ) NPES Technology Development Roadmap Focus near term efforts on developing SiC based converters utilizing 1.7kV devices (commercially available) o Follow on focus will be on development of SiC power converters based on 6.5kV and 10kV devices (commercially available). o Continue basic research into advanced wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor devices that have improved performance over SiC such as GaN and Ga2O3 POWER CONVERSION (2019-2037) OPPORTUNITY Power converters provide matching interfaces between nonmatching parts of the system. Finer control by utilizing activelyswitched power semiconductor devices allows the ability to: Tailor interfaces to optimize system design Improve control over the supply of power and energy to the advanced mission systems Increase endurance and capacity using variable speed drives Increase survivability, reliability, and recoverability through improved power routing Increase stability through dynamic load balancing Fault current limitation, permitting graceful degradation versus immediate circuit isolation Consolidation of functions that were previously dispersed Mid-term goal is SiC-based power conversion serving as the backbone of the primary (mediumvoltage) distribution bus of the electric plant. CHALLENGES There are system engineering and integration challenges, as well as material challenges, that need to be addressed to leverage the benefits of actively-switched power conversion, among which are: Designing and building converters that mitigate adverse system interactions (e.g., instabilities, electromagnetic interference (EMI), and common-mode stress) Potentially having increased shipboard thermal management of a converter-based power system among multiple components or not present at all, (e.g., fault isolation (currently performed by circuit breakers)) Decouple the dynamic behaviors of parts of the system from each other, enabling optimization of overall platform design and its capabilities Developing the knowledge to allocate system functions to power converters Providing reliability, resiliency, and quality of service at a system level Reducing the size of passive components for power converters (e.g., transformers) DEVELOPMENT APPROACH The aim is to continue investing in the development of activelyswitched power semiconductor devices. The fast switching time of silicon (Si) devices permits improved control over voltage, frequency, and current. Silicon-carbide (SiC) has been supplanting silicon in many industry applications due to its higher switching frequencies and lower switching losses, thereby reducing waste heat. This allows reducing the size and weight of electromagnetic components associated with power conversion equipment through redesign. 25 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Reducing the cost for scaling up SiC devices to relevant voltages (e.g., 6.5kV and 10kV dies) Scaling (vertical ) GaN and Ga2O3 devices requires continuous investment to enable a Gabased prototype in the mid-term NPES Technology Development Roadmap Develop a charging system that enables the ability to charge UxVs without the need to embark and disembark UxVs from Naval ships. Available for systems integration in SECTION 3 (CONTINUED) 2027. (Depicted in Figure 6 as Table 4: Power Conversion Milestones / Interim Schedule Targets TECHNOLOGY FYDP/NEAR-TERM • Modular design • More power-dense converters supporting advanced mission systems (e.g., AMDR PCM) Power Conversion • SiC-based converters prototyped at 6kVDC and 4.16kVAC based on 1.7kV devices • SiC-based converters prototyped at 13.8kVAC and 12kVDC MID-TERM • Initial introduction of SiC converters to the Fleet • Modular design • Low / Medium-voltage • Up to 12kVDC and 13.8kVAC • Prototyping of full scale conversion based on gen 2 WBG devices such as GaN and Ga2O3 ) Using advanced SiC power conversion modules, develop converters that operate at 13.8kVA 12kVDC and 1kVDC. These converters should be compatible with the Standard Modular Compartments (SMCs) and the Common Ship’s Integrated Enclosures (CSiEs) developed by PEO IWS. Available for systems integration in 2026. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) PRIME MOVERS: (2019–2037) The prime movers section largely focuses on diesel engines and gas turbines. Energy recovery and fuel cells, covered in Appendix F, are also prime movers. OPPORTUNITY REQUIRED POWER CONVERSION INITIATIVES (2019-2027) The following efforts support power conversion development as currently identified: • Develop, test, and initiate low-rate initial production of the Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) Power Conversion Module (PCM). IOC in 2022. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) Develop and test Advanced Power Conversion Module employing SiC devices suitable for advanced load applications. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) Right sizing prime movers can enable using fewer prime movers and reduce fuel consumption. Reduction in fuel consumption positively impacts endurance. Prime movers in conjunction with energy storage can enable using fewer prime movers for power and propulsion in certain operating conditions, thereby reducing overall ship fuel consumption. Taking advantage of the variable speed nature of prime movers using non-60Hz generators enables optimizing the turbine operating point with the load. Develop an affordable and highly reliable Integrated Power Management Center (IPMC) point of use power converter adhering to MIL-PRF-32272A with the exception that efficiencies higher than those specified are desired as well as the incorporation of energy storage. Available for systems integration in 2021. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) 26 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap U.S. Navy photo DEVELOPMENT APPROACH o Couple a GT prime mover with an advanced variable-speed generator to enable operating the turbine at its optimal load points throughout its operation. In the mid-term, efforts will focus on developing a 1015 MW gas turbine-based generator set using a commercial 10-15 MW marinized gas turbine to enable The Navy does not have sufficient buying power to drive the worldwide engine market; therefore, development is focused on incremental improvements to existing gas turbine and diesel engines. Near-term efforts focus on two key initiatives: o Develop advanced materials for blade and hot section coatings that can mitigate issues with existing gas turbines, operating at higher loading, without increased maintenance. Turbines that are heavily loaded run hotter which leads to shortened engine life. ship design flexibility greater than currently possible. CHALLENGES Currently, there is a limited pool of commercially available marinized gas turbines and diesel engines to choose from. Table 5: Prime Movers Milestones / Interim Schedule Targets FYDP/NEAR-TERM TECHNOLOGY Prime Movers MID-TERM • Develop advanced coatings and materials that support high temperature operations of a gas turbine via Future Naval Capability Program “Gas Turbine Development for Reduced Total Ownership Cost (TOC) and Improved Ship Impact” REQUIRED INITIATIVES (2019-2027) • Qualify a 10 to 15 MW gas turbine appropriate for an Advanced Gas Turbine Generator damage due to extended high temperature gas turbine operations by 2025. (Depicted in Figure 6 as The following efforts support prime mover development as ) currently identified: Transition advanced coatings FNC. Test engine endurance with new coating and confirm inhibition of 27 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Develop and test ~25MW Advanced GTG – see Section (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) NPES Technology Development Roadmap SECTION 3 (CONTINUED) ROTATING MACHINES (2019-2037) Electrical rotating machines (ERMs) are both motors and generators. For the purposes of this roadmap, the rotating machines of interest are generators associated with prime movers and propulsion motors. These components are of primary interest because they are 1) the largest “single function” components onboard ships, and 2) in the case of generators, the primary source of shipboard power. In Appendix F, the TDR focuses on AC induction, AC synchronous, permanent magnet (PM), and High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) machines. ELECTRIC MOTORS Near-term: Based on the investment the Navy has made in large electric motor development, minimal R&D investment dollars will be spent on large electric motors in the near term. However, significant engineering dollars will be invested in building electric motors of sufficient power density and power level to meet future ship needs. OPPORTUNITY Developing denser power generators increases flexibility in machinery arrangements, reduces machinery room size, and potentially increases ship affordability. Also, increasing motor density and the associated drives increases machinery room flexibility. Propulsion motor technologies can facilitate implementation of advanced propulsors (e.g., contrarotating), improving propulsion fuel efficiency. Compact forward propulsors provide fore/aft separation of propulsion capability supporting increased resiliency and survivability. Development Approach Generators The stack up length for main gas turbine generator sets determines the minimum machinery room size, making it a primary driver for ship design. Near-term: Develop generator technologies that reduce stack-up length, increase power density, or otherwise improve the ability to arrange these large rotating machines within the overall ship design. Additionally, assess and develop the knowledge base to support a variable speed dual output generator to notionally provide plant resiliency by decoupling port and starboard buses from each other’s large-magnitude dynamics. Mid-term: Develop a superconductive propulsion motor, leveraging the knowledge from industries’ increased use of superconductive materials in the offshore wind industry. CHALLENGES: As discussed above, the advantages that come from decoupling frequency interactions between distribution system and generator set is dependent on a DC distribution system. Initiating a DC distribution system requires a systems integration effort that provides the knowledge to design and build a mature MVDC distribution system. Mid-term: Capitalize on the rotational inertia of generators, essentially spinning energy storage currently not exploited. Implementation is currently constrained by the requirements of 60 Hz AC distribution to maintain frequency within tight deviation tolerances. MVDC distribution systems can decouple the frequency interaction between components enabling operational constraints to be lifted. 28 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap Table 6: Electric Motors Milestones / Interim Schedule Targets FYDP/NEAR-TERM TECHNOLOGY Rotating Machinery Generators MID-TERM • Deliver medium voltage AC Ship Service Gas turbine generator set (AG9160) with increased efficiency for DDG51 FLT III ship service • Develop advanced GTG (20 MW-30 MW): - Increased efficiency - High-Speed Generator - High-Power Density - Compact stack up length - MVDC output converter • Introduction of advanced GTG to the fleet. • Initially introduce SiC converters to the Generator sets • Deliver prototype of 10 to 15 MW GTG for increased power generation capability • Introduce advanced materials that inhibit type 2 corrosion Electric Motors • Deliver large power dense propulsion motor (up to 40 MW) REQUIRED INITIATIVES (2019-2027) The following efforts support generators development as currently identified: Develop and test a notional advanced 25MW GTG to validate hardware performance and system interfaces to be completed and transitioned to systems integration by 2024. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) Develop 10-15MW GTG that transitions to systems integration by 2033. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) The following efforts support electric motors development: Develop advanced propulsion motor that transitions to systems integration by 2034. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (2019-2037) OPPORTUNITY A distribution system enables increased survivability, flexibility, and overall capability through increased redundancy, more capable power continuity, and increased recoverability. This system can support the reduction in power system size by minimizing the power conversion, power filters, and energy storage 29 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. • Deliver large power dense, low resistance propulsion motor (up to 40 MW) that advanced mission loads currently supply to be compatible with today’s ships power systems. This new distribution system should meet an updated interface (Draft MIL-STD-1399 Navy Section LVDC and Section MVDC) and enable flexible power generation line-ups and generator frequency decoupling. (Note: this can enable GTGs to operate for optimal fuel consumption increasing a ship’s endurance). DEVELOPMENT APPROACH The focus is on developing the knowledge and technology (objective quality information) necessary to develop and test an MVDC distribution system up to 12kVDC that enables future load flexibility. Near term: Initial efforts focus on the development of a 1kVDC high speed solid state breaker and a high speed 12kVDC solid state breaker. Development of methodologies for managing and eliminating ground faults and common mode issues that can arise in conversion-based distribution systems. Mid-term: Leverage advanced conductor development from Office of Naval Research (ONR) to develop a prototype advanced conductorbased cable suitable for Navy application. NPES Technology Development Roadmap Develop a disconnect switch to work SECTION 3 (CONTINUED) MVDC circuit protection has been identified since 2008 as one of the high-risk areas for the implementation of a MVDC distribution system. at 1kVDC and 12kVDC by 2023. This is circuit protection where power converters are used for fault localization, coordination, and isolation. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) Ultrahigh speed breakers may not be able to differentiate between a fault or a behavior due to a pulse load in operation. Develop a power distribution node with Ultrahigh speed breakers may have difficulty properly coordinating • perform circuit isolation functions necessary in power conversion-based CHALLENGES • in conjunction with power conversion to the following functionality: in a bus topology. o Segments the MVDC Bus o Isolates loads Implementation of a distribution system designed to enable load o Isolates sources o Establishes Ground Reference for growth, increased performance, and flexibility MVDC Bus Table 7: Distribution System Milestones / Interim Schedule Targets o Additional characteristics that enhance shipboard integration by TECHNOLOGY FYDP/NEAR-TERM MID-TERM utilizing advanced cables to decrease bend radii, incorporates • Deliver an MVDC distribution system up to 12kVDC to meet maximum load demands Distribution • Build and test a full scale advanced conductor for distribution use. • Design an appropriate in-zone distribution system architecture • Publish a new 1399 LVDC/MVDC interface advanced switches, insulation, and cooling. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) CONTROLS: (2019-2037) A control system is defined as a system that manages, commands, directs, and regulates the • Deliver high speed 1kVDC and 12kVDC solid state circuit protection device ship ready behavior of other devices or systems. These • Test an advanced conductor capable of supporting power distribution Controls will allow optimum management of the REQUIRED INITIATIVES (2019-2027) The following efforts support distribution system development as currently identified: Transition the 1kVDC and 12kVDC fast-acting solid-state circuit protection devices currently under development. These devices shall be capable of high-speed detection, clearing, fault localization, and be integration tested by 2023. (Depicted in Figure 6 as ) 30 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. actions are affected by algorithms, the processing units they run upon, and effector devices. energy-time-power problem to provide power when and where it is needed. The technology development areas discussed up to this point address technology integration into the electric distribution system (network). However, overlaying the electric network is a controls network that manages electrical components to achieve a desired state. The integration of the component technologies previously discussed must necessarily include NPES Technology Development Roadmap some level of integration in the control layer(s). Full system Integrates and updates cybersecurity capabilities as integration for TEM is inseparable from advanced control system required development and integration effort. From the perspective of IPES, there are three controls domains of DEVELOPMENT APPROACH interest: The development approach for advanced controls begins with the a) Low-level device and component control (i.e., embedded systems) goal of Navy-owned Common Machinery Controls System Software. b) Supervisory control of the electric plant as a system This supports creating a unified Architecture for Machinery Control c) Ship warfighting control domains, both digital and human systems that features: The long-range goals of IPES controls are as follows: 1) Maximize the capability for the electrical system to A common machinery control language A reusable control system software baseline deliver all available energy where and as required, when given the current state-space (capabilities) of the energy Flexibility and adaptability for transitioning new network (domains a and b). technology from a variety of sources and life cycle 2) Fully inform the ship warfighting control domain of the updates and support in an efficient, consistent, cost capabilities and constraints of the energy network (domains effective, and timely manner b and c). 