Basic CPS Items Booklet Labor Force Items LABFOR I am going to ask a few questions about work-related activities (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK). By (the week before last/last week), I mean the week beginning on Sunday, (DATE), and ending on Saturday, (DATE). 1 Continue BUS (Do you/ Does NAME/ Does anyone in this household) have a business or a farm? 1 2 Yes No BUSL Whose business or farm is it? Enter all that apply, separate by commas. Probe: Anyone else? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 WORK Person1 Person2 Person3 Person4 Person5 Person6 Person7 Person8 Person9 Person10 Person11 Person12 Person13 Person14 Person15 Person16 (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), did (name/you) do ANY work for (pay/either pay or profit)? 1 2 3 4 5 Yes No Retired Disabled Unable to work BUS1 (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), did (name/you) do any unpaid work in the family business or farm? 1 2 Yes No BUS2 (Do / Does) (name/you) receive any payments or profits from the business? 1 2 Yes No RET Last month (name/you) (was/were) reported to be retired. (Are / Is) (you/he/she) still retired? 1. 2. 3. Yes No Was not retired last month DIS Does (your/his/her) disability continue to prevent (you/he/she) from doing any kind of work for the next 6 months (or working in the family business)? 1 2 3 RET1_1 Yes No Did not have a disability last month (Do / Does) (name/you) currently want a job, either full or part time? 1 2 3 Yes or maybe, it depends No Has a job DIS1_1 Does (your/his/her) disability prevent (you/he/she) from accepting any kind of work during the next six months? 1 2 Yes No DIS2_1 (Do / Does) (name/you) have a disability that prevents (you/he/she) from accepting any kind of work during the next six months? 1 2 Yes No ABSNT (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), (in addition to the business) (name/you) have a job either full or part time? Include any job from which (name/you) (was/were) temporarily absent. 1 2 3 4 5 Yes No Retired Disabled Unable to Work RET1_2 (Do / Does) (name/you) currently want a job, either full or part time? 1 2 3. DIS1_2 Yes or maybe, it depends No Has a job Does (your/his/her) disability prevent (you/he/she) from accepting any kind of work during the next six months? 1 Yes 2 No DIS2_2 (Do / Does) (name/you) have a disability that prevents (you/he/she) from accepting any kind of work during the next six months? 1 2 Yes No LAY (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), (was/were) (name/you) on layoff from a job? 1 2 3 4 5 Yes No Retired Disabled Unable to work RET1_3 (Do / Does) (name/you) currently want a job, either full or part time? 1 2 3 Yes or maybe, it depends No Has a job DIS1_3 Does (your/his/her) disability prevent (you/he/she) from accepting any kind of work during the next six months? 1 2 3 Yes No DIS2_3 (Do / Does) (name/you) have a disability that prevents (you/he/she) from accepting any kind of work during the next six months? 1 2 Yes No ABSRSN1 What was the main reason (you/he/she) (was/were) absent from work (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 On layoff (temporary or indefinite) Slack work/business conditions Waiting for new job to begin Vacation/personal days Own illness/injury/medical problems Child care problems Other family/personal obligation Maternity/paternity leave Labor dispute Weather affected job School/training Civic/military duty Does not work in the business Other (specify) ABSPD (Are / Is) ( you/he/she) being paid by (your/his/her) employer for any of the time off (the week before last/last week)? 1 2 Yes No MJ (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), did (name/you) have more than one (job/job or business), including part time, evening or weekend work? 1 2 Yes No MJNUM Altogether, how many (jobs/ jobs or businesses) did (you/he/she) have? 1 2 3 HRUSL1 2 jobs 3 jobs 4 or more jobs How many hours per week (do/does) (name/you) USUALLY work at (your/his/her) (job?/ main job?) Enter number of hours (00-99) Hours each week (V) Hours vary each week HRUSL2 How many hours per week (do/does) (you/he/she) USUALLY work at (your/his/her) other (job/ jobs)? Enter number of hours (00-99) Hours each week (V) Hours vary each week HRFTPT (Do / Does) (you/he/she) usually work 35 hours or more per week (at (your/his/her) job/in the family business/ at all (your/his/her) jobs combined)? 