Southeast Parcel ECP Report October 2011 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION OF PROPERTY REPORTFORTHEPROPOSEDSALE OF THE SOUTHEAST PARCEL FORT BLISS, TEXAS 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this Environmental Condition of Property (ECP) is to document the environmental condition of the Southeast Parcel, the Subject Property, slated to be sold on Fort Bliss, Texas. 2.0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The Subject Property consists of approximately 1,635 acres of mostly undeveloped land within the U.S. Anny Garrison of Fort Bliss, Texas (Figures 1 and 2). The site is north of Montana Avenue and southwest of Purple Heart Boulevard (Loop 375) and is bounded on the west by the El Paso International Airport. The new East Bliss El Paso Community College is slated for construction to the northwest, and the Desalinization Plant is located to the southwest. The property has been under military jurisdiction since 1939, and the majority of the area has been used for military training in maneuvers. A small FAA facility which is no longer used is located in the eastern portion of the parcel (Area B in Figure 2). This facility is on approximately 8.5 acres and consists of two fenced areas: one containing a structure with two small sheds and the other enclosing a cement slab. The FAA has agreed to remove the buildings and cement slab in 2012. No military ranges were ever constructed on or near the property. The entire site with the exception of Area B is characterized by mesquite stabilized, coppice dune habitat which is very common in this general area of the Chihuahuan Desert. 3.0 FINDING A visual site inspection took place on 8 August 2011. Household refuse has been illegally dumped along a few of the two track roads extending into the property from the west, but with the exception of the abandoned FAA facility, no potential hazards were observed. A review of records revealed that a Defense Environment Restoration Program Site, approximately 138 acres in size, was located along the powerline right-of-way (Area A on Figure 2). Remediation actions were undertaken in 2001 , and hazardous materials were removed. Per Anny Regulation 200-1, Area A is considered to be in Category 4: an area where release, disposal, and/or migration of hazardous substances have occurred, and all removal or remedial actions to protect human health and the environment have been taken. An inspection of the old FAA facility (Area B) in August 2011 revealed that asbestos containing materials (ACMs) may be present, so Area B is considered to be Category 7 for an area that has not been evaluated or that requires additional evaluation. The building and concrete slab will be removed by the FAA in 2012. The remainder of the Subject Property Area C, consisting of approximately 1,490 acres, does not have a history of contamination by hazardous chemicals or from other sources, and no significant cultural resources or natural resources are present. Per Anny Regulation 200-1 , Area C is considered to ~e Category 1 which is an area where no release of hazardous substances or petroleum products has occurred, including no migration of these substances from adjacent properties. 4. 0 SUMMARY OF DATA FOR THE PROPERTY The environmental data included in this ECP were obtained through personal interviews with Fort Bliss Environmental Division Program Managers and staff. The responses have been validated through records review, where applicable, and site reconnaissance. 02/22/2019 024064 October 201 I So111heast Parcel ECP Report FORT BLISS PARCELS ~~ C2J r .._, . __ , "::l: ... ,.,....h ,, ,j . " Figure I. Locntfon ofSouthe:ost Parcel (Subj ccl Property). SOUTHEAST BUSS PARCEL i .. ·~ ,. ll CJ •1-fflDl'll"'1'••~ _ - ....... ...\ .. MIO"l .. _......._ .. _. .___l_UIC..._._,_ 1~1()11 ~ l.ltlOIOll' to trlUUlllC - ==-::=:.:::=.~ _ f.lo:U.O~l1..•U'O.,._ --IOJP-10~- Figure 2. Site Map of Southeast Parcel (Subject Property). 2 02/22/2019 024065 Southeast Parcel ECP Report October 2011 4.1 Floodplains Per FEMA flood risk map Panel Numbers 4802120150B and 4802120175B, the Subject Property is not located within the 100-year floodplain. Flooding is, therefore, not considered a risk with this location. 4.2 Wetlands No wetlands or waters regulated under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, or falling under the purview of Executive Order 11990, lie within the Subject Property. 4.3 Threatened or Endangered Species No threatened or endangered species have been identified on the Subject Property, but the habitat in the area could support any of three Species of Concern: the Western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia), the Loggerhead shrike (Lanius /udovicianus), and the Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum). It may also support other bird species protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 4.4 Tree Management and Timber Sales The habitat in the project area consists of shrub stabilized, coppice dunes. The most common vegetation is boneybean mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) which, in the project area, is typically a woody plant with multiple smaller stems (no central trunk) protruding from dunes. No trees are present on the property, so tree management and timber sales are not of concern. 4.5 Cultural and Historical Resources The Overland Butterfield Trail, which currently appears to be a two-track road, crosses east to west across the Subject Property. The historic trail was evaluated in the Fort Bliss PreAcquisition Project and is considered eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion A: Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history. A 45 foot buffer must be maintained between ground disturbing activities and each side of the trail to ensure that the historic property is protected. No other significant cultural or historical resources have been identified on the Subject Property. However, buried archaeological remains may exist which if encountered would require special considerations during any site clearing or construction. 4.6 Installation Restoration Program One Defense Environment Restoration Program (DERA) Site is located within the Southeast Parcel (Appendix A). When the site was first discovered in 1983, approximately 138 acres along the powerline right of way bad been used repeatedly for illegal dumping of construction debris and other materials (Area A in Figure 2). Samples collected in 1995 revealed the presence of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs), and asbestos containing materials (ACMs). Remediation actions were undertaken in 2001, and hazardous materials were removed. Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) Remedy Standard A (pursuant to Title 30 Texas Administrative Code [TAC] Chapter 3 02/22/2019 024066 October 2011 Southeast Parcel ECP Report 350) Residential Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs) were achieved. The boundary of the installation in this area was also fenced to prevent more illegal dumping. 4.7 Waste Management No current or historic solid or hazardous waste management units are located within or directly adjacent to the subject property. However, scattered "illicit" dumping of household type waste has occurred at the southeast parcel by members of the general public. This material is not considered hazardous or toxic. No signs of liquid waste dumping or staining were noted on the property. This material would be removed by the acquiring entity and taken to an approved landfill as part of the area development. 4.8 Storage Tanks No heating oil tanks (HOTs) are currently, or were formerly, known to be located on the Subject or adjacent properties, and no aboveground (ASTs) and underground storage tanks (USTs) are presently, or were historically, known to be in the Subject Property. 4.9 Oil/Water Separators No oil/water separators (OWS) are currently, or were formerly, located on the Subject Property. 4.10 Water Wells There are no current or known historic water wells located within the Subject Property. One well (State Well Number 4914502) does lie along the property line to the east, just off of Montana Avenue. This well was drilled to a depth of 378 feet in 1933 when the area was part of the Sherman Hog Ranch. From 1936 to 1942, water levels averaged a.round 322 feet below surface. The site lies within a wellhead protection area. 4.11 Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) Asbestos containing materials (ACMs) were identified within the DERA site (Area A) and may be present in the abandoned FAA facility (Area B). In 1997 asbestos containing materials (ACMs) were confirmed at two illegal dump locations in Area A (Figure 2 and Appendix A), and remediation actions were undertaken in 2001. Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) Remedy Standard A (pursuant to Title 30 Texas Administrative Code [TAC] Chapter 350) Residential Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs) were achieved. The boundary of the Fort Bliss Military Reservation was then fenced to reduce access to the parcel and prevent further illegal dumping activities. In 2011, an assessment of the abandoned FAA facility (Area B) was undertaken to determine whether or not ACMs may be present (Appendix B). The floor within the structure and cement slab were covered in green floor tiles that are now crumbling off in places, revealing a black mastic layer underneath. Both the tiles and mastic are suspected of containing asbestos. ACMs may also be present in the roof, and the structure has a texture overspray on the interior and exterior of the walls which may contain asbestos. A small metal shed associated with the structure has the same overspray treatment. No samples were taken or submitted for analysis. The FAA has agreed to remove building and cement slab in 2012. According to 40 CFR, part 61, Subpart M, NESHAP (National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants), an asbestos 4 02/22/2019 024067 October 2011 Southeast Parcel ECP Report survey must be performed prior to any demolition or renovation activities. Samples should be taken from the materials mentioned above and submitted for testing, including a TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leachable Procedure), prior to demolition. If any of these materials are identified to contain asbestos, abatement should be undertaken by a licensed asbestos contractor with certified personnel trained to perform this type of work. 4.12 Lead Based Paint (LBP) No evidence suggests the presence or release of LBP within the Subject Property. 4.13 Air Emissions The Fort Bliss Military Installation is in attainment for all criteria air pollutants, so this is not a concern at the Subject Property. 4.14 Polychlorinated Bipbenyls (PCB) The FAA is conducting an Environmental Due Diligence Audit (EDDA) of the facility they leased in the eastern portion of the Subject Property (Area B in Figure 2). If it is determined that an accidental release of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) has occurred, the FAA will have the spill remediated by an EPA approved contractor. 4.15 Pesticides On the Fort Bliss Military Reservation, pesticides and herbicides must be applied by a Certified Pest Controller. There are no historic records, however, indicating whether or not chlorinated pesticides were used on the installation. The most common products used for pest control on Fort Bliss have included Diazinon, Dursban, Ficam, Tempo 2, Tempo 20, Safrotrin, Sevin, and Hyvar. Several of these products have been banned and are no longer stored or used on the installation. No pesticides or herbicides are known to have been recently used on the Subject Property. Within the past ten years, pesticides used throughout the installation have been considered to be low toxicity chemicals, and no release or non-routine usage of these chemicals has been reported. Pesticides are not expected to affect the ECP rating of the Subject Property. 4.16 Unexploded Ordnance Based upon the review of existing records and available information, this project is not known or suspected to contain any munitions or explosives of concern (MEC). The term MEC means military munitions that might pose unique explosives safety risks, including (a) unexploded ordnance (UXO), as defined in Title 10 of the United States Code, section lOl(e)(S); ( b) discarded military munitions (DMM), as defined in IO U.S.C. § 2710(e)(5); or munitions constituents (e.g., TNT, RDX), as defined in 10 U.S.C. § 2710(e)(3), present in concentrations high enough to pose an explosive hazard. The Subject Property is not in an area known to have been used as a firing range, but since the area is located on a military reservation, the presence of munitions and MECs cannot be totally excluded. 4.17 Medical/Biobazard Waste and Silver Recovery The Subject Property is not known to contain any medical/biohazard and/or silver recovery waste. 5 02/22/2019 024068 Southeast Parcel ECP Report October 2011 4.18 Radioactive Materials The Subject Property and adjacent properties are not known to have been used for the storage or disposal of radioactive materials. 4.19 Radon Radon levels on the Fort Bliss Military Reservation are negligible. No instances of radon exceeding 4 pCi/L have been recorded on the Fort Bliss Military Reservation which includes the Subject Property. 4.20 Mold and Fungus Since there are no structures on the property that have undergone human habitation, there are no lmown records of the presence of virulent mold pr fungus within the Subject Property. 4.21 Records Search A search of public records conducted in 2007 for a Residential Communities Initiative ECP that included the western portion of the subject property was reviewed. This report is available for review at the offices of the Fort Bliss NEPA Coordinator, 915-568-3908, IMWE-BLS-PWE; Bldg. 624; Pleasonton Avenue; Fort Bliss, Texas, 79916. A search of Fort Bliss Military Reservation records, and interviews with envirorunental program managers, was undertaken as well, which provided extensive information regarding the previous use of, and any subsequent envirorunental concern associated with, the Subject Property. No records were found during the course of the investigation that indicated a potential threat to the envirorunental condition of the Subject Property. 4.22 Visual Site Inspection (VSI) The Visual Site Inspection was conducted on 8 August 2011. With the exception of the possibility of ACMs at the abandoned FAA facility (Area B), no evidence of contamination, storage of toxic materials, or activity that would generate toxic or hazardous materials was observed. No samples have been analyzed to confirm the presence of asbestos in Area B, so it is not known whether or not this is a concern. 