294033350CI804 B I 990 ,.* ì Oápr.tÉnl ot lho l¡lffiC Rflôuc gcñlcc A Return of Organization Ëxempt From lncome o J For ths 2017 B cu r TOGETHSR, busnss oc, @ (\l rNC. (or P NÐrìrÈ P..dk! 1320 N ( 3 ) 8?5- 3 ot 2r 22 9,4 59 1 ól 0nnepål óffiçgf rèlùfn EVÀN STE 220 ÀRLINGTON COURTHOUSD RD vA2 l*l¿Jt .ubdûrrrc Yes No Ye3 No r lbt (3Ðh¡rruiløn¡, Taxåxmpl strhÆ Wêbårlþ K x Form Part I 4 (ô o (( > 7ã Tolal I Ð l0 11 3 14 l5 t lnwstmenl lncomo (Parl Ölher Þverrus (Farl Vlll, , cl¡ I s' -ll r5,264 gc, I] 11 lX, õolumn 1, ,24 4, L97 1.3) 400. lX, cdumn (A), Salsrres, other compensa(Ðnl 17 18 0 Td . 1,4, and 8en¿llls gard lo or for ô 3 4 (A), ltnes 5-10). 216,455 458 ?04. h Totsl E, 4 5 IÍne12 vl[, Grånls ànd slrñllar âmounts l6 ¿ P¡ofess¡snal UJ nêl a5èets ¿ Conlnbulrons snd orânts (Þart Vlll, hne I Progrem seMÊê revenuê (Parl Vlll, lln¿ 29) IJJ lJ- d tl' (Parl un?elaled bugtness r¿venue f.ofn Fart I CD 25"1o 1á) Total nurnbsr ol rndrvrduals employéd lfl coleñdår t/êâr Yotäl flumber of volunleer$ (es(måte tf 5 b U cr{ THE rl lhe ôrgenrzälrofi Number Þl vollng members cf the governrng body Number ol lndependenl vohng members Õf tho ChêGk lhrs box 3 rt o 0 DE THEIR OIIN LTVES 2 (,o É domgla COMMUNÎTY TO SO¡JV€ OUR COUùITRY'S TOUGfIES" tr c M slåle ol BnÊflydsscíbs thë orgänr¿alron's mlÊsron Þrmoâì ôìgnricånl ë o o Oth{ ¡ o o g ö ñl 6td âddtdss slEl STÊ 220 cdnlry, VÀ2 ÂDttÉ¡10^ lo ts COURTHOUSE RD Crly or lsìvn. atðle or I J lnspéôtion ,20 gs and 1320 N v Opcn tô Publlç Nãme ol9rgônrzdlro^ qpu,U .l¡4r I 7 seclton 501(c), 527, or a947la)(lÌ ol thê lnlcrnal Revanue Code (except Þ Do nol ¿nlsr sqctsl sêÇUrlly numbérs on thrs fôrm Êt h mây b4 tnâdê þubtlÇ ) Go lo wwr,r¡.lrs fÖr rhstructlons and thè låt¿6t or lax 201t and Other Toläl expêrtsos lr l 11a.f1d,1ll-24ê) lX, column 13-17 50 Pêrt lX, côlumn (A), l¡ne 25) 916 t- bêqhnrng ôl Current Year (J Ø 5,309,955 20 t1 0,?03 783 11. 2ôJ 1 0 0, 4 2 Part ll Y¿dt L Block declae lhat Und?r penêhêo ailrl Ird exomlned thË lbâ¡ and lhq bê31 qf rdy knosledo8 and bel'el rt rs s,ñrch ê /e ,IREASURÊR add htiâ nänìe P¡td Pfeþdêr U.6e only I 5 t0tB ENGLE for Pape;work tf sÉll.emÞtôyed P00482834 LLP Flm's thê ch€ct >r 2or retuln 1 the 81 HO 22j^ 6300 shown Rsduc¡loh Act Noilce, se€ lhê cepar¡le rnstructlons Fom (201 7) JSA 7El0r0 t 000 v 1?-7.29 120-0082500*0082500 Nr èq5- r STAND îOGETHER/ '21 -3191-1 68 INC 2 Form 990 Part lll Statement of Program Serv¡cs Accomplishments Check:f ScheduleOconlarnsãresponseornoteloanyllnelnlhrsPartlll 1 OUR MISSION I5 TO UI.ILÉASH THË POI,iER OF.COI1MUNITY TO SOLVË HEI,P IMPROVE THÐIR COUNTRY'S TOUGHEST 2 ! ... , ,.... fxl Bnefly descrrbe the organrzatron's mrsslon' OUR OVIN D¡d the organrzâhon uñderlake any stgnrftcant program servces durrng lhe year whrclr were prror Form 99Û or 990-EZ ll'Yes," descnbe these nËw seryrces on Schedule Ò Drd the organzatron cease conducltng, or make sígnrfrcanl chânges tn how lt conducts, any proqrôm ......l*1 servrÇes?. X Y*s v"" No No lf "Yes,' descnbe these thanges ofi Schedule O 4 Descnbe the organzatron's progrâm servroe accompltshmenls for each of rls expen$es Seolrqn 501(cX3) and 501(c)(4) organrzotron$ are requlred lo r€port lhe amounl thÊ loläl expenses. ând revenue, rl any, for each prográm servtc€ râm sëfvces, ãs msasured by ând âllocalroos to olhers, 0 PTNANClAL EXPERTISE 4b (Code ES5 ZATIONS NG ) lncludrng grants (Expenses 4c (Code *------_-)(ExpsnseÊ$ 4d Other program servrces (Descnbe (Exoenses 1j JSA $ Ïplal p!9 "f"?m *e".mc_e zEro2o i ooo 2554HD rn Schedufe O sl $ ) (Revenue $ rnclu{¡¡g granls ol S ) (Revenue $ ) r¡cludrno oranls of $ 12, 801.f expenses .> ) ) (Revenue $ .011 ... : R922 7I/I5/20I9 11:58:03 Àì'l v 11 -1 .2r . _. . 120*0082500-0082500 rom 990 1:otz1 , STAND 21 - 6B Fom 990 Psrt lV 3 Checklist ch€d Re Yês 't 2 3 4 5 ls the organtzalþn descnbed Jn seclron 501(c)(3) or 4547(a)(1) (olher than a pflvate loundatto¡)? if 'yes,. complele Scâedu/e A. . . . ls the organrzalron requtrçd to complete Schedule B, Schedule oÍ Conlnbulo¡s (see rnstruclrons)?, . , D¡d the organrzattot] engage rn drrecl o¡ lndlrect poltttcal campargn åctrvrtles on behalf of or rn opposrtton lo candldstes lor publtc aftne2 lf 'Yes," comploîe Schodule C, Parl I ,,: ,. Sact¡oñ 501(c)(3) orgon¡tåtions. Drd the organrzatron engage rn lobbyrng acttvrtres, or have a sectron 501{h) eleclron rn effect dulng lhe lax yeafi ll "Yes," complele Schedule C, Pad lt . ls the organtratton a sectron 501(cXa), 501(c)(5), or 501(c){6) organtzatþn thal receves membershrp dues, assessments, or slmtlar amouills as deñned rn Revenue Procedure 98-15'1 #'^fes," complele Schedula.C, No 2 3 4 5 X 6 Y 7 I 1t 10 X 11a x 11 à b Dd the organlzation report ân amounl for tnvestmenls-other secuntres ln Parl X, hne 12 lhat rs 5% or more of rts lolâl âssêts reported rn Pârt X, ltne t 6? ff Aes," complele Schedute Ð, parl Vll c Dld lhe organ¿atron reporl an amount for rnvestments:prograrr relaled rn Part X, llne 13 that tS 57o or ffiore of rts total assets reported n PaâX.ltne 187 lf "Yes," comp!øle Sahedule D, Paft Vlll . d Dld the organrzatron repori åfl affount for other assets rû Fsrt X, lrne 15 ihat ts 5% or more of tls totål åssets reporled rn Part X, hne 16? lf "Yes," complela Schedule D, Part lX . € Þrdlheorgantzattonreporl ânãmounlforo(her abrfrlres¡nP3rlX,hne25t tlYes,"completekheduleD,ParlX , Dtd the organtzallon's separaì€ or conso¡rd¿led frnâncral stâtements lor the lax year rnclude a foolnote that addressÊs the ûrganrzät¡on's babrhty fo,r unceßan lax posrltons under FTN 48 (ASC 740)? lf 'yes,' comptete *hedute D, Pail X 12a Drd lhe olganrzatron oblarn seÞâraìe, tndependent audrted lrnanclal slelem€nls lol the lax yËftt" lt 'Yes,^ complele Ttb x 11c X 1fd X 11e X t'tf 'l2a b Was the orgânlzatron lncluded rn constlrdaled, rndependent audrted frnancral stâtemênts for the tax yeafl lf "Yes," and tf the argaruzaion answered "No" lo lne 12a, lhen completng Schedu/e D, Parls Xt and Xlt ts oplrcnal f3 ls the organr:¿tÉn a school descrlbed rn s€Örrón 170(b)(t)(A)(rr)z lf "Yes," complete Scheduti E, , , . 14a Drd the organrzalron malntarn an offrce, employees, or agents outsrde of the UnÊed Stales?. b 15 16 17 ' ,8 19 . 12b Y t3 14e x Dld the organrzatron have aggregate revenues or expens€s of more lhan $10,000 from granlmaktng, fundrarsrng, buslness, LnveslmÈnl, and program servìie aelrv¡tres ouls¡de the Unlled States, or aggregale foretgn tnveslrnents valued at $100,000 or more? ll "Yes," comptëte Sahedule F, Parfs I and tV " Þtd the organrzatton report oÐ Part lX, column (A), lrne 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other asststance to or for any forergo orqanlzaton? Il "Yes," complele Schedula F, Pafls Il and lV Drd thE orgåntzåtron rêporl on Pârt lX, column (A), hne 3, more lhäñ $5,000 of aggregaie granls or olher assrstanÇe lO or for forergn lndlvlduals? lf "Yes," complele Schedule F, Pads lll and lV Þtd the organtzatlon reporl atotal of moÍe than $15,000 of expenses for professronal fundrarsrng serucès on t4b PartlX,cofumn(A),bnes6and11e1 17 ll"Yes,"compleleScheduteG,Parli(seernslructrons),., Drd the orcanzalrcn report mote lhan $15,000 tolaf of fundrarsrng event gross nco(ne and contflbutrons on Pårt Vlll, lrnes 1c ând 8Ë? lf 'Yes," complefe Scl¡edu/e G, parl l¡ Þtd the organrzalton report more than $15,000 of gross rnÇome from gamrng actrv,tres on Parl Vlll, ilne ga? lf Parl lll 15 16 18 19 rm Js^ 781021 1 000 2554HD K922 II/15/2AI8 11:58:03 AM v 11-1.28 120-0082500-0082500 X X 990 lzotz¡ . STANT¡ TOGETHER, INC. ' 2l -3:-g'-t 1 68 4 Fort¡ 990 of Part lV Yes or môro hosprtal faclÌlres? Il"Yês," cômplele Schêdule H. b lf "Yes" to hne 20a, drd the organzaton altarh a copy of rts audrted irnancral stalemenls to thrs retúrn?, . 0rgannâllon or 21 Drd the organrzatron report more than $5,000 of grânts or other asÊrslânce to any fl domestrc governmenl on Part lX, column (A), hne 11 lf Yes," comdele Schedule I, 22 Dld the orgánrzatron report mo¡e lhan $5,000 of granls or Ölher assFlance tô or Part lX, column (A), ltne 2'1 lf 'Yes," çomprete Sct sdrle l, Parls I and lll the 23 Dd the arganzaltan ânswer "Yes" Ìo Pa¡t Vll, Secllon A, ltne 3, 4, or 5 and orgânlzâltonrs currenl and former olfrcers, drreclors, lruslees, key em employees? lf Yes,'compleîe Schedule J , , p 24ä Drd the orgânrzêlron have a lax-exempt bond lssue wtlh an o unl ol than 2 hnes 24b $100,000 as of the lâst dây of the year, that was rssued afler ÐeÊember thtough 24d and cömplele Schadule K Í "No," go lo hne 25a, b Dd the organrzatþn rnvest any proceeds of lex-erempl bonds c Drd the organrzatron marnlarn an escfow aoçgunl olher lhan i^; ;;"; lo dofeåse âny tax-exempt bond¡? hme dunng lhe yearl d Drd lhe orgafllzalron acl âs an "on behalt of rssuer 25å Sðctlon 501(c¡(3), 5ol(c)(4), ãnd 501(c)(29) org¡nisat¡ons, lhê rn ån tXCeS$ benêfit lransactfon w(h a drsquahfted person durng lhe yeart ff Yeq" complele uatfred person rn a pfior b ls the organrzatron aware that rl engaged tn an yêar, and lhat lhe transasuon has nþl þeen Ëorms 990 or 900.E2? lf "Yes,o complele Schedule I- Part I 2€ Dd lhe o.ganÍzatron repgrt any âmounl 0n Part recelvebles frOm or payeblss lo any 5, 6, compensaled employees, or currenl or former offrcers, drrectors, trustees, 20a Ord the organtzatron operatê one drsquahhed persoflg? lÍ "Yes," çornptele 27 D¡d the orgänrzaùon provrde a grðdl substantral contnbulor or employee entrty or famrly m ôñbÊr 0l ãny gf Wâs the organrzatþn å päny to a Part lV tn$truclloos for A cuilenl or lormer offrcer, A famrly rnemþer of a or 28 a b , lil, of the followrng par{res (see Scheduþ " Schadulø L, Pad M. An erìtrty of whrch a current was an offlcer, c er off¡cer, the Drd the 31 ronservalron Drd the Farl I 32 Сd the 33 Drd thê 34 Was lhe complete $chedule L, Parl i'.;'ì;, ;',1;;;;Årå't.'l'o','' of. or transfer more than ol 7701-2 ând seÇtr0ns tV ;;;;;, lf 257o ol rìs net asseb? // erltrty wnhrfl the meaô'n9 of sectrofl 51 2(bX13)? Sectlon reiatcd at Drd the and (hal . 2lc 2ttd 25a X 25b v 2B X 27 Y 28a Y ?8h X 28c 29 30 X 3l X 32 X 33 34 35a l('Yes," camplele Schedu/e ft, Pad V, l,ne 2 . . 570 of rts acltvtttes thfough an entrty lhat ls not a relaled organrzãtron as a partnershtp lor lederal tncome låx purposes? // Yes, " c,omplele Sctredule R, 36 rs 37 Drd the organlzåtro{ cornpletê Schedule O and provrde explânâÙons rn Schedole O 38 J5{ ì 000 2554lr) K922 IL/I5/2OI8 11 :58:03 AM v L1 -'7 .2F X lor Parl Vl, l¡nes 11b and Fom t030 X conduct more than o 7E X Itne 35a, drd the organtzalron recerve any payment from or engåge tn any lransacuon wtth a 35b lhe meantngof sectlooSl?(bx13)? lf "Yes,"complelescheduleR,Panv, ltne2 . . , Drd the organtzêhon make eny lransfers lo an e¡empl nón-charnabte Part Vl 38 24b enlty lV, and 36 x ?4a "Yes," l ., J5a X 'Yes," complele Schedule N, drsregarded âg separåte lrom the organrzatron und€r Reguìattons :3? l/"Yes,'complete Schedule R,Pad . ^ any lax-êxempt or laxable entrþ, ,f 'Yøs," complete Schedule R, Pâd ll, llt, an 23 ìnL'-.ô M,.. or drssolve and cease operatons" lerm tt or key employee? lf Yes," complele Yes," complete Schedule L, Part lV contnbulþns? lf "Yes," complele Schedule M , . . htstolrcal tleasures, or other srmllar assets. or quaIfred fecerve xat,' L, ll öd 29 s0 , 20b drreclor, lrusl€ê. key ernÞloyêe, mefilber, or to â 35% conlrolled scåedu/e L. Paft trust€e, No x 2'6d 120-0082500-0082500 90 (zotr) . Forr¡ 990 PâTt '2t-3tgl'l S?AND, TOGETIIER, INC 6g t 7) V 5 Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance tf or to tn Ye9 No l 'la Enter lhe number repo.led rn Box3 ol Form 1096 Ênter {-tf nol applrcable 1a 0 fb b Ënter lhe number ol Forms W-2G rncluded tn ltne'l â Enlër.0. I not apphcable c Drd lhe organrzatron comply wrth backup wrthholdrng rules for reporlable paymenls lo vendors and X reportable gamrng {gamblng) w¡nnlngs lo pnze wlnners? 2a Énter lhe number of employees reported on Ëo¡m W-3, TransmrHal of Wage and Tax 3 St¿temeûts, frled for the calendar year endrng w¡th or wlthln the year covered Þy thrs return. . b lf at least one rs reported on lne 2a, dtd the organrzalon hle all regutred lederal employment lax returns? Noto. lf thç sum of hnes 1a and 2a rs greaterthan 25o, you may be regulred to enfile (see lnslructrons) 3¿ Drd the organtzahön have unrelated busrness gross rncotïe of $1 ,00O or moré durrng the yeafr. . blf"Yes,'hastlfrledaFor¡n990-TforÌhrsyeâr?l{"N,o"tohnejb,provdaanexplànal¡on,nSçhedutêO....,... ¡la At âìy b 5a b c 6a b 7 a trme durrng the cêlendâr year, d/d the organtzâtlon have en over, a frnanclal account rn a forergn country (such as a bank account), lf "Yes," enter thê name of ìhe forergn country Þ See rnstructrons for flllng requrrements for FnCEN Form 114, X J 3â 3b srgnature or olher authorrty of Ãa X lax year?, 5e x tax sheiter trânsactron? 5b Y Bank and Frnancral Accounls (F8AR) Was the organrzalron a parly to á prohtbrted tax sheller lransactlofl al åfry Dd any laxâble party nottfy the organrzalton lhâl rl lf Yes" tô lrne 5a of 5b, ctld the organËEtrqn f¡le Form Þoes the organrzatron have annual gross recetpls argantzâtton solcrt âny contnbutro¡1s lhât were not lf 'Yes," drd lhe organrzalron rnclude wllh every grfts were oot tax deductrble?. . . Organìzations that may Drd the organtzatron recerve a pâymÈnt ol 2b toa 5c $100,000, and drd the 6a ihat such Ðontnbutrons or 6b under made partly as a contrrbutrgn and pally lor goods 7a Tb b ö x d X e f Drdlheorganrzalron,durrnglheyear,paypremrums,drrecllyorrndtreclly,onapersonalbenefrtcontracl2 . -. g lf the organrz.atþn recervÉd a conltrbulron ol qualriad lnlslleÇlual prOperly, drd lhe org¿firzalron Íle Form 88gg âs tequrred? h lf theorganrzatonrecervedaconlrrbulronof cårs,boåls,arlplanes,orolhelvehtcl€s,drdlheorgânt?álronfileaForm1098-C?. I I s b 10 Sponsorìng orgâril:àllons maintaining donor advised fundç. Drd a donor adv¡sed fund malnlatned by the sponsonng organlzälron hâve excess busrnes$ holdrngs ât åny ttrne durrng lhe yearf , . , . . " Sponsoring organreation* maintaining dohor advised lunds. Drd the sponsonng orgarìl¿ätÊn make any laxable drstnbutrons under secltoô 496g? Drd ìhe sponsortng organrza'tron make a drstr¡bulron to a donor, donor advsor, or related person?, Seclron 501(c)(7) organizations, Enter l0a lnrtraÙon fees and caprtal contrrbutrons lnclu an organrzatron ìo make rls Forms 1023 (or 1 024 rf applrcable), 990, and 990-T (Secton 501 (cX3)s only) lildrÇate how you mãdô thes€ avadabþ Check all that apply Another's webstte Olher (explam rn Schedute O) uponroquest n ffi Descnbe tn Schedule O whelher {and rf so, how) the organrzatron made rts gôvernrnû documents, confllct of rnteresl pohcy, and hnanoal stâierfients avarlable to lhe pubLc durrng lhe tax year Slate llg-lErIg,_qdd-rg_s_s, and telephone numþe¡-of the person whp,pqssesses lhe organ¿abo¡]S þooks ánd records > 20 RoBERT íEÄToN JSA 781042 6a " drd the orgânrzatton J'ollow a wntlen polcy or procedure requrflng the organrzatron lo evaluale tts rorì rn lolnl venlúiÈ arrangements under appltcable lederal tax law, and take steps to safeguard th€ b I tjz0 t{ couRTtlouss RD, sfE ?20 vA ^RLil{GfoN, 2t?0t 70j-BT5-t658 rorm 000 2554HD K922 Ir/L5/2018 11:58:03 At4 g ).-t-1 .2F 120*0082s00*0082500 990(zotr) Part Vll Gompensation of '2-t -3rg-t'l 68 , STAND' TOGETHER, INC 7 Officers, Directors, Trustoes, Key Employees, lr{ighest Compensated Employees, and lnde pendent Gontractors Check rf Schedule O conlatn$ a response or note to any lrne rn thrs Part Vll. . . , Seclion A. Officers, Diroctors, Trustees, Key Émployees, and Hlqhesl Compensated Ëmployees 1a Çomplete thrs table for all persons requrred to be ltsted Report compensatron lor lhe calendar year endrng n wtlh Òr wrthrn the organrzation's tax year r Ltst all of the organrzalron's cürrent offlçers, d¡rectors, lrustees (whether rndrvrduals or organrzatrons), regardless ol amount of compensatron Enter -0- rn columns (D), (E), and (F) if no compensahon was pad ü Lrst all of the organrzalron's currenl key employees, f any see tflstructtons for definrtron of "key employBe Ltsl the organ zalton's frve cur:ent hrghest compensated employees (olher than an offrcèr, drrector, lrustee, or key employee) who recerved reportable compensatron (Box 5 of Fo¡m \N-2 and/or Box 7 of Form f 099-Ml$C).of more then $100,000 from the orgânrzâtrolì änd any relâled orgânrzâtrons. r Lrsl all of the organrzailon's former offrcers, key employees, and hrghest com pensaled emp¡oyees who recerved more than $100,000 of reportable compensatron from the organlzatton and any related organrtatons . Lrst âll ol the organrzallon's Tormer di¡ectors or truslee3 that recerved, rn ås former drrector or lruslee of thè organrzatron, more than $ 1 0,000 of reportable compensatton f rom the organtzalton ' r Lrsl persons rn lhe followrng order rnd¡vrdual ttustees key employees, or hrghest compensated employees, and former such persons Çheck thrs box rl nerther the cunent orzatron nor (Al (Ðl Nârí6 ând Ttlle AverâÊe off lcer, duector, or trustee höuË Þêr (lrst hours for related 1.00 HOOKS BOARÞ MEMBER ISTY KENDALL BOÂRD MEMEER 563/ 565 31,368 0 0 0. I .00 r. 00 U 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 31,351 MEMBER CII.âRD FINK 0 BBINS D MEMBER AN FETNBERG BRIAN s0. 00 , MENKÐS SËCRÉTARY 0 1,00 2.00 2.00 ROMANUS BÊRG 45.00 VTCE PRESIDENT 5,00 50.00 MCCANN 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 123,567 0 268,r21. 0 X I9I 0 x L7 X 1.r'1 x 0 F 3,?30. 31,351 50.00 0 VJ 11 ER PRES 0 KEAT I VICE PRESÏDENT Nlc ôt.Às n, ÀNTr-rNfr IEto¡r ,'17 2 . 'l 0 6, 461 0 18,089 ,327 t, 11 50.00 c lrE rorm r 000 2554HD ,251 50.00 bI OFS JSA x t .00 T 2 2-t 0 ,5BO . X K922 II/L5/2018 11:58:03 AM v t1-'t.2î r20-0082500-0082s00 106 990 (zorz) '27 -319-1168 STAND' TOGÊTHER, INC, FoÍn 990 I (201 Seclion and Em Officers D¡ Com H (Al (B) (c) {Þ) (E) {F' Nåme and lrlle Averê9 e Poslbn Reportable (do nol Öheck moe than one compensâtron box, unless person t5 bÒth an ofñcÊr ånd â drreclor/trusleêì lrom RÈportablt rorñpünsalron from relälêd organl¿átÞns (i¡y-2/1099-MtSC) Eslimâtrd ämôunt ol ölhêr h0u6 pÊr we6k (!'el any ùou6 lq re1'led org anr¿alon5 below dqtlêd lnè) Ô= j ç dè dd o xo qT tÉ s qt ø õ o c P @ ðo *s ö oB 3 E I o å the organrzôtron cÐmpensåì¡off ftom the 0rgãñr¿ål¡0n {w.2110s9-Mrsc} ånd rBhted o19ån}¿åtlons 3 G o l ãè ,Þ*Ét*-r 1b t 1, ,.'lI Tçtal lrom co ntrn$âtion shåotg lo number of rndrvrduals com 2 L47, ., t 84O , 1,14?,840. rnore llsled above) 4 1ût,000 Õf 6 the Yøs 3 4 or trustee, key employee, Dtd the organtzatton ltsl any former offrcer, drrector, employee on lrne Ja? ll "Yes," canplete Schedule J lor such ¡ndtwdual X 3 Fot aay lndlvrdual llsted on hne 1a, rs the sum of reportabte compensalton and olher compensalion lrom the organrzatron ar.id relaled orgãnrzâlroös''þreäter than $150.000? ff ^(ès,' cõrnþlëlê Sehedulû J lôl such 4 ndtvtdual 5 l,lo or hrghesl compensated X Dtd âny person hsted on llne 1a recerve or accrue compensatron from any unrelated organrzafron or ¡ndtvldual lt for servces Schedule J for such 5 X Sectlon B, lndepend¿ol çontrâctors 1 Cornplele lhrs table fçr yçur frve hrghest compensated rndependent conlracto.s lhal rece¡ved more than $100,000 of comp€nss¡ttn from the orgänrzat¡on Report compensalron for the c¿lendar year endrng wtlh or wrìhrn the organt¿âilorì's tax yeat {A) (s) {c) Name and busrness eddress 0escrrptron ol servtees Compensalron AÇ 2 781 Tolal number of rndependenl conlråclors (rncludrng but not hmrted lo lhose Ùsted above) who rece¡ved t'? more lhån $100,000 rn compensalron from the organrzâtron > 05f r 000 Form 2554HÐ K922 II/15/20t9 ll:5t:03 Aj4 \t l'1 *1 .2F 120-0082500-0082500 (20 1 7) Fom 990 Statement of Revenue ô conlarns a res Check rf Schedule or note to hne rn thrs P¿rt Vlll (A) (B) (o) Tolal rewnue Relaled or RevÈnue êrempl fu nc lron têvêñue 88 1a Federated cámpargns b Membershrp duês , . c Fundrarsrng evenls . . d ReLaledorgant?¡tlons e Government grant$ (conlrbut¡ons) I All other tontrrbulÐns, grfls, grËhls, F5 qÊ h< i5* ø-E Eu, tô .o= go t)6 f¡om ta¡ under seclrons 51 2-514 , ?, ,?04 , I1'' snd 6rmrbramounts not rhclud€d ãbow g 5E I '2't -3191168 STÀND, TOGETHER, INC Part Vt lá-1f Noncash conlnbuttons rnaluded rn /tnes 4u2 $ ,994 21,204 , .---_-..J Buanss6 Côdô 2a o b o E c a/, d o o f Alt 0lher $ery$€ revenue lnvÞstmeât rnÇome (rncludrng drvldends, bond ?8 c ì2,110 d o Gross tncomo from fundrarsrng events (nol rnclud ng $ É, 0 of contr¡buhons ¡Eporled on ltne o E SåePâñlV. o 8â ¡H o ?8 1c) b lrnê1t .., Lessdrê4"ßxpsnses"" c Nêl rncgñe or (bss) lrom fundrårsrng events 9a t2 ,.. a b 0 Gross tncome from gaming åctlvtttes SeePårllv,hne19. Less drrect expenses . .,... ! b Nel rncome or (toss) from gâmrng aclivtlres. Gross säles 0f 'rnv€nlory, teturns and ãllowãnces b Less cÒsl 9f goods sold È Net 0 less a , .,. b seles of Mrsællân¿ovs Êevêîue 0 Ëusrness codè 1la b G otherrevenue..., d All a Total Add lrnes 1'la^11d 1,602 2t,229,459 2 7E 1051 1,602 ?. 