1 2 3 Yes No Hours Vary HRWANT (Do / Does) (name/you) want to work a full time workweek of 35 hours or more per week? 1 2 3 Yes No Regular hours are full-time HRRSN1 Some people work part time because they cannot find full time work or because business is poor. Others work part time because of family obligations or other personal reasons. What is (name's/your) MAIN reason for working part time? Probe if necessary: What is (name's/your) main reason for working part time instead of full time? 1 2 3 Slack work/business conditions Could only find part-time work Seasonal work 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Child care problems Other family/personal obligations Health/medical limitations School/training Retired/Social Security limit on earnings Full-time workweek is less than 35 hours Other - specify HRSPC1 Enter Verbatim Response HRRSN2 What is the main reason (you/he/she) (do/does) not want to work full time? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Child care problems Other family/personal obligations Health/medical limitations School/training Retired/Social Security limit on earnings Full time work week less than 35 hours Other - specify HRSPC2 Enter Verbatim Response HROFF1 Now I have some questions about the exact number of hours (name/you) worked (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK). (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), did (you/he/she) lose or take off any hours from ((his/her) MAIN job/work), for ANY reason such as illness, slack work, vacation, or holiday? 1 2 Yes No HROFF2 How many hours did (name/you) take off? Enter number of hours HROT1 (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), did (name/you) work any overtime or extra hours (at (his/her) MAIN job that / that)(you/he/she) (do/does) not usually work? 1 2 Yes No HROT2 How many ADDITIONAL hours did (you/he/she) work? Enter number of hours HRACT1 (LAST WEEK/THE WEEK BEFORE LAST), how many hours did ( you/he/she) ACTUALLY work at (your/his/her) (job?/MAIN job?)? Enter number of hours (00 - 99) HRACT2 (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), how many hours did ( you/he/she) ACTUALLY work at (your/his/her) other (job/ jobs?)? Enter number of hours (00 - 99) ABSRSN2 What was the main reason ( you/he/she) (was/were) absent from work (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK)? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. On layoff (temporary or indefinite) Slack work/business conditions Waiting for new job to begin Vacation/personal days Own illness/injury/medical problems Child care problems Other family/personal obligation Maternity/paternity leave Labor dispute Weather affected job School/training 12. 13. 14. Civic/military duty Does not work in the business Other (specify) ABSPC2 Enter Verbatim Response HRRSN3 What is the main reason (name/you) worked less than 35 hours (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Slack work/business conditions Seasonal work Job started or ended during week Vacation/personal day Own illness/injury/medical appointment Holiday (legal or religious) Child care problems Other family/personal obligations LaborDispute Weather affected job School/training Civic/Military duty Other reason HRSPC3 Enter Verbatim Response HRAVL (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), could (name/you) have worked full time IF the hours had been available? 1 2 Yes No LAYDT Has (name's/your) employer given (you/he/she) a date to return to work? 1 2 Yes No LAY6M (Have / Has) (you/he/she) been given any indication that ( you/he/she) will be recalled to work within the next 6 months? 1 2 Yes No LAYAVL Could (you/he/she) have returned to work (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK) IF (you/he/she) had been recalled? 1 2 Yes No LAYAVR Why is that? 1 2 3 Own temporary illness Going to school Other LAYAVS Enter specific reason LAYLK Even though (you/he/she) (expect/expects) to be called back to work, (have/has) (you/he/she) been looking for work during the last 4 weeks? 1 2 Yes No LAYDR1 As of the end of (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), how long had/has (you/he/she) been on layoff? 1 2 3 LAYDR2 Weeks Months Years Do not read to respondent Enter number of (weeks, months, years) LAYDR3 We would like to have that in weeks, IF possible, exactly how many weeks had (name/you) been on layoff? Enter number of weeks LAYFT Is the job from which (name/you) (are / is) on layoff a full time job of 35 hours or more per week? 1 2 Yes No LK (Have / Has) (name/you) been doing anything to find work during the last 4 weeks? 1 2 3 4 5 Yes No Retired Disabled Unable to work DIS1_4 Does (your/his/her) disability prevent (you/he/she) from accepting any kind of work during the next six months? 