17 AMERIC'.\X H.DIO.\ • AMERICAN SAMOA' toms, or because of his having so exercised the same, he shall be SO g. than $500. or imprisoned not less than two years or more thrt J' m or both. 5. Any person who shall be guilty of any disobedience or re< any attempt to weaken the authority of, or prevent the execution of any lawful order of. the governor, the secretary of native affairs, district governor, district judge, county chief, village chief, magistrate, or any other lawful official of the government of American Samoa, or who shall interfere with any of said officials in the proper discharge of their duties, shall be fined not more than .$300, or imprisoned not less than one year, or more than four years, or both. (Regulation No. 2-1921, enacted January 4. 1i>21. by W. Evans, captain United States Navy, governor.) toms, or bet·ause of his having so exetci:o:ed the same. lw shall be than $500. or imtlrisoned not less than two yeurs or more tha or both. 5. Any person who shall be guilty of nny dil"obedienee or re! any attempt to weaken the uuthority of, or prevent the execution of any lawful order of, the gon•I·nor, the se<·retary of natiw affairs. dil;triet governor, dh~trict judge, county chief, village chief. mugistratf', or any other luwful offieial of the government of American Hamon, or who l"hnll interfPI'e with any of said officials in the 11r01Jer uil"<'harge of their duties, shall be fined not m1•re than $300, or imtwisoned not le~;s than one year, or morl' than four years. or both. (Regulation No. 2-1921, enaetetl Januury -t, 1fl21. hy W. Evanl". t·nptnin United States Navy, governor.) MALAGAS MALAG.\..8 6. In view of the fact that so much lime has been wasted since the beginning of this year in cricket games, between villages, (some of which were played without authority), no permission will be granted for malagas until further orders. 7. No malaga will be made, at any time, for any purposes without the ap- proval of the governor. 8. Any disobedience of this order will be considered a violation of section 10, Offenses Against the Government and the Civil Hights of Citizens, para- graph 5, Codification of the Regulations and Orders for the Government of American Samoa, 1921, and dealt with accordingly. (Order issued March 8. 1927, by H. F. Bryan, governor.) Section 11.. ADMINISTRATION 1. No person shall enter upon the administration of any decedent's estate until he has first obtained letters therefor from the judge of the probate 6. In view of the fact that so nnwh time has been wastt>1l sin<"e the lw~inuiug of this year in <•ric-ket ganu·s. hetween vilhi~Ps, (some of whieh were played without authority). no rermlssion will he ~runted for malngas until further orderfl. 7. No malnga will he ma(le, at any time, for any ltUI'Poses without the nP· proval of the governor. 8, Any llisobedience of this order will he conl'idered ·a violation of section 10, Offenses Against the Government and the Civil Rights of Citizens, pamgraph 5, Codification of the Regulations and Orders for the Go,·ernment of Ameriean Samoa, 1921, aD, or any fee for cashing a copra receipt, or who shall not allow the full authorized value thereof in credit or In goods to the indorser, shall, upon conviction, be liable, for tile first offense, to pay a fine of not less than the whole value of the copra receipt so cashed, credited for debt or received In exchange for goods, and not to exceed the sum of $50, and for any subsequent offense to pay a fine of not less than $10; or in case the receipt shall call for a greater face value than $10, then not le8s than the whole value of the receipt so cashed, credited for debt or received In exchange for goods, and not to exceed the sum of $100. (Regulation Nc;>. 10-1906, enacted November 21, 1906, by C. B. T. Moore, commander, United States Navy, gov~?rnor. Amended April 11, 1911, by 1. M. Poyer, commander, United States Navy, governor.) Poyer, commander, United States Navy, governor.) Section 21. CRICKET AND OTHER GAMES Section 21. CBICKET AND OTHEB GAllES 1. The game of cricket and other games, when played between persons of one village against persons of another village, or between the people of one country against any other country, are prohibited, unless the written permission of the governor be first obtained enabling such game to be played. Any person play- ing in any such match without first obtaining the consent of the governor shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding $15, or serve a term of imprison- ment with or without hard labor, in the discretion of the court, for a period not exceeding 60 days. 2. Cricket matches and other games played amongst the people of any one village are not prohibited under this regulation, providing such games do not interrupt or interfere with the ordinary labor of the people of the village or any general work for the government or village. If, in the opinion of the village chief, or any other official of the government, a game, when played amongst the people of a village, interferes with the ordinary duties of the peo- ple, or the general work for the government or village, such official shall make complaint before the court against any person joining in such game who has not Generated on 2014-05-20 06:41 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc1.b4176058 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google performed said duties, and each person so charged shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding $1. Upon the hearing of any complaint, the burden of proof shall be on the accused to show that he has performed said duties. (Regulation No. 1-1907, enacted January 7, 1907, by C. B. T. Moore, com- mander, United States Navy, governor. Amended by regulation No. 10-1914, enacted April 4, 1914, by C. D. Stearns, commander, United States Navy, governor.) Section 22. ABORTION If any person shall wilfully administer to any woman, either pregnant or quick with child, or prescribe for any such woman, or advise or procure any such woman to take any medicine, or substance whatever, or shall use any instrument or other means with intent thereby to destroy such child, unless the same shall have been necessary to preserve the life of such woman, he shall be imprisoned not less than two years, or more than five years. 1. The game of cricket and other games, when played between persons of one village against persons of another vlllage, or between the prople of one country against any other country, are prohibited, unless the written permission of the governor be ':first obtained enabling such game to be played. Any person play. ing in any such match without first obtaining the consent of the governor shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding $Ui, or serve a term of Imprison· ment with or without hard labor, In the discretion of the court, for a period not exceeding 60 days. 2. Cricket matches and other games played amongst the people of any one village are not prohibited under this regulation, providing such games do not interrupt or interfere with the ordinary labor of the people of the village or any general work for the governmf?nt or village. If, in the opinion of the vUlage chief, or any other official of the government, a game, when played amongst the people of a village, Interferes with the ordinary duties of the peo· pie, or the general work for the government or village, such official shall make complaint before the court agaln~t any person joining in such game who has not performed said duties, and each person so charged shall, upon conviction, pay a :fine of not exceeding $1. Upon the hearing of any complaint, the burden of proof shall be on the accused to show that he has performed said duties. (Regulation No. 1-1007, enacted January 1, 1001, by C. B. T. Moore, com· mander, United States Navy, governor. Amended by regulation No. 1~1914, enacted April 4, 1914, by C. D. Stearns, commander, United States Navy, governor.) Section 22. ABOBTION It any person shall wilfully administer to any woman, either pregnant or quick with child, or prescribe for any such woman, or advise or procure any such woman to take any medicine, or substance whatever, or shall use any instrument or other means with intent thereby to destroy such child, unless the same shall have been necessary to preRerve the life of such woman, he shall be Imprisoned not less than two years, or mm·e than five years. b Original from UNIVERSITY OF CALl FORNI