SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS DONALD TRUMP 401 MEZZ VENTURE LLC NORTH WABASH VENTURE LLC and TRUMP HOTELS INTERNATIONAL 401 VERIFIED COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT LLC Index Plaintiffs No 26841/08 Date Purchased -against- BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS DEUTSCHE BANK SECURITIES INC FORTRESS CREDIT CORP UNION LABOR LIFE ISTAR MERRILL LYNCH CAPITAL CORP NORDDEUTSCHE LANDESBANK HAHN Nov 2008 DEUTSCHE Justice Assigned LANDESBANK SACHSEN AKTIENGESEL HIGHLAND FUNDS MORGAN STANLEY MORTGAGE CAPITAL OAK HILL FUNDS DEUTSCHE HYPOTHEKENBANK AIB DEBT MANAGEMENT BANK OF EAST ASIA LTD SENIOR INC 11 EATON VANCE/GRAYSON CO MIX VENTURE SUN COMMERCIAL BANK GREENWICH CAPITAL FiNANCIAL BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS GERMAN AMERICAN CAPITAL CORPORATION BLACKACRE INSTITUTIONAL CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC NEWCASTLE INVESTMENT FOOTHILL SATELLITE CORP PCRL 1NVESTMENTS LP and DRAWBRIDGE L.P DUNE CAPITAL SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND L.P Defendants Plaintiffs and Trump Donald International Trump Hotels and Meister Seelig Bank Company Americas Trust Labor Life ISTAR Fein LLP 401 North Wabash Management as Merrill Lynch and for LLC their by verified Deutsche Bank Capital Corp Venture their attorneys complaint Securities LLC Inc 401 Jaspan against Venture LLC Schlesinger LLP Mezz defendants Fortress Credit Norddeutsche Landesbank Hahn Deutsche Corp Union Landesbank Sachsen Deutsche Senior AIB Debt Hypothekenbank Inc 11 Eaton Capital Financial Blackacre Institutional Bank L.P Dune Bank Co MJX LP and Drawbridge Capital of East Asia Ltd Sun Venture LLC Newcastle Funds Hill Satellite Foothill Commercial Bank Capital Corporation Corp PCRL Investment Fund Opportunities Special Oak Capital German American of Communications Management Capital Mortgage Stanley Management Vance/Grayson Greenwich Investments Funds Morgan Highland Aktiengesel L.P as allege follows PRELIMINARY STATEMENT This action Bank Deutsche construction to and Tower Hotel be in lead lender seek to cost brand and expense name and and Illinois operated its they own effectively and with times recent Project the Banks gain in bad faith breach did Deutsche of one of completion States trusted its through as Company Americas Trust Deutsche of fiduciary position as the undisclosed damage consequent International Banks wrongful duty fraudulent Projects stake to most acclaimed Trump the preferred equity position enormous the in subordinate in the the and agent at Project valuable the Trump reputation critically acclaimed tower consisting hotel/condominium restaurant United the Bank Deutsche successful the as despite of Plaintiffs The condominium defendant Chicago maximize mezzanine loan which in involving inducement and self-dealing of derail built located below detailed actions to attempt projects out arises units retail 53 spa areas units The hotel of various 92 is Project 486 residential parking component storey space first-class full condominium units of the Project service units and associated mixed use 286 health the restaurants bar health hotel club club and spa the associated and Project associated its with able sales While contracts open of the imminent jeopardy to existing and contracts added by the bona of sales in bad the of portion sales existing the on the be ultimate balance collected and wrongful $557149836 have of such completion to to contracts closings the units conduct efforts have been Plaintiffs approximately and parking proceeds faith and name for deposits await contracts $353081168 by reason of fide Bank Deutsche brand Trump the these residential and marketing construction design residential hotel The completion nearing collect covering been paid having $353081168 and and operational occupied extraordinary $204068669 approximately proceeds is parking prestige execute to successfully existing and value the complete reason of Plaintiffs By coupled are parking purchasers closed or in with the approximately All of these units now are thereunder Bank of Deutsche in and the other defendants order to In protect the the Plaintiffs close to endeavoring to commercial areas appraisal Affiliate attached of and purchase the as adjustment as of the to for of and hotel took the closed their purchases the extraordinary 2008 to units as good this faith to in good of name and of step units and update the spa right described evidencing the ability including Plaintiffs price and thereby Trump brand valuable value Loan Fortress the subject market November and condominium $96558000 fair Loan previously contracts unsold reflect letter have Trump Trump Project price Transaction hereto sales remaining all purchase Exhibit faith the effort is Exhibit Trump to the Donald Plaintiff reputation who the buyers of units Project Bank Deutsche the repay based described the $96558000 above and in price Exhibit of the on Affiliate the values Transaction of the which is subject Project components he was certain the in an were corrected errors close forth set purchasing in Transaction Affiliate the appraisal than sooner and for prepared appraisal at advised Trump other buyer any the Bank of Deutsche request defendants he that and without any once was willing to or due financing diligence conditions the Despite to seeking infuse institutions to attempt to the despite is frustrate based fact that as corrected the to reflect price hotel the downturn in the of unsold the ability Loan Bank and units of Deutsche Release market sales Bank In of described sales Price so doing hotel units obtain full have such also referred the in an every Bank and Transaction Affiliate once the fact that the in the Affiliate certain appraisal such have lower of the refused to unsold even though payment Bank taken Deutsche the banking Bank has purchased update most errors offer were and purchase Exhibit in defendants current market values to to right prices for be to Deutsche for other defendants the minimum the at as Transaction do so and despite components plaintiffs pockets consummating to right when by Trump Deutsche own its Affiliate Trumps prepared to line taken time at of liquidity level the be to sought project and thereby Projects market value price estate into contractual appraisal measures near that frustrate and subject additional hotel to the for an cash consummating have Minimum real any the Trumps below units as sales Project appraisal fair Agreement from making of values Deutsche unsold anywhere indicated in Transaction in provide Plaintiffs the upon million of have sought defendants other to Plaintiffs strip opportunity the unable are $100 nearly faith good extraordinary in hotel to the consent despite prevented had defendants prices Deutsche sales of Loan Construction units effectively to the sharp Plaintiffs consented to the would not have impaired Bank Loan and Fortress Bank Deutsche