4.23 Interviews Interviews with installation personnel revealed the location of the DERA site (Area A) and abandoned FAA facility (Area B) which have been previously discussed. No other potential environmental concerns were discovered on or adjacent to the Subject Property. 4.24 Historic Maps and Aerial Photos Historic maps and aerial photographs were reviewed in order to detennine how the Subject Property had been used in the past. The Fort Bliss Military Reservation Boundary Map from 1959 was inspected, as were aerial photographs for 1985, 1996, 2002, and 2005. With the exception of the abandoned FAA facility, the property was unimproved desert with a few small, two-track roads used to provide access for occasional, military training maneuvers. The Overland Butterfield Trail was evident passing from east to west across the northern portion of the property edge in all of the sources. In summary, none of the maps inspected showed anything that would 6 02/22/2019 024069 Southeast Parcel ECP Report October 2011 indicate a significant environmental concern associated with the property other than that which may be present in Area B. 4.25 Other Environmental Conditions There are no other known environmental conditions within the Subject Property that would affect significantly the environmental condition of the property. 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION OF PROPERTY DOD guidance defines seven categories for describing the ECP, based on the extent of environmental contamination on the property and on the status of any associated restoration activities. These categories are defined with respect to CERCLA hazardous substances: • • • • • • • Category 1: Areas where no release or disposal of hazardous substances or petroleum products has occurred (including no migration of these substances from adjacent areas). Category 2: Areas where only release or disposal of petroleum pr<;>ducts has occurred. Category 3: Areas where release, disposal, and/or migration of hazardous substances has occurred, but at concentrations that do not require a removal or remedial response. Category 4: Areas where release, disposal, and/or migration of hazardous substances has occurred, and all removal or remedial actions to protect human health and the environment have been taken. Category 5: Areas where release, disposal, and/or migration of hazardous substances has occurred, and removal or remedial actions are underway, but all required remedial actions have not yet been taken. Category 6: Areas where release, disposal, and/or migration of hazardous substances have/has occurred, but where required actions have not yet been implemented. Category 7: Areas that are not evaluated or that require additional evaluation. Area A which contains the DERA site along the powerline right of way falls within Category 4: Area where release, disposal and/or migration of hazardous substances has occurred, and all removal and remedial actions to protect human health and the environment have been taken. Area B which encompasses the abandoned FAA facility is in Category 7 as an area that has not been evaluated and requires additional evaluation. Because no release or disposal of hazardous substances has occurred on the rest of the Subject Property, the ECP classifies Area C, the majority of the parcel, as Category 1: Areas where no release of hazardous substances or petroleum products has occurred, including no migration of these substances from adjacent properties. 6.0 LIMITATIONS No soil sampling was undertaken during the course of this study. The information obtained regarding the previous use of the Subject Property did not indicate that further laboratory analysis was required in the majority of the parcel although ACMs may be present in the abandoned FAA facility (Area B). Interviews of personnel outside the Environmental Division of the Department of Public Works at the Fort Bliss Military Reservation were not conducted because individuals could not be located who could give accounts of the historical uses of the area. The proposed location, however, was withdrawn by the government for military use more than 70 years ago and is not near any non-Army industrial entities. Therefore, these limitations are considered to be of little concern in the evaluation of the environmental condition of the Subject Property. 7 02/22/2019 024070 So111heasr Parcel ECP Reprm Ocwber 2011 7.0 PERSONS CONSULTED The following installation personnel contributed to this report: Specialist; DPW-E, Fort Bliss. Texas, 2011. A Manager; DPW-E, Fon Bliss, Texas, 201 1. anisUPest Control/ESA; DPW-E, Fon Bliss, Texas, 2011 . lution Prevention/Spills; DPW-E. Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. r Quality Manager; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas. 201 I. age Tanks; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 20 I l . d Waste; DPW-E, Fort Bliss. Texas, 201I. ir Program, Asbestos and Lead Management: DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 20 11. 1itecture Archivist; DPW-E, Fort Bliss. Texas. 2011. vironmemal Restoration Program Manager; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. al Resources-Archeology; DPW-E, Fort Bliss. Texas, 20 I I. Wildlife Biologist: DPW-E, Fon Bliss, Texas. 2011. ·cal Architect; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas. 20 11. 8.0 CONCURRENCE In my capacity as Branch Ch ief, Multimedia Branch, Environmental Division of the Directorate of Publ ic Works. I have determined that the Subject parcel of land identified above has undergone an Environmental Condition of Property Survey. and I agree with the findings of the study subject to the limitations as outlined above. Multimedia Branch, Environmental Division Directorate of Public Works APPROVED: DATE 8 02/2212019 024071 SouJheast Parcel ECP Report October 2011 Appendix A: Decision Document Detailing the Remediation Actions at the Rubble Dump SpWSite. 02/22/2019 024072 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, U. S. ARMY AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY CENTER AND FORT BUSS 1733 PLEASONTON ROAD FORT BUSS, TEXAS 79916~18 9 May 2001 ATZC-DOE (200) MEMORANDUM FOR: TO TIIE SITE CLOSURE FILE Defense Environmental Restoration Program Public Documents Section Mickelson Army Library SUBJECT: Decision Document Detailing the Remediation Actions at Four Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) Sites · I. REFERENCES a. b. c. d. e. Memorandum, DAIM-ED-R, 28 NOV 94, Subjoct: Interim Policy for Staffing Decision Documents (DDS) Paragraph 9-7.f.(3), AR 200.1, Enviromnental Protection and Enhancement, 23 Apr 90. Memorandum, SFIM-AEC·IRP, 8 Feb 95, Subject: Revised Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Management Plan. EPA!TX HSWA Permit, 1.D. No. 4213720101, July 1991, issued to USAADACENFB EPA/NM HSWA Pennit. 1.D. No. 4213720101, July 1995, issued to USAADACENFB 2. PURPOSE decision document memorandum describes the remediation actions undertaken by the United States Army Air Defense Artillery Center and Fort Bliss, at four DERP sites located on military property under the control of the USAADACENFB. Further, the memorandum lists the subsequent approval of those remediation actions given by either the State of Texas, through the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) or the State of New Mexico, through the New Mexico Environmental Department (NMED). 3 BACKGROUND a. After passage in l980 ofthe Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), Fort Bliss bad surveys made of property under its control, to establish if past practices by military operations had released hazardous waste or hazardous constituents into the environment. Private cootractors working for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and/or the Department of Defense accomplished these sur'Veys. These surveys tentatively identified 76 possible sites on Fort Bliss land, in both Texas and New Mexico, where hazardous constituents may have been released. These sites were designated as Solid Waste Management Units or SWMUs. b. Upon investigation by Fort Bliss, many ofthese sites were discovered as duplicates; different descriptions for the same site. In some cases, what at first appeared to be two sites, turned out to be one larger site. In a few cases, the possible site descriptions turned out to be incorrect and nothing was found when the ~ was investigated. c. In the end. of the 76 original suspect SWMU sites, 5 lactually turned out to be actual locations (See Tab A for the final list of 51 sites). Investigation of those remaining sites continued and as new potential release sites were discovered, they too were added to the Fort Bliss list and investigated, as funding became available. 02/22/2019 024073 c. In the end, of the 76 original suspect SWMU sites. Slactually turned out to be actual .. . locations (See Tab A for the final list of S1 sites). Investigation of those remaining sites · continued and as new potential release sites were discovered, they too were added to the Fort Bliss list and investigated, as funding became available. 4. INFORMATION ON INDIVIDUAL SITES This debuled information on each individual site is presented as enclosure (I to 4) to Tab B (Individual Site Closure lnfonnatlon). The closure information on each site is .presented in the following sequence: S. a. Site Name, SWMU Number (if it is a SWMU) and Fort Bliss (Fl'BL) Number b. Summary of Site Risk c. Purpose of Remedial Action (if required) d. Documentation of Investigation e. Documentation of Closure Decision by State Environmenlal Ageilcy. f. I*larltion Please direct any questions concerning this document and the information it contains to: Director. Directorate ofEnvirooment, ATIN: AlZC-DOE. MM. Bldg. 624, Taylor at Pleasoaton Road, Fort Bliss Texas 79916-6812. Auaclu:nents: Tab A: List of SWMU #s with ForJ Bliss (FI"BL) #s. Tab B: Individual Site Closure Information Enclosure # 1, Decision Doeument on SWMU # 16, FTBL-028 Enclosure # 2, Decision Document on SWMU # 6S, F1BL-036 Enclosure# 2: Decision Document on SWMU #none, FI'BL-070 Enclosure# 2: Decision Document on SWMU # none, FI'BL-072 Enclosure# 2: Decision Document oa SWMU #none, FTBL-081 Tab C: List of Sites hqWring Five-Year Reviews Cf. TRADOC IRP Section (Holsinger) w/ aaacbments Individual Site File w/ Cover Letter and Decision Document for that site 0212212019 024074 Enclosure 1 Decision Document on SWMU 16, FTBL-OZB 02/22/2019 024075 Memorandum for Record SUBJECT: Remedial Action Decision Document for FTBL-028 SITE NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION Rubble Dump Spill Siie Near Si1e Monitor. SWMU 16, FrBL - 028 FfBL-028 is a area of illegal dumping. roughly 200 feet either side ofa one mile section of El Paso Electric Company power line road. The discarded material was spread in many small piles lhroughou1 1be site. Jt is localed nonh and west of Moniana Street a major thoroughfan: that runs along side the east boundary of the milirary reservation. (Site photo attached). The illegal dwnpsiie covered about an 24 are and 1be date of the original dumping is unknown. SUMMARY OF SITE RISK Standard household, landscaping. and light construction waste and crash generated by unknown civilian personnel and contraclors were dumped across chis site. The site was designated as a SWMU due to tbe presence of asbestos containing roofing material and meas ofsoil contaminared with discarded petroleum products (used engine oil being suspecled). The media of concern at ttUs site were soil and groundwater. PURPOSE OF REMEDIAL ACTION The purpose of the remedial action at this site was first to prevent funher illegal dumping and second to remove all discarded material to the maximum extent possible. Site m:c:css was restricr.ed by the erection of 2.S miles of 4-scrand barbed wire fencing and the establishment of an eanhen berm 3 co 4 feet high behind the fence. In addition warning signs were placed evecy 200 Lf along the fence. Next all asbestos . cont.aioiog material Gl1d scained soil were coltcc:ted and disposed up In authorited landfills IAW current . fedeial and state regulations. Then the non-regulated lt8Sh and debris were picked up and deposited in · local civil landfills. Confinnatory soil samples were caken and tested as part of the Response Action Completion Report (RACR.) dw was sen\ to TNRCC requesting site closure. DOCUMENTATION OF INVESTIGATION FJ'BL-028. SWMU # 16, Rubble Dump Spill Site Near Site Monitor, Envitoamerual Science & Engjneeriag, Inc.. USACOE·l>allas, October 1983, lnsta!latjon AS?ssment of !1Je Headqµaners, US Anny - Air Oefepse Ccnlq and Fon BliM. Repon Np. 335. U.S. Army Environmenml Hygiece Agency, August 1987, Interim Fipal Bcpgrt - lfawdous WasteJ;yal!!81ioa orSolid Wasre Management Units at fl Bliss, A. T. Kearney, Inc., Chicago lL, USACOE·Dallas. March 1989, BCRA Facility Agemrrm. PRNSI Report. Ft Bliss. Texas. US Anny Environmental Hygiene Agency, September 1989. Boal Report Evaluation of Solid Waste Man&aemen\ YniLg. Eon Bliss. Iegas, Golder Associaies, Inc. USACOE·Houston. July 1997. final Reoon Pre!jmlnary Sire Investigations, Oolder Federal Services, Inc.• USACOE·fl Worth, July 1997, Preliminarv Site lnvesdga1jon Draft Repon . Golder Associates. Inc, USAOCE·foft Worth, September 1997, final &pon - CDraM Reyjew of Site Oiaracterizatjpn. Rubble Pump/Spill Si1e. Texas NalUral Rcsoun:e Conservation Commission. April 1998. Site Characleriza!joo. Rubbfe Dump/Spill Site. Final Repon . Texas Nwral Resomce Coaservation Commission, December 1998, Standanl Qperatjng Procedure for Disoosal of ReRUlalcd Asbesto& Conrainjng Material. Ciolder Associates. Inc. USACOE-Ft Worth, January 1999. Appendices - Sjte Characterization Rubbfe Dump/Spill Si1e. Golder Associates. Inc.. USACOE-Fl Worth. January 1999. EiJml Report - Sjte Characwj2!1ljon Rubble Dump/Spill Siie. Ft Bliss. Tegas. ENCON, Inc. El Paso, March September 1999, Pm.iect Background lnfonnation on Montana C!eanuo. ENCON, Inc, El Paso, Tcxas. July 1999. Contmer on Rubble Dump SWU Site, ENCON, lnc. El Paso, Texas, September 1999, Amendment pf SolicjJatjon/Modificalion of Con1ras1 for Rubble Pumo Spill Site, ENCON, Inc, El Paso, Texas. Sep1ember 1999, Staremenr or Work Rubble Dump Spill Site, Near She Monjror - FTBL-028, ENCON, Im:, El Paso, 02/22/2019 024076 Texas. September 1999. Stal@meol of Work Rubble Dump Spjl! Site Clean yp Con&ract. November 1999. Memorandum - EovironmeptaJ Evaluation of Erecting fence along Reseryatjon Bougdpry. December 1999, CategoricaJ Exclusion. Clean-up Rubble Sjte & Consmict fenceline Near Sjte Monjtor. ENCON lntemational, Cnc. El Paso. Texas. August 2000. EnyironmenraJ Seryjces Conqaq, Site Oosure Bepon Rubble Dump Sire. RFWescon, March 200l, Regionse Acrion Corng!etion Repon for Rubble Dump Sjte Near Sire Moni•or . DOCUMENTATION OF CLOSURE DECISION BY STATE ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY On 23 April 200I . the Texas Na!W'al Resoun:e Conservation Commission acknowledged receipt of che R.espoftse Action Completion Repon and promised a closure decision on or before l July 2001. DECLARATION I. n. The selected remedy (remowr oU haum:Jom material and all muh ONI debris) is protective of human health and lb environment. anains Federal and State requirements th8I are applicable or relevant and appropriate lO this site and ls cost effective. This remedy salisfies the swutmy prefetence for remedies that employ treatment that reduces toxicity, mobility or volume as a \Srinclpal element and utilizes pennanent solutions and altemative treatment technologies to the maximum exlenl practicable. Because dUs remedy will not result in lwardous substances remaining on-site above levels lhal allow for unlimited use and unresbicted uposure. che five.year review will not apply to this action. 