Pagalofl iq'r-- aqxgz 749 703 Duddyifim (VIISF) I "[21 From Eaild. Jefl sm: Wednesday, January oar 2007 10:59 AM To: Duddy. Kim (wsp) Subject: RE: A Lang Overdue Quesflon Kim. .Iamse Konel has taken over Ihat case; I iorwardeo your inquiry In him. Thanks Jefl and Happy New Yearl From: Kim_Dud_ Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 To: Baird, Jeff Subject: A Long Oveldue Quesu'on Jo". lam oneeking on caee that we meet about aver a year plus plus ago where you were Inleresled In a om scene mat Kay 3' did not provide Io see where ll is, Sines I navan'l heard from you or me delectivo, I am thinking that iI is really cold analn er hai been adjudicaled wilhout further work. llruly do apologize lor not having be able lo gel to Inis request yer (embarrassingly lusl sen-l seem Io dig myself Dul lrom so many requess) and am wanting Io know II the work needs Io be done I sxpeol that iI does. The vlctims were Stacy Falwn-Daway am: Jacob Dewey. It Is a Renlon their sass numoer 94-11 "9 and our ass number 194-5932. At your convenience. please lei me lmow where things siend and wnal your needs am my be. Thanks far your underslenoing. Labels/I . (M. F/IemKnei'rrfimgM'j mafia/'10 Wm WW 1/4/2007