Case 1:18-cr-20141-KMM Document 20 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/11/2018 Page 1 of 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT CO URT SO UTH ER N DISTRICT O F FL ORIDA CASE NO .18-20141-cr-M OO RE/SIM ON TO N U NITED STATES O F A M ER ICA JUAN CARLO S R OD RIGU EZ, a/k/a GEID octor,'' Defendant. / FACTU AL PRO FFER TheUnitedStatesAttorney'sOfficefortheSouthernDistrictofFlorida(.ûthisOfGce''land Juan CarlosRODRIGUEZ,a/k/a iûEIDoctor,''(hereinafterreferred to astheb:defendant'')agree and representthat,ifthism atterw eto proceed to trial,the United Stateswould prove thefollow ing facts beyond a reasonable doubt: Title 50,CodeofFederalRegulations,Section l0.13 listsspeciesofm igratory birds in alphabetical order. The list includes Puerto Rican Spindalises (Spindalis portoricensis), Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis),Puerto Rican Bullfinches(foxlkilla portoricensis), Yellow-faced Grassquits (Tiaris olivaceus),Blue Jays(Cyanocitta cristata),Blue Grosbeaks (Passerinacaerulea),Indigo Buntings(Passerinacyanea),Cooper'sHawks(Acci pitercooperii), Bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus),Red-shouldered Hawks(Buteo lineatus),Gray Catbirds (Dumetellacarolinensis),Painted Buntings(Passerina ciris),SummerTanagers(Pirangarubral' somespeciesofScreech-owlsWenusMegascops),andSharp-shinnedHawks(Accl piterstriatus). 2. On M ay 28,2014,an undercoverspecialagent(hereinafterreferredto asa-:U/C'-) visited a website w here individuals advertise m igratory birds for sale. The U/C observed an advertisem entoffering the sale ofm igratory bird posted by som eone calling him self-tEIDoctor.'- Case 1:18-cr-20141-KMM Document 20 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/11/2018 Page 2 of 6 The U/C called the phone num ber associated w ith the advertisement,spoke to :ûEIDoctor,'-and arranged forthe purchase ofSpindalisesatthe residence ofûtElDoctor.'' Laterthatday,the U/C went to the residence and m et ûûEI Doctor,''who proved to be RO DRIG UEZ. In a recorded encounter, the purchased a Puerto Rican Spindalis (Spindalis portoricensis) from RODRIG UEZ. D uring the sale,ROD RIGU EZ stated that he had sold 60 N orthern Cardinals (Cardinaliscardinalis)toabuyerinCaliforniathepreviousweek. TRA PS The U/C returned to the residence of RO DRIG UEZ on m ultiple occasions to purchase m igratory birds. On m any ofthese occasions,the U/C observed bird traps deployed w ith baitbirds and birdseed. Bird traps are com m only constructed of wood or Iight wire and consistof m ultiple pitfalldoors baited w ith seed and typically utilize a f'baitbird'-to lure w ild birds into the trap. The baitbird itself istypically a previously captured w ild m igratory bird of w hateverspecies isbeing targeted;how ever,bird trapscatch birds indiscrim inately. O nce in the trap,the captured bird cannotescape. On June 6, 2014, ROD RIGU EZ stated that he has used traps to catch Blue Grosbeaks (Passerina caerulea),Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (Pheucticus ludovicianus),Indigo Buntings(PasserinaCyanea),PaintedBuntings(Passerinaciris),NorthernCardinals(Cardinalis cardinalisj,and Blue Jays(Cyanocitta cristata). The U/C observed two trapped Northern Cardinals(Cardinaliscardinalis)inthecagesthatday. RODRIGUEZ askedwhetherthe U/C wasinterested inNorthernCardinals(Cardinaliscardinalis),andwhentheU/C responded inthe affirm ative,RODRIG UEZ stated thathe would deploy m oretrapsand call. Onanotheroccasion (November12,20l5),RODRIGUEZ stated totheU/C thathe deploys bird trapping cages on eightto ten differentfarm s. Case 1:18-cr-20141-KMM Document 20 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/11/2018 Page 3 of 6 M IST N ETS During several undercover purchases of m igratory birds at ROD RIGU EZ'S residence,the U/C observed Sim ist nets-'and m istnetpoles. On July l6,2014,RO DRIG UEZ showed the U/C twelve m ist nets ready for the m igration season that he stated constituted a com bined totalof 1,200 feetofnetting. On A ugust20,20 l4,the U/C purchased three m istnets and pole sets from RO DRIG U EZ. O n August30,2016,RO DRIG UEZ showed the U/C three m istnets mounted to m istnetpolesthathe claim ed were ready fordeploym ent. On Septem ber 9,2016,the U/C again observed a m istnetm ounted on a setofpolesatROD RIG UEZ'Sresidence. On September l4, 2016, the U/C observed m ist net poles protruding from the backseat of RO DRIG UEZ'Struck. O n M arch 20,2018,ROD RIG UEZ again showed the U/C three m istnets on setpolesready fordeploym ent. M istnets are soft,pliable nets thattrap birds and are used for scientific research. Current scientific literature suggests that appropriate use of m ist nets does not harm birds. A ppropriate usage involves m onitoring the nets and rem oving entangled birds quickly and carefully afterthey becom e entangled. 