:7 OFFICE Am?" DATE Initials DESTINATION DATE Initials DESTINATION DATE Initials 9.- - ALL DOCUMENIS WITHIN THIS FILE HAVE BEEN ?n DE CLASSI FIE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 8888/9811 HOME OFFICE (HD) NOTICE 3/1998 me DAMS 1 Date I .. 9 Y. gm 54?4.31 NIEANWH-ILE. back at the V.S.C's old HQ. in ton Street. a disparate cogef'ttlon olitical its?tan ter- utt?u?? 7 I ary,p artisti .msggiological and (named - ones co-ex1st moderately happily at the Anti- university of London. Many of its star-studded list of 54 lecturers -are- deeply 'involved in politics of. the? far Left?for example, Robin Black- burn, Nicholas Krasso and Inltet ?Mitchell of New Left Revzew: - Obi buna, a leading 'Black Power gure; Russ Stetler, direc- tor of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation; Ken Coates. . an editor?of the International Socialist Journal. But there are i . also ?those who ?y no particular . political banner like Stuart . . Montgomery, the poet who runs the Fulcrum Press; Miles, who i started Indica Bookshop: :Iim- Haynes of the Arts Laboratory; 1 Cornelius Card-e the composer; 1 Jun Dine, "the paint-er; David Mercer, ,the playwright. gift of blindness is very l- useful,? said Stuart Montgomery: if.~ everyone" knew precisely . What the others Were ?doing, they r; might .be offended. All they've -. got: 1n common- is their toler- . .Antium'xerst "opened on Fe ruary .1_2 with..150 registered . stgdentsy-a'nd- now has about 250. :1 trio 'entt?nce' ?q?u?a?li?J .v .cs?rons?eaf?td, ;jeetm*e? no" degrees ?Or 3mg; . human; ?g aid . 1' I ,1 -- I . New Scotland Yard. Broadway. LONDON. IOH 1968. 28th February, Dear Mr. glift, m: The attached copy areforwarded for your inform the activities of certain diss States citizens at present in this countrY- It brings our initial report of zuth November, 1967, on the same subject up?to?date. 5133;: Further copies of this report and. circular have been sent to the Security Service and the Immigration and Nationality' Division, Home Office. Yours sincerely, Deputy M, Clift, Esq., F.h Division, Home Office, Horseferry House, "??wmmun. Dean Ryle Street, a3 London, Sonolo ?uw i. B. No. 1 (Flimsy) Special Report SUBJEOTAmcrtican in London. Reference to Papers 371/67/16h W112 (2) 29, i 7 (COPY) . -. w. .. POLICE SPECIAL BRANCH 2.6th- day of 1' ated 2hth November, 19a7, living in this 'Black Special Branch report reviewed the involvement of Americans country in theYPeace and Vietnam movements 9 Power? and 'The Underground'. In a decline 'Black Power' 'Peace Enquiries since that date have shes in American involvement in the sphere 0f . and 'The Underground', and an increase in t?elr and Vietnam' activity. - The 'flower power' craze which gave a mass of support to the leaders of'The Underground' has BOW withered and died, so that it would no longer be correct to describe this group as a 'movement?. Yet many of the Americans who took the lead in preaching the joys of unrestricted drugs and sex are still very much in evidence on the London scene; and their views are assiduously advocated in the still popular 'International Times'. . The latest brain-child of this group is the establishment of an 'Anti-University of London' at u9 Rivington Street, 3.0.2 (the headquarters of the Bertrand.Russell Peace Foundation).. The syllabus of this Anti-University is to include "Eusic, Art, Poetry Black Power, Madness and the following Americans have taken a leadingvpart in.fhf- organisation of this project: Dr. Steohen ABRAES, the American who was arrested in Chelsea on 30.10.67 during a demonstration against the sentence imposed on a member of the Rolling Stones for drug offences. Dr. Josegh BERKS of the Philadelphia Associs and?the Institute of Phenomenological studiegfon Calvin C. currently involved with 33333 in a study'of the use of mari?uana a Great Britain. /h shiSh in Alle' . W, Who will lecture on Sociology qualificatiGVOIUtion' Among his quoted Jew Yorkgna are: CO-founder Free University eub 1119881 travel to Cuba, 196h; Poenaed b~ Committee, House Unamerican Activities l?ruce KUCKLICK. era toga, poet. =Herold HORSE, noet . Le 7 associate of BERKE in the g?Lique?p?%a and the Institute Of enomological Studies. '31 - __,eoecre formerly editor of Peace ?ewe. gortoe member of the Philadelphia Ase001ation, . STETLER, Director of the Bertrand Peace Foundation.and.Dcputy Secretary General of the International War Crimes James Almond HAYNES, theatrical director and! director of Lovebooke Ltd., will lecture in the Spring, and the following will lecture 'when time and circumstances permit: Allen egg-reams, poet; fzew'Yox-k City. Cerolce SCLag?ri?r, Kinetic Theatre, New York PhilosoPhy, ?ew York City. lieh members of the Faculty are an The,En8f and eccentrics. assortment isonment lack Power Movement . 0333:; from thedieinteg'rated -'Racia1 ited Coloured ciety' to the Un under the.leadership of the cop .3 Since the imp? an Jr'? . 4-- QM 0H 0" t0. lted in.C?n? . . This has rceu and North the Caribbean ngmocs'hite Ameri ?rggicins to Africans London previously been inactive. to IMLIK love - tr ne $332212. purhosee, the:?ovement in this coun' that reason. A his country of America: ion with 'Black Power 1 to connect 3.1189 on the proposed 1718113 etional chairman 4: 011188 ICE- to caoit . I a negro lawyer: ml? ?ihgntex?h. of the Congress of Racial Equality in -age Students Union, who has been invited?tor?ddgess the Com P1.;er. here as 'a . has been described tough speaker who, when angry, can make terrifies peeplc much'better than Stokelez 33&Son, in comparison, is a calm intellectual. a auring the controversial American negro comedian Dick GR?f'i evanin?? his visit to London in January,.was taken to a ?001? in Brixton by leading advocates of 'Blackaower . 'm i 9- 7 - to The only Americans resident here \3?1?10 have recently come notice in connection with 'Black Power are:- 0 lecture at the Anti- . 1. Leon REDLER (mentioned_ebove) eh with Obi he has invited to, University. 2. George Philip RAEICK, who spoke at a meeting-at' - Holborn Town Hall on of the Cam?en. Committee for Community Relations. Spoke on the subject of 'Black Power', with particular reference-to the race riots in Detroit." He is also reported to have been in. contact with .f .Q: a] 9.T 5 The originequpeciel Branch report of 2h.11.67 refereea, to the activ1ty in the U.S.A. oqu?he Resistance' 4-the' campaign of civil disobediencefehich united.the civil rights. Vietnamtactiviets. The Reeistence? was ?eic?i to hove een representa 1ves to London in an endea Americans here.. #0 influence The outcome of these risit?'eas a m??ti? CA a .. -- neat Con.? 323%?: to of 1 a co Jon on. pam hlet is - .7 meeting stated: Publicise the I A"Ooposition letoam .. stage resistance. Because the Americgigcgg?ered a new soncallously ignored marches, protests and has 1?he. - . a .- ?'1'me 3 i J: ?Ma7 I h. dissent on an international as well as a domestic level, more extreme forms of action are n.eccssaryo" Among the speakers at that meeting were Michael HAAG. Eric REINER and DovidI WIORSTELL. I Although nothing has been heard of 'The Resistance' since th: date, the mect?.n3 showed the increasing militancJ of the Step?it Committee' and implied aI broadening of the basis of that orgazu sation.' In addition to the meetin3 to le.unoh 'The Resistance 0 wixich was attendee by 180 people, the '3top?it has organised the f0i10W1n3 activity sinoe the date of Ithe . lost reporIt: 7 During the 4311117:th7 Tra dos beibition held at Olvmoiaj from 18th?29th November some twelve pore one DiCKeted th 3? stand of the Dow Chemical Comgany? in proteg a3ainst the manufacture of napalm for use by the Americans in Vietnam. This demonstration we 3 ornqni ed byI JeanI On 4-12 6? organised a_ march from Fleet Street to 10 DO5?ing'S treet wher an ette7pt as me tof I preSent a giant '8raft cardzw to Ur. Wilson. Accordin3 ?he ?orning Star Of 5.12.67, the Committee hooded in'a letter SQJing "it is our deeoest hope that you will find this association 31th IItho IU. .?Wilitary as disteeteful_eij_w Accordin" to information received; the Committee planned to demonstre.te at Downing Street on 8. 2.68 at the time of the Prime Minister' departure to VJeshington. Due to the fact that a miste ?8 nae been made with the oats of the dope ture, no demonstr tion took olaoe. A cirCulsr put out by tr oowmittee noted the? *1 fact that the Prime Uinlstermmuld speak at Lambeth Town. - Hall on 23. 2 68, but did not Is: ec1f1cally cell for demonstrotions.V ;j A ?7 mie attention of the doom .ittee is ourrer tly being concentre.ted on the preparation, in eonjunotion with t?ne,h '(BrltiBh) Vietnam Ad Hoc Co mittee' of a week of anti?,~ . Vietnam activity from 11th to 17th Veroh. 'The follovingtf - demonstrations are being planned:~ ?7 - 33 (?it 11.3.68 I-I Demonstration in Downing IStreet in support of 'Idraft resistors. 12.3.68 - 'PiCKeting and leafleting of major ce;tres of 8.8. industrial interests Ie.g. Pen Americod American Traae Centre. -7 . 7 .17\ ..I 7-. ?my .~_and accommodation for the-draft'reeisterg . - I I i m,?omo University activity. . 'cmicols, Wigmcre Street, 13.3.68 Demonstration at Dow Ch 15.3.68 1 - . . 5 military offices. .-eir bases an 16.3.68 - Action at-U.S . . I tion - 17.3.68 International Solidarity by Trafalgar Square at ?50 p.m. march to U.S. Embassya- . . 1 described A 'StOP-it?Committee' yet the prejects-ss "the?biggest Utoptructivcly in attempted. It is involving us deeply and cons, to working with British anti-war groups to bulld rehhooes the American foreign pelicy.? The steering hers as the Harm?PN-Jec? can-"bring as many "f?em 1 possible into active'participstion,t ed sources are that-theses scale and possibly Vlolent, . tions on the continent.r In this Indications from inform demonstration will be large paralleling recent . . connection-should be mentionea the formation 1n Paris on 7.1.68 of-?a Europe_cslled; to*a communIQ?BV I published'v'after the conference, 50 representatives organisations resident-in Europe-were~present; including . - members_of the American 'Paris Committee the London Maria JOLAS from Paris has visited London, and Harry PIHCUS'has?visltediPsris in an effort to pronde - - - 7 In_addition to their'public d?mOnstrations against4 - the 'St0pwit Committee'-hes3 continued to encourage 'A-study has beeny7 made of immigration procedure into this country,'snd'sV campaign is now under way to obtain offers of employment-and; accommodation from British firms. This campaign is alleoedly being known as "Sugoort" which has published circulars stating -aretengageA-ini? setting up a v1oble_English network to helo draft registers For practical and political reasons, the organisation of this network should be largely doneby?British neople ~Fo distribution of these waver, beenlar?sely in the'han?ds orr'stoo-it' la . l, Elizsbeth-SALT and Under the headin Dodgers", the Sunday Ald to Draft Liberal Party's 250,000 members war-6.13.1 rEPOI?ted that the 9 ng asked to find jobs a hum-m. - .. '344'? -w - o- 7'7111'" a A 6 . identi- . . Lift 7 Others Who hutzr tge persona mentioned therein, as well as of these identiriu Sequently come to notice. Brief detaiIs" hislreport m1 Cations are included in appendii to information.aboG?S?C?SQUlP188 have revealed additional Committeev? for exame1:?E members of ?he fStOp-it SCHECTLR. agtive? in the CiVil-I?ights mcctinc 1 :8 between 1962 and 1966: spoke at a bruta1?t York t0_proteet against police ., coloured femilies_in Harlem to - condit? p?Jment ?f rents'in protest against living lons? strong communist connections.a fieldlg n3 kinda cameraaiso active in Comeittg? A?.in gegber,ofthe-Philadelphia Youth ?a ?err E, ..- - 3 .- connections. :g'egition,- etiongcomnuniee- 7, De?ails of GOdeH?'end If I. . . a so. the proposed Visit to this counery of Floyd MCKISSICK (the chairman of C.O.R.E. 3 were forwarded to Home Office.? It %8 now known Ema? who wes_the subject of a gating order on the occasion of his last proposed visit here in May permitted_to land for seven days should he-come to speak at Cambridge.r j? . - - 1 Home Office policy in respect of'dneftbevaeion by .Americens was stated by Lord Stonhaewin the_House_of Lords .m in answer to a question by Lord Brockway (Hensard 30.1.68): Lord.Stonhem: "nyLords, a conscientious objection to - military service is not,rin general a ground for refusing admission or enforcing departure. Each case is considered in the light of the normal reqnirements of immigration~. policy." :4 -- - . Immigration policy in respect-of draft evasion by Americans has twice been tested recent13:f 7 21.68 John Ralph JAMS. born . arrived at ?Glasgow Airport without havmg . arranged acconmodation, study or employment here. .During. his interrogation-by the_Immigrat%0? Officer, it emefged .. clearly that the purpose of his Visit wae?to avoid his imminent?call-up to the U.S. Forces. Although initially refused leave to land, JAKES was subsequently landed for- one month Home Office. . we 16 2.h5 at'Stoneham Mass.? on.l7.l.68, F1037 ?1 Egrganon ?teps surrendered his dref card St. Paul's Cathedral in front or a B.B.C. television? camera. It was subsoquently auggeeted that the incident was deliberately staged as a challenge to Home Officiztion as ELLINGTON wishes to extend his stay here; Ehe 9u3? of granting political asylum to and mags raised in the House of Lords by Lord Brockway on 20.2. . In reply, Lord Stonham referred to his statement or 30.1.68, and said: "We cannot regard these boys as "But in every case, political rergees." He later added: including these two cases, we generously apply the rules applicable to all foreigners who apply for permissiotho a enter; and both these boys can have their cases consioerec for a continued stay if only thoy will put them forward." P, Radi? rd . Sergeant Submitted: 713 arrow . . JJ Aims?: CHIEF SUPERI., .. . -7. . I ,9 ?jvnnagx to gcing'?r?prh rcport - 4 ?rm; nf?nd I?jf? 1J6LL 1 3 $91,334.93; fact-3v} 5121 London - who were montio nod in S.B. report Eur; The following persons, . dated 2h.11.63 and numbered as shown, have now ben identified as follows:- a 11966}. (39) (Cl) (32 (93) (79) (9h) (76) (73) Ruth ELI-KB - 1301-11 2.7.1;3 in new York. 15.9. 1?91 . 0.67 but nag 4J- ?1 Art student, Conditions expired 2Q.1 extension. - - . 'b 3114 hh?df? LNG, born 12.6.39 E??tihgt? ?ohoCo Biochemist. Conuxt+0d? 0?.Aw' 0" Raymond Lpgustin born 11.13.29 in ?038L0rt Cond?ions exgirc on 0 .. Eiesouri, U.S. Fuvnn Emily Earn 11.7.u2 in 30? York! gg' n.5ul3u?, A.L.C. 623063.. Conditians exylre on 11.59 b4 ??ward Joseph born 22.9.h2 York, U.S. yg$sport 5. 00366753. A.R.G. 0.366758. Conditions expired 28.12. Noni LIPSOH, born 13.5.,3 in.Detroit, U.S. ?asgyogt F.u62093. Conditions expired 7.2.08. Cary bbrn'6.8ou5 in?Host Virginia, U.S. passport . . Paul SCHNEIDER, born u.6.hQ in Salem, Oregon, . zuasport 6.976560, student at Oriel College, Oxfor?. spencer H. SKITH, in Ohio, U.G.'passport 109h307, salesman. Left U.K. Eucloc'Y. Jeffrey Penn SPAHLZEC, born 3.1.u8 in California, v.3. pussyor1 6.1156576. Conditions expirea 7.12.67. . Denrnley FTET born 15.1.h5 in?Philadelphia, C's. pussyort ?,2762g9.? Condit;ona exgirc 17.7.68. Igor wichucl 3233, born Czechoslovakia 8.11.h1, U.S. pussgort 0565761. Has been granted an indefinite stay. mother married to a British subject. conditions exgirc 9.5.68. 1 i eyx. ,m r. I. -, . ..-.. . . Hr?. 4. .. .1 an 7'11 .7 - Wirur or the 1: pcr?ono I report:_ come to notice since the date (95) Pic} 2 turd Jeffre 2n a student. born 8 hark-b 0901411?, Dana . . . port P.2055u7. or of the 'btop-it Committoc'. (96) Loucc 1 23.5.50 in Bakersfield, California, UQEJ. .aaoport 3 Committoev. .6259C7, visitor. of '3?op i? . - 1' (97) ?are Fl 03rd ELLITJG-TOW Passport H.73u507 1301911 16.12.16 at. Bt?onehzm, 13.3. (98) rim} 1 . . ~uI-rendorod draft cord. to Canon Coiglino. "2 - 8.3 Clu?iQt-Y- .7, 1?5 2 Leading me .22-.22c2, born 112 0 L22 4 Mb h: .J. behalf. \cr 9f utOIk-it (30:22:221301:2323i U.S. passport 0.0979u. and syeaker on thoir (Q9) . a ohn Ralhh snoq ?3.78l2351: 03:3?? born in Washington, 8.3. passyort 353312013-1t?0 w? 0 this country to evade draft. and contacted .4. . oommi?ttee' on arrival. (loo 2:2 22-22 - 2 03:3: ?35222 {3.225; Homogamao, 'born, 2.22.0. 3.2253669, 27m 22. 12.22.22? supporter of 'Eltop-it Comnittee'. (101) born 2.2.hh21n Eow'York, U.S. Easoport 53351325, student at 210mm College, Oxford, con?itiono expire 20.10.68, speaker on behalf or 'Stop-it Committee?. a. (162) Howard. ?evid 332-0133; born 26.10.39 in California, 22.3.6. 33.6077 Drafg Counsellor for -'StOP-it Committoe'. Conditions expire 2690 8. 7 . (103) Blaine SACKS, v.22. 122222390222; 322.21.261.23, wife: of the above. . 2 a; 1 1" 3.21341 -. nonr'y Kaveloo? born 12.16.35 in of You, (lad member of?th?e Steering Committee of'the "atop-11;. Comitoce', having responsibility for?clraft. rosintmce and Support . 2 2 ?1 A . born u.1.h3, U.S. paosyolt 3.5301o9, n. . (105) demonstrations on behalf of '..top-1t 56122222132229. Loft ELK. 7.12967- . . ?1)h111p RIMICK, born}, of Sociology, contact. . 1? I 22 2 notice have allowing persons who have recently come to ti?edv . of Steering Compteo of map-1 (106) The 15' still to be . member In wort (107) for oup. commit 9 i the ?tearing 2 mar a 2n MIWW230 (108) moredi ?Mo,2. Nauru-arm? - I I I.) M. '74. of (1C9) 3: 18 JCLAS, rcsiucnt 1n znrie, Opposition Abroad. (110) Bruce (111) E?ward 13022:: A (3- (112) Karma 2mm; (113) Carolee . . .. .. . Susan all mamtione? in with at Cniverei?y of Lon?an. Diplomatic? flurry over Vietnam ad. By PETER GLADSTONE SMITH HE launching in Britain last week by 12 Prominent people of a campaign of support or American draft resistors has so worried the . Embassy o?icials that they have had "formal Conwltatioiis with Foreign Office. w?Talia; American Ambassador. Mr. David Bruce. but h: 3d to make a formal protest by Washington, Th ceided it would be inappropriate to do so. .e Americans clearh have in mind the potential growth of such Support. tedd mtost of the Islignatures for the The Br't' . a ver isement. er action stems in a from?the belief that Vietnam libdal. called for political ital war - hprafctlicafl assistance advgi?iifsecr?neiilie Signattoriesb embarrassment to the Foreign arinztn Vietnam. These are gi?nce?i'icarhs the" talks With the 0 two categories: those who and Among. them is Viscountess ?no af?rm in the Head. Wife of Viscount Head. States their support for who 35 Antony Head-was draft re5istance. Although the appeal was not aimed at the 23.000 American Serwcemen in Britain. American diplomats-are sorely aware that any Serviceman who deserted because ?he was? to be drafted from Britain to Vietnam might ?nd a refuge offered by sym- pathetio individuals not the sugnatories of the advertisement ?in this country. American diplomats in London have taken a long cool look at the law on the subject. including the small writing in Britain?s N.A.T.O. agreements. Of course, the deserrers would need to go underground." But the position of the thou- sands of American students and 'workers aged between 18 and 35 in Britain is different. Evasion of the draft is a fe10ny carrying a penalty of five years' seal or a 10.000-dollar ?ne. but it is not an extraditable offence. Defence Minister at the time Of Suez. Mr. Iohn Le Carr?. 36. author of the best-seller The Spy Who Came In From the Cold." was a member of the Foreign Service between 1960 and 1964. Mr. Christopher Layton is a former personal assistant to Mr. Grimond. when he was leader of the Liberal party. Most of the signatories were surprised to find that the appeal they had agreed to sign was accompanied by a coupon ask- ing for money and help with fund - raising. accommodation. employment and legal matters. So far ?215 has been raised: ?45 in the ?rst day's post; ?100 in the second and ?70 in the third. This is ?15 more than the cost of the advertisement. to which some of the signatories subscribed. The address to which money is sent in Hendon Avenue. Hendon. is Mrs. Du?'s of?ce and the branch in Britain of the International Given enough practical assist- Confederation for Disarmament ?ncc.? they can hold out im and Peace. .Britain for as long as their study All cheques paid out rorn mi work allow before they go sums received are to have two 51mm: to face the music. si natures: one of an animal of Last week?s appeal for British .D.P. ?Pegging! Amen?? rt was organised by four Stop It 0 1 - When I telephoned the St0p eople: Miss Margaret Gardinefi the voice that . of the tologist 511' It headquarters g1.11:inh e(ii'arclirier, Mg?? Ioel lad- greeted the said: ?Please be disg vine and. Mr. 3k?: of . Com- 118 f. . .0 international . Disarmament as Peace. 9? Men behind the appeal: Ii (left) and loel Gladston Harry Pinkus Ci'eet when speaking on this tele- logy and sociology at Loud i. i phone as others may be School of Economics. He's 11" listening." ing a year out from studir; art- . uris ermit to slay For 14 days a SpeCial Brangi 9 car was parked opposite the - . in Hill. Hampstead. The These twoforgamsel?s if? HQ. occupies a high-ceilinged encourage dra reSistance 3 house of faded arandeur in the disobedience to Amenca? 17?? a . 1 CC: heart of the American-colony-in- among . t'ie Amell?dn Hampstead Inside there are population meSptia 221% verSiy move en. g. p. Papers. books. divans and a room They also hope that offers it to accommodate 100 at a meeting. There are 18 known draft resi- sters in Britain. They returned their draft cards to the American Embassy or the U.S. Draft Boards on Oct. 15 and 16 and Dec. 4 The HQ. estimates there will be about 50 more. They have a mail- ing list of 250. Most of these resisters are students who have already had deferment. By tearing up and re- turning the draft card which every American between 18 and 35 must have they are inviting an earlier call-up?arid the penalties which will result. money. Jobs and accommodation Will make Britain'a more attrac- tive place for resisters to In this last aim Miss Gardiner is diametrically opposed to hr: colleagues. We are encouraging them to seek . tuary." she said to me. i She considered constitutional?i protest against the Vietnam war had little effect and the aim of civil disobedience was to show . how angry and desperate" they 13 . were. Author Miss Nancy Mitford. one of the signatories. was not SAUC- 'l . . .Mr. Ioel Gladstone's disposal of :Zfaagile {30? xii: Tax? his draft. card was more public. ment: Maurice Bowra? 69. He gave it as a gesture of solidar- Warden of Wadham college. ity at London Airport to three representatives of the South Viet- nam Liberation Front who were refused entry three months ago by the Home Of?ce. Oxford. and Mr. Le Carre. Other comments were: Viscoumess HEAD: "thaw-been l- a subscriber to all anti-Vietnam-war movements for four years. The mr Mr. Gladstone. 27. of New is illegal and immoral." Iersey,? has been in Britain two Lam HUXLEY for Sir Iulian Hiix- and a half years. He has a work ley: Sir Iul?ian wasn't aware of the permit as -a management consult- implication of the demand for money. ant. It seems there has been a misunder- standing We saw anti-Vietnam and J. said. .K.. we?ll sign'." '2 Mn. STUART Hoop. 51. former con- He said: You .have to be a total pacifist to get conscientious objector status. My objection ?5 troller of B.B.C. Television prov on political grounds. I would grammes: "1 gwppon have .fought against Franco or rather than group action of 4 against Nazi Germany." political nature. We a sort of anarchist view." Mn. Layton: ?You could under. stand)people resisting the Sue-c war The coupon puts a slighuy? Mr. Harry 'Pinltus. 24. is a for- mer graduate student in he?e . di erent comiplemon onthm-gs.? Mn. Sutton: ?1 have no idea i of encouraging people to break tho. law. Given the fact that there are' people who are protesting. one can? say one is sympathetic them.? LADY of Hurtwood: "This is the ?rst time i have ever signed anything. No Governme has the right to ask a young in. to 5. another young man 338?le 'n conscience." Mix. Immune Al. Fel- low of laws College, Carat-ind In! University Lecrurer in Englis signed the appeal because i a with it. 1 have not seen the a vs- chment." I FfPOLICE 3 No 2 (Plain) .. METROPOLITA SPECIAL BRANCH Soccer! Report 2am day 01 196.7.- so BJEGT ..Am?.zi.9.an Po. 'cal . .., n8 ActiVity in The rise in anti?Government demogsggiitge in the United StatBS, has begn increasing London of the pagt year, has'been echoed this country. political activity by Americans in dc to review As directed, enquiries have been ma Reference to Papers. . ?the extent of this actiV1tyo 33:1,? /14 . . . ?The three main spheres in WhiCh nmericans Il'qi?K? . have become'involved are: (1) The 'Peace' and 'Vietnam' Movements . (2) 'Black Power' (3) 'The Underground' (In addition, there is evidence that they are becoming involved in more specifically British organisations.) (4.0- - In the United States, the activists have taken the impressive title of 'The Resistance', which has been described as "a'broad?based' campaign of civil disobedience and disruption". While the motive force cannot be ascribed to any fparticular political party or central organisation, the common factor is a militant anti-establishmentism which is prepared to ,challenge every form of authority. The fact that 'The Resistance' has attempted to influence the thinking of Americans here will be shown later in this report. I 47-7004g. ?ma. . organisation. ome of Harry PINCUS, an American Im- ?an-4 8 ?a Page NO- 2 . Any review of American activitihhere must start with Ralph of Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.. In addition to the support of revolutionary . causes which led to his recent arrest in Bolivia, SCHOENMAN has been at the centre of the rise of the militant Peace Movement in this country. As a founder?member 0f the Committee of 100, he had the supPOrt 0f fellow Americans Bert BENSON (against whom a deportation order was made in 196?) and Ralph ROSENBAUM. ,The'subsequent formation of the trotskyist-dominated Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (responsible for the anti demonstrations on 21st-22nd OctOberp 1 WhiCh 53 Persons?were arrested and 39 police- men injured) saw SCHOENMAN elected chairman, and American trotskyists David HOROWITZ and Ralph ROSENBAUM on the committee. The parallel British Council for Peace in Vietnam has American trotskyist Loren CLARKE as secretary. given to the activities of the above organisations by the British til recently edited'by weekly "Peace News", un and the anarchist American Theodore ROSZAK, publication "Partisan?, edited by American Dierdre GRISWOLD. Publicity has bee Rising support for the aims of the above organisations among the American students for a specifically American pointed the need 0n 8.5.67 at 8 Rosalyn Hill, N.W.3, (the student at the London School of Economics), a meeting was held to inaugurate an organisation - called Americans Against American Aggression, which subsequently became known as theQStOp?it Committee. PINCUS acted as chairman, and, among the 60 Americans who attended were the trotskyists HOROVITZ and ROSENBAUM mentioned above. Other non-students who took an active part in the formation of this organisation? were,.Dr. Joseph BERKE, Dr. Leon and [m If? F-?m x, q, . g. ng?? hire a Int. . - servant 1?53 0. 5 . hereS - es in other SP 3 aCtIVi 1 a communis SCHATZMAN, whoa COLLOMS mentioned later;- Al er dents . dvice t0 3 laWyer who was prepared to give legalh: bring them into the draft mig authorities; Sidney and Nedra hologist respectively, who are nist background whose failure to answer conflict with the American du BROFF, novelist reported to have had a commu Ctates; Jim HAYNES, member of the editoria id International Times' - (see P3366 3 and Norman Dav FRUCTER, a recent visitor to North Vietnam, be mentioned later. The Stop-It Committee claims to have abouta250 members, althOUgh its meetings and demonstrations are usually attended by an average of 65. Its current steering committee consists of: I ?arry PINCUS - i - L.S.E. 