1 2 DIS2_4 Yes No (Do / Does) (name/you) have a disability that prevents (you/he/she) from accepting any kind of work during the next six months? 1 2 Yes No LKM What are all the things (you/he/she) (have/has) done to find work during the last 4 weeks? Do not read answer categories Enter (0) for no additional answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Contact employer directly/interview Contacted public employment agency Contacted private employment agency Contacted friends or relatives Contacted school/university employment center Sent out resumes/filled out applications Checked union/professional registers Placed or answered ads Other active Looked at ads Attended job training programs/courses Other passive Nothing LKMSP Enter verbatim response LKDK You said (name/you) (have/has) been trying to find work. How did ( you/he/she) go about looking? Do not read answer categories Enter (0) for no additional answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Contact employer directly/interview Contacted public employment agency Contacted private employment agency Contacted friends or relatives Contacted school/university employment center Sent out resumes/filled out applications Checked union/professional registers Placed or answered ads Other active Looked at ads Attended job training programs/courses Other passive Nothing LKDKS Enter verbatim response LKPS Can you tell me more about what (he/she) did to search for work? Do not read answer categories Enter (0) for no additional answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Contact employer directly/interview Contacted public employment agency Contacted private employment agency Contacted friends or relatives Contacted school/university employment center Sent out resumes/filled out applications Checked union/professional registers Placed or answered ads Other active Looked at ads Attended job training programs/courses Other passive Nothing LKPSP Enter verbatim response LKAVL (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), could (you/he/she) have started a job if one had been offered? 1 2 Yes No LKAVR Why is that? 1 2 3 4 LKAVS Waiting for new job to begin Own temporary illness Going to school Other (specify) Enter verbatim response LKLL1 BEFORE (name/you) started looking for work, what (was/were) (you/he/she) doing: working, going to school, or something else? 1 2 3 4 Working School Left military service Something ELSE LKLL1S Enter verbatim response LKLL2 Did (you/he/she) lose or quit that job, or was it a temporary job that ended? 1 2 3 Lost job Quit job Temporary job ended LKLW When did (you/he/she) last work at (a/that) job or business? 1 2 3 Within the last 12 months More than 12 months ago Never worked CERT3 Earlier you told me (you/name) had a currently active professional certification or license. Is (your/his/her) certification or license required for (your/his/her) … a) job b) main job? c) job from which (you/he/she/) (are/is) on layoff? d) job at which (you/he/she) last worked? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Don’t have a currently active certification or license LKDATM Ask if necessary, otherwise verify What was the month and year that (you/he/she) last worked? Enter month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 January February March April May June July August September October November December LKDATY What was the month and year that (you/he/she) last worked? Enter year LKDR1 As of the end of (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), how long had (you/he/she) been looking for work? 1 2 3 Weeks Months Years LKDR2 Do not read to the respondent Enter number of (weeks, months, years) LKDR3 We would like to have that in weeks if possible. Exactly how many weeks (have/has) (name/you) been looking for work? Enter number of weeks LKFT (Have / Has) (you/he/she) been looking for full time work of 35 hours or more per week? 1 2 3 Yes No Doesn't matter DWWNT (Do / Does) (name/you) currently want a job, either full or part time? 1 2 3 4 5 Yes, or maybe, it depends No Retired Disabled Unable to work DIS1_5 Does (your/his/her) disability prevent (you/he/she) from accepting any kind of work during the next six months? 1 2 Yes No DIS2_5 (Do / Does) (name/you) have a disability that prevents (you/he/she) from accepting any kind of work during the next six months? 1 2 Yes No DWRSN What is the main reason (you/he/she) (was/were) not looking for work during the LAST 4 WEEKS? 