2 02/22/2019 024077 , ' I I· THE REPRODUCTION OF THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS CANNOT BE IMPROVED DUE TO THE ·. CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL 02/22/2019 024078 .. ' ·~ ..· : . ·. -·... . .. :. ..... :· .:. . .. - - ·.. -... · '""':"" ,• . - : . ·: ·- . ~ -. -···· .·.:· _:--~· ··· .. :. . . .. . ._... -- . ·: . .. ;. .·.·. , ..·.:.'·. ·.. ':. .~· :,.·:-. -- 02/22/2019 .. · -: ./ .~ . . -· ... .·- ... . . ..-.·.t . .. .-~; --· .. .~· .. ·- . - ,.--~-~~.- .:.. . :··· ..... .:-· .. ·... · ~- ··~ . ..... ·- ~ ..~.. ··~.:. _._: .. -; . .. :- ; ·.. . -· . .·. .,._ r·: :., ;-. ·,, .·.. ··:, :.· ·; . · :~: .. : ·._• . . • -:: . ·. ::· :--- ... -~·· .- _·:._,·:' .·. ..:··...· ..._ . ' .......' :-.·.:. .. ·. ...,..·.. ·:' ' ·- . .. ... :··.. . · '. _··::::~1:>,:.:·:.~~\ ;·· ..:.J-.~\_.-.. - . -~ . "'· ·. ··-·. ·~ - =: ~ :~:.. . :...· -~ . . ..· :·. ·.-..r_ ·~ . . -···:.. . :..:. . . ~ . .. . . : i . ···~ .-.. ~-:-~. ~ .:. . . ..... 024079 . . . Ernh?..are] I.- ?an. .0 . ural . . . 3 1.- .. -.1 1 . ?Incl-hf. .0. fa.? li?hduu'u?whawwvmHour .. .--. .. nmw1.41Jan-7.1 .. I . . I J1)vup . . . . . .- ?ma?a. . .. . . [in \ .. . ll.v . [It'll]! 3.3 In . a I. owhomo owaBS ; .... ....... Robert J. HUJton. Chairman R. B. "Ralph'" Marquu, Commissioner Kathlttn Hartnett Whiw, Commissklner ( Maraartt Hoffman. ExecutW. Director TEXAS COMMlSSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Protrcting Tuas bg Reducing and l'rtllmthtg PolluliOfl November21. 2002 DERA Program Manager Directorate of Environment Headquarten. U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Cemer and Fort Bliss 1733 Pleasanton Road Fort Bliss. TeJuts 79916-6816 Re: Ft. Bliss TCEQ Solid Waste Registration No. 63003 TCEQ Hazardous Waste Permit No. HW-50296 EPA ID No. TX4213no101 Final Response Action Completion Repon for Rubble Dump Site (SWMU 16) Near Site Monitor, dated Mareh 2001 Ft. Bliss Response Lener to Request for Additional Infonnation. dated November l, 2002· . Approval of ~esponse Action Completion Report - No Further Action Required ·. .Texas Risk Reduction Program Remedy Standard A - Residential The (TCEQ) received your Remedial Action Completion Report (RACR) on April 12. 200 J, indicating that remediation activities have been completed in accordance with the TCEQ Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) Remedy Standard A -Residential pursuant to Title 30 Te1tas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 350. ·· In order to attain TRRP Remedy Standard A. all industrial solid waste and municipal hu.ardous waste and waste residues must be removed or decontaminated to health and ecological based standards and criteria. In order to be released from the requirement to file an institutional control in accordance wilh 30 TAC §350 Subchapter P, contaminants that remain in place in media of coocem (i.e., soil, ground water. surface water. air) must not exceed residential protective concentration levels (PCLs). The TCEQ has completed a review of the RACR. 1n addition, the TCEQ has also reviewed the Ft. Bliss letter of November l, 2002, received on November 8. 2002. which includes the laboratory data sheet for the Synthe a2s-1000; FAX csos> a21-oa92 July 10, 1997 Engineering Manager US Army, Corps of EnglneelS Attn: CESWF·ED·MR/Kasten P.O. Box 17300 Ft. Worth, TX 76102 Re= · Submittal of Copies FU\11 Report Preliminary Sile Investigations Fl Br1SS, Texas Enclosed you will find the copies of the Final Report Preliminary Site Investigations conducted at Ft Bliss, Texas. The lncflVidual sites in this Prellminaty Site Investigation include the followfng: 1. Solvent Spill Under Building No. 1116 2. Dry Cleaner Solvent UST Building No. 2019-UNICOR 3. Ruble Dump Stte 4. McGreggor Borrow Pit Drum Burial Sfte (NM) We appreciate the opportunity to work with the Ft. Worth Olsutct Environmental Group and the Directorate of Environment at Ft. Bliss Texas. If you have 8Irf additional questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to c:ontacl us. / GAW/de Enclosure cc: Golder Associates Inc. Ider Associates.Inc. Directorate of Environment· Fl Bliss Texas ) 0212212019 024086 \ FINAL 954-2025003 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIV"E SUMMARY .........·-··-·····-~··--························.........- ................... 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION ........................"......................................................................... I 3.0 SOLVENT SPaL UNDER BUILDING NO. 1116...........................- ................... J 3. I Desrription of Field AC't.ivities---····..•.....······-···-·-························-·························· l 3.2 Sample Analyses······················-·········-·............................... _•.••_._..•.....••._. ••••••••...•..•••••.••• 2 3.3 Analytical Results ·····-···········-·-········................................................................._•. _..__ 3 3.4 Summaey and Recommendations .....- .....·--··-······...··-·-···..···- ·······--··..·········-······ J 4.0 DRY CLEANER SOLVENT AND UST, BUILDING N0.1019, UNICOR ••••••• 12 4.1 Description of Faeld Ac:ti\rities••••- ................................_.....................- •••••..••.•••.•••.•••••• 12 4.2 Sample Analyses ...................................·-·········-·········-·········-····································· I J 4.3 An.alytical Results ................................................- .......................................................... 13 4.4 Summary and Recommendations .................................................................................. 13 5.0 RUBBLE DUMP SITE ............................................- ....................- ...............- .... 21 5.1 Description of Field Ac:tivities.••••-···-·-·-..·-····..··-·.......- .............._.........- ·-····· 21 5.2 Sample Analyses ·········-··..····-······ ···-··--·····----······--·········-······················-··-·-····· 22 S.J Analytica.J Results ............................................._........................................... ·········--·· 22 S.4' and Recommendations .................................................- ...•...•..••.•.•.•.••...•••...• ll 6.0 Mc:GREGOR BORROW PIT DRUM BURIAL SITE (NM) .............................. 36 6.l Description of Field Activities..............-·--·······-···- ···················-·····-························· 36 6.2Sample Analyses······································-·········-················-·········-························-··· 36 6.3 Analytical ResulU ···············································-··························-··-·························-·· 37 6.4 Summary an.d Recom.111e11dations ......................................................._ •.••••••••••••••••••:... 37 7.o REFERE.NCES ....................................................................................................... 44 J GOLDER ASSoctATES INC, FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN.ff\JSTON. INC. 02/22/2019 024087 FINAL S.O 21 954.2025003 RUBBLE DUMP SITE Description of Field Activities On November 4 and 10. 1995, samples were collected at the Rubble Dump Site as pan of a PSI in order to detennine the nature and extent of poc.ential contaminants of concern associated with the two repon.ed releases of petroleum/oil/lubricant (POL) and/or septic material, construction debris (specifically roof shingles). and to provide a preliminary assessment of any hazardous materials or contaminants present in the dumping area. The site is located along Power Line Road, southeast of Bigs Army Air Field, east of the El Paso Airport, and north of Montana Road. Two previous repons of release events at the site were documented in the USAEHA 1988 survey and during a July 1989 site survey (Ft. Bliss/WPl-3.8, 2126190). The two releases include: J) release of an unknown liquid which covered an estimated area of 50 feet by I00 feet, and 2) release of POL which covered an estunated one-mile stretch along both sides of Power Line Road. The documentation does not include specific information on where the spills were located along Power Line Road. S.J Prior to the detailed site survey of the dwnping area, aerial photos from two different sources were re\'iewed. The first aerial photos ofthe area were obtained from a group \\ithin Fort Bliss but did not re\'eal enough detail of the site to identify any release areas. In addition., a 1986 aerial photo comprised of approximately two-thirds to three-quarters of the area investigated, was obtained from the Cit}•of El Paso. Planning, Research and Development Department. The scale of this photo was better and four separate possible release areas west of Power Line Road were identified on lhc: aerial photo. Field activities were conducted in accordance with lhe Sampling and Analysis Plan (October J995) except for the following changes: I) only fifteen surface soil samples were collected~ 2) only thine.en different construction debris (roofing material, floor and ceiling tiles. etc) samples were collected~ and, 3) sampling locations equally spaced along Power Line Road as described in the Sampling and Anal)•sis Plan were not collected. A fewer number of samples were collected tlwt stated in the Sampling and Analysis Plan because field observations suggested that a smaller number of samples collected were adequate for a preliminary assessment of the site. The main area of the detailed site survey covered an area approximately 1.5 miles north-south along Power Line Road and J00 feet to the east and west of Power Line Road. In some cases. the distance to the west e>.1ended as far as 500 feet ftom Power Line Road. The areas surveyed at greater distances from the road were derennined by field observations or suspect areas on the l 986 aerial photo. N111ety percent of the unauthorized dumping appeared to be \\;dun 100 feet from the east and west edges of Power Line Road. The additional ten percent of the unauthoriz.ed dumping occurred at greater distances from Power Line Road as observed in the field and on the 1986 aerial photo. ) During November 2 through 4, 1995, the site survey was conducted in the following manner. Colored pin flags were utilized to mark the potential sample locations. The highest priority category was marked \\ith pink flags and included possible asbestos shingles, other construction debris which might contain asbestos, solvent cans. paint cans, and other debris which might contain regulated substances. The mcdiwn priority category was marked with orange Rags and it included other roofing materials, other constniction debris. and any other debris which may be of concern. GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN-HUSTON, INC. 02/22/2019 024088 FINAL 22 The lowest priority category was marked with green flags and it included other types of household iterris which may be of concern. A 100.foot grid was set up along Power Line Road so that estimated locations could be determined when marking sampling locations and other information on a map It is estimated from the detailed site survey that 80 percent of the material dumped along Power Line Road is construction and/or demolition debris. The remaining 20 percent consists of household trash, empty paint cans. empty solvent cans, broken glass, landscaping debris, plastic, furniture, wood and other miscellaneous household trash. Two ofthe four dark stained areas previously reponcd, were found in lhe detailed site survey of the area. Two additional dark areas on the J986 aerial photo were checked in the field to determine if a release was 1he potential cause ofthe discoloration detected on lhe photo. The field check confirmed this making a total of four different release areas observed and sampled in the field. Fifteen soil samples (RDS· l through RDS-11, and RDS-25 through RDS-28) were collected from black stained soil associated \\itb releases of POL or other unknown liquids, and from beneath burnt construction debris. Thirteen samples (RDS-12 through RDS-24) were collected from roofing shingles and other construction materials Sample type and locaaon details are presented in Table 6. All sampling locations are illustrated on the index map for approximalely two-thirds of the area of investigation for the Rubble Dump Site in Figure 3. The map only illustrates pan of the area of investigation because no samples were collected north of power pole #9. The index map iS broken down into four additional figures (Figures 4 through Figure 7) to illustrate more detail and sample location numbers. 5.2 Sample Anal)1ses All samples were submitted to an approved ACOE MRD laboratory for analyses. Soil samples RDS- I through RDS- I J and RDS·25 through RDS-23 were submitted for VOC analysis by EPA SW 846 Methods 503018260, SVOC analysis by EPA SW 846 Method 8270, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) by EPA Method 418.1 , and oil and grease by EPA Method 413 .2. Samples RDS-12 through RDS-24 were submitted for asbestos analysis by EPA Melhod 600/R-931116. A trip blank. sample RDS-29 was submitted for VOC analysis by EPA SW 846 Methods 5030/8260. A minimal level of data validation was perfonned on the data. included verification of requested deliverables and verification that holding times were met for e>.1rac:tion and analyses. No other validation. transcription or calculation checks were perfonned. 