DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Sent via e-mail: egilberQbethanyhomebrg Mailing Date: January 30, 2017 Mr. Kevin Snyder, CEO Bethany Home Inc, -- RE EckGrou Home Dear Mr. Snyder: As a result of the Department of Human Services' licensing inspection on November 28. 2016 oflhe above facility, the violations with 55 Pa Code Ch. 3800 (relating to Child Residential and Day Treatment Facilities) specified on the enclosed License Inspection Summary were found. All violations specified on the enclosed License inspection Summary must be corrected by the dates specified on the License Inspection Summary and continued compliance with 55 Facade 01.3800 must be maintained. Sincerely, zlak' MA Child esidential Licensing Manager Enclosure Licensing Inspeciion Summary Bureau of Human Services Licensing 100 Lackawanna Ave Room 330 i Scranton PA 15503 I can an 5595 ans slzle aa us VIOLATION REPORT CHILD RESIDENTIAL LICENSING - 55 Fallode Chapter 381w Name: ECK GROUP HOME mam Numb-r 2457a Melinda CasIm Regin NOKIHEASI Legal Enmy Andrus Cenmcalels] a! Occupancy 02 LP cams/1999 LI ngram 'Iype- Licensed Capacity Number as lemen Servefl' Residermal Services 14 7 I legilEnlIly Nam EETHANV HOME INC I I I I InspetIIa-I: PaflIal am mum Mumhu: Manna: Rzzson(s) Inspeulian(s) Imidem ensue mm and ncpanmnm Represen 11/28/2016: Piazza, 6mm; Buiack, Amie Ofi-SIte Inspecfion D312: and Inspecms. other Details Partial or FulI Ramum Indlcamrs: CniId Demogriyhic Data 0! Inspection Dams Age oi Children: Mum. av ledren WM: 0 lo 5 wars: N: Adjudicflw Dellnquem: I um um . Dependent 7 14 |n yam: 3 Have Memal mum: 18 |n 21 years: 4 Hm an Disabllw: 2 my" I a Page 2503? 4. means-reg Inspectipn Summery: 24576 - Piazza, Gerard Facility Name: HOME: Pa?ode 53300. I I I 3800 15(3) The'facility shall immediately report suSpECted abI'Ise of a child in accordance with 23 630126385 (relatlng to the Child Protective Services and Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services) 2a DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION On - Child 1 made allegaIIOns of sexual: abuee ha I Staff Mamba Aas the alleged perpetrator; This Incident 'w?as no; reported through the Child Welfare Information Solution untillk 3. PLAN OF CORRECTION (FOG) (Attach pages {Is necessary. Remember that you must Sign and date any {leached [321ng steps to oerrect the violaII'on described above and steps To prevent a similar violetiorI from ochIm'ng again If Steps cannot be completed Immediatelyt I'rIcIu'de dates. by which Ihe steps will be completed SLL Qb?mhe&a -'Repeat Violation: No 7 A Date(s) .of Previohe Violationls): Signature of Legal Entity Represent (Reqwred on; EVERY Paqu YUMW Printed Name and Title of Legal Entig Represent-213w (Required on EVERY Paqel+mHk?jL?r?Lfbl 37C Q4 Date lM DEPARTMENTKUSLE ONLY- FACILITIES MAY NOT WRITE BELOW THIS The above plan 07- correction 0f Plan of as ,of 3041 (Date) Fully Implemented Partially implemented Adequate: Progress. The above plan of correction was approved by PM II Partially implemented a-lnadequate Progress I (Initials) . - Not Implemented DEED I A I - I Page 3 of 4 Licensing Insp?ctionSurnmary; 24575411232015 - Piazza, Gerard Facility Name: ECK. GROUP HOME REGULATION 55 Pa Code ?3800 3800.15(b) If there IS an allegation of child abuse involving facility staff persons the facility shall submit arid implement a plan of superVISIon in accordance with 23 Pa 3. 6368 (relating to investigation of reports) and 3490. 56 (relating to county agency investigation of suspected child abuse perpetrated by persons. employed or- supervised by child Care services and residential 23. DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION On - Child made allegations ofisexuai abuse, naming-Staff MemberAastbe alleged perpetrator; The facility did not submit and implement a plan of supewision. PILLAN OF CORRECTION (POC) (Attach pages as necessary. Rememb?w that you must} sign and date. any attached pages) molt/(la steps to correct the Violation deSo?rlbed above and steps to prevent. a similar violation tram occurring again. if steps Cannot be completed immediately, include dates by which the steps will. be completed Set: a, Repeat Violation: No Datels) of PreVIous Violation(s) Signature of Legal Entity Represe ?Lid/Ag W, (Required. on EVERY Page} Printed Name and Title of Legal Entity Re . resentgtI?