1 2 3 Believes no work available in line of work or area Couldn't find any work Lacks necessary schooling, training, skills or experience 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Employers think too young or too old Other types of discrimination Can't arrange child care Family responsibilities In school or other training Ill health, physical disability Transportation problems Other DWRSP Enter verbatim response DWLK Did (name/you) look for work at any time during the last 12 months? 1 2 Yes No DWWK Did (you/he/she) actually WORK at a job or business during the last 12 months? 1 2 Yes No DW4WK Did (you/he/she) do any of this work during the last 4 weeks? 1 2 Yes No DWLKWK And since (name/you) LEFT that job or business (have/has) (you/he/she) looked for work? 1 2 DWAVL Yes No (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), could (you/he/she) have started a job IF one had been offered? 1 2 Yes No DWAVR Why is that? 1 2 3 Own temporary illness Going to school Other (SPECIFY) DWAVS Enter verbatim response JHWK (Have / Has) (name/you) worked at a job or business at any time during the past 12 months? 1 2 Yes No JHDP1 Did (you/he/she) do any of this work during the last 4 weeks? 1 2 3 Yes No JHRSN What is the main reason (you/he/she) left (your/his/her) last job? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Personal, family (including pregnancy) Return to school Health Retirement or old age Temporary, seasonal or intermittent job completed Slack work or business conditions Unsatisfactory work arrangements (hours, pay, etc) Other (specify) JHRSP Enter verbatim reason JHWANT (Do / Does) (name/you) intend to look for work during the next 12 months? 1 2 Yes, or it depends No IODP1 Last month, it was reported that (name/you) worked for (input.IO1NAM). (Do / Does) (you/he/she) still work for (input.IO1NAM) 1 2 Yes No IODP2 Have the usual activities and duties of (your/his/her) job changed since last month? 1 2 Yes No IODP3 Last month (name/you) (was/were) reported as (a/an) (input.IO1OCC) and (your/his/her) usual activities were (input.IO1DT1 8500.IO1DT2). Is this an accurate description of (your/his/her) current job? 1 2 Yes No IO1INT (Were/Was) (name/you) employed by government, by a private company, a nonprofit organization, or (was/were) ( you/he/she) self -(or working in the family business?)? 1 2 3 4 5 Government Private-for-profit company Non-profit organization including tax exempt and charitable organizations Self-employed Working in the family business IO1GVT Would that be the federal, state, or local government? 1 2 3 Fed State Local IO1INC (Is/Was) this business incorporated? 1 2 Yes No PDEMP1 (Do/Does) (name/you) usually have any paid employees? 1 2 Yes No NMEMP1 Excluding all owners, how many paid employees does (name's/your) business usually have? IO1WP (Were/Was) (name/you) working for pay? 1 2 Yes No IO1NMP What is the name of the (company/non-profit organization) for which (you/he/she) work (at main job)/worked (at main job)/works (at main job) (work/works/worked) Do not read to respondent (name of company, business, organization or other employer) IO1NMG What is the name of the government agency for which (you/he/she) (work/works) IO1NMB What is the name of (your/name's) business? IO1IND What kind of business or industry is this? Read if necessary: What do they make or do where (you/he/she) (work/works)? IO1MFG Ask if necessary: Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something ELSE? 1 2 3 4 Manufacturing Retail trade Wholesale trade Something else IO1OCC What kind of work (DO/DOES/DID) (name/you) do, that is, what (is/was) (your/his/her) occupation? For example: plumber, typist, farmer IO1DT1 What (are / were) (your/his/her) usual activities or duties at this job? For example: typing, keeping account books, filing, selling cars, operating printing press, laying brick. IO1DT2 What (are / were) (your/his/her) usual activities or duties at this job? For example: typing, keeping account books, filing, selling cars, operating printing press, laying brick. PDEMP1A (Do/Does) (name/you) usually have any paid employees? 1 2 Yes No NMEMP1A Excluding all owners, how many paid employees does (name's/your) business usually have? IO1WPA (Were/Was) (name/you) working for pay? 1 2 Yes No IO1NMBA What is the name of (your/name's) business? IO1INDA What kind of business or industry is this? Read if necessary: What do they make or do where (you/he/she) (work/works)? IO1MFGA Ask if neccessary: Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something ELSE? 1. 2. 3. 4. Manufacturing Retail trade Wholesale trade Something else IO1OCCA What kind of work (DO/DOES/DID) (name/you) do, that is, what (is/was) (your/his/her) occupation? For example: plumber, typist, farmer IO1DT1A What (are / were) (your/his/her) usual activities or duties at this job? For example: typing, keeping account books, filing, selling cars, operating printing press, laying brick. IO1DT2A What (are / were) (your/his/her) usual activities or duties at this job? For example: typing, keeping account books, filing, selling cars, operating printing press, laying brick. IOPRO1 Now I have a few questions about (your/his/her) second job. 1. Continue IO2INT (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK) at (name's/your) second job,(was/were) (name/you) employed by government, by a private company, a non-profit organization, or (was/were) (you/he/she) self (or working in the family business?) 1 2 3 4 5 Government Private-for-profit company Non-profit organization including tax exempt and charitable organizations Self-employed Working in the family business IO2GVT Would that be the federal, state, or local government? 1 2 3 Federal State Local (county, city, township) IO2INC (Is/Was) this business incorporated? 1 2 Yes No PDEMP2 (Do / Does) (name/you) usually have any paid employees? 1 2 Yes No NMEMP2 Excluding all owners, how many paid employees does (name's/your) business usually have? IO2WP (Was/Were) (name/you) working for pay? IO2NMP What is the name of the (company/non-profit organization) for which (name/you) work (at main job)/worked (at main job)/works (at main job) at (your/his/her) SECOND job? Do not read to respondent: Name of company, business, organization or other employer IO2NMG What is the name of the government agency for which (name/you) (work/works) at (your/his/her) SECOND job? IO2NMB What is the name of (your/name's) business? IO2IND What kind of business or industry is this? Read if necessary: What do they make or do where (name/you) (work/works)? IO2MFG Ask if necessary: Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something ELSE? 1 2 3 4 Manufacturing Retail trade Wholesale trade Something else IO2OCC What kind of work (DO/DOES/DID) (name/you) do, that is, what (is/was) (your/his/her) occupation? For example: plumber, typist, farmer IO2DT1 What (are / were) (your/his/her) usual activities or duties at this job? Do not read to respondent: For example: typing, keeping account books, filing, selling cars, operating printing press, laying brick. IO2DT2 What are (your/his/her) usual activities or duties at this job? For example: typing, keeping account books, filing, selling cars, operating printing press, laying brick. ERNP This month I have a few questions about earnings. 1 Continue ERNPR For (name's/your) (job/MAIN job), what is the easiest way for you to report (your/his/her) total earnings BEFORE taxes or other deductions: hourly, weekly, annually, or on some other basis? Read if necessary: We use this information to compare the amount that people earn in different types of jobs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hourly Weekly Bi-weekly Twice monthly Monthly Annually Other (specify) ERNPRS Enter verbatim response ERNUOT (Do / Does) (name/you) usually receive overtime pay, tips, or (commissions?/commissions at (your/his/her) MAIN job?) 1 2 Yes No ERNHRTD (EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions) what is (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN job)? Enter dollar amount ERNHRTC (EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions) what is (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN job)? Enter cents amount ERNHRED What is your best estimate of (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay? Enter dollar amount ERNHREC What is your best estimate of (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay? Enter cents amount ERNRG1 Do not ask the respondent Hourly earnings recorded as: (entry in ERNH1O) hourly. Is this entry correct? 1 2 Yes No ERNHCOD Do not ask the respondent Incorrect entry was recorded as: (entry in ERNH1O) hourly. Correct dollar entry is: $ ERNHCOC Do not ask the respondent Incorrect entry was recorded as: (entry in ERNH1O) hourly. Correct cents entry is: $ 00. ERNHR How many hours (do/does) (name/you) usually work per week at this rate? Enter number of hours ERNOTP (How/At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how) much (do/does) (you/he/she) usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? Do not read to respondent Enter periodicity 1 2 3 4 Per hour Per day Per week Per month 5 6 Per year Other ERNOTHD (How/At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how) much (do/does) (you/he/she) usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? Do not read to respondent: Enter dollar amount ERNOTHC (How/At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how) much (do/does) (you/he/she) usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? Do not read to respondent: Enter cents amount ERNOTAD (How/At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how) much (do/does) (you/he/she) usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? Do not read to respondent: Enter dollar amount ERNOTAC (How/At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how) much (do/does) (you/he/she) usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? Do not read to respondent: Enter cents amount ERNOTE What is your best estimate of how much (you/he/she) usually (earn/earns) WEEKLY, JUST in overtime pay, tips, or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? Enter dollar amount ERNRG2 Do not ask: Usual (weekly/hourly/monthly/annual) earnings in overtime pay, tips or commissions recorded as: (ERNOTO) Is this entry correct? 1 2 Yes No ERNOCOD Do not read to respondent: Incorrect entry was recorded as: (ERNOTO) Correct dollar entry is: $ ERNOCOC Do not read to respondent: Incorrect entry was recorded as: (ERNOTO) Correct cents entry is: $ ERNOCHD Do not read to respondent: Incorrect entry was recorded as: (ERNOTO) Correct entry is: $ ERNOCHC Do not read to respondent: Incorrect entry was recorded as: (ERNOTO) Correct cents entry is: $ ERNOH How many hours (do/does) (name/you) usually work per week at this rate? Enter number of hours ERNOHE What is your best estimate of the number of hours per week (you/he/she) usually (work/works) at this rate? Enter number of hours ERNVR1 I have estimated (your/his/her) usual WEEKLY earnings (as/for (your/his/her) main job as) (AMOUNT) before taxes or other deductions. Does that sound correct? 1 2 Yes No ERNVRA I have recorded: 1 (entry in ERNH1O) as (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay. 2 (Entry in ERNHRO) as the number of hours ( you/he/she)usually worked at this rate. 3 (Entry in ERNOTO) as the amount (you/he/she) usually earned (weekly/hourly/monthly/annual) in overtime pay, tips and commissions. 4 (Entry in ERNOHE) as the number of hours per week (you/he/she) usually works at this rate. Which piece or pieces of information do not seem to be correct? Enter all that apply, separate by commas. If all information is correct, enter (0) to continue 1 2 3 4 Hourly_rate Number of hours Overtime pay Hours per week ERNH1CD What is (name's/your) hourly rate of pay on this job, excluding overtime pay, tips or commissions? Enter dollar amount ERNH1CC What is (name's/your) hourly rate of pay on this job, excluding overtime pay, tips or commissions? Enter cents amount ERNHC How many hours (do/does) (name/you) usually work per week at the rate of (entry in ERNH1C/ERNH1O)? Enter hours (01-99) ERNOTCD How much (do/does) (name/you) usually earn (weekly/monthly/annually) just in overtime pay, tips or commissions? Enter dollar amount ERNOTCC How much (do/does) (name/you) usually earn (weekly/monthly/annually) just in overtime pay, tips or commissions? Enter cents amount ERNOHCD How much (do/does) (name/you) usually earn hourly just in overtime pay, tips or commissions? Enter dollar amount ERNOHCC How much (do/does) (name/you) usually earn hourly just in overtime pay, tips or commissions? Enter dollar amount ERNH2C How many hours (do/does) (name/you) usually work per week at the rate of (entry in ERNOHC/ERNOTO)? Enter hours (00-99) ERNWK1 Then, including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what are (name/you) usual WEEKLY earnings on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN), before taxes or other deductions? Correct Entry is: ERNVR3 I have estimated (your/his/her) total WEEKLY earnings (as/ for (your/his/her) main job, as (entry in ERNX2) WEEKLY before taxes or other deductions. Does that sound correct? 1 2 Yes No (Irreconcilable difference) ERNWK (Including overtime pay, tips and commissions,) What are (name's/your) usual weekly earnings on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN), before taxes or other deductions? Enter dollar amount ERNTMN (Including overtime pay, tips and commissions,) what are (name's/your) usual twice monthly earnings on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN), before taxes or other deductions? Enter dollar amount ERNMON (Including overtime pay, tips and commissions,) what are (name's/your) usual monthly earnings on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN), before taxes or other deductions? Enter dollar amount ERNANN (Including overtime pay, tips and commissions,) what are (name's/your) usual annual earnings on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN), before taxes or other deductions? Enter dollar amount ERNBWK (Including overtime pay, tips and commissions,) what are (name's/your) usual bi weekly earnings on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN), before taxes or other deductions? Enter dollar amount ERNDKP What is your best estimate of (your/his/her) usual (weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annual) earnings before taxes or other deductions? Enter dollar amount (Reported earnings are greater than $72,000) ERNRG3 Do not read to respondent (Weekly/Bi-weekly/Twice Monthly/Monthly/Annual) earnings recorded as: (ERNAMT) Is this entry correct? 1 2 Yes No ERNRGP Do not read to respondent Incorrect entry was recorded as: (ERNAMT) (weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annually) Correct entry is: ERNVR4 I have recorded (your/his/her) total earnings (for (your/his/her) (as/main job ) (ERNAMT) (weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annually) before taxes or other deductions. Is that correct? 1 2 Yes No ERNCOR (Including overtime pay, tips and commissions,), what are (your/his/her) usual (weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annual) earnings on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN), before taxes or other deductions? Enter dollar amount ERNRG4 Do not read to respondent (Weekly/Bi-weekly/Twice Monthly/Monthly/Annual) earnings recorded as: (ERNAMT) Is this entry correct? 1 2 Yes No ERNRP2 Do not read to respondent Incorrect entry was recorded as: (ERNAMT) weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annually Correct entry is: ERNWKP How many weeks a year (do/does) (name/you) get paid for? Number of weeks ERNRT (Even though you told me it is easier to report (your/his/her) earnings (you/he/she) PAID AT AN HOURLY RATE on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN)? 1 2 Yes No ERNH2D (EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions) what is (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN) job? Enter dollar amount ERNH2S (EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions) what is (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay on (this job/ (your/his/her) MAIN) job? Enter cents amount ERNRG5 Do not read to respondent Hourly earnings recorded as: ERNH2 hourly Is this entry correct? 1 2 Yes No ERNRP3D Do not read to respondent Incorrect entry was recorded as: ERNH2 hourly Correct dollar entry is: $ ERNRP3C Do not read to respondent Incorrect entry was recorded as: ERNH2 hourly Correct cents entry is: $ ERNLAB On this job, (are / is) (name/you) a member of a labor union or of an employee association similar to a union? 1 2 Yes No ERNCOV On this job, (are / is) (name/you) covered by a union or employee association contract? 1 2 Yes No NLFJH When did (name/you) last work at a job or business? 1 2 3 Within last 12 months More than 12 months ago Never worked NLFRET (Are / Is) (name/you) retired FROM A JOB OR BUSINESS? 1 2 Yes No NLFACT What best describes (name's/your) situation at this time? For example, (are / is) (you/he/she) disabled, ill, in school, taking care of house or family, or something ELSE? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Disabled Ill In school Taking care of house or family In retirement Something ELSE/other NLFSPC Enter verbatim response SCHENR (THE WEEK BEFORE LAST/LAST WEEK), (was/were) (you/he/she) enrolled in a high school, college, or university? Enter '1' if currently on holiday or seasonal vacation. Enter '2' for summer vacation. 1 2 Yes No SCHLVL Ask only if necessary: Would that be high school, college or university? 1 2 High school College or university SCHFT (Are / Is) (you/he/she) enrolled in school as a full time or part time student? 1 2 Full-time Part-time RIPFLG (We will recontact this household in 8 months / In the future we may need to recontact this household / We will recontact this household next month) to update this information. If we are unable to reach you and we talk to someone else instead, is it OK if we refer to some of the information you gave us? ♦ If needed: For example, we might say "Last month (name) was a teacher. Is (s/he) still a teacher?" 1 Yes 2 No PREDIS ?[F1] This month we want to learn about people who have physical, mental, or emotional conditions that cause serious difficulty with their daily activities. (blank/ Please answer for NAME./Please answer for all household members who are 15 years old or over./Since you have not previously answered these questions, please answer for yourself only./ Since NAME has not previously answered these questions, please answer for NAME only./Since household members who are 15 years of age and older were added to the household this month, and they have not previously answered these questions, please answer for those household members only.) 1 Continue DS1 (Are you/Is NAME/Is anyone/Are any of the new household members) deaf or (do you/does NAME/does anyone/do they) have serious difficulty hearing? ♦ Blank/Only include new household members who are 15 years of age and older. 