60? 900099 23 322 rom 990 (zorz) I Ð00 2554HD K922 Il/t5/2078 11:58:03 Al,l v I-7-1 .2F r20-0092500-0082s00 Fom 990 . 01 of Part lX Stalem '21-3191168 STAND, TOGETHER, lNC all cotumns All other and 501 hons musl a note to any ltne tn thts Part lX Check rf Schedufe O contalns response or (Â) lÉt 6b, lines 7b, Ðo nol include amounts reporled on Progr¿m scüce Tolâl expensÊs and 10b of Part Vltl. elÞenses musl Sectron 507 1 Gr¿nts ånd other agsrslånce to do¿htslÉ ôr0ånrzàtrons ånd domeslrc govern¡nenls Sæ Psrt M. lne 2 Granls and other rndrvrduals See Pari î0 onal âssrslance lo .. ?'l 8 , ,245, A00 B ,245, column {c} Manageilì€nl 3nd oenÊBl âtDênses 4OO domesltc 0 N,lt¡e22 3 Grants and gÌher âssrslâñôe lo forergn orgrsñrzalþns, fôrergn governrnenls, ånd lo¡ergn rnd¡v¡duals See Part lV, [rnes 15 and 16 . . . . 4 5 Benef rts pard lo oJ 0 0 lor members Compensalron of current ofrce¡s. dtreciors, truslees, and keyemployees . . . . ô CômÞenslron not rncìud?d aðo\È, lo dßquâûfi3d persons (as defin*d undêr .rsctÐn 4958{0('1)) arÉ porsoßsdescrþadrnsectroh¿958(cl(3xBl, . . . ., 7 t Oth€r salanes and wages, ,, " Olher employee benefrls ,1 Fees for seruces (non-employees) Marìagement Payrolltsxas. b 2,189, 157 . . 42, ?"t0 " 12,294 . 4, 391 l"o{3. L,287. 182,162- -..,. 135,133. 71.L?7. 87,812 755, ?01 9, 138 " I 64 148,037 Irlblrbr/ 25'5 " 406,91"6- n Lsgå¡ 3{",312. cAccounltng.,., 34, 312 . U. r, Lobbuno è ProleEsÉnal fundrårsrng servrces See Paft lV, llna f lnv€slment rnanâgèment ' g Othef {f ls}s 11g fees , 1 :.t' , 0 :;':' ,åtn¡snr eKsed¡ 10$,of iaË 25; solü.nû ' l¡) 96,14"7 , ¿t¿, ty¿, 3,3'12 " '12 Advertrsrng ând pfomolron t3 L5, 091 0 2,7 02 663 Pensron pian aôcruals and contrtbulrons (tnclude sectron 401 (k) and 403(b) employer conlrrbuttons) I 10 564: 301 ,931 0ffrceexpenses, !., " lntoimslró¡ lechnology. 6r 659. 1'{ 15 Royallres. I 6 Ocçupancy 17 ï¡avel 54 4, 835. a64,4ü3. 4A,'t94 f,, 586. 0. . 4113. ,',7 43, 805 t251 1.44,11.0. 261 ,633 563,680 24),511 53,056 73,264 5/r23 I 514 I / 083 53/ 05r 2,241 ,1gg . '18 Pay¡enls of lravel or lor any lederå1. slate, 'lg 20 2l - ,.. " 66,320 . 0 0 Paymenls lo affrlrsles" . ??' Dspreoalron: d0plslrOn, 23 24 0 Conlerences, conventrofls, årtd mee(rngs lnlerè$( and'8m0flr¿ãlron.': lnsulânce i:r. Olher ergenses llefirze e¡oens€s . not r ;.. 0 L4,631 '. covârpd abore (L6L mrscèlþnæus trp8nses rn ûnê 24e l{ lnc 24e amounl ëre€éds I0% of lrnè 25, côlu m n (A) anount, lrst lrne ?4e e¡pÊn5es olì Schedule O) c ê All other 54 expenses 25 TÕtâl Add 2û Jo,nt cosls. lhts lhe organrzalron reported rn column c0sls ftom a combrned educatronal camparg¡_and fu¡lrarsrng solrctlalron Check here Þ I I rf lollowrng SOP 98-2 (ASC 958.7?0) JS 781052 I , L34 15,50?,543 L2,80I,05r Fom K922 7I/I5/20I8 04 0 000 2554HD 4 11r58:03 AM v I-1-1.2î 120-0082500-0082500 990 (20r7) STAND' TOGÐTHER, INC Fom 990 Párt X '21 -3t911 60 7) 11 Balance Check if Schedule O contarns a response or note to lrne rn thls Part X. . lA) Begrnnrng ol year 1 3 4 5 Cash - non-rnleresGbeanrtg Savrngs and temporary cash tnvestmenls Pledges and grants recelable, . nel 4 , r93, 643 ( . 901,900 2, 805, 05, 5( 2 0 1 0 J " Accounts ¡ecelvable, net Loans and other reÇetvables from currenl and former offlcers, drrectors, truslees, kÊy employees, and htghêst compensated employees 0 0 0 Ø o 7 4 I I út t¡, 10 a b 11 12 13 t4 f5 'tõ 17 .g ft Less ãccumulaled deprectatþn. 0 10c lnveslmenls - pub¡Cly traded seçudtres lnveslments - other sesunltes See Part lV, llre 1 lnvestments - progräm-relaled See Pårt lV, l¡ne lnlangrble assets , Other âssels See lart lV, lne Ïotal assets. Add hnes 1 throuoh lS lmust e¿¡ual lrne Accoun{s payèble and eccrued expeilsgs. 0 11 0 ,17 D 0 n ll 5,309, 955. 31 19 0 20 o 21 23 24 25 dl U G 27 28 c 29 Totâl llðbll¡ri€s. Add funes'1 7 throuoh 25. . . . Organirations that lollow SFAS 117 {ÀSC 958), check horç completê lines 27 thÍough 29, and llnes 33 ånd 34. o o 30 o u 31 Caprtal slock or trusl pnncrpal, or cunenl funds Fard.rn or caprtal surplus, or land, burlding, ot equrpm€nt fund Retalned earnrngs, endowmenl, accumulaled rncorne, or olher furds Total nel assels or fund bolances Total lrabrhtres and nel assets/lund balances. {, 37 rll z. 33 34 18 n 22 0 2t 0 24 0 25, 4, 41,r . 03 183. 0 0 26 and 4,935,545 Unreslricled net assets Temporarrly reslncted net assels Permanently restrrcted nët ãssels Organi¿atlons thal do not follew SFAS I 17 {ASC 958f, check hare complele lns9 ¡0 through 3d IL 31 I 17 0 ofSchedule0.,.. 10 1J . U 2ö É, _g 4.41r 14 15 16 Grants payable .E 0 0. 13 Deferred revenue Tax-exempt bond lrabrlrtres Escrow or cuslodral accounl lrabrùly Completê Part lVof Schedule D . . , . Loans and other payables' lo current ånd formeÊ 'officêrs, drectors, trustees, key employeesn¡ hrghest CofüpFnsated . .employees, and drsqualrfred persons Completê Part ll of Schedule t . . . . Secured mortgages and nolés payable to unrèlaled thrrd par1res Unsecured ôoles and loans payable to unretaled lhrrd parlres, Olher abrl¡lres (rncludrng lÊderal rncorne tâ¡, pâyâbles to relðled lhtrd parlres, and othçr Labrlr¡es not rncluded on lrngs 17^241 Ccmplete Part X 22 0 4'4 Land, burldrngs, and equrpment cost or olher basrs Cornplele Pan Vl of Schedule 18 ,E J 8 0 19 20 21 ú, 0 27 L0, 621 ,3',1 0 0 28 0 0 2Ð 0 and 30 31 ,,. 32 4,935,545. 5,309,956 33 34 I0,627,37Q 10,703,78 çom 990 (?orr) JSâ 781053 1 000 2554HD K922 II/15/2OtB 11:58:03 AM v 11-1.2F 120-0082500-0082500 '21 SlAND, TOGE?HER, INC Form 990 -31911 68 12 171 Reconciliation of Net Assels Þart Xl lne in O contarns a se or Tolal revenue (must equal Part Vlll, column (A), Lne 12) Total expenses (musl equal Parl lX, column (A), ltne 25'l . . . Revenue less expenses Sublrect llne 2 from llne 1 . . Net assets or fund balances at begrnntng of year (must egual Part X, ltne 33, column (A)) Net unreahued g?rns (losses) on Investmenls Donated servrces änd use of facllfues lnveslmenl expenses Prror pefiod adlustmenls Olher changes rn nel ass€ts or fund balances (explarn tn Schedule O) Par X, lne Net assets or fund balances at eßd of year Çombrne ltnes 3 through I 'lÍ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 'I 0 ,l 2! 229, A59 ? 15 3 35¿ 545 4 5 0 s 0 0 0 LO, 62I 310 33 Þart Xll ,09 1 -? I Financial $tatements and Reporting or O contarns a k Yes I I'lo n Gash AçÇountrng melhod used lo prepare lhe Form sgO ll the organrzatron changed rts method of åccountrng 2a pnor Schedule O Were the organrzalron's f¡nanclal statemenls comptled or revtewed by an slatements lf "Yes," check a box below lo hd¡cate whether revrewed on a separate båsrs, consolrdated basrs, or Eoth Consohdated bass Separate basrs n b Were the organr¿ätron's lf "Yes," check a n frnanctal stalemânls box below to rnd¡cate whethe¡" checked "Other," explarn n1?. rn X 2a , were comprled or basts 2b ail for the yeãr were audrted on a basrs, B0th Separate c . lf 'Yes" to lrne 2a or ?b, does the of the audrt, revrÊw, or compllatDn of lf the orgåîrzaton changed e(her rts have ând separale basls commrtlee ol assurnes responslbrlrty [or oversrght seleclrôn of an rndependent áccoünlãnt? process dunng the tax yeâr, explarn rn 2c x Schedule O 3a As a resull of a federal b lhe Srngle Audtt Acl and lf "Yes,' drd the organrzatron to undêrgo åfl eudrt or äudlts ås set lorth tn 3a of audfs" lf thå orgånrzallon drd not undergô thê stch åudrts X 3b rom 990 lzotz¡ ?e105{ r 000 2554HD K922 Il/15/2-018 11:58:03 AM v I'7-1 .28 i20-0082500-0082500 SCHEDULE A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) Complsl€ Nol Public Charity Status and Publlc Support ¡f the orgânr¿âhon rg { 17 sectroñ 501{c}(3) organrtatron or a 6€cíon 4947(alfil atonêtempl chsrrtåblô t¿usl > Atlãch t0 Form 990 or FÖrm 990'EZ. Depãrtment of the Tæasury lnlemal R@,ænue SeMce > Go lo wwt.lrs.govlFatm99o lor rnslructfons aîd thå lalåBt Nams ol tho organtzalron STAND TOGETHER Part I TNC must rs nol a pflvatê foundalton because ú The ls (Ëor ltnes t through 12, checl box ) A church, conventton of churches, or assocralron of churches desclbed ln A school descnbed rn seclion f70(bX1)(A)t¡¡!, (Altach Schedule Ë (Form 990 or A hospital or a cooperalrye hosprlal serytce organrzahon de*cnbed A medrcal research organrzatlon opelaled ln conjunctton wtlh a ho hosprlal's name, cûy, ând st€tç organrzalron opêrated for the benefrl of 1 2 3 4 5 the untt ln ô I unll or from lhe general pubhc I I ând stalÉ of thê cÐllege or ü f0 gr08s o rls An óf soctíön 509(â)(2). Soe epction 50e(a)(3). complete lrnes 12e, 121, aN 129 organrzalron(s), typrcally by grvrng ü ntzatþn(s)- by havrng wrth, and funchonaily lntegrated wrth, tls s E ø lhat rs nol tequrreflent Check thrs box Type I lll generally mugl satsfy a d¡sl:rbutton requrremenÌ and an anentrvene$s ust ¿oñpkta Fart lV, Sê¿tlúrtÐ A and D, and Part V, a wntlen deterfnrnallofl from the lHS that rt rs a Type t, Type ll, Type lll Ity rntègrated supportrng organ{zahon Enter lhe 9 (r) N¿ms ol guÞ¡orled organÊelrofl (y) Aùount ol (¡ì) EtN olher suÞport (seê ¡nslrucl¡ons) Yas Na (A) ts) (c) (D) (E) lolal For Papeuork Reductroo Àst Notrôþ, seo thë lnstruËtroñ3 f'of Éorm 990 óf 090-€2 JSA 7E r210 r 000 255At1D K922 Ii/15/2018 11:58:03 AI4 v 11 --l Sehedule A lFom 990 o. ggu-É,z) 2017 .2î 120-0082500-0082500 . STÀND. TOGETHÐR. ,2I-3T91168 INC. (Complete only rf you checked the box on lrne 5, 7, or I of Part I or tf the organizahon farled to qualrfy under Partlll lf theorganrzationfarlsloqualrfyunderthetestsllstedbelow,pleasecompletePartlll tion A. ) P Calondar ysef (o¡ frscâl yearbogrnníng tn) Þ laì 2013 1 GÍls, gr¿nts, Öon(flbullons, and membershrp lees receved (0o not rncludeany"unusualgrants), . . . . . 2 fax r¿venues levred lo¡ lhe (cì 2015 rbl 2014 250,000 ldt 2016 900,000 0 Ial 2Ð17 T ll,?03,9r¡0 31, 650 Ð9? organtzÁtron's benefrt ând erlher patd lo or expended on rls behalf 0 3 The value of serv eås or lacrirlßs fu¡ntshed by a governmental unil 1o the organrzahon wrlhoul charge 4 Total.Addlneslthrough3. ., . ., . 