- Form Approve d · - - · · • · - - - - - - · · - • · - · - ··•-•· - - Budget !3ureau No. 44-R1358 - - - - - - ···-· .....-1-. _E_M_P_L_O-YER'S NAM _ E _ A _ N _ D _A ._ D _D _R _E _S _S _ _ _ U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Trainin U.S. TRAl \111':G A~ D EMPLOYMENT SERVICE g Administratio n Tri-C ounty Elect rical Contractor. LLC 2746 9 Florid a Rd. Cent er, MO 6343 6 EMPL OYER FURNISHED HOUS ING ANO FACIL ITIES (See fnslructions 011 Re,-erse) 2. HOUSI NG LOCATION 3. HOUSING DESCRIPTION 207 Jeffe rson Stree t Perry, MO 6346 2 4. SLEEP ROOMS L- __ . (No. & Measure) . . .•J._ Hous e .. 1 a. Dormitory Type l b. Family Type ·- ~1:~~ -- -~ --;·~-· -·=t~ - +-- -- -+:;: . ~(:-~;:,~ !--2 3 ··- Ceiling Height -· , - - . T ~: ::::::• I - Square Feet .•. ~. ~~Jt 0tiib~; ····· 1 l 4 I 1 2 4 ...•. --.c.~·· 1·· - --r·- f 1s;.~~-1 I I i ! : 1-:-· . r- 1--__;_c.;;.;.;:.:...:;...:..:c.:.;.:._ _ _ __ - ES USE ONLy - ---- - -- - --- --- ----f v: ~ -_··~~:---~=--=• ·~ K ~ -:~~ - -~~- f,-co: - P-LiANCE- . - --J. ,--8---J,.- -8--,!f --8- -+-- -1-- -'-'W - 0 - ~'----- - - ---=~=--=o=-1 ,a__t_e,__ r ; 55_........,-+-·~7_2..:..~--i:_ -_-_·•· _-_E_·;_e~~~-: ~_ ·ty_ _ _ _ 7. FACILITIES (Numb er of each) Flush Toilets Privy --,----1 · --7· ......,__ _ Urinals 2 :=-1 - :- - + - - --1-- : -~-:ee - n-in-g- - - - - - - : : ···•·•······r· -···· ·- -···1 _.Jc___ __.__ ___,__ _ I _..,1._ _ _.,___ ::=--:~ =-t IT Heating _ -+-_ - -- -- ---- ······ ····-- -- - I Lav. or Washbasins Showerheads i ! \Moc ;bl;· Bathtubs j Laundry m;-ch-i-n e_s_'_F-ix-ed - iaundry tubs Bathtubs 3 I 2 I Movable laundry __2__ __-+l------·-..-'_1__ __ _ . ---· ___ __:_tu_b_s _ _ _ _-t 1 Cook Stoves Refrigerators I 1 Garbage containers First-aid Kits 1 1 1 8. COMMENTS , Fire Extinguishers 1 1 1 dryer on-si te escap e ladde r on 2nd floor 9. EMPLOYER'S CERTIFICATION: I CERTIFY THAT I have reviewed the housing regulat ions of the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Training and Employment Service , and that the housin g described herein [81 meets does not meet such standards. I hereby authorize represe ntatives of the State Employment Service l . ~and/ or Employment and Training Administration . regional_office to inspect the above housing_at any reason able time. - - · · · ~ - - - - - . - . O 10. HOUSING INSPECTED BY: Joyce Hahn Signature of Authorized Official '.,j . I Joyce Hahn, Program Coordinator Typed Name and Title n ~ r/ak- 1 ROVAL: Housing approved for occupancy by workers recruite d interstate. Signature of Authorized Official Typed Name and Title l_ ~ -- .. ·-·-·- · Date 4/23/19 Date J~yce H~hn~ r.~gra ~. Coor ~inat or_ _ _ .....___4_ 12 _3_11_9__, FORM ES-338-R2 R.JULY 1969 Al "" r • .- , • r - 'r -l ' L ( -. I i - .l ., . ·r • . I> ',-1. • ' • } I . ,.