ü * [* 3il1l!Îl.,??i'ftïle'Au'1ochrones ti3iill'ir'Jr,iä:ii3ål.3l: December 24,2018 Métis NatíonalCouncil - 340 McLaren Street, Ottawa, ON 4 K2P OM6 Dear Ms. Watteyne I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December It,2018 as well as three binders containing information relating to the sample of transactions selected by EY for 2O15-2OL6Io ZOIT-2018. As we discussed when we first met in August 2018, the Department received allegations involving departmental funding provided to Métis National Council. The issues that were brought to our attention concerned the procurement of professional services and the reimbursement of expenditures which may have resulted in Departmentalfunding being used for ineligible expenditures. As a result, in accordance with Section 1L,0 through 11.1 of the Funding Agreement, we agreed with MNC to conduct a fínancial review for the three-year period 2OLS-201,6 to 20L7-2OtB. With respect to your request for the disclosure of the allegation, we are unable to provide further details' Allegations are obtained confidentially and disclosing detailed information may compromise the identìty of the complainants. Therefore, it can be considered as a breach of the Privacy Act and can have an impact on the ongoing review. The objective of the review is to determine whether the MNC is operating in accordance with the financialterms and conditions of the funding agreements, and the scope is for 2015-2016 to 20i.7-20i.8, Thesample Therehavebeennochangestothescopeofthereviewfromthebeginningofourwork. size and the requests for clarification were consistent with the work EY has been requested to conduct. We appreciate the level of effort required to gatherthe information being requested. We understand EY has communicated its willingness to attend at your offices to gather the documentation required to complete their work including examining the documentation on site in order to facilitate the review and ease the burden placed on MNC staff. that Canadid We appreciate the cooperation demonstrated by MNC in the work conducted so far, and we look forward to your continued collaboration with the Department and EY in finalizing the review. Sincerely, ,//// /t A //t- Jean-Marc Lafrenière Director, Assessment and lnvestigation Seruices Branch Audit and Evaluation Sector c.c. David Chartrand, Minister of Finance David Peckham, Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive