INDUSTRIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE (IHW) FILE TYPE:f P VOL# INCL SIYEDATES'lOO Media ode I rrnat: M o Microfiche 181 Roll Microfilm _,_______________________ NOTICE OF DOCUMENT QUALITY TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY INDUSTRIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE (IHW) THE QUALITY OF THE FOLL0\\/11\C DOCl.l\lENT(S) IS SUCH T HAT LL OR P()RTl()NS OF Tl-IE l\1 1CROF IL MED I MAGE MAY BE OIFFICl ' LT TO READ OR ILLEGIBLE. Som(· n ' asons for poor yualitv : There an· multiple densi1ics pc,· pagl'. diffrrcnl t, pes of ink. faded don1rn e nt, and some documents are diffrrcnl co lors . .\Ian\ of th e ph otogra phs arc of poor qualitv . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, U. S. ARMY AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY CENTER AND FORT BLISS 1733 PLEASONTON ROAD FORT BLISS, TEXAS 79916-6816 SW R #_-=-~ :<-=;__ 0_03 -=--REPLY TO ATZ -DOE (200) AP R l ·) 2001 tl.:l:G.£! I',}( l ' 9 April 2001 I Allan Posnic k D MOA Program Mdnagcr Corrective ct ion cction. Attn . MC - I:..7 Te"1s atural Resllurce Con sen at ion l'o1111111s sion P.O Bo, 13087 Au tin. -, c"as 78 71 1-3 08 7 Re pone Actton Completion Repon (RACR) for th e Montana Road Rubbl e Dump pill ite, WM 16. FTBL-028. EPA TX l! SWA Permit I.D. 11 ~21' 7:..010 1, issued July 1991 I. Attached f, r your review and approv al 1s the Re pon e Acti on Completion Report (R Montana Road Rubble Dump pill ~ite, SWMlJ 16. FTBL.-0:..8 R) for the 2. The discovery ofasbe ·to roofing shin gle and evi dcnct' th at unknown local personne l had discarded used engine oil at the ite during the initial EPA in pection and survey of rort Bliss earned th i ite its de ignation as a WM . ub ·equently in esti gation revealed th at thi s are a along side a power line ease ment was more properly an informal , UJlauthorized dumping groun l for lorn I civ ili an contrnc tors and lanJs aper. s \ ell as iti zen from the nearb. residential are acr Montana Road from the re enation . Previously. acce · wa not ontro llcd as tlm area of the Fon Blis Milit ar. Reser ation wa s not fen ced and gated . part of the response actions. fo rt Bliss has con tructcd a fence along Montana Road to control acce to the area and pre enl future use of thi area a a dumpsi 1c rhe enclose;;d RA C R um mari ze the cleanup activities and re ul of ampling th at\ ere performed al the propcri) Results pre en ted in the report demonstrate that the conditions at the proper!)' meet the Remed) Standard /\ requirements under the T xas Risk Red uction Program (30 TA , hapter 3 0). 4. Based on the completed response acnons . Fon Bliss is requesting a ··no furt her action·· letter fo r this ite Plea e direct an que ti on to me by ca llin g 915-.568-7979 or email (g_od 1 ed(L..Q.!L_. arm .mil ). I I Da id Dodge l: ngineering and Environ ment . Inc. IRI' Projc t Manager f. • TBL-070 File D Di tri bution A AP 1 2001 REMED \flO OIVI 'ION Corrective .\ction s 'etion RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION REPORT FORT BLISS RUBBLE DUMP SITE- SM\\1U 16 Montana Road Near Site Monitor Fort Bliss, Texas Prepared for : Fort Bliss Directorate of Environment HQ USAADACENFB ATZC - DOE B622 Fort Bliss, Texa 79916-6816 Prepared by : Ro F. We ton, Inc. 5599 San Felipe Houston, Texas 77056 March 2001 Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Adion Completion Report - Rubble Dump Site; Fort Bliss, Texas RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION REPORT RUBBLE DUMP SITE FORT BLJSS, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE TITLE EXEXUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... ES-1 1.0 IN'TRODUCTION ..... ................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 FACILITY LOCATIO AND DESCRIPTION ........ ...... .... .... ....... ... ... ... ..... .... ..... .. .... . 1-I 1.2 BACKGROUND INFORM.A TION .... ...... .... .... .... ... ..... ... ... ... ... .... ........ .. ....... ... .. ... ...... 1-2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 • Preliminary Site In estigation .................... .. ....... ....... ... .. ..... ..... ......... .. ....... .. .... 1-2 ite Characterization ... .. .. ... _............. _. .. .......... .......................... ................ .. ... 1-2 Re ponse Action s ..... ...... . ... ... ................... ..... .... .... .... .. ........................... ..... ... 1-3 1.3 REPORT ORGANIZATION ........ ........... ....... ................... .. ..... ........... ....... ... ..... .. ... ... .. 1-4 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING ........................................... ..................................... 2-1 2 . 1 SITE SOILS ......... ......... .......... ....... ... ... ...... ....... .... .... ..... .. .... ....... .... ........ ......... ........ 2-l 2.2 SURFA E FEATURES ....... ............................ ... .......... .. ............... .................. .... ...... 2-I 2.3 LAND USE 2.4 SE 2.4. 1 2.4.2 .. .. .. .... ...... ...... ... ........................ .. .. .............................. .......... ..... ... .... .. 2-I ITTVE RE PT R Water Well urve ........ ... .............. ........... .. ............. ...... .. ..... ....... .. ....... .. .. .... ... 2-2 Utilit A se sment ... ... .... .... ............ .............. ...... ...... .... ................ .... .............. ..2-3 2.5 E OLOGICAL A SE 3.0 RVEY .................. ................... ... ....... ................... .. .. ...... 2-2 ME T. ........... ........... ....... ... ...... ... ................... ... ............. ..... 2-3 RESPONSE ACTIONS .............................................................................................. 3-l 3 . I REMOVAL OF HYDROCARBON lMP ACTED SOIL ...... .............. ........... ........ ..... .. 3-1 3.2 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ................. .... .. ..... 3-2 3.3 REMOVAL OF CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS .... ...... ... ....... ... ... ..... .... ........ ....... ..... 3-2 3.4 WASTE CHARACTERJZATION AND DISPOSITION .......... ... .. ..... ......... .. 3-2 3.5 VERIFICATION ACTIVITIES .. ...... ... .......... .... .. .... .. .......... ....... ........ ..... ......... .. .... ... ... 3-3 • 3.5. I 3 .5.2 Laboratory Anal y es ........... ..... ........... .. .. .... ..... ... ..... ... ......... .... ... .. .. .. .......... . 3-4 Verification Sampling Results ...... ......... ...... .............. .... ........................... ..... 3-4 3.5.3 Evaluation of Re ults ........................ ............... ............... ... ...... .. .......... ........... .3-5 Ftbl iss:Monlllna:RAC R.doc ,i Roy F. Weston. Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Site; Fort Bliss. Texas RESPO E ACTION COMPLETION REPORT RUBBLE DUMP SITE FORT BLISS, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 4.0 TITLE PAGE IMPROVEM.ENT ACTIVITIES ............... ................................................................ 4-1 4 .1 EARTHEN BERM REPAIR .............. ........ .......... ....... .... ... ........... ...... .. .. .. ... ................ 4-I 4.2 SURVEYING AND FENCE INSTALLATION ............ ........... ....... ....... ....... .... .......... 4-I 5.0 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................... 5-I 6.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................ ................................... 6-I • • Ftbli ss: Moni.ana:RACR.doc I ll Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss. Texas RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION REPORT • RUBBLE DUMP SPILL SITE FORT BLISS, TEXAS LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE 1 2 Site Location Map Land Use Map 3 Historical Sample Location Map 4 5 Surface Soil Excavation Areas and Verification Sample Locations Map Aerial Photograph (Fence Installation) • Flbliss:Monta.nn:RACR.doc 1-4 Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site: Fort Bliss, Texas RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION REPORT • RUBBLE DUM P SPILL SITE FORT BLISS, TEXAS LIST OFT ABLES TABLE I 2 TITLE ummary of Detected Concentration in Soil - 1995 and 1997 Investigations Summary of Detected Concentration in Verification Samples • • Ftbliss:11.fonl:in:i:R AC R.doc 1-S Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Adion Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss, Texas RE PON E A TION OMPLETION REPORT RUBBLE DUMP AND SPILL SITE FT. BUSS, TEXAS LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE A B C D E F Preliminary Site Investigation Report - Golder Associates, 1997 Site Characterization Report - Golder Associates, 1999 Environmental Technical Report - ENCON International Inc., 2000 Water Well Survey Ecological Assessment - Tier I Exclusion Criteria Checklist Laboratory Analytical Reports - Final Verification Soil Samples • F\ · :~1ontnna:R CR.doc lll Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss. Texas EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The purpose of the closure acti ities and this report is to provide environmental and physical site data to support a Remedy Standard A. Tier I Closure of the site in accordance with the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) promulgated as 30 Texas Administration Code (TAC) Chapter 350. This report also documents that steps taken to prevent that dumping at the site will not occur in the future. SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located on the Fort Bliss Military Re ervation, and was used as an unauthorized dumping area by unknown, but presumed local persons. Historically, access was not controlled and this area of the Fort Bliss