gene-stream oi generation mew if. titre; at NYC Department of Education 52 Chambers Street New York, NY 1000? Assistant Commissioner Suriano New Yori< State Education Department 89 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12234 Dear Assistant Commissioner Suriano: Thank you for your continued partnership and engagement with us on the New York City Compliance Assurance Plan on Special Education. Chancellor Carranza is committed to making system?wide improvements to ensure that every student with a disability in New York City receives appropriate services to prepare them for college, careers or independent iiving. ln Aprii, the City announced an investment of over $100 million to improve special education programs and services. This includes improvements across many areas including increasing the number of school expanding specialized reading intervention programs, creating more innovative program modeis, as weil as more preschool integrated ciasses. This increased investment wiil support our ability to work cioseiy with parents to develop high?quality Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) designed to meet each student?s individualized needs. In addition, parents are provided access to due process proceddres, incioding the option to tile for an impartial hearing before a NYSED~certified and appointed hearing officer, when a disagreement arises. it should be noted that iess than 1% of families of students attending NYCDOE schools file for impartial hearings each year. Even where parents file for an impartiai hearing, NYCDOE attempts to resoive parent concerns without the need for litigation whenever possible. For those impartial hearings that proceed, parents and NYCDOE are experiencing major deiays clue to a shortage in NYSED-certified hearing officers availabie to hear cases and other issues. As of Friday, inne 14, 2019, there were nine impartiai hearing officers in rotation with over 9,000 due process claims filed for school year 2018?2019. As you know, NYSED is the certifying body for hearing officers. We depend on NYSED to canvas for new attorney applicants and to offer a new training ciass in the near future to increase the number of hearing officers available to hear New York City cases. Given the urgent need to address this shortage, the NYCDOE stands ready to collaborate on the improvement of recruitment and retention processes for impartial hearing officers. in the attached documents, you wili find response to Section ill of the Compliance Assurance Plan, with a deadiine oflnne 17,, 2019. This inciudes an Action Plan to address the issues NYSED raised regarding due process protections, as weil as our goals, measnres, and action steps and supports needed to address the requirements NYSED laid out. We recognize that NYSED oversees the impartial nearing process across New York State. it is important to note that New York City?s process is different from the rest ofthe state due to the requirements of the City Charter. We understand that NYSED wouid like for to reduce unnecessary hearings by authorizing staff to enter into settlements at impartial hearings, but because of the City Charter reonirement for Comptrolier authority. NYCDOE must undertake a detaiied iegai and financial review of each case in order to make an informed recommendation for Comptroller approvai. in the vast majority of cases, the DOE staff appearing at the hearings do not make this determination. Therefore, NYCDOE cannot authorize its staff to enter into monetary settlements of due process complaints at impartial hearing. NYCDOE compiy with guidance for non~monetary settlements. Moreover, NYCDOE is working to expedite the settlement processes where the Comptroller must be involved to reduce the volume of unnecessary due process hearings. We appreciate your partnership and commitment to discussing soiutions to the rnany complex issues related to impartial Hearings in NYC including compensation, recruitment, policies and oversight of impartial Hearing Officers, and mediation. We have found the meetings over the past few months to be productive and are committed to continuing our coliaboration with you. Sincerely, Karin Goidrnark