5.J Ana{> lical Resulls 1 The detectable concentrations ofall analytes are presented in Table 7. The organic and inorganic qualifiers are defined at the bottom of Table 7.. VOCs were detected in samples RDS-25 and RDS26. Naphthalene concentrations in these samples ranged from 5 to 7 µglkg. Methylene chloride was detected in the trip bta:nk sample CRDS-29) at 230{E) µglkg. It is possible that this compound is a lab contaminant and not acrually presenl in the sample. ) SVOCs were detected in samples RDS-S, RDS-6. RDS-7. RDS-10, RDS-It, and RDS-25 through RDS-28. Ranges of concentrations for detected SVOCs are as follows: ND to 2600 µg/kg bis(2eth)·lhexyl) phthalate; ND to 9900(E) µglkg naphlhalene~ ND to 7S000(E) µg/kg phenanthrene; ND to 16000(E) µglkg fluoranthene~ ND to 28000(E) IJSl'kg pyrene: ND to 8800(E) µglkg benzo[a]anlhracene: ND to 8700(E) µglkg chrysene; ND to J40(J) µglkg di-n-octyl phthalate: ND GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR DBS JVIBOHANNAN~USTON. INC. 02/22/2019 024089 FINAL 23 954-2025003 to 8400 µglkg ben1.0[b}fluoranthene: ND to 250 fl8/kg benzo[g.h~)pef)·lene~ ND to 2l000(E) µ.glkg 2-methylnaphtbalcne; ND to 5300 µglkg ac:enaphthene; ND to 8000(J) µg/kg Ouorene; ND to l3000(E) µg/kg anthracene; ND to ISOO(E) µglkg beuzo[k)fluorantbene~ ND to 7500{E) µg/kg berµo[a)pyrene; NO to 2000 µglkg indeno[ 1,2,3-al]pyrene~ ND to 1300 J.18/kg dibenz(a,h)anthracene; ND to 14000(J) µglkg acenaphthylene; and. ND to 1700 ~g butylbenzyl pbthalate. TPH and oil and grease were detected in samples RDS-1 through RDS-5, RDS-7. RDS-8, RDS10, RDS-I I and RDS-25 through RDS-28. The TPH c:onoentrations ranged from ND to 3700 mg/kg and the oil and grease concentrations ranged from ND to 7690 mg/kg. Asbestos was deteeted in samples RDS-19 and RDS-21 . The asbestos type detected in both samples was chrysotile and the percentqes deteded were 25% and 60%, respectively. S.4 Summ11rJ• and Recommendmions A summary of field observations and analytical results is as follows: • asbestos was identified in floor tiles but not roofing materials as originally expected; • the asbestos floor tiles were randomly scattered across the site; • all the roofing material appeared to be the same ~'Pe and the samples collected did not contain asbestos; • four POL releases '-''Crt observed on the west side of Power Line Road and sampled, • naphthalene was detected in two samples &om one POL release area; • a wide range ofSVOCs were detected in seven of the 15 samples from 1he POL release areas; • • • TPH and oil and grease were detecte.d in 13 samples from the POL release areas; it is possible that these POL release areas may be older lhan originally suspected, as suggested by the absenc:e of VOCs; and. soil samples were not analyzed for me(als, pesticides, herbiCldes and PCBs. Based upon the PSI results for this site, the limited data set suggests there are data gaps for metals. pesticides, herbicides and dioxins for the releases areas and 1here ma)" be adclitional release areas which have not been identified. The TNRCC does not set action level concentrations (i.e.·a specific concentration. that when exceeded, requires remedial action) for those VOCs, SVOCs. TPH. and oil and grease identified at the Rubble Dwnp site. For comparison purposes, the · identified compounds are related to "Medium Specific Concentrations for Health-Based Closure/Remediation'' identified in Chapter 335, Subchapter S (Risk Reduction Standards) of the Industrial Solid Waste and Municipal Hazardous Waste Code set by the TNRCC and to ..R.iskBased Concentrations" (Smith, 1995) established by the EPA. This comparison is made per the request of Ft Bliss, Direccowe ofEnvirorunent draft report review. As shown in Table 8. RDS10, a stained soil sample, is above EPA's residential land use standard forbenz.o[a)anthrac.ene, benz.o(b]fluoranthene. benz.o[a]pyrenc, and indcno[l ,2.3-<:d}pyrene but below the commetcialftndustnal land use standard. In addition, sample RDS-10 exceeds both residential and commercialfmdustrial land use swidards for dibem[a)l)anthraccne. · Other compounds which were detected in 1he soils but are below both residential and commerciaVindustrial land use standards for the TNRCC and/or EPA are: ) GOU>ER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN-HUSTON, fNC. 02/22/2019 024090 24 FINAL • • • • • • rndtno{J.2.J-cd]p)'rtne naphthalene bis(2-ethylheryl)ph1hala1e hcnzo[a]amhracene chrysene benzo{b}jluoranthene • • • • • 954-2025003 jluoranthene pyrene di-n-octyl phtha/ate benzo{lcjjlMoranthene benzo[a]pyrene • acenaphthene • jluorene • anthracene • butylbenzyl • dtbenz(a,h)anthracene The follo\\ing compounds are not hsted in the TNRCC's ''Mediwn Specific Concentrations for Health-Based Closure/Remediation" table or EPA·s "Risk-Based Concentration" table: • · phenanthrene • benzo[g,h,i]perylene • asbestos • • • • • 1-methylnaphthalene acenaphthylene various T/Cs TPH oil and grease This comparison w;th TNRCC's '·Medium Specific Concentrations for Health-Based Closure/Remediation" and EPA's "Risk-Based Conc.entrations" is not presented in lieu ofa risk assessment and does not make inference to how clean or contaminated the site is based on these values. It is strictly for comparison purposes only and should not be used or interpreted as a risk assessment. The recommendations listed belo\\ are in order of highest priority. Additional site im'CStigation activities can be stopped at any time if it is detennined thal the contaminants do not pose an environmental risk. The following activities are recommended at the Rubble Dump Site: I) perfonn a higher le\'d of data validation to verify analytical results; 2) remove the construction debris which contains asbestos and dispose of it according to regulations; 3) collect additional soil samples from the four known release areas and analyze them for meWs, PCBs, pesticides. dioxins, and herbicides: 4) obtain additional aerial photos prior to and after 1986, if possible, to identify additional suspect release areas and verify the additional suspect release areas in the field. if any; 5) if aerial photos are not available to assist with identifying possible release locations, then a detailed site survey may have to be extended to greater distances away &om Power line Road; 6) evaluate all construction debris at the site to determine if any additional asbestos containing construction debris is present. since the asbestos results for the floor tiles suggest that roofing material is not the main construction debris of concern for asbestos; 7) detennine a screening action level so that a risk assessment can be conducted in order to determine if any of the contaminants will pose a risk to human health or the environment; 8) collect additional samples, if required. to adequately define any newly identified release areas; and. 9) 1f the contamination for any release area is detennined to be a risk, then a remedial action plan can be prepared to adequately address the issues. t ) GOLDER ASSOC!ATES INC. FOR D8S JVIBOHANNAN.ffUSTON. INC. 02/22/2019 024091 \.....-TABLEG RUBBLE DUMP SrTE SAMPLE LOCATIONS DATE r"' '~t".n:n SAMPLE ID SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 1114/91i ADS.2 11/4195 AOS·3 1114/DS AOS.4 '114195 ADS·5 § 1114195 ADS-8 ~ 11/4/96 ROS-7 ~ 1114/95 RDS-8 Blac:.. stained sand with darlt gr11y crust on wrfaoo of eand, 0 to 8 lnohea b111 Orange e11nd below tile atll!ned sand at R dllf'lh nl about 1 fl bas 8111cll etAlned Hnd wllll bleo'>. oruat on surface of sand. 0 to 8 Inches bas Or11ngr aa11d below tha atainod s11nd 111 a depth of about 1 ft bas Black stained send with oily odor and darlt stained orav el Black stained sand and concrete whh crusty r891dua on eend Blee.. steined sand with olly odor and black on turfece; 0 to 2 Inches bas Svrfaoo 0.6 lnahos of sand was not stained. next 1.5 Inches of eand was steined blaok; 0.5 to 2.0 11/4/95 ROS-9 Sleet ally 11tained aand; 0.0 to 1.5 lnchea bg• 1114/95 I i; lll i i ADS·1 .......... ,_ APPROXIMATE SAMPLE tn!":~TION 220 feel N of pole 12 and 84 feet W of road 220 feel N l\I pnle 12 and 84 feet W nl ro11d 180 feel N of pale 12 and nbout 220 foef W of road 180 feel N of pole 12 and 11bou1 220 feot W of road 400 feet N of pole 12 and 1 to 2 feel W of road 525 loot N of pole 13 end 2 to 3 feet Wor road 180 feet N of polo /14 and 26 to 30 feat W of road .,., z COMMENTS Photo IA·8: PIO a > r 0.0 pprrw PIO c 0.0 ppnw: Photo IA· 7 • ov11rview of itlalned aron PIO o 0.0 ppmv: Photo IA· 8 PIO a 0.0 ppmv: Phot,, ltA·8 Photo #A·9: PIO ., 0 .0 pprrw Photo I A· 1O; PIO c 0.0 ppmv Photo IA· 11 ; PIO ., 0 .0 ppmv 185 to 190 feet N of pole 114 and 40 to 45 feat W of roed Photo IA· 12; PIO o 0.0 ppmv 300 feot N of pole 15 end 45 feet Wof road Photo IA-13; PIO "" 0 .0 pprnv v. G1eyi1h brown crull with block stained aand. 2 ft I I e~ a ~ ~ 11/4/95 RDS·10 11/4/95 RDS· 11 1 ll.t/!l5 RDS·l2 11 /II/fl!> RDS· l3 11/4195 RDS-14 1114195 RDS·15 1114/95 RDS·16 11/4/95 RDS·1 7 299 feat N or pole 15 and 40 feet by 3 fl area: crust WH very eolid and dllficuh 10 W or road h-nl. • O '" t'll; lnci.-. Burned yeUow etyrofoam or plasllo with bad odor: 555 feet N of pole /17 end 26 feet underlr!ng sand was stained gray to black; 0 to W of roed 1.5 ;..,.,.,.., hn• 860 feet N of pole 13 and 10 to Black ter paper end roar shl1'Q1os 15 feat W of road nn ,,, !J!i fMI N of pol11 14 and 8G BIAClt roof flhlnylft• to 70 feet W of road 270 feat N of pole 14 and 25 fott Red, 91een and blaok roof shlnglee W or road 455 feet N of pole 14 end 80 feet Bllldc end white roof atllngles W of road 455 to 480 foot N of pole 14 end Dork brown end black roof shingles 60 feat W of road 200 feet N of pole 15 end 50 feet Bleak. roof Shi1'Ql88 Wal road Photo IA·l4: PIO o O.Oppm Photo IA·l4; PIO• 0 .0 ppm Photo IA·15 Photo IA·16 Photo IA· I 7 Photo IA·18 IO Photo IA·19 I.I• A ~ Photo IA·20 g "' 02/22/2019 024092 \,,,... TABL£8 RUBBLE DUMP SITE SAMPLE LOCATIONS DATE G> 0 i I~ coLtecn:o SAMPlE ID 1114/96 ROS-18 11 / 4195 ROS-19 1114/95 RDS-20 11 /4/l)!i RDS.21 11/4/95 RDS·22 1114/96 ADS·23 1114195 ROS-24 (II ~ 11110195 RDS·26 i 11/10/95 RDS.26 ~ 11110195 RDS.27 I 11 / 10195 RDS·28 Cl I ~ ~ Cit ~ ~ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION APPROXIMATE SAMPlE I t"ll" ... TlnN 390 loot N of pole 15 and 40 leet Wor road Wlllte with rnullicolorad spot tloor tPos. eomo tUoe 485 feet N of polo 16 and 65 feet W of road heve black backlna 690 feet N of pole 15 and 25 feet Black roof shingles (Yltlble flbersl W of road 380 feet N ol polo '2 11nd 8 to 8 BIRck flonr tile ll!el E of road Wlllte well board or colRng tile lounct with other 197 loot N of polo P2 and 15 loet W of rood construction debris YeUoWJsh brown materiel with blad. beck, lound 196 feet Nol pole 12 and 15 leel with other tvn119 of con11truct1on dabrie W of rood 81acl!., unknown type of conscruc1lon material. 500 IHI N of pole 111 and 75 feet Wol roAd found in same oilo es broken tilos and 1hlnn!os 440 to 450 feet N of polo 13 and Bladt stmnsd 1&nd 40 foot W of road 450 to 460 foot N of pole 13 and Bladt stained RBnd 510 to !Jt5 feet W of rood 90 foet Nol polo 116 and 215 feet Bladt etoined 1elld Wof road 50 fo11t N of pole 116 and 290 foot Blacli stained sand W nf rft...4 Black roof shingles Mstble flborsl .,, z > COMMENTS r- Photo IA·21 Photo IA·22 Photo IA·23 Photo IA·24 Photo IA-25 Photo llA·26 Photo IA·27 Identified on 1988 aerial photograph from Citv of El Paso Plannlna Dept. Identified on 1988 eorfal photograph from City of l!f Paso "ennino Dept. ldenlllied on 1986 aerial photogtoiih from City of 8 Paso Plannlna Dept. Identified on 1986 aerial photograph from Cltv of El Paso Pl•nninn "'A -• N °' Noles: road a Power line Road pole # 1 .. Power Pol& 1 1 N "' North W a West Ea East ~ 41> ~ su. e 02/22/2019 024093 FINAL 27 954-2025003 111 ...,,.., pcle ·• '' II = Din"-1 II IIII - - - Eclglda~ u~ - Figure 7 ® IIII II Ill Powtr po!e 18 II °llII l:,. \00j;;z50:=;e=i2DOS;i;;;;;;;;;400;; a ........... .1 '-"= Qfolb'-.Oof&.•"""'"-.-~, _....,, ·~'WA.Miii\. um. ...... II -·-.....~~ '°"°' pole 11 II II II II II .-· .................-111·~......................... ~ •••' F1gure6 ,_. ......... •• .....•1..... ....... •••• 11 Po-111 pole If H1 Gu 0 :1 ..-:... n ou ...•••• c.... ( -"-.. ...l ,..,. '' ll "°""" polo • 5 Hr ....~ n 11 .•., ••••# ..............{.~· ., e Flgvte 5 / ~ ~ , .......... n ... ,.· • H 1•,..•• f'.. . . c;t( \ ~t.,.. ~· "u GrOll ••.. j "'......( llP r:.,,.111 pole r1. •.._. '-.. •" ~ •• ci' ·~I' ··.. / ~:'41,, . . .... . •..,·r---'·-·•--...... ) ..... II ·~ ...,,,.•.· l! llP '" \ • - II •...f. ·. •. • : • .. : ~ ~ .·· •".······-.•·.. .. • ·~ •.. • Flgure4 - Powal pole 13 II II II II a~ ..........---· ; II A II ~,~ ........ ,I', Powet pose 12 ,.11 ~llltl e u • II \ :: : fl : ••• l f • ........ ----- : • : i II _. Powr. :: •••• • pOlttl .......~ ..... .....,:c:"-- ,~;:;;:; •........:»..l~!----- J......-·;::.:----- -•\ -~ ~ ) Figure 3. Index map for area of Investigation at the Rubble Dump Site. Fort Bliss, Texas. GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR DBS JVIBOHANNAN.fCUSTON, INC. 02/22/2019 024094 FINAL 28 0 \\ II // t 11 11 11 11 11 11 Sample location • ~ 954-2025003 @= I/ Area ol s1ained soil Major paved road Din road ~ Rossr.i I_ I \ ~ BRDSl1 Edge ol dirt shoulder 11 11 \\ " [] Building I/ f 11 8~0522.23 11 11 11 ~ Power pole #2 Power pole ~=-....;:~::-... ""'~~ ~=:: : :-:-. . ~--"'~ /.~ . . . . . ~";/ ~.::::====~:;..-- -...;:~~'---- l/11 1 "' - -~< 11 ~I SCALE: i inch :. 200 feet 100 0 200 40011 11 RDS240 11 11 11 Soun:r. City ol El Pase. Otpl OI Planl\lng. Resca•CI:. 1'10 Otv~l:>pmcni. 1986. Sh. io No. 8 Mo:SMtO by. v.Al'o~••:>l'ly by A. K1on. 12/819~ ~ ~ 11 // ff JI 1'~ II II \\ // 11 ~l II \\ \\ \\ II II ~ 1 1.1'~~ .,..,..::;. ~ ( -- - - =!.' :=: :::::.-- __-- --- ~ ::::-- ------ -- II Power pole #1 / 11 / II ti \\ \\ ) Power pole #3 ::::. ::::: --- ,_ --- - - - " - ---- :=::::::::::::::" ::::::::::-- ----- - I ~";/ -. -::::======::;-----~---- r·::::::r;;;..-" "' :.- -~ 1 11 -- -- -- --- ---·~--- ~ ~~- Figure 4. Estimated sampling lo cations between power poles #1 through #3 for the Rubble Dump Site, Fort Bliss, Texas. GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR OBS JV/BOHANNAN-HUSTON. INC. 02/22/2019 024095 f(NAL 954-2025003 29 ,r Ii~:::~ ~ RDS 18 q"'::::::::~ ROSI. 10 11 0• 11 /1 ""':::::::::: ~-~ .., :::::~~ ~NI ROS 17(!)....,.I ----------- 11 -=== 0 Sample location 11 I 1l Edge of dirt shoulder II Power'pole / ~ ~ II'' II ~, \\ }' , ~ h// \ \ ~ Power pole #4 RDS 12 I A aw 848 libtllOll eJeo COllllllUIOI TIC•: Ut*nD-TIC OA IW 1148 - - 82JO Camd!uant """"..' BIJI I "'*"°--* MCllt.,t e., ......,,......_.,_""" IO~TIC1 llDS.2 I z f) ... AOS.1 FIDS• 0 ::ID Cl = I ADH 111'185 11/•l'.IS .,,.,.~ orq••- No1Dtl•Cle4 ..... flCe: C.c101tu1111...... •C1-m bltcfllle!Nd - ........ _., ....... "'''" -- 421.11 lllJJ IOOIJI I ~ 11/0lll'l ~ ....,.., ~ ~I Cyctelmr... , -ll'ref-llbon tic. 5-TIC• bltl2·IllNll"'-•~ta No10t11ectef c.--t111ow-~ 0 "'6ft0Wn hydro. ....., TIC• D\1Mfto-TIC1 Tito: I Ut*no-TIC ,,,..,_,.,_ HIPhl~ lllJ> ...,._ """""'"""" a..tet1i-1oac- "1142.