U5. Department Labor Employment and Tlninlng Adminislntinn Agriculluval and Food Pm:- omn a. Emnha ounmm. dam Agm] ms Curmol Nu <> am EmpiledoHwan ylo Agme (Numim. Calla, c-unaa' Esxauu yccumu mun Mann Corp. 2145 Tomngton Rd Avon Park' FL 33525 3) mm>> Empluyav Numw 52le mm: (06:13 a: nu -- b)Ye\nvhanl Mm." "Wodenmono c) Fm llumhev ac Fax aJEmu mammaecww Elambvuw. 1 Amms museum In Walk sua/ film-M's; a lugzr 62 "mm Mann Cum workmg Dunkhn Cnumy we scam "mung mm" W. mums work-sue a. lame madman: :7 Mann Con: lrabaliva en a comma ae an 9' 251360 ae Musuun El I|enuanodl comm can on Os "snap aslan .Idlumos en aoceslma :2 37171125; "minim <> Ocupacmnal Farmed" (Aha/w CI 5 Address nu may Ho'dmg {m uni: Yelephmm numiax) Dueccmn as \a 04m: dorm: in raw.>> r. olevla (mnluya Human: a. mnefi' 'va CHL Moo 5, 311- 455 655567 a Nam>> no Loom om: Rnwostnlahve (mama: dllec' am wephone numbenl (19' fizpluenlam: a: n. mm. mm (Malaya numeru as IdeVonn a: lmva Emmouoe Ia (7mm fle Ermine 8 Job 0mm Expmmu Dawr Fucha oc cheuummu Exumm oela 0mm ash-Wu 9 PamdMEmp'nymunl mum Fram/Dde' mum; ue/zs/zme oa/I H101 a wfimbeml vakm Raififinal Numma de Train}! 27 was Wee NomsAmmpadaW'vevmax "m as norms muaay .Jmes 6 Fuday lemes Sammy 54:73" am" [Bowman 0 Mundzy um Mm, mummy '1 Im a gem Seasonal sums mm "was Mas pa! dag mums atlmades gala lumwrana vunAM awfim'm ham lAwpla" Uamavas Cebu: do "5 Cam Erw'uwy Yes .1 Na .30 RECENED FLC unn 14. Describe how the employer lnlends to provide 3 meals a da meals I Describa (2me e! empleador liens la inlenci?n do The employer will provide free and convenient cookin will enable workers to prepare their own meals. Employer will provide transportation deparlment store, once per week. for workers to obtain food and other necessities. El patron le proporcionar? instalaciones comidas. en las viviendas proporcionada empleado) a la tienda de oomicla otras necesidades. to each worker or lumisl'i free and convenienl cooking and kilchen facilities lor workers lo prepare ya sea 3 oomldas all die a coda irahajador. proporcionar grazuitamonlo lnslalacronoc para cocinar, and kitchen facilities lo workers, living in employer provided housing, which (at no cost to employees) to grocery anolor gratis convenienles para que el trabajador pueda ooncinar proparar sus 5 por el patron. El patron proporclonara e! transports: (sin ningun oosto a el ylo ole deparlamonto, una vez por semana, para que el trabajador oompre so comida if; a; 2 ?5 57:11 on: woo entrevistar a toe lrabaiadores). See instructions for All referrals are to be made to Jorge each applicant should read} or have understanding of the terms and con expected to work for the total period hired. wilt provide the lotiowing: orig Employer will be available Monday ?See Attachment #15 15, Reterrai instructions and Hiring lniormatr?on sabre comp Retenr CandidatosiSolrcitantes (Expiain how applicants are to be hired or reterred, and ihe Employer?slAgent's available hour to interview workers I obmo los candidates ser?n contratedos reterldos, tag horas disponibies det empteadoriagenle para more details Nee lac instrumiorres para mes detaiies. Marin by calling (229) 456?1897. Collect calls will not be accepted. Ail. referrals are encouraged to contact their nearest career center prior to contacting the employer. The employer wail contact all applicants, who have submitted an application, by phone. to conduct an interview, Prior to referral, read to them a copy of the job order, All applicants should have a clear ditions of employment as noted in the job order. All applicants. if hired, are of employment as stated in the job order, All applicants. it hired, should be available for work as described in the "Job Actlvities? section in the job order. All applicants referred to the employer, if inal identi?cation and employment eligibility documents. to Thursday from 10:00 AM. to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM. to 2:00 PM., to conduct interviews of referred workers. at no cost to the worker. 16. Job description and requirements .1 Descripcion *See Attachment #16 Wear Accesorio #16 t. to previous work experience preferred? Se prel rneses rte experienciat veri?able ex 2, Check all requirements that apply: it Driver Requirements 1 Requisitos del conductor requisites dei trabaio: rere previa experienciayes. number ot months, preferred, it Si es est. numerc de perience in fruit or vegetabie commercial! harvesting Certificationr?License Requirements i CertiticacionlLicencia Requisitos 3.3 Criminal Background Check Veriticacion de antecedentes pennies Drug Screen i Deteccion de Drogas Employer Will Train 1 Empleador entrenarr?i adiestrara L3 Extensive Pushing and Polling Empuiar iaiar Extensamente Ll Extenswe Sitting lEslar sentado Iargos rains Ertonswe Walking Carnrnar largos rates 5% Exposure to Extreme Temp. I Erpuestn a Temperatures Extremas b0 Frequent Stopping i agacbandose con frecuencid . l3 Lifting requirement Levanlar Cargar OTil-iolirlay is not mandatory Horas Extras {score tiempo) i Dias Ferrados no Repetitive Movements i Movimientos repetitivos obligatcrio iiEC?lVEi?t 3 - rel merino rtrj? ?jf?ll?r i7. Wage Raies. Special Pay information and Deductions [Tarii?a do Page. Informacir?m Sabre Pages Especiaies Deduccionos {Reoajasi Crop Hourly Wage Piece Rate i gpemai Pay Deduciioos? YesfSi No Pay Period 2' Uoi?s} (bonus) mo: Feriodo do Fags Cult?rvos?. Salerno pot Mora Pagos {ispeo??i?su Deouccsones i Pogo pm From .1 mm? em 5 Social Security; Weekly 1 Semaraal WATERMELON 1342 nla Seguro Social ?5 $20.00 per bus Federal Tax I a - aid to ma impueslos Field Cutters n/a 9 nla Memes 5 5 $3312.: Tax {3 Bi-weekiy'i 80.3? bus. limpuesios Quincenai Faeid Loaders nla 93' n/a Esraraies . $i?wn3: {me Meals I Comidas 0 Drivers nfa 2; n/a rm ck'n Shed Io 5 ?per US. Oiher{5pecniy)i onthy ensue a a era W'd ?0 9m?? We Giro (especifica) Packing Shed Line Worker 0?3 paid . a QiherIGtro "See Attachment #18 18. More Abom rho Pay i Mas {)eiailes Sobro e! Pogo.