PICEE UP THE WRONG ALLIGATOR. Funeral at Jeni-neon Park a Panic Amati: the Attendants?. Five weeka ago two alirratora caught in Can- tral Florida were loaded at Jackaon Park and turned over to Chief Collide 'of the Fisheries Department. They were chriateued Colum- bus and Gen. Davie, and given apace for a time in the edge of the Lagoon. The man who captured them left with Chief: Collins a thrilling atory of the ~manner. in which they were caught; boxed, and brought to Chicago. Aa noon on these intereatmg atrangera ar- rived, and had been delivered to Superintend-_ dent of Inatailation Hooper of the Fisheries Building. it was decided to put them into the lagoon at once. It done not aeem to have oc- curred to any one that it waa a conaiderahle change of temnerature from the heroine of Florida to the icy watera of Lake Michigan; an a apnea in the lagoon near the bridge in front of the Fisheries Building was incloaed with wire fencing, and there the tropical mon- atera took their ?rst cold bath. After the 'gatora had ahivered in the lagoon for a day or two, it waa determined to take them out again and give them warmer quartora until" the weather got warmer. - In removing the alligators from the lagoon the acenea that were enacted almost equaled those at the 'original capture in Florida. The aauriana ahowed ?ght. and everyone was afraid to go near them. At laat they were irritated an that they opened their moutha. - Then their upper jawa were caueht in a lease made of rope. that got between their teeth no that it qould not he bitten in two. Thin done it waa comparatively eaev to haul them into their home again, but everybody engaged in the job was glad when it was ?niahed. They were then taken to the Horticultural Building and laid before the hot-air ?ue-e to enjoy a ten:? pcrature of about But thia atop wae taaen, nice. too late. Columbua waa unin- jured by hie arctic experience, but poor Gen. Davie had taken a tavern cold, which settled on its lungs. developed into pneumonia, and carried it early laat Thur-Eda? night. The news of ite deceaae was communicated at once to Sanitary Engineer McHarg, who in ex- o?icio funeral director for all the dead animela on the ground; but it was not until yeaterday afternoon he came around to conduct the ob- '-Bot-the ne . o-near leadie to an- other-l rear of Mr. eHarg?e Earty-waa an Instructor who aimply knew that was to ?nd an alligator in a box and haul it off and who thoucht' it waa a aimple affair. Accordingly he marched in at the head of his gen g, atopped at the ?eet be: with an alli- gator_ in It that he met with, ripped off the ton?with an a1, and eeized the animal by the tail in a buaineaa-lilre way, to heft it. as it were. But he dropped. that tail with great auddenneae. The trimaran had got the wr?ug ?gator by the tail. ~It waa Comm bus that he had aroused, and the e?'ect was something That tail waa ?our- ished around for a minute or two, like the taii of a terrierthe he: would have broken every bone in the Inau'a body. At the came time the great jawa opened and chat aavaeely with a claah like a atcel trap. and the snorting of the inaulted alligator . could be heard down, at the Adminiatrat?ion Building: The whole party ?ed in terror. and the Iriahman could not he reduced to return. The othera came back. nailed Colutnbua? be: up again, and then, with maneF misgivings, lifted the rude caaket of Gen. Davie intoa wagon, and bore it away to its laat reatmg nlace, the driver accepting ita valuable hide for hie trouble. CHARGED WITH SELLING JEWELRY. Wart-ante for Yieuneae Exhibitors? lnapectora In Charee.