(""°"'..,., flcha!••• CfWIM-Cl.,4 plllllllm ~ .....,."""'.,,._ -·..Ju--•-Owl TIC1: CydopenteallO•-. C,dolou_o....._ c!Moc-'>.t ew-.1 llo"'"aftr.....l~NIleomeo el C7HSHS I IJNN- .....,,......... 11C I IJNN- orgllllo ea.I TIC I, """"°-TIC1 02/22/2019 1'PH c-u- '100 2'20 llalAN! •0.2 29. 1 Nol-•nd "'" 1Ptf ''·' :r•.• Nol llOOUNI oa-•- 27.G Jl.6 Hot"Nlrrod OA_,,,,tl'on• l~OOUNI ""• ,.,._,,ad 1SOIJI llOIJI 10 UOOCJI nouNI TPll 140UNI I .OUI lo 'HOUI 210Ul 10 I 700UI HO Oii-..... Ttc:.: "'"' ADS-U ev-..,,,...... c,.............,.-... lo•-, Oil-··- r- ~ 170UNI 180!.ll 1001JI 10 8o&OIJI 2 I OIJt 10 2JOOIJI 11Co: TlCat Pw°"""' ttwd!OCOllloee .....n... ,,,.., Conni!- Oolwii•- "'*-"""-'°"TIC I U.W.0-lte 200!.ll 1100!.INt 150UI to '19001.11 I SOIJI to JOOOIJI m.: Ct.......lnllt•-. fOCOIMl!WI 1~ ....... .._TIC 'VNllO_,,,,,,........ TIOI SUN,.-nc1 TICt: Cydopent.,...•- focomellt,1 dlDcfecMleltwl 1 8U....0-11Ce C1Nt•etllo•.,.• •ClatMlh TOUI CUdal TICt: 8 Ul*-919..U 1dd TICt ....,_. _Y.._..Olpnl•~ z > 2BOIJNI t •OIJI 10 4800IJI 140UI 10 HOOi.ii a11n 1'01Jt "'" oe""'""* ~ w 81 .1 '8.0 Nol""""''" <1!1 .2 <:Ho .... I ANIJ!ed '11JI •10 70IJ> 1900 130IJI l40UI '20IJ• 1IOUI OOIJNI 290!.IHI 2llOUNI ''°"' 2IOIJI I 70tJI '90IJI I 70CJ> 10 1800IJI v. A :~ tt. e 024099 \..... TABLET RUBBLE DUMP SITE ANALVTICAL RSSULTS ...,..,ID .,,.,_ Doto ~ ~.., O..Ctfi>llon RDS-7 1114195 Yoldle OIQll'lo eo.._,,.,. IPll llW 848 11111\l>od 8281> eommu...i ADS-8 I 1114185 ,..., Not Oeloettd btlu11.- Hal Oe1tC1od l:lloct 11.......i ,......., ODIMIOIHH o,....,c C-nifa 11'11 8W 840 ,,,..,.,., 8270 TasJIPetrd.....,H~ _,.&ldtyl 1..-.A&I Comd\11Canttl1Ut"1 bltlM1i.,u.e.rtl lllnhalttt UIJI 578 o~anc1919TIC.: TPH CVdoPtftlHllo•ene, "-!~I 310IJNI 170IJNI '·~·- cto.lccomt11..1 180tJI 10 200Ul 2 Unli"""" tr;tleclcd ... Ntp~ 2-Mothy!MpllU..... ~ --- ~- ..,._ ~ j ~ IUIZ.f°"°'°ttD Jmll&lllO ar,.llc>trofl>I"""~ -··'°"'- lltJaol)llllor-• - l lt0n>era ol "'Olhrfl'IOpy!HN,,_ • - flolNflol~!lhl- ot dlnwlht!Pllenlnllveno 1110..... ol 11lmc1hyllomlcno 2 bomat of C10K14 I loomffolCIZH10 1Unt,..wno1Cl\Hl2 111o...... or CIOHl4 2u.......... o1c11Hr2 I Urdno...,P~TIC I um-TIC 02/22/2019 "'" 5JOIJNI UIOIJI to )400IJI Od endgteuo 9800lEI 21000111 Tl'H 5100 21100 7SOOOIEl teooolll 28000Cfl 8800111 JCIOUI 8100ltl 840011) lSOO leOOIU 2000 1100 .........i -....... lrlle.,ol1,2,:loedl1>rrone O-te.lll11..1w..8'wo!9.l\.llper,trn:e: llomet Ol tlllwldlrr>o1hyllW"'l•omao ol tfhvll\Opldlltlono I IOOIJNI r- f11.I '"" c:-,--·-·~'"'' 4 Ul>lno...,TICS 1105·8 Com1h11ftlt Nol_,.• .., "° '""" 1: ..,, 11.-1.. ·~ zsoo 88001J1 :nOOIJI 28001JI 10 JllOOUI 3300l.lf IO 4300IJI BSOOIJI ~ 2SOOIJI to l:IOOIJI 3900tn lo 4CIOOIJI •IOOUI 00001.11 2BOOIJI A ~ 0 s 2SOOIJl 10 2900UI 3500IJI J100CJ1 024100 'TABLET RUBBLE DUMP SITE l'NALYTICAL RESUI.TS 0• ......,_ID N>.cnbtt lll)S·lt a.....- .........., Del• 1114/95 DtK1tpllon ,......ft, fie.· ...,, 10 blact ......... .- 1WI ~'""'° ""°''"° Plltnlfllhrllftlh•- ... ll(;e: I '· r-n ,1-pro,..,,..U\'ll.i.-4> - r.amOfofC8H8 S UMnown ~atllon llC1 i a 52 p i i RDS-U llH/95 lll>S-13 11/4/H 11/4185 1114185 111'/DS 111'19\ flDS." RDS•IS 111>5·18 AOS· l7 Al>S·18 ROS-'9 RDS.:IO 1105·21 RDS-'2 I llOS•Z3 IU>S•Z4 llM-lS -- · ........................ ....._. -.......... _,.. 1114195 ........... "'"'' lloof tiln ,.....__ I 114'95 l lltltli -llool tJJu 1114/H ·-~ 11/ett!I 1114/85 '1110/95 bl• 1111Ncf ....1 ..,.,,,,_ ~ : N'l~ ·7n I 11110/H ...., ...i,,... 11111d l ~ llmftown TICI No1An..... od Nol AA""-ed Nol AlltWlod Nol Alultrlod Hot An.hied No•An-•d NolA"" ltd Nol.AM , ~led 111! Hol&MO led NCJt 4'NlylM ""'"""' ..............., .......... "°' """"''"' No1Anllh.1ed NotA-'-red 1 °'*""""'TIC - _1____ llia!M.,,,._rll TPH COMllNl>ll 1161 Not Aftalrlttftlailo•- deca""'l!IYI :UOIJlll ,"" l8U.W.0•"1l1C• &~lphll\olalo Z90IJI IO 7100DIJI 171)() Oilend9•TPH 710 '!"""'-~----·-· !!:!L-. bh!Mchrlhoorll phl1111Joto TICe: 10JO lO.lO Nol An1IW1ed Not ............ Not_.., No1--1..t Nol ........ff Not,....,.,.., Not ..,._,,.., Notl'nllYfcd IOd OQendf'•- NotA,..,...od NotllNIYted NotAllllned Nol ......... Not .........., Not/A" . . ." lod Nor'"- red TOlel P~ Hydrooalbort• COMUlutrrl -"'•(ClOOOUI IO 1700000lJI No'l.OA ......., ...""'""" ,,._ '"' lit•· Crdo1ou.-·-· oct"""" uooa1n 5400UI 8000IJI llGOOIJI lleOOIJI No1Mlf"1ed Not . .-ee !!~ on-or.... l""llral Co>mltltllll -qil>l~ G,doTetrn••.... Oc1~1h 'Tl °'"'"° Sen..ValllU. ~ IPA GW 848 Mot""d 8170 VGllllle O""'* ~IPA aw 848 Mtt1'od a200 C-llWtrrl 7880 Ctvnot;!o Not Oetoctld a Cht•ool~O BO ~' A Not OelOC1td Not Detactod No1Dolocted Nol ANl\>HO JJDO 190 715 . .... .....,., ..., OCl-h TICo: 121JI SUI to 7JU 121h*ftOwnTlCS blalH1,,...,_..o .,,.,,,_o TICt: Cydoltlletllou,,_, Kl ....Olh IOI.II TICt: Cydopmthllo•-· dt-Cl-lhyl C'ldoho<..,.o\lno, dodecamflhyl 11Unt-TICI TIC•: lllt!Z-111>\ phi1Mlt10 Cyclo1tt1H11o•-. oc1...,t1h 2.JIJI ne.. lllJlto 11 l IR'tNfm odd -""1 Hin 2 TICt 8 11,..nown TICt Nol A~,_cd Mtt......._CHorlcro Z.JOl£1 l ROS-21 ~ 11110l9'5 bit•~ ••all!Od """ ROS·28 fll>5·211 ·-_ 11110/H blat• llllned 11/IDISS ..... ""'"°wn T1Ce lln'"°w" °"- OD-s•-o TPH 70.9 8',7 No& AN!fled 49 7 •2.7 Nol ANl\>lod 3.lDlJNI ~80UNI 1SOI.II ro UOOIJI llOIJI o;i -g• TPH ~ Vo A • 400UI 18DIJI 10 18DDUI Not&A_,.., Nol &A-td g 0111Nlo1t: IJI1...,iellee ""'"''"prnumpbn ...........telo.i.sonce · - ol o compound. ttH f'"9 • utld orlr loo TIC•. INI IEI ,. onod to lfeftllnr co"'llOIU'd• .....,_co-·- «cecd '"" r TABLES RUBBLE DUMP SITE COMPARISON. WITH TNRCC ANO EPA STANDARDS I I~ Sample ID Number RDS-10 0 ~ ~ I sample Description black stained sand Contaminant Constituent benzo[a}anthracene benzo(b)fluoranthene benzo[a)pyrene lndenof1.2.3-cdJpyrene dlbenzra,h1anthracene mg/kg 8.80E+OO 8.40E+OD 7.SDE+OO 2.00E+DO 1.30E+OD SAi-Res~ SAl·lnd1 RSOIL£ CSOIL mgfkg nr nr nr nr nr mg/kg mgfkg 8.80E·01 8.80E-01 8.80E-o2 8.SOE-01 8.80E·02 mg/kg 7.80E+OO 7.80E+OO 7.80E·01 7.80E+OO 7.80E-01 nr nr nr nr nr 0 w v. Lo ~ ¥ - soil/air and Ingestion standard for residenlfal use (TNRCC) § • solValr and Ingestion standard for industrial use (TNRCC) £ - resldenllal sou (EPA) a - commerclaVlnduslrial soil (EPA) nr • not repor1ed I Ij ~ 1\0 "",,,.~ s s"" 0 02/22/2019 024102 ~ · # ·~ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, U. S. ARMY GARRISON COMMAND 2 SHERIDAN ROAD FORT BUSS, TEXAS 7fftHl11 J July2002 Directorate ofEnvironment MEMORANDUM FOR: - DSMOA Program Manager Corrective Action Section. Attn: MC-127 Ttxas Natural Resource Conservation Commission P.O. Box 13087 Austin. Texas 78711-3087 Transmittal of Publisher's Affidavit and Copy of Public Notice Ad SUBJECT: 1. 2. 3. Jn accordance with TNRCC letter dated April 22. 2002, RE: Ft. Bliss, TNRCC Solid Waste Registration No. 63003, TNRCC Hmnfous Waste Pennit No. HW-50296, EPA ID No. TX 42137~0101, Fonner Dry Cleaning Facility (Report), Solid Waste Management Unit No. 6S, Review ofFt. Bliss response of October 19, 2001, to 1NRCC letter dated September 19, 2001, and FL Bliss letter dated April S 2002, addressing Post-Closure Care for the Former Dry Cleaner, Public Notice Required and the verbal agreement reached between Mr. Allan Posnick, TNRCC and David Dodge, Directorate ofEnvironment, Ft Bliss on 10 May 2002, in Austin Texas, Fort Bliss has caused a Public Notice ad to run in the El Paso Times Sunday newspaper. That Public Notice ad informed the local population of the corrective measures which have been taken at four (4) solid waste Golts located on Fort Bliss's property in Texas. Those units are as follows: a. SWMU-016 Rubble Dump Sile . b. SWMU-065 Former Dry Cleaning Facility c. SWMU-070 Trans Mountain Buried Drum Site d. SWMU-072 OB/OD Pit B· I The publisher's Affidavit and Notice of Proposed Corrective Measures Ad are enclosed for man7eme cords. gmeering & Environment. Inc. Installation Restoration Program Project Manager C f: 0212212019 File: SWMU-016 Rubble Dump Site w/encl. SWMU-06S Fonner Dry Cleaning Facility w/encl. SWMU-070 Trans Mountain Buried Drum Site w/encl. SWMU-072 OB/OD Pit B-1 w/encl. 024103 ~ i JUM-12-02 Ww 12:2a PJ1 EL PASO Tlt'iES Cl.llSSlF!ED David .Dodge, REM FAX NO. 915 548 6406 915-588-2737 P. Ol/Ol p.2 PUBlJSll~S AFFIDAVll" COUNTY Of£l..-,B.a.r:o.Oel'orc me this dtrf personally rppcucd of&lu:_El PARO fil!IOG .--6• ne\VSp:ip1.'I' \\ilic:h is n:i,1Ubr1y published OJ r:in:ulatcd in Jil_ P£l,..s.-.o___ Covnry, T~X11C. who being by "''duly swom 1'har lhe fon:soina notkx: was published in SDid Subs~nw and S\VOn\ to before mo 1hls tbc /fJ.. .J.ay or_~?'Lt , 2~ . .... 02/22/2019 024104 t-ogc t.l l:'aso Tunes, Sundny,J un c I ~·IJ ~. ~UU:! 02/22/2019 The 1Jn1ied Smu Anny Air Defense Anillery Crntcr oruJ Fort llim. loxa1ed 01 Fon llli,s.Tc•01. hos hereby given nottcc 10 tl1c Tc••s Notut•I Rc•ourcr Conmvo1ion (TNRCCJ of the propuml fm:tl cuncr Tickets, Juno 3rd. SWA R/T Ticket> Fly Any· time, Sl75. Coll 329·6098 ------ Meeling ffcli:es · rrolc•nity Lodgo~ #!111. JOI w Minouri SI. will Itold o culled T mealing uc~doy Juno 4 on 6 :JO?m. lhoro will bo o 11 (;~,r:~ d . ragnln1cd .. 9" WED HAPPY90TH BIRTHDAY MAMO • Lovo from · Your family. t 0 \} V'': pr~~:~~~~~;E:~:'.i~i~;;;::::==~=~~======~J 1'2: I::1 coll 252··16~9urea. 1 lco>c LOST bloc~ & white n,ololI C hihuahua. Rod collorj and too>- 505·S09· 1I JO L?v~r...?~a,;·J P.~~~'7c1.oc::i1 501-1JJ8or74 1-2254. I 024105 LOST Fo1nulo Calico cot, Eo,lwood arco, Ploo~a­ Coll onytimo 590-2986 LOST Germon Shorl·hoiri pointor, Mugnotic & Mon· do ros ' fcmolo. 6 m o ... old, REWllRO. 751-0736 log on lo efFc\o1imo' com l~,Yd~ _U,~g .Cr'"":r.of R~sllcr & a ·~ ~; I Truck Driver Training Classes in . ' ·PASO, TEXA S SURPLUS PROPERTY·SALES" (ITEM9 GOLD A:I IS! · Tho Housing Aulhorlty ol lho clfy of El Pnso, . , ~ . Toxa ~ will comlucl vurplus Prope rty Sales o l surplus malcrial and equlpmonl nl 10:00 a .rn. This Surplus Proporty will be sold on every Thitd Friday during tho monlhs o r·January lhru Juno 2002 a l vnilous locations In E l Paso, Toxas. Plcaso conlacl Mr Leo Slfuontcs. Dlslnbullon 849·3708 o r C on1or SIores M·~nngor a 1 191 r.)· ~ (!J15) 049·370!J fo r lnforrnolton rogardh1[) surplus material nnd oqulpmonl b()lng sold onrf lho localio11 wltoro such llums mny bo • inspoclor1. "111 lO rcrc1ho.1• . . ,ri I I1' III 10.()II. 111 on • V\I n S 011 IOCt 1,·1·1r J Uni1od 01 111 Ilea o f Comploinl for For · foituro and Arro>I of Pro Stoles with Iha El o ff«:11der. Cvuoncy harninollor , 0 • ndcnl Propnriy·, for viofo· survt! on u n .. wcr '""1lhio PAGE: HopP.Y Birthdoyl Nilly Nilly look who i • lurning 60! fili119 of lhn claim, 0$ pro Ii ti0<1s ol nllc 21 U,,ircd vrdod by Tillo 20 U.S C Slo l os Coda (u.S.C.I. Rula Cf6) of lho Supplo OO l(oJ(6) mental Rulu> for Corloiu 2. l'\o Ortlnr fin\ boon AJ1!•irolty by tho Unirod Slolos Dislrict Cour1 lhot 0 Worronl for Arro>I be i»ucd os proyod fur !Ji cnlornJ Politionct Umlcd Stale!. nnJ . Muril1mc Cloun~, Fo,f R.Ctv r. and lillo 18 U. S.C. 903 (ol('-llAI 01!tl SIGNED th1> 2 >I cloy of ! Ill\· Moy. 2002. hllr : /. olAmorico. /s/ JACI< DEAN J . A Worronl fo r Atrc 1 t Unilod Slo!o~ _f\\ordu1I wao;. iuucd by the Clar~ V/eslorn 01stric.t of r OJ:O\ ol Iha Courl comrnondinb /rc:o1d,..bdps.slalo.lx u~ E),fQ totla Ol pcro nohri· cor par ca.crilo, quo ol dio (fedm): 02/17/98, , uno por·s ono do Edod: 64, Soxo: hombre, Callo: Kol· logg SI., El Paso, loxes .-no, or othor oulhuriz:o~ low cnforccrnenl ofiicor or ouy othor' person 01 orgoniiolion ovthorfto 79924. •c rcgislro con of by low to enforce th dopor1omonto de. policic warro11I Co arrosl tho Jo lo tiudod dn El Paso. Rospo1,dcnl Properly des· como u11 orcnsor soxuul. cribod obovo and loko ii lo ponono inlenlo retidir inlo po>~Cs!.io11 · for iafc on o! collo moncronadc c~sl ody os Fro»idoJ br ~ · lClt mdoconc.y with o th1lc..I Rcmcdi>lion Di>i•ion. Tcxos N>lur:tl RC!lourccs Cun\crva1ion Corruni!sion. P.W. Hox 130R7. Au11i11, TX 7K711-3087 Copirs or 1h~ three Response Action Completion Rcpnrl< un1l the Sirr l.J11·rstiijation £l•1elinc Risk Assessmenl/Conwivt Mcmrn:s Study docu111c11U anti tho p1oposcd runecrivc me.11urcs Uc o\'a1IJble for public inspcclion at the Austin office of tire TNRCC loc•led al Tcrhnicnl P'"k Center. · N OuilJing D. ltoom 109, 12116 No11h Ul-35. Austin. •nd the lll<' April 2~. 2002, by lhot ThlS ponon •nlonds lo ro· sido on lho mcnllonod slreot. S"!d individual WO~ con· v1dod a l a .10..1.uoi oHons ogolml o vrchm who wo• younger lhon 17 yours. a ?Ile. lho oflonso bomg ll1e purpose OJ"thil UOllC< h 10 Si>e tnMt' "b>1cd upon th< 1e. lo nohfic.a1ion SI.,. El ro>o. T~•U> 7992~. or Lon, In' u..i10J Slalo• been O•ocutod, ond •holll SWMU-0&~ Former D:y Clconlug facilily. Oldg. 201 1J. Fort lllis.. TX Fin:il Conccti•c Mc•surc· lnsiall•1ion ur concrclc 1bh to dinunJIC soil c>pornrc r•thwoyJ of 1c11Jc;hlurrtl1ylc11c. induc.Jine tleel1 ccn1ficolior'J1ecord.11ion rcquirc men1: ~ud is lmcd on !he Site ln\Cllig>tion DJ1clinc Ri1k Auc•\lnf o( nJI conl>ll•inonlS. I y """ or 7pm o f IS h ;;...,'.';'"•. ,.,c: IiC>o,/bmolcd upon rhc 1csohs or the Rcspunre Action Complttion Report. doled Nov Dollru Cowboy1 1-000-34 1-6660 ~ 138 onlorrormcnlc. l o pouono o siJo doclo· rodo culpable do unn ofaruo "o-'vol contra unu victima mcnor do 17 ones do cdod. l o ulfemo so,. uoJ do quo o sid::i dedo· todo culpobl"' e~ iudocon cio con un nino. WEB rAGE: h11 11:/· /records txJps i lolo.tx u1 . . Thi~ lallor rs . .10 .sor'Yo a wrrllo n 11ol1f1Coh°" thol on . Orrin· 07/08/90, on lndMJuol Ago: 46, Gcnd· or: molo. Slrcol: Grog Powors Or., El roso, t OX· • 31't!iJNWl3li• [Ii] -· . 2011- .-- Ell'"pllJlll'e"' A••ntf•s 200 T1rlo 28, U.S.C., Rufe " •' ' EJ4)(bJ of the Supplomen· -+-=----~-lol Rulos for Corloir~ .Ad· Adiaml'lrmrmriu. lbt.· mirol l y and M aril11nc · t Cloina. Fod. R. Civ. P.. 1t~kr.'l:f until luilhor order of th• 774·MB1 I' Covil, and to mo"-c m .,._ • '1 roturn os provided by low, ond soiJ Wo11u11I for Iv· . ro>lh,,.hocno•oculod. 't ~I wru lurthor ~rdcred • 6 BJJ. 7577 ' 619 592 to cause pubhcahon o rublic Notico oi required by Tillo 28 u s c Ruic Adecco q~J of lho' sujiplo;~onlol 592·5•100 0~2·9~00 Rule• for Cerlo111 Aclrnirol b ty ond Mosilimo Clmrns, 9/S-7'9·.1770 IF.OE Fed R Civ p ICJ bo mode os 799Jb, 109hto~od will ne>I · l"'n. ·ih on ante 0 lho El Paso Polrco Do· weok for lhroo corr>o" ........,,,.,,.. OMANPONER II 13/ •:lfflWfl'I. ~ ,,, , ,,\.o ,. .~.11 portmunl Q\ 0 . sax or. cuti!roo!. , . 11, S1orro Blu11co, lfuds-11 From hi> family, wife Ela· Su~d 1rrdiv1duol wns corr pnth County, Tn•o•. EXPRESS no, Bono, Yvono, Chad, YICl~d of o .••.•uol olfons s. AMY CLAll.