This draft has not been adopted or endorsed by the European Commission. Any views expressed are the preliminary views of the Commission services and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the Commission. The information transmitted is intended only for the Member State or entity to which it is addressed for discussions and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. EN EN Nam Sup EFSA swam Ducumzm m. m: mm Mm." mm". mm m. a" W. Mum Emu" and mm mi Dn271m mu, m: ma Sm, Amm, mm. mm Documm mum Ammem at nm hmeclmn mam: an um um min/m Bambur and mum km>> and an a July mu "mm/w. mu Guidance mm "In documzm ,mm Nkmher Sums mm .wlmm wuhguldnuce mmum u: "ski in ham) bees humble In; and winery bags flam expniule "smug; n. December zou, . mgmmi may": flam MS mmludgd 01: an (undue: Dncumemcmm um be used My ma [mm all m: mum <>: Implemmznan nflh: an mm." mm" Afizr funhgr wuh me swung an mm; mum; mad and rm and a halmmugcd and effluent Implemmznan. mlfiu a: gamma EI-SA Gunilla: Documm an Ihe mm afl'hm hmeclmn mm on Bees ulnfim Embux and mhuxy mm mm Implemuned .5 [allaws chapun nl'lhc ETSA mm Dmumem mm!" of applununns m: :Ippmvil remval of acme sums and {010: assemm of applummns farm a (elkwal nfplam mam; fa! mm. a dofilel .5 suhmumd Mr :0 1m 2m 2) mum" arm hand applummns a: :Ippmvil mrwal of mm sums and {010: assemm of far :In n! a (elkwal afmhanumn nfplam mam; fa! mm. 3 am." .5 mum In": Izhle Pm has mum Imam mm mu mu Implemumlmn am an (undue: Bowman 'tumpzan ma 5m, zon tk-SA Guidance mm" on uxmm plmcamn mam; an up" min/m um." 5p.) gammy m" H-my, crumu ms ww Huntley mm; auma.' (panama-m Part A Parts of the EFSA guidance document to be used for applications submitted after 31 December 2019 HONEYBEES Screening step spray applications Trigger value Acute contact adults HQ > 42 (downwards spray); OECD Test Guideline 214 Chapter 3.2.1 HQ > 85 (upwards/sideways) Table 2 Acute oral adults ETR > 0.2 OECD Test Guideline 213 Chapter 3.2.2 Table 3 Exposure from surface water ETRacute adults > 0.2; Use highest PECsw from Chapter 3.5.2 FOCUS step 1 or RAC for aquatic organisms. Exposure from puddle water ETRacute adults > 0.2; Use run-off PEC values from FOCUS Guideline/test protocol Exposure to plant metabolites Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 Chapter 3.5.3 Chapter 3.6 Screening step solid Trigger value formulations Guideline/test protocol Acute contact adults HQ >14 OECD Test Guideline 214 Chapter 3.3.1 fdep from Table H1b Acute oral adults ETR > 0.2 OECD Test Guideline 213 Chapter 3.3.2 Table 7 3 Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 Deleted: 30 Deleted: June Exposure from surface water ETRacute adults > 0.2; Use highest PECsw from FOCUS step 1 or RAC for aquatic organisms. Exposure from puddle water ETRacute adults > 0.2; Use run-off PEC values Chapter 3.5.3 from FOCUS Exposure to plant metabolites Chapter 3.5.2 Chapter 3.6 Refined risk assessment for exposure via nectar and pollen following spray applications Trigger value Guideline/test protocol Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 Refined exposure estimates ETRacute > 0.2 OECD Test Guideline 213 Chapter 3.2.2 Ef-values from tables X1a and X2a as appropriate for the relevant scenario ETRacute; for all relevant scenarios SV-values from Tables Jx and Jy as appropriate for the relevant scenario Consider risk mitigation measures Chapter 9 Appendix S Consider further refinement of exposure estimate 4 Semi-field and field effects studies Based on EPPO 2010 and Chapter 6.1.2 OECD 2007 with further and Appendix details as provided in O Appendix O Refined risk assessment for contact exposure following spray application Trigger value Refined exposure estimate HQ > 42 (downwards spray); OECD Test Guideline 214 fdep values from Table HQ > 85 (upwards/sideways) H1a and further guidance in Appendix H Guideline/test protocol Consider risk mitigation measures Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 Chapter 9 Appendix S Consider further refinement of exposure estimate Semi-field and field effects studies EPPO 2010 and OECD Chapter 6.1.2 2007 with further details and Appendix as provided in Appendix O O especially regarding the use of statistics and the number of colonies and fields needed. Refined risk assessment for exposure via nectar and pollen following seed treatment or granule application applications Trigger value Guideline/test protocol Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 Refined exposure estimates ETRacute > 0.2 OECD Test Guideline 213 Chapter 3.3.2 SV-values from Tables Jxx and Jyy as 5 ETRacute; for all relevant scenarios appropriate for the relevant scenario Ef values from Table X1c Consider risk mitigation measures Chapter 9 Appendix S Consider further refinement of exposure estimate Semi-field and field effects studies EPPO 2010 and OECD Chapter 6.1.2 2007 with further details and Appendix as provided in Appendix O O especially regarding the use of statistics and the number of colonies and fields needed. Refined risk assessment for contact exposure following seed treatment or granule application Trigger value Guideline/test protocol Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 Refined exposure estimate HQ >14 OECD Test Guideline 214 Chapter 3.3.2 Ef-values from Table X1b SV-values from Table Jxx Consider risk mitigation measures Chapter 9 Appendix S Consider further refinement of exposure estimate 6 Semi-field and field effects studies EPPO 2010 and OECD Chapter 6.1.2 2007 with further details and Appendix as provided in Appendix O O especially regarding the use of statistics and the number of colonies and fields needed. 