5 The portron qf lotal contrrbutrons by each person (çther thâr: a governmenlat unrl or publrcly 250,000 500, û'eû. ll, ?û3, s60 21 ¡3, 650. ,2t4 ,t31 ,,,,.., suppôned organrzâtroì) rncluded on hn€ 1 thâl exceeds 2% ol thê âmÖuñl shownonlinell,column(f). ., . . . . l¡e Calendar yeer lor fiscal year begÌnnlng tn) 7 I 851 781 lne 4 5 > (a) 201 3 rb) 2014 Amounlsfromhne4,,,. påymênlg recerved ön sec.urrtres loans, f rom ¡14 srmtlår sources Net rncome f rorn urìrèiãted äct,v¡lres, whelher or rs regularly carfled on 10 ,, 2016 500.00û rt, Total ?t.204,ì3? ?05,960 ¡1.660 091 C*æs lncome lro¡t lnlerest, d¡v¡dends, renfs. royallres, ånd tncome I 20 . 250,000 nol lhs 99 1,155 ., 5, 547 242 buslness þustnêsË Olhe. rncome Þo nol rnclude garn cr 7,6ø2 r51 11 12 l2 rnstruclons) 't3 Frßt fiv8 ll the 990 rs tûr the frrsl, socond, lh¡rd, fourth. or frflh tåx yeâr âs â gectton 501{c)[3) chÊsk 11 l5 66 't4 Publrcsupportpercenlãgelot2017 (hne6,colurnn(f) drudedbyltnell,column(f)).,.. 'ts 9 Pubhcsuppod percenlãge from 2016 Schedule A, Pafl ll, lrne 14. 16a 33rl¡%supporttest'2017" lf theorganrratrondrd notchecklheboxon ne 13, andlrne 14 ts33'tt3yoöt l¡ore,checkthrs boxandstophere.Theorgantza$onquahfresasapubLclysupporledorganrzâlron, ,...., > ) b 33t¡¡7ooupporttest"20.lô. lf lheorganrzatrondrdnOt çheçhaboxonhnç13or10a,andlrnel5ts33ilg%ormore,cheÇk this box and stop here. The oaganr¿atron qualhes as a publrcly supported organrzatron > 17a 107o.facts-and"circumslancßs tesl -20'17. 11 lhe organrzalon drd not check a box on lrne 13, l6a, or 16b, and Ine 14 ls 1Q0/¡ or rlìore, ând tf lhe orgânlzalron meets lhe "facts-ånd-crrcumslances" lest, check thts box ånd stop here. Ëxpfarn rn Parl Vl how the organlzalron meets the "facts-and-crrcumstances'' test The organrzatron quahftes as a pubhcly supporled r > L-] organrzâìron. b 10%-faclE-¡nd-clrcumslances lest - ?016. f the organrzahon tJtd not check a box on lrne 13, 1ôa, I6b, or 17a, and ¡ne l5 ts 10Y¿ 0r morer and tf lhe organrzattQn meels lhe "facls-and-crrcumslances" tesl, check lhts þox and stop here, l8 Explatn rn Pãrl Vl how the organrzatron meets the "facts-and"crrcumslañces" test Thê organrzalton quahfres as a putrlrcly supported organvalron Privatofoundation. lf theorganrzalrondrdnolcheckaboxonlrnelS, 16a, 16þ, 17â,orlTb,checkthrsboxandsee rnstruclrons > Schèdr¡lâ A lFom JSA 7Er220 I 000 2554ttD K922 II/l-5/2OlB 11:58:03 AM v 11-i .2F 120-0082500-0082500 g9O or 990-EZl 2017 , Scñe¿ule ¡ d 990 Part lll ule for Organizations Doscribed in Section 509(a)(2) (Complete only tf you checked the box on lrne 10 of Part I or f the organ¡zation failed to qualtfy lf lhe organøation falls to qualfy under the tests lrsted below, please complete Pafi ll ) (a)2013 year beginning rn) Þ Grts, gnnls. (b) 2014 (c) 201 5 (d) 20r6 rr ll. Total lol201/7 and membÈfshrp *unusual any Orånts ") rèçerved (Do not 2 3 Support P C¡fendãl year (or 1 '21-3191)68 STAND. TOGÐTHER, INC 2017 Gross recerÞls frcm me lchañdrse sold or or fåcr¡rtr€g se¡qces relÈled to lh€ 3 Gtoss ræôiÞlt frcm åcttuttgs not an 5r3, un¡el¿ted lrãde ar bustDess unde¡ 4 ïax revÊiluas levled for organr?êlton's benefll and e¡the¡ ot or expended tls behalf 5 The value of serv¡ces or facrlrt¡es lurnrshed by e governmentå1 untt to lhe of ganrzåttoll wt lhout charge 6 ïotal Addl¡nes I rhrough5. . . . . . \ - 7a Amounls I rncluded on lrnss '1, 2, and 3 reçervêdfrorndlsquallf¡edpercons, . . . b AmÞUnls rñcluded oô Ínês 2 and 3 toc¿l.\,?d lrom olhe. than dr$quaftñ€d pèts{üs thðl €åceed thè g€å1êr ot 95,000 ôt J% ól the årflounl oû ûrre 13 fbf thê yÈsr ç Add ¡rnes 7a and7b. Publ¡c supporl. (Svbltact hfle 7ô fran Tolal secÌron 51 1 tåxes) f¡om bustnesses 11 Net ,noome røn unrclåted aclrvrlres not Included tn i¡ne f whÊther of tìol thè busrness carrred 12 on. \ rs " Olher rncôme 0ù not Jnclude o¡ ss se ts 13 Total support. (Add 14 Frrst frva years ll \ 10c. 1l and 17 \ rs fôr the organtzâtton's here, check ,. ftrsl second, lhrrd, fourlh, or llth year as a sectrrn 501(cX3) . of Public Pe tot 2017 (hne I, column (l) drnded by lrne '13, column Pub o o 17 18 19^ b (f )). A, Part lll hne 15 s of lnv€stm lnvestmenl lot 2017 (lrne !0c, column (f) drvrded by hne 13, column (f.)) . , , from 2016 Schedule A, Pa¡-t ill, Íne 17 1 33ltt% lrsls - 2017, ll lhe organrzatlon dld nol. check the box on irne 14, and ne'15 ts mote lhãn 17 ts more lhan 33113V", check thrs box and slop here The orgânr¿álron qualúes as a publrcly supported 331t3 supporl lêsls - 2016. ll lhe oryantzaltoo dtd not check a bôx on ltne j4 or llne t9a, and hne 16 /s more lhan ls ôol more lhsn 331i3olo, check thrs box and stop here. The organrälron quallfres as a pubhcly supported hne fouâdåtrÐn, lf thê n¡zatron drd not check g box on llne 14. 1 or '19b, check thrs box and see lnvêstment 181221 4HD K922 II/L5/2OI8 11:58:03 A-l'l V \1 -1 .2F e/o Yo, Schedule A (Fom 120-0082s00-0082500 a¡d 1ne Tq and tron > or 990-ÉZ) 201 7 STAND. TOGETHER, INC. '21-3191168 Schedule A (Forr¡ 990 or 990'EZl201f @ations (Complete only rf you checked a box ¡n line 12 on Parl l. lf you checked 'l2a of P end I lf you checked 12b of Part l, complete Sectrons A and C. lf you checked D and Sections E lf l, complete Secttons A A checked 12d of A" Yes No Are all of the organrzallon'g supported orgr¡nrzatror¡$ hsted by nañê rn 1 the, organtzatron't g0verntng 1 2 2 3a 3â b or (6) and 50 r (cX lhat each supporied organrzatton sehsf¡ed lhe pubhc süpporl tesls unde r seclron 50S(aX2)r /f Drd the organrzatron confrrm and how the 3b orgän,zal,on rnâd'È the detøftnnahon c 4a Drd the organaatron ensure that alt supporl to such purposes? tl Yes," exúan tft Part W whal contols ¡he put ß í you checkod 1 3c usÉ Was any suppofted organlzalron not organrzed rn lhe Unrted Slates "Yes," and b fof secrron 1 z0(c)(2)(B) vras us orgaflEatþn")? ,f 1a 2a or I 2þ m Pañ l, answer Dld lhe orgânËalron hêve ultrmste control ând IN granls to the lorergn such control and dßffelþn tn how the .tb otganeabons not have an IRS delermtflât.On Ê' tn lo tnsurÐ lhât âil suppod ta the foregn ¿'rhat conlrols lhe orgaøza\rcn .used fat sëctton 1 70(ë){2)(È) oxclusrve/y putposEs õa ¿c Ðd lho AnSWer Ða b: Tlpe I süpported orgäflr¿âllon ,pârl: çl_ Typb: d€$rgnâted rn,ìhel c 6 the orga anyone olher lhan rl€d benelrt oôe or more Drd the (defrned regard eveot beyÔnd the organrzatrons control? 5Ê form of grànts or lhe provrston of servrces or fâö,tlrtres) tO thãt are parl of the chanlable class benefrted or (ilt) olher supporltng organrzatrons lhal also support of n's supported organtzålþns? ll "Yes," prowde detatl tn PaâVl. 6 (rt) rndrvrduals by one or more 7 subslaniral compensa(ron, or o(her stmtfar payment lo å subslanttal contnbutor member of a subslanùal contflbutor, ar a 35o/o controlled entrly wrth lf Yes," complele Pan Iol Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) to a dtsquahfted person (as defrned In seclron 4958) nol d€scrrbed n lne 7) L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) I Drd the n make Il "Yes.' Paí I ol 9a drrectly or rndrreclly at any trme durrng the tax year by one or more secllon 4946 (olher than loundalron managers and organrza ons descnbed l2D1 lf Yes," prowde detal n PañVl. Drd one or rnÞre dts¡ualtfred per$ons (as deflned rn lrne ga) hold a controlltng rnterest tn any enttly rn whrch lhê supportrng pr€aârzatron had an lnterestl lf "Yes," provde delatl n PatT W. Dtd a dtsqualfted person (as defrned rn ltne ga) have an ownershrp rntêrest rn, or denve any personal beneht from, âssets rn ¡vhrch tho supporitng organrzaltoh also had an rnterest? lf "Yes," provde detaú n Pan Vl, Was the organizalton subject lo lhe exËess busrness holdrngs rules of secìron 4943 þecause of sectþn 4943(0 {regardrng certarn Type ll supportrng 0rganrzatrons, and all Type lll non-funclronally rntegrated supportrng ôrganEâtons)? lf "Yes," answeî 10b below Drd the organtzatton have any excess busrnçss holdrngs rn the tax yeaQ (Use Schedule Ç, Form 4720, to delermne whether lhe had excess ôusrness b c 10a b r2¡g I T I Was the JsA 7€ äligâdy åb Substilulions cnly, Drd ôf å :c!åss 9a 9b -J 9c l0a _L- 10b "*J Schedule A (Ëorm 990 or 990'Ê,21 20lT 000 2554HD K922 1I/15/2018 11:58:03 AIvl V L] -1 ,2F 120*0082500-0082500 STAN schédute A D TOGETHË,R, I NC . 21 *3t911 68 990 or 5 Pert lV Yes N 11 a b Has lhe organrzatton accepted ä gtft or cofltltbutron from any of the folbwrng persons? A person who drreclly or rndrrectly controls, etther alone or logelher wtlh persons descrrbed below. lhe governtng body of a supported organeatncn? A famrly member of a person descnbed rn (a) above? rn (b) rn B. Y I drectols, lruslees, or membershrp of one or more supporled regularly appolflt or elect ât leåst a ma¡orrly of the orgânrzatton's drrectofs laxyear" tf "No," desa¡be n PartVl how lhe s u p po,1e d aßgnza!rcn(s) controlled lhe oryan,zaîþn's act,v¡iles lf th6 organ4ahon had rnore than descnbø haw lhe powers lo appornt and/ol remove drdÖlors or arustees organñatrcns and whal condtttons or reslflcttons, rf any, âpphêd to Drd the have the power to at all lrmes f lhe Iâx cö 1 Were a ma¡only of the organruatron's drroclors or tax ot I Drd lhê lasl day of and ln drrgctlng thê use of the ofgânçål€n's desertbe ñ PâttW lhe rolø lhe orgënzatøn's' the supporled on I Check lhe box naxt The a method lhal the b of rts supported organzalrons Complele lîne 3 beÍow eñltty Oescrôe n Pad W how you supporled â govemmenl enllly (see c Answer(a) 2 a øsed to salrst! lhe lntegral Parl Tesl dunng the year Tesl cômplële l¡ne 2 below Ord all of the the otgantzatton Yes Þêløw. tron's aclrvrtres durrng the tax year drrectly lurther the exempt pu.poses of whfch the ol9änrzatlon was resporìslve't ll "Yes," lhen n PartVI identÌfy ëxpla¡h how lhese achviltes dtreclly furthered lheÍ exempl purposes, resqonsMe fo liose suppoñed otganealnns, and how lhe organzalrcn delerm¡nød 2e b 2h 3 a b Parent of Supported Organzatrons Anwer la) and (b) below, Dld the orgânrzahon have the power to regulaly äppornl or elect a ñâJorrty ol the officers, drrectors, or lrustees of each of the supported organaatons? Prowde delails n ParlVl. D¡d lhe organtzalton exercfse a subslant¡al degree of drectton over the polcres, progrâms, and acttvÊ€s of êach tf th sch€dule A (Fom 990 or 990ÆZl ?017 JSA 7E 1e 1?30 I @0 2554HD K922 LI/15/2018 l1:58;03 Ai4 v 11-"?.2t 120-0082500-0082500 '21-3I91168 STÀI.ID TOG¿THER, ]I.