- 19 Transportation Arrangements iArregios de Transpozracion All employer provided worker transportation meets the requirements of applicable Federal, State. and Local Laws and Reguiations. Ail workers wili be picked up every morning at the facilities mentioned on item #3 of ETA form 790. *See Attachment #19 Todo ei trensporte que ei patron proporcione para el trabajador, cumpie con Ios requisitos de ias regulaciones ieyes apiicables, federaies, estatales. locates. Recoger?n a todos ios trabejadores cada ma?ana en ias viviendas mencionaoas en ei articulo #3 de la forma ETA 790. *Vea Accesorio #19 QSCEIVRE Memoir? 31:3 if?? 20. to it the prevailing practice to use Farm Labor Contractors (FLC) to reset, supervise, transport. house, audio: pay workers tor this (these) stop activity has)? 3,55 ta practice habitual usar Contratistas do 't'rabajo Agriuota para restutar, supervrsar? transporter, dar vivienda. yfo pagarte a 105 trabajadores para este(os) tipots) do cosechatsyou have checked yesi what is the FLC wage for each activity? 1' Si oontesto wait as at salario qua la page at Contratista de Trebajo Agricola pot cada activ?dad? 21. Are wodters covered for Unemployment Insurance? I gSe te ptoporcionan Seguro do Desetnpleo a tos trabatadores? YeslSim No . ONLY TO DOMESTIC WORKERS 22. Are workers covered by workers? compensation? 3,89 te provee seguzo de compertsactonrtodemnrzocimt el trabajador: Yesl?i a No 23. Are toots. supplies, and eqmpment provided at no charge to the workers? I {So too proveen herramtentas equipos sin costo aigtmo a los trabaiadores? No 24. List any arrangements which have been made with establishment owners or agents for the payment of a commission or other bene?ts for sates made to Workers. (ll there are no such arrangements. enter 'None'.) Enumere todos los acuerdos conveeios hechos con los propietarios det estableclmiento 395 agentes para at page de una comlsion otros benettctos nor ventas hechas a los trabajadores, (Si no hay ningt'm acuerdo oonve-nio. indlque ?Ninguno'tj NONEININGUNO w25. List any stoke, work stoppage. slowdown, or interruption at operation by the emptoyees at the place where the workers wilt be employed (If there are no such incidents: enter Enumere toda huelga, para interrupclon de operarttorres de trabajo por parte- de tos empieados en el lugar do emoteo, ?83 no hay inedentes de este tipo, indrque 'Nihgurto'.) NONEININGUNO 26. is this tab order to be ptaced in cannection a tuture Application tor Temporary Employment Codification for workers"? gEsta orden de empleo ha sido puesta on nonexion our: one tutura soticitud or;- certification do erupted temporal para traoajadoros YosiSittd No 21" Employer?s Certification: This rob order describes the actual terms and conditions of the employment ho?ng oftered by me and contains all the materral terms and conditions at the job. i Certific3c?on det Empleedor; Esta orden de trabajo describe tos tormioos condiciooes del empieo que se to otroce, contieno todos tos terminus condiciones materiates ofrecidos. Jorge Marin/President Employer's Printed Name Title! Hombre Tituto on Letra de del g. /W~z t/r?ra/ 2152/13 WAX 7? motored? Signature 1 Flrma tituto dot Empteador Date I ?t?techra READ CAREFULLY. in View of the statutorily established basic luoctron ol the Employment Semen $5 a no-tee labor exchange. that is. as a forum tor bringing together employers and iob seekers. neither the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) nor the State agencies are guarantors of the accuracy or trutotutness of information contained on job orders submitted by empioyers. Nor does any gob order accepted or recrorted upon by the American Job Center constitute a contractual job otter to which the American Job Cantor, ETA or a State agency is in any way a party. LEA CON CUIDADO. En vista do In tunciOn bosioa dot Servioio do Emoi'eo establecida por toy. oomo one entidad do tritercarnbro iaborot sin contisiones. es doc-u. como un toro para reunir a too empteadores los soticitantes do emoleo, ni ETA rii tan agencies do! ostado ooeden garantizar ta executor? veraotdad do to intormacioo oontonida on ?35 ordenes do trabato sometidas por los empleadores. Ni ningona ordeo de trabajo aoeptado contratado en el Centro do Carreras (American Job Center) constituyeo ima oferta de trabajo contractuates a tea quo el American Job Center. ETA 0 un organismo estatal es. do ninguna manera one: do tee panes, PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT The public reporting burden for responding to ETA Form 7?90. which is required to obtain or totem bene?ts (44 USC 3501), is estimated to be approximately 60 minutes" per response, inctudiog time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and reviewing the cotlectiou, The pubtio need not respond to this ootlection ot information unless it (?splays a currently vetid OMB Control Number. This is pubtio information and there is no exoectalton of con?dentiality. Send comments regarding this our-den estimate or any other aspect of this cottootion, inctuding suggestions tor roduong this burden. to the Lt?) Separtment ot Labor. Employment and Training Administration. Of?ce at Workforce Investment, Room C4510. 200 Constitution Avenue. NW. Washington. DC 20210, DECLARACION DE CARGA PUBUCA La cargo do intonnacron oubtica para reSponder a to Form ETA true so requtere para obtener retener beneticios {44 USC 3501). se estima en aoroximadamente 6t) minolos por resouesta. inctuyendo oi tiernpo para retrisar las instruociones. brrsuar tuentes do dates existentes. resonator revisar la coteccron. Et pobttoo no Bone per one responder 3 onto recopilacion do ?otormacion a metros qua muestre un nonzero do control OMB v?lrrto, Esta intormaoibn es pubtica no hay nioguna oxpeotativo do contidonciatided. Envie sus comentarios aceroa de osta cargo cualouior otro asmcto de esta colomdo, inctuyendo sugeroncias para reduotr esta carga. at us. Deoartmertt of Labor. Entrainment and Training Administration, O?ice of Workforce investment, Room ?45510. 