} IRequured on - 0A [cl/Iii FACILITIES. MAY NOT WRITE BELOW THIS The above. plan of correction is approved as of Plan preemption implementation status as of ?33th (Date) Partially Implementede Adequate Progress The-above plan of correction was approved by (tn-T Partially Implemented :inadquIate Progress? (Initials) Not Implemented Licensing Inspection summary: 24576 ?.1?1I28I2015?Piazza Gerard Facility Name}; ECKIGRQUP HOME. Page 4 off4i 1. REGULATION 55 Pa. Code ?3800 3800.16Ip) The facility shalt complete a written reportable inCIdent report, on a form prescribed by the Department and send it to the appropriate Departmental reQio'n'aI offloe and the contracting agenoy; Within 2.4 hours 2a DE CRIPTION OF VIOLATION On Child #1 made allegations of sexual abLIse naming Staff. MemberA as the alleged perpetrator. This incident was not - reported through the Home and Communlty services Information System . . . . . 7 3 PLAN OF CORRECTION (POC) (Attach pages as necessary Rememberthat you must sign and date any attached pages.) Include steps to Correct the violation described above and steps to preVent a similar vioIarIon from occurring again. If steps cannoI be compieted immedra.Ier,. incIude' date-s by which the steps wiII be completed Repeat Violation: No Date(s) of Previous "Signature of Legal Entity Represent (Required an EVERY Pedal. . Printed Name and Title; of Legal EntIty?RepresentatIye (Requ'red 0" EVERY Pamv?i?h?uj (if; (34 91/ LI 1U Date DEPARTMENT LINE FACILITIES MAY NOT WRITE BELOW THIS The above plan of. is approved asef PlanofCorrectionimplementation I'l (Date) Fully Implemented Partially: Implemented Adequate Progt?es The. above plan of correction Was approved by 03? Partially implemented - Inadequate Progress (Initials) DU ED Not. implemented November-2016 7 .. .. Eek Cottage.? 3 Immediate, Fix Long Term Solution Person Monitoring: the Implementation ?-Cemplienee cod-e .0- i Th'? faCiIify shall immediately report SUSpeeited abuse of?a child in accordance with "to Child Protective 1 3490: (relating-to- proteetiv?e services). .. Child #1.:niac1e allege, 10 ns o'fasexual abuse, naming- Staff Member A as the: alleged perpetrator; This - incident was not reported. through the Child welfare Infmmati'dn "Solution ?gu?n?til' ?13-011 hearing of the. allegation-s, ?DireCtorSi;reviewgd . the incident" with staff?that Chi1d=#I Made the aII'e'gationSf S?Ta-ff Were; infermed that even though Child #19 stated he was making allegations ate get- Staff Member A firedi a report needed? to be: made To Child-line, A Chil-dli?e call was p1 aced innuediiateily'. It will beireiterated to: all Staff during; Dee-ember. TCI refreshei?s. when ?Ch?ildline calls need to: be. made. Director of Staff Development I 5 Compliance If there. is an allegation of child 7 . any allegations ='of,ehi1d abuse abuse} involving facility Staff persons, the. facility shall Immediately uponfreceiving involving a staff person, staff Team; Supervisors; OCCS, Directors brawl 47 )4 30021562? rim: Plan of'Cjon-rriactios "for. November 2016; i . submit and: implement a plan of supervision 0: Child #1 made ?all -, . ?ofgs'exual abuSe: naming Staff Member-A as the alleged petpettatoitj. The. facility did-not submit and implement a plan of supervision. Staff Member A is ano; longer employed with: the: agency; The allegations] have also been unfounded. members receiving the allegation will eootaet Chi?ldli??ne. Staff me-mb'erwill then contact Team and a plan of Supervision will be "implemented immediately until? an investigation is completed. Compliance The facility Shall complete a mitten repoitable incident report, on a form preselfi'bedjby the. Department. and send, into the appropriate. Depaiftmental l??gional? office. and ?Ehi.a contracting agency: Within '24 Upon heating of the: allegations, Directors?reviewed. the incident with staff that Child-#1 made the allegations to. 'Staff'Wei?e informed that even thoughcmidi #1 stated he was making allegati'oi?is to get Staff Member'A ?led (presumably fal?Se pretenses): a StaffMembers' were informed that eventhoiugh the allegations. were presumably false as stated. by Child a written .1?epoitable incident report still. need to: be ?led and will need to "be ?led for any . future allegati.0ns.. Team Supervisors, OCCS, Directors (wig?1'! . .J?l?l .90 W/?a?yf/ Vqu Pl? . 01-8?) A ?o 7' ?ta/91424 Jim/I I 'l ifbr November 206. _f f_ 77 writtan reportable incident, report still needed to be completed; This Was completed 0. q; +2.1 3% 5