8. On July l6,2014,RO DRIG UEZ described hisusage ofm istnets. RO DRIGU EZ stated he goes to sugarcane fields and suntlowerfieldsand sets up a netacrossthe entire field. He then drivesthe birdsinto a netusing a truck. He stated thatthe yearbefore,he and two other individuals wentto a Geld and captured 203 Indigo Buntings (Passerina Cyanea),countless Painted Buntings(Passerina ciris),and otherbirdsin theirnets. He stated thatthey stuffed the birds into feedbags Iike sardines in a can and drove them to RODR IGU EZ'S house. He stated thatm any birdswere lostto w ild dogsand catsbefore they could rem ove the birdsfrom theirm ist nets. He stated thatthere w ere so m any birdsthathe divvied them up among aIlthree trappers. 3 Case 1:18-cr-20141-KMM Document 20 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/11/2018 Page 4 of 6 During other recorded conversations,ROD RIG UEZ stated that he uses another trapping technique known as %Q pegav'' which is the Spanish translation for Sûstick-um ''to trap Bobolinks(Dolichonyx olyzivorus). Pega isan adhesive coating thattrappersapplyto sticksor bare branches,known as bûlim esticks,''and deploy in bird perching areas. W hen a bird lands on the Iim estick,thepega trapsthe bird by adhering its feetto the stick. Any partofthe bird that touchesthe pega w illadhere to the lim estick. Pega indiscrim inately traps birds and can cause their death or injury. RODRIGUEZ stated that he uses W D-40 to extricate Bobolinks (Dolichonyxoryzivorus)from Iimestickscoatedwithpega. l0. RODRIGUEZ had Bobolinks(Dolichonyxoryzivorus)forsale. On September9, 2016,the U/C purchased two Bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)from RODRIGUEZ during a recorded undercoverencounterathisresidence. PU ERTO RICO ll. During otherrecorded conversations,ROD RIG UEZ discussed selling and bartering m igratory birdsto and w ith buyersin Puerto Rico. RO DRIG UEZ stated thathehasdone business withassociatesin Puerto Ricoforovertenyearsand hadsold250Northern Cardinals(Cardinalis cardinalis)to buyersthere. 12. On October 19,2016,RO DRIG UEZ received three cardboard boxes of Iive birds from a shipperin Puerto Rico On October20,2016,in exchange,RO DRIG UEZ shipped him three Gray Catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis),six Painted Buntings (Passerina ciris),and three Northern Cardinals (Cardinaliscardinalis). KN OW LEDG E O F ILLEGA LITY Case 1:18-cr-20141-KMM Document 20 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/11/2018 Page 5 of 6 l4. RO DRIG UEZ m ade severalstatem ents dem onstrating hisaw arenessthattrapping and trafficking m igratory birds is illegal. During a recorded purchase of m igratory birds from RO DRIG UEZ,RO DRIG UEZ stated thathe w asselling allofhisbirdsand equipm entbecause he w asin the processofa divorce from hisw ife and did notwantherto be ableto exertleverage over him by inform ing law enforcem ent of his bird trafficking. During anotherrecorded encounter, RO DRIG UEZ stated thattrapping an owlcould costsom eone -k5,000 years''ofincarceration. He latersold the U/C a Screech-owl(genus Megascops). During another recorded encounter, RO DRIG UEZ stated thatm istnetsare illegaland that,when heusesthem ,he hasto w atch outfor çûFish and W ildlife.'' D uring anotherrecorded encounter,RO DRIG UEZ stated thatw hen he w ent trapping,he loaded the nets and bird traps into the back ofhis truck and covered the equipm ent w ith a drapeto avoid detection. Additionally,ROD RIG UEZ used a fake nam e forthe shipm ents to and from Puerto Rico. M IG RATORY BIRDS PURCHASED FROM RO DRIG UEZ 15. In total,the U/C purchased the follow ing approxim ate num bersofm igratory birds from ROD RIG UEZ during eighteen separate recorded encounters: a. 5 Puerto Rican Spindalises(Spindalisportoricensisj; b. 156Northern Cardinals(Cardinaliscardinalis); c. 2 Puerto Rican Bullfinches(Loxigillaportoricensisj; d. 3 Indigo Buntings(Passerina cyanea); e. 7Cooper'sHawks(Acci pitercooperii); f. l Bobolinks(Dolichonyxoryzivorus); g. 3 Red-shouldered Hawks(Buteo lineatusl; h. lSummerTanager(Pirangarubra); i. lScreech-owl(genusMegascops);and j. 1Sharp-shinnedHawk(Acclpiterstriatus). TheU/C spentapproximately$10,715on theseundercoverpurchases. @ Case 1:18-cr-20141-KMM Document 20 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/11/2018 Page 6 of 6 In particular,on N ovem ber 9,20l6,the U/C purchased 29 N orthern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis),l Puerto Rican Spindalis (Spindalisportoricensis),l SummerTanager (Piranga rubra),2 Cooper's Hawks (Acci piter cooperii),one Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus),and one Screech-owl(genusM egascops). l7. On N ovem ber l4, 20l6, the U/C purchased 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk Acci p iter striatus). l8. ROD RIGU EZ stored m any otherm igratory birdsforsale and barterin cagesbehind his residence. RO DRIG UEZ offered the U/C m any otherm igratory birds for sale during the course ofthe recorded undercoverm eetingsand phone calls. 19. ThreeoftheCooper'sHawks(Acci pitercooperii)andtwooftheRed-shouldered Hawks(Buteo lineatus)weredead atthetimeofpurchase. Som e of the purchased m igratory birds w ere in poor health, showed signs of distress,ordied shortly afterpurchase. BEN JA M IN G .G REEN BERG UN ITED STATES ATTO RN EY Date: Date: l t By: Ip JA . A ICH SS TAN T UN ITED STA TES ATTO RN EY By: ATIE A RM O , ATTO RN EY FO R DEFEN DA NT Date: lé t% By: JU AN CA O DEFEN AN T 6 O DRIG U EZ