'Doris MEIBACH I L.S.E. 2 Danny SCHECTERC I L.S.E. Aubrey RAXMOND - Pembroke College, Oxford. Frank BRODHEAD - Research, British Museum. Jack Sidney - architectural assistant, - G.L.C. Paul Edwin JACOB - architect. Al . - to be fully identified. Linda GORDON) Other leaders are David Joel Terri David ABEL and Kathleen BOEHRINGER. Details of these and other Americans mentioned in this report, and the many students who have come to our notice as active supporters of the Stop-It Committee, are given in Appendix to-this.report. . . In addition to regular private meetings and- pr0paganda activities, the Stop-It Committee has organised rm w??wwm . 5.54.. ?:25 m, urea- .. :1 I ?u I . HmeNo .ww' w} nun \urr? It ?5 dor'S. .emonstrations at t1 .8. Embass the Ambasea as %avid SLANBY and marl occasions ilton Hotel. n?esidence and the Ken on a Si*urd least three 5 have spo 7 LEIPNIK led 0n 26-9-6 and gave a {7 ut Speakers Corner, Hyde Park. a march from hyde Park to the . . Embassy, lalse name and address to police. rt in the Vietnam an active pa lace on 218t/22nd October; ank was driven fitted_as a by Jack Sidney ROGAN and Jack It Committee. The Committee took Demonstrations which took :7 22$d October an Austin van P0 ice. The van was owned an who was accompanied by all active members of th Emmett Stop? a circular was capitalise to strations, Following the above demon ted the need :f8??d to members which sugges $2mi?tum_generated by the demonstrations Vt? Med ande of activities apprOpriate to our present varied membership to debate and - the membership the'basic principles of the should we be a ogganisation we hope to create, e.g. welggigcissue' or should we our appeals primarily towards Americans or These r0 impt to work closely with British groups." Comm'tE as 3 suggest that the activity of the Stop-It 1 so can be expected to increase. .The Black Power Movement ach' . prominence following the much gauntry of Stokely CARMICHAEL to speak at a :0 this . agra??sgd by the Institute of While leogndhouse, Chalk Farm Road, N.W.1 on 22 udies remainedaiersgip of the movement in this countr is eVidenc: fe hands of Commonwealth citizens ythas his arrival 0 support from white Americans he, ere was seen gt Heathrow Airport on 15.7 67 0n Wm i main also attended Closely involved 1 sin the activ ce that time have been B111 LEVififzdgioglagkt?ower 0 I L, but? a . .'International Times'): and hisrw%?ip? Theodore LLOYD and Joseph W31 2 been use as 90 Westbourne Terrace, 1 ha re orte Power' meeting place} LVY was 8 pEmbaSSy an accompanied CARMICHAEL to the . . i took made a tape recording 0 cm place. LLOYD was reported to have :;Z_sabsequently on a visit to Bradford on 29-7-6 at Reading provided ?50 surety when Michael hiv: Magistrates' Court on 11.8.67- consistently supported-the Black in the 'International Times' (see later . famous meetin at the Roundhouse was P?enomenological Studies, organised by the Institute of among the founder members of which were Americans Dr. Joseph William BERKE and Dr. Leon REDLER. These men were reported to have attended the inaugural meeting 0f the Stop?It Committee, and are also concerne the running of the Philadelphia Association, a society to investigate schiZOphrenia and drug?addiction. Among the membership of the Philadelphia Association is Clarence SIGAL, who is reported to have had a history of Communist Party membership in thernited States and extreme left? wing activity in London; Dr. Morton SCHATZMAN, who also attended the inaugural meeting of the Stop?It Committee; and a British doctor, who-has taken an active part in 'The Underground' and also spokaion the same platform as CARMICHAEL.- From the foregoing can be seen a stron conn between ?Black Power? and 'The Underground?% whic?cw?gn described in 'The Guardian' of 12.10.67 as "an anti- commercial, anti?war, anti-police collection of people 30m; good, sgme bad, some phony, some real." One might org ven or suggestin that the predominate. - ?d and the phony The leaders of 'The Under round' apostles of 'flower power', advocaigz ggetgc-called unrestricted use of cannabis and L.S.D. of sex: 1 promiscuity and of the abandonment of accepted standard a A . . a. ?1 . \a . bla??" w. ??dwmm .. had been proac doctrine? ?Ova . Times iheso 'intern?tionniated the or behaviour. the 4 ssiully n68 so far assiduously i rnal which has succC 10, and has . a hi>) ou lly obscenity and innucnc tightrope escaped prosecution. a1 Times} is 1 James Almond Ltd., whose directors include MOORE tseatrc mans er and Jack ienry, co?digectore, hn Victor Lin ison sentence one of their Britis ntly serving a pr includes HOPKINS, is curre drug Offences. The editorial boar moose and LEVY, of whom HAYNES was earlier me 6 connection with the formation of the Stop?It Commit and LEVY because of his involvement in Black Power. In an editorial on 27.10.67, LEVY wrote: have personal affection for Michael in _u 'Sophy as well as tactics." The same edition Tod LLOYD), of Michael X's Reading which concluded: "Within idered to have the to be in the same shit - and this albeit in a phl. contained an account (b appearance in court at the legal arena everyone is cons same rights and responsibilities, Situation. Of course this is horse is what Michael was trying to expose, rather oblique way." Attacks upon police are a regular feature of the reflect the tactics of The gournal, and, as such, esistance in the United States An inter . . estin of this anti-police bias is the desire for'a priciZEGCt knowledge of the laws they wish to flout: According to a recent pamphlet issued? i?tgommittee, a leaflet is being prepared tele ?ngland., Volunteers were asked to visit a daration. one government departments to ask for n. about work permits, etc. A newly f0 Und med' organisation 'Re . imagigeguggesgurces to help hippies tigsgra financed by' Ollcwing advertisement in theghigdiCta' - ., P3X. magazine I N..- I hiwf 1; . . ?a i r- 'In Wokd?imnv'V'v -.-. I ass?ya"7 603.865h- I ed: If you are arrested. You are advis I 1? the To insist on telephoning the numger on - front of this card for assistanc . (2) To make no statements. (3) Not to discuss the matter with which you are-charged. .. To request that any prOperty taken from you is packaged and sealed in your presence. (5) To be polite to police officers. Facts arising out of Judges Rules and Administrative . Directions to the Police: (1) You are entitled to telephone your friends . or your solicitor (2). "You need never make any statement unless- you wish to do so (11). (3) You should not be harassed by the police to make a statement (6). 