3) Receive orders (energy delivery to ship mission systems) from the ship warfighting control domain (domains b and c). Concurrently, develop TEM controls that address the problems of 4) Implement those orders as fully and responsively as possible state awareness, optimization, and coordination with the warfighting (domains a and b). control domain. Integrate TEM controls with the unified architecture for machinery controls. Effectively, IPES control must constantly solve a resource CHALLENGES allocation problem, in coordination with the warfighting control domain. The challenge in achieving the vision of IPES control for TEM are: OPPORTUNITY An overarching integrated control system: Developing an advanced autonomous control system that keeps pace with the threat environment • Enables TEM Developing a control system concurrently and • Allows leveraging individual technology development coordinated with the electric plant system and future technology insertions while continuing to engineering and integration. The control system operate as one cohesive system must reflect the full functionalities, capabilities, and constraints of both the electrical network (as Provides system flexibility to operate at either maximum a system) and its component nodes. Thus, the efficiency or maximum performance as necessary partitioning of functionality within the control through communication and control between machinery system must reflect the functional allocation of systems, combat systems, and mission systems the electrical system. 31 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap SECTION 3 (CONTINUED) The control system must be as resilient to casualty scenarios as the electrical network that it controls. The control system must be closely coupled with the ship warfighting control domains. The control system must be robust and resilient to cyber threats. The control system must enable affordable upgrades and on an ongoing basis. Table 8: Controls Milestones / Interim Schedule Targets FYDP/NEAR-TERM TECHNOLOGY Controls MID-TERM • Develop, test and deliver a Control System Reference Architecture, Interface Language, Syntax and Framework • Deliver targeted machinery control system upgrades • Demonstrate state awareness and optimization algorithms in a representative environment REQUIRED INITIATIVES (2019-2027) The following efforts support controls development as currently identified: A system of systems framework of requirements that defines a warfare system construct and can implement rapid force-wide capability insertion. This will enable the agility to scale combat power over time in Demonstrate reference architecture with distributed such a way as to provide dominant capability dictated by threat and state awareness in 2021. (Depicted in Figure 6 as mission. 21 ) Demonstrate reference architecture with distributed / hierarchical control in 2022. (Depicted in Figure 6 as 21 ) Demonstrate reference architecture with both distributed state awareness and hierarchical control in 2023. (Depicted in Figure 6 as 21 ) 32 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap A system of systems framework of requirements that defines a warfare system construct and can implement rapid force wide capability insertion. This will enable the agility to scale combat power over time in such a way as to provide dominant capability dictated by threat and mission. U.S. Navy photo 33 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap Figure 6 Technology Development DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Systems Integration 34 NPES Technology Development Roadmap IPES Controls Thermal PDM PMM PGM PCM ESM EM 2019 2021 2019 2025 2026 2027 2030 2032 2030 IPES Mk I LRIP 2029 2034 2032 2033 2034 IPES Mk II System Integration 2031 2035 2036 2037 2036 2037 Other Integration EM/IPES Integration IPES Integration EM Integration Addressed in Appendix *(#) corresponds to required initiative that activity supports from Section 3 IPES Mk III Systems Integration IPES Mk II LRIP 2035 Advanced Conductor based Distribution System Advanced Propulsion Motor Continuous Machinery Control Upgrades (TEM) 2028 2033 Advanced Capability EM Integration 2031 Advanced Capability Testbed: Develop and Maintain an advanced capability Test Bed to support Rapid Upgrades for Current and Future Power Systems Block 2 Advanced Development 2023 Thermal Management 2022 2029 10 to 15MW Advanced Power Generation 2028 Advanced Power Distribution Nodes 2027 IPES System Integration Phase II 2021 2024 IPMC Dial Capable UxV Charger 2026 IPES System Integration Phase I Energy Storage MV Circuit Protection System Advanced Controls 2020 Energy Magazine Mk III DC Disconnect Switch Robust Combat Power Controls IPES Emulation 2018 21 2025 13.8 kVAC / 1kVDC 12 kVDC / 1 kVDC SiC based Power Converter FNC 25 MW GenSet Thermally Enabling Architectures for Pulse Power Systems TEAPPS MV Circuit Protection System FNC 2024 Energy Magazine for UxV APCM (SiC based power converter) IPMC 2023 Energy Magazine Integration 2022 High Density Energy Storage 4160 PEBB Exp EM Mk 2 2020 Advanced Turbine Materials FNC AG9160 AMDR PCM MFESM FNC EM-L EM Prototype Demo EM Emulation 2018 Required Inititatives (2019-2037) ADVANCED CABLE OR ELECTRICAL POWER TRANSMISSION MEDIA SECTION 3 (CONTINUED) THE NEED FOR INNOVATION According to the 2017 ONR Navy Research and Development Framework, Naval capabilities begin with discoveries made in The Navy needs Low Magnetic Signature (advanced materials, advanced insulation) MVDC cable / bus pipe suitable for 12kV MVDC applications. Developers must make the cables / bus pipe suitable for naval combatant applications (i.e., meet applicable inspection requirements tailored for MVDC applications), be scalable, and enable tight bend radii. science and technology. Talented scientists and engineers in the Naval Research Enterprise (NRE), and across ONR partners in industry, academia and government labs, draw upon basic research DESIGN TOOLS As the P&E system becomes more critical to enabling a ship’s for new knowledge to develop new technologies that ultimately capability requirements, the Navy requires new design tools to become new capabilities delivered by the acquisition community. To determine what P&E system implementation serves their successfully maximize the benefits of basic and applied research, it capability requirements best, as well as how to optimize the P&E is imperative that investments be coordinated as part of a cohesive system to a selected set of capability requirements. Tools and models approach from basic research to operational test and evaluation. It is will have to support interface development and optimization, and important to maintain a steady level of investment in key technology be able to near simultaneously perform an analysis of component areas that benefit Navy warfighters. Investing in technology areas and system behavior based on each analytical domain (the correct can offset the risk associated with the failure of specific technologies. model for the correct analysis of the exact same system). M&S S&T While specific technologies may succeed or fail, investing in research currently underway include: technology areas will maximize the opportunity that one or some Using Complexity Theory for the Analysis of of the technologies will be successful and evolve into more mature Architecture products for Navy-use. Technologies developed during basic and Implications of Distributed Systems Numerical applied research may transition to multiple products. The following Methods for CPES Systems is a discussion of the Navy’s Applied and Basic Research areas for P&E systems. An expansion of M&S S&T research should include: CURRENT NAVY-SPONSORED APPLIED RESEARCH INITIATIVES ENGINEERING COMPETENCY Emergent technologies require the Navy to update the Electrical Integration of IPES design synthesis tools with ship design and synthesis tools. Develop a Ship Continuity and Quality of Power Model that has the capability to perform dynamic end to end analysis from the shipboard voltage interface up to and including the loads. This model must include all interconnected power conversion Power Engineering educational curriculum. This updated curriculum and energy storage components between the shipboard should include the latest knowledge (theory and application) voltage interface and the loads. of interest to the Navy. This includes but is not limited to study of WBG semiconductors, common mode/differential mode characterization, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) mitigation. Training the Human Resources Enterprise (HRE) in these advanced MVDC ANALYSES Develop advanced analysis methods to support analyzing and determining: technologies will boost the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) of Power distribution system options the fleet. Energy storage sizing and integration options Control systems, power generation systems, and energy storage optimization 35 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap This information can be used to support updating specification and standards including but not limited to NSTM 300. (specification and standards are discussed later in Section 3 and in Appendix J) CURRENT NAVY-SPONSORED BASIC RESEARCH INITIATIVES Advances in modeling and simulation will be necessary to exercise these new numerical and analytical methods. These advanced models need to operate with existing tools. Physics-based models of P&E technologies, subsystems, and systems need to be developed to understand and predict behavior with respect to ground faults, common mode, large and small signal stability, zonal arrangements, and other system-initiated interactions. P&E RELATED CONTROLS INITIATIVES The P&E goals of tomorrow’s Navy mandate innovations in autonomous and machinery controls. For example, UxVs need robust and resilient autonomous controls. They must be able to adapt and configure to existing and emerging concepts of operations. Manned vehicles will need advanced machinery controls to operate in conjunction with power electronics based power distribution. Operators will depend on these systems to precisely move power and energy from the providing source to the right load at the right time supporting rapid-decision making. Specific areas of interest include controls that are capable of selfadaptation, self-diagnostic algorithms for system evaluation and healing, and advanced power management. An extensive listing of the type of work required to continue is listed in Appendix G. WIDE BANDGAP (WBG) AND EXTENDED WIDE BANDGAP (EWBG) DEVICE INITIATIVES WBG (SiC and GaN) and EWBG (Ga2O3 and AlGaN) semiconductor basic scientific research is required to develop the high voltage (20kV), high current (200A), reliable, rad-hardened devices needed to achieve mid-term high power conversion objectives. Basic science will focus on the ability to grow thick epitaxy with minimal background doping and impurities. Additionally, domestically supplied substrates with which to grow the thick epitaxy must be investigated. Technical issues that need to be addressed and improved upon include uniformity, surface morphology, resistance to breakage, and interface resistances. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND COMPONENT BEHAVIOR MODELING Technologies are constantly emerging. The fusion of these ENERGY HARVESTING Energy harvesting technologies are critical to support extending missions for UxVs, USMC Forward Operational Bases (FOBs), and any scenario where increasing the time between “refueling” is desired. Additionally, these technologies can play a critical role in enabling energy recovery to be used to increase power system efficiency. SOLID STATE ENERGY CONVERSION/THERMAL ENERGY CONVERSION A specific area of Energy Harvesting of interest to the Navy is the ability to convert heat energy and specifically low quality heat energy to electricity using solid state components. This capability is extremely important to enabling energy recovery systems for landbased vehicles but especially for ships. For additional information see Appendix C. SOLID STATE POWER CONVERSION Iron core transformers are efficient but are very heavy and voluminous. Advancements in WBG semiconductors and magnetic materials have enabled high frequency transformers that may be smaller and lighter. More research needs to be done with magnetic materials to increase the power density of a PEBB Least Replaceable Unit (LRU). Research is targeted for magnetic materials that can handle frequencies more than 100 kHz and simultaneously handle power greater than 1MW. It is planned that investments will be made in basic science and later in applied science to investigate magnetic materials that possess high-frequency and high-power requirements but are also thermally manageable. This research will be applied to PEBB 6000, which are explained further in Appendix G. technologies and integration with total ship design synthesis models is required. S&T must invest in the development of numerical and analytic methods to enable a robust modeling capability that can support the rapid modeling at the component, system, and platform level. 36 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap resistance and thermal conductivity than alternatives. Ongoing efforts SECTION 3 (CONTINUED) ADVANCED INSULATION As emerging machinery (motors, generators, motor drives, and converters) requirements push high voltage and current gradients aspire to understand terminations and junctions involving crimping of carbon-based electrical conductors. HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTING (HTS) COMPONENTS Ongoing high temperature superconductors research is directed (i.e., dv/dt and di/dt), advanced insulation technologies are at applications to support power delivery, pulsed current delivery, required to assure high reliability leading to high availability. There alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) magnetic fields, and are existing efforts in basic research to develop new insulation magnetic energy storage. technology, such as nanoclay insulation, that possess superior Superconducting materials exhibit lossless DC current transport mechanical, thermal, electrical, and material properties over legacy properties that have potential to enable a wide range of high power mica based insulation systems. These insulation systems are not only density applications including motors, generators, and power cables. applicable to rotating machinery, but can be applied to cable systems Progress towards room temperature superconductivity is being handling up to 20 kV and a few thousand amps. Mathematical pursued through advances in material science to further reduce models are currently being developed, validated by empirical data, size, weight, and cost of conductors used in electrical equipment. that can predict when insulation systems will fail. Characteristics of superconductors also permit unique capabilities ADVANCED DIELECTRIC MATERIALS Advanced Dielectric Materials and Film research and unprecedented efficiency in producing and trapping magnetic fields, storing magnetic energy, and integrating inherent fault current limiting capability in conductors and cable topologies. o Dielectric Materials for Capacitive Energy Storage ADVANCED CONDUCTORS Researchers continue to develop a more complete understanding of the material science associated with carbon-based electrical conductivity. The electrical conductivity of individual carbon nanotubes (CNT), for example, exceeds the performance of copper. When these nanotubes are combined into a matrix to form carbonbased wire, many factors cause the electrical conductivity of the wire to drop significantly. CNT and graphene-based materials are being investigated as dopants in hybrid structures with other materials such as copper. The long-term goal is achieving room temperature electrical conductivity at least as high as copper. An interim goal is to achieve higher electrical conductivity than copper at temperatures typically observed in rotating machinery (~150°C). Another interim goal is achieving higher electrical conductivity-to-mass ratios than copper, aluminum, etc. Ultimately, carbon-based electrical conductors have significant potential for reducing weight in Navy components and systems, increasing fatigue strength, affordability, and possibly efficiency. Other important characteristics where carbon-based electrical conductors show promise include potentially better corrosion 37 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap U.S. Navy photo 38 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap SECTION 3 (CONTINUED) While superconductors have unique and beneficial characteristics for a new capability, performance is limited by the requisite cryogenic environment and are further reduced by the presence of magnetic field. Progress in the basic and applied research topic areas below is being pursued to enhance the efficiency for sustained warfighter operations and platform level energy storage and efficiency for propulsion and advanced mission systems: Superconducting Materials Superconducting Tape Processing and Modification Superconductors for Novel Applications Superconducting State Protection U.S. Navy photo THERMAL MANAGEMENT As