200 Constitution Avenue. NW. Washington. DC 29210. .5- 28, Use this section to provide add?iona! su informaci?n adicional de apoyo; indu ya pounding information (inciuding sewon Box number) include a?achmems, if necessary. I esta sacci?n para proporcionar e! numero de 13 seccibn induya archivos adiunlos, si es necesario. 20 CFR 653.501 Assurances INTRASTATE AND INTERSTATE CLEARANCE ORDER The employer agrees to provide to workers referred through the clearance system the number of hours of work per week cited in Item 11 of the clearance order for the week beginning with the anticipated date of need, unless the employer has amended the ciate of need at least 10 working days prior to the original date of need by so notifying the OrderiHolding Office (0H0). If the employer fails to notify the Gill) at least 10 working days prior to the original date of need, the employer shall pay eligible workers referred through the intrastate/interstate clearance system the Speci?ed hourly rate or pay, or in the absence of a Specified hourly rate or pay, the higher of the Federal or State minimum wage rate for the first week starting with the originai anticipated date of need. The employer may require workers to perform alternative work if the guarantee is invoked and if such alternative work is stated on the job order. The employer agrees that no extension of employment beyond the period of employment shown on the job order will relieve the employer from paying the wages already earned, or Specified in the job order as a term of employment, providing transportation or paying transportation expenses to the worker?s home. The employer assures that all working conditions comply with applicable Federal and State minimum wage, child iabor, social security, health and safety, farm labor contractor registration and other employment-related iaws. The empioyer agrees to expeditiously notify the 0H0 or State agency by telephone immediately upon learning that a crop is maturing earlier or later, or that weather conditions, over recruitment, or other factors have changed the terms and conditions of employment. The employer, if acting as a farm labor contractor, has a valid farm labor contractor registration certificate. The employer assures the availability of no cost or public housing which meets applicable Federal and State standards and which is sufficient to house the specified number of workers requested through the clearance system. The employer also assures that outreach workers shall have reasonable access to the workers in the conduct of outreach activities pursuant to 20 CFR 653.107. Jor eMaiin Date- 3/ Employers Name 9 _mm i "new Employer?s Signature Kora {firm a - 7 Besides the materiai terms and conditions of the employment, the employer must agree to these assurances ll: the. job order is to be placed as part of the Agricultural Recruitment System. This assurance statement must signed by the employer, and it must accompany the ETA Form 790. .. - EM Form 7% WM '79 (We ?7 MM Marin J. Corp. Season 2018 Watermefon Harvesting Itinerary Ending Beginning Picking stock Name Crop Address/Directions County Picking Date Date Watermelon 18942-19220 County Rd. 522 Dunldin 5/25/2918 3/17/2018 Kennett, MO 63857 15000-15714 County Rd. 500 Dunklin 6/25/2018 8/17/2018 Kennett, MO 63857 13267 State Highway A Dunklin 6/25/2018 8/17/2018 Kennett, MO 63857 #1 Danny Shop Field #2 Crow 40 Field Watermelon Field #3 Watermeton Fiel? :34 Watermelon Dunkiin 5/25/2018 8/17/2018 Honersville,M0 63855 Field #5 Watermeion Dunklin 6/25/2018 8/17/2018 HonersvilieMD 63855 Field #5 Watermelon Dunklin 6/25/2018 8/17/2018 Senath, MO 53876 Dunkiin 6/25/2018 8/17/2018 Field #7 Watermelon Senath, MO 53876 E:\Marin i. Watermelon Harvesting Itenerary 03132018 Attachments; to [317?s ?23% Attachment #3 The en'tployer will provide free housing to thozsc workers who are not able to return to their residence within the some day which meets applicable local. state. and federal housing standards. However. the employer will require workers to reimburse the employer for damage caused to the housing by the individual worketts) found to have been responsible for damage which is not the result of normal wear and tear related to habitation. Workers will be rcSponsible for maintaining housing in a neat. clean manner. as well as follow the housing rules which are attached. Female workers will be provided separate bathroom theilitics. El patron proporcirmard tiit'ienda gratuim [or ti'uhqjadores guy :10 pagoda? waiver a su derm'o de el mixmo did qua que cum/11a con los originator? locales. estarales. jedcralex dc vivicudas. Sin embargo. e! patron requerird a [or Irubttiadm'ex alprtiron par dcr?os causados a la viviendu heir/ms por los fi'abctfadm'es (me so encuenrren responsible par halter lzecho [or dollar que no .reun cl rerulmdo def dexgarie normal do rasgones relocionados con la habitat-tort. I {rather/mirror St?l?d? rerponruhles do momener 1o viviendu do mm madam utcudu. limpiu. .regtreir [as reglus do In viviwm?a qua are encuemrau utc'tdus a csmw/imrm. .4 fax do 50x0 jemenino, 3e [cs em haFm .repumdo. Family ?ousing: (Check the appropriate box) homily housing is not available and the provision of family housing is not a prevaili practice in the area of intended employment. El Free family housing is available. 5i Family housing, is; available. The provision ol? family housing is not a prevailing practice in the area of intended employment. Families will be charged WW per week for utilities. [a sofa gas viviendus deform/lo mi tartan dirponihle la disposition do [as viviendax dc familio no .wm unu prricticu que pret-?alece an arid area do temp/ca prev/?Sm. .Lf iris viviendas de?mtilia gratuities .i'i martin ?rmiha no son um: pnictica que prom/ace (avid urea do ample?prcvism. l.a.r?miilius - serr?in trohmdm .. par prim cuhrir do [as- militia-1mm. Attachment #l A copy of the work. contract or a copy of the 790 in lieu oft: work contract and any modi?cations will be provided to the worker on the dtty the worker commencee employment or as soon as practically possible. (Jim? copier def do Mohair) 0 mm cupid del [2'7in 279!) lugw' do It" contrafr) dc Irabqioy cualquier ntodg??cm?dn sort} a! Iruhqjodm' en cl did que el lrabcifador comicnzu cl ant/tier) In mm; promo coma prric'tit?umeme sea poet?b/e. 5.2 reg? if - Allucitmunit; In lili?A 790 Attachment (continued) Employer will oftbr work on Sunday, but employee is not required to work on Sunday. patron rig/record frabcgjo a! dairizingo. pun.) no t'cijuiwcn a! mnpleadu ?whom!? a] domingo. The employer will keep accurate and adequate records of each worker. The worker, worker?s representative, and the any authorized representative oi?the secretary of Labm will be given access to the records of the worker?s earnings. patron expcdienms' cxaclos advcuudols? a'e vac/u Imbcriudor. Se {a dam e] Irabajador, def trahry?adm; cualqmer representante dc [a ,s'ecrelaria do] Irahqja e! stream a [as ewediumes de las gunancias dc! Irabcy?adorv The employer will provide each worker an Hours and Earnings; Statement that meets the. requirements ot?the Federal and Missouri State Requirements. in accordance with Departmental regulations 20 CPR see. 655. l22(?k) the employer will furnish the worker on or before each payday in one or more written statements the following inlormation: l. The worker?s total earning for the pay period. 2. The worker?s hourly rate and/or piece rote pay. 3. The hours of employment offered to the worker (showing o?brs in accordance with the Three-fourths (Iiuarantee as determined in paragraph of this seetiom separate from any home offered over and above the guarantee.) 4. The hours actually worked by the Worker, 5. An itemization of?all deductions nuide from the worker?s Pages. 6, If piece rates are used. the units produced daily; 7. Beginning and ending date ofthc pay period; 8. The employer?s name, address. and HilN. 1:7 pairriu pro/mrcitinure} (Jada trabqiadm? Um: dc Lax Lax Horas Ti'ubqiadas qua can I'm rcqm?sitm F?cdcrules dc! (Nada dc Missouri. De uc'ucrdo arm {as regukmium?s we, 65512.2(ch a! patron le clam a coda: Irubajador on el' dia de page 0 mum mm nmx?mnus par cxr'rim In .s'ig'ueme: 1. Luis mm! para a? period dc {mgr} do! (who/"adorn 2. If! pogo (In) rmiim pm" how ~w?o rmfim (iv pogo [301' [new Imbry'mior. 3. [as harm o/i?ecidux u! rruhcgiau'm? {qua wtw?cm 1m: Q??rh?ldi' dc am {a gurcmliu do dc] comma), Cull-'0 Us parry/h mm .wcc'irm, apum' (IV quuier harm .s?cun mus menm clt' mm guardian?) 4. Lax horax actuate qua xterm Irubrijadux cl tr'uhqiadw', 5. Una [ism (fetal/aria (Iv Indus Ins dedircciwnzx [ruckus def {mgr} do! Nuiy?adm: 6. Si redito par pieza es mac/u, [as producidm par diu; .37. Lafecha qua cwnicnzu termini: period? dr Inigo; 8, El de/ wnpieudo, domiciliu. [y Attachment #15 Todas [as remisioncx her/tax a Jorge Marin. ilumundu ul (229) 456-189? Llamudu.s' par c'nbm'r no .s?w?rin m'cptudm. Tar/(m Ins remilurtws dchen QECElt/gg; '7 Attachments to ETA 790 Attachment #15 (continued) a su centro de carreras mas cercano antes de entrar en contacto con al patro'n. El patron entrara'! en contacto con todos los aspirantes que han presentado una solicitud, por telefono, para conducir ana entrevz?sta. El patron estara disponible Lunes a Jueves de las 1000 RM. al las 12.00 p. m. de 1:00 PM a 2: 00 PM para las entrevisras de los trabajadores referidos, sin ningun costo al trabajador. Antes de la remisio?n cada aspirante debe leer 0 que se le haiga lez?do una copia de la orden de trabajo. Todos los aspirantes deben tener an entendimiento claro sobre [as condiciones del empleo segrln l0 observado en la orden de trabajo. Se espera que todos los aspirantes trabajen para elperz?odo total de empleo segiin lo indicado en la orden de trabajo. odos los aspirantes deben estar disponibles estar a la discrecio?n del patron para el trabajo segzin l0 descrito en la seccion de las Actividades del rabajo en la orden de trabajo. odos los aspirantes re?ridos alpatro?n, si son empleados, proporcionar lo siguiente: identi?cacz'?nloriginal documentos de elegilibilidad para el trabajo. Attachment #16 The worker will perform job duties as assigned by supervisor. They will vary from time to time depending on crop ripening and weather. The watermelon harvesting is temporary and will last from June to August. Watermelon Hand Harvesting-In order to perform this kind of work, the worker must be able to walk down the ?eld row and use a knife to hand out ripe watermelons off the vine for harvesting. The watermelons are then loaded in a bus by forming part of an assembly line, in which the ?rst worker bends down picks up the watermelon and it is passed on to consecutive workers by passing, Catching, lifting, until it reaches the worker on the bus, who then sets it down and stacks them until the bus is considered full. Watermelon Packing? The watermelon is transported by bus to the packing shed. Upon its arrival, it is unloaded by a group of workers and placed on a conveyer belt. The group of workers on the conveyer belt are responsible for sorting, labeling, and packing the watermelon in cardboard containers. While the workers are waiting on the next load of watermelons to arrive, they will be responsible for assembling card board containers. The worker must be able to work outside for 6 hours a day in all kinds of weather including, but not limited to extreme cold and hot conditions, direct sunlight, and rain. Workers must have the required physical strength and endurance to repeat the process rapidly and skillfully involved in this type of work. Workers will perform prolonged walking, bending, stooping, reaching, pushing, pulling, lifting, and carrying 0-75 lbs. Due to the nature of this type of work, there will be a Probationary Period of six (6) days beginning on the ?rst day of employment for the employee to acclimate to the job speci?cations listed under the 0b Descriptions and Requirements. The worker will be given speci?c instructions as to how to properly perform the work speci?ed in the Job Description and Requirements Section on the ?rst day of work. Workers who do not perform the work as speci?ed, may be terminated. WU Attachment #16 (continued) The employer will provide- the 10615 necessary to the describedjob duties without charge 10 the worker. The employer will charge 1hr: worker for reasnnable costs related 10 the worker?s refusal 0r negligent failure 10 return the tools or due to such worker?s willful damage or destruction of the tools. El (mbqfudnr realizarci asigmidm .s'egzin lax imimcciones dadas par S11 .S?upervisor. 1.0.x (lehmw varicm de Iiempo a Hemp? mafm?nw cstu e! climu la: mudurez dc] Ia (rosa'chu. La dc sandia as Immoral dam dc x?lhrii a :14qu Cl'mecha a mum) de Sundial - Pam reaffzur mm claw. tie ?Whig/'0, ?31 frahqjadur (che caminar par [05 surcos del?l usando um: nuvaju, mrlar Ia ,vundt'u madam de [a vi?a para cased/warm. 1393122193, de ma liner: dc axemblea. El primer trabaiadar rem/'0 la sundia dc] such; la pawmdn, lemnlamlo hash: Hagar a] auiubm?. $9 [a a] (rubzy'udnr gm: mm atlermm dial uumbus este w: apilc?mdv [as .sc?mdim? has!? que el L'amian as umsidemdn Hem), Embaiar .S'andia ?Lu sandia Iransporfada an auto/nix a {a bodega para ser cmhalada. A .m llegada, cs descargada par un gmpo dc mlncadn en um: cimu transporiadora. El grupu dc Irabqjadw'es en la c?ima trunww?tudam w; rcsponmble dc clasi?car. etiquemr wnbalar [a ls'andia (m [as (rag/m dc car-Mn rel .s-iguinle viqje do .s'c'mdl'a. el grupo dis Imbqjadmm .sc'ru (If? urmur [as dc .c?arlrin. El trahqjadur debe pader n'abqu' q/iwm par 6 harm a! dial an 10:10 tipo de clinic: incluyendo. pm) my Iimimdn a mndicioncx extremely dcfi'iu calm: [as solar direcm. Iluvia. Lox trabqfadm'cs richer: tuner Ia?m?m/Kvicu rcqnerida In resisiencia para rcpelir cl prnc'cso. rdpidamcr?e hgihiimwm?. am ?We Iipu dc Irubqjo. Lox Irabqjadores rea?zurcin ruminants proingmiux. ugachadns. alcmizaran, cmpufamn, Iimmn, Ilcvumn. )9 levunmran peso dc 0??5 libras. [)cbidn [u rramralezu dc (3.816? lipu do (mimic. huhrci am pcriudr) dc pruvba dc L'im'o safe; (6) dim, camenzanda can 0/ primer dia de para que el .ch adapt? a [as awed/FmLiam's dc? Imbqju cnumumdm big/'0 [as [Jus?a'ripcit?ms Raquisilm tie-?1 ?Imam. En a] primer cilia (1c Irahqju, $0 durti a! Imbcy'adur imlrm'cim?rm experfficas aimn realizer c'urrei'rammlc cl irabqfo (aspeczj?c'ado en la Svcci?n dc Realms-Has dc! Yi'abcy?u. 1,03 Irahqjadwm' qua r?mlizun cl Imhq/u coma SC c?x?pcc?i?m en mm petici?n pueden ser Icrminados. El palrcin proporcionm'ri [ax nccesuriax pum realism lax deberes escritm del lrabaio. If] patrrin {c mbram um: (1:10ch ruxmmhie a] Imbz?y?mim' par [as cosms relucianadm con la dmegac'irin a lafaim neg/igcnic dc] trubajadnr de [as lwrramiemas 0 dehidv a! dam) [u dw-(mwcitiri dc ml her'I-arriiwims par 1 lrubqjador. 4 5% Mi. We {Hi g, Azlnoliinentrs to Attachment 18 a. To comply with its obligation under 655. 22( an employer must offer, advertise in its recruitment. and pay a wage the: is the highest ot?the AEZWR, the prevailing hourly wage or piece rate. the agreed-upon collective bargaining wag-e. or the federal or state minimum wage, except where a special procedure is approved for an occupation or speci?c class of agricultural employment. a. Para ("onlal obligation boio 5? 6131.732 rm patron debe tty?recer, haeer publicidad en (El reelmamiemn. pagur rm sulurio out: set: L?l nuis- alm do! AEWR. e! salurio de cada [mm la tori/Cr: do pedazo quc prewdece, e! .ralario acordado en la negotiation collect/fro. effederal 0 el Ara/aria minimo errata], three/211:; donate extol aprobndo un procedimimto especial para um: m'upacirin um: close especi?m de empleo agricola. b. If the prevailing, hourly wage rate or piece rate is adjusted during a work contract, and is higher than the highest ofthe AEWR, the prevailing wage. the agreed-upon collective bargaining wage, or the Federal or State minimum wage. in effect at the time the work is performed; the employer must pay that higher prevailing wage or piece rate upon notice to the employer by the department. b. Si Ia turr'fc'l de do coda liar-Ir qm? prover/ere [u tori/?1 do perfaeo .s'e qimtu dw'ame rm comram dc trabojo, es mris alto de el alto dc! .AlEll/R. prevalec?e e! salario ac'ordado de lo negociucirin collective, of salariu minimo Federal Errata], en effecro circmdo xi: real 1'er el Ira/min, e] parrot? deberr pagur e1 scrlur'r'o que pram/em 0 1a tori/o do pedazo mcis aim sabre crvim a] patron por el deparmmenm. c. The Administrator will publish. at leaSt (mince in each calendar on a date to be determined by the Adi-niraistt?aior. the AliWRs for each State as a notice in the Federal Register. c. administrador de publicm'ci. por lo manor rmu re: on coda aria civil, mm fee/m que se determinate? por el udminixn'adm? do Ins ,ililill?li's prim cad? estado coma aviso en el regismifederal. d. Most ol?thcjobs associated with this employment are paid by the piece rate. however 55 3.42 per hour (or a higher or lower AlfiWR in effect at the time the work is or a higher prevailing wage rate. if applicable. is guaranteed as a minimum tor all hours worked during a pay period. if the worker?s total pay for the pay period from piece rate earnings and hourly wages; divided by his total hours worked during that pay period results in average hourly earnings of less than the guaranteed hourly rate, the worker will be provided build-up pay to the guaranteed minimum hourly rate. La mayor parm do 1m: amr?iados eon uric ernpleo son pagudos por el indice de pedam sin embargo 513.43 par hora (a 1m .4 lill?lt? mcis aim 0 mos hojo en 4;;me en a! monwnto qua so reuhtu cl Ira/loin} a rim: Jerri/?: dc safari? que Attachment: to i?i'i?A Attachment l8 (continued) prevalece mcix alto, si?tera amicable, so gar-antizo coma minimo por (odds [as harm . (rubrrjadas dumme 1m periods de papa. St pogo tiara! do! trabqiador para el periodo de pogo dc ganancias de la dc pcdazo de .s'alarios par hora dividid par 5m horas {wales Irabqiadax durrmte periodo do pogo raw/Ir: rm 1m prwnedio do gananc'ia par hora manor qua r31 precio pm" ham gm?ai-tiizado. r1 Irahrrjador yard proveido pogo do par la turi?r minimu garcmfizudu. e. The employer will make the thllowing deductions: FICA taxes. income taxt cash advances. overpayment of ?wagest and. charges; for any loss to the en'iplo'y'er due to the workers damage or loss of equipment or housing items where it is shown that the worker is responsible. and any other deductions expressly authorized by the worker in writing. State income tax will be deducted. e. If! patron hard [as siguienles.? [.os impurwior tie e! impuerlo sobre la camida do pogo, Ins anticipos, cl pogo do suturing. lax cargcm? para sadly-trier p?rdida a! patron debirlt.) a lot; tr?oboiadores p?rdida do articular do] equipo 0 dc la viriemla donate .rr demucsn'tt (lire cl trahqirtdor or responroble, cualquiera 0mm deduccitmcs scan outorizadas par rrahqjador par err-rim. Se deducirri impuesto sobre la do pogo errant]. f. Employer will not pay the worker a bonus based on quality picking or at the end of" season. j. patron no puguni a! trubcrjudor tum primu humda an In wwcha dc la calidad 0 en ?nd/es do Ia g. ol?Work Guarantee: The employer wiil guarantee the worker" employment for at least three-fourths ot?the workdays of the totai period during which the work contract and all extensions thereof are in effect. beginning with the ?rst workday after the arrival of the worker at the. piece of employment and ending on the expiration date speci?ed in the work contract or in its extension, il'any. it the employer affords the worker during the total work period less employment than the required under this work guarantee, the employer shall pay such worker the amount which the worker should have earned had the worker in fact worked for the guaranteed number ol?dnys. For purposes oi?thin guarantee. a workday Shatl mean the number ot'hours in a work on a single workday. including the worker?s Sabbath and federal holiday. For purposes of meeting the guarantee. however. the worker shall not he required to work for more than the number of hour speci?ed in thisjoh order for a workday. or on the worker?s Sabbath or federal holiday. In determining whether the guarantee of employment has been met, any hours which the worker fails to work during a workday when the worker is afforded the opportunity to do so by the employer and hours of work performed, shall be counted in calculating the employment guarantee. The employment guarantee may be abated by the employer before the expiration date speci?ed in the work contract for reasons beyond the employees control due to an act of?od employment before the end of the contract period or in the event the worker is terminated for lawful job-related reason. The employer WECEIVEQ 6 Attituhttm?ls to ETA Wt) Attachment 38 (continued) will not be. liable for payment ol'tht: work guarantee with respect to an H-IZA worker whom the Regional Administrator certifies is displaced because ol?the employer?s compliance with the 50 percent rule. g. de [a Garamia do] Waliqjo: El patron guranrizard temp/ea p0!? lo manor tires marries do [or dies gm: offer-en of trainy?ador duramc cl periodo mm! cluruntc cl mo! 6/ commit} dc? trabqioy Indus lax ethsianer dc ?so (attain rm raj/Ecru, comtmzamlo con el primer (flu labm?ahlc clerpn?r de la ilegadu trabqiador [agar do! ampleo terminamlo en luf?clm dc writ'inticmo eweclfimda mt cl contram dc Irabc?g'o 0 en ru extension, .s'i la Si cl patron product) a! Irabtgfador durcmm e! plaza dc qiccucirm mm! (It? Irabcgjo menus empleo qua roqucriclo liq/0 (aria garantr?a do] Imbqfu, cl patron pugard a ml trabojmlor la camidad que el tralictfador httbiera ganario a] lrubqfador hubiem rrabty?odo cl mimem dc dim garantizatlos cl contra-to. (for; Ohio!? de esta gurumia, m7 (lit: lahomhlu significuni e! minim-o dc lmrax {an em Irabqfo sabre un solo dI'u Iabomble, im'luyendo el dia religiom dc] Irahty'udory tel dirt de?esta?ademl. ("rm obfeto d0 resolver la gammt'a, cl Irubqiodor no sow required a Irabcrjur mos horas qua cl mimero d6 horas par did lalmml en mm order? dc (mint/?0, 0 en el dia religioso, el dia do! Irabrrjador. [in [a do 51?. [a garamia dc] err-rplco sew rc?suclta. mam/o tel trahttjatlor m: quicra Imbaiar alumna? 2m clia [doom/71v dondc el patron lo lmigo Q??ct'itlo Irabcu?u el trabrtiadur no haigo quieridn Imbitiar aria-5? horas labarables dc) n'tthqio swan on cl t-?lculo de la garantia del cmpleo. 1.6: garcmtiu def amp/co so [made disminuir 387' cancelada pm? cl patron anl?x (lt? ltr/?clm dc wncimivmo mpecr'?cttda en cl tantrum dc rrabqfo par manners writ allci do! control def el patron ?atworm; El patron no .Stfl?d obligadn para cl pogo dc: It: gummla dc] {rainy}; con remit-Io an dc gm" adrnim'rtrudor regional cerii?que St? dras?pluce ale/7:210 a In t?nriformt'dml dial patron con la rcgla d6] 50 par citeirlo. h. Payroll periods will ht: weekly. 17. Lt?; pcrlodm? do miminu do pogo sci-tin Jemima/cs. i. The employer will provide workers through the interstate clearance system 36 hours ol?work for the week beginning with the anticipated date of need unless the employer haS amendod the date ot?necd by notifying the local Job Service Of?ce no later than 10 days before the date ol? need. ll'thc employer fails to notify the order-holding office, then the employer shall pay an eligible worker referred through the clearance system $483.12, the appropriate wage alternative work il'tht?: guarantee cited in this section is invoked. El patron prot?ec?rti a [or rqforitlm Irar?r do! lnlerzwaw Clearance System 36 horas {mint/?0 cmpemndo cm: [a primcm .rcmana do antic'ipudu do In necmiclud a qua tel patron liayu [tr/alto dc la "corridor! nail/ictmdo la o?t-ina loyal dc! servicio clef par la menus ll} dim unit's tlt? la??c'hcr do la rm 7 Attachments 1(9 lfflA "39% Attachment 18 (continued) iiecesidad. Si patron no {media notificar lo o/icfirru qm' rim/m In order? do trahaju. el patron prrgord a rm {rahqiador elegihle relizrido a (raves (1e! Interstate (.?learance System $483.12, cl lrubqfo affernuiim dc] mlurio ripmpiadn xi [a garrmtia (Tirade rm 3806513}? so invoca. Attachment 1.9 After the worker has completed 50% of the work period. the employer will reimburse the worker for the cost of transportation and subsistence expenses of at least $12.26 per day with no receipts and a maximum of$5 I .00 per day with receipts. This covers the cost from the place of recruitment to the place Upon completion of the work contract the employer will pay reasonable costs of return including transportation and subsistence from place of employment to place of recruitment. The employer will pay $12.26 per day with no receipts and up to $51.00 per (lay with receipts This is true, except when the worker will not be returning to the place due to subsequent employment with another employer. who agrees to pay such costs. In this case the employer will only pay for transportation and subsistence to the next job. 'lhe amount of the transportation payment will be equal to the most economical and reasonable similar common carrier transportation charges for the distance involved; 'l'hese arrangements apply only to workers for whom the employer is legally obligated to supply housing. Free transportation will he provided from the employer provided housing to the work site and back! for workers living in that housing and for commuting workers, if they need transportation to the harvesting site. .Dcspu?s de que cl n'abqjodm? kayo lerminudo cal 50% do] periodo do] Imbry?o, cl patron rcemhulmni a! trubojudnr para el caste do li?tll?lSpt?'lt? do: gastos dc (19 por lo menus 512.26 por din sin recibos 1m rmixinm do 551. par diu con 1m memos: Esta cobra. cl cosle dc] Inga." de/ rerlulcrmimm a] [agar do! empfeo. Sabre it?! tcrminucfirin do! dc cl patron pagan? castes ruzorzah/es dc vucita incluyendu cl transporre dc dc] lugar def a! lugor do! reclmumienm. El pan-win pugard $12.26 par diu sin recihoxy has!? $51. 00 pm' diu con los roeibor, [5on es wrdad, a memos our cuandn of Irahqjadm no wmlvu of [agar do] rec/momenta, debido a! wnpiw .S'ubsecueme can otro patron, qma pugur rules corms. [in mic rum patron pagm?? solamemc c! (rampant? {u a! Ira/info .riguiemc. Lu crmtidad dc! pogo do! trans/Jone sort} igunl a {as cargax (Iv Immporle .s'imilarrzs mcis ecrmrimioas mcis razrmables do] portadar comzin para [a implicmlu. [551v urreglo Aft? apiicu solamemc a [as Irahry?udm?es para quiencx obligcm a! patron .rmnmisrrur vivirmla. grails Kerri proporr'irmada do In vivienda proporcimmda pm- of patrol? a! silin dc trahry?o. para [os Irabrgfudorcs gm? river: on [as viricndas proveidas par elpaminypara1m Irahojadores qua viru?un. .s'i net'usinm tel silio dc L?tllt't't?h?. 8 3: tizt ?n-i w? rife; . two 7t Attachments; to ?Nil Additional Assurance Addendum Reporting Abandonment of Employment or Termination for Cause The cmploycr will report workers who. voluntarily abandon employment bottom: the end of the contract period. or workers who are terminated for cause, to the Chicago National Processing Center, and workers to the Department of Homeland Security. in writing or other approved method, not later than two days after the abandonment or termination occurs. Abandonment will be doomed to begin a?cr a worker fails to report for work at the regularly scheduled time for ?ve (5) consecutive working days without the consent ol'tho employer. The employer witl not be responsible for providing or paying for reported workers subsequent and subsistence expenses. and the worker will not be entitled to tho ?xii In the event resulting from an Act ofGod. the employer will provide or pay reasonable cost of return transportation and subsistence to the place of recruitment. Adenda do Garamt'a Atlicional Repormndo e! A bandarw de Empleo Rest-i310): Par Causo El patron divulgurri Ins truhty'udorox qua. ubandonc o! amp/er) anim- deljinal do! plaza do cy'ccucion. [as Iruhry'adwcx one so Iorn-rimmpor mum, a] Comm ale I?rocet'o National do Chicago. 31m Irahrg'adores do a! [Jepcn'tanwmo do .S?cguridod do I?atria. pm? cscrim 0 par aim m?mdo oprobodo. no mt?it tnr'do do (2) dim despm-is do] abundonu do [a termination El abanduno .s?crcijuzgudo dearpu?s do gun on Iruboiudor no so reportc a! (mini/'0 a It: how ([140 one I't?gulm'nwmc programudu par cinco (5) dim labm'abitnr .rin cl cumoniimimm; dc] patron. El patrrin no Jerri maywnaublc do [H't'thN?CiU?t?' do pugur trubqjudm'er diva/gums of transporlt? gastos dc no dartiri dorm-ho (II Irabrgjador a la gammia do! :t - 13. En el acm'ztct'imiemo dc la lc?rmimuiirin qua rum/to do rm (who do 01' as. of patron proporcimrarri pagurci com: razrmable do} Wampum) do do 10 rubxisu?m'ia a] larger tie Regulation 655.122(0} Contract Impossibility Contract impossibility. lt? before the expiration date specified in the work contract. the services ot'thc worker are no longer rcquircd doc to an Act oft'iod that makes the ful?llment ol'thc contract impossible. the employer may terminate the "work contract. Whether such an event constitutes a contract impossibility will be determined by the CO. In the event ol?such termination of a contract. the employer must ful?ll a throemfourths guarantee for the time that has elapsed from the start ofthc work contract to the time of its tennination. as described in paragraph of thin section. The employer must make efforts to transfer the worker to other comparable employment acceptable to the worker, consistent with existing, law. as nppticahlc. it"such is: not affected. the employer must: Return the worker. at the employer?s expense. to the place from which the . not; Vi?fhti-t?? {?ing to lzl'l?A Regulation 655.122(0) Contract worker (disregarding intervening employment) came to work for the employer. or transport the worker to the worker's next centit?led employer, whichever the worker prefers; (2) Reitnburse the worker the full amount ol?any deductions made from the worker?s pay by the employer for transportation and subsistence expenses to the place of employment; and (3) Pay the worker for any costs incurred by the worker for transportation and daily subsistence to that employer?s place Daily snbsistonce must be computed as set forth in paragraph h) of this section. The amount of the transportation payment must. not be less (and is not required to he. more) than the most economical and reasonable common carrier transportation charges for the distances involved.? Regulacidu 65 5. 1.22 (0)1mposibilidades dc (mtmto (0) Impas?ibilidad do! commit). Si mate?s dc lajec/m do vmcimit?nfo aspect/loath: an m" control!) dc frabqjo, [or serwicios clef Imbqfador Ila Im so requieren par wrongs do otms ?lerzus muyw?as' gm: hogan cl cumplimivntu do] contra?) inymsible, cl patron puede terminal? a} dc Mabel/'0. Si ml mm'liruyc ?no imposibi/ielad do! cor-11mm sort} determinadu por e1 {in euro de mi {cranium-ill? dc) 2m comr?am. e] patron debt! statisj?u'ol? Ircs do In gm-mm'u pm- of fivmpo mm ha transcrurrido do! mmicnzo deal comm") do Irohafo a] [tempo do so lermimwirln, .316ng In clarcr?iio or: cl (1) dc mm section If! patron debt} hover carilwrxox para trans/(Mr a] (rabqiador a! otm comparable ac'epmh/e por cl Imhrg'adw: con [63? de ilmligracirin, coma uplimhlt'. Sf m1 tranr/?rwrcia no zyocmda. patron claim: Dcvolrcr a! trubqfadm: a] mom dc! pairdn, a! lugur do of ma] 6! (sin hue-er mm do] cmpleo do intervention) trim; a lrabtgfur para a] patron, Irmnporlu a] trabqiador a! patron certl?cmlo .riguicmc do (181 Irahcy?ador. :31 can] of Irahqiador pro lore; Rownhulxw' a! Imbqjudor It: cuntiduu? complain dc maiquicr dodetccirin qua so haiga hccho (It: In [toga do} H?ahq/?adm' dc parts) do! patron para a! for grows- do L?s-tannin a! lugar dc] (3) I?agur a] (t't?lhqjudor (furllqui?r qur halga heck? cl fruhrg?odor para [a Iranportacion la .t'ubristcm?io diarm a} lugar do! do my ;.;uiron. Lu .s?ubsiswm-ia diarlu so deba compulur .regzln Io dispucxm wt cl prlr'rcg?: de um: xvccir?n La mm?idud delpago dc! transports no debt? Stir mamas (y no .rc requiem pom .rcr 1min) qua [as targets do trunrporfo ccomimiwx with. dc] pormdor para lax 5655.120 Offered Wage Rate: QEQEWEB to l'f?i'A To comply with its obligation under an employer must offer, advertise in its recruitment, and pay a wage that is the highest ot?the AEWR, the prevailing hourly wage or piece rate. the agreed upon collective bargaining wage, or the Federal or State minimum wage, except where a special procedure is approved for an occupation or a specific class of agricultural employment. If the prevailing hourly wage rate or piece rate is adjusted during a work contract and is highest of the the prevailing wage, the agreedmpon collective bargaining wage, or the Federal or State minimum wage. in effect at the time the work is pert?onned, the employer must pay the higher prevailing wage or piece rate, upon notice to the employer by the Department. The OFLC Administrator will publish. at least once in each calendar year, on a date to be detennined by the Administrator. the AEWRs for each State as a notice in the Federal Register. Tat-{fa dc salaria ofrecida ?655. 120: Pam t'mtformarse can .s'tt obligation d?bcl?) dc 556533.122 (1), 1m patron debt? ofrecer. publicur on .m reclutamz?mm, pagar rm salariv qua m: e! mn?is aim (1e! AEWR, salart'opm' ham la turf/2t de pcduzo qua. pr?temlecfe, el salario ermt'enido em Ia negotiation colec'n'va. :31 Federal guy tndique cl .s'ulurio minimo. except?) {Jamie estti uprohado mt pmcedimicnm mpecia! para mm mrupac'irin 0 mm close emecf?ctt do empluo agrit'olu. Si la turf/E1 do salario dc coda [tor-u que {)rei-talece la turf/?: (1e pedazo so ty'uslu dut?t?ntte tm cmtt?mm dc Irabttfo err In mais- a/ta deli-4514713, cl .mlario one prom/tact?, e] Sin/(trio ticot?dudn do In negotiation coiectivu. (3 el Federale?s' lo que indict: el salw?io minimu, on (ffi'clu cutmdu so rculizu t'l Irabttjo, e1 patron deben pugar oi salario qne premiere [a tori/i: de [wt-Jam mm altu. .mhre uvtm ul patron par 6/ Degmrtumcnm. 1-17 Administradm do 0191f publitztr?tii, per lo menm itna vez par a?o civil. (we .i'e determinani par of do ()le e] Mill/Rs para L'udu coma avaim en el Regime federal. Regulation 655.1350!) Fifty Percent Rule From the time the foreign workers depart for the employer?s place of employment, it must provide employment to any qualified. eligible US workers who applies to the employer until 50 percent of the period of the work Contract has elapsed. Start ot'the work contract limeline is calculated from the first date ot?need stated on the Application for ('erti?wtimr, under which the loreign worker who is in the job was hiredReoewm Regulation ?5.122(0) Contract lit ?deemed ea,- c. to 790 Regulaci?n 655.135(d) Reglu dc Cincuema Par Ciento Desde e! momenta que salon Ins Irabzgjudmm- arranger?; (Iii? e! Iugw- de empleo del empleador. a] empleador debe proporcionar empico a c'zmlquiw' Irahqjadm' qua 07.71qu que mic calffimdo a? Magi b103- has-Ia qua huyu I'ramcurridt) Ia mimd dei pcriudo dc! cannula dc 15/ cor-nienzo dc [tempo do! tantrum do lrabcgia se calcula a parlir do Ia primem?tcha dc) necexidcuf indicuda en la Solicitud de Certi?cacion de Empleo Temporal, hqju cl cam/file cumraladu e] Irabajador exirwy'ero. Regulation 20 CFR soc. 655.122(a) U. S. Worker Assurance Prohibition against preferential treatment ol'alicns. The employer?s job offer must offer to workers no loss than the some bene?ts. wages, and working conditions that the employer is offering. intends to o?'er, or will provide to H-2A workers. Job offers may not impose on workers any restrictions or obligations that will not be imposed on the employer's workers. This does not relieve the employer from providing to l~la2A workers at least the same love] of minimum bene?ts, wages, and working conditions which must be offered to workers consistent with this Section. Regulaci?n 20 CFR sec. 655.12.2(a) Aseguramientv dc ?I?rabajador Prohibition de (mlamiemo prqf?rcencial de [m ()?tria dc ample!) def empleador debe of?cer (1 ins Imbajmim-cs do Esmdm Um?dus nuda met/:03 [as mismos bene?cius. xulariox c?ondic?ionm dc trabcy'o vmpleudnr tog/Eva?, so propane of?cer. 0 pmporc?im-wrd a [as Irabafadnrm' (Ili?rtm? do no pneden importer a fox Imbqiadorm do I05 Estmlus Unidnx rm!riccionas obligmrimms' que no 5c impondn? (1 I03 (rabqfadorcs dc! amp/radar. Exit.) no rulct'u a! mtpiuadur do proporcimmr [05 li?abcgiador'cs pm In mcmu cl mismo Hive! dc pras?lacinnes minimm, lax .s'ularim [as cortdicicmex dc (ruhqfu qua :1 eben .wr o?'ecidas a Im? frabqfador'as axiadatmidcm'cs cmt.s?i.s1mtfe.v mm mm