of unsold would hotel units be typically further good faith due U.S to real majeure name known the In as subordinate resulting never disclosed the addition mezzanine to Had it of real which mandates of the maturity sales in attached date as hereto clause set of the maturity of right under mandated the Exhibit as the acknowledge to the in Plaintiffs force majeure extension an market extension in prevailing severe downturn estate the refused wrongfully bulk now markets negotiated is Prices that under force plain and the Loan Agreement Bank through an took Capital Corporation made with interest respect Deutsche entity to the not bearing material participation Project Banks Deutsche the hidden by Fortress interest Credit participation Bank in Corp interest was Plaintiffs subordinate information loan has extension German American Chicago notice such sales loans credit for bulk to Release effect to consequent specially Plaintiffs however Deutsche serious conflict in 12 in Bank the the preconditions copy of terms of the Construction 11 to pursuant Loan Agreement and the consequent event unambiguous event efforts in the the loan and waives Deutsche crisis particular Minimum Fortress in including Loan Agreement 10 financial and in and Construction date of the construction Plaintiffs Bank refused to consent prescribed itself participated force majeure parties Construction Bank also have the to buyer despite unprecedented markets estate in the the Deutsche acts properly noticed forth to bulk discount repay the Deutsche to attempt other defendants the reasonable some offered to Due part at and had Plaintiffs known mezzanine an obligation about loan to and Deutsche resulting disclose Banks highly unusual conflict Plaintiffs of would interest never participation which have is entered interest material into the with transaction included the loan documents in 13 to refusal to designed in the deprive the hotel honor to clauses designed to either of Plaintiffs the of complained force majeure benefits of provision which the without including frustrating Plaintiffs current market and rates of the loan documents as is thereby Banks of Deutsche value operates effectively conflict and investments labors equity in the Project and enhancing its at buyers their this herein Transaction bulk or would have or Plaintiffs from Plaintiffs protect individual mezzanine loan subordinate other financing of the Affiliate unambiguous the to conduct wrongful units valuable Plaintiffs converting interest unsold obtained instead consummation the frustrating the sell its finally its and Banks Deutsche limitation ability Bank Deutsche preferred equity position 14 induced fraudulently Loan to so Bank Deutsche many in Trump brand name understanding get massive of real estate Deutsche Inappropriate Inappropriate Lenders Lenders market conditions large group fees or the Project and worldwide economic 15 banks institutions order to along enter into to plaintiffs in sales its the junk bond firms and for Bank Deutsche Many Bank and marketing consent effort of Inappropriate enormously intentionally no structuring to the quick any regard real estate in that todays Deutsche of the seemed to lending and faith to come the plaintiffs or experience national unprecedented Lenders compounded rights Lenders have particularly and control facilitate and without of the lenders portions anybody virtually bad exercised duty fiduciary transaction by selling climate the Inappropriate by an breached also the beyond the loan problems documents those dictated syndication presented so as to by afford by then prevailing of the Deutsche Bank the the credit Loan to 16 insufficient of capitalization unanimous consent of all loan documents the 17 created By they exist at all have of expertise Inappropriate of the Inappropriate could for made be consortium before or before of lenders decision potential the require terms consents of the required actions and wrongful faith making conduct to processes administer the loan and thereby to the to lender simply issuing the to agreed adjustments Banks bad whose Bank Deutsche Lenders and Lenders Inappropriate Lenders Deutsche their ability impaired the and necessary borrower reasonable of the foregoing reason dysfunctional of the Loan Agreement Construction under lack the Despite the has extent placed the Project in peril 18 Many Project no therefore They The are out are to seeking and unconscionable of business have longer on renege in this including consent faith the rights 20 brand Deutsche the Inappropriate to in under Bank situation precarious their unrealistic of good faith and fair dealing 19 Project buyers to an effort to out never avoid Lenders in so the best interests of the functionally insolvent commitment to on requirements obligations the Plaintiffs including their and Project that are obligation Loan Agreement Plaintiffs Deutsche many or their satisfying their in proceed of business have placed the to by imposing the Construction by syndicating Banks desire lend towards obligations should the Inappropriate Deutsche or virtually money the have no Lenders Inappropriate Bank small portions and the Loan Project and the out to so many and giving broad lenders parties unanimous Lenders actions will cause of units and those lenders tremendous damage who are trying to act to Plaintiffs reasonably the and Trump in good 21 Plaintiffs of the all against 22 costs been damaged in Plaintiffs wrongful to to and rights conduct as set forth lost of the parties to below detail greater profits and increased Deutsche the but which are believed accrue in below described as obligations reputation from recover to relief injunctive the confirming entitled $3000000000.00 Billion and form of damage the are declaratory and above which continue and defined below to clarifying of the result which damages than Three entitled defendants As have Plaintiffs are be Bank in Participants amount an no less Dollars CHARACTER OF THE PARTIES 23 City of Donald Trump Trump is an residing in the individual State of New York New York 24 Company Mezz 401 with York 401 company liability LLC Mezz place of business principal New York New 25 Venture Venture Delaware is care of the Trump LLC 401 North Organization Limited 725 Liability Avenue Fifth 10022 North with Wabash principal Venture place of business Wabash care of the Trump Delaware is limited 725 Organization Fifth Avenue New York New York 10022 26 Delaware Trump limited Organization 27 York banking York 10005 725 liability Fifth Upon Hotels International company with LLC Trump Management principal place of business Management care of the is Trump Avenue New York New York 10022 information corporation with and belief Deutsche principal place Bank of business Trust at Company Americas 60 Wall Street is New New York New 28 banking Upon information with corporation and belief place principal Bank Deutsche of business Wall Street 60 at Inc Securities New is York New York New York 10005 29 Upon with corporation York New York 30 with 31 with 32 Street information with New York New banking Upon corporation banking Upon corporation 35 company with 10019 and belief Union Delaware is limited liability of the Americas Upon at place is an 16th Floor New Maryland is Lynch of business D.C 20006 World at limited liability New York New Capital association unincorporated Washington of the Americas Merrill belief N.W ISTAR 1114 Avenue and Labor Life Street Eye and belief principal Corp York Delaware is Financial company 10036 limited Center 250 Vesey York 10080 information with New York New 34 York information place of business Upon 33 Floor information place of business at 1625 corporation liability Avenue 1251 at Corp Credit Fortress 10 105-0302 Upon principal and belief place of business principal Upon principal information principal York place of business and belief place of business information principal Norddeutsche belief at Landesbank 1114 Avenue Hahn of the is German Americas 37th 10036 information with and place Landesbank in and belief of business New Aktiengesel is German York City Highland at Sachsen West Funds 57th is Street Delaware 38th Floor limited liability New York New 36 or limited 37 York care of Morgan of business corporation 1585 Stanley place principal Oak of business 65 at Hill East 55th Delaware is Funds1 32nd Floor Street limited liability New York New 10022 information Upon New with corporation New York New Floor 39 405 Park 40 Upon 3F company 42 Upon at liability 2/F Street Boston of business place of business information and Bank at 1114 German is Avenue banking of the Americas 37th in New with House Investment affiliate of Allied Place Dublin Percy East Ltd Asia New York New York York with corporation is 10013 and Wholesale 10013 Foothill or corporation is limited liability York City and belief in and belief principal an is 10022 of Street belief place of business information MA and belief 202 Canal AIB at York New York New information company Hypothekenbank and belief AIB Debt Management place Street with Upon Deutsche 10036 place of business company 43 limited with principal information 202 Canal Upon and belief Avenue New York New place of business 41 liability York principal and principal Branch with York information Upon Bank Ireland State is Capital Mortgage Stanley place principal and belief information Upon 38 Irish Morgan York New York 10036 with company with company liability Broadway New and belief information Upon Satellite New Eaton 11 Vance/Grayson Crescent 10 Inc is corporation or limited York City of business place 02109 or 350 Langdon Senior at The Co is Eaton Vance corporation Building Moose Jaw SK 56H 0X4 or 255 or 200 Park Avenue York South 10036 or 330 Madison 44 York MJX and belief place of business principal 10003 or 25 West 45th New York New Street Avenue New York New York 10017 information Upon with company York New York New 1611 Suite at 12 Venture East 49th is Street 29th limited or corporation liability New York New Floor 10017 45 with place of business 46 liability New in with Sun Commercial Bank is banking corporation York City and belief Greenwich information Upon company and belief information Upon of business place principal Capital Financial 600 at Steamboat Delaware is Road limited CT Greenwich 06830 47 with principal place of business York 10006-3008 New York New 48 Corp Management Bank Co MJX Communications are made pursuant Bank being referred 49 Maryland Sun Venture to the herein to LQan Bank and corporation Bank sold Inc place 11 corporation Lynch 11 Eaton Capital Funds AIB Debt Vance/Grayson and Financial participation Floors Highland Hypothekenbank Capital interest together with Bank in the of loan Deutsche Bank Participants German American with Merrill Aktiengesel said defendants Deutsche the belief Senior Greenwich Agreement as Sachsen banking 31st and 32nd ISTAR Labor Life Satellite is Broadway Funds Deutsche Hill which Deutsche collectively information liability Oak Commercial lenders Plaza 55 Landesbank Ltd Foothill Construction to Upon limited the One Exchange Hahn Capital of East Asia of Communications and belief Union Landesbank Mortgage Stanley at information Upon Norddeutsche Morgan and belief Bank information Upon of business Capital in New Corporation York City is Upon information and 50 51 of business New in New Upon Institutional Capital Capital in New in New LLC Management Capital York City Corp is with corporation PCRL L.P Investments limited is partnership Capital LP Delaware is limited partnership York City Management LP and Drawbridge including and belief Drawbridge place of business Special New Opportunities Credit Capital Corporation Corp PCRL Fund L.P Corp Fund L.P is York City Newcastle Investment Fortress Opportunities German American and belief LLC in Special being are L.P Investments participants in referred collectively Blackacre the Fortress to as the Participants FACTS 56 in 57 class Institutional of business place and belief Dune information said defendants Avenue subsidiary of York City limited partnership with 55 Fortress in information Upon with and belief information Upon place of business Delaware Loan owned wholly York City information place of business 54 Dune is Corporation and belief Newcastle Investment information Upon 53 with limited liability company Upon 52 with Capital and belief Blackacre information Upon Delaware place German American Bank Deutsche is belief ifill 401 COMMON TO ALL North Wabash the City of Chicago 401 service North the owner Illinois Wabash mixed is use the sought CAUSES OF ACTION of parcel of land located at 401 North Wabash Property to develop hotel/condominium 12 the Property tower for use consisting as of 92 storey 472 first residential condominium associated units health 58 with an Trump Management which provides that In agreement Bank Deutsche Deutsche Trust take On 63 loan for into 401 certain to the thereafter the Securities entered the the builder and developer trademarks Trump Loan Condominium Hotel Trump Management and Management renowned world areas of the Project and the hotel management value to the Project financing to develop the Agreement Project dated Bank Company Americas Deutsche an as February Mezz $130000000.00 costs in the 2005 to incurred made as entered into 2005 with Securities Inc North Wabash of February and Deutsche the solely to respect 13 as the the 401 the Bank Bank consortium North was to of lenders Wabash Construction serve as the loan the Loan which of Agreement Loan Bank member Fortress Deutsche for to Under managing be used with agent of the Deutsche the Fortress loan Loan Bank lead arranger agreement with closing administrative the as Deutsche acted Loan Agreement Construction interests participation $640000000.00 Deutsch of use and brand name Trump added tremendous Construction Pursuant Lender and would the have order to obtain entitled the of the hotel operations with affiliation and units space Securities 62 Initial the manage Trump Management 61 for Agreement into The expertise of world renowned Trump entered shall parking Project North 401 various spa units Wabash operations 60 53 areas retail License into with the Plaintiffs Agreement units North Wabash and 401 have entered 59 and restaurant connection in in hotel club condominium hotel Plaintiffs of real estate branding 286 of 401 Agreement capital Deutsche North Wabash whereby infusion into Bank Loan 401 Fortress 401 Mezz agreed to North Wabash and as an equity contribution North to loan and to pay for certain acquisitionldemolition 64 Pursuant to the Fortress Loan was subordinate Fortress 65 Wabash It and 401 be used to additional was which now for pursuant to other expenses be used with to preexisting satisfS respect to the contribution have been equity amounted to was duly the Project the was and met other than added spa suites materially enhancing Unbeknownst Corporation an undisclosed the Fortress 67 to the affiliate loan routine the in the beyond received by 401 the Project by Bank Bank took Loan were the the only Project and that under the terms no of the of the equity requirements which Trump including of the through North requirements Thereafter balancing Project for the benefit of Deutsche Agreement Fortress all improvements Deutsche Plaintiffs funds from Trump Agreement $13088581.00 approximately Loan and especially to the that and development of construction the Fortress nevertheless 66 Bank required Loan Loan Bank Deutsche Construction the and agreed understood to and Agreement Deutsche the of the purposes Loan Agreement additional closed to specifically Mezz capital Construction special was Loan Fortress funds which equity contribution Wabash additional without equity limitation lenders German American significant Capital interest participation in Loan On and with or the about initial advance the Deutsche 2005 February under the Construction Bank Loan and the Fortress Loan Loan Agreement been made having on August 31 2005 68 contracts As contemplated with architects under construction the Construction Loan Agreement contractors managers 14 and various Plaintiffs entered other entities into including ultimate purchasers the with Plaintiffs of of the completion in anticipation 71 enjoyed Plaintiffs condominium success portion of the hotel Project which and generated favorable to proceeded have obtained Plaintiffs entered currently great the proceeding is now open and and awards reviews and construct the develop to proceeded into contracts are market and of sale with of Occupancy Certificates Temporary and commercial portions residential 73 Project Project thereafter Plaintiffs The the residential of the Project portion 72 and develop construct to diligently have completed Plaintiffs operational and has units proceeded portion of the the hotel 70 have who have made down payments Project 69 first of units sell the purchasers in an and parking hotel residential 306 of the hotel 75% complete approximately currently for approximate total and units amount of $557149836 74 As of and parking closed October in units have closed September 2008 including $37358139.00 and $35222355 $204068669 approximately and parking of residential of residential and of residential hotel parking units units having having closing in 2008 75 remain date of this Complaint the As of the date of this Complaint unclosed with closings becoming 76 reasonable The efforts or above the Construction to cause Minimum Loan the units Release to Price for of possible upon completion Agreement be $353081168 required that sold at the earliest particular 15 unit residential and hotel units of the relevant units Plaintiffs practical which was use all time and for set price commercially sale price at 77 contract The Minimum Release or percentage of prices 78 Pursuant of the units are to be 79 the real downward estate of Bank kinds and and the 80 The Chicago and 82 Pursuant the November none of right 2008 83 extension Loan was setting the in corresponding Price now is by current financial ceased spiral above sales the Project real estate for real prices condominium actions the of Deutsche which has crisis Plaintiffs the market since the Great substantially despite with to the hotel in collapse the Loan respect parallel unit sent the Depression market the continued good price in faith and the units sell Construction Loan the Agreement Maturity Initial of the Date 2008 of the 2.5 of Fortress Loan letter the Maturity defendants to May by with actual through Bank and sharply decreasing creating the literally an extension The Plaintiffs the to to sums obtained efforts downturn downward economic have units to sales by in Release efforts Pursuant Bank exercised of the reasonable 81 lenders the worst into of the sales of percentage of the Deutsche balance severe slowing the on market conditions were compounded adverse Minimum sales commercially Deutsche world 2005 success initial exacerbated other institutional of February the principal States was This based Loan Agreement Chicago suffered in These highly country the the United spiral in all market reduce to applied market as prices the Construction to Notwithstanding estate list derived was Price objected dated the Construction Maturity Loan Date of the 2008 duly exercised Date of both the Deutsche thereto 16 Bank to the their Loan and the properly Bank Loan Deutsche was thereby automatically extended October Plaintiffs Agreement until same date right Fortress to second Loan and 84 second Plaintiffs extension loan but due to greater stock In and market loans for the of Deutsche retracted their agreement gain in order to obtain the sharp worldwide the now the decline financial This and other major financial have impaired the value acts number have to respect defendants wanted Bank the to Project extend to loan the and some extension aforesaid the in tried the and Participants in participants the second to object with of Deutsche been the to the first exact extension in real crisis unavailable of the to the unprecedented estate have caused was in institutions credit part markets attributable to to volatility of the Project and caused the sales actions wrongful world and United in the the and new cease-up the of States financial projections to not met 86 Bank The to parties with aforesaid Federal financial respect financial system has Loan on November Construction crisis characterized been pushed same that the to recognizing Loan Agreement Force fact 2008 has become However provided Majeure Event actually Date results as as brink contemplated the sales through replacement financing Bank of collapse itself the However credit because tsunami characterized satisfaction Deutsche other capital of the units once-in-a-century Deutsche that of the it the Deutsche by of the global Bank impossible to perform that events as follows shall in Agreement solely the Project or through Chairman and the Reserve 87 to Loan the Construction Loan would be paid on the Maturity transactions the not Project are markets which be should them failure opportunities majority who of addition to Bank vast large financial 85 the of the lenders the instance that dysfunctionality some of insolvency the told defendants upon other financing by foregoing were Plaintiffs Eventually even notice relied reasonably mean any delay beyond the parties of the following control provided may occur the of the development or construction 17 the of the Project enemy casualty the of unavailability reasonable labor governmental Borrower the on or any to in occurrence Architect an of orderly which any or If shall Majeure knowledge of commercially of Force to following and Agent promptly and or cause Manager or design and the construction Force notice or any Event such Force of obtaining shall take all the or eliminate Borrower the following of Majeure Borrower and of or any lack Contractor Borrower Event Majeure Contractors supplies circumvent to ameliorate steps Trade caused Contractor with with include any any Trade any or not Construction bankruptcy claims Agent same reasonable provide notice or by insolvency properly the such control Manager order Trade Engineer or Construction Party Borrower Trade fashion timely particular performance to estate Borrower shall of failure other interference provide Event by reasonably or any Party number or of Party late of event Engineer Architect Borrower Construction Borrower eure of any Borrower adequate an stoppage Borrower effects Event Design Improvements caused fUnds Force Maj part real not is other any control Design Architect professional the the the ix suspension affects suspension xi viii within not the trouble and governmental Contractor the reasonable laborers could extent Trade any or other emergency the design professional hire and/or supervisors materials delays but Contractor failure labor Project Architect Contractor to or which not within inefficiencies vii City of Chicago generally and or circumstance Manager other God of foreign or insurrection hurricanes floods national materials operations in the development any Trade or or commotion fire acts Borrower of control lockouts strikes iv of case war by or undeclared civil riots vi earthquakes in preemption by ii acts or condemnation iii casualty to of declared acts or terrorist end shall of such Force Majeure Event emphasis added On November 88 of the Force Loan and the Majeure Event Fortress 89 credit proper Loan 2008 thereby until Notwithstanding markets invocation Deutsche Bank of the Force after Plaintiffs provided the extending the the well financial known Maturity crisis financial and Fortress have Majeure Clause 18 notice not to Date Deutsche of both Bank the and Fortress Deutsche Bank has abated crisis affecting acknowledged both the real estate and accepted and Plaintiffs 90 many As institutions order to brand or the afford economic sales Bank 92 Loan Lenders insufficient consent Construction of of all created dysfunctional exist at all of in of Inappropriate of the Inappropriate for could be made reasonable have impaired their in ability Loan to estate to come along in lending Trump the plaintiffs or experience national unprecedented compounded the rights beyond facilitate the the problems loan documents those quick so as to by then dictated of syndication the Lenders the Inappropriate Lenders Lenders Bank Deutsche and the to agreed before adjustments or before simply issuing lender consents Banks whose terms the of the required actions bad decision the to potential require Lenders Deutsche to to todays and necessary borrower of lenders consortium real structuring to of Inappropriate expertise no enormously control effort an seemed that Bank Deutsche Lenders intentionally and reason of the foregoing By have Bank the Loan Agreement loan documents 93 lack the capitalization unanimous group large by the any regard particularly Deutsche consent conditions to Despite and without lenders the of anybody virtually and marketing above stated market credit sold portions climate the Inappropriate Inappropriate prevailing the as of Many Project and Bank Deutsche for by the Inappropriate Lenders the Deutsche fees of real estate Also presented in junk bond firms name 91 they banks massive and worldwide under above get understanding Bank Deutsche stated faith and wrongfttl making to processes administer the loan and thereby conduct placed has the extent the Project peril 94 Because dysfunctionality themselves of the Force and seizure of the become completely Event Majeure credit dysfunctional markets and 19 are many unable arising of to the act from the Inappropriate Deutsche unprecedented Lenders Bank has have thereby put and Plaintiffs even impossible to obtain harmful lending to obligations dysfunctional good of in and action other the by Deutsche lenders the and Project Bank Bank actions those lenders has will who of breach is makes it and consents adjustments Deutsche Banks and Deutsche lenders which situation and terrible Banks Deutsche created and disjointed tremendous damage cause are trying virtually to act to and reasonably in faith about the fact that Minimum Bank Deutsche market to despite the Minimum impaired Release Date Date the ability to it by their financial market at is to need from not entitled wish to is Minimum efforts to Release Release above current Price be is reduced or market resale Price the hotel sell significantly to reduce Plaintiffs Such in Minimum have defendants inaction was reduction the active at for current Plaintiffs 20 to or do so use the extension of would have served merely concessions Minimum Price could it for the concessions Release the repayment of the loans from so that intentional financial Release and refused failed ignores Prices Such increase their profits at Plaintiffs concessions in Parenthetically Minimum Price Defendants realize Price conversations months sales Release The the prices the by extort defendants of lenders solely additional which to to Release requested that for reasonable commercially Minimum obvious Minimum Price issue profits was motivated extract the use Plaintiffs the looming Maturity the sales to Bank engaged Deutsche unencumbered units below sales the as have repeatedly Notwithstanding the Maturity increase Price and competing with 96 to impossibility consent sold hotel prices consent an Release Plaintiffs price previously is it have Plaintiffs Additionally at the market that This Trump brand 95 units Borrower lenders experienced most routine amendments the practice group the Plaintiffs other more the the conduct expense fact that to would not have by defendants This attempt Plaintiffs to have contributed substantial the development of additional spa suites capital to the Project in the of which could all be lost if form of defendants funds the invested able to extort are in the additional profits 97 Bank Plaintiffs Loan or the 98 the only reasonable Bank Deutsche 99 budget As the Plaintiffs reputation unsold Plaintiffs Project request Trump took of to their set obligations units reputation remaining the the first Project forth sales contracts Deutsche in the luxury hotel operations and the step Bank their and purchase price good reflect to for ability brand of the name all purchase market name protect the $96558000 fair for is on time under the Trump of endeavoring to with purchases valuable crisis Loan Agreement loan and thereby and commercial areas of the Project appraisal financial Plaintiffs worldwide closed the Construction harm with the familiarity and developed constructed associated is faith good unique source given will the Deutsche previously is in the practices class have extraordinary units update and which order to repay who the lending Plaintiffs financing Project as specified predatory in alternate insure that to the projects above condominium in 101 the the right described of close hotel fund Banks stated buyers to to construction class 100 which in and business likeness first Project manner Deutsche good will of obtaining an continue to any of of the Project near completion Project and the impossibility the under Loan Fortress Based on not in default are value and of the subject to price as values of Exhibit Trump based the $96558000 he was purchasing components Deutsche Bank once certain price forth set errors of the Affiliate were 21 in an Transaction appraisal corrected in the prepared appraisal on the for and at and subject the to Plaintiffs described in infuse institutions Trumps nearly unable are to $100 million of that provide Plaintiffs have contractual values indicated in an 103 As current market rates loan fair market value as price and documents is finally its converting of Deutsche Banks interest refusal to designed thereby Bank Banks wrongful honor to the deprive Plaintiffs in the hotel the to that the the the attempt to offer Affiliate benefits have fact based is strip frustrate the despite that the upon of herein its Transaction or bulk force majeure of buyers at provision of their labors equity in the Project and enhancing mezzanine loan which to other defendants individual either of an complained of the unambiguous Plaintiffs valuable subordinate units and in most banking opportunity every conduct consummation the the unsold sell investments Deutsche frustrating to ability the fact when Bank Transaction Affiliate do so and despite for Bank Deutsche the Deutsche its Deutsche by Trump taken time at has taken be to sought project own pockets its prepared above into Transaction to right limitation Plaintiffs frustrating reflect measures of liquidity consummating appraisal stated without including to price faith cash level line Affiliate Trumps frustrate good extraordinary the consummating to and purchase appraisal of the Project and thereby Plaintiffs the the Despite to seeking the update Exhibit 102 sought to right effectively and the value operates as preferred equity position AS Specific 104 forth at Plaintiffs length repeat and FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION Against All Defendants reallege each Affiliate and every preceding Transaction allegation as if to protect fully set herein 105 defendants AND FOR Performance Plaintiffs and are have in good faith structured willing to close the Affiliate the Transaction 22 Affiliate as Transaction described in Exhibit the 106 the Defendants Loan Fortress 107 and the Plaintiffs Plaintiffs Plaintiffs permit contravention documents frustrated wrongfully in to consummate the consummate to the of good and faith performance in the fair Agreement have dealing Transaction Affiliate Transaction Affiliate Loan Construction of the order of specific an to terms covenant implied ability entitled are of the ordering time and manner defendants to described in Exhibit 108 Plaintiffs 109 No have no adequate AND FOR forth at Plaintiffs length herein Majeure Event pursuant 112 Plaintiffs By and and reasonable and of the Loan due or any other Court and every Force Majeure preceding notice provided as allegation defendanis to are entitled to judicial Majeure provision contained enjoining the during each Plaintiffs Force permanent injunction Fortress this of if fully the Plaintiffs 114 No have no adequate previous AS Declaratory defendants of pendency remedy at the in the Construction from declaring the Deutsche Force Majeure Event and law request for this relief has AND FOR Judgment And Force declaration time thereafter 113 set Loan Agreement foregoing the to All Defendants Plaintiffs the Construction to reason reallege 2008 have properly invoked Agreement Loan repeat On November 111 law SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION Judgment Against Declaratory 110 at request for this relief has been made previous AS remedy been made to this or any other Court ThIRD CAUSE OF ACTION Specific Performance Minimum Release 23 Price Against All Defendants that Loan Bank for forth 100 at 115 Plaintiffs length herein 116 The that the earliest 117 or time and practical It because otherwise for sale impossibility to an is Minimum the Agreement sell above at or price the hotel Release at provides reasonable commercially all and every preceding each reallege Loan Construction must use Plaintiffs and repeat the units Prices section Article efforts to Minimum to set fully dd be at sold at Price Release reasonable over substantially if 5.1 the units cause using commercially are as allegation the efforts current market price On November 118 the units for sale 119 that is Plaintiffs the By may fact that and the units 121 has is refused at By Release Bank Deutsche declining of the reduce such market that it foregoing the sales intended to offer to consent offer to to sell Release the units Prices at are of the entitled units judicial to pursuant the declaration Construction from prohibiting defendants enjoining to Plaintiffs Plaintiffs 123 No have previous AS to sales Plaintiffs of the no adequate request units remedy for this relief AND FOR Breach that Loan from prices are at entitled market to performance specific prices even if they at law has been made to this or any other Court FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION of Covenant of Good 24 Faith and Fair Dealing order are below the Prices 122 price market Plaintiffs price Minimum the reasonable real estate of the foregoing reason reduce to not commercially permanent injunction ordering defendants Minimum it in reason properly Agreement selling Bank above market price 120 advised Plaintiffs market price at Deutsche notwithstanding 2008 Bank Against Deutsche forth at of the 124 Plaintiffs length herein 125 The current the 126 bad faith harm Deutsche thereby Plaintiffs an amount Plaintiffs presently and and refusal of the status and preceding Minimum the the Agreement actions Participants perform made is in breached Participants of the to profits Trump their covenant the they extend to the Release Price Project as bad as allegation faith if fully set Date Maturity notwithstanding complete nearly and for the is express fair in are dealing faith received Transaction Affiliate under obligations of good would have the and and Construction the and have dealing fair caused to damage great and name brand have been damaged unknown in frustrating of good faith and covenant pursuant reputation and the 128 lower to every Plaintiffs Bank to Plaintiffs agree Loan Bank Loan Agreement deprived to and failure Participants of the implied breach 127 to each reallege market conditions Deutsche and and Construction of causing purpose and Bank Loan disastrous of the violative Deutsche Bank Deutsche repeat Only Participants but believed by the to be no actions of the Deutsche than Three less Billion Bank in Participants $3000000000.00 Dollars AS forth at 129 Plaintiffs length herein 130 provide the By virtue sufficient authorize Plaintiffs AND FOR of Fiduciary Breach repeat of its and actions with for each reallege position funding FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION Duty Against of control plaintiffs respect to to the Deutsche and every over the Project 25 Participants preceding plaintiffs complete Bank the and by including Project virtue the and to if fully set capability to as allegation sole consent of the confidence to and reposed by Plaintiffs owe Participants loyalty utmost 131 duties Bank Deutsche in Plaintiffs and 132 and of interest conflict limited to their ability to fiduciary and inter including of lender in violation maintains Bank Deutsche the of care alia the duties to laws obtain in over any their fiduciary themselves placing in an funds advancing control complete breached Participants liability commit Project and the complete Bank Deutsche their their failure to by Bank Deutsche of Bank Deutsche lender dealing and of trust and confidence undeniable fair Bank Deutsche lead of the duties all faith good as Plaintiffs for financing but including the completion not of the Project 133 Loan Agreement Construction 134 The herein including refusal to all actions their consent proper constitute 135 Participants presently of the Bank Force in the its Bank owed by Deutsche the Plaintiffs Bank their Transaction their refusal to accept Loan Agreement Majeure Clause of the Construction fiduciary duties to complained of Participants and Prices to obligations of the Affiliate consummation pursuant Loan Fortress and the Deutsche Release lead lender the with conflict interest Minimum the was and the Deutsche Bank Plaintiffs As direct breaches severe reputational 136 of the Bank itself in direct of Plaintiffs below invocation breaches to Participants sales Deutsche that participation of Deutsche frustration to fact placed it and undisclosed hidden by taking Plaintiffs the Notwithstanding damage to cause proximate of fiduciary Plaintiffs unknown and Plaintiffs duty Plaintiffs and to be no Deutsche less and the financial Deutsche losses Bank including Trump name and brand by the Deutsche than Three Billion 26 Bank suffered substantial the valuable have been damaged but believed of Bank Participants in $3000000000.00 an amount Dollars AS AND FOR SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION Aiding and Abetting Breach Against the forth at 137 Plaintiffs length herein 138 At occupied of trust and confidence of the with preceding were defendants respect Duty Participants and every each reallege times each relevant all position and repeat of Fiduciary Bank Deutsche to as allegation aware if Deutsche that and owed them the plaintiffs set filly Bank of duties fiduciary The 139 and abetted Plaintiffs unknown entity Plaintiffs length herein 142 The at acting Plaintiffs to on 143 pursuant the behalf and Bank by the Deutsche than Three Billion less Participants enjoined The Deutsche Force Majeure their Bank Participants Event provision May an Bank amount Dollars $3000000000.00 agents any action Loan Agreement under allegation as if fully and any other person to on compel the set or or compelling November 2008 2009 maturity date of the Fortress Loan must be directed 27 in and aided by Deutsche Participants preceding attorneys from taking on the Construction which automatically extends the Bank with Bank Participants and every each concert CAUSE OF ACTION The Deutsche reallege in duty committed fiduciary SEVENTH must be pay off the balance Date Maturity no Relief Against repeat Deutsche their be AN FOR Injunctive 141 to of breaches have been damaged acted knowingly Participants various but believed AS forth Bank in the participated 140 presently Deutsche the to extend Construction Loan the Maturity Agreement Date which automatically which is not capped 144 in the irreparably Bank for business for injured in to of result market estate hotel Deutsche As Date so long as the Force for Majeure Event continues to exist days Loan proceeds 145 real 120 at The Bank Deutsche the the Maturity delays Deutsche completing being the complete the must be Participants manner Participants conduct on time and under with the only which for advance to balance the of the Project Bank projects associated directed and budget highest damages were each aware of will operations cannot in reputation plaintiffs hotel quality money reputation plaintiffs provide be adequate compensation 146 The of units purchase 147 Deutsche between By of Construction Loan Agreement where buyers will 148 Bank The Participants 149 directing acting on By loss Construction Loan for of the not to Agreement delays so long the of Plaintiffs Bank Date pursuant the Force automatically the Bank sale good with plaintiffs its the contracts Date Maturity have put Participants between will extend to refusing Deutsche of existing for the buyers intentionally the contract reason behalf Loan and the Plaintiffs under in the position and buyer customers is attributable to the Deutsche conduct the Deutsche their Participants plaintiffs reason breach Bank as Plaintiffs foregoing Participants their take any action agents compel plaintiffs to on the November Maturity the Force Date and entitled attorneys 2008 Maturity Majeure Event provision under the are the to permanent injunction and any other person to pay off Date to Maturity exist which the or entity balance extend the on is Date of the not capped at the Maturity Loan Agreement Construction corresponding Majeure Event continues 28 the to which Fortress 120 days to advance the to plaintiffs balance exercise of the their contractual 150 Plaintiffs 151 No Loan Deutsche have no adequate at remedy request for this relief has previous AS of buy-out right AND FOR forth at Plaintiffs length herein 153 The with interfere vendors described