\ANT OF. PERSONNEL l l;;;;;o;;;nd;;;C;;; h;icii;o;iu;;;";;;rl;;;C;h;;;o;;;ls;;;lo;.;I ogoiml " Vlctnn who we IN, OR TO SAID RES· 772- 30BS youngor lhun 17 yoors o PO NDENT PROPERTY • noe. lfm offonso being MUST FILE A CLAll Schooll/ln1lrucllon1 142 indoconcy with u child. WITH fl IE CLERK of lhc J OO CONNEC1101~ BORDER INSTITUTE OF W E0 PACE: h 11 p : I Unilod Stoia> Di>tricl DOSS Vhcounl Sia. E /rocord•.l1dps.slolo.l1 "~ Court: Woslom Di>hict o 6'29-7900 UCJINOLOGY 2hr Cm!ury Cann T Esto corto •! pore nohfi To••• .Pocos Divi•ion, wi.1- - - -- - - - - - - i ' 93-7320 .....,.,bh.lp.1om car por cscrrlo. quo al d10 1hin 1lmty (JO) doy> from LADOll FORCE . (focho): 07/00/98 uno tho dulo o f lo>I pu~lico. 1003 Monlo.~o, Avo NEW MEXICO SlAfE po'1onu Jo Eda~: ~6. lion ol 11,;, nutico uch cloimont ,holl >cive Rh\P I Greg Powe" Dr., El on omwer within rwo~'' e11onnc Lc91IH0Uct.1 . 152 Po'!"• luo>, 79936, >o 1201 duy'. o iler rho l!I'" !65-l!lt,111-11111 I fC!Jlo:.lro con c:I J cporln· of the cloun. u> fl' tw1dc C IZE 1M 11.;,_ lellu• h I? ''-"O. " ' """'''" •lo roli'i" ,,, In UV lith• 70 tr s c R..1. WE SPE IAL I , DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, U.S. ARMY AIRDEF£NSE ARTILLERY CENTER AND FORT BUSS 1733 PLEASONTON ROAD FORT BUSS, TEXAS T9918-6816 • REPLY TO ATTEN110N OF: ATZC-DOE (200) MEMORANDUM FOR: 9 April2001 - OSMOA Program Manager Conutive Action Section, Aan: MC-127 Texas Naiural Resource Conservation Commission P.O. Box 13087 Austin. Texas 71711-3087 SUBJECT: Response Action Completion Report (RACR) for 1be Moncana Road Rubble Dump Spill Site, SWMU 16, FTBL-028, EPA/TX HSWA Permit J.D. # 4213720101, Issued July 19511 l. Aaached for your review and approval Is the Response Acdon Completion Report (RACR) for 1he Montana Road Rubble Dump Spill Site, SWMU 16, Fl'BL-028. 2. The discovecy of asbestos roofing shingles and evldcac:e that unknown local personnel bad discarded used engine oil at the site during the fnitfal EPA inspection and 1wvey of Fort Bliss earned this site its designation as a SWMU. Subsequently investigadon revealed that Chis area along side a power line easement was more properly an lnf'ormal, unauthorized dumping ground for local cMJlan conll'ldOrS and laaclsc:apers as well as citizens tom the nearby residential areas across MontBna Road 3. &o111 the JW91'Wtian. Previously, access was not controlled u this area of the Fort Bliss Mlllwy Reservation was not fenced and gated. Al part of the response actions, Fort Bliss has constructed a fence along Montana Road to control access to tho area and prevent fUture uso of this area as a durnpsite.. The eoclosed RACR the cleanup activities and results ofsampling that were perfonned at the property. Results presented In the report demonstra!I: that the conditiou at the property meet die Remedy Standard A requirements under the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 TAC. Chapter 3SD). Based on the complewl response actions. Fort Blin is reqlllillli:.~.~- ~~" letter for this site. 4. Please dltcct any questions to me by calling 91S-'6~7979 or email~. s· Cf. FTBL-070 File DOE Distribution A 0212212019 024106 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, U.S. ARMY GARR1SON COMMAND 2 SHERmAN ROAD FORT BUSS, TEXAS 7991M811 ATZC-DOE (200) 1 November 2002 MEMORANDUM FOR; E {MC-127) Corrective Action Section 12 LOO Park 35 Circle, Building D ~Texas 78753 SUBJECT: Request for Additional Information, RACR. Rubble Dump Site, SWMU l6, FTBL-028 I. Reference, your email message, subject as above, dated October 28, 2002 (attached). 2. You requested additional information on Section 3.5.2, Verification Sample Results, page 3-5, specifically results oftbe Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedures with results below the PQL. Those results are included in Table 2, under sample RDS-lOV in parentheses.. 3. Additionally we are inclosing the laboratory data sheet for the SPLP results, which should be added behind the data validation, write up in Appendix F. 4. Thank you for your assistance. You may reach me at 915-568-7979. or if you have any further questions. Sincerely, • 'f.· ' :f: • I • : er Directorate of Environment DD/dd Incl: Copy of 10-28-02 email SPLP Labormory Data sheet. Cf. File, FTBL-028, SWMU 16 Rubble Dump Site 02/2212019 024107 .state.tx.usJ From: sent 12:23PM To: Subject or Rubble Dump Site I would like to approve the RACR for he Rubble Dwllp Site but it appears to be • 9 one piece of info I would need to approve it. In section 3.5.2 Verification Sample Result, page 3-S it says that smaples with highest concentration. of metals were further tested by the Synthetic Precipitation Leac:hin9 Procedures with results below the PQL. I don't believe those results were included in the report. Since some of the totals for lead and cadmium exceeded the so.11 to gw PCL the SPLP .results should have been included. Once I get that info I can send out my letter. Please let me know if you have any questions about Thanks,- l 02/2212019 024108 ,. ' ·:. .. : .J&/o I Date STL Chicago Title: Project Manager 2417 Bond Street University Park, IL 60466 .. . . . . .. PHONE: (708) FAX .. : (708) 534-5211 534-5200 ~. "· ,: STL Chicago is part of Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. 0212212019 0241.0 9 ·.· 11111 To: s-i·; . :\1 '.f?ri'.t~i':J..;:i ..... ~.. i: ccnract: --~· ;:-~rn,irc·6;- • :... /t '. 1.• •• - AddtHs: -ol l , . ,. . ., I . ., • _.,... ....*:' Ccnio1nv. . ("r e .,. ST~ Cllle•ao "1-. Fae Phone: 708-534.5200 ·Fee 70S.534-52ll POO: ~ Sealed ) ~~ ~ 2417 Bond Slreet UllNersity Park, IL 60466 A..~.,~b,.\9~ """~of Lab L~# 'LDC> q--,....t) Shedd ,,..· - - • ~ on Ice ~ ~ Ternperalllre "C of Cooler '2 , 3 Quote: Yoo pH CheckO Yet • No £Y.J2. . C..'C>1. 01 Data Roqulrud 3 {<),-r·K .S A HantCopr. --./---1~ Fas: ---1---1__ Laboratory ID !.. Cllem i Sampling Sampte ID nme ~IFi ~1 I). cl fiA.l L Yoa "o Sampfa li!beh and COC Asree . . ~ No COC not Pl"Oll .. ~.\\. Addftfonal Anat,ueo / Rom11'11e r.'l .. COMPAffY IA/i'f;l'P COMPANY Mllbh ICq st • Stdlmtlll WW • W1111!walef so- SollCI • Wa!u ·re . ~ ~ • 02/2212019 OS• 01111nScid DI.• 01111n~ L • l.aactlale WI• Wipe 0 - Contofnor Kar 1. PlalA!c 2. VOA Vl!I l. Slerlll Pl'51IC 4. M.btt Glass 5. Wldcmnulh Gian 6. Ollltt Presomlthlll ICOJ Dllla Roellttnd I. HCL Cod ID4' 2. H2S04, CoQ4 to 4• 3. HNOJ, Cod to 4• CGl:rtu: ~ 4. HIOH. COol 11> 4' s. 7. ametl.adtfllJ llaC»l/Zn. Cool to 4' 6. Cool ID 4° ~,,. \, .. Hllftd Delhered ~ee. ·+-..c.~ .·•.--024110 I • .. U.S. EPA - CLP EPA: SAMPLE NO. 1 INORGANIC ANALYSES DATA SHEET RDSlOV ------- ab Name: STL CHICAGO Lab Sample ID: 201609 - 001 atrix (soil/water) : WATER evel (low/med) : SDG No. : 201609 SAS No.: Case No.: ab Code: STL Contract: Date Received : 01/15/01 LOW_ o. o Solids: Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L_ CAS No . 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47- 3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-92-1 7439-97-6 7439-95-4 7440-02-0 7782 - 49-2 7440 - 22-4 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 concentration Analyte Antimony_ Arsenic_ Barium Beryllium Cadmium chromiuiii.: Cobalt CopperLead Mercury_ Molybdenu Nickel Selenium_ Silver Thalli\iiit Vanadium: c -- 5.0 50.0 u u - 15.0 ij zinc ---- ---- Q M - NR NR NR NR p p- Ni NR p NR: NR NR NR NR NR NR NR - - -- >lor Before: Clarity Before: Texture : ,lor After: Clarity After: Artifacts : imments: FORM I - IN ILM03 ·. 0 ... 02/22/2019 1 c; 024111 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, U. S. ARMY AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY CENTER AND FORT BLISS 1733 PLEASONTON ROAD FORT BUSS, TEXAS 79918-1816 REPLY TO ATlENTION OF: 9 April 2001 ATZC·DOE (200) MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT: , .... ' gram Manager Corrective Action Section. Attn: MC-127 Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission P.O. Box 13087 Austin. Texas 78711-3087 Response Action Completion Report (RACR) for the Monrana Road Rubble Dump Spill Site, SWMU 16, FTBL-028. EPA/fX HSWA Permit 1.0. # 4213720101, issued July 1991 I. Attached for your review and approval is lhe Response Action Completion Report (RACR) for the Monraoa Road Rubble Dump Spill Site, SWMU 16. FTBL.028. 2. The discovery of asbestos roofing shinglts and evidence that unknown local persoMel had discarded used engine oil at the site during tho initial EPA inspection and survey ofFort Bliss earned this site its designation as a SWMU. Subsequently lnvesdgatlon revealed that this ar?a along side a power line easement was more properly an informal, unauthorized dumping ground for local civilian contractors and landscapers as well as citiztns &om the nearby residential areas across Montana Road &om the reservation. J. Previously, access was not controlled as this aita of the Fort Bliss Military Reservation was not fenced and gated. As part of the response actions, Fort Bliss hu constructed a fence along Montana Road to control access to the area and prevent future use of this area as a dumpslte. The enclosed RACR summarizes the cleanup activities and results of sampling that were performed at the property. Resulta presented in the report demonstrate that the conditions at the property meet the Remedy Standard A requlttments under the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 TAC. Chapter 350). 4. Based on the completed response actions, Fort Bliss is rc~~-fwther act~~n·• letter for this site. Please direct any questions to me by calling 91 S-S68-7979 or emai~. Engineering and Environment. Inc. JRP Project Manager C( 02/2212019 FTBL-070 File DOE Distribution A 024112 Southeast Parcel ECP Report October 2011 Appendix B: Assessment for the FAA Faclllty for Suspect Asbestos Building Materials. - 02/22/2019 . 024113 IMWE-BLS-PWE August 11, 2011 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Assessment of FAA Facility, S. ofSite Monitor Compound, for Suspect Asbestos Bldg Materials. On August 3, 2011, at approximately 0830, and I conducted an Assessment on the abandoned FAA Facility located south of e onitor Compound. The FAA plans to demolish the structures at this location, and this assessment was undertaken to determine whether or not asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) may be present. During our site visit, we discovered three locations of concern with potential asbestoscontaining materials. Location 1 is an abandoned FAA building. Green floor tile with black mastic is present throughout the structure. In many sections, the floor is still intact, but in other areas the tiles is crumbling off and several broken pieces are on the ground outside. The roofing materials are also suspect. and the texture on the exterior walls and interior overspray may contain asbestos. Location 2 is a small metal storage building located east of the primary FAA building. This structure has the same type of exterior texture and overspray on the interior as the building at Location 1. Location 3 is south of the abandoned FAA building and consists ofa concrete slab with broken floor tiles, with black mastic on the back, scanered throughout the su"ounding area. Roofing materials which may contain asbestos were also present at this location. According to 40 CFR, part 61, Subpart M, NESHAP (National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants), an asbestos survey must be performed prior to any demolition or renovation activities. Samples should be taken from the materials mentioned above and submitted for testing, including a TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leachable Procedure), prior to demolition. If any of these materials are identified to contain asbestos, abatement should be undertaken by a licensed asbestos contractor with certified personnel trained to perform this type of work. Encl Asbestos & Lead Tech Environmental Division 02/22/2019 024114 15 ON EXTERIGR WALLS ~AA BLDG (SIMILAR TO BLDG 11283) ~ -r:· • I l I ! ' 02/22/2019 024115 024116 - ~ ( ..· SMALL fv1tTAL ST©RA,PE B.L!l;lSlE. GF, FAP. Bb"G Wl~H SUSPECT EX71iERlQR COATING ' ' -~ (• . 'JI: ':-,..; • \ , ......... / l...,1 t I 02/22/2019 . C:ONCRETE SLABS. Of FAA BLOG WITM E>AMAGED FLO©R TILE & MASTIC ANO SCATIEREE> Tl-JRGlliJGHg!UT )! \ 02/22/2019 024117 Sumo . .?m?mgw I MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN FORT BLISS (FBTX) AND DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (DHS) FOR U.S. Army Support to DHS for Temporary Living Facilities for Alien Family Members (AFM) #MOA-IM-W45C21-18390 This is a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between FORT BLISS and DHS, collectively, refened to as the "Parties." 1. AUTHORITIES/REFERENCES: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. 1.14. 1.15. DOD Directive 3025 .18, "Defense Supp01t of Civil Authorities (DSCA), 29 December 2010, incorporating Change 2," effective 19 March 2018. DoDD 5111.13, "Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas ' Security Affairs (ASD (HD&ASA))," 16 Januaiy 2009. DoDI 4000.19, "Supp01i Agreements," 25 April 2013, incorporating Change 1, November 30, 2017. HQ, Depattment of the Anny (HQDA) Execute Order (EXORD) 205-18, 18 July 2018, Subject: "In Suppott of Army Suppott to Depattment of Homeland Security (DHS) and Depattment of Health and Human Services (HHS)." DHS Memorandum, SUBJECT: "Request for Department of Defense Assistance in Support ofDepaitment of Homeland Security Immigration Family Residential Facilities," June 26, 2018. Executive Order, "Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Fatnily Separation," June 20, 2018. Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010-01, 1October 2013. ICE Family Residential Standards, 10 U.S.C. § 2692, "Storage, treatment, and disposal of nondefense toxic and hazardous materials.'' 6 U.S.C. § 279, "Children 's affairs." 8 U.S.C. § 1232, "Enhancing effo1ts to combat the trafficking of children." National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended (Pub. L. 91 -1 90, 42 U.S.C. § 4321 -4347, Januaiy 1, 1970, as amended by Pub. L. 94-52, July 3, 1975, Pub. L. 94-83, August 9, 1975, and Pub. L. 97-258, § 4(b), September 13, 1982). 31 U.S.C. § 1535 et seq. (The Economy Act). Army Regulation 200-1, "Environmental Protection and Enhancement." Army Regulation 405-80, "Management of Title and Granting Use of Real Prope1ty." 2. PURPOSE: To set fotih the tenns and conditions under which the US. Garrison, Foti Bliss will provide suppo11 to DHS. Upon receipt of a DoD-approved, "Notification to Proceed" 1 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024119 from DHS, FBTX agrees to provide temporary shelter and mutually-agreed-upon support services for up to 4,000 Alien Family Members (AFM). The provision of this support shall not extend beyond 31 December 2018, unless otherwise requested by DHS and accepted by DoD and the Depaiiment of the Almy (DA) and this agreement is subsequently amended. This agreement outlines the general responsibilities of the Parties. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES: 3.1. RESPONSIBILITIES OF FORT BLISS: 2 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024120 3.2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF FORT BLISS DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC WORKS (DPW): 3 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024121 3.3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF DHS: 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024122 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024123 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024124 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024125 3.4. LAW ENFORCEMENT, SECURITY, SAFETY, FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES: 8 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024126 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024127 10 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024128 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 0 4; A to 3.5. ANTI-TERRORISNIKFORCE PROTECTION: 12 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024130 3.6. MEDLA AND CONGRESSIONAL RELATIONS 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024131 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS: 4.1. POINTS OF CONTACT: The following POCs will be used by the Paiiies to communicate in the implementation of this MOA. Each Party may change its POC upon reasonable notice to the other Party. For purposes of this provision, written notice via electronic mail shall be deemed reasonable notice. 4.1.1. FOR lAD and FORT BLISS: 14 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024132 Resource Management Office, Budget: , Director, Resource Management Office 1741 Marshall Rd, 2nd Floor, Rm 306, Foti Bliss, TX 79916, ; Fax: 9 15-568-6840, email: Installation Agreements POC: Manager, Manpower and A ·ee Bliss, TX 79916. Ph: , Installation Agreements Division, 1741 Marshall Rd., Fort . Email: 4.1.2. For DH S: 4. 1.2. 1. F01· Managem ent: !4. 1.2.2. For Financial and Billing Issues: 4. 1.2.3. For eneral questions or matters risin under this MOA: 4.2. CORRESPONDENCE: All co1Tespondence to be sent and notices to be given pursuant to this MOA may be mailed to the following addresses. Depai1ment of Homeland Security ATTN: Washin ton DC 20 4.3. F01t Bliss DPW has assigned the Customer ID : SO for all DPW Work/Service Orders for services allowed under this MOA. Please use this ID Code to identify the unit/operation requesting services. 5. AGREEMENT PROCEDURES. 5.1. REVIEW OF AGREEMENT: This MOA will be reviewed periodically for financial impacts. 5.2. M ODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT: This MOA may only be modified by the written agreement of the Parties, duly signed by their authorized representative. Each Party shall provide sufficient advance notice in writing to the other Party prior to revising, amending, or terminating this agreement and/or any aspect of support provided. 5.3. DISPUTES: Any disputes-relating to this MOA will, unless subject to any applicable law, Executive Order, Directive, or Instrnction, be resolved by consultation between the Parties in accordance with DoDI 4000.19. 15 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024133 5.4. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT: This MOA may be terminated by either Party upon written notice to the other Paiiy. IAW DoDI 4000.19, Encl. 3, pai·a. l(t), 180-day notice period is re uired for tenninatincr an a ·eement when reimbursement is involved. 5.5. TRANSFERABILITY: This MOA is not transferable except with the written consent of the Parties. Upon consent, this Agreement will remain in full force and effect against DHS for responsibilities it incmTed while a Pa1ty lmless the substituted Paity assumes those liabilities. 5.6. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: It is expressly understood and agreed that this MOA and its Attachments embody the entire Agreement between the Paities regarding the MOA's subject matter. 5.7. EFFECTIVE DATE: This MOA takes effect beginning on the first full day after all Paities have signed. 5.8. EXPIRATION DATE: This Agreement remains in effect up to 31 December 2018, or for up to 180 days ifDHS requests an extension beyond 31 December 2018 that is approved by Secreta1y of Defense. 6. FINANCIAL DETAILS: 6.1. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: 16 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024134 6.2. FUND CERTIFICATION. 6.3. BILLIING INSTRUCTIONS: 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024135 6.4. ANTI-DEFICIENCY ACT: Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to obligate the Pruiies to expend or obligate funds in violation of the Anti-Defici ency Act, 31 U.S.C. § 1341. 6.5. 6.6. ECONOMY ACT DETERMINATION AND FINDINGS: If the MOA is being entered into via 31 U.S.C. § 1535, as amended (the Economy Act), DHS ce1tifies the requirements listed in subparagraph (a) of the Economy Act have been met. Tue Supplier has determined that the capabilities exist to render the requested suppoli without jeopardizing its assigned missions. AGREED: FOR FORT BLISS, TX: FORDHS: PATRICK E . MATLOCK Major General , USA Commanding Date Date 18 02/22/2019 02/22/2019 024136 SOUTHEAST BLISS PARCEL "- .. .•.l»J c:::=="=l»J · . . . . . . . . . .~ .. o o.~ 'Miltt O.S - landb-lXOoTforWdelmQolMonana 0 FT BLISS PROPERTY !:A lANU i:IALI: !IOUNUAflV 16:!!> •1- ACfll:i:I - ~ 'THE llOUK°"Ad!SAl«>ACIU!AGE ARE APPROXIUAT!. A.KO THIS .uP SMOUlD ONLY &E U!mmR GEH£RA.t l.HR'AUA'flC.N 1H( EXACi 80UN0Ak:JE-SANO ACREltOE WERE i:SfA.&l.$HEO ev A GAOUM> SUAV!YAEV1$EO 1.'llt• ~€0 02/22/2019 024137 Southeast Parcel ECP Report February 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION OF PROPERTY REPORTFORTHEPROPOSEDSALE OF THE SOUTHEAST PARCEL FORT BLISS, TEXAS 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this Environmental Condition of Property (ECP) is to document the environmental condition of the Southeast Parcel, the Subject Property, slated to be sold on Fon Bliss, Texas. 2.0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The Subject Propeny consists of approximately 1,635 acres of mostly undeveloped land within the U.S. Army Garrison of Fon Bliss, Texas (Figures 1 and 2). The site is north of Montana A venue and southwest of Purple Hean Boulevard (Loop 375) and is bounded on the west by the El Paso International Airport. The new East Bliss El Paso Community College is slated for construction to the northwest, and the Desalinization Plant is located to the southwest. The property has been under military jurisdiction since 1939, and the majority of the area has been used for military training in maneuvers. A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) remote transmitter/receiver site was located in the eastern portion of the parcel (Area B in Figure 2). This decommissioned facility was on approximately 8.5 acres and consisted of two fenced areas: one contained a structure with two small sheds and associated electrical equipment, and the other enclosed a cement slab. The FAA had all improvements removed by September 2012. No military ranges were ever constructed on or near the property. The entire site with the exception of Area B is characterized by mesquite stabilized, coppice dune habitat which is very common in this general area of the Chihuahuan Desert. 3.0 FINDING A visual site inspection took place on 8 August 2011. Household refuse had been illegally dumped along a few of the two track roads extending into the property from the west, but with the exception of the abandoned FAA facility, no potential hazards were observed. A review of records revealed that a Defense Environment Restoration Program Site, approximately 138 acres in size, was located along the powerline right-of-way (Area A on Figure 2). Remediation actions were undertaken in 2001, and hazardous materials were removed. Per Army Regulation 200-1, Area A is considered to be in Category 4: an area where release, disposal, and/or migration of hazardous substances have occurred, and all removal or remedial actions to protect human health and the environment have been taken. The FAA conducted a Phase I Environmental Due Diligence Audit following the completion of the removal of their decommissioned facility in Area B (in Figure 2) in September 2012. No recognized environmental conditions were revealed in connection with the property, so Area B is also considered to be Category l : An area where no release of hazardous substances or petroleum products has occurred, including no migration of these substances from adjacent properties. The remainder of the Subject Property, Area C which consists of approximately 1,490 acres, does not have a history of contamination by hazardous chemicals or from other sources, and no significant cultural resources or natural resources are present. Per Anny Regulation 200-1, Area C is also considered to be Category l as an area where no release of hazardous substances or petroleum products has occurred, including no migration of these substances from adjacent properties. 02/22/2019 024138 Febmary 2013 So111hea.ft Parcel ECP Report FORT OUSS PARCEL.S o....... .... .r'\~ c:21 "'- - L.:1 .. ~ " Figure I. Loco1ion or Southeast Pnrcel (Subject Properly). SOUTHEAST BUSS PARCEL ______ _............. _ . • HQ U-.. ..,. 1 '" Cl ''111.M"°""'•HOr..:U.u:i ...........,_ ...,.. o n•... .....nr_o. ..,,.......,,_ fl~IOU'~ Vll....,.'lill.0~1 - u:\·..... ~-wa­ - c..._...,(111...__•...,.o..-tMt•"' cw•-"'L~r.>~ f01r1'CU~JU Figure 2. Site Map or Southcas1 Parcel (Subject Property). 2 02/22/2019 024139 Southeast Parcel ECP Report February 2013 The Butterfield Overland Trail crosses east to west across the Subject Property and is considered eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. Mitigation measures include the setting aside of at least a 30-acre natural area to include the trail that this is distinct and apart from the required community parks and 5 acres of open space. 4. 0 SUMMARY OF DATA FOR THE PROPERTY The environmental data included in this ECP were obtained through personal interviews with Fort Bliss Environmental Division Program Managers and staff. The responses have been validated through records review, where applicable, and site reconnaissance. 4.1 Floodplains Per FEMA flood risk map Panel Numbers 4802120150B and 4802120175B, the Subject Property is not located within the 100-year floodplain. Flooding is, therefore, not considered a risk with this location. 4.2 Wetlands No wetlands or waters regulated under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, or falling under the purview of Executive Order 11990, lie within the Subject Property. · 4.3 Threatened or Endangered Species No threatened or endangered species have been identified on the Subject Property, but the habitat in the area could support any of three Species of Concern: the Western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia), the Loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus), and the Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma comutum). It may also support other bird species protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 4.4 Tree Management and Timber Sales The habitat in the project area consists of shrub stabilized, coppice dunes. The most common vegetation is honeybean mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) which, in the project area, is typically a woody plant with multiple smaller sterns (no central trunk) protruding from dunes. No trees are present on the property, so tree management and timber sales are not of concern. 4.5 Cultural and Historical Resources The Butterfield Overland TraiJ crosses east to west across the Subject Property and is considered eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion A: Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history. Mitigation measures include the setting aside of at least a 30-acre natural area to include the trail that this is distinct and apart from the required community parks and 5 acres of open space. No other significant cultural or historical resources have been identified on the Subject Property. However, buried archaeological remains may exist which if encountered would require special considerations during any site clearing or construction. 3 02/22/2019 024140 Southeast Parcel ECP Report February 2013 4.6 Installation Restoration Program One Defense Environment Restoration Program (DERA) Site is located within the Southeast Parcel (Appendix A). When the site was first discovered in 1983, approximately 138 acres along the powerline right of way had been used repeatedly for illegal dumping of construction debris and other materials (Area A in Figure 2). Samples collected in 1995 revealed the presence of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs), and asbestos containing materials (ACMs). Remediation actions were undertaken in 2001, and hazardous materials were removed. Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) Remedy Standard A (pursuant to Title 30 Texas Administrative Code [TAC] Chapter 350) Residential Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs) were achieved. The boundary of the installation in this area was also fenced to prevent more illegal dumping. 4.7 Waste Management No current or historic solid or hazardous waste management units are located within or directly adjacent to the subject property. However, scattered "illicit" dumping of household type waste has occurred at the southeast parcel by members of the general public. This material is not considered hazardous or toxic. No signs of liquid waste dumping or staining were noted on the property. This material would be removed by the acquiring entity and taken to an approved landfill as part of the area development. 4.8 Storage Tanks No heating oil tanks (HOTs) or underground storage tanks (USTs) are presently, or were historically, known to be located or operated on the Subject Property. One above ground storage tank which contained diesel was reported to have been located at the FAA facility (Area Bin the ECP). It was removed after the site was decommissioned in 1972. There is no record of an accidental release. 4.9 Oil/Water Separators No oil/water separators (OWS) are currently, or were formerly, located on the Subject Property. 