7 Part B Parts of the EFSA guidance document to be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees . Deleted: to be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees HONEYBEES Chronic adults Larvae Exposure from surface water (chronic risk) Guideline/test protocol Implementation date Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 OECD Test Guideline 245 To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees . Chapter 3.2.2 Table 3 OECD Guidance Document 239 To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees. Use highest PECsw from To be used for FOCUS step 1 or RAC for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a aquatic organisms. further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees. Chapter 3.3.2 Table 7 Chapter 3.5.2 Chapter 3.5.3 Ef-values from tables X1a and X2a as appropriate for the relevant scenario SV-values from Tables Jx and Jy as appropriate for the relevant scenario Ef values from Table X1c Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Formatted: Highlight Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees 8 Guideline/test protocol Exposure from puddle water (chronic risk) Accumulative risk assessment Implementation date Use run-off PEC values from To be used for applications submitted at FOCUS a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees. Research still ongoing No protocols yet available Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 Chapter 9 Appendix S Formatted: Highlight Chapter 6.1.2 and Appendix O To be used for Chapter 8 applications submitted 1 year after availability of internationally agreed protocols Repeated exposure No protocols yet available laboratory test on larval development beyond pupation of honeybees To be used for applications submitted 1 year after availability of internationally agreed protocols Screening step for No protocols yet available assessment of exposure to residues in honeydew To be used for Chapter 3 applications submitted 1 and Chapter year after availability of 9 internationally agreed protocols Exposure from guttation fluid To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees. More information is needed on which crops and under what circumstances guttation droplets are produced and to what extent guttation droplets are used as a water source Extrapolation rules [to be verified if necessary to To be used for for residue trials maintain this line ] applications submitted at a date to be specified in a Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Chapter 3.5.1 Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees 9 Guideline/test protocol (minor crops, northsouth, etc.) Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 Implementation date further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees. Sublethal effects, More information is needed HPG and other methods to address No protocols yet available physiological effects, and effects on homing flight To be used for Appendix W applications submitted 1 year after availability of internationally agreed protocols Risk from exposure No protocols yet available to residues in succeeding crops To be used for applications submitted 1 year after availability of internationally agreed protocols Development of No protocols yet available landscape-level exposure assessment criteria/methods To be used for Chapter 5.1.5 applications submitted 1 year after availability of internationally agreed protocols Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees BUMBLEBEES Screening step spray applications Guideline/test protocol Implementation date Reference to the EFSA Guidance 10 Document of 4 July 2014 Acute adults oral Acute contact adults Screening step solid formulations OECD Test Guideline 247 OECD Test Guideline 246 Guideline/test protocol To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Chapter 3.2.2 Table 3 Appendix P To be used for Chapter applications Table 2 submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Implementation date 3.2.1 Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 11 Acute adults oral Acute contact adults Chronic toxicity OECD Test Guideline 247 To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Chapter 3.3.2. Table 7 To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Chapter 3.3.1 fdep from Table H1b Guideline/test protocol Implementation date Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 No protocols yet available To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Chapter 6.2.1 OECD Test Guideline 246 Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees 12 Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Risk to larvae Higher studies tier No protocols yet available To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Chapter 6.2.1 Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees 13 Study with microcolonies Semi-field and combined field-tolaboratory tests To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Chapter 6.2.2 and Appendix P (with possibility for applicants to modify) To be used for applications submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Chapter 6.2.2 and Appendix P (with possibility for applicants to modify) Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees SOLITARY BEES 14 Guideline/test protocol Implementation date Reference to the EFSA Guidance Document of 4 July 2014 Acute contact A ring test is currently and the test itself is ready to be implemented. However lack of guidance for higher tier testing. To be used for Chapter applications 6.3.1 submitted 1 year after availability of internationally agreed protocols Acute oral A ring-test is currently ongoing but more work is needed regarding feeding of Osmia with a specific amount of food. To be used for Chapter applications 6.3.1 submitted 1 year after availability of internationally agreed protocols Chronic toxicity No protocols yet To be used for Chapter applications available. 6.3.1 submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees 15 No protocols yet To be used for Chapter applications available. submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Document on the risk assessment for bees. Risk to larvae Semi-field field test and To be used for Chapter applications and submitted at a date to be specified in a further Commission Notice on the implementation of a revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees Deleted: To be used for applications submitted after publication of the revised EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment for bees 16 Part C Further actions proposed in order to allow for full implementation of the EFSA Guidance Document. • A review of the Guidance Document based on new scientific information and data. • Reconsideration of background mortality and trigger values. • Validation (cross-check) by using available higher tier data whether the level of conservatism introduced with current trigger values seems appropriate for different toxicity tests and exposure routes. • Detailed definition of protection goals for bumble bees and solitary bees. • Development of the following test: o Chronic oral toxicity test with bumble bees. o Larval toxicity test with bumble bees. o Accumulative toxicity risk assessment for bumble bees. o Field tests with bumble bees. o Chronic oral toxicity test with solitary bees. o Larval toxicity test with solitary bees. o Accumulative toxicity risk assessment for solitary bees. 17