prospective economic presently AS at in 155 Plaintiffs length herein 156 Prior Bank Deutsche represented Construction 157 Participants financing to to herein by permit Loan Agreement the Construction law been made to or any other Court this Economic Relations and every preceding the Bank Deutsche between relations have been damaged but believed Fraud forth to was Participants Plaintiffs and if as allegation set intended to customers buyers its fully companies Plaintiffs unknown and Project Bank Participants each reallege conduct and lending 154 and repeat under with Prospective Against the Deutsche 152 the complete EIGHTH CAUSE OF ACTION Interference Tortious to proceeds with the to to AND FOR and repeat and the they and every each negotiations to an amount Dollars $3000000000.00 of faithfully Bank Participants preceding the of defendants and consent intended in Participants CAUSE OF ACTION Against the Deutsche reallege during that than Three Billion less NIP4TH Inducement the knowledge Plaintiffs no be Bank by the Deutsche allegation Loan Construction through perform their their if as frilly set Agreement words and actions obligations under the Loan Agreement Deutsche falsely fund Bank represented with to the Project through the knowledge Plaintiffs its own that funds 29 they and consent would provide and funds to of the be loaned the Deutsche necessary Bank sufficient by sophisticated and stable financially and institutions lending investors familiar with similar financing projects to the Project 158 Deutsche had no Participants 159 intent Deutsche had Participants to with the knowledge under perform Bank with created the and consent the knowledge and consent Bank other the Deutsche other the Deutsche of the not intention and dysfunctional disjointed of the Loan Agreement Construction and undisclosed preconceived but rather Plaintiffs Bank to lender honor group their Bank to obligations fees solely to Loan Agreement gain for itself 160 would Plaintiffs known Deutsche Banks plaintiffs 161 presently unknown but believed Plaintiffs length herein 163 Deutsche Participants represented to the at Plaintiffs 164 recklessly repeat and Bank with to Project and Plaintiffs 165 Participants false Deutsche knew that no the Construction had plaintiffs Bank Deutsche the by less than Three Billion in Participants $3000000000.00 amount an Dollars TENTH CAUSE OF ACTION reallege and every each the knowledge that it many @erhaps Those representations and were defraud damaged be into Misrepresentation Against the Deutsche 162 forth to entered to AND FOR AS Negligent intent have been Plaintiffs have not at would preceding and consent set up the Bank Participants allegation of the other the Deutsche Loan as set Bank Deutsche way in if fully beneficial all of the Lenders the very least were made negligently carelessly andlor and misleading Bank Plaintiffs with the knowledge would rely and consent of the other the upon the negligent misrepresentations 30 Deutsche made to Bank them 166 Plaintiffs to misrepresentations 167 have On defendants to been but believed WHEREFORE the to Plaintiffs the be Plaintiffs no to of Bank Deutsche Participants negligent an the of Plaintiffs acknowledge of action causes order in to right follows as performance specific into enter amount an Dollars $3000000000.00 Billion judgment on Action by defendant Participants than Three less demand Cause First permit Bank Deutsche the upon detriment their Plaintiffs unknown presently relied ordering the Affiliate Transaction On invoked the the Second Force Majeure provision permanent injunction the On reduce the sales injunction and even if an in On an defendants amount $3000000000.00 the and to Construction the from prohibiting order ordering Fourth amount pursuant Minimum Cause presently of Plaintiffs defendants Release but and Agreement Bank Loan due during time thereafter that plaintiffs Loan Agreement from consent to have properly to and units selling sales may at of the properly permanent market prices at market Deutsche Bank units Prices Action unknown Deutsche the declaration judicial Plaintiffs Loan Construction reasonable for Cause of Action units the in from declaring defendants they are below the $3000000000.00 in the performance On Participants of price declaration that judicial contained Maj eure Event the Third enjoining specific prices enjoining of the Force pendency Cause of Action judgment believed to against be no the less than Three Billion Dollars the Fifth presently Cause of Action unknown but judgment believed Dollars 31 against to be the Deutsche no less Bank than Participants Three Billion On in amount an On behalf Bank Construction continues to to proceeds the but believed Cause of Action Seventh the Loan their Agreement Date exist which is the complete attorneys Date Maturity Maturity corresponding judgment against no be to the Bank Deutsche than less Participants Three Billion Dollars Participants extend to unknown presently $3000000000.00 Deutsche Sixth Cause of Action the of the to and any other person or Force the Loan Fortress 120 days directing the on their provision under the Date and the order of permanent injunction automatically not capped at Project and agents pursuant which an Majeure delays for to acknowledge so Event the Maturity the as long advance the balance Plaintiffs right to acting entity Majeure Event Force of the Deutsche into enter the Loan Affiliate Transaction On Participants in an $3000000000.00 On in an amount $3000000000.00 On in an amount $3000000000.00 the Eighth amount Cause presently of Action unknown but judgment believed to against be no Deutsche the less than Three Bank Billion Dollars the Ninth presently Cause of Action unknown but judgment against the Deutsche believed to be no less Bank than Participants Three Billion Dollars the Tenth presently Dollars Cause of Action unknown but against the Deutsche ajudgment believed and 32 to be no less Bank than Participants Three Billion On all the Causes of Action and disbursements costs attorneys fees of action Dated Garden City New November 2008 York Attorneys for Plaintiffs JASPAN SCHLESINGER LLP By R.ScLAr/Uh/2t 300 Garden City Plaza Garden City 516 New 11530 746-8000 MEISTER SEELIG By York FEIN LLP _____________________ Stephen Meister Grand Central Tower 140 East 45th Street New York New 212 33 655-3500 19th Floor York 10017 this L\JDG\Chicago\Litigation\VerificatIOfl DOC VERIFICATION NEW YORK STATE OF ss COUNTY OF NEW YORK DONALD am one of the knowledge except as those matters to being the matters believe them the know and to sworn duly in Plaintiffs COMPLAINT VERIFIED as to TRUMP above-entitled the contents therein stated be deposes to and says have action thereof be alleged and the read same upon information true iTRU Sw4rn to day before Qualified in Commission D622500/F53 me this November 2008 of New Expires 100 York COIJfltYr September the is foregoing true to my and belief and