6/22/2018 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - CBW application renewal for Six Flags Great Adventure Safari Park in Jackson, NJ, PRT-7011… Dziwulski, Kara CBW application renewal for Six Flags Great Adventure Safari Park in Jackson, NJ, PRT-701129. 2 messages Moore, Mike To: Kara Dziwulski Wed, May 23, 2018 at 4:54 PM Hi Kara, Hope all is going well. I am trying to review some outstanding applications you left me when you departed. I'm not looking for you to respond to my email. I am just trying to get my thoughts down on what action needs to be taken moving forward. According to the file, it appears that Six Flags hasn't had a valid CBW since May 30, 2004, although your notes indicate they may have had a valid registration up until 2007? I'm not clear where this information is coming from. The reason the hard copy file could not be located at off site storage is that when we moved to our current location in July of 2014, we destroyed any expired permit files as per federal document retention guidelines. Based on Six Flags CBW registration being expired since at least 2007, their existing file would have been destroyed. According to what information is available, Six Flags continued to provide annual reports, even after their registration expired. Based on a review of those reports, there are several interstate commerce transaction that took place in violation of the ESA. I think we will need to forward a Possible Violation Notice to Law Enforcement to make them aware of what has taken place. You mentioned in your notes your concerns regarding the number of deaths that have occurred involving the red lechwe and Siberian tiger at their facility in the last several years. I agree this is a concern, especially with the lack of explanation for why these deaths occurred and whether any measures were taken to prevent further deaths. Because their registration has been expired for at least the last ten years, I believe a new application should have been submitted with all new information and documentation relevant to the species they requested registration for. However, since we have already started the process, I feel in light of the violations that have occurred during the time their registration was expired, that we should deny their request for renewal primarily because of interstate commerce violations, as well as concerns over unexplained animal deaths, and what appears to be a lack of species specific management plans for maintaining the genetic vitality in their captive population. I think this gives us a way forward. FYI, Michael M. Kara Dziwulski To: Mike Moore Wed, May 23, 2018 at 5:13 PM Hey Mike! No worries! Given my now foggy recollection of this permit, I believe everything you stated is valid. I am trying to remember where the 2007 date came from....? Maybe something in the SPITS history? Or perhaps it was additional information the applicant provided...but for some reason I don't think they had anything more than what we already had on file? I believe I uploaded all the correspondence I had will the applicant in SPITS before I left (or at least attempted to). Anyhow, thanks for looking over this file! Sounds like it will be a fun one to come back to! :) Best, https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=0d3687bd25&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1601289703085198422&simpl=msg-f%3A16012897030… 1/2 6/22/2018 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - CBW application renewal for Six Flags Great Adventure Safari Park in Jackson, NJ, PRT-7011… K [Quoted text hidden] -Kara Dziwulski Permits Biologist Division of Management Authority U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of International Affairs 5275 Leesburg Pike, MS:IA Falls Church, VA 22041-3803 703-358-1797 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=0d3687bd25&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1601289703085198422&simpl=msg-f%3A16012897030… 2/2