Military Reservation was not fenced or gated. The area was never 4t used as a dump site by Fort Bliss, but could easily be accessed by others from Montana Road to dispose of general refuse and construction debri s so as to avoid the disposal fees at the local landfill. RESPONSE ACTIONS Response actions have been completed to restore the site conditions and to obtain regulatory closure. A variety of waste material including hydrocarbon contaminated soil, asbestos- containing materials (ACM), and general construction/demolition debris and trash were removed from the site and properly dispo ed at approved facilities. Reconnaissance and verification sampling was performed to document that waste material is no longer at the site and the site conditions are suitable for closure. CONCLUSIONS Based on the data and information presented m this report, the following conclusions are provided for the Rubble Dump Site. Fthliss:Montana:RACR..doc ES-I Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss. Texas • • Approximate! 1• cubi yard of h drocarbon- impacted soil were excavated and transported to the Camino Real Landfill in ew Mexico for di posal, and approximately four cubic yards of ACM were removed and transported to the Otero County Landfill in New Mexico for di posal. • Approximately 1,638 cubic yards of non-hazardous construction/demolition debris were removed and transported to the Camino Real Landfill in New Mexico, and the Clint and Fort Bliss Landfill s in Texas for disposal. • The horizontal and ertical extent of impacted oils ha been delineated to concentration either below the laboratory practical quantitation limits (PQLs, method detection limit ) or the critical Tier I Protecti e Concentration Level (PCLs) for organic and inorganic constituents. • An ecological evaluation was perfonned, and the results indicate that the site does not pose unacceptable ri k to ecological receptors. ·- • Concentration of con titu nt remaining in the oils are below the Tier 1 Residential PCLs. Therefore, the Rubble Dump Site is in compliance wi th a Remedy Standard A, Tier 1 Clo ure and no further action i required • A fence was in tailed along Montana Road and the Site Monitor acce s road to control acces and prevent future dumping • This Re pon e Action o mpletion Report along with the associated appendices comply with the requirements of the Affected Property As essment Report, 30 TAC §350.51 through 350.55 . • Ftbli :l\ ES-2 Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss, Texas -~ 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of response action associated with remediation and restoration of the Rubble Dump Site at Fort Bliss, Texas. The purpose of the closure activities and this report is to provide environmental and physical site data to support a Remedy Standard A, Tier 1 losure of the site in accordance with the Te a Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) promulgated as 30 Texas Administration Code (TAC) Chapter 350. This report also documents that steps taken to pre ent that dumping at the ite will not occur in the futu re. The remainder of this section provide descriptive information on the site as well as a summary of previous activities that ha e occurred at the site 1.1 FACILITY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The Rubble Dump ite i · I ated outhea t of Bi ggs Army Air Field just west of the Fort Bliss Site Monitor (radar) facilit y. A location map i pro ided as Figure I . The site consists of an approximate on -mile long ection along a north-south trending power line easement that originates off of Montana Road in El Pa o, El Paso Count , Texas. The site has been identified as the area extending I 00-feet o n either side of the one-mile long ection of the power line easement. This site is located on the Fort Bliss Military Re ervation, and was u ed as an unauthorized dumping area b unknown , local per ons. Historically, access wa not controlled and this area of the Fort Bli s Military Reservation wa not fen ed or gated. The area was never u ed as a dump site b Fort Bli , but could easil y be acces ed by other from Montana Road to di pose of general refu, e and con truction debri s o as to avoid the dispo al fees at the loca l landfill. A land u e map is provided a Figure 2, and thi map shows the site and surround ing area. The dumping area was di co ered during a 19 7 Re ource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility As e sment (RF A), and the site was added to the Fort Bliss Installation Action Plan. The ite is identified a Fort Blis Unit (SWMU) No • 16 Material ite FTBL-028 and RCRA Solid Waste Management that have been dumped at the site consist of construction/demolition debris, furniture, asphalt , plastic, wood , used building products (shingle , tiles etc.), and general tra h Petroleum/oil/lubricant (POL) stains have also been identified within the site. The stains were ob erved lo be relativel y small and most likely the fthli s : fonlllna:RA R.doc 1- l Roy F; Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss, Texas • result of automobile or imilar ehicle engine oil changes. In addition, areas of charred debris also suggest that some of the debris piles were historically burned. The site and surrounding area north of Montana Road is undeveloped and characteristic of the local desert terrain. The area south of Montana Road is composed of both commercial and residential properties. Other than the historical unauthorized dumping, the area identified as the Rubble Dump Site is used only as a buffer between the public and military activities to the north. 1.2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1.2.1 Preliminary Site Investigation Following discovery of the -ite during the 1987 RF A, the ite wa identified as a SWMU and added to the Fort Bliss In tallation Re toration Program (IRP) for action. A Preliminary Site Investigation wa ub equentl cheduled and completed in 1995, where a total of 15 soil samples and 13 samples of p tential asbe o -containing material (ACM) were collected for laboratory analy es (Golder, 1997 . A cop of the Preliminary Site Investigation Report is provided as Appendix A Sampling locations were elected based on the result of a field survey where high priority areas were identified . The high priority areas consisted of potential areas of ACM, areas where ol ent or paint can were identified, and area where black stai ned soil possibly as ociated with relea e of POL or from burnt con truction debris) were located . In summary, the areas with the highe t potential for contamination were sampled during the Preliminary Site Investigation. Elevated level of semi- olatile organic compounds (SYOCs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were reported in everal of the soil samples, and everal samples were reported positive as ACM. Soil sample locations from the Preliminary ite Investigation are shown in Figure 3, and a summary of the sampling re ults is provided in Table 1. 1.2.2 Site Characterization In August 1997, a Site Characterization ampling event wa conducted to further identify and -~ quantify the presence of petroleum impacted soil and asbestos containing material at the site (Golder 1999). A copy of the ite Characterization Report i provided as Appendix 8. As part Ftbli s:Mont.ana:RA R.doc l-2 Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss. Texas • of the Site Characterization, a review of aerial photographs and additional site reconnaissance was performed. The result of the aerial photograph review were inconclusive since the scales of the available photographs were too large, and features within the site were not distinguishable from the surrounding desert . Site reconnais ance concluded that there were onJy two new waste piles that were not previously identified during the Preliminary Site In estigation. Based on the available information, a total of 50 samples of potential ACM and 18 soil samples were collected for laboratory anal se . The Site Characterization sampling locations were elected to e aluate additional areas of waste d1 po al along the easement, further evaluate the results of the Preliminary ite In estigation, and investigate two new areas of waste that were believed to have been created after the 1995 Preliminary Site Investigation. The soil sample locations coincided with man of the initial sampling locations that are shown on Figure 3. The sampling results revealed that 26 of the 50 construction debris samples were positive as ACM. Low concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in 4 of the 18 soil samples. The YOCs mainl y con i ted of acetone. methylene chloride, and 2-butanone, and ·- these were reported at concentrations below health ba ed tandards (TRRP) developed by the Texa atural Re ource Conservation Com mi ssion (TNRCC) SYOC were not reported in any of the samples above the laboratory practical quantitation limit (PQL). Elevated concentrations of TPH were reported in surface oils at five locations a illustrated on Figure 3. A summary of the results of the 1997 Site Characterization is provided in Table I. 1.2.3 Response Actions In December I 999, remediation and restoration activities were completed at the site. The results of the response actions are summarized in the Environmental Technical Report that i provided as Appendix C (Encon, 2000). The following activities were compieted as part of the response action: • • Completed a ite reconnai sance visit to verify the extent of impacted soil ACM, and con truction debri . • Repaired the existing earthen berm that extends approximately 1.7 miles along Montana Road to make acces to the area more difficult. • In taJled a 5, 00-foot long. 4-strand barbwire fence along the Montana Road earthen berm to control access to the area and reduce illegal dumping. • Excavated and dispo ed of approximate! 