snow/ml: 9 Hovi 62 . 8mm ammo MID Foosmnn nm?jm 2mmo ammo-m am: A. m: 1171 in 15835 a. u.wx=1172 In 15825 Pox-spams or mum 13 possm?m' 3mm?) m?mrismm nme' nmwmo.? SUCH 1? 81835sz MCESMW-EJBYQIDCALPOLICB. HID comm WOULD LIE TO HAVE A?r HAVE ABOUT 13 TOCOIISIBER- SENIOR OF ABOVE PLAN. HAVE ?Em A REPLY. 0? THE OP SECURITY HAS EORRIED REED POE REPLY OR o?xm ACTION WIGHT, CALLED 6mm ma 0? TWENTY, AND CAME 2?0 SE XX. 1 wow CILRMR THAT THEE-8 I3 H0 FOR ACTIOH xm'?wmm GEORGE ?mama To 3m 373m. 0210333 3m 33 In we so: 733 cams ?mm Momxm or 10 30v. SEYMOUR BOMB use small SEE THE GAMES. CALL all! I): THE Museum; TIE 92031.?! IN SW: 1) exile group mu financing from no but. wants to control their . members and pour pm. 2) mm min on to control and pay tho individual members and mo Joined the issue with the group. 3) cutting off relations with the grow unless they done to heel. Eovmr, um: roars that the group might retaliate by publishing some does which the group hints of. having and which could. embarrass as. b} The pmpoual to onto: the mm holidays? is ouggostod in order to get any incriminating or embarrassing docs. oouataoosttaat COMM: 1) Action is for Seymour no}. ton om! George Leonor in their respective fioldo. 2) Obvious questions do a) taro we wanting enough or sloppy among): go let the group got does onion tort us to any extent? If so, why would may he in t?o group building rathor than in a number of other safe including home of group leaders? a) Can in final 5 solution which will avoid total animosity from grow: members and their mono: among the oxiloa? d) In the probability of finding the docs. if- they exist. strong onoogh to merit; the risk or the proposed breaking Job and possible bod political oonaoguoncoomot only from the oxilea but from U. 3. types . who'd like to second u? o) Gan we make tokon paymnta through the grow to its members to lot the group leaders save fade and still mire our can armngomonzo with such indiviiduol members as an for ops of interost to on! - ., - meow 35cm] limo 10C "nu