. rMnm"\ r, ?'41 ?(.1115 .. - "bmAinu whmmuNu 1?-f I -- .-- . . A..- Re 1 CROSS ?1 I 5 IALTON A I TONY (JAMAICAN) . 3 ., I Group A, .J. ?3 A I ROY. Class I I ?5 .1?me 11? b? L.-.- - . - SHANAAR Piece . . -W-. opp/@111. COLOUR Amocw - . - I (Accra) [/11 1 Fr. TRANSIT CHART APPLICANT 2 . TO - - NET.POLICE IALS MFA. 01.5.67 ?lkpins j; 29-? Maw FFENCE w?W-x- It ?it (?205/ (7470 ?0501)ng RACE RELATIONS . ?H/f . {l I 1 CIT 41/? WW 3% 2 gr; I lc-T. - <2 5 VENUE I I A71 A AIIGI. 7.. VA ?all" 77" I 7 DATE OF HEARING IIA Izg?yl 1515OFFICER IN CHARGE SUPT. K. L. NEWMAN, GERALD ROAD, 730-5106 5 9?23)? PRECEDENT N0. 2? ACCOUNTS - . . ACCELERATED 31K--. 1.1/1; OPENING. ~75; 31/71/715 ?3111 I ARONYIOUS letter received 9.30 p.m. 18th evenstn 1967- I I RAAQ lea den Incl 7 r. - mm 15-0" f: each. largest ,l ,y?li smakcr?? cam a! ?Ede Park's ?I?ll . a miuu I f, irisur?ll'mcsa? the English 10:: a: . ?'160967 black Min; "d 1 hard message of 1? rm Um London. lhur ay. ciau'o ?d C?lourcd Peepk, A n' - 1 [i Sponsored ?With 1. 550' - I "8 moan"; 5 Nol- -- .4 5-nce you have at last stOpped the rantings about we, the natives of these Islands, who are expected to tolerate them, of Michael De Fr ates, we expect, if only in the interest of peace and civil order that you will stOp the maniacal e? ravings of filth and abuse 3f Ray Sawh, who not only screams abuse at us, but boasts how he oes no work but lives off the Assistance Board as well. . We, (7 young would be peaceful inhabitants, and English, who wor hard for a living) have resolved that if you do not. we to beat this black bastard to death, and this is no idle do proniee you. He is a black immigrant, and we demand that if yin not deport him, we will kill him, even if you follow him Kingdom Come. We are not going to stand agy gore of him, an .is final. He must be out, or shut upPark Corner, shouting You w-ll find him so will we) standing at ort of protection has some 8 filthy abu about us, and thinking 9 The Race Act stapped because he is black, and we have free speech. or we kill him. We have as many as you would nev Free speech, so you stop him, 37 peOple all resolved to kill him, an er find us out. Get him, or we Urgent. 1* The Director of Public Prosecutions. 5., ?thch 6243712: Westminster. . London. gum, Submitted with compliments slip to Commr. let. Police, N.S Fri. 18th Aug. 1967. (5 o'clock post). mm Ext. I, 3835.67 ?tn Septemr. 1967 Dear Sir. When I enclose the following:- 1. Statement of Facts and Schedule 2. Police Report dated 17.8.67 - (6th and Uth August incidents) 3. Statements - (6th and 13th August incidents) 1.. Police Report dated 24.8.67 - (20mm incidents) 5. Statements - (20th August incidente) 6. Anony-oue Letter You will see that three men are aeeociatee of Michael De Freitas who ie the sthect of a prosecution under the Race Relations Act at Reading. There would appear to be ample evidence proving offences contrary to Section 6 or the Race Relations Act against the an three seen, although the speeches eade by Chose were not as infl- emtory as these or the other tee. There is 10 do I) that. unleaa ection ie token. the three non will repeat the offences. Their remarks see- to have a near as Red effect upon the lore susceptible coloured persona in - the audience and the Police if prosecutions are not instituted against Watson. Chose. The anonymous letter shows how strongly some persons feel about Sawh, including as it does a threat to kill him. I enclose three forms or consent should the Attorney- Generai consider that proceedings should be taken for offences against the Race Relations Act. Yours faithfully. I. F. (Laxrow. The Legal Secretary, The Law Offices Department, Royal Courts of Justice, London W.C.2. METROPOLITAN POLICE ANTECEDENTS or; Sydney Uyornumu EZEKIEL AGE: 30 years PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH: Ebiriba Nigeria 21st April 19h0. SUMMARY OF CONVICTIONS One for stealing. One for receiving. One for forgery and possessing forged bank notes. One for using insulting words with intent to stir up hatred against a section of the public. One for obtaining motor car by deception. states that he was educated at the Baptist Boys High School at Port Harcourt, Nigeria to the age of 15 years. EMPLOYMENTS: (Show dates employed; employers; capacity in which employed; wages; reason for AND MILITARY leaving and character assessment). From 1955 when he left school he Worked as a labourer and later as a journalist until he came to the United Kingdom in 1958. In February, 1958 he states that he studied Philosphy and Law but is unable to furnish details of his studies. Police enquiries reveal that he did undertake some law studies but enquiries at the UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, and UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON show no trace of him being registered as a student. - From his arrival in the United Kingdom until his fathers death in October 1963 he states that he was in receipt of ?800 allowence per annum from his parents. From-Zuth August 196A until 13th June 1966 he was detained in prison. a . After his release from prison on 13th June 1966 until August 1967 he received assistance from the Ministry of Social Security commencing at 56.63., per week and r181ng to 39.58., per week. Sometime in 1967 he set himself up in business as a television rental company operating under the name of ELTRO MANANICAN at High Street, Tottenham, N.17. This was a very small business comprising about no television sets on hire and the renumeration from this was negligible. From the 7th August 1967 until early 1968 he was employed by Bersil Company, Soapmakers of Cornwall Road, London, N.15, as a Labourer and Apprentice Soap maker earning an average weekly wage of ?15. EZEKIEL states that he is unable to remember details of his employments during 1968 and 1969, but at the time of his arrest on 19th July, 1969 he was employed as an Inspector by M.K. ELECTRICS, Elley Estate, London, 11.18., earning an average weekly wage of ?18. mum; 66 Lansdome Road, Tottenham, London, N.17. some He resides with his wife and children at the I. above address . FIXAXCIAL oomnmm's Weekly insane: 55.1 Weekly commitments: 11015 blown EDIE (DXDITIOXS Fair . AXY OTHER INFORMATION i SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Prisoner and Police records. mm as: - 0N BAIL: IN CUSTODY: ?47m .lx?m?gr raw 0 0mm? Roldan in non at 56, Rmdol?i Avenue. Landon, in single on lulu-I of font re?ned mom to he . to a daughter .70ch iM?Wh? 13'5"" ?mmHOlm' 1 x! of kin. Boon 6.11.192h. ?anpotoad, London. mm) 1 I Educated Rmoon nun School run 1936 to 1939. from the ace 0' 12 years to 15 yearn. 1 on 19152 to 1916 otateo he on a manor of the Britieh =3 08 ..mant Officer rank in Rangoon. "it? 1956 mind in to United Kingdom tro- India. State. that from 1915 to 191.8 was enployed no Pharmaceutical Reproecntative. Casual employ-ant until 1956. ?iaplond on a travel clerk for} years with Bloonbury. marl? 11 Street, Piocediland. Caoual employ-ant mainly no a driver with lingo manual. 122, Baltm Cmocent. 17.9.. until 16.9.1967 when out into voluntary liquidation coming a basic wage or ?1 per not. When ?noted however. in July 1967 he stated that he no melployod. At gov-sent momma. .0 I. . '7 9' ?My: 0 .. m- ?nu; v. 2v ?v-T?hir-x . W- lle ie an active meter or the U.C.P.A. as show over and wool-tee .11 Elk". mom ooiete 3m 3m 017083013/57 Wm can 053/67. Wm cr'zo 55 LL. nuapecreu 01 Uuler UllLIlbl-b. Will doubtless continue to promote racial spec public action lid cautious support of the U.C.P.A. present Impacted or further oti'cnoeu. Origin of information. Education and emu-cut in: tion tron owns. all other intonation tro- Polioe recon-do. Forwarded DW Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. Superint endentm rm? .tluwvusm?? 31?1?? uni" .md wmmill-?d ?9:120:1- cf ALL. his and ?hethcr accused '11 Istody or \u mil Lag-std . a air!? a 21.9.f967. CI 11011 Mid? chi- m! 1. I of an EEOHIB ASEMATIG. hangout! 66. 3.3.16? a ago: Man or racial?- and: w. I .. Urn. and on licvno- I 'i?r?ii.141- ?hE?lhlv 101' Dr - . 3mm: a: 11.74%? a I'm Strut Incl-mm Court to .m u. In? and? ?116.1.1 . Bun-m his.? Fool It. MM, hm'm ?or I lI/ ?1 mi km ?hulrmulMm-rnl hirlh; Guiana. niobed rooms at I 1 1934! my?. 8] 17?lcy in fur an so years Boom 11- 0 his wife 1 I. re aged 9 I tied residesvf'it? a me two dauuh '3 Next of ic?n wi c. 6 Alexand Rondii? . 11 British Gui - 2 cars "hon - lb 1 I Guvana until the age 2:8. I of Scotland Schoohma to the age 01' 18 ye Educated at 3133:: School. then at Fray 26th Larch. 1959. ted Kingdom on from ivcd in the Uni 11, London. Arr Cadby Ila aa a Clerk by J. mp?Wag until 5.10.1962- 28070199 year course intended ffsve a in 1962 re is not Known . 0 have visited the wn 2; 33M. (Date or return from From 60701964 un Arm" 185, Itarylebo 1 .1965 to Portman Square, 3 ne Road, Yul. mm une 1966 employed as an accounts clerk by BB London. CARTER Since June 1966 to date has been employee as an accountant by 9 CLAY and LINTOTT, 5 Stanhopc Crate, W.l. n, with the exception of information ided by himself and cannot be 111 the above inforznetio egirg?gigs to the U.S.S.R. was prov accurate. Is known to associate with leading members of BLACK IUZERS ORGANISATION both in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. h?gciatexcf Stokely CARLIICHML, :jichael Abdul LEALAK, known also as Associates with others with whom prosecuted A'o Shankar Alton Alexander c.R' I Ugornumu 223115311. .R. . . 1' 8307 and due b. I a \VJaL-llnl-r summit-d uf' ulln-r uil?gm?.35_ It is known th a Public meeting: "111 continue to 0" Math in the ?one racin- hatred throu . . es and in th gh Hidl Informatio from 01' educatio i 111 P?11?e records. and employment from SAVE Other inf Fin Nullvrintme - ?7 0 . Illt_ . swam?! Yard, for the London. ?sz Ir at 0 4.4 71? ctober {sz . ?uPe~Piri tendent - I - - x" I v.1 - ~1npnn mum? Could bod ?st Cctoxr . . in, an . emu/67. . ?uid-ad: ?mm nu Ouch: r: . an Coatn; era-nu Court 0 a ?0 ?do Index-3' Corner, ?71. Part, London. .2.. ?u '0 ?If I: ?Hm? mint 0 "Mar of tho b4. amt ?7 0010-! and autumn! 01-11? ?rm .1 a while 1' . 10' 0" nIv-o can} .n."ll Ilsa}! to It? up ?lt?d a! mu?. a: U1 gnu?. or colour and origin.? ?a nu Ann-t. 1 4' 0? Jone-1' slam? 1160 Put. London. I.2.. [Mb-'1 IO IQir 'ait?ci I AEMV I IOc'l Ur,? g?bllc in Grant not by ?Later a. nation. as :11! . ?511? ?My: 1 :Htuur. mu. 03:4 Humps?. aura .quJ ?0 ?if Wu! 1?1 ?shin- u: vault-3. 9f . 3 g: . .azlml ?m u. ..-- 1,1?7, .- an, rowan, .2.. ?av at? ?otru ?In? - sanctity of the plane in Grant kite: 1' of 5 "war Milan: 1 11d use at . gublic Ire-1; to ?it up .014" 1 thatEtc)". a: Tub-u- Full. 41 intro: 313m. Ll. In.) inc-t all: a, \gu'ut a ?hue in Great lum- count. 414 at.- It a panic ?eating than. mg; to u; mum: um. action on the or - ?5 an Inn-u? a- M- on 5?11 Outta; tml. II- tl on. at the author. or the Camila) 1?20er gnu-nu. beg-131.110? 66 bunny! Sin-d. London, 3.3.16 Oneal-1.1a {at the {motion of run-1.11m throngs Power. Off-ou- "11.10man-anon. ?u ina- an Imam a m: nu ou- r-ocguunco or am and on. surety 1n the Sun of 4:100 um. tu- In. locu"sr-M- Out [inn'J ununxr Ir 0 a; to 5.9.1937 .1 MW and ?guruua Cant". for (1) . 1'01th the mutton ?dbl ?7 at tho Donn; Ground . 3.3" a mom to L3,},o 0001.0. 71- N?o KW .. I'hl? "1 Nu-xt n1 kil Born 1hth Pobmry. 19140 at '0 12. ?13111?: and three ohildreni IL or uhon ore in Jonoioo. Next of kin, wire, no details 0 lie I pom. ham. nlul Attended winery and oeoondu-y eohoola in leovinl l? the ego of 15 you-o. Pro- 1955 to 1960. he hio rather in the running or and I Solioitor'o tirn. . Gone to the United Kingdom in lot 1960. 1 . Pro- 1950 until 1962 no employed oo moker wit CJHITRHBAD end Co., Chiuiok, London, leaving or his own ooeord. The I for period or one you woo unloyed by W.V.G. Enginaerinl. norm of BmttoI-d oo a general minoer, leaving or his own ooeer . . when he was engaged by my No find employment until Fobmry 19?? United Bionit Co., oo mohino orerotor at weekly val. 0 mt ?10. Io otill oo onyloyod. Claims that he eendo ?5 per C.R.O. 830h9/67 or 36 Rondolph Avenue. V4.9. Alli?W . C.R.0. 5555/51.; of 66. Lendodon Road, H.17- part Poyo Sh pol- nook for hie room. of month hone to ?port hie wife and children. . Io noon with members of the - .n Prinoinl 1 17 331 8&1: C.R.0. 83013/67 or 26, Alexander Road. W-9- - 0 bad and i suspected of other Offences. I not ouopeoted of. other errenooa. Origin of information. Information or Eduootion and infometion from Police reoordo..- oyment tron WATSON, other . . .. Forwarded by direction of the mmissioner of Police for the Metropolis. f? New Scutiaml Yard, Londm . . A, . Superintendent ltlolleln My ?Mw. gerald.noed.rolieo Station. ilm 730 - 51063 I . m. 1 110mm AN IOLK . pd . acre R0 mm: A 31st 00 . .1 - j?l'fxllu Pros cutions- FILW (?mn?t Jim. mum! Ami-uu'wl .It urn. oozh Strut 23rd Ootobor the Control Criminal 1 "an the 3th August,1967.ot Speakers? Corner Hyde Wighin intent to stir up hatred against a section If the public in Great Br? 3? dijtijk?i?hed by colour and national origins did use at a public meetifg threatening abusive and insulting words likely to stir up hatred 8831?? . that section on the grounds or colour and,hational origins." 2. ?On the Speukcro' Corner, Hyde Park, U.2., with intent stir uf hatred against a section of the Lublic in Great Britain . iinutinguished by colour and national ori:ins did use at a public meeting threatenin- abusive and insulting words likely to stir up hatred against I that occfiaaz the grounds 01? colour arid national origins." 3. "0n the cha'texs' 3 rnerJWde Park, with intent to GUI u; hated against a section of 10 public in Great Britain cirti uinhcd by colour and national origiro did use at a public meetinf I throutenin: abusive and insulting wor likely to stir up hatred against 1 that oectior on tic rrcunds or colour and national orivins." Contrary to Section Racq_nolations Act. 19_5.' mm! mu: Ilr's?y. Huh- ul "11'ng ?nd ulwle? custom? or on boil Arrested on Ion-mt on 21.9.1 ?67. on bail awaiting trial. bureau 1o member of tho uwrw?mm. common PEOPLES ALSOCIATION . headquarters 66? Knolloyo Road, London, a oolourod peoyles ooiation for the )ronotion or moiolioll through Black wer. Offence occurred when acti as a speaker for the above organisation at Speakers r, Hyde Park, W.2. Now on boil in his own re gnizsnce of ?100 and one surety in the sum of ?100Previous mum-Hons: Probation m-r. and 114mm on hwnc'v (If any). \rlu-er for Borstal 01 Con: mu or I?rurentivv (Mention .1 On 19th Soyton or 1966 at Marlborough Street Hogiotrotoo Court for oo tin; Polioo orrioor on 18th Soytonbor, 19? at Hyde ark, he was fined asCorrootivo ?rlilln'} preventive detention oxt dod oontonoo. 2.4 . .uul lilau- n1 hirlh: Hulln-UuuHill-11?. nf Lin. Ct a i gm 215?: April. 1340. L?biribe. rugcrin. r? :3 mrried men recidim: with his Vite Lillian Jone nee 3 woo-n or British decent. et 66 Lenado'no 701.1. 11.11. I :23? 6 ?d 4 years. who ere believed to be . sgoEinaSt?J-ln are Rum. ?at? thet he attended the L-aptiot Boys 11131 School. et {oz-t Maurie. until the ego of 15 years. leevinc, ochool in 1355 he worked an labourer end leter es Journeliet until he came to the United Kingdom in February 1958. On errivel in the United Kingdom he etetee he studied philoaphy end lee but ie unable to furnish details or etudieo. After hie arrival in the United until hie tether died in October. 1963 he etetee that he wee in receipt oi: en sum-1 mm or ?800 from hie perente. (in 20th Number 1963 he married Lillien Jane non, end hoe tee eon- by thie woolen. one were both born prior to the nor-rinse. He lepereted tro- hu wife in February 1964 end nee ordered to pox 63 weekly on maintenance order issued on 10th march 196? b! on . Thenee :hgietretee Court. 'i?hie meant continued until hie err .. on Minn-t 1964 for forgery offences. 9 1? Between 21th Jennery 1964 and 19th August 1964 he wee in receipt 0 . ?0.15.6d., per week Iietionel Assistance in respect of MB ehildren end himself. the male or at 400R. Iii-Ch street. ??ew-3 1:311. This is a very small business with little assets and is The comprise merely of about forty television sets out on 1113.31? 'ert renuncretion from this business in neglible. (verified); on . a: tine muloyed by Bees]. Co.Ltd.. of '.?eet 11.1). {re en so unintengmeo electrician et a weekly wage of ~15 and in employee since August this yeer. . low in business as television rental hire con?IWo ?P?nt1m in . 1 Io known to esgociete with members or the no abown over. Principel associates . or ?6 Limit} 1: r.rsoa C.R.O.83 27 Hayfield loud. deliDCo .. 8 03035 or 36 Randolph Avenue. ?IImHmr aux-noctud of other Offences. to not suspected at other Origin of information. Police recorde. Forwarded by d? on of the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. ml Yard, X7 If London, SJVJ. .. .. fr sanctum at Fuse-me mid ball? mama-5419. (mm New Sc I METROPOLITAN 3?3? 0cm)? ?Ni 51? XML m. all tutu-n b- PREPAID . . . .. The Jirector of Public Munitions. Sydney Cyorr-l?eu (awn 7 In?! mm?. .u Mlborouw Street rnmnuHc-ul 27th toga-t. intent to stir ?p M?r?d eootion on. public in Greet Brit-1n by 601 end mtlonel origins need at . xublio Ioeting toning. abusive end lactating, word. 11km to ltiz up hatred Calm that section on the sr?nnd- of colour and national origin. at Sgeekerl goripr Hyde Park. London. v.2a . 5555/64 Conn Quul?t . 23rd October .the Control cum]. court I. n1 tlu- im-lnding. date of arrest and ?hothur accused in custody or on Ame-ted on a mi; on 21.9 1967. now on bail - EZEKIEL 1e neiber or the URI ERSAL COLOURED PEOILYS . ASSOCIATION, headquertere 66. olleye Road. London. 1 S.K.16.. coloured yeoplea ass elation tor the promotion or rocielieo through Black toner; 27th Angus . 1367 at Cornet. thera Bgok -et the stand of the Be one arreo ed on 21/9/1;67 on in his own recognizance trial. I At a public meeting on Hyde lurk. 3.2.. with above organisation. warrent end no. awaits trial on I in the nun or ?100Prevmus conthlons; Probatmn Of?cer, and release on lwuucc (11 any), whether 0 \mc 10: Bout-M Lmu or Preventive detention On 20th January 1964 at Bow Street magistrates (1) ?ned ?20 for stealing a three atone demand on i A "34010-0? end (2) fined ?5 for mooning one oert none 01 he wee mending tuned by Lincoln Inn, valued n. 9th November 1964 at the Control Criminal Coon tentenced to (1) 2} were mm. (2) 2 yeere 1- . (3 2 your. 1% ?upt- and (4) 2 were hurt. e11 conch. for (1 to: event) 3 or ?5 notes, (2) gamut of forged book (3 implemente or forgery end 4) Wing ye booting, Iordn etc. peculiar to end used on ?5 Bonk of Eiglmd tel. lot liable for corrective trelning. inventive detention or extended sentence. BATTYE, G.B. STEETER, M.J. EVANS, A.J. PLUMB, G. NEWMAN, K. STANBURY, B. HALL, J. BROWN, R.R. HOWLETT, G. CAVELL, D. MACKINTOSH, E. CRACKNELL, J. ROY SAWH AJOY SHANKAR GHOSE ALTON ALEXANDER WATSON and UYORNIMIU MICHAEL EZEKIEL ORDER OF WITNESSES - 01 5! M1239/; ~35 15 - 16 Ck/lnsfFlo. ?1:520 21 ?Fc19-224, M4. 9 mute3,4011?! @139 LAMB, R. J, FRANCKE, J. 3/5 COLLIS, J, '4 CHICK, D. 3/53 RYAN, E. JUNIOR, 3, mm am May Molct. Clue-m h, 3? cm." 11-! ?17 has. emu-m lat.- Cmo-m Mo w, Moo-m bs? NW, . as00-. mudd- .. Cult-mu 1c) cum, nun Club-.1 m. Cusp-?Um Can-mum: can-mum "mom Cunt-w - 3.!?uynl r-h- - . ?b 'vd'V: -.- to.? . 1 'liligsfol?iif?or: 'E?gg?egloaocpl?:?lf Inug; iggfofiffgiagg fogigife?og: I'litgeg?n'ggnl?gso llul?. lili?llig?zla?g; I. 31"! oil nevi i .- .9. a, mamImuumuumu-uwwmunm mldmunna-uum um mun; mnolma?l??' lulu-1M- ?it. mutants-am; rummuamtmuom- ?muamuuhtmm?omdf with; Io dnmemuitm-mnuummd; M. ?autumnal-?mm ?who." m?wmmommd; alum mud mun ?lowdfmumuu- can}; 't mascot-dun; Jm 68 um. "ain't-Iowan -01 m-wywmuumwummp ?Mni?anIWM?hanlu?'l um. IttommunMunn-vadwmu-m ma. ?Qua." mug-umwmunmwumc?unm nmumwumunumec-munndn mm?muqumn-n?L mam?omuthMumm?nxm-m Main; ?Ow? ?unwound-Nun; humus-5mm? my. a. ?Myanmar-mum..- mummuummum?mumnm lo ?kiln?!- qua-sauna. ?mamum-guwcoam-L ma m?mumornukmudmwm Mill. mmn?suw-Mnu-Munmumm Minolta-WW il!?ttitt?tin?ls 'lt'll?k'll?rga?g I 'ol?lol??uitlsg A 'Eii?ili?li?n Ill; . 't'igpgil?oi .. It?g'l?. S. numb. FER: [ililz?ii?o? loll-Ii gilt-alias. s- . I. ?il?gigriltt p. ?gigitr'zt'ozl ?li?ltg??g?fg?o {itg?yi IlailEil-?l' owl} I-I?R?lliili . to. 1,010.67 mm tau-mumm- (h M- a. ?3 hill?. othnr ponc- 0mm, 1 a. want smm' Cor-n, Mo Puttom aim-?an! not? of quash? ado at a noun; uh:- at tho mm column Poopzu' Aluminum. 1 aux-mum maho- ndo by Ray Sun. May Ghou- and Alton nun. m. in 13? Mot, 1967. m- to 6 I u. .1- p?mt st a noun; hold and" ?u unplu- of an uncouth. I In. shorthand not? or Ipuohu am by Ir. Bay Sun and Ir. Alena um. 01 3m. tho 20th Must this your. m- Polo 903- 3 puma: at a 31-11:: unsung at Spankerl' Corner and hook new of a math and: by Mr. am. PM I: worth-ad note. I In" pro-I"! mu?ph. I as able to take an: ovary can! I hard, ht at then I ?u minus loadings. I pmduno an rename mam:- w. an :5me of Ir. hum an an Get me. 1967. rpm-?mm Inga- mmriptofthospmotllr. Scia- ?u 6th Anal-t. 1967. I produce an MINT MD, 1:11. merlpt of speech of Ir. cm I: the 6a: mum-1967. I pm. as EXHIBIT NO, 5 the tmurlpt of the much Ir. hum II th 15? Manic, 196?. I probo- an 50, 5 the cannot-19% of th- Ipunh of Ir. a: the 1m Aug-t. 1967. IpMuqummt of tho quell oflr. Sacha the 20th Mount. 1967. mat-mu ?uctuated who: on cash mum hotm adamant! ml four Mn: par-m. It was a mm mm?. The lam-1t: of pupil.- than were coloured. Mr. Watson?s Ipowhu 001'. Mm: at then, ht 1n the min they tended to he inns-altos: and carnal: ?11mm Bun-h chit. Ir. Sun's speech-o urn mar. comm): um. mm and pmcun. and may. Ir. mac'- gush? an o: am. the Sam-ably. /1 In GERALD BARRY mm human. 19.1w; on ht- mm- Whit. xu?W-?d Inn-0W?. Into-chm?. Puplu' ?not-tun m- 5.20 and. by Ir. Alba Watson and Ir. ouch?. I me tin "can of Ir. and 9mm. lw'th-mdau ?marmqmusmhunpumzmrumuugun?an. manning-um. lbw-o. mammalian-MIMI- god dull. on!? It. ?tun. or ?u you?. an an cm W. InMommut. mung. I than to the um of :11 ?lulu. mun mum-m. Try to MOI-shad the 41mm? boil-In mun mi mun. mummumsm-umm. Von-donuts?. Britt-h pooplo like no. deuW.? Mint-dub {inhumane W. uncommon- ?Mabel-lull. in?. annulus? Man Milton-aha mmo' Ir. lat-on hr: the a shout 3.5 pa. I than cut our cal wa- towuun. luau-runn- both oat-ions ya: Inn oft-mud mint Scum 6(1) 9) 0' Mt, 1%5 in that you In Am:- unu- In .40 a. to stir up ban-0d again-t white Mn.? quutim a be I continua '1 I111 more the for tho '1 a pronoun? you for than ?to: caution he replied to mm.? mrnsumuum.mumntm Mud-1am?. Worm.?- no p?unt. this plum:- an m: hut, roads dun mun ?I?rllp mend-.13? Chi.? pun-I. 18.01- um Sudan of the Rue his? mummy-um lunm'rbmunnuWNI-um. hound-um. ?'dmmb?l Mammal ?panama; ya fur cm "Imus-chum." the and no um m. au- pin?:- a 6* 157 all It W0 hm? ?unit mt. pm. Thu ton mm: ct.- Ruo nonma- Mt. 1965'. who you-Moan tum-In! tony. t? 1 Int to ?other ?an; Inn Mn riI'm-n or an. u.c.p.A. "h cm it. $.Mmulluw?nud II. 3.. of uh. nu ?hum. m. ?0 Ir. 8th OW waking than 3.30 M, 1 'W?Omo?O?mn?mwm luau-unaccu- M?ummu. ?CNN."mhp. manu? cmh?hlm. IMUthoomr.. Infants: ado-nonhuman!? ?aim-Nu. war the Race when: ht. din-lug the ?than boom. 1! an 13* could 11v. ddobyauohtIdn't valid" ?In. in? If mane-num- quoh at that 5.30 Imamumcuom no undo the following ?mandate-M. Yam museum-mm. manque-.mmw. 3-0.7 anon-mm amuse-nun. nomcummum?tnuumuum-umuu Immanwutor. .morMon-cnnwucn-mw-nmum amalgam-Manmqumcdumumm.? AMOMhmcuum. In?. A fizz??f: - Du. "mud-9" amusmuuw:u1uum~vm~wuw M. Inch-unnmqanumuu. Amman-um gunman-mum. Mono-nanny? umummxmawmm II- ?M?mu?u'm. zmwummxum Mm: 0 a: Mo uth ?lun- I?uloo?.? I mu" sol-slant in tho span; nmh. sounua run. 0: SW tho 27? 1957. I no want the noun; Ill-l M0 A ??1118 In In? under tho Inputs of ?u Unborn]. COM Poopln' Annotation from 2.38 to $.20 I cook shorthand utu or mum ud- by Hr. Alton meson Ind up. nun-1. I In? mama uno- 0??h?h I pva the quash of Ir. ?tan at ch. 2715!: m. 1967 and awe? spa-horn. Mel an en- nun-?mo. noun: puts 0f tho Incubu- Ihtoh pantie-?. huh:- ?my had no and catch m1. I um um. chasm-mo Walt-o Mud pone?. Kr. ?Halon impound to he very emotional. Ir. Banal In 5 good dun]. cooler than Mr. Hutton. I could not an wry .11 int he of the spoon? an as tho cannon. CROSWEQ .1 Inwammut. Itnkothotm?nomut'umnpom?o for? at. cm of Mn follow an a: that: Mat-tun nth? ?an quhtiu an I ?no Whig to uk- not? of Mn the acting. a: READEQ ?g I then to also not? of :11 spawns. 0- at man- 19-10-51 I . mun some.? to as. spam um. Io- sun-I as. m- ?50 6th hunt. 1967. with othnt pone. omom, I no tt Spukou? Goran, Hyde Put, Id fun }.50 to 9 pa. I took man-m not? of mush? and. at. mm uh:- tb aqua at the CW Managua. 1 moribund i speech" and. by Roy Snub, Ajay an! um um. 01! and?. to 15th Ana-t, 1%7. ?u 2.55 6 ya. I In .01- prount nt . sum hold undo:- the lupin- at an unusual. I and. shorthand not? of spa-1m and. by llr. new Sub ?6 Ir. Rn- hm. cam. momma: em nu. m- 5.50 pro-cut u: a amin- ?can; at Spukou' Comer and took mm of a Ipuoh by Mr. Sub. Fro- .) not? I luv. I uhloto take down any '01! 1 hard. it a tilt! 1 In? tho "rims Indus. I pause tho mun-m mm:- no, an much of Ir. hum a: 6m August. 1967. I pmduoo th- tnnuript of the spawn of Mr. PM I a. 6th 1x7. I produce an gram N0, 1 the tunnel-19% of tho upouh of Ir. I an 6th August, 1967. I puma. mun-r NO, 5 th- tamer-1n of the In In?. a 15? Anon". 1967. tan-amt ?tho-poundinmu eon- tho 13M: Mat. 1%7. the 20th Mount. 1957. use mam.- mount-I 1a not must but? a! four poncho. It no ?an. no Idol-1v of peep]. thorn Inn 001mm. Ir. menu'- spool?. Ion at that. in the can they mm a be inns?tor; and ?may Mop-m Mills mm pug-10. In Sun'- spam? dun". 30-01-11: um. abusive cad and min-neg. 1 Ir. Ghana's ouch-n an of I 01-11.: mm. man-?u. ?u mum um um a6 I one eble to observe the effect on the eudienoe. The audience were very ettentive end frequently applauded. They were united by the ad on at Met one occasion there were cries of Poeer'. ?there on oertein ?out of dissent mainly by European. -BX SAWH Exhibits 2 and 5 are only tnneoripte of ports of Ir. M'e I did not take the whole of hie epeeoh Ira beginning to ed. It would Inn hen phyeioelly iepouiblo. I recorded ports of the epeech ehioh I thought eere inflammatory in neture. In my shorthand notee I have none than eppeere on tn tmwript. moss-mm BY (311083 I have tried to put these in?ammatory etetenemte in ontut. linen tic were quelified I have put the quelifioetion in. The The Jen ere doin; it in Arr-ice" refers to the previous plane. I did not write don eerely mt u. in nude BY WATSON The treneoript doee not ehow your run epoeeh. I did not write don your full I could no good roe-en hr with; the whole of the We mm 31' ERIE. llo Quotient on READING on: I did net teke down every word I been. EXHIBIT No. TI?Il'see or lborthend notee token by Det. Sgt. Bettye, up." . Of plrte or epeech node by To WATS euepicee'ot the . Menu. 1967. Speekere Corner, ayde Perk. 1.1. on- .ritid ilperielidl and their colonial policy - todw the ie hen? terrible According to the eetern people other people don't exiet. If thet society is remneible for the enploitetion of tin ooloured recee end for reeieliu. end I met eele thie eleer, the Anglo aexon people are reeponeible for the meter one one? or the lee-n reoe. for t) . 'hen get rid of thee an be the better language ie spoken there ie reeiel love in the eonetitution of thet country. The Anglo Saxon ev-of-lil'e to the I en looking forwerd to the any I?hen Chine ehell enquire mime technological Ihen Nope-n oitiee will under 'the threat of the Ie don't vent any more. we vent Ie here one in forty years the build?. of greet notion. 'v?rhat'heve the English people done out ecte to eel). hecherde to mine?. Ie ere conteepletina putting econoeic squeeze on 'lritein. eould like to the Indien Government qppeel to ell indien doctore to a: heck to Indie. I would like- to ell Bwieh people die. The Arebe are now saying the I .- meg. thet the miter one one" ie the Anglo Saxon. When ml- uu no end mm told then'thet? the Englishmen wee no good they felled to underetend. but they. learned their lesson. coee our people reeliee thet Bnglieh people are the reel enemy the: nu Hell: It-ie going to be long uncle but in tin end.? ehell It took three were to Britieh lepire upon which the blood of block eon never diee - it took Ikrueeh, our eevic r. ?fteen teen to the put Britieh mire. le deetroyoo it Iheo ee in deetroyins you. you will hove to to your eevee in min; rereet. But let ee tell 2. git-"ulna, ("7501? eontimed) the gold in the Bank of England cones fro. Inn-lea belongs to no. We want it bad. If 'e cannot get it '97 negotiation we alull appeal to ?ee 'i'ae for aura-der- Then we mu deal with the white sen Zach tine we kill a white man in Africa the: aoytve are going back to the Jungle. But:- not mom a Jungle?hu moving that Englieh people are atupid and knowing I: peep]: in Africa I know that I ahall have to work, I decided that that tort is not?a very med thing an I deserted I inc! England is a very mod place and that Ingliah people like to 8176 ?87 that they don't .4 .l . _88rgeant. . 1 a1 Coloured Hyde Park, W.T, on I will try and explain the meaning of the words 'black power'. This word has been misconstrued people representing' the establishment. They know black power is avthreat to the establishment in which we from the estern point of something bad. They talk about as black as sin. Power from the-Western point of means something - We see it differently. We think it is Might means power, and we see what the Americans are doing in Vietnam and the English are doing in Hongkong. I want some You are going I can't tell you what I call Black power to black people means our own America,, the black people lived in one city, Cubans would be blamed. if all. they would be bombed and the 7 You cannot trust'any white We live in a world where the black is just a nigger and a wog. We must act like a white man thinks a human being acts, by killing and -audience) that is (In answer to a question from the? to leave England when the police decide to deport me. I am prepared to gp, but when I get back to Guyana no Englishman will be allowed to live in my country. If Mr._ ?Burnham will not deport them then there is plenty of land in the_ country and we can bury them. we shall keep revolution going? and I maintain that'the only way black?pe0ple, Asians and Chinese - included, are going to get emancipation.- some of us must be prepared to?iie. Since we are prepared to die let us take a few enemies with us. left the platform at 5.h0 pm. and returned to continue his speech at 6.30 pm.) South Africa today the only way the hack people . can emancipate themselves is to burn the white man's home-..in South Africa the black man has been kept down.by the use of. . A coloured man cannot get_a room in England, you cant . . I u? 6? b? (SAWH continuedyou don't behave white police will take you to a white 3 ge and you will be put in a white man?s jail.- You English so le - .P are not human beingst.. There are many-people here today wh are'Uncle Toms', who agree with me, but you go home and think ask for a- you are all right because you have a flat. 1 'Uncle Toms?.are I. i . A I the biggest?enemy of-the black man today. 9- a It is difficult f?r ?3 1"0 point you out. We can see a white man at a distance . and say 'that is a white monkey?. must not say that because one of my colleagues is being investigated for calling a white i I man 'white monkey'. It is all right for us to be called niggers. If Icall you a white monkey I am paying you a compliment, because monkeys are a progression stage of Darwin's theory and you are in one of thoeettagee. Ybu are Englishmen and you are second-hand Germans. You'are Anglo Saxon. The homosexuality law was on a I \a Sunday and that was Ted Heath's birthday. It is the only 13111 which has not received any opposition from the'opposition 1 Then you tell us you are When we (West Indians),come send police to arrest us and take away our passports because we are supposed to be preaching racial violence. Let us - bring the war home and if one Chinese is killed in Hongkong let us kill an Englishman. I am preaching violence, I am a racialist, but Mr. Wilson Just says 'our kith and The Jewish people should be the last to persecute black people because' they know what it is like. The Jews aretioing it in South I know how to kill a Jew and Nasser should have asked 'i The easiest way to kill a Jew is to throw a penny in frontof a double-decker English were the "first to build concentration camps in South When we leave Hyde Park and go home, we must sit and think about the problems and find out'how best we can deal with them. For example, our problems are basically two. housing and' For housing I have 0 i I . 51?? "lo-1 (cm) (SAWH centinued) t?1d you what to