6 cubic yards (CY) of hydrocarbon impacted soil. Ftb!Jss:Montana:RACR.doc l-3 Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Adion Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss. Texas • • Collected one erification compo it soil ample from the e cavation areas for benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, and xylenes (BETX) and TPH (TX Method l 005). • Removed and dispo ed of construction/demol ition debris. approximately • Removed and dispo ed of approximately four ards of ACM . 1,63 8 CY of non-hazardous The specific objective of the remediation activities included the removal of hydrocarbon impacted soil, ACM, and construction/demolition debris. The areas that were excavated correspond to the areas where elevated levels of TPH and SVOCs were reported in characterization samples. The excavation areas were labeled P 1 through P4 as shown on Figure 4 . Following excavation and scraping, one verification ample was coll cted (as a composite of the four excavation areas) to confirm removal f th h dr b n affe ted ils. eith r B X n r TPH were reported in the verification sample above the laboratory PQL. Di po al acti ities were conducted in accordance with applicable Federal, tate, and di posal facilit requirements (additional discussion on the removal and disposal acti vities is provided in Section 3) 1.3 REPORT ORGANIZATION The remainder of this report is organized as Ii ted below, and ·upporting documentation 1s provided as appendices for reference • Section 2 discu se the enviro nmen tal investigation co nducted at the ite . • ection 3 present more detailed discus ion of the response actions that were completed at the ite, and a summary of the analytical results from verification samples collected from the site. • Section 4 presents ot her field activitie that were completed to prevent future access to the site for unauthorized dumping . • Section 5 provides conclu sio ns drawn from the response actions that have been completed at the ite. Ftbli s:Montana:RACR.doc etting based on current and previous 1-4 - 1--------------------------------------------Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss. Texas • 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING The following subsections present discussions of the physical characteristics of the site, information on soils, and the results of a sensitive receptor survey. The information describing the site soils and sensitive receptor survey were taken from the Preliminary Site Investigation Report (Golder, 1997) and the Site Characterization Report (Golder, 1999). 2.1 SITE SOILS Soils encountered at the site consisted of medium to fine-grained sand extending to depths ranging from the surface to 12-inches below gro und surface (bgs). the maximum depth explored. Since the visual taining and waste material wa not identified at depth, information regarding subsurface soils at the Rubbl e Dump Site is not known . However, information collected from other similar areas of Fon Bli ss ind icates that the subsurface soils are characteristic of sands and gravels with occa ional clay interbed to depth of up to several hundred feet. Saturated condition are not known to occur at shallow depth ·. 2.2 SURFACE FEATURES The site i a relatively flat rectangular-shaped property con i ting of approximately 25 acres. The United States Geological Survey ( SG ) quadrangle map, presented a Figure 2, indicates that the ite lie at an elevati n of approximately 3,965 feet above mean sea level. The ground surface at the site is mo tly unvegetated, wi th an estimated 20% being covered with small scrub brush . Observations made during th field investigation indicate that drainage from the site varies along power line road, but no ob ervable drainage pathways or channels exist at the site. No natural gullies or creeks eras the site. The nearest receiving water bodies are an unnamed pond located approximately l, -oo feet to the southwe t and Jesuit Draw located approxi mately 3-miles to the southea t. Both of these are on the opposite side (south) of Montana Road, and runoff from the Rubbl e Dump ite would not be directed to these features . • Ftbliss: iontana:RACR.doc 2-1 Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss. Texas 2.3 LAND USE The Rubble Dump Site is located on the Fort Bli ss Military Reservation. Since the area of the Reservation where the Rubbl e Dump ite i close to commercial and residential areas that are south of Montana Road, it is not used by Fort Bli ss. Other than the power line easement, no structures exist at or near the site. The master plan for Fort Bliss shows that the area encompassing the Rubble Dump Site as not currently nor expected to be used in the future. The area is planned as a buffer zone between Fort Blis · and the developed areas south of Montana Road. 2.4 SENSITIVE RECEPTOR SURVEY The following is a summary of the Sen itive Receptor Survey (S RS) conducted during this investigation. The SRS consisted of a water well search, a utility asses ment, and an ecological assessment to evaluate what receptors, if any, and/ or exposure pathways exi t at the site or • within Y2-mile of the site . 2.4.1 Water Well Survey A water well earch was conducted for the area wi thin 1/2-mile of the site, and a copy of the report is included as Appendix D. The water well search included document review from the following state and federal agencies: • • • Texas Water Development Board Texas Natural Re ource Conservation Co mmission United States Geological Survey A total of four wells were identified by Enviro nm e ntal Data Resources, Inc. (EDI) within 'h-mile of the site. Three of the wells (49-14-503, -51 I, and -512) are reportedly still in use and are located southeast of the Rubbl e Dump Site. One well ( 49-14-505) has reportedl y been abandoned. All of the wells are categorized as being domestic/public water supply wells, and none of the wells are located on Fon Bliss . • Ftbli. :Monbna:RACR.doc 2-2 Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site.· Fort Bliss, Tex as The completion depths of the three water well s remaining in use (49-14-503, -511 , and - 512) are 455, 430, and 440 feet bgs, respectively . The screened intervals are 365 to 455 feet bgs for well 503 , 340 to 440 feet bgs for well 5 11 . The screened interval for well 512 was not reported. Based on these screened intervals and the location of the wells, impacts from the Rubble Dump Site do not exist. 2.4.2 Utility Assessment No subsurface utilities are located adjacent to or in the vicin ity of the site. Overhead electrical lines are present within the rig ht-of-way easement on the west side of the power line road . In addition, some utilities including underground telephone lines and overhead power lines are present along the north side of Montana Road . Contamination has not been identified near Montana Road, and impacts to utilities has not occurred. 2.5 •~ ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT In accordance with the Texas Ri sk Reduction Program, a Tier I Exclusio n Criteria Checklist was completed for the site to determine whether or not furt her ecological evaluation is necessary. The completed Exclusion Criteria Checklist is included as Appendix E, and based on the outcome of the check list, further ecological evaluation is not req uired . ftbliss:Montmm:RACR.doc 2-3 Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss, Texas 3.0 RESPONSE ACTIONS The following subsections describe the response actions that have been completed at the Rubble Dump Site. As mentioned previously, Fort Bliss is pursuing closure of the site according to the Texas Risk Reduction Program, specifically a Remedy Standard A (Residential) Closure. For this, the Tier I Residential Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs) established under TRRP have been used to evaluate the results of samples. The PCLs are concentrations that have been calculated by the TNRCC using conservative assumptions and exposure models to be protective of human health and the environment. This closure approach, if approved by the TNRCC, will allow for unrestricted use of the land and deed certification will not be required . Much of the information presented below was taken from previously prepared reports to provide a summary of the response actions that have been completed to restore the conditions at the site. Additional information can be obtained by reviewing the reports that are provided in the appendices. 3.1 REMOVAL OF HYDROCARBON IMPACTED SOIL Four oil stained areas were identified during the Site Characterization , and these were referred to as Stations Pl through P4 . Since the stations were relatively small , excavation of the visibly stained material was scheduled and completed . Approximatel y six (6) cubic yards of soil from the four areas (P-1 through P-4) were excavated and disposed off-site. A site map illustrating the areas of excavation is included as Figure 4 . The excavated soils were tored in 55-gallon drums on-site pending laboratory analysis and waste characterization. Upon receipt of the sampling results, the drummed waste material was disposed at an approved facility as non-hazardous waste. Each excavation was then backfilled to surface grade with clean soil from the surrounding areas of the site. One soil grab sample was collected from the base of each excavation before backfilling. The four grab samples were composited to form one verification sample (Fort Bliss #I) that was submitted for laboratory analