Mepo 2 I L4. 0 c1 (.In A C.1 . ex Qf?. Send 6. With letter 69. to the hief Referred please. ?gs 5?0} Co 2. 7o AOC. C. 7, SEPJT MW ya. 9-9 x. m5?- 2.: :Hu 532? "bu- um.? . l* L'r l' Ilf'lujl Jel'J'Jlrf .1D .Hh (l 1. ?(31,014; Lint; ?171" coo-octo"" Cup"; .170 with 11) SONG lbtt-?? 18A 3.0 ot? 1716-17C. b} Ch. Smut. 3105.170. fol?1 A 0 30/4/60 1-3- \4 0.2. . 8b a his Bigot . who? ?ham and close 9' .3, 91' 1??k upon an the 1034?? of 53181 19. 1n this count in to 1'3. In: immune. a Ma arr-oat D010 was employed um %%t1m.l 1.1th on a oommiasim basis by th? 01 W: 9 Insurance Company Limited, 17A hillt 33t1'0. London, W.1. 1g 1, proper to an! an ?eras. ?15' engaged his weekly earnings were insurance am. He obtained this by selling in ??oured Persona. However, for at least to an 3'0 mum the ?1 before his arrest he had ceased to opera 1? there: ere going t? ?11 Spouse with his services 8111 his arrest, did not influence their ultimate d001310n. giving evidence 03 20. During the trial when hat he earned hi 3 on behalf D010 told the Court his living in addition to his insurance transactions by selling pamphlets of Black Power to members. 21. Legal goat; and sung exganaes. I have made enquiries at the Central Criminal Court and 0010's defence was on a Legal Aid Certificate issued at It is known, however. and this has been verified 9 Great Marlborough Street Magistrates: Co Wt no. Sully Davie Junior, a coloured entertai nor, ?5,000 to the Black Power novment and 1t 13 most -8- "Qabl?. I. reported in we Ha m" In for the defenea 22- Dole, at the tin Inteeodomt history and the hit attain-ante supplied by h? ?1 course: hu?er icitO" have no; in he h? half of not been verified on they 81": ?f nu. countiv. It is m: to m. don. lilitod aocial work in thin country on be '11. coloured friends, but not to the extent 33 indicated. 23- To summarise. it will he al?l?al?e"t that tit application prepared by solicitors on behaliI of D010 ia groaaly inflated and materially incorrect; being coon-ant with all the facts or this case, Dole was indeed a fortunate man to be acquitted. He was well represented by Ir. Kazan of Counsel and the latter'a advocacy played an important part in his client's acquittal, coupled with that of Ir, Davie. becoming confused when 311111; I 1.. .1 that this application for compensation has Peaulted fro. advice being given to D010 and that he had no intntiona of doing ee himself in the ?rst install?- I II: ?h?t thil ?pm b. twin? to j, Amnm .pt 20me ?use?a-or 1.4 rr.. ?1 . - ?g nf ?90in,- v.4 ?1'802 a.?9 21 ?ch-e; Surat 7.1- mm . .01ms?? . . 11.6071?.- uctun coax! and no. an?) 135.4. (mar. -- .8.2 . ??579 hum: 3.3. 1958 (numb I .- "hunt (him ?a 0.. s: . 3 ?0'4 .. bi? . ?Mann . .n m. . rum: Jun: 1 Maughaho- mnulc ?In-~4unpt The Fact: 01? ml: use the m1 correspondence WONG. but. a! can: "9.4.4 float. Ida: one not ta. ta. mt.u~mlu1& at.? other .?wg ?bhw N, I party was a comparatively new 0 Panther ior aims to cause discontent whoseo?g'and thereby 01?711 disobedience, u" milit again?St how the ponce and the PUblic- amongs would Violence ply supported by evidence found in their This is c1881a formula for an exP a a sabot Ssession? Further: it was also 13201: tract?d :36 use of explosivesand firearms and to eXiSt to date, It has caChe W8 its plans, ?gen serious consequences, . iting in the loss 0 or njury. EGBUNA and MARTIN has, at this stage any way, Th: ?e party in conquion and it is not likely to 1131;? many months to come. The members of the 'Black Panther' Party were the subject of prior investigation and observation officers mentioned show and everyone of the ed outstanding enthusiasm and detective say that a considerable amount of ined. It is right to mention that prisoners employed to on police and Mr. Davis' On more than one ?08810119 Mr. Cousins, asury Counsel made cement t0 me of the keenness and efficiency of the officers concerned. I have had the rimce 0f th? enefit of first-hand 83098 21:12:29? Officers in this investigation and I can 333' they all 0 duty. Ontstanding tion nthusiasm, detective ability and devo officegige ?Mold 3 the the conclusion of the case commended all Papers. frigirned and PUblic to 0 these a cosy of his comments vii-3933111330:- of Do as also been received from comments ofecutiong th the a Who asks that he be associated N1 the Recorder. /1 brins i) I rs tr) IIOticc with a ring the action of these Office View to them being commended- {i K: Thompson) Detective Chief (2) 0 A.C.C. (Through Commander H.Q. This case called for initiative, resourcefulness. act, a high degree of patience, professional competency' and discretion, .All the officers shown overleaf displayed all these qualities in their fullest measure. Energetic action was called for, but because of the politiCally explosive atmosphere of the whole case, the energy had to be properly controlled and directed. Detective Chief Inspector Thompson and the officers working with him timed their efforts and limited their action to a nicety and without doubt well earned the commendatory remarks of both the Recorder of London and the Director of Public Prosecutions. I recommend that they each be commended by the Commissioner. Detective Chief Superintendent iu/1/59 Col. ?m Wm cam-In. huh?M be tee Ye chief Sn rintendent nee mpgimll" With Quote rm'thel? refer rres nde 119.6351- BetVeen the 1328, 10th Decsabel 1 ?9 3? Court 2 or c?1?ur appeared at the Central Crininal 1"Bed with offences of conspiracy to utter I m?eatemng to larder Police officers in I London. on couree of the trial Sir Dingle oo behalf ?r "rtin alleged that tn; Lincolnshire Poiico I 13113:: 1t "'11 b9 x"Blnembered effected the arrest of this is onep at requeat of the IetrOpolitan Police made blag?rssingnrenarka such as, "You "You H. f1 1 meme dressed hia handcuffed across ploughed mo 41! causing hi? extreme Wilcal discoafort and rther the Lincolnahire Police had remsed hia food Prior to the escorts arrival froa London. Counsel proceeded in a siailar strain and accused Detective Sergeant Elliott and Cookaon, the eacorting officers, of extracting a written state-ant under caution made by Martin for the use of Police and threatened to use a truncheon on his head if he refused to sign it. Hr. Cousin, prosecuting counsel because of this allegation decided to call officers froa Lincoln-hire to rebut where possible shat had been alleged. Accordingly on the 9th Deceaber, 1963, Inspectore Fenwick. and Keeling, Police Sergeants Sharp 3.11?, Police Constables lattheas, sells and liller of the Lincolnshire Police attended the Central Criaiml Court and gave evidence. Although each Iitnese was subjected to cross examination by an Dingle Foot 0.0., it became blatantly clear that the allegations re'completely false. It is right to make mention we 1; the Lincolnshire Police officers gave their thedeuce moat fairly and efficiently. This being so eviorse by the Judge in his summing up Of the end was years, The Jur hat colIP after this long and some' are only absent to consider their verdict OOunts but and found Egbuna and Martin the eviden aentenced - 2 - 11cated for 1 ilt of 31 On giability es of Davis a private witness. Egbuna to 12 months imprisonment, suspendegsgor and.nart1n was bound over in the sum Of acquitted Dolo because of the unre for 3 years. I ask that a GOP be forwarded to of this repor the Chief Constable, Lincolnshire Constabulary, for his information and that he be thanked for the valuable assistance rendered by his officers in this matter. Thompso ?Qetective Chief Inspector .52? . - {x q" Lily's, C. 2? WW. alum 1172f Memopoumw POI-I6E ?32:1" M6111. 08mm? pen 1' New on .In-lmm? ?59-?on 99 20 63) met? . 3/50/74 9.. Min: to no report . ?caution. dated 5th ?to 01 MW Ibo We: lama hy the Camilla? 1? 01101! of ??131th ?to Of tn. Dire 110 Proudutlone has asked 8113* "1d mutation or the pamphlet be 0173313? and *0 Gangtable 64) a. 5th October, 1968 Woman mom?, on! low enema Yard. mt '55 torto- 30M. 5'6 and then max-chased a cop! ?f the 315110an in question at a coat of 811 65) Ma address 13 the headquarters of the m' Organisation in?uenced by the Chinese Camuni?t end not to be confused with the Communist Party Of Great Britain which in Moscow inspired. 55) Reginald HER. who has been expelled from the emu-1: Party or Great Britain, 13 the self styled president or the 'larziet Lemist' party which he of?cially 111mm about Easter, 1968. It is of. interest to note that he also holds a high lith til. 1.3.1.. the 57) Very little in known about the party or its numbers except for one 'Ted' ROICROH, no other details stubble. who is a leading and motive member. of once waded 53) I ask that thin report and Inns momma.? Wt be forwarded to The Director of Emma W?mo 12 Mid-?W on 3.1.1, . . netoou?' 3.1.23: -2- 19., Cid Chief Superintendent ,7 recommended. 1E Detective an .1 SL. L9. wobIndlVuol\? dud,lf?vuAmt'n. 6L clan .. (?v.19 av n- 51?.ng .u n. ?HI/wananr do!? In uV-tu I .5anazurc ulna-Jed uy Lani-0' undo-t? Cu flan. ?Up .. . . IA, we?d}, sum 0' ?mg 51190? lo (4 0f??\IP?lmn ?r ., '"wv woman Police v0h9t? . en SCotland Yard. on.Saturday 5th Cctober 7968 he (iris r?o? n? ?01 55 Fortess Road, K.W.5. In out A tbep - a were publications 1311 ?n 1 a? were two aSSistants, a zomax aged between hei . 5.3.. thin build, grey hair, 73? and a man or Chinese appearance, 8595 Shou? 5'7" and of medium build. I purchased t- male assistant, price 6d. W76. This statement is true to the but of my Ind belief and I nuke it knowing that. if it is tendered in evidence. I ahsll be liable to pmaecutmn if I burn wilfully stated In it anything which I know to be {also or do not believe to be true. Ddedm October .1968 (Sig-ad) Signature mm by being unable to rad the shove statement I of read it to him before he signed it). Dated the day of . l9 (Signed) Delete if inapplicable. Urigin 9 (Mr. McDermott) Married at the Thank you for your report regardln: ring a Marxist Leninist Party. I am 00115]. e. ation; Can you 31 case and would like evidence of 13193313LC tell me anything about the :par??y' Signature On Her Majesty?s Service i 0 8/714 ND 34> PC COMM UNIST PARTY OF BRITAIN . - MARXIST LENINIST No.6. CONEENTS 1_ CZECHOSLUVAICLA. 2_ ENGINEERS STRIKE. FIGET AGAINST VICTORY AT NTS 5 . TELL H, 6 . LIBERATIOK. ('ssued xist_Leninist) 1 discuss MEET study this! On A a ug?ust 8tatel'lent 30th the Celmmnist Party Of brttaln (hers Will . he points itn gechOSIOVakia. We hope all our ?on 1 ralses and'distribute the statement Wldo y' discussion- We - 4 EIVO below a summary of the major pointS t0 faCllitatO - The - a not 0f impeigv1?1?nist leaders of the Soviet Union have COP*itfo?n :hd are behaVing ?a?lSF aggreSSion against the people of Czechoslovt - imperialists in Vietnam. and peaceful (2) So . trzig? ?evisi?niSt$ have been preaching peaceful coeXistenclism headed by .S t0 disarm workers in their fight against EUESIE: to defending noC?. .. . . '1 their 0 against monopoly capitalism. but when i to throw "peaco' OVOrbo?gg,eXpl?ltation of Czechoslovakia they are willing . are trying 808 for their invasion of Czechoslovakia - they (3) . In the first place they are to defend "SOCi?liSt q? . (lnS" are false. akia in Winning their nee-colonial exploitation EJECZQSEEQEQQMS. Secondon a variety of unequal economic, political and Dub 1y there 18 not socialism left in Czechoslovakia. kind of . under the Soviet stooge - Novotny there was the sale 11 llquld?tion Of socialism and the restoration of Capitalism as had ear 9 aken Place inside the Soviet Union. (4) The root the betrayal time of thrown by bourgeois p90ple". Socialist foreign policy p: been overthrown by imperialist domination. revisionist leaders require collaboration with the U.S. imperialists and these two imperialist powers are new busy trying to carve up the world into 2 spheres of influence. Hence the prior notice to washington of Soviet intentions and also the token disapproval-from the U.S. which is in a mess over its defeats in '0 Vietnam. etched up compromise which the Dubcek rev (6) The will feel nobody. Only the workers of Czecho nlbania and China, can fight brilliant examples of their fellow workers in for the restoration of the dictatorship of the proletarilt in Czechoslovakia Revisionism has been exposed over Soviet aggression against Czechosl . . 0v as never before. Therefore, it 18 the duty of all those persons stillkn inside the sham who believe in Marxism?Leninisn, to come out end join our efforts to raise the banner of Marxism for therrevolution in cause 0f Societ revisionist aggreSSiOn against ls of the October Revolution inside the Soviet Union free The dictatorship of the proletariat has been over- ictatorshiplnasknrading as "the state of the whole oletarian internationalisn - has (5) The imperialist plans of the Soviet isienist clique has accepted Slovakia, following the (7) Britain. .- -- - mums-.m. . A Quotation to Raise Our Morale .1 EL co 10 of all countries, the masses conprisin: . Geigeog ti; entire population, sooner or later rt Narxism?Leninieu. _Tboy Will not support revisionism. Thar" W111 may support reVISlonlSd for a while, they will eventually Ouch some bound to new arena-41w they bound to Oppose th it Queries in all countries; 0 imperialists supPO pcopl They are . and reactl Ann-L l-r caresses 1 important statements have been published by a . . . In the last fewsdo? Chin: and Albania denounc1ng the invas1on of the ca;nnust Soviet revisionist leadership. We draw our members' Czechoslovakia attention to some (1) . :1 Committee of the Albanian Pa nt issued by the Centr? . ar of E:;::;egnd the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Albania In this statement the Albanian Party and Government condemn the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the military forces of the Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria as a flagrant contravention of all norms governing the relations between status.~ The Czechoslovak tragedy originates'frou the 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U. "which threw overboard the Marxist-Leninist line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of Lenin-Stalin, replacing it with the Khruschev reactionary revisionist line which led to the revival of the revisionist forces also in The military occupation-cf Czechoslovakia by the Soviet revisionists and their servants is a product of the collaboration between the Soviet revisionists and U.S. imperialists for global domination. The Harsaw Pact is exposed by the albanians as no longer a treaty to socialist countries from imperialist aggression and West German revanchism. Instead it has become "an aggressive treaty against the 8003-3115t countries themselves?. The Albanian Party and Government condemn the Warsaw Pact and declare that whoever dares to violate Albania's frontiers, even if members of the Warsaw Pact, will be rebuffed and will meet with sure death from the Albanian people who are united as one around their party and goverment. The Albanian people express their solidarity with their Czech brothers and offer their most determined internationalist support. They consider that the only way for salvation and freedom for the Czechoslovakian people is "the road of struggle without compromise and through to the end against the foreign invaders." Freedom can never be donated to any people but can only be gained through blood and sacrifice. The genuine Czechoslovakian revolutionary communists and freedom?loving Czechoslovakian people must rise up in struggle against the revisionist invaders and their internal enemies. In this struggle they will not be alone but will have the support of all revolutionary communists and freedom loving peoples in the world. (2) "Deal Made Lt Jayonet Point" - an article in the People?s Daily dated August 30th. . This article analysis the so?called "Cumnunique'en Soviet-Czechoslovak Talks" issued in Moscow on August 27th. It describes it as a "dirty deal which the Soviet revisionist renegade clique has made at the point of its bayonet with the Czechoslovak revisionist renegade It is a fraud to heedwin the Czechoslovakian people as well as people throughout the world. It exposes the high-sounding phrases use by the Soviet revisionists in the concunique. For example the respect for "territorial integrity? professed by the Soviet leaders really means the occupation of Czechoslovakia by hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops. The communique talks glibly of safeguarding the "interests of the entire socialist community". But, says Peoples Daily, "The rail .eaning of this nonsensical statement is to maintain the colonial interests of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique in Eastern Europe". The plunder of these countries for the benefit of the Soviet revisionist Clique is falsely labelled "interests of the entire socialist community? in ?x:?t1y th?_sanc "33 as U.S. l?porialiSn's plunder of countries under its nomination 13 called "defence of the free worl . (2) a oph'a I "a 0? 3001(11-1 D111, ?h?g h. i f?if?l . ?r .h a: II h?l? tint uaul i?mrhuno?? I I nuna at? ?Iklr I ?h l" n8 . fill? kn. MK .1101 Thu .- . mama. Johnaon 1:1 ngkco?;mqw 18 in -9438!? UK at! N: 'kln 000' hot to 01ml: um; um. 3mm: nusim?" "i?m?k 0-6 8c - . ?05 ?Mauu- -. grains: Dum? un" . - influx-131:3 fit :Dtb Spill-11:13: Seviy? Ln ?llet! ?Huang? Pour politics, ma; amhoelor A- .- I 13?01?10". 6711111118. 30th Of the Von: an; 1.5 Cf Poo - fro. the out?? ca?ati?ica thy arisicnis? clip? ?aw onmch??lrca on th? ?0315 tc mfrzin fro; 1?51? 13'. 3?me tuna capituhto; to the haunts of and an? 02001103 I A of thick Ln. urinating Yb)? . m0 . 9g {Now of the Soviet mgaimizu?mq sinus of th. ?3301 oduorzut? the of Czechoslovakia 7.1.: m: met at vow maria-10? by ?111 this. They cm are? 1,01% club now this: {109 mueizztj-z; Max:151? 1115'- up their ?math m; gt 1 ?r Chinese 1300;310. In tins they r; we m?thl OVO of the 100m T.U.C. ?to 5.3.7. 333101311 rank and Pol-icy Add?: lmy for 1.250.000 humor. .n Blackpool to dooido the coum of .cum. '0 f. Liar. Ln ,unun at tho Engine? lone outntundim: mm- ch: . The Conittoo. .rm- lomhhanl :utun. Lomc. Joana-1 unionimz'l no? powerful mzw. u; 1: an an nub-3 The dootoion ox? tho Luann :0?;th u: Launch?- 55. Executive Council to ca: . 331-383.} emu. h" 13rd, until a settle out is mum. o..tlnt to me Luau). Co '41! have profound an! ?gymnasium u. ?(we Industry and the Trade Union love an: .4 . It is of Drew! Sit?aifit?fm- L34 33am 8th,. $.11 all the tn.? man .4): 1013.11.94 go -aujton to: 13.41?, a; to recalled Ems? hum?) ?(my on th- advice given than by Hm? 41%? .omou. chum the contempt to:- u. Engirwora ability. to ".19 um; .m that u. m_ .5: adopted by the azployors ?the o! ?Nb called their 15 mm on rev aw any ?030" confrontuuon at? th- on Mr?; ?no? at hengo ?Mon an; 2? .n ?xuw' m? Tm 6 rim ?4210er man! g. 31161th world?: ?thin up men ?all. the cum t. I thaw" ad. 1381.10ch for or WNlti.-.til\ H. - ?tolh? t. sums]! gill-ass ..nd at In an: um out-out u. ch warm 5% of Social ecu/n. Min-on 4.1? yarn und Government Lining up within the about by 0b300tiV? )10 t. that the 1.11:] iomonn contradictions )u n10? . ?Loin-f . . [3011 The 131151" 0, 115ml ?1;qu offer", which in like muinmt .d Demoorhim'nnd employers has and District r??h?of Hu'u the oh: the rhetoriOUv brano 41 ti 1? the Sooinl ators ixVO orth ?rarer 1 am. 'y'urmlt of Lhonu -d . rntuv? country- Agmit 5 resolution? all 0! which calls for uuwughml r0 {0 to an the one submitted by those delegates DmumraMI mu? ?a again?gr genuine ?trundlo against the Employers and as 9 advance by mean 0 government alike, the contradicti then In short from [elicy of alumnuem delegates away in poniLiOH 0 one did up; the to effect of loading many out towards the Employers and having to make tactical of the did them avert a hand on collision between the two class manoeuvres forcee'- Realising that their arguments ht Eastbourno inUApril of this you: "moderation" had failed to move the Employers, the social Demon.ats a 3p 3 line of counteracting demands for genuine militnnoy with one of Pee: 0 hi militancy, of counteracting arguments of clarity and faith in the memfeii with arguments of confusion and defentiem, such aFiino was doomed .0 th A if not in the immediate then in tho long-term, because it resulted in at, the Social Democrats, whether intentional or not, of resorting to ar?umenli 0f donigrating the supreme authority of the National Committee to make po oy and give leadership, of making accusations that the membership were 923.110d capable of waging a battle against the employers, because 01 their'so-oa at "apathy" and 180k 0f courage, the debate revealed social Democracy 3 area 6 evil "that it seeks to destroy a worker's confidence in himself - his fellow wDrivers and his class". This is the task that confronts Marxist?Leninist to restore that confidence and that?faith. Those who argued for "limited action" as against an all out strike demonstrated for all to see, that they were the ones who were confused - they were the ones who because of their confusion lacked the courage and they were the ones who continued to argue for support for a Labour Government, hell bent on the destruction of the Trade Union Movement as a class force. The line taken by the Social Democrats presented a real challenge to those delegates seeking advance and progress by struggle, had it not been for the spark of Marxist?Leninism that has been painstakingly kept alight at the National Committee over the many years, refusing to be put out by the annual torrential downpour on Social Democracy then this victory would not have been forthcoming, at Blackpool this Spark enabled delegates to speak loud and clear on the cardinal principle of Marxist-Leninism "That of faith in the working class to overcome all obstacles - that the working class were more powerful than any force that the employers and Government could put against them. Marxist-leninists and all honest workers would be foolish to under- estimate the viciousness of the class enemy's reaction against the Engineers Strike Call, within hours of it being made public, the Bourgeoisie and their unprincipled hacks operating within the Trade Union Movement attacked the 31-30 Strike decision as "undemocratic", had the Democratic vote of the Engineers been in reverse, then the cause of Democracy would have been served. Once again the Bourgeoisie revealed that their Democracy and the majority vote principle is only acceptable when in defence of capitalism. resort to manoeuvres of betrayal, the more - more exposed they become the more dos . . rate 8 their actions - such desperate actions will lead them into erroES-cf and thus leave them exposed and naked for all to see cont/The situation. . . . 5? 131.1312; giant for P?I-wrxiet-Leninietu and the . . . 0 docimon oi the NutiOmI Committee representn 7" ?19-301. Victory for 171908330353 truth in ?the face of (on pnper?) overwelming Odds 380th them end it indeed proof "those who dare to fight, to win". The task of Merxist-Leninists ?.nd militwnt workers must be to rally the workorsl?co stand firm in support of their c1. Lima and :ngin?t the we .ta and (VOW-ORB Of tho Employers end Government to expose md denounce those who are th this very moment plotting; the betrayal of what is potentially r: Strike .of great political importance in the struggle against the of e. l?corperetc State" in Britain, and for the development of n. Revolutionu-y Party in Britain. Workers must unite in all places where they labour - to stop betrayal and thus deliver a hammer-like blow against Social Democracy. The Connmmist Party of Britain (Mirxist-Leninist) salutes the decision of the National Committee and pledges its full support to the Engineers struggle. (3) . vber 1 in the ., bitter J- who were involve (.1 ?some" rs 0? This in himim, . . by the Indium 'vlorkLru . occasion of Print. Finish?. ntirm . the .onstr th 6th Ii ting? raw-11M policies of ?a hog!? 0 . I ?1 I. Dinitm?zmlt cit)! vie in r; host lo ffuqlm Winter.? doom}: I 11 (the do :on?trtion t0 (father in . to Elm-,1, ref 0 P0111 polio vr: and heroes tonll?ii 'MMtr?tox-g u? . .. ?i find thUt {inw?imLi-ior wilgon h, enterCJ h? idb stree extreiloly provocatiVe - ,mr during the Jule forceltc prevent the . ther Legonstret the em mil where 0 01'8 . mtuxning 3.110110 to gather. The 103.21ch of the 4' 2d been includi?e' fascist groups}; to Jigwr?u and cone of the ;.1rchors then the Town Hall. '5 when Wilson had already left the Town 112.11 ?nd :?Lll nunber of Indian garb - kors were goals ho . 8 . . rs 'nd 0:3: violently pushed by the police into a side atmot whore they were and arrested. curt cleerl indicated th?tt the T18 Evieenee given in 3/ Prosecuting council could Mt on over when the arrests took place. . . . A .. :30 {bet slogans were being shouted at the time of the 10th Jack, - it clear th:.t the Indian workers hid been arrested but rather for their portiCipztion in the end in the case of two of those god, 'Jouhl ".nd J. Jest-.1, for the leading role they have played in organising the lumen oomty to combat racialisu. as the prosecuting council could produce only the nest trivial evidence in terms of the provocative nature of the slogans shouted dunim the deeonstration. The police considered the slog-n "Black and white unite furl fight" girticuhrly offensive. This point became quite obvious The arrests were undoubtedly an attempt to intimidate the Indian workers rand deter then froz. organising or initiating Lilitt?llt action in the ftbure. That such was the intention is shown by the fact th:.t two of the Indian workers were not charged until several weeks after the other arrests had taken place but iwndintoly after the had announced their dozeml for an enquiry into the behaviour of the police. "11?10 attitudo of the police ".ml court in this case indicates that the ruling ch? ?how interests they serve fezrs the unity of black and white workers in the women struggle 13.111151; fancier? Effective erg-inisation i amongst b15ck ?0rk9r8 and Militant unity of black and white workers will strikn Ecnzicious weapon of recislisn from the hands of the ruling class and their re s. 31? . . h.vo DEC television Programme on the subject of resin: to 0 Police cancelled "ltOEOthOr, police authorities CttOBPtc intr d, mom's-1110 when it was screened after a stponeuent ucine r1 surprise witness, 9? In the mdg?e?h? the the three representatives or the Since thy Police for since there racial prejudice in British society inevitably reci'l ?30 Was r2. cross-section of that society, there W5 ?6 that since there igrg?g?cgnz?lom the p0110u, They night as well have ?745110?. .. to be criliml 010mm; gum? British Society one night expo (3) Undoubtedly ther . . members of sociot ;?'ra?la1 Preaudice in (10 not haw? 30010133! but ordina up. What one had a right to arrest r? 2:1:218 programme a Once of r1 . . a a expression out, Leial preJudico among Meanwhile . T.V. prog hroe leCk People. ramme was scheduled in oli - or gelaizozg $tfie for the cancellatio gramme on the grounds thit their up for fourlwe 31:13?k 139?}?19 had-then become sub judice, have been 10?de trial on a cooked??g Sigxton irison virtually condemned and convicted without officers in Hyde Park". rge uttering writing threatening to kill police arrested by the police just before the believed, to enable the who g2: :fkthe three men, Obi Egbura, is a well known author and playwrite This moveadint: militang :tand against police frame-ups of black peeple. 0 par 0 he Metro olit a Black Panther Movement of an 01109 is not directed Simply the 1 to which these men are members but at all black workers wio eke up the struggle against racialism. DOUBLE VICTORY AT .INJECTION MOULDERS In Bulletin No. 5 there was a premature announcement of the successful conclusion of the strike by the workers at Injection Moulders. Th0 employers had agreed to a settlement based on an increase in the basic rate, mutually agreed bonus time, a three?shift as opposed to the old two-shift 33/813931? concessions in reSpect to amenities a a return to work for all with no victimisation. a . On Sunday the 11th August the workers held a social at the Trades and Labour Hall in Willesden to celebrate their victory with those who had stood by them in their seven week strike. It was assumed that they would be returning to work on the following Monday. What had not been reckoned with was the employer's suddenly going back on certain important parts of the agreement when they found that blacklegs in the factory who had refused to support the strike saw a chance to cash in on the new rates of pay if the old shift conditions were maintained. The workers did not go back and the strike was resumed. The employers seemed to be still gambling on the fact thit outside support for workers who were mainly Pakistanis, Indians and West Indians would not be sustained. There is a report that one of the managers urged convenor in a plant to which Injection Moulders supplies components to ignore the strike on the ground that the workers were only blacks. Be that as it may, the trade union representatives negotiating on oehalf of the mean walked out of a meeting with the intransigent employers and reported their refusal to implement the agreement to the Employers Federation. - that the workers at ives us great satisfaction to be able to repor' . Injeitign Moulders did return to work on August 22nd With all their major demands We congratulate them on their victory and salute all those Who supported them in their militant action- - ful conclusion demonstrates - 1m ortant strike and its sucess . way to Oppose raciallsm 1n whatever form ls by the clear?y a gle of workers black and white against their common class enemy. unite rug cont/Social tn SOCIAL DEMOCRACY HOUSING #7 on Conan A the Labour Council of the borough of Canden increasod . A year ago The roaSOnS they gave-ior doing this were identical to council Tonts' us Tory Council gave when they 1ntr0du?01 their infamous 1960. If we sweep away the excess verblase. or rather ren inc 3 . :1 that that both - ?s it becoaes QUlte 01? cry and Labour "garbage" :?o?xigsiheir?preparedness to dance to the noneylenders tune and -'havo,i? sacry penny they can get out of the Council Tenants. To those who 52:3:23 to pay in both cases the answer was tho-sane "Pay up or W0 evict". Needless to say, at the last Local Election the proverbial electoral . pendilum gave its usual shudder and yet another Tory Council was returned. Now once again Camden COuncil Tenants are facing a rent increase due in October. When this was announced a_toru broke loose from the Labour Councillors. We understand the Labour slogan for the next election is Labour rent .I increase is the genuine article, Buy no: other!" The Labour Spokesman on Housing Alderman Mrs. Miller stated in the local press that Labour Councillors would in their fight against rent increases, but warned them against a rent strike. Those outer bastions of democracy the King Street revisionists have also been trying their hand at a little third rate juggling. 'When the Labour Council increased rents the local revisionists raised a small squeak of protest. In contrast it was more like a roar that issued from their throats when the St. Pancras (Camden) United Tenants Association advised Tenants not to pay the increase and pointed out that neither Labour or Tory would solve the tenants' problems. As the revisionists in the U.T.A. said (before they left its ranks) Labour was better than Tory and the stand would rock the electoral boat! - It will not surprise our readers to know that since the Tory decision to raise the rents the revisionists have found their voice again and are calling on tenants to protest, etc., but at the same time ignoring the long established and militant Thus they are, in practice, attempting to split the tenants movement. Tenants must be united under the leadership of the U.T.A. in refusing categorically t0 pay any_rent increases, whether initialed by or The vast majority of the tenants are workers whose pay has been frozen by the Labour Government. Rent. increases are thus, in fact, pay cuts. They are just one more way in which the Labour and Tory Parties collaborate in transferring money from the pockets of workers into those of the capitalist class. - - . . The U.T.A. will gain the support of tenants for mass action on thetbaSis - of demonstrating that changing the colour of a local counCil from Tory_ 0 Labour and back to Tory does not alter their own conditions at all gdsigcg- b?th Parties faithfully serve the interest of finance capitalists a ?n lords' Privat and Public. At the sane tine they will expose the I 0f . revisionists of the C.P.G.B. who persist in playing the boss Class 5 wasting the on . . . . one side or the other in DBaninglesS ergles of tenants in supporting ll?out attack on the lectiens instead of nobi1isina them for an a . ddi a. Whole local Sovernuent set?up every time it does the class i n? tside If the Council complains that rent increases are due to ou the pres 05? that's their problau not the tenants. 1? 15 :0t rGSponsibility of tenants to make the capitalist system wor cont/Support ?1 .- 5211.033 The - 11". a liberation ntnur 1c in ?11-.1 recs? . cont?"- can 1 'J?Jri'?iou lacs szon onowurmd?wi Uh. 10.1 -d friOI?I?l ltm9r1?11111 encounturs th? Southorn Jim.htor9 troops in July hlxve boon Lost U?mzr?ithe fronlo? fit. on finl - . ?fit 1 ?1 only Alooz?. in its .hti" . lqprond 1n.11u171bor3 :11 unlit But my refit comm, .1 y' . "1.1111" nu - cess 111 . ?1 tic 1 L1 011ch in 3 . troops Ondrl-t?in are delighted by their suc i .10 ?no ?0?13" Our support to the Zinbib?m ThC-t ?my misc shidgvi hey how} h'W?d ?nd 1011.; strugr?e head of tnog'th .t they recon Who ?7?35 Writings is hopeful Sign! is is .c VOrstoI-lr gin enemy is: not just the fascist rogue 4* ~11: . .