1 Yes 2 No DS1W (Are you/Is NAME/Is anyone/Are any of the new household members) deaf or (do you/does NAME/does anyone/do they) have serious difficulty hearing? Who is that? ♦ Enter all that apply, separate with commas. ♦ Probe: Anyone else? DS2 (Are you/Is NAME/Is anyone/Are any of the new household members) blind or (do you/does NAME/does anyone/do they) have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses? ♦ Blank/Only include new household members who are 15 years of age and older. 1 Yes 2 No DS2W (Are you/Is NAME/Is anyone/Are any of the new household members) blind or (do you/does NAME/does anyone/do they) have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses? Who is that? ♦ Enter all that apply, separate with commas. ♦ Probe: Anyone else? DS3 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, (do you/does NAME/does anyone/do any of the new household members) have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? ♦ Blank/Only include new household members who are 15 years of age and older. 1 Yes 2 No DS3W Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, (do you/does NAME/does anyone/do any of the new household members) have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? Who is that? ♦ Enter all that apply, separate with commas. ♦ Probe: Anyone else? DS4 (Do you/Does NAME/Does anyone/Do any of the new household members) have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? ♦ Blank/Only include new household members who are 15 years of age and older. 1 Yes 2 No DS4W (Do you/Does NAME/Does anyone/Do any of the new household members) have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? Who is that? ♦ Enter all that apply, separate with commas. ♦ Probe: Anyone else? DS5 (Do you/Does NAME/Does anyone/Do any of the new household members) have difficulty dressing or bathing? ♦ Blank/Only include new household members who are 15 years of age and older. 1 Yes 2 No DS5W (Do you/Does NAME/Does anyone/Do any of the new household members) have difficulty dressing or bathing? Who is that? ♦ Enter all that apply, separate with commas. ♦ Probe: Anyone else? DS6 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, (do you/does NAME/does anyone/do any of the new household members) have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping? ♦ Blank/Only include new household members who are 15 years of age and older. 1 Yes 2 No DS6W Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, (do you/does NAME/does anyone/do any of the new household members) have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping? Who is that? ♦ Enter all that apply, separate with commas. ♦ Probe: Anyone else? NTVT In what country (was/were) (name/you) born? MNTVT In what country was (your/his/her) mother born? FNTVT In what country was (your/his/her) father born? CITIZN (Are / Is) (name/you) a CITIZEN of the United States? 1 2 Yes No, not a citizen CITYPA (were/was) (name/you) born a citizen of the United States? 1 2 Yes No CITYPB Did (name/you) become a citizen of the United States through naturalization? 1 2 Yes No INUSYR When did (name/you) come to live in the United States? Enter '2' if respondent reports the number of years ago instead of the actual year. Enter year INUSN Do not read to respondent Enter the number of years reported Enter '0' for mistake if no number reported S_FAMINC Which category represents (your/name of reference person/the total combined income) (total combined income during the past 12 months?/ of all members of your FAMILY during the past 12 months?/ of all members of (name of reference person) 's FAMILY during the past 12 months?) This includes money from jobs, net income from business, farm or rent, pensions, dividends, interest, social security payments and any other money income received (. / by members of (your/ name of reference person) FAMILY who are 15 years of age or older.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Less than $5,000 5,000 to 7,499 7,500 to 9,999 10,000 to 12,499 12,500 to 14,999 15,000 to 19,999 20,000 to 24,999 25,000 to 29,999 30,000 to 34,999 35,000 to 39,999 40,000 to 49,999 50,000 to 59,999 60,000 to 74,999 75,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 149,999 150,000 or more