0 Reasonable arrangements should be . I1 your comfort and refreshment. ade for Members of the Stop-It Committee register for conscription into the Amerggarefused to urged to consult lawyer Alb Forces were their legal position.- ert COLLOMS for advice about I . i? New: 2m- any 3-m- kd is a no? v-l" r1 4 (is, it: a" ni"! ..- Because of cannabis and L.S.D. the Underground has considerable support (including financi from the fringe of the world of pop iashion and as well as fro dolescents eagerfor new ex students and a The movement has centred on clubs 11 (Unlimite Laboratory, and regular 'happenings at the Round House, Chalk Farm. The prophet and high priest of The Allen GINSBERG, the American poet who verse to captive audiences at the Round anti-Vietnam occasions. At the Blac addressed by Stokely CARMICHAHL, Zen-Buddhist dedication first in Sino- in English, accompanying himself on a k-rmonium'. . Dr. Stephen ABRAMS, an American has brought medical knowledge and missi 'The Underground's struggle to legalise Society for of which was earch into the effect of pleasure? mental awareness'. ABRAKS is said to have organised the full-page advertisement which appeared in 'The Times' "The law against marijuana is immoral I practice", and which His zeal for his cause L.S.D. ABRAMS was the founder of th Mental Awareness, the declared objec to 'sponsor res giving drugs and to stand up fo 2u.7.b7, headed in principle and unworkable i was said to have cost ?1,800. led to his arrest in Chelsea on 30.10. demonstration, organised by 'Release?, sentence imposed on Brian .for drug offences. Arrested with ABRAMS at the above demonstration was another typical member of The Underground, Susan ZIEGER, well known through her contributions to International Times under the.pen-nam Since the arrest of her'boy-friend John HOPKINS she has conducted a constant campaign of vilification of the police, in the apparent h0pe of securing release. .At the time of her arrest, as a professional demonstrator. of the the Open advocacy attracted music, th hordes 0f perienceso Re the Freak-out), the Middle Earth an have taken place has read 8 Power meeting sang 'a Japanese then ortable Jones of the Rolling Stones use Of U.F.0. Club he Arts Underground is House and at onary zeal to 'pot' and of 67 during a against the Susie Creamcheese. she described hersel m321 . - me thy 0f brlefof the spread . Two bnglishmen.are wo und because the context of The Undergro of their involvement: R.D. LAING. cf'Phenomenologica Society. Dr. Institute of the Philadelphia permissiveness in the use 0 the same platform as Roundhouse- Even more deeply fnvo secretary 1 Studies a He is an drugs, lved is Misha of the nd Chairman advocate 0 and spoke on HAEL at the el_Noel left?wing and an accountant with a history 0 6 He is pacifist connections going back to 193 ?d the secretary of Centre the cultural an me is the Round? artistic? organisation house. He is also seer and a member of the edi whose ho etary of Lev torial board ebooks Ltd.: of 'International Club; secretary of Times'; seCretary of the U.F.O. in_Southampton Row Indica Books Ltd., the shop which is the_centre literature; James Walker BOYD "Which Seasons Productions Lt Visions Ltd." .. This outline of American referred to spheres of to have an interest. however, evidence of British political concerns. Americans supported a demonstr police brutality on 21.10.67, branch of C.A.R.D. The following Committee who live_ an active part in There is ove American invo For ""David .. Karen SLANEY, his wife. pox-is MEIBACH .. . for the dietr and is also involved wi in their business ation against alleged organised.by the Islington ibution of hippy th LLOYD and enterprises "Osiris - olitical involvement has which they might well be expected and above that, lvement in domestic BXample, a group of members of the Stop-It in Islington are believed to_have had he growing militancy of that branch: student(Th. can. ., ?rm ru i' . ?so? it?s} r1w- 7 7-. PicaNo.? Dan .- 14.353. Peter John L.S.E. - ?11- Joan L.S.E. his wife A member of the organising committee of the Notting Hill Summer Project (a sociological project which attracted considerable extreme left-wing support) was Norman David who has come to notice as a member of the Stop1It Committee, a friend of Michael X, and a founder?member of the Britain Cuba Committee- He has recently visited Prague and North Vietnam, and on 29.10.67 lectured the Stop-It Committee on his visit. n' Also involved in Notting Hill has been Suzanne .iliza GILBERT nee PASCHALL, who has been employed by Campaign Caravan WorkshOps and War Resisters International. Her British husband, anarchist Martin GILBERT, has been a very active member of the Committee of 100. Sean GERVASI, a research officer at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Oxford, has been a member of the steering committee and the research sub-committee of the Anti-Apartheid Movement. In 19bh he was a member of the Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Sanctions against South Africa, and in 1966 was involved in an International Conference on South West Africa, held in Oxford. He was one of the founder-members of the Stop-It Committee. Following the imprisonment of British members of the Vietnam Action Group for their part in the demonstration against the Prime Minister and members of the Cabinet in a church in Brighton, Joe KLEIN and Rose ROSMINI, members of the Stop-It Committee spoke at a protest meeting outside the Brighton church on 16.7.67. (0n the occasion of her last arrival in this country on 11.10.67, it was noted that ROSMINI's American passport contained-a used Russian'visa.) 0n 2.11.67 a mass demonstration was called in support of the 2h~persons arrested during the fracas . . 81 "cunt-u mu- Ila-M. In- I m, {Tn 7""?75 r-M ?fan ss- Among the cr0 outside the Barbican site on Ligl?igltions who Supported 2 Americans- section of extreme left?wing that demonstration was a group of about 1 The icture we have, therefore, is of 1 militancypamong Americans in London over ziging? of activity. Information has been received "tc against or the Committeendid in fact demonstra. on the U.S. Ambassador during a visit to Cambridge attern 1h.11.67, and?it must be anticipated that this will continue. 67 entitled . O. 29 1 he increase An article in 'The Observer' of 'White Violence ImpresBes Negroes', reported ited militancy of the anti-Vietnam demonstrations in the _n . States. It quoted a spokesman of Black Power as saying. predict that white people in this country be rebelling before the year is over. The only thing this Government understands is violence". It is known that at least three leading members of The Resistance in the U.S. have visited London in the rge the.Americans here to increased past two months to efforts. According to Peace News of 29.9.67, Dennis SWEENEY told members of the Stop-It Committee that "The Resistance - which he described as a broad based caulpaign of civil disobedience and disruption - wants to provoke confrontation and to develop a revolutionary attitude vis-a?vis American The Resistance is working principally to achieve two ends: the confrontation and partial polarisation of forces within America, and the STEADY DISRUPTION OF THE NORMAL DAY PATTERNS OF AMERICAN Two more members of The Resistance, Paul OYBRIEN and Lenny HELLER are currentl in London and were to address the Stop-It Committee on? 5.11.67. The effect of their representatio be seen. . 