Mac Warner Of?ce of the Secretary of State Secretary of State Telephone: (304) 558-6000 State Capitol Toll Free: Charleston, West Virginia 25305 State ?f we? Virginia Fax: (304) 558-0900 June 26, 2019 Chairman Melody Potter West Virginia Republican State Executive Committee P. O. Box 2711 Charleston, WV 25330 Via U.S. Mail and email to n_1mtterwvgop_rg RE: Wood County Republican Executive Committee Updated Roster Dear Chairman Potter, Thank you for your response to my inquiry regarding the updated Wood County Republican Executive Committee roster that you submitted. After further researching the relevant statutory and common laws, it appears clear that this Of?ce is without jurisdiction to consider the procedural propriety of an updated roster submitted by you under your asserted authority as Chairman of the Republican State Executive Cormnittee. Speci?cally, in addition to the general provisions of W. Va. Code several court cases have opined that political parties possess broad authority over party regulation matters. Here, this Of?ce has determined that this is one such matter that is beyond our regulatory purview. Therefore, based on the stated reliance in your response regarding the broad powers granted to you by your party?s bylaws, the updated Wood County Republican Executive Committee roster you submitted will be published publicly online. Sincerely, onald lVl. Kefsey, General Counsel The Of?ce of the WV Secretary of State State Capitol, Bldg. 1, Ste. 157-K Charleston, WV 25304 (304) 368-6344 (direct) (304) 558-6000 (main)