ìC Schedule A 6 990 or990€2) 201 7 e lll on- a lnte rated Check here rl lhe organrzatron salsfred the lnlegral Part Test as a qualrfyrng trust on Nov 20, 1970 (explarn rn Part Vl) See instructions. All rated n-functro na ns must (A) Pnor Year Section A - Adjusted Net lncome Net short"term Recovenes of 3 Other ross rncom E (B) Current Year 1 rd 3 I 4 Add lrnes 1 thro Sectroñs À 4 oatron 5 6 Portron of operatrng expenses pard or rncurred for produclton or eollectron of gross rncome or for management, conservafion, or marnlenance of held for uctron f income see rnÐt.uctroñs I Other usted Nel lncomo hnes 6 ¿ t ând 7 from hne $ection B - Minimum Ass€t Amount (A) Fricr Year 1 Aggreg¿te farr market value of åll non-exempt-use assets (see for shon tax or assets held lor of value of securúres a value Irnes 1 ,L¡ilUt rdr 1a Jb "tc mo CF d Totâl (B) Currenl Year a9set9 and o Discount clarmed for blockage or other 1d 1 tn NI 2 3 4 Cash deemed held for exempl use Enter (lor s reatet of 4 5 Nel value of ,mìlt¡ie 3l 5 6 7 Recovenes of 7 srn AsÊèf Amount dd :r i:..r'.:: : t Section C - Dislrrbutable Amount I Current Year te.8- Column A) 2 Enler 85% of hne 3 Mrnrmum asset amou n B. hne 8. Column Aì Enter re¿ter of Lne hne 3 $ lncome lax ,n 6 Distributable Amount. Subtracl ne 5 from lrne 4, unless sublect 10 em 't 1 2 1 ct 3 4 5 6 Check here rf the cufient year rs lhe organrzatron's frrst as a non-funclronally rntegrãted lype lfl supportrng organEätton (see rnslructro ns) Schedule A {Form 990 01 990-EZl ?017 JSA 7Er¿3r 2 0cû 2554,HD K922 TT/t5/20L8 l-1:58:03 A.t4 v I1 -1 ,2F 120-0082500-0082500 STAI.JO. '21 -3I91'1 68 TOGÐTHTR, ]NC 2017 990 ^ 7 ons Section D - Distribt¡lions 1 Amounls tos rted o ns l0 accomplrsh exempt 2 Amounts patcl to perform acltvtty thal drrectiy furlhers exempl purposes of supÞorted organrzâttons, tn excess ol tncome frorn 3 Admlnlstraltve e es lo ol 4 Amounls to assels 5 sel-aslde am0unts IRS 6 Other drstnbuttons escnbe rn Part lnstructìons 7 Tolal annual distributions. Add l¡nes 1 6 I Drstrrbutrons to atlerìtrve supparted organtzattofls to wh¡ch the organ¡zalron l5 responsrve vrde delarls ln Part $ee rnslruclrons 9 Drstnbulable amount lor 2017 Sechon llne 10 Lrne mount drvrded Lrne amounl Currenl Year (ii¡l Spction Ë - D¡str¡but¡on Allocations (see instructlons) Disirlbutable Amount lor 2017 lor 2017 from Sectron C, llne ö ns, tf any, for years prror to 7 lrëäsonâble caus€ requtfed-explan rn Fart Vl) See Orstnbutable åmount 3 Excess d rstnbutlons b 201 3 2014 c F e 201 5 From 2016 3a lo ,plred 10 2017 dts(r,butable amount h 2 Subtract i¡nes 4 D a c 5 red 1o 2017 drslrb Rematndét any Subtracl 6 7 s for years pror to 2017, 39 and 4a from hne 2 For result Remarnrng hnes reeter than Remarnrng änd 4b from ltne Part Vl rn PÐrt Vl 1 ructlons Íor 2017 Subtrâct lnes 3h For result gfeåter than zero, explarn ln Excess disl ributions cårpyÐver to 201ô Add lnes 3¡ and 4c B a b Breakdown ol h¡e 7 Ëxcess from Excess Ircm 2O14 lrom 2015 d E e Excegs o Schèdule A {Form 990 or 990-EZl 20'17 IÊ.1232 t 00û 2554HD K922 Il/15/20),8 11:58;03 Rlq V 1-7-?.2F 120-0082500-0082s00 21 -3"t 917 6B STANÞ TOGEÎHER, INC oî A 6 1f lrne 17a or 17b;Pert 11 , Sechon Supplemental lnformalion. Provlde the explanaltons required by Part ll, hne 10, lll, lrne 1?; Part lV, Sectron A, lines 1,2,3b,3c, 4b, 4c, 5a, 6, 9a, 9b, 9c, 1 1a, 1 B, lrnes I and 2i Pañ lV, Sectron C, llne 1, Pârt lV, Secùon D, hnes 2 and 3, Part 3a and 3b, Part V, lrne 1; Part V, Sectlon 8, line 'lel Part V, Seclion Ð, lmes S, 6, addûonal rnformatpn. lrnes 2, 5, and 6. Also complete thrs part for SCHEÐULE AI OE¡ÇRlPTÍEN FART II . 2a,2b, E, OTI{ER INCOME 20¡3 2 014 ¿ 015 ?o1Àr*B 2017 7, 28. ?10 VãRD0F RSEAtÈ 20I6 1014¡. ¡6,3.r? ,,., ,,,,,, 16.,31?_ *"-"==JAd¿e ¡ SchÉduló A lFo.rn 990 or 990'E2l 2017 JS^ 7Ê'l?25 r 000 2554HD K922 LI/I5/20L8 11 r 58 :03 A¡4 v ),1 -'l .2î 120 - 0082500- 00 82 50 0 SCHËDUL€ D Supplemental Financial Statements (Fprm 990) 0eparlnenl of OMB Þ Complete rt the orgäniratton answered ''Yes" on Form Ð90, Pârt fv, llne 6, 7,8,9, 10,1îa,1Îb,1íc, 11d, 11a,111,12a,o¡12h, tha freasury Þ Go to vtttw.irs. No l5a5-0047 2@''.17 Oaen to Publlc Þ Attach to Form 990, lor rnslruclions End ìh€ letest irlfotmalrôn. lnspection e SIAND TOGETHER, INC 2't Maintaining Donor Part I 0om ete rf the or *319-1168 Accounts^ lion answered "Yês" on Form Pärt (à) Öonor advrsed fúnds other accounls lolâl number al end ofyear Aggregate value of coDlrrbutrons io {durrng year) Aggregate válue oÍ grants from (dunng year) , . Aggregate value at end o( year, , , Ðtd lhe orgqnlzatton lnform all donors and donor adv¡sors rn wrrlrng thal funds âr€ the organtzâtton's property, sub¡ect lo the orgånrzatton's wê leg Ðrd the organlzatton rnlo¡m all granlees, donors, and donor only for chântåble purposes and not for the benefrt of the 1 z 3 4 5 6 held rn advßêd .... ÜYesf**lruo t{ Farlli 1 2 ä b c d 3 Gonservation Easemenls. Pgfpo H LJ Ll ervatton eâsements held by lhe ol land for publrc use (e g naturål habdat ofopen space Çornpletê llnes 2a lhrÒugh ?d rf lhe organËatron held ea$ement on the last day of the tax year Ïoial nurnber of cons€rvatrcn eåseme¡ls Ïotal acreage restrrcled by Number ef conservatlon easemenl$ on a Numb€r of consêrvål$n eaéemenls rn (c) hrstonc structure lrsted rn rhe Number of conservalron all of a òßloncally rrnportânt land area a cerlfred htstoíc struclure , cöntflbuttôn lle,d et the Ënd the ïax Ycar , extrngurshed, or lermrnated by lhe organrzêtron dunng the ' locäled > ,. the perrodrc monrfonng, rnspectron, handtng of rt hohs? tË Does the organtzatron have a vtqlatrons. and fJt** fJ no handhng ol uolaì¡ons; and enlorcrng conse¡vatron easements durrng lhe year 7 Amount of tn rnspectrng, h andlrng of vtolatrons, and ènforcrng conseryahon easemenls durtng the y€år >$ I Þoes each I and ln Part reporled'on lrne ?{d) above satrsfy the requtrements of sectlon 170(hX4XBXt) balance ând tr ru* E tto ol9ãnrzatron reports conservatton easem€nts tn tls f€venue and exponse stalement, and the text ol the footnote to the orgaôrzstron's frnancral statemênls thst descñbÊs lh€ ea$emenls Part Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or tll Com anza!ßn 1a hrslo b the works art, pubIc servrce, I SimÌlar Assets. answered "Yes" on Form Pårt lV, lme peimrtted und er SFAS f16 (ASC 958), not lo repoñ rn and balance sheet or other srmrlar assets held fot pubhc gxhrbrtron, tñ furtherance of the telt of the footnote to rts frnancial stalements that äs permrtted under SFAS 116 (ASC e58), ro report rn rts revenue slätement and balance sheet treasures, or other slmrlar assets held for publtc exhrbrìlon, educätron, or research rn furtherance ol lhe followrng amounts relatrng to these rlems >$ on Form 990, Part Vlll, hne'1 , >$ tn Form 990, Parl X. . {ir} Assets rncl 2 lf the organtzätlon recelved or held works of arl, h¡slorpal treâsures, or other stm¡la¡ assets for flnanclal galn, prov¡de the lollowlng åmounts requtred to be reporled under SÊAS 116 {ASC 958) retatrng lo these ttems a Revenue ncluded on Form 990, PartVlll, hne 1. , . . . >S b Assets rncluded rn Form 990, PartX. .. >$ Ëor Faporwork Reducllon Acl Not¡co, aee lhe lnetructons lor Forñ 9g0. Sch¿dulo D (FÒnï 990) 201 7 {i) Revenue JSA 7e r288 2 000 2554HD K922 7]^/I5/2078 11:58:03 A¡4 v 11-1,2F . . 120-0082500-0082s00 '21-3Iùt , STÀI.ID,TOGETHER, INC o 68 2 ?017 ns or ar Art, Usrng the organrzatron's acqursrlron, acçessþn, and olher records, check any of lhe followrng that are â srgnrtrcant use of cÒlleclron rt8ms (check all thal apply) Maintai 3 Co Loan or exchange programs d Publrc exhrbrtron Other G Scholarly re$earch Preservaton for future generaìons Provrde a descnptron of the organrzatron's colJectrons and explatn how they further lhe organrzatron's exempt purpose In Part a b c 4 xilt 5 Dulng the yeär, drd lhe organrzalron sohÖrt or recerve donatrons of art, hrstorrcäl lreasurês, or olher srmrlâr of lhe 0 Yes âssêts lô be sold lo rarse f unds rather than to be mârnlarned as Part lV Escrow and Cuslod¡ål Arrangements, Çomplete rf the organzalron answered "Yes. on Form 990, Part lV, hne 9, or reported an àmounl on Form 990, Part X, lrne 21. 1a lslheorganrzatronanägent,trustee,custodraoorotherrntermedrarylorcontnbuttonsorotherassetsnot rncluded on Form 990, Pârt X? b ,, , lf 'Yes," e¡plärn the arrangement tn Part Xlll a¡d compleìe Ìhe lollowng table c Begrnnrng balance . . , d Addrhons durrng lhe year a Drstilbulpns dufing the year 1 f Endrng balance 1t 2a Þrd lhè órganrzailon rnclude an amounl on Forrn gg0, Part X, ftna 2l, for esc¡ow or blf the ¡n Part if the Xlll Check answered b c Begrnnrng of year balance I has rf the 990, {b}.Fnor year {a} Cunentyêar 1d rts lV, lne Ho . f--ìY". E Ho Yës No account hábrlrty? on Part XIll 10 {c) Two years bacl (d) Tlree year back Ëour bâck ... Conlrrbulrons Nel ¡nvestmenl earntngs. garns, and losses d e Granls or scholarshrps Other Êxpendrlures for facrltres andprograms..¡i,,.*r :. ,., ,, , : :. '':ií,.:.::;, ' :,:î';)i I Admrntstralrveexpênses g Ênd of yea( balawe. 2 Prov¡de the a b c 3a b bâlance (hne 1g, column (a)) held as Eoard d Perrnanent endowment Þ % Temporarrly re$lflctëd endowment Þ To The perÇentages orì hne5 2a, 2b, and 2c çhould equal 1 00% Are there endo\À'ment fun¿s not rn the pos$ession of the organrzalron thal are held and admrnrstered for the Yss organrzatron by l¡) unrelat€d organÈatmns {iil re lated organrzãtrons lf "Yes'' on ne 3a(tt), are lhe related orgânËatrons hsted as r€qurred on Schedule R? 4 of the tn PartVl and 0m on Form 990 Cosl ôr olher besrs rl lV a Lancl b B utldrngs c Leasehold rmprovem€nts Equrpmenl ê Olher Add lrnes la 11a (b) Cosl or ülher basrs (olher) d N¿ 3a{i) 3a(iiì 3b 990 Pert X lrne 10. {c} Açcumulå1ed Booh value de0recralþn h 1e (CoÌumn (d) musl equal Form 990, Pa¡t X, column (B), lne l)c ) Schedule D (Fom 9901 ?017 Js^ 7Ër289 r 000 2554iD K922 II/I5/20L8 I1:58:03 Þ.¡4 v 11 -1 .2î r.20-0082500-0082500 , STAND,TOGETHER, INC Schedule Pprt Vll 21 -31911 68 2011 D 3 lnvestmênls - Other Securitiês Com lele rf thè anrzâtron answered "Yes" on Form 990 Part lV, lrne 11b See Form 990, Part X, llne 12 (a) Descrlptton o[ securlty or category (rncludrng name of secuñÎy) (c) Method of valualo¡ Cosl or end-of-year rñâÀêl valuo (b) Book value 1) Frnancral derryatlves {2) Closely-held equrly rnterests (3) Other ( (A)oTHER STCURITlES ïotål (b) rBst Part Vlll Form 800,000 Pa¡t lnvsstments - cþl (8)lne 12 Related. anrzäÌon answered "Yes" on Com tf the (al Descnphon of tnvestmenl , line 11c See Form 990 PartX, llne 13 (cl Method of valualron Cosl or end-of-year markel vaJue nwsl Part lX Com if the o tne 11d. See Form 990, Part X, line 1 5 musl Part X Complete rf the organrzalron answered "Yes" on Form 990, Pêrt lV, lrne 1 'le or 1 1f. See Form 990, Part X, llne {b) Book value 1 rncome taxes ïotå1. 2 7E1270 Fum 990, Pad X, col hne 25 ln Farl XIll, provtde lhe teh of the loolnote lo lhe organrzallon's frnancral staiemenls thal reports the 's ltabrlrly for oncertarn tåx posrtlons under FIN 48 (ASC 740) Öhéck here ¡f the texf of the footnÒte has Þeen provrded ln Parf Xìll (b) musl equal Lrabrhly for uncert¿rn tax posrl,ons I 000 2554ttD K922 II/75/2018 11 :58 : 03 AM v I-7-7 .2î Schedulo D tFom 990) 20'17 120-0082500-0082500 . '21 -3191168 STAND,TOGETHI]R, INC 4 Schedule O (Form s90) 2017 Part Xl Reconciliation of Revenue per Audiìed Financial Statements With Revenue p€r Rßturn. Com izalron answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part lV, llne 'l 2a ele if the lotal revenue, ga¡ns, and olher support per audlled , Amounts rncluded on ltne 1 but not on Form 990, Parl Vlll, hne 12 2 2å Nel unrealrzed garns (losses) on investments Donated seruce$ and use of factlntes c Recoveles of prar year grants . a 2b ¿c 2d b d e 3 4 a b c Other (Descrtbe tn Parl Xlll ) , Add nes 2a through 2d . , . . ' Subtracl lrne 2e from lne I Amounts rncluded on Form 990, Parì Vlll, lrne I2, but not on lrne 1 lnvestment expenses not rncluded on Form 990, Pañ Vlll, ltne 7b ' Olher (Descrrbe rn Part Xlfl ) Add lrnes 4a and 4b Part Xll Reconci 2r,229, '' 2L,229 , 459 answered "Yes" on lìne Total expenses afld losses per audÍed fìnancral slalemenls . ; 2 Amounts lncluded on hne 1 but not on Form 990, Pärt lX, lrne 25 a Donated servrces and use of facrhtres 1 3 ,2b. Prror year ad¡ustments Other losses, ¿c .... Addhnes2a through2d - . . . .,, . . Suþtract Ine 2e lrom lrne 1. d Other(DescrrbernPartXlll) è " 2e 3 Amounls rncluded on Form 990, Pan tx, lnveslmeni expenses not tncluded on h Other {trescrrbç tn Pad Xltl ) . " "" . . e Add hnes 4a and ¡lb 4s Itne 7b a 4b 4c 5 Parl Xlll 6 ?, Fan,Xl arìd I, 4, lrnes 1b ând 15, 4, schEdule D (Fonn JSA lE 12)ì r 000 2554HD 9 4a . 1 b c 4 of HxpensÊs per Audited Com lete if the 4 ,229 , 45 1 financlal slatemenls K922 lI/L5/2018 11:58:03 A¡, v 71'1.2F 120-0082500-0082500 9901 2011 Schedulè o 201', . STAND'ÎOGEÎHER, INC '2'1 -3191168 sc¡6dulå JSA 7ef2?8 r 000 2554HD K922 Ll/Lí/?OLB 11:58r03 Al,t V t*7.2F 1 20-0002 50 0-00 B2 5 00 D (Fôfñ b90) 20r7 5 Grants and Other Assistanse to Organizations, Governments, and lndividuals in the United States SCHEDULE I (Forrn 990i comprÊte ¡f the orsail¡z¿,'"Lï,îïïi"".i of the Treasury Jnl6mal Ré!ênue S¿^æe t h 1 2 Qpen to Publ¡c lnspeclion the latest lnlor rnallotl- e orgBnìzå,ltori STAND Part ÞGoto 2@17 eet, Parr )Y,tine21 ot 22. lïi-- Oeparltreît OMg No 1545-0047 ñ!mb¿r Enrploy€f T 2'7 -37911 68 I Does the crgant;zatfÖn m l¡e selechcn cnlena used lo Descrrbe rn Parl fV the Part ll of the grants Or êss¡stance, the grañtees' eþrbrhry lor the graÊls or assrstance, and X the use sf grant funds E tfte Uflüted States Gr¿nts and Other to 990, Pär! tV, line 21 , for any recrprent that 1 (al liame änd addrss of onganzaìnn ., or gov¿ment Àcf s vlagl StREET (c-trilRç {b¡Ë1¡r s€{iþft l9-!êll4?,i 53205 84-l5l)066 (31 *idÌ ìiÞ¡ q¡.SHMGTO?{, DC 2oûC6 52 -r.2 178 9l 285, 00û Èì Y i&ffij,' ;01{c) .*,idiÈå:ùÌ;ñh'rt a3} iot (c) t3t OPEF,ÀÎ]Nû W*" I OPERATIN6 ¡ro.ôûû O ÀNGELES, CÀ 90011 99-19?262{ iot (cl {3i ?r3,00t ÐEFY VäNT{JRâS INC .:\', , St, '\x NEI4 YCRK, DrREË GLÖAÀ! FOü¡¡DATÍOr¡ '{Y IOOIS 2?-3 6rl90B LANÉ HONHOUTH JUNCI¡O ¡. N.t 0885? { 5 -,131?6û{ iol fcl {lr t0l tc) 3t 6. ùûû tlt OPERATIXG ì ìr;.. -.,,,,i$:.:,ìt' ,iífi*.:;r5;;:;:"- rso.000 HÀRgEST OF t{ÕPE .,r ilF ,s,l i ilii .¡t*1ri) '.r+iii,iìi çcl¡JERsgl f.rJ 08871 22-J694227 2239 cH¡.MpÀ STREST OEßvtR, CO 80205 5 L liii l'url*' OPEBÀTI Nô l¡ OP¿RÀÎIN6 "ii 50r{cl r, o02, 0úû 13} PBOENTX HÍJLIT$'ORÎ ROOfS PERÀ1I NG ii' 522 S t'{Àlr¡ s:tRssT Los 7?7 FRÃNKtrt¡ 8tvo assrslanc€ ,"**Íl CHRYSÀLIs ENTf,RPRISE 4 sÀSsllÀil ü l so¡hç! { SÍREEI lhÌ PurÊoseolgEnt ìw ilr }!t 120r- E. coLFAX ÀVÊ ÐENVER, CO 8021.8 GRÀI*D {g) Dascnptr6 ol noncash assstaftæ (Soo*, FMV, åptr¿ßâ1, Õthorì râslr â*çståncÊ ;-. :Fd NOOOSOTì CE ¡TER 154 (tÌ Method of vãhratron (o¡ Am0unl of noñ. ol cash 4fioilftr ,: li gråfi . td) {lfìspFlicâþþ} ÀlLItutcE EcR clroics 1625 K STRËËÎ. no Governmgnls. Complete if the organzaton answered "Yes" on Form Part ll can be duptcated f add¡tlonal space ¡s needed. cor.rHu¡ lTy ot!.tlÐp],tÊNT ?41{ }r Yes D ¿0-4 648043 501 {c} t31 1, Oto. û{r0 t? 6220 501 {a, a3} t?0. âû{ 33-04t121? 501 {c} {3i to,0ûû 501 tç¡ t3t Ë9û,00r '\ill' OPSRAT!¡IG ir irl t. :: OPEÈITIN6 RÊaOU¡rÐ ¡.'130 FR.[Nt{Lf¡¡ 5rREEl oA¡(L{No cÀ 94612 { Ë- 3 ST,R¡VE FOU¡¡DÀ?IOù 9124 S T'lRÐÀN t{À!t s13€€T cÀ LOS 90Ð03 SPECTÀLfST PO BOX 438 1I 15146 2 0- 8 8'? 3395 UÀêÀN VENTURES FOSRTH ÀvÊ S 'INì¡EÂ?OLIS. MN 55408 36-3 558?t0 io: ($ tlì Enter total number of secto n 501(c)(3) and govemríent o¡gAnrzat¡Orrs hsted Enter of olher hsted n the hne 1 Fcr Faperwork Reductrort Àct Nottcs. Ê€a lhs lnstruattons lor Form gC0 2924 2 3 ?s, 000 rn 1 lable Schedule I (Foîn 990) (2017) JSA ?E1288 1 000 2554Hù K922 7!/ I5l2A!8 t1 : 58 I 03 Atf v 11 -1 .ZE 120-0082500-0082500 SCHEI}ULE (Form 990) Grants and Other Assistance:o Organizations, Governmeßts, and lndividuals in the United States I ". , CornpÌete if the Oepãrtment ollheTBsury Open to Public to Forrn 990. lor the latest itrformetaon. lnspection the €.g¿naatm Name No 15454047 2@17 'Yes* on Ëorm 990, Parl lV, liîa21 or2:¿, ÞGoto lntemal Rænue SùftÈêê OMg Ëmplûyer rdeDlrfi ceìrol numbôr STANÐ 2 7*31 9?? 6B Part I I Does the org the selectron cnlerra used Descnbe rn Parl lV the 2 Part ll records to the âssrslänce. the gtäûtees'elqürl{y for the granls Ðr ãsststânce, and 0f x Or fcr use of grant funds Grants and Other to Dcrnostic 990, Part [V. line 21 , for any reclpnnt that 'I la) ($ M€ttìod of vá{ualm (€) Amaunl c{ ûofi- (6ook, FMV, a?prðsal, €sh áss¡stÐæ (g) Ðescnptrm ol noncash assrs(¿nce {h} PurÞ6 ofgËnt o. assrslance ¡1$';" co STREET {1T] E ]?TH i¿¡ ninomt o!ca¡fl, .ri.t ì;r' grån[ir:!îl' Jli'' {cNl*È seae*r lif apÞhcäble) WOüEN'S BËAN PiG]ËCT YOUTH âHÎRSPREI¿ÊURS, No Governments. rf the organrzatron answered "Yes' on Form P¿rt ll can be duptrcated if add¡tional space ts needed Name and address of o.gaoÊaton or çovemmeît 3201 CURTIS Yes the Untted States rn e0205 B4-t t44973 .. ro.¡ {cJ {3t ¡8-rl8ì886 tûl tc) 3Ê-2 I 6'¡Ol2 tol {ci tlì ,tl ;ìl' ¡s 25,000 ¡,¡E,TWORK ìNC Ks STRETT NORT¡{ 51220 13ì OPÉ:RÀIING YOUîH GUIDA.ITCE I tL NORTÉ LÀS,qLLÈ STRSÐî 60602 \\rS'\: t6"3Ë3rl 53rC ¡rÀRD ROAO ÀRVÀÐÀ¿ CO Ð0ù02 92 t0r (c) r3' . i: ":.i' ä5,roo. FRI¿I¡þS OË THE CNILDREN 44 NE Ysî 25,00û ELEYATE USA . . -..,,;:r,.:iii Nglr{oR8 i iili !rEil'rôRti "\: oR 972tJ UORß,IS SlRÈ51 93"r lo0 990 501fç) lll 25, 000 NETFORA GETTIIIG OUT &{D S1ÀYII¡G OÙT, ]¡TC 75 EÀST II6'H SîRSST NEU¿ YÙR(, ¡llt370 5o¡ {ç! {3} 25, 5-5 2¿1907 5Sl {c} {3} 25.000 YST NE¡dORR (cl t3l ?5. 0û0 NËTI¡ORK TIY 06- 10065 4 .,iF1''.i ûO0 NEÎWORK HSÀDSTROI¡6 PROJÊC1 6f, LYNDEL ROAD POUND RTDG€. r'rÖÊt r{ous8 0Ë çoLoRÀDo co 9003r 9008 ìlÀRsltÀIL couRT .LINK FOR EDUCÀ?¡OI TN 23 SÎÀÌE STRESI OSSINTNG/ NY NUDSON IOIGNIlY, IIIC ¡124 E CEt¡îR"A.t BOüLÞVÀ,RD fi. 32801 94- ]. s67s3B s01 ¡r-{r32}{E 501 tÊ) t¡) 25, OCo 0r-û9¿t4 50t tct (3¡ 25,00o tct ftÌ 25, 0û0 9ô JSREMfÀfi PROGi.AX 615 l5T ÀVE¡,Uã ñs rll'¡NEÀpo¡rls" MN t5413 {I -¡åûr 63{ 50I JTJB:LTE FOOD5 ,¡{OO REÀDÍNû ÑOAD CINCINNÀTÍ, OH {S2TI 2 3' 3 6- { 8660q l 501 tC) (3¡ Ënter tolâl number of sectron 501(c)(3) and gövefnment Enler total number of olher tmns IR For Paperwor* Reductton Àct Notrcr, seê lhê lnskuclrons to¡ forngg0, .J ?5.000 ¡n lable-.. - Schedule I (Fóm $gtl (2017) S 781298 i 000 25'r4HD K922 11/I5/2OiB Li.:58:03 Al.J v 17-7.2F 12û*008 2s00 -0û825 0û SCHEDULE (Form 990) Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments, and lndividuals in the United States I a rlm èß1 ot Lh€ ÞGoto lnlemãl Re€ue Sèruc€ Inspectlon iñformatlun Name of lhe organtral¡oft Empl¿ycr rde nüticalror nurÈh¿r S?AND Part 1543-0047 Open to Public Form $9fI" -frËàsu¡y No 2@17 oYes'on Ëorm 990, Part lV, line21 or22. Complete íf the Dep OMB 2? -3 19?? 6B I 1 Does the 2 lhe se¡ectron cntefla used to awârd the Desc¡rbe rn Pärt lV the records to 1 ?5)5 Governments. that Part ll csn be dupticated (a) Nañe aîd åddr8ss oforganÈ¿ltön ol govêmmenl ùII LLIOÍÀTR fclitblÏgecùotr 1{;gpptaabÞ} {dJ'N¡nounl ofcash ,1 ;. " grarl.¡..r4'r. w¡.98121 I 1'050 ? 51 l iot,icr r¡l È3 53RÐ sTRÉET CHICAGO, KIDS, IL 60615 27-r05?77r 50t tcl (¡l 22-J52969r 5C1 lC) {3} T¡IC ?4Û :Àl¡(}lo¡rT AvsNüE JEASE.Y clTy, ilJ 1590 À S1R6Ê1, ñÊ ÀUBURN, .,.*, ;.: 01615 ORION INDUSÎRIÐ.S P¡iÀ.RL5 FOfi TÊÊ}¡ üre organrzaton answered 'Yes'' on Form addrtronal space rs needed lR M¿thÖrl of väùJ¿tuón ì6ool, fMV, arp+ø¡sal, {g} Desc¡phoß of ßoncash ðssstance {h} Purpose o{graat ût al$stance HÄ, 98002 9r -072?0'16 501 tc) {3} ,."**Si ùgTrdO*.K YST NET}ÌOIK - ¡i¡ã:rÉð{ÈsJ' ;: " :iriir ' ?5,09Õ NET1IOñ.X ^t. t5,0ût :NC G YSl ?5, 000 ilotifEY lxrNt( NÊH CITY tål Amo(fn{ cÉ ñôricast *sstance ¡f ìiffi INC TîISTERN ÀVÊI}ÚÊ SÈ\TT r{52 E [Tlv." D o" furds n the Unúed States Grants and Other to 990, Part lV, lrne 21 .1or eny recr Part ll the grantees' ebibilüy for the grânls or âssÉtânce, êfld 0f thë gränts ù¡ETWORK , \,r:tì: 1e05 N OR HLK OR HlLr{AsfrEr, }ìr l9-r 53?12 997910 i ll¡ ?5,000 so! lct (3t 25.000 501 fc) : : i:ìi ,i tlir ii i ' lÄ.tYST NStrìrORK RfSING TIÜT CAI'!îAL 384 JERSEY MLK C]lY f{J r1-3720098 07105 TST RÔCÍÊË¿I,I,Eâ ?}IILÀI{"HROPY AOvISÔRS, INC 6 W¿Sî IBTH 51P.8'T NEl+ ilIN6S FOU¡ùOÂTIO¡', ROO?S ó ?5 rt -l6lssll ñY 100f6 501(C) {31 15,000 50ì fc) {3} 25,000 INC BLOOT4FIELD .À.VENUS DSNVILLE, NÐ?âORK FOR S}IÀRCD . ¡U 0r841 4 6-18 ? 6220 !:f:' lÈ ñ¿lr,loRK ROH NSI4 YORN y6Rl(, ñy IO0ì8 22-J683539 501 {f} r3r 25, 000 I{ILL, îX 8?-0)9trs{ 501 {c} t3i rü2,000 902â3 33-03026r? 5tl rcl BOAD JÀC!ßON, HS 39216 4g-191r760 tor tcl {3} 252 r{Es? 3?1H STREEf NËl.r SÀNDERS C!ÀùS 231{ SU¡¡sET RIÐGE CIR CEOAR '75T0{ SOLUTTONS FOR C}iÀNGE, lNC ?22 H Cå.LrFORtrtÀ S PRTÑGBOARD 3000 0LÐ cLÀN10ü 2 ÀVSIùUÊ V!SrÀ, Cå TO OPEORTU¡:IIIES (3 ' Enter total number of sectron 501 (cX3) and government 3 Enter number of other hsted rn the lne 1 For Pzgerwatrl Reducllon Act Noltce, sBê the lnsttucttófisforfolmggft. ' ?5,000 25, too 1 täbþ . Schedule I (Fom 990) (20171 JSA 7EÍ2BT¡ I OÙO 2534HÐ K922 17/L5/2Aß 11:58:03 AM v t?-?.2F 1"20-0t82 5G0-0092500 SCHEDULE (Form 990) Grants and Other Assistance to Organization$, Governments, and *ndividuals in the United States I Complete if the oèpartfreRt Òf lhe Tfeasufy lnlemâl Revenuè S¿Mt OMB >côto the latêst inform¿tion. lnspect¡on EmÞloyer STAND T 1 num b¿ r 2-l -3191168 I Does the records to selectlon ciletla used to award the DescÍrbe ln Part lV the or a5s¡staftëe, thë graflteês' elgùdrlyior the graots or âss:stance, ard Lhe 2 545-0047 open to Publíc s98. the ûrgânqå1toñ Part 1 2@17 "Yss* on Form 990, Part NV,liaø21 o¡2iL tê No Pa¡t ll . uI lb,l€J¡r. . 51210 8L-165'ì?6,¡ T¡ìE ¡{ûRKFAITH CO}IN¿CÌION 4555 oACOf,tA 5TR¿5T HO J510N, TX l'to92 ?0-{ 29 No Complete f the srganEation answered "Yes'' on Form Part ll can be duplicated ú add¡tnnal space ts needed PROJECT STRAâT Yes ft¡r¡ds rn the Unrled States. that 1 la¡ Namê and addrs of orBanräl6n õa gowmñeñt 5422 fi CENÎËR X . i:t th€ trs€ Grants and Other to 990, Part lV, ltne 2l , for any T']E JOSAP¡' r 5rs3 {ê¡üfC s€clpn {d apf ¡€åbþi 'w i'iN¡ roì.tcr {3} fi $iöount cJce"*tr .rr''; dtänl,'." ":i:; {ê} Amoul¡l rS non- lll Meihod of EÌuêtrú cash åsastånce ôihøl lÉæ&, FMV, aoprârsar, þ Oescrrptrm of ndrcæh assstånce (fil Pur1ose of gránl or asstslance åiia 1 .ì .. ,ü .¡ Y;ili : irTll-Sti,¡n!' ' .iii{Å$s' 501 (ct 13l F" 25, 0t0 ..-.',.ut$ä$i lXäOÌ!' TÀLYSC ÑE'TI,ìORK YSl NETÈORK TfREÀO, IIIC Pc sot 185{ B.ñ.LÎIMoF8, ro 2r?0J IHII¡ CIîIES RISE I3OI ¿RYA,IIT ÀVÐ N HIN¡IãAgOLIS. ATIACX ?x'7t406 FEsctiÐ Mlsslor.l DÀLL\S 4 rx 5-2 4 0).54 I Þo gox tì13 HÀyNe 3?-tt8 4:6t 1520t BOC W CAL¡FORHIA ÀVE OKI.ÀHOM.A CÍTY . ¿¡, ooo N r w*l ¿5"0ûo, rcl Ë) :ì tol. (c) (3: 25.000 i0¡ (cl zs.0û0 flÌ ¡{ oK 13t06 l3-û7¡ lsB3 t0r (ct (3! 25.000 26-18 36207 50r rcr r3r ?5.0û0 16-186¡392 so.ricl r¡l :5,0û0 YS? I,}ET}.¡ORX CORP r{v 2 55?0 I ÐÊNVER, co 9020t NET'JOR¡( 45 ¡n . Sch¿tlute {Fom 990} J54 0ûù ETRORK Nt1140RK '";.ì: Enler total rumber of sectron 501(c)(3) and governmenl Enler oÌher ln lhe lne 'l table. I NET!,IORK i For Paporyôrk Reduct¡on .qct ¡¡o¡tcø, sc€ thg tñstro¿t¡ons forFörm 990, 7E 1288 sl",toR K ;,ì:- PüRPOS' ?ô Èoi( ?481 2 3' 501 l\i,lrìirl. rNC CÙALFIELÐ DÈVE!,OP¡{ENT CROSS {t -t 76Il l8 (ct (3, tlOHEsTUl{ I5IO ?ÀCIFIC ÀVENU' clry I.IN 554C8 501 POVERTY PÕ BOX 1509 r:¡FE 84-ì-rO0955 2554ttD R922 It/!5/20!B 11:58:03 ÀFl V 1?-1.2F 12 0-0082 500-0082 5 û0 p0r7l STAND ?OGETHER, INC. 21 -3r91 Schedule I (Foro 990){20J7) f,lflItr Grants and to Domestic Indlvidu¿ls, Complete Part lll can be (al Type ol 1 68 Pas€ 2 if addrtional s needed. (g l,lunÞetol slançe 'Ìi'" lcÌ À¡nouñt ca*rgrðÍt lÊc¡pÊflt.s f the organ¿ation d answered 'Yed on Form 990. Part ÎV, line 22. {d}¡ørs¡sf ffibËi¡$lürcÊ lû FMV. Oescrrptton of noó{asi essÉtance Ðpñã¡ dr€rÌ v.1:. *i¡¡ir ì 3 r ffiJr # .æ. ñ 4 Á 5 Part lV Supplemental lnformation. Provide thë tnfofmet¡ofi. r, PAR? A¿t I, LINg il "# and any other add*ûnäl {T 2 RÐCIP]EN9S RECSIVED GRAN? À¡{ARD LgTIARS ?HAT PRO¡IIBI FROM USTNG TI{E GRANT FUNÐS FOR LOBBYÍNG AND POI,ITICAL PURPOSES TÍIE FUNDS EXCLUSTVSTY FOR CR^âRITABLE AND EDUCATIONAL PT'RPOSEs. Schêdule I {FôE ¡ 990) (2017) JÊq 7Ê1504 f @0 2554HÐ K9ZZ 7L/15/20].8 1t:58:03 A¡r V I]-7"2î 1 20-t082500-0082500 \,. Compensation I nformation SCHEDUhE J (Form 990) ) Depadmcnt ol lhe Trûa5ur) lnlern?l Rewnu€ Seryce Nanìê of lhe organrzå(ron sTAt'f D TOGEIHER, INC Part I OMB Ëor c€rlain Offrcers, Drreclors, TfuÊloes, Kêy Employees, and Hlghest CompBns¡ted Employeas Complete rf thê or0ant¿atron ansìfle/ed "Yes" on Form 990, Part tV, lins 23 > Anäch to Form 990 Þ Go to wwwjrsgovlËormggo lor instructlone and lhe lâtest Intormaüon. No 1545-0047 2@17 to Public Employer rdÊrtrf¡catron num 21 -31911 68 YÉs 1a Frrst-cla9s or charler travel Travel for compantons Tax rndemnrfrcatton and gross-up payments D rscrelronary sperìdtng eccount Housrng allowance ór resrdence for personal use Payments for busrness usè of personal restdence Health or socral club dues or rnrtìat¡otr fees Persçnal servrces (suchas, mard, chauffeur, chef) b lf any of lhe boxes on ltne 1a are checked, drd the organrzalron follow a wntl€ñ pohcy regardrng payment or relmbursement or provrsron ol all of the expensès descnbed absve? lf "No," conìplele Part lll to explarn . Dld the organtzalron requrre subslantraton pnor rermbursrng or allowrng expenses rncurred by all drrectors, trustees, and oflcers, rncludtng lhe CEo/Execuhve Dtreclor, regsrding the tlems checked on ltne 3 lnd¡cate whtch, rl any, of the foltowrng lhe frllng orgånrzâtron's CEO/Execut¡ve Drreclor Check relatect organ'zatron to estabhsh compensalton 1a)... 2 l¡y a compensatron commrtlee lndependenl compensatron coilsultânt Form 990 of olhèf organtzattors W by vil 4 conlract or study or compensatron commûtee hne 1a, wrth respect to the frlng a f 5 ä b 6 a b 7 I 1b lo 2 b No Check the appropnale.box(es) rf lhe organrzahon provrded any of lhe followrng to or 990, Part Vll, Sectron A, hne 1a Complele Part lll to any relevant rnformâtron 4a Partcrpatê rn, o/ recerve payment from, a PartrcrpAte rn, or recerve payment lf "Yes" tô êny of lrnes 4a-c, retrremeñ¡ plan?. anãngemenl?. ppl¡cablê ämounls lôr eåch ¡lerfl rn Parl lll 4b 4c X 5å 5b X 6â X Only sÞct¡on 501(c)(3), É01 müst'coñplele lines 5-9. For persons hsted on Ëorm I a, drd the organzaton pay or accrue any çompensahon contrngent on the The organuêtlon? Any related orgánrzalton? lf "Yes" on llne 5a or 5b, descrrbe tn paÊ;,lll For pe¡sons llsted on FÕrm 990, Part Vll" Sectron A, lrne '1a, drd the organrzaton pay or âccrue any compensatroô conttngent on lhe net earntngs of The organrzatrôn? . . Any relâted organrzatroô? lf "Yes" on hne 6a or 6b, descrrbe rn Part lll 6b For persons hsted on For-m gg0, Part Vll, Secl¡on A, llle 1a, drd the organrzatron provrde any nonfrxed paymenls not dëscnbed on hnes 5 and 8? lf "Yes," desc be tn Part lll. Were any amounts reported on Form 990, Parl Vll, pard or acorued pursuanl to a conlract lhat was subJect to lhe rnrtral conlracl exceptron descrrbed rn Regulatrons secllon 53 4S58-4(aX3)? lf "Yes,'' descrrbe rn Part lll 9 lf "Yes' oû lrne 8, drd the organEatÞn also follow the rebultâble presumptron procedure desclbed R922 LI/15/2018 l1:58:03 A-l',1 v Li*1 x Schedule J (Fom 990) 2017 Js^ 2554HD E rn I ulalro ns 495 B-6(c For Pâperwôrk Reducllon Acl Notlce, soe lhe lnstructlons for Form gg0 7E1290 1 000 X .2F 120-0082s00-0082500 STAND TOGêTHER, INC 21-3t 911 68 z 2017 J Part ll and ts needed For each rndrydual whqse compensallon must be reported on Schedule .1, report corûpensal¡on from the organaatlon on row (ri and from related organrzat¡ons, descnbed ln the ¡nstrucl€ns. on row (rr) Do not Ìtst a:ry lndruduals that âren't l¡sted on Forn 990. Part Vll rnd¡vrd uaÌ dovrn of W-2 and/or (A) Name aad T¡tle 1 {$l Bóñu$ å il¡öe,¡tnê {'} Sase õomperìsãlnn . IVE LAUREN {'} DIRECTOR (rii MCC.ANI.I (') fxEculIvE vrÇE PRrsrпNT DECLAIì LYNCH 3vtc9 PRESIDfNI SRIN KÐATING 4vrcE, ?RÐsÌûENr BRIAN 5scA.RÐ HOOKS HSH8ER (r') .1. 80 0 I ó, L¿ T -i {t ¡} {r} lrrl {r} {tù o L61 ,46'1 0 188,565 0. 0, i. {El lots¡ of columns (F) Comp€nsðtþn rn coiumn (B) reponed as deferEd on gnor (BXTHD) lir: 76,2øA , 0 0, n iì 3?5, 00Ð. . r,:.r. ilìr 0, . 0 208 5, 463. t2,626 0 U, '0 15,1sl ,O43. 1 n 0 15,151. 30L,931 0 0 0 0 0 15? 0Q 0 16,200. 0 30, 000. t. ' beneÍÎs Form 990 0 - 0 {Ðl Nûntaxabls õther defeæd cÞfftÊêntål$f¡ .:,' L00r 000. , 'l:'t', .' 9û,1000'. (r) (C, R€lrement and coßpe nså1ton r€porl¡ble Ègrnpañsõkorl ii, EV.AN {s.¡ O(hsr -::. 0 û 1"6,200, 0 U 15, 158. 299 , 4-t I 0 0 r99,023, 0 0 r94,556 - 0 0 n 594, 933 0 _ (r) fr¡) {ù {n) { } (ul I {') (itl {'i (¡ù (ù 11 ('ii 12 {nl f3 l¡rì 14 lril (r) t'¡ (ù 0 5 ( rrl (') (r) Schedsle J {Fom 99J} 2017 Js ¡E1291 I 000 2554HD K9?-2 11/r5/2C18 11:58:03 À¡4 v I?-7.2f' 120-0082500-0082s00 STAND TOCS?IJER, INq 27 -3t91't 68 Sch€dule 3 Part lll Provide the rnformatnn, for or descrptnns and addrtpnal SCHEDU],E JT PAR? Part Also complete this paÉ LTNE ? INCENTIVE iliìgp ,.sE*vlcEs PROVIDED TO THE ORGANI ûF TltË ORGANIZAIION. schådulâ J {Fom 930} JSA 7€1505 r (xto 2554HD K922 LL/L5/2Ot8 tl:58: 03 A¡.t V 1?:7,2F 120*ûü825$O*û0Êâ500 201 7 SCIIEDULE M (Form 990) rl the organrzaltons ånswered "Yss" on Form 990, Part lV, lines AltåÊh lo Form 990 lor the latêsl lntormalion Go to www Þ Çomplete > Depafmênl ol the Tre;sury f oMB No'1545{047 Noncash Contributions ntêmèl Rewnùe SeMûÊ Þ 29 or 3t. oßantzãlton STAND TOGÉTHER 21*3191168 INC (a) Check f applrcable I z 3 4 5 {t} {b) Number of contrbutrons ot rìems contnbuled HÕncash coolilbìjlßn: âmounts teptrlÊd ön Form Ð90, Part Vlll. ttñ¿ lE (d) MÈ1hod ol dele¡mrnrng noncash conlnbulron amounts Art - Works of art. . . . Art - Hrstoilcãl lreasuÍes Arl - Fractronal rnterests Sooks and publtcairons Clothrng and household goods" , 6 7 B I Cårs and other vehrclês Boats a¡d planes, lntelleciual properly Secuntres- Publrclytraded, . ., - Closely held stock . . , 10 Seçuntres 11 Secunles - Pannenshrp, LLÇ, or lrusl rnterests Securrlres - Mlscellaneous. . Quahied conservaloñ conlnbtllron - Hrstorrc strüctules, Qualied conservalton conlrrbulron - Othêr 12 13 ì4 t5 Real eslãtÈ - ResrdenlnJ 16 R*a[ estate"Commeroal " t7 TT Real eslàte " Other " x ^ 402,998 , . Collectlbles. 19 20 .2,1 22 23 24 35 2â 2T ?8 29 Screntrfrç specrmens - Archeologrcal artfacts Other Þ{ ûrher >{ ; ) Olher Þ{ Other > ) Number of 8283 tecerved by the ofganrzalton du.tng lhe lax year for conlrrbulrons for wh¡ch the organrzâtron compleled Form 0283, Parl lV, Donee Acknowledgement . , YBe No 30a Durrng the year, drd lhe orqsÕrzalron recerve by conlnbutron any property reporled rn Part l, lrnes 1 through 28, that rt must hold for al leasl three years from the dale of lhe rnrtral contnbulron, and whrch rsn't requrred :û be used for exempl purposes for thB entrre holdrng peflod? b 31 DoÊs the organrzatron have a grfl acceptance polrcy that requrres the revrew of any nonstandard 31 contrrbulrons?. 