000017040032 0: the BER. kg stuted we all 33kg nibtgkes, Ind .2319 one of i?-tppenrod to be a etib in.:ha bank, 1% was no ?txted an. Ls? invited the: to latch at host r?ltiuranf in l11g1._ Burt . stated the pqr?opb'vij #0 interview Rocha After lun?i futuri? ln; his trip :34 stny'ln Cuba. no Illa as?urod ?han that anything said durizs lunch was the fscord". BurE coa- tinned by stating it run Enos: that the receivau aid Eros CIA and there tors certain dictgraenan: he- tween the 023 11d aka Ca: tinuiug kn this vein; he :ticy ti?b'ts he lator printed In 1.0rt the (Boys) didn't t2-:v than to keep their mouths ahnt. 3r; Selma stated that lrswitg aoaathlag or the nalupapa. Easiness, be fully understoe? Lad xc cept ad Lass? a explanazion. 3.. Er. Helms tie: gave Lass a dutch uncle talk ragtrding t?e_?RI?a press ro-easas and TV interviews. Fr. Balsa ex- iberenu ngvt;aver73exd11nss today could doccifi the: ,int a feeling cortgil prestige, ha, Lana, could test ts?irod todgy? a headline: so 193: turn ?t tila" when ottS?uira v?1y?ns. s??i and Inazs'a tern ggbjects - of negotiations 63 ttm??t ocntaru to tha element?-Lni ltho U. 8. Government, irresponsible prams tetanus: 11d liatorviava were an. 6cm: ertt?aioa in 5.5. Octarnacne 14-00000 3:111, d?ccorIdmg tojr. Health, 1: the mu: decidud toI act 12'; r?sponclilo manner, they co?ldI do real good in reporting full on missileaI and .undn.r? ground storage groan, giving tine for the Agency to coaftra the inforustion before-they run of! releasing It to tha irons, I Coverngong e;rclas and gunning the 'Dax-u h-un?h' pt hounded, youth. ,Er. Helms also mentioned that If we could tof.ros?h- an agreement work in 131363 in founr? on} 331131 goal, the: ass no used 1n vorticg at cross Er.- Lann_?u11y aggrecltted and understood the 1rr1t1310n their press raIQAsag azd TV Interviews taro ciusihg tab Gevurnn tent. Br. 1551 atitod hay been led to boileve in 11111 that 316 to all Cuban 03118 Organization was -balng cut back. ?and that oparatioaxl expanses for xavenbar ware net pasaed to the naz.- ?aIaskad 11 this negst the v.3. had decided to Ian- ,'exxnt with Ca?tro. Er. H8123 stgtod no such decl?ioa_hnd hoon made hryma 1.4154 5150' stated thug #13ch zoom in: disengaged-:- vn'lety oz auras-ant subjecta'wgu ?lial contacts, :0 La?n'r haovledg? tha converdations to 11:? Vegas :25 cwarall ta?a? of our raba?io?nnlp which attef his last trip to WashingtoaInei?r have taken pincg, he tortgihly has not been g?fty to any discussion: Er. 33133 . K. .g . 34700000 4 Indicntad'ha'vi?ted to diocnsu-snd sattlo this uhbje?t itch the following dxy. A meeting was sat by ?0133 for 1030 hours, 13 lovenber?l??i witg'lr. locus, ngying it up to Rocha to-bt-yr?s?nt or not. In d?a reip?ct to Er. ?nch: Ir. Bolas did not fool he ?dkould dictat?tso it. Each: nsoald tring to the nesting.. 5. On a strictly per?andl hqaio, 1: policy 1. docidgd~upcn, 3r. Lana 33354 gr. Eolna?it he could help his Inshingtoa.x ?e et?tad ha had his? ?aictor 3nd fpnr,niocou??p?aup?art a: $13 1a 3&11 Ln'Cubg; and he (Lana) not afford to ba work. Er; Eels? otnted p?oane @nything, but woula ukntaver poanth?a.? 6. liter the seating 11:! Hr. 3:123, nr}1ngeaants waro and: far'ras?rvitioa? ?t the Buyout rl?sn. Back?at tho hotgl L433 again called 3:121 ti?? jna able to with iqcii. L551 asked 30:31 ?0 can; to Vaahingtoa ?itb full power 333 a?tharity to gain decision: for tno'nax ts tha convarsstionn .ths relieving dz} with Easa?u friaa? (R f"Eel=s) ionld Gould? :tha ?ufure_oflt$a nag. L553 angrustad Roch: :dviga "La Ya?a? Sagridn",v"31 Gor?p" (Salvat) acct: ran exsrc1aing his pc?ers as'Secrhtarj Ge:ara1.of the mag than 5: c125 ts taskingtoa. inter exyisin?? they always consulted with each other.1? at ill?poaat?le ?0f?re tha'Ba?ratary De?afnl 34700000 exorclaod 11$ oxocurlvo pow?r; loch: alatod he?cul? tnko the plans from H1131 at 2309 hours, 12 Nowonher 1963. 1. Bunnar131Inx the aoaIvoraatioInI that lolldvod at the hot?1,u?aha ndn1tted he '18 9633131311: about future 0.8. -pol1cy tIovnrd Cuha. Ea (alt the intent U. a. act1on End ,suoh favorable reapopua both done-t1ca11y and that ho doubted the IeInnedy would Irluk turutuhlnx this v1ctor: with Ln of Cuba 1 ra1?arntca. int air. 391m: and Ima earlier nut 11: was Layout?. to say as so bang rouchad. nma 473mm T?f my I I ha ?tr-?14 at - [$5dLEl .7 a 14-00000 . I 12 Ecvenbeg'm?z $5}!ka NR TEE WED {54? 5353?: it. Belu' Comrution with Jane but? tbs, IFS -- .. - . Hr. Helm Mr' Jonah?, Motor 843cm: m? m: max: 1590 . 1630 how: ?Am. ?elm? .omm 1. m. vatlntemstad in any deum'm 9:014? I the odd. #951123 nfer?ed to by Luis Fem-train Rocha an 1115 12 Mr View Tart martin. Lass van wane to mum hum and smith-fl the ?gs-e c! 80 vs; mfwlur to bin. Rt. Hem? NW. to 6th in Dimetbr's of?ce. During Hr. Balm' wagging; totem: Kim: attemtingto Rocha L: oral: to ch'm-his previous u'lepbone message for Rocha to ram to Vamngton night (if .12 Murmur. Lana as math to may: am: mm: as me gamut had away dragged rar- ail-part to meet Rev-:13. . .I . . 2. At'app-rmrimlteu 530$. Eelm'retuma mm Erin-22693 of?ce. In ?rmna the Kr. LAM was Handing: tg?iac'u?me Qua-d; um All. am of the sum zen-um. Beta. . relating the alum Lass explain: be v35 asking no excuses the shaman: was the port . . .