59 am. 2% mgagg?? SE . 39.6 23.3 09C Vivv?bsi i .23: ??153. ?333..1413. 35% .923 .0 1.0.3333 nut? .29.. u??aum gush? g. 3.6m 3 mg; 33.3?? . ?93 .315 .3. spun ?n 39a?: n3? ?n 2:0: .36 a? 9341.13. . .363 23. um? hm 3. 1.5an .2. ..va 15.5 .wao?xhu ?human. ?Au 3 uutun mervn 5.03m 5 as?. ?a?u??mv 3b.? 33 2. .5 v.0. 51.04. 5 .3 Li M4 ?8 that WA what .0 nun.? mAvnrm when!? .. "3.910 any ho. ,quuqu?pui?m Mud .93 .wywh?n 4.3 mung?? ..?wux 33.1.: ?wd v.43.? Ewan uhxco. ?my: 33m . . 1.11333? 3 356: . . . . nu a?qud?r??mwunaz nu . . . . . ?53: 9.: Go up. an.? agrai?nhgm?a .. 1. 3n? on? .1212 .3: 19.4.3441owl?. an; E. . . . ?Emmw?rsusmm? . .NO .. Imus (p . A. . . . an?: . . $281.4. 8? .u ..Easz?m. .. . Wan J. 14-00000 I u'h- . a . ail? - . . obvious difficulty vauld~appoir to be Ehlt the ainaiius could be counEcd Erica; Ind as people were re- porting on the uis?iloa, cach could have reported 3155110 of a different size, Lnochn agreed this v13 .3 probioa but stated Ehay had asked their. aourcoa to cat1- mute the length of tho missiles they roporEcd, and that ttsse estinatan Vtry between 30 and 40 foot. Rocha be? 119193 their sources are rop?rtin? valid intoraatioE as they are the am smug who reported that he considers 15.545: accurate information on 31331193 iuz aoatha arui than quoted iron the 12 Octohar 1962 issue of "Tho Cuban Report? a newsletter publiane? by the B33. "During the of Juno, July and AuzuaE, Eons . th?n eighty aeven Bov1at ah1pa docks; at Cuban ports carrying nan and war air rockets, and g?idad with a range of are? 11900 miles. Rocha added that as the information was correct in Eta past."? he believed the internation I18 correct at the present tins. Rocha explained that Eka reports ware honeaE, were not in- rrlaiad, 'nnd are not hains used for propagnnda purposaa. 3. inqrder E0 Eats advantage of Rocha' a preaenca in Washington, Er Reins suggested that Rocha take the rest 3511;" 14700000 or the morning with two specialists and pinpoint on a cap the undergro??d 3138110 sites which they have bead ?Rochn answered he would be 31:5 to do this, but th?t?he.wa? I not tha best man for the Job as it win ?nsvi Lo?ado, who 15 ?prcwa?tly 1n 311:1, who had p:?yaoualy worked on than: ?05{ port: :35 pinpointed the locations with Agency cohtactu in 31131. a 4. Ex. Hains'then nsda arrangements to: Celene; Albert D;viea tad Kr. Willina Tldwell to upot?and discuss the 3333: with Hr. Rocks and L393. During this meeting in Hr. Eolns' canferanca roan, Rocha plotted the iocntiona on a. gap of Cub: and gave (3010:1in Davies copiaa of the which he had cazied with bin. Colonel Davina state? he wonl? check tho information and would an; intghor quaatl?un abaut this 1n10ruation to m: it; Ego did-cu?ed with than there. hr. Rocha again apologized for able to provide hora 49:3113 but . #sain gtnted that 8r. Lasanb in Miami was_gmch more familiar yita details a! thas? rvporta.