3 remains to Agar P. Radfor Sergeant Submitted:- -. Chief In ?ector' on: Aitxw 5 RI TENDENT .1 0 . . 5. 6. .7.. 8. ?Ralph ROSENBAUM, passport Z.2h5857.- Landing conditions expire i.-Former1y.directo 0 The f0 lowinp are ief identifying or Uni ed States ci izene Who have come ?ei'notice of'this Branch in a political contextz? Ralph Bene?k 10.10.35. Secretary of the Bertrand Russell Peace-Foundation. member of the Committee or 100, Chairman or the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, .At.present 1n the United States. . Russell STETLER, born 15.1.u5. assistant secretary" of the Bertrand Russell ?eace Foundation, and. his wife a, Susan HolperLSTETiaR, born 10.1.h3- David Joel HOROWITZ born 10.1.39. 3.168093. U.S. passport F.687528. Post graduate student at London SchOol of Economics.- Member possible successor to ?Executive member of Vietnam Solidarity Campaign. member of Stoy-it? Committee. _London editor of anarchist publication "Rampart". Elissa Honowxrz, born E.16809u.--5Ig wife or above. a \born 30.1%..15; A.R.C. 189063; . 28.h.68. Member of Committee of 100,'Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, Stepait Committee._ A trotekyist; Loren CLARKE, born E.55335h? passport ?.h6h328. rLanding conditions exPire 7.2.6 Employed Housmen's Booksh0p. .Secretary of British- eece in Vietnam. ?A.trotskyist. - 1;.Council for Frances.Langford CLARKE, born 12.7.hh. E.563231, wife of the above. . a ?born 15.41.33; A.R.C. 3.313095. 65?. ICOHditj-ons expre 2h.7.68? 02 . passport and editor of "Peace News". How ?anser'Centre,for Group employed_at the niche? .. I d? ("1'72 (" A b?rn 51' "he above. 10. Betty Florence 0 313096, u02652ng1f Employed as a secretary OLD, born h. 19, editor rtieen"3 one expired on 1 1 Dicrdi?o passport F.h551 publication ?Pa Landing conditi .12. Albert COLLOMS, born 10.3.0?: I her a. . 069Gb. ?an . 13. Clarence SIGAL, born 6.9 25' History of of the Philadelphia Association. communist activity in the United states. a 1n. hidney du BROFF 18.7.29 a novelist. Repute ?mmuniet activity in the United Status, Active .moer of the Stop-1tCommittee. 15. ?It-Lira du more; born 1 43.31 ,Dpeychologie't, wire of the above. .-3 . . 7; ?aw- 16. Norman David 11 .837; . it Committee.- 3.539878, active member of the StOp? OPEenieing committee of Notting Hill Project. and British Cube Committee. 17. Sean David 10;8.32? member of Anti-Apartheid Movement and Step?it Committee.;5e' . --u9 18' Suzanne E1133 GILBERT hee PASCHALL or . orn 2.2.h7 married to British subjectIMartin?aILBERT . 7 employed by Campaign Caravan Works ?M?18t3~ .. .. Reeietere Internationali? - hepa and?3?f-A 19. Sam Karl WEINSTEIN bo I t' . rn 21_6.u ggeting bille.edvertieing for .9,57, . monetretione.g - connegtcd with'Bieck_Power' a The Underw' 20. Joesph Walker BO In YD. born508. 2 - 12.162671 . 91381110911011: Conditions exPire 7 1 1 68 . leading supporter, 515:1; 32%? flat. with LLOYD, . 21. Cari Theodore . - 00-11 Orn 23.2. .. . .. 1?at?: 1?7th BOYD 0f Osirieh?igighg.) 3.57075u; . Ltdaf?cfs?; Tm-? I A7 7 . I?m r? . 22. 23. 25. 26.; 27.? - Phenomenological 28. . 30.3 :31? . . . James horn 10.11 Assistant to HAYNES at the . expire 18.12.67. arr. Leon REDLER, I chsel Whichsoason Productions Ltd. Stood'bsil for ?1 Abdul HALIK. 3.522713. w: LEVY 'born 10.1.39 lliam Jay Student at E?iins 9011386 ?f Passport 913102. Art. Editor of limes . MALIK Of Stokely CAREICEAEL and.michael Abdul - 070149, 155032.00 E052325u' Abigail Dyers LEVY 'born 2 Passport 6.970526.'employed at the Gloucester Gate, -0n staff or? Inter Times'. Conditions expire 11.8.68.a- .33. Passport 23792u1. Director of-Lovebooks-Lt?oc Publisher? of 'Internstional Times'. Theatre nansgerf 4 A.R.C. E,u2296h. Jack Henry EOORE, born 19.6.h0p Passport 1.67099h. Director of Lovebooks Lt . Jeanette Coohrahe Theatre. . Allen born 3.12.26; 8 poet-?Tieading. member of the underground and supporter of_ant175 Vietnam demonstrationsDr. Joseph BERKB, born 17.1.39, A.R.C. 3.uu8517. peSSport 101762. Director of.Institute of Studies and Philadelphia. StOp?it Committee. Conditions Association. Member or born b..1 1 .36 . 13.3214289 passport Institute of Phenomenological 570373. Director of Studies. Member of Stop-it Committee. 'Dr. marten scsAmznA?. born 31.10, 35, 806796. ?emner of Philadelphia passport G. Stap-it Committee. Association?an Dr. Stephen.lrwin Donn p.06392u. Founder of Society for Mental Awareness. Arrested on 30.10.67 against sentence on.a member of the.Rolling Stones. 'Susan ZEIGER, born passport 0.1002331, to 'Internation Known as Susie CREAMGHEESE 'cont el Timss?. Arrested wi?h?AsRE?gugor~ 57. - Conditions expire on 18.12.67." . 30.10. FWm-mhn.? r, new: . - 3 S: :z-f .l?ll V5 ?T-v-u . .: 7 i I ctio :The following have come to notice in connq . 5 activities of the Stop-it Committeef.'4 born 13.20143. ACROICO 1, at L.S.E. His flat at 8 Rosalyn Stop-1t Committee. I also associated with.Stokely'CAEMICHAEL'w? If 1' 88221, . . born 1205d?} Student?at L.S.E. ,Activa in D. . ?32. Harry PINCUS, the headquarters of . - -33. Doris MEIBACH, passport 3.52227u. Islington branch of C.A.R. 30.51 5288. - - - I Daniel SCHECTER, born 27.5.u2, A.R.C A R'n Student at L.8.E. Islington branch ofI . . . . editions expired on 26.9.67. . . hAoRoCo 3.598003Cr?ih ?35. .rank Martin born I H-0551h3. Engaged in research at British,I5_U_I. Museum. Conditions expire 19.3.63? :passport' 36;, Aubrey Leonard 22.i.h3. . 583035. Student at Pembroke College, Camoridaeo Also national organiser of the 1967 New Left I Day Manifesto. (37"OWife of the above; . very active part in 738. Paul Edwin JACOprorn 26.10.39,. mm. E.u75u15, passport O975h6. Architect. Conditions expire - on Zuc5o700 39. Jack WARSHAW, bem 1.9341, A.R.C.. 5.381518; pas-sport F.569865. Architectural assistant at the G.L.C. . . Owned and drove.the car which was used as.a'tanku during the demonstration in Grosvenor Square 22.10.67. Conditions expire on 28.6.69. . . passport H.689322. Dublin 77' ferry also takes a' the Stop-it Committee.) . no; Alan horn 3.2.3u. - (Departed Heathrow Airport to Sharon Lonise KREBS, wife of the above.) Although her picture appeared in. d1 v'the 'Morning Star' 0: 2.9.67, she cannot be . identified in A.R.O. or Home Office recordsqitr- wrrj?nt?? ?y - 0 3 h1. h2.? Linda ggmbers of the Stop-it chmittee. hJo' at. us. h6. 1.7. . 52. 53. appeared in_ 51. I Commitee and organised demonstration. I, 16 . hJLmuM?kJ; d, .- ?David Allen ABEL, born 9.7.u6, A.R.C. 3.515117; . 'student living at International Hall, Brunswie - Square, W.C.1. Name appeared in 'We Won GO advert. .. . Lawrence Ernest ALEXANDER, born 1.12.hh. A.R.C. 5378h5. paBBport usezuo. Student at University 0011880. London. Conditions expired 30.9.67. -N8me appeared 1n-?We Won?t - ACROCO E0h5321o? or a StOp?it vJohn Horton AMSDEN, born 21.8.h1. n8 Registration Student at L.S.E. One of signatorie rcircular to members. According to Alia Card, landing conditions expired 1.3.57. Alan.u1chael ANDERSON, born 10.6.h6. A.R-C- 512835: passport 0.815591. Student at L.s.E.t.Name appeared in,'WO Won't Go' advert. 1 - A Stephen BELLO, born 29.9.hh. passport F.575903- Cannot be identified in A.R.O.. Name appeared in Won't Go? advert. -. - v- Paul BERNSTEIN, oorn 17.u.u?. Student at University College, London. Name appeared in Won't Go' advert. v.5 . "Juliet BLACKETT, born 23.7.u3} passport F.291u99. Married in London on 10.10.66 to British subject Anthony William Basil BLACKETT.- Signed a Stapit .Committeo circular to members. .Marshall Irving BLOOM, born 16.7.uu,.A.R.c. 2.523312, passport G.h77785. Student at L.S.E. Name- - . 'We Won't Go' advert. - . G11 Hale E0097530. 8.0298286. Student at L.S.E. Left U.K.. _090 - . Kathleen Riady BOEHRINGER, Born 656.37, passport 2.280808. Took leading part in administration of Robert Paul 28.11.h3. A.R.C. 576008, -.tPaBBport.G 96660h. ~Privato student '2 .. ?in 'we Won?t?GoliaQYQEP? Fess appeared fru?rmnm I Q3 11"- 5f i 4 5h. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.? 60. 61. 252. 53 Joanna BRENNER, passport 'Daniel Rudy COLEM 0 passpOrt 2509710 1? peter John passport 0.785725. ch of of Ielington bran. passport 6.785725, Bryant Nome appe advert. Cannot be iden Elizabeth DODGE. ?ttended inaugural James R. FINUCANE, passport 2.761603. British subject Jean charge of organieixlg the Committee. Alan Lane GEIK 551 passport 6.50 5. expired on 11.9.67. aft System a Selective Dr We. . ,4 '5 hr 966603. wif? born 2h.9.h5u 4y? I n.16.3huofiA'R' J?an ?0 b??1re of.the above. ered 1n_'We tified in A- meeting of Committee.- be identified in A.R.0. . born.?.9oh2g Student at L. Square on 16.10.67. Joel GLADSTONE, passport 2.675231. C.E.I.R. Ltd? 30/31 68 Livee at Hes organised demon .I expire 21.30 Ang logane, ele on stickers, born 18.9.u2, A.R.C. Student at .Signified demonstrat 80E. 29.8.uo, Senior Programme ewmen St., W.1. oeelyn LOSOE. efienoe of the . ion in Groovenor 'Won't GO. . R.0._or Home' g. 12uu9. ?(goloured) ennot a 51h97oo married . 220u0670 In ate. for "E.5uoe71. Conditions Eo2u3?23? Analyetrwith, Conditions . Hill - headquarters etration and of the Committee. in the.establiehment of_the ted homosexual. taken leading per Committee. Snapec Emmott GROGAN. 23.10.67 was a passenger a tank in the Groevenor 22.10.67. .Said to be a 8 Cannot be identified in Home Office and A. AcCording to 'Deily Telegraph' of in the mini-van*used as . Square demonstration of tudent at Imperial College. R.O. records. Susan Terry GREEN, born 2.8.h6 ?born 2.8.h6? A: 1 3.5631175, passport 1430939.?1Em510yed at Log?boiaigd. Conditions expiro" 21 i 1" '1 r] ?53. ,ad. Sowo10 . 9 on? 3? ?i Lula 1. j65. . '66. 6.67? f"at?Regent street Polytechnic. 16.10.69. 68? I'Manager of book shop_at 85 Re . No??ro1.? I 'Kerry Blair KELLY, born 16.10 passport 2.030u82; "'Medi?a1?Research Council. '69. 70.7 ?avid pass "Elliott Stephen ? ?supporter of demonstrations.' ?7to three N.L.F. st ?Heethrow Airport. . a . A KLEIN a with Rose spoke at meeting 1 i g. Mel-r. d. 1 . oit Comm on 6.3.68 Leading member of Step . and took,?ert in demonstration against bloc ittee, kade 0f Cube. ?1 port F.0h89861 itiea art in organising the ac has taken a leading dentified in A.R.O. i of the Committee. Cannot heli born 18.9.h?5f AIR-00.. F.687628. Student at 11.80150 Signified defiance of E.51600h. Pesepor demonotration Conditions expire 30.9.68. the Selective SerVice System at Fred ARC E.598981, passport 8880h3.? Teacher of architecture Conditions capire Donald Hugo KASHA, born 19.12.h0, A.R.C. E.u277750,? ?Conditions expire 13.u.68. gents Park Road, .hz; 3.250uu5. Part?time interviewer for Conditions eXpire on . Leading member of Committee} active Delegate of Committee udenta?refused admission at 3009-68. at Brighton on 17.7.67. Not yet identified. a' Mary Allen MACNEIL, born 9.6.hh, A.R.C. 3.513030} Vpassport h37565. ?Landed as a visitor conditions- ?expired 19.9.67.. Committee. Caroli MULLER, born.New Yerk. Photograph appeared vhlin"Morning Star'?of 6.10.67, when she was said to be taking part in the Young'CommuniettLeegue "'activities during'the Vietnam wee ?jbe identified.in A.R.0. ':"Carole Rose PINA,'born 21.3.3h.? Hes undertaken administrative work onf?ehalfrof the Connittee.? Nowotfmmiisi?d'in noted as membership secretary bend to annot . ~35 PM 4/ 5.1. M4, 7h. 75- 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. K?lth Po citizen,? 933890? of arrangements fo Committee meetings. ?born 6.8.h5b?P?a be member: I - a t. r0!- 19". a . I- If? ?Vgn' Ll] "av- I Thorn.Cary ROBERTS. - Reported on 2.10.67 unidentified in A. Rose ROSMINI, born 21.1.21.- gin ?Not RAsgy, born u.5. 2T60520 obtaining Paul Darre11_sanEiDER, at Oriel College. Oxford. ~Devid Trevor SLANEY. passport E.586035. exgre on 29.8.68. Has spoken in Hyde Park. of C.A.R.D. Karen-Miller SLANEY nee SHAY, 3.627019, passport F.u25h1h. Assistant with Ease Europe Inc. Conditions' Jeffrey SPARLING. Draft System at .Nsm be identif 'Wc app cared in ied 1n A-Rvo- Won't Go' advert. Gonna 6 London ,Now U. . Michael RIFF, born 10.6.hh i?as beenfin charge speakers for Stop-it . but so_:sr - Spokeat meeting it yet identified 1n_. born u.6.uo. $tudent? born 13.2.u5. 3.523983." Student Conditions Leading activist for Committee.? 'Membcr of Administret vet 'expire 9.10.70. Also-a very active member. Signifisd defiance of Selectivo? emonetrstion of 16.10.67. Unableato identify in A.R.O. - . "Spencer - name in '_'Not yet identified in A.R.0. 83. 85. 86.; advert. 'Jack STAUDER, born Reported on 2.10.67? to be a member but not yet identified farther. David Bennett'STONE, born 17.1.u6. .paeeport 883608..'Student'at Brunnel_University. Conditions exPire on 1 . 68 'We ?soft 00' advert. 5 9. Home appeared in Igor. Michael WEBB, born 8.11? Signified defiance I of Selective Draft'System at demonstreti . on. 16.10.67. Unable to_identifiy.in.A.R.0. ?of_ Peter WEINER. born 29.6 R2 Re I . . ported on 2 1 to be member. but uneb10.t0'identity further.-I ?m . . I I I. 1.39.man- .- 5-.., a7. .carole WATANABE engaged in the preparation of a news sheet for the S.B. report of 2. identified in A.R.O. part in the affai their circulars, The following names of persone.who have'taken an active. but have? 88. Jim BRYAN . 3 a .w i - - 89. Ruth ELIAS .- 90. Ella - 91 . Richard HMMERSLAG 93. Sue KELLOG I, I a 9113.:Im (1?s r?h . ,f rota. Jun-.. 10.67 re of the Committee 30:. .uv' I?m-ls ?km. a . 20. in Committee (wrongly named as Carl Not have appeared in identified:' 66R A A.