4.10 Water Wells There are no current or known historic water wells located within the Subject Property. One well (State Well Number 4914502) does lie along the property line to the east, just off of Montana Avenue. This well was drilled to a depth of 378 feet in 1933 when the area was part of the Sherman Hog Ranch. From 1936 to 1942, water levels averaged around 322 feet below surface. The site lies within a wellhead protection area. 4.11 Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) Asbestos containing materials (ACMs) were identified within the DERA site (Area A) and in non-friable materials in the decommissioned FAA facility (Area B). In 1997 asbestos containing materials (ACMs) were confirmed at two illegal dump locations in Area A (Figure 2 and Appendix A), and remediation actions were undertaken in 2001. Texas Risk Reduction Program 4 02/22/2019 024141 February 2013 Southeast Parcel ECP Report (TRRP) Remedy Standard A (pursuant to Title 30 Texas Administrative Code [TAC] Chapter 350) Residential Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs) were achieved. The boundary of the Fort Bliss Military Reservation was then fenced to reduce access to the parcel and prevent further illegal dumping activities. An asbestos survey was performed prior to demolition of the FAA structures in Area B (See EDDR in Appendix B.), and non-friable asbestos was present in building materials including floor tile, mastic, door caulking, and expansion joint compound. All asbestos containing materials were removed from the site by a licensed contractor and taken to the Otero/Lincoln County Landfill in October 2011 and September 2012. 4.12 Lead Based Paint (LBP) The only structures within the Subject Property were part of the FAA facility located in Area B. The FAA demolished the building and associated sheds in September 2012 (Appendix B), and all waste materials were removed. No evidence suggests the presence or release of LBP within the Subject Property. 4.13 Air Emissions The Fort Bliss Military Installation is in attainment for all criteria air poUutants, so thls is not a concern at the Subject Property. 4.14 Polycblorinated Biphenyls (PCB) In October 2011, the FAA arranged for the removal of twenty-two electrical transformers, capacitors, regulators, and rectifiers from the property leased in the eastern portion of thls site (Area B). None of the transformers contained PCB levels above 500 ppm, so none would be classified as "PCB transformers" under U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations (Appendix B). No accidental release of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) has been reported within the property. 4.15 Pesticides On the Fort Bliss Military Reservation, pesticides and herbicides must be applied by a Certified Pest Controller. There are no historic records, however, indicating whether or not chlorinated pesticides were used on the installation. The most common products used for pest control on Fort Bliss have included Diazinon, Dursban, Ficam, Tempo 2, Tempo 20, Safrotrin, Sevin, and Hyvar. Several of these products have been banned and are no longer stored or used on the installation. No pesticides or herbicides are known to have been recently used on the Subject Property. Within the past ten years, pesticides used throughout the installation have been considered to be low toxicity chemicals, and no release or non-routine usage of these chemicals has been reported. Pesticides are not expected to affect the ECP rating of the Subject Property. 4.16 Unexploded Ordnance Based upon the review of existing records and available information, this project is not known or suspected to contain any munitions or explosives of concern (MEC). The tenn MEC means military munitions that might pose unique explosives safety risks, including (a) unexploded ordnance (UXO), as defined in Title 10 of the United States Code, section 101(e)(5); ( b) discarded military munitions (DMM), as defined in 10 U.S.C. § 2710(e)(5); or munitions 5 02/22/2019 024142 February 2013 Southeast Parcel ECP Report constituents (e.g., TNT, RDX), as defined in 10 U.S.C. § 2710(e)(3), present in concentrations high enough to pose an explosive hazard. The Subject Property is not in an area known to have been used as a firing range, but since the area is located on a military reservation, the presence of munitions and MECs cannot be totally excluded. 4.17 Medical/Biohazard Waste and Silver Recovery The Subject Property is not known to contain any medical/biohazard and/or silver recovery waste. 4.18 Radioactive Materials The Subject Property and adjacent properties are not known to have been used for the storage or disposal of radioactive materials. 4.19 Radon Radon levels on the Fort Bliss Military Reservation are negligible. No instances of radon exceeding 4 pCi/L have been recorded on the Fort Bliss Military Reservation which includes the Subject Property. 4.20 Mold and Fungus Since there are no structures on the property that have undergone human habitation, there are no known records of the presence of virulent mold or fungus within the Subject Property. 4.21 Records Search A search of public records conducted in 2007 for a Residential Communities Initiative ECP that included the western portion of the subject property was reviewed. This report is available for review at the offices of the Fort Bliss NEPA Coordinator, 915-568-3908, IMWE-BLS-PWE; Bldg. 624; Pleasonton Avenue; Fort Bliss, Texas, 79916. A search of Fort Bliss Military Reservation records, and interviews with environmental program managers, was undertaken as well, which provided extensive information regarding the previous use of, and any subsequent environmental concern associated with, the Subject Property. No records were found during the course of the investigation that indicated a potential threat to the environmental condition of the Subject Property. 4.22 Visual Site Inspection (VSI) The Visual Site Inspection was initially conducted on 8 August 2011. Two small stained areas (one was approximately three square feet and the other approximately sixteen square feet in size) were discovered near the decommissioned FAA facility in Area B. As noted in the EDDA (Appendix B), these were considered "de minimis" conditions consistent with ASTM Standard E 1527-05 definitions. It was recommended that the soil be removed and appropriately disposed of at an approved facility. When the site was revisited on 12 November 2012, the stained areas were not relocated. With the exception of these two areas of soil discoloration, no evidence of contamination, storage of toxic materials, or activity that would generate toxic or hazardous materials was observed. 6 02/22/2019 024143 February 2013 Southeast Parcel ECP Report 4.23 Interviews Interviews with installation personnel revealed the location of the DERA site (Area A) which has been previously discussed. No other potential environmental concerns were discovered on or adjacent to the Subject Property. 4.24 Historic Maps and Aerial Photos Historic maps and aerial photographs were reviewed in order to determine how the Subject Property had been used in the past. The Fort Bliss Military Reservation Boundary Map from 1959 was inspected, as were aerial photographs for 1985, 1996, 2002, and 2005. With the exception of the decommissioned FAA facility, the property was unimproved desert with a few small, two-track roads used to provide access for occasional, military training maneuvers. The Overland Butterfield Trail was evident passing from east to west across the northern portion of the property edge in all of the sources. In summary, none of the maps inspected showed anything that would indicate a significant environmental concern associated with the property. 4.25 Other Environmental Conditions There are no other known environmental conditions within the Subject Property that would affect significantly the environmental condition of the property. 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION OF PROPERTY DOD guidance defines seven categories for describing the ECP, based on the extent of environmental contamination on the property and on the status of any associated restoration activities. These categories are defined with respect to CERCLA hazardous substances: • Category 1: Areas where no release or disposal of hazardous substances or petroleum products • • Category 2: Areas where only release or disposal of petroleum products has occurred. Category 3: Areas where release, disposal, and/or migration of hazardous substances has • Category 4: Areas where release, disposal, and/or migration of hazardous substances has has occurred (including no migration of these substances from adjacent areas). occurred, but at concentrations that do not require a removal or remedial response. • • • occurred, and all removal or remedial actions to protect human health and the environment have been taken. Category 5: Areas where release, disposal, and/or migration of hazardous substances has occurred, and removal or remedial actions are underway, but all required remedial actions have notyetbeentaken. Category 6: Areas where release, disposal, and/or migration of hazardous substances have/has occurred, but where required actions have not yet been implemented. Category 7: Areas that are not evaluated or that require additional evaluation. Area A which contains the DERA site along the powerline right of way is within Category 4 as an area where release, disposal and/or migration of hazardous substances has occurred, and all removal and remedial actions to protect human health and the environment have been taken. Because no release or disposal of hazardous substances has occurred in Area B (which was the site of a former FAA remote transmitter/receiver) or on the rest of the Subject Property (Area C), the ECP classifies the majority of the parcel as Category I: Area where no release of hazardous substances or petroleum products has occurred, including no migration of these substances from adjacent properties. 7 02/22/2019 024144 February 2013 Southeast Parcel ECP Report 6.0 LIMITATIONS No soil sampling was undertaken during the course of this study. The information obtained regarding the previous use of the Subject Property did not indicate that further laboratory analysis was required. Interviews of personnel outside the Environmental Division of the Department of Public Works at the Fort Bliss Military Reservation were not conducted because individuals could not be located who could give accounts of the historical uses of the area. The proposed location, however, was withdrawn by the government for military use more than 70 years ago and is not near any non-Army industrial entities. Therefore, these limitations are considered to be of little concern in the evaluation of the environmental condition of the Subject Property. 7.0 PERSONS CONSULTED The following installation personnel contributed to this report: pecialist; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. A Manager; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. ist/Pest ControVESA; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. lution Prevention/Spills; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. r Quality Manager; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. ge Tanks; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. d Waste; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. · Program, Asbestos and Lead Management; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. itecture Archivist; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. vironmental Restoration Program Manager; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011 . 1 Resources-Archeology; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. Wildlife Biologist; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. 'cal Architect; DPW-E, Fort Bliss, Texas, 2011. . 8 02/22/2019 024145 February 2013 Southeast Parcel ECP Report 8.0 CONCURRENCE In my capacity as Chief of the Environmental Division of the Directorate of Public Works, I have determined that the Subject parcel of land identified above has undergone an Environmental Condition of Property Survey, and I agree with the findings of the study subject to the limitations as outlined above. APPROVED: DATE ' Commanding 9 0212212019 024146 Southeast Parcel ECP Report February 2013 Appendix A: Decision Document Detailing the Remediation Actions at the Rubble Dump Spill Site. 02/22/2019 024147 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, U. B. ARMY AIR O.EFENSE ARTILLERY CENTER AND FORT BUSS 17'3 PLEASONTON ROAD FORT BUSS, TEXAS 78918"8818 9May2001 ATZC-DOE (200) MEMORANDUM FOR: TO TIIE SITE CLOSURE FILB Defense Environmental ~ration Program Public Docwneots Section Mickelson Army Libra.TY SUBJECT: Decision Documeot Detailing the Remediation Actions at Four Defense Environmeatal Restoration Program (DERP) Sites · I. 2. REFERENCES a. Memorandum. DAIM-ED-R. 28 NOV 94, Subject: Interim Policy for Staffing Decision Documents (DDS) b. Paragraph 9-7.£(3). AR 200.l, Environmental Protection and Enhancement;23 Apr 90. c. Memorandum, SFIM-AEC·IRP. 8 Feb 95, Subject: Revised Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Management Plan. d. EPAfl'X HSWA Pennit, 1.D. No. 42137201O1, July 1991. issued to USAADACENFB e. EPA/NM HSWA Pennit. ID. No. 4213720l01. July 1995, issued to USAADACENFB PURPOSE This decision document memorandum describes rhc remediation actions UJldertaken by the United States Army Ak Defense Artillery Center and Fort Bliss, at four DERP sites located on military property under the control of the USAADACENFB. Further, the memorandum lists the subsequent approval ofthose remediation actions given by either the State of Texas. through the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNR.CC) or the State of New Mexico, through the New Mexico Environmental Department (NMED). 3 BACKGROUND After passage in l 980 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compcnsatioa, and Liability Act (CERCLA), Fort Bliss had swveys made of property under its control, to a establish if past practices by military operations had released hazardous Vt'aSte or baz.ardous constituents into the environment. Private cootractors working for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and/or the Department of Defense accomplisbecl these SUl'Veys. These surveys tentatively identified 76 possible sites on Fort Bliss land, in bath Texas and New Mexico, where hazardous constituents may have been released.. These sites were designated as Solid Waste Managemeot Units or SWMUs. b. Upon investigation by fort Bliss, many ofthese sites were discovered as duplicates; dift'ereat descriptions for the same site. In some cases, what at first appeared to bo two sites, turned out to be one larger site. In a fuw cases, the possible site descriptions turned out to be incorrect and nothing was found when the area was invemgated. c. In the end, of the 76 original suspect SWMU sites, Slactuallyturned out to be actual locations (See Tab A for the final list of S 1 sites). Investigation of those remaining sites continued and as new potential release sites were discovered. they too were added to the Fort Bliss list and investigated. as funding became available. 02/22/2019 024148