- ut This 15 (Hod by ontJ-Sh 800121 30- days When so?co.lled nrtionnlist Opinion, ?n90 ?b 011? .. Odocrms "-114 I?OVisionists, demanded nothinG Vote" froz'. not But the great lecp forum-g1 11110 by freckle; of those D"t?h?d by any equal loop in underst riding or SOlidr-rity on tl-?bwi if mason-?30 gsfom?bly in Britain. It is high tine ??317 millagkgec; TOY-such orgznisrtions as Movement for 0910111" 1? be alto-united by of the Labour Pirty ind c: pose . At recent conference, July 28th, on the which Proninont trade union lender nd it resolutio a 1Winfics the kind of stupidity: at) $381; ind treachery (It worst we 1:13:31: to overcome. The resolution tries in on OpPortlmistic wry to Show suthis for the struggle of the Zimbabwe people but in my to make support HOS-ningless because it urges the L?ritish Government "to the locitiunte aims of the guerrilla It 3150 cells upon Unite N*"ti0n5. th 1t arch reactionary organisation dominated by U-S- imperialism to implement resolutions enforcing sanctions. While quite a lot of people ein see through the United -tions there are many, in the ranks of the working cluss and intellimntsitn, who 0 :nnot see the absurdity of asking the Labour Government which in upholding ?ritiah imperialism, to give support to those who .re one {,ed in strug ?'10 British Imperialism. It is like ?skim? r. butcher to join The Labour Government has Vegetarians in stopping the killing of wig-?15. contradictions with the Irn Smith regime not over principle but over details. While the latter went .4. bigger cut of the profits beinr: made by the uncle. American monopolies out of the riches of Southern Rhodesin. the brutal suppression of the ?friczm pcOple who in; regarded .5 simply on endless source of cheap labour, the Labour Govern'zent is "mucus to fps-Lao of respectability which will enable British i:.perinlis . to operate longer. But behind Ion Snith is the tower of the City of London ;nd the might of the British stite. To see Wilson .3 :1 yossiblo Citation of th Zimbabwe liberation struggle is the height of the double?talk hhich hr 9? the so?cnlled leftists in the Labour m; the mViSioniat run -8 undo as connunist party notorious in the ranks of all thOSO?Uho are concerned with destroying British 12121-111113; To demand the sending of British troops to overt 1 is akin to those who support Soviet faction T?ozjilinst S?th rem Ian Smith, Vorster, balsam are the 1700.3, Behind. them is *fze 51110. Anglo?Moricf?n imperialism 'l?ho labour GOVOI?rrignt be Sheddi? tear. of crocodile tears over the detention mdexocution of the Smith fascists and the. Privy Council is very Stern about Ehrlotg by However: it should be renodbored bouthern Rhodesia is British imperialism and Lerih? tO?cistiirato the Smith fIZScigtcOlony of nuts about british imperiali3u is to Covem?lent While of those detained tn? 3??1 or lone prison so torget th?t many arrested by the British colonial ac;nnistretion accordi 0 Constitution and the 1960 Ehorgency Powers not. "5 to 103" . DOGS Were the 1961 cont/when Brit ish - 10 - mm British troops sent to Southern RhodeSia they W11 protect British Luperi.? 113:. not to liberate the Africans 1 to_ Let us stop supporting? such izbecility. 101; us proc] solidzu-ity :31 work to izdplozpnt the declaration like th our .1 <19 by the 21mg bvo Jrio.? .n .tionrl Union frOL its D"r Es So?osthrecent 9-11 quarters on august 20th. ?Down with imperialis; and its NATO . supportin' thu oppressive mgino in Southern Africa!" ?11103 Which are live the people's struggluv' SEPTEKBER, 1968. Issued byp- Conmuniat Party of Britain 155 Fortoss Road, London, N.?vi.5. 0 345/90? .56- '3 METROPOLITAN 1' onion 0mm Al. . me new YIN 1903 ?Amy mtob?rso - -- 1 .. 2 htec?u mtg?. 1968 58) 1111s no ernl Septe?b?'v Nation of a. may? issued by the ?mi? Britain (mun Lem) 1? ?dict ?tin. ?n Pace 6. under the new In? Ives in LV. Program?. ?feral!? ou Benedict and two other non ?11? ?t - Mint in Custody uniting 1:131 at th' criminal Court. 59) Promo referred to use scheduled to ?39 3391! on television on 26th July. 1953 but was not in tact until 9th August. 1968. m1 mm with Gideon Wen mm and Peter mm on 25th July, ?958. 50) the article in question is concerned With alleged racial prejudice econ; the Police and states that 3931!? and the other two men were arrested to enable the Police to argue for the cancellation of the television pregame. It goes on to state that the charge against them was 'Oooked-up? and that they were virtually condemned and convicted without a trial for uttering a writin; threatening to kill police 0:110." in Hyde Park. 51) Ir. norm. for the Director or Public Prosecutions, wes informed on? this matter by telephone end the question of a Prosecution for contempt 0: Court was discussed. Ir. asked to he Mich?: a copy or the above mentioned publication winch 1?;th contrarenee the Newspapers. Printers and needing Boone Repeal Act 1869, by Chitin; the name of the printer from the pamphlet. continmq/ I A BENNETT HOARE DAVIES THOMPSON EDGE SEYMOUR SLATTERY BENFOLD ELLIOTT COOKSON MARTIN I CHRONOLOGIGAL 25; Roderiek, Detective Sergeant Kenneth, Detective sergeant Simeon Kenneth, Det. Ch. Inspector Gerald, Detective Sergeant Dennis, Detective Sergeant Michael, Detective Sergeant Alan, Detective Sergeant James, T/Detective Constable Peter, Detective Sergeant Michael, Detective Constable Peter 332u-25 26 - 27 28 29-30 31-32