#THENEWDACHA WE APPRECIATE HAVING YOU IN OUR FAMILY! The New Dacha Influencer Launch Campaign JULY 1, 2019 5:00 PM EDT POST INSTAGRAM STATIC POST We plan to relaunch our new brand aesthetic at 5 pm EDT on Monday, July 1, 2019. We'd like our #DachaFam to share in our relaunch! MY AUDIENCE WILL LOVE YOU CUZ Being a port offiTheNewDocha is unfque re/aflonshr'p befween DC creafors of'mu/flp/e d/scip/ines, mdusmes perspectives. We are excifed for you 1'0 join our fnf/uencer program, wifh #TheNewDacha campaign. We're a/so we/com/ng your ideas for further col/oboraf/'ons your channelsl [97' us know whaf ideas you have for a sponsored post sfory, evenf, or parinership! INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING7 PLEASE WRITE TUGBERK TO LEARN ABOUT EIUR RREIGRAM