32a Does lhe organrzatton htre or use thrrd partres or related organrzatrons lo sokcrt, process, or sell "Yes,' descnbe X nonc¿sh 32e contnb ulrons?. b lf 33 X 3Õa lf "Yes," d€scrbe the anangement rn Pafl ll rn Part ll lf the organrzatron drdn'l .epo11 an ¿mounl ln column (c) for a type of properly for whrch column {a) rs checked, descrrbe rn Pañ ll For PapeMor* R¿duchon Acl Nottcr, 6ee the Insltucttons fq¡ Fom g!0 Schedufe M (FÞrm SS0l (2017) JsÁ 7E1298 r 000 2554HD K92? II/L5/2018 11:58:03 AM v lt-1.2F r20-0082500-0082s00 ,, \27-319??6t SîAND., TOGETHER, INC. 2 Part lf Supplemental Informatlon. Provlde the rnformatron regurred the organìzation rs reporlrng tn Part I, column (b), the number or e comblnatlon of both. Also complete thrs part for any additpnal rnformatlon. SCHNDULE M, PART T, 33, and whether ber of recerved, çOLUMN B TJiTS NUMBER REPRESANTS THE NUMBER OF CONTRTÊUTTONS Schcduts JSA 7EtÐå r DOo 2554¡tD K922 IL/L5/20L9 1i.: 58:03 Al4 v I7-1 .2F 120-00I2s00-0062500 ¡l (Ëom 980t{¿0r7f Supplemental lnformation to Form 990 or 990'EZ SCHEDULE O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) Depar!menl ol lhe Treasury > lnlelnâl Revenue Servrce Nàme of the orûanr¿alron lntorm¡trgn ðboul ScbÊdulê O {Fûm s90 or 990€Z) and rtÊ rnstl0ctrons rs at wwl 17 to P ublic r/s Employ6r 2't -3t9"t-t 68 STAND TOGÊTHËR, II.IC lIT, FOR}í 990, UPON BEfNc SELACÎÊD ,ðtS ÀN INVESTMENT, SACH ORGANIzÃTÏON PARTICIPATIS 1N A. PART GRO!'ITH ÀND oMB No, 1545-00,{7 Complela lo provrde rnformalíon for responses lo spec¡flc quosllons on Form 990 or 990-EZ or ta provido ony addtttonal ialotmation. >Altach to Forrìì 990 ot 900-EZ LTNS 4A jj" RECEIVE DîARKETING AND STORY ¡ ÊLÏ6¡BLE ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE POISED TÔ A RECEIVE INCREASED LEVELS OF VASIÞ?..Y.. OF CAPABTLTÎIAS TN INVESTMBNTS ÀCROSS THE STAND TOçETHER 8E IN TO CAN crÞr, TfiÊ'c THE FORM OF'MORP t: MARKETiNG ADO'ITTON.&T, TTNAI¡CIAT, TNVESTMÊNÎ. FORI'{ 990, PART TV, LINE 12A AT TIME OF TILI.NG AUDIT.EP FTNANCTALS ARE IMMINENT AND IT 15 EXPECTED THAT FTNANCTA'f/ $.ÍATEI'íËNTS TfIJ,I, NOT I,IATERIALLY ÇHANGE UPON AUÞT? COII'PLËTfON, FORM 990, PART vlr SDCTION A, LniÐ 2 VARIOUS ÐIRECTORS AND OFFICERS HAVE FORI\4 990, PART VI, SECTION A, LINE THE ORGANTZATION HAS VOTING Þ1EMBERS A BI.ISINESS RELATIONSHIÞ, 6 I,IITH lHE RIGHTS STATED IN For Prrvecy Act and Pâporgrork Reducllon Act l,lol¡cê, see tha lnstruclrons lor Form 990 or 7 E JSA r 2¡S flsû01 000 255411D K922 1I/15/2ú,8 11: 58:03 AM v l?-7 .2F THE 990-Ë2. Schodule O (Form g90 or 990-Ë2) (2017f 120-0082500-0082500 2017 2 Name ol lhe oçsnratxn ¡denltllcåtton numb€a SÏANÐ TOGËTHËR, INC 7-319 ÀRTICLES OF INCORPORATTON ÀND BY],A'IS. FORM IN 990. PART ACÇORDÀNCE VT, 990, 7A f4I1¡{ THD BYLAWS, CLASS A MËf4gERS EI,ECT ?HEIR RFGULAR ÀNNÜÀt FORM A, I,INB SECTTON PART VTI MEETTNG. SEST,TON Ar LÍNA 78 T1IE VOTING MË¡48ËRS IIAVË TT{E FO!ÍËI AND..V.ÜÏÏNö B- To c. APÞoIN? ADDI?ÍONAL glrÀS.,s È 10 DsssoftyË îrTr,e9RPoßAcI€N¡ fS DBAFT OF THE 990. TlTË¡i PRÕVÎbED TO FOR REVTÊþ'. AI,L QIJTSTTONS ARE MADË, THE fr TÍME åLlotis, PR B, LINE VIt 990, IS SUI"IMARY, TR.ANSAClIONS MAY HAVE NECESSÀRY. SCIIEÐULES I4Í]JL BË PROVTDÊO TO THE BOARD OF FORM ÞTRECÎORS IN ïF CONFLTCT OF INTEREST POLTCY COVËRS PROPÕSED INrËnESl$D A FTNANCIAi, I2C TNTEREST PËRSONS IN A (I.8./ B0AË,Þ MÉMBËRS ÀND OrFICËRS) TRÀNSACÎTON BEINç CONSTDERED BY THE Schsdulê O {Form å90 o1 590-EZ!.X,017 JSA ?€t228 t @O 2554ItD K922 lL/L1/?OLE 11r 58 r03 A¡4 v t'l-'t .28 12 0-00 82 5 00-00 825 00 o rdattrffcålron nufiber ?-319 1 ïNC STAND TOGETHERI BOARÞ OF DIRECTORS OR A THE BOARD COMMTTTEE THEREOF. OR IT HAS VARIOUS O?TIONS TO ADDRES5 THE PROPOSED TRANSACTTON ANÐ FRESENTS A CONFLTCT OF INTEREST, INCLUDTNG EVALUATTNG THS. TRANSACrION, WHEf}IBR TO APPOINT A VI, 990. .FARI ttÏ$fi BåspËcf 3o fgË EXBCUTI,V-,F SECTTON CÖMMIT?ÊE ÞTSTNTERESTËÞ PBRSON EVAÍ,UAIE ÎHÊ TRANSACTIOil, CONSOLTTNG LÐGÀL FORM B; LINE I5A.åNq 1,58 gor\4P$NsåfioN t'oR ÎHË ÞlRECrö$i? fti$ tO COUNSST., Ë$N ã$ËC{JTÍì,VE DTRECTOR ÐËTERMTNËÞ THE COMPEÑSAÎTOÑ WFR& COMPENSATED BASED QN COMPARÀBLE AI4OUNT.$ FOR CO}'PARABLÐ SERVICES. ALL oRGA$ ã¿ATION'S IS fltË Btåa5 T{AS ÞETERMINED ANÞ TO AND' åMOtrN*g REVIEWED BY THE BOÀRD OT COUFENÊA TON ]ËASËU ON Ç'CIt{Þ,åRABtË t4 n tsx ,å¡{CIuNr$ ,FÐRM 990¡ ?åRT'vÎ, IN STAND TOGEÎHER ACCORDANEE WITH IR5 RUI¿ES. ÀTTÀCHMAN' . v 99 DE9ÇRTPTtrON tLC ËMÉRGËÑT BRAZOS '1 F NAT,IË ANÞ 4L1 2 t, 201'l 990 or Name ol lhe oßanEslron AF ,âERYÍÇEfi COI1FÐNÐåÎION MEDIA 343,090 CONSULTING 149,769 MEDIA 940 ,566 0 (Ëorn 990 or 990-Ê2) S TX 187 AUS 4s s BROOKLYN, NY SING & SEÊDS I?O }IEST DË,STGN LLC MAFLE BIRMTNGHAM, MI 48009 3cñoduaê JSA ?€r228 1 000 2554uD K922 L7/15/20Le 11r58r03 Al'c v I7*7.2F 1 20-0082500*00825 00 20rl 990 o¡ 2 2017 Natnê ol lhe orgsnEat¡on STAND TOGETHER rdenlrlìcâlron aumber INC. -31 9? PAÏ OF NAME AND ÀDDRESS Ç2, I DESCRTPTION rNC. lION SERV t59f 196 CONSUT,lTNG 3604 JUNTPËR }ITLIS STREÈT CEDÐR PARK, TX ?8613 ïN PürcUrr Or, Lï,C 2300 g¡ri-qoN BOULEVARD ARLINGTON, VA 222AI JSA 7Er220 Schsdule O {Foñn 990 or 990-EZl I @0 2554t1D K922 Il/15/20),8 11. :58 r 03 ÀM V l-7-? ' 2F 12 0-00 82 5 00-0 0 82 s00 2û1 t SîAND TOGETHËR. :NC SCHEDULE R 21 -3L91-t 68 Related Or$anizations and Unrelated Partnerships (Form 990) Þ Ðe9ailme^l ot 1ìle Træury lntehal Rffiuê SMe Namg lhs 2@17 tomplete rf the organEat¡on answersd "Yes" on Fqrm gg0, Part lV, l¡ne 33, 34, 35b.36. or 37. >Att¡Ëh tó Fôtm 990. Þ Go to wwwJts.goulFotm99o for l¡struciio¡s and lhe tâtest ¡nfomat¡on Op€n to 2]-31_91168 STAND TOGETHER, ftEn ldentifiqation of Entitias. Complete if the organizalron ans¡vered "Yes" on Form 990- Part lV, bne 33. Ð Nãm€, õddress, anú EIN (bì Prfmary actMly lf STAND ÎOGÐTHER VENT 1320 N EEM tc) Legal dørrçde {sl¿te ôt lo€rcî cilñlryì (d) Total tnco$e Erdd-l€ar ãssels Drrect controllrng .tì¡ 1220t COURTHOUSE RD, :, PHTLANTHROPY . OE on one or 0 0 tdentifi 990, Part tV, line 34, because STAND rt had y€âr. (bl (al Name, Pablic lnsFect¡on nutnbsr ãdd€s, and EIN of elâted orÐanE¡lon {dt {c) tremgt Cde Prrmãry actrufy sæld {e} êtånty status (f) Drecl cof,trolhñg en{rty 9l {s) Sectrcn 512(bX13) conlrol¡ed enlû), Yes No 21-496't't32 TON ñr 303. {C} (3} For Papsrwork Reduction Act NotÌcø, sêe ths lnstru€tiofls for Forft 990. 7E 13Ð? 1 d!0 2354HD K922 11 /\3/20L9 11 : 58:03 AI4 v L1-'] -2F X ì'1,/A Sch€dul€ R (Form I 2 û- û08 250û-0 082 s0û 99,1Ì 2017 SIAIID ÎOGETHER, INC 21 -379't168 Schedúlô R (F(m 990) 20'17 F#tfffl 2 ldentification because ¡t had (E¡ . Nåmè, addßss, and EIN af r€lâled ú€âß¡zåtrûß Organizations Taxable as a rf or more related {h} Pnnð.y açb!ûy AS {c} Legêl domrclÞ tstsÌs or fore¡gn the organzation answered'Yes" on Form gg0, Part lV. lrne 34, the lax aü (Êl Shcre ôftdât tncômë Share ot endoË !çar ãs5ètß {s) {dl Ðrrrô! ÖôûlfÖ¡lur* üniûy countrY) Pr€dgm¡nanl rncome (Elated, un¡elated, excluded irwn lar un{fer s€chons 5'12 - 5141 (h) {,¡ Ccdev - UBI ãmount rû box 2t of Scl€dule K-1 (Fsm Yes No tr) Û) G6eñ¡ d P o¿d39Mg ownersfup erBentags Pm^ea 1065) Yes No 2 I ,i$ i,.,'' E ÌllI I ldentifìc ation of Related Organizations Tarable as a Com lrne 34 because rt had one or more relaled tà) Nåme, addess, and E!N of rebled ortanßalon "Yes" on Form 990, Parl lV the lax f tb) nmafy ãct¡sty (c1 LÊgâ¡ dñË¡Ne 3t€te q fwg¡ gwdlry, {d} I grrecl çoñtrofing ' entily {sl TyÊe of sntûy lC cøp, S erf, dt þsù (f) Sh¿re oflotsl {o} Share of æd{f-yÊã assels (h¡ PercenlägÊ owne¡shrp {'} Secl6 2i Þ)frr) roôtrdled 5 1 le: ,lsr -"}i. 7 Ê Schedr¡le R {Form 990) 2017 130aì-000 2554Ht K922 lL/75/2Cl-B 11:58:03 ÀM v 1?-?:2F 120-û082500-008250G STAND TOGETHER, INC. 21 -3t911 68 Schedule R (Fom 990) 2017 Pæe 3 Note: Complete lrne 1 rf any rs hsted lfl Pafts ll, lll, or lv of lh¡s I Ðurtng th€ laxyear, drd the organrzatron engage rn any ol the fotlowrng lfansacttons wrth one ot fiGr€ related organ:zã!¡ons llsled rn Parts ll-lv? a Recerpt of (¡) rnterest. {iá) annurlres, (iir} royaltres. or (rv) rent from,ã canlrulled entrlv b Grft, granl, o. caprtal conlfibutron to related organrzal¡on(s) c Grft, grant, or capltal €ontnbütron from related orgânrzâtxrn(s). . ., d Loans or loan guafantees to or for related orga*aatønis) . . , r :. r I i ¡ e Loans or loan gúarêÊtees by relåtedÖrgâfløêtúô(s). . - . .r.i ¡.r f g h i j Rermbursement pa¡d to refated organrzalron(s) forexpenses. Rermbursement pald by related organzaùon(s) for f Other transfer of cash or groper{y tô relâted organlzåtÐn(s) s 2 tf the answer to a of the above rs 1c Y 1d 1€ Y 1q fh 1i e .'li ! Lease of facfrtres, equrprnent, or other assets from refated Pelormance ol serurces or membershtp or fundrarsrng m Pedormance of servrces or membershtp or fündrats¡ng n Shaíng of facrþtres, equrpment, marhng hsts, or other assets o Shanng of pard employees wtth related orgãnrzat¡oa(s). . . . q X 1a 1b 1f Drvrde¡ds from related organøatron(s) Sale ol assets to relaled organaalron{s} Purchase of assets from related orgênrzahon{s) Exchänge of essets w¡th related orga¡tzãttontÊ) Lease of facrlltres, equtpmerìt, or olher assets to related k I p Yès 1¡ X k X 1l 1m 1n 1o X 1 .¡.r; 1D (a) X X 1c lr related " see the inslruct¡oÐs Nãfte ûl retated o€ðflr¿åtlon X X 1s transactroo thresholds {Þ} TrãnsaËlûn t"s {ûf) {cl {msrftt ril\¡}htd X X X (d) Method of delermrnrng amou^l rn6Ntd 2 Schedute R (Form S90) 2017 JSA 7E f309 2 {}00 2554HD K922 If/I5/2OIB 1i.:58:03 AM V L1-1.28 120-0082 500-0û82 s00 STAND TOGETHERI INC 21 -3L91 ] 6B Schedule R (Fom 990) 2017 f,!f,l 4 Unrelaled organizations Taxable as a Partnership. Complete Provde the followrng informattorr fo¡ each €ntny taxed as a partnershrp or gross revenue) that was not a organrzatron See Ìnstrucltons {aì f,¡afie addr&, sd gw td sily ,' . (bi Pntnâ{y actMty . rf the organrzalion ånswered "Yes" on Ëorm gg0, Pârt lV, line 37 whlch the organtzatþn co¡ducted more than frve percent of ts êclrvttres (measured by totat assets for certarn rnvestment partnershrps {¿} Legsl dmËrlå {¡talê tr fq€¡t! cflrtty¡ {t} tdl Pr€dffilûäo{ sc@c {nlðled, un.ela(Êd. årdud€d Are õll pcdÊë6 5¿cl¡o¡ ,s3cl¡ms 512'5tdl Yes k@ l{DÍds 3ûr(cX3) (r¡ Shàm ot lgld¡næ oñûû&sôs? No tsl thl Shee ol {¡} oide v - uBi ao&ñl æd