{ I ' I I '4f- I. . . .. '· . ,,, -1 r - 3.. 1337.93" ,3 . 245:." 15,. .. 9 My? 5i?? '13.-.. . - . "44'23? 31:. ii?) .f'nw . 1.: . 1 ·.,. ,. mo.gov Michael L. Parson Governor ... , ....»: :-• t' , · :.;,,,, .,,..;.;r;o~,1r.f""'c)'ll.r!mt•nl .,f tibw mpiv,mcnt ,md , rai in l( t \,I ti l)U' f t n f EMPLOYER FURNISHED HOUSING AND FACIUTIES - - ------ HOUSING • OCATION 4348 State Hwy C Senath. MO 83876 r ltnglh l •--' •1 A• ;, ->, ;)R£_ , Marin J. Corporation 2148 North Tomngton ~o Avon Park, FL 33625 ---- --~ 3 !401.iSING OES~!ION "'" "~ ·----~_.Nl.,-t -+ 4 2 -· l Width I ' , l Wood Frame HYMI\.J \ fotm • .,,, '&,<><,) J. ~- f., ' " 44-.,, l6 ---+- , 2 · -, I +_J_1S7_7$ ES 3 use ONI.Y 9 --At-AC n''r ,A-i.. &. RF.GLLJ,rtot.s·coMPL1ANCE [''t"l!fPIVee No ~l • "'°' ' ~r • 8 103 ~7-, ·-·~• ~•• Slta 2 !F1ufh fO!iei. I 1 I P1'tvy ~ -•- ' UMI\$!& i 1 .,,_.;:- 1-1\\jVt-.. ... t. ',1>, 1aoo fo.. 14/30/19 Oale 4/30/19 · - --..1 1 J:"o ~w\W\l'.-ft I " lktHrtm,:m I r nt HH} 'from " A, , !, " • , • ' 'N'.ti \NV I:.~ 'i < · Ml:N ' 'iLRVI<. l' .~ EMPLOYER FOIU~ISHEO tiOUStNG ANO FACIUTlES 1:1. ,: 1-r NAV' ~.. lt -l'{rss ll,~tH!,,1" Marin J Corporation 2148 North Torm,gton Rd I Avoo Pari<, FL 3382~ 1 + rC1,,S1 >,,G -H~ »,i - ..., SC PTJON t Bn k HOLl$f< I _,__..... --l.lU-------..... ONLY __ ES ,..,, 4 I r -· ' c~ ~. I , I No. of 8~,. + ,,,,.,__ +I ...t ,~·10 3 Elec:• 1• 2 11.-· - ~-- I& ')IV¥ ...it IA . t ~ I ~• ~- I • 1 Oetb&i& ---·•• ''"'~"''" I Bath, All> 1 • t810 D 1 blc '>k J I2 @ - I l- 2 bQ - ,Unnala 2 r~ D ••«· --------~------. . ' . ------- --t 7 FAClll11l:S (Num/w of Heh} "" St• ,,. 19 A~ 'J) & " !>ttv .. i.Af v .,, COM 'UAN\..£:. , "l{"Dvf'lx"} Yn War Sl, ,..., ~- o f ~ APAl;,I 1311 214 -.w. ' ,qy I\Jt>S ~((,:,t -,r-o ~.,;; •.-. , 1 ,l'!,i o,,:t ( t~ • 3 1 - - - - - - - - ~ - - •-•-•_u_ _ _ _ _ _ _.,.___,,_.,. COMMENTS ---------------------4 (~::; .... Centrallled building with 2 wash machines and wash lines. Oumpstef for disposal of trash. 3 smoke alarms Used OSHA regulatiOns 50 sq ft per person. 10el• ., 4/30119 ___ ,, Dattt 4/301'19 FMMES.~2 ".JUI..Y 1we N Hahn, Joyce From: Sent: To: Subject: Hahn, Joyce Monday, April 22, 2019 9:47 AM 'Jorge Marin' RE: Housing@ 4348 State Highway C., Senath, Missouri Thanks for the pictures. I will probably be there around 1:00-1:30 on April 30th . Another thing that was brought to my attention is that every housing needs either a wash machine or wash tube and dryer or laundry line outside for drying in each housing unit. If you don't have those things they will need to be in place as well. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks From: Jorge Marin Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2019 4:40 PM To: Hahn, Joyce Subject: Housing@ 4348 State Highway C., Senath, Missouri Mrs. Hahn, Please see the attached pictures of the beds that I have placed in the bedrooms at 4348 State Hwy. C. in Senath, Missouri. Please let me know what time you will be going on 04/29/2019, so that I can have someone open the home for you to do the re-inspection. Thank You, Jorge J. Marin President Marin J. Corp. 1 [51.9.111?; .1 A ?van! aw w?waz Ww~. i I Form Approved Budi::iet Bureau No « -R1358 r U.S. Department of Labor, Emplo;ment and Trail,:g··~~~ ;~;; ~ration 1. EMPLOYER'S NAME AND ADDRESS U.S. TRAINING AND EMPLOYMEl''l1 SERVICE AR Constructio n PO Box 1171 Hooker, OK 73945 EMPLOYER FURNISHE D HOUSING AND FACILITIES (See Ins/ructions on Reverse) 2. HOUSING LOCATION 3. HOUSING DESCRIPTION 25 111 1405 N. B Bethany, MO 64424 Mobile Home ]:'. _:h_M_e-as _u_~ J __' _ E b. Family a. Dormi1ory Typl:l_.,.,.. __ ,......,.,J__.,...---,---,----,~Type 4. SLEEP ROOMS i---·-··· j_ 2 3 _l __ . . . . . .. _ _ ce~~g H_e_ig_h_t ii ; ....-1-- -- - - - - 8 9'10 11'2 9'2 14'9 --- 8 8 i 101/i 83;14: ··· ..................,+-- ... _ _ _ _ _ , i 1 2 i -r·I ! ES USE ONLY 4 ; 1 ! (Adults) ("x" proper box) i Water -· ---- 1s1, J ~ 1 ! --· - ......._._... ....... ·--·--t---- .........- --½ ... 1bk ------ -- - --! s.·REGULATiONS COMPLIANCE ·---· - - j -1 - - - -- 1bk 7 5. CAl;>ACITY - - +; - - ---+-- ---+- - - --......... t-------,-.,,- ---... - - i No. of Rooms No. of Beds, Single No. of Beds or Bunks, Double , 3 -~ · -- ·-· ... ..........,., ---1. - -- - - I Square Feet i--~ -'-.:2 2 I Yes _.. .. ..................,.. , _.,,, Electricity ... Site Screening Heating 7 . FACILITIES (Number of each) Flush Toilets 1 Privy Urinals ______......,_________ I 2 :athtubs ....... \ Movable Bathtubs !laundry machines No • • • • • Lav. or Washbasins : Showerheads ...... ----Fixed laundry tubs 2 Movable laundry tubs If-2 - -- - -- _______. . .__________ c.,,..- ------- ----Cook Stoves : 1 Refrigerators j I 1 ; 1 Garbage containers i 1 First-aid Kits Fire Extinguishers (N; l 2 & type) ;--- -- - - - - ' - - - - ---.;___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____......_ _ __ _ _...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _-t 8. COMMENTS ! 9. EMPLOYER'S CERTIFICATION: } I CERTIFY THAT I have reviewed the housing regulations of the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Training and Employment Service, and that the housing described herein meets does not meet such standards. I hereby authorize representatives of the State Employment Service office and/or Employment and Training Administration regional office to inspect the above housing at any reasonable time. D Emi,;:Sig~ 10. T y p e d ; ; : : : t J- f OUSING INSPECTED BY: Signature of Authorized Official Cfa1:tCA, 1/ak Typed Name and Title Joyce Hahn, Program Coordinato r 1. 6PPi:i6VAL: Housing approved for occupancy by wor1