the demand and complexity of high energy loads, including NPES, increases, so does the demand and complexity of thermal management solutions required to address those thermal loads. This section provides background on current and future thermal management approaches for US Navy platforms and discusses the advancements required to meet the emerging increase and complexity in cooling demands and associated system risks that must be mitigated for successful technology transition and implementation. Shipboard thermal management systems are responsible for maintaining living spaces, equipment, and systems at specific operational temperatures and ventilation rates, regardless of the external environment and thermal loads imposed from operation. Assessing and optimizing the effectiveness of a thermal management system requires the analysis of thermal energy acquisition, thermal energy transport, and thermal energy rejection, storage, and conversion. The design of the thermal management system aims to transfer the thermal energy loads at the sources to the sinks in the most efficient manner. Additional information on thermal management can be found in Appendix D, Appendix G, and Appendix H. 39 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap Figure 7: Technical Documentation Relationships DESIGN PRACTICES AND CRITERIA SHIP SPECIFICATIONS (SHIP UNIQUE) NAVAL SURFACE COMBATANTS SPECIFICATIONS (NAVAL SURFACE SHIPS IN GENERAL) COMMERCIAL SPECIFICATIONS (COMMON EQUIPMENT) MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS (NAVAL EQUIPMENT) COMMERCIAL STANDARDS (COMMON PRACTICES) MILITARY STANDARDS (MILITARY ENVIRONMENT) Specifications and Standards Specifications and standards are viewed as one of the primary transition products resulting from technology development. These Specifications, standards, handbooks, design practices, and documents are the primary enablers for ship and system designers criteria manuals are essential to institutionalizing new technologies, to incorporate and procure products and provide them to the fleet. architectures, and interfaces. These documents are all related but Through maturation efforts, a specification or standard evolves have different functions in the design, development, and procurement from a generalized specification or standard (either commercial of NPES. or military) to a formal specification, standard, or Project Peculiar Document (PPD) developed for incorporation into the ship Figure 7 shows the relationships of the various technical documents. At the lowest level are commercial and military specification. Specifications and standards also enable industry to produce product lines in anticipation of Navy needs. standards that provide rules, test requirements, best practices, and interface requirements. These standards are usually invoked The following identifies the Specifications and Standards that through commercial and military specifications which collect all need to be addressed immediately to support advanced power the requirements from the commercial and military standards, in system development. Many of those identified are independent of addition to equipment requirements, into a document that can, architecture implemented. along with owner preferences, be directly employed to procure power system components or equipment. These specifications can INDEPENDENT OF ARCHITECTURE CHOICE either be performance specifications describing the equipment in terms of the performance, interfaces, and testing requirements or MIL-STD-1399 LVDC: Develop a low voltage DC detail specifications for the precise equipment design along with interface standard to enable user equipment and manufacturing methods and acceptance test procedures. While the power system components to independently develop specifications are used to describe the requirements for procuring equipment that can then be affordably integrated. equipment, the processes for design and design verification are This may be applicable to one or more interface described in military handbooks, design practices, and criteria voltages. manuals. 40 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap cabinets used in AC systems.) In addition to the enclosure requirements, either directly specify or reference other new specifications for: SECTION 3 (CONTINUED) o MVDC circuit breaker specification o MVDC disconnect specification o MVDC fault management relays (to include In-Zone DPCM: Develop an In-zone Design Practices MFM if necessary) and Criteria Manual for the in-zone design of an o MVDC grounding circuit specification (if required) electrical power system. Intelligent Load Interface Spec (will be referenced by Energy Magazine and MIL-PRF-32272): Develop a control interface specification that includes all layers of the OSI model for negotiating power system - load power interactions. The interface should be extensible. Includes negotiating maximum power and ramp rates as well as soft load shedding. Develop key logical integration specifications, such SUMMARY as logical interfaces describing data, data pathways, and system behavior between ship combat systems and the machinery control systems. As these can be “standardized” across combat and machinery control systems and across ship class and platform type, this will enable modularity and common This section provided an overview and identified required initiatives for Systems Integration, P&E technologies, Science and Technology, and Specifications and Standards. Key takeaways from this section include: component design in the software and hardware For any changes to the mission systems, power across platform types. systems, auxiliaries or controls, systems integration is essential to ensure operability regardless of MVDC-SPECIFIC SPECIFICATIONS technical architecture choices. MIL-STD-1399 MVDC: Develop an interface standard Tactical Energy Management is critical to enabling for 6, 12, and 18 kV to enable user equipment and full utilization of the capabilities possible from power system components to independently develop technologies under development. equipment that can then be affordably integrated. Technology developments are underway that MVDC supplement for DPC: Develop a Design can address projected Navy needs provided they are Practices and Criteria Manual supplement to guide integrated into a system. the development and integration of MVDC systems. Capture lessons learned from ongoing projects and A systems engineering process must capture the from industry. knowledge gained from the activities in this section and inform the community at large through MVDC Switchgear: Develop a generalized MVDC specifications, standards, and other documentation. switchgear specification that enables innovative switchgear solutions (other than normal equipment 41 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap THE PACE OF CHANGE ALSO DEMANDS THAT WE DESIGN SHIPS WITH MODERNIZATION IN MIND. THE ‘CORE’ OF THOSE FUTURE SHIPS THE HULL, AND THE PROPULSION AND POWER PLANTS WILL LIKELY BE BUILT TO LAST FOR DECADES. TO LEAVE ROOM FOR FUTURE MODERNIZATION, WE SHOULD BUY AS MUCH POWER CAPACITY AS WE CAN AFFORD. Chief of Naval Operations, “Future Navy” (May 2017) SECTION 4 DELIVERING CAPABILITY THROUGH POWER & ENERGY MODERNIZATION The Navy must adopt a new P&E system upgrade model with resilient as ship systems become emphasis on delivering flexible combat power throughout the increasingly integrated. P&E sys- expected service life of each ship. This document proposes an tem upgrades should be accomplished using approach to updating warfighting capability through continu- existing program approaches utilizing engineering ous development and periodic upgrades to the P&E system and change proposals. associated controls throughout the lifecycle of the platform. This The CPES OIPT is beginning to address this new P&E approach will be executed with the CPES OIPT to enable coordi- system upgrade model by developing the processes, tools, and nated development with mission system developers in PEO IWS, resources essential to successfully deliver flexible combat power shipboard integration into future and existing platforms with throughout the expected service life of each ship. Continuing SEA 05 and NAVSEA ship program offices, and collaboration down a funded path of earlier, tighter integration and interop- with other stakeholders such as NSWCPD. erability solutions will avoid the need for further DON power This TDR recommends that NPES are continually developed integration governance constructs. and periodically upgraded based on other successful programs that provide rapid capability and technology insertion, such as the AEGIS model of advanced capability builds (ACB). The ACB approach allows software advances which provide additional capability to the existing hardware in manageable increments and hardware upgrades as necessary. This allows for affordable upgrades that allow the Navy’s combat system to keep pace with an ever-changing threat environment and avoid early obsolescence. This continual development, periodic upgrade approach is essential if the Navy is to remain cyber secure and 42 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap Previous versions of the NPES TDR have provided technology SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) CONCLUSION This document’s primary intent is to: development, system integration and specification, and standard updates without explicitly linking how P&E enables the warfighter. As presented in Sections 1 and 2, P&E is the foundation for future warfighting capabilities and will require a level of investment that paces evolving threats from near-peer and asymmetric adversaries. As presented in Sections 3 and 4, this Guide investments in science, technology, guiding document provides an approach that enables P&E systems research and development for P&E in the Navy and and their associated controls to be continually upgraded during other DoD and government organizations a platform’s lifecycle into 2047. Capable and well-designed integrated P&E systems are critical for the Navy to get to the fight Promote communication and collaboration among faster, avoid direct strike, stay in the fight, fight hurt, recover, and the many stakeholders in the P&E community fight again to maintain the global dominance of the U.S. Navy. Deliver industry and academia a path forward for NPES development New approaches and innovative technologies are required to shape integrated P&E systems for the distributed force to pace the threat and support warfighter needs. By building in adaptability to P&E systems from inception, the Navy can adapt to change quickly and incorporate government and industry innovations. In addition to direct development efforts, the Navy intends to closely monitor and continue to leverage ongoing developments in the commercial sector, including but not limited to: Continued use of integrated power systems to reduce the costs of building and operating commercial ships Development of smaller, more capable, and more affordable power conversion equipment Integration approaches of renewable power sources into commercial micro-grids Development of advanced materials The trend towards more DC power in renewables, offshore energy and commercial marine applications Developments in compact rotating machines 43 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap A system of systems framework of requirements that defines a warfare system construct and can implement rapid force wide capability insertion. This will enable the agility to scale combat power over time in such a way as to provide dominant capability dictated by threat and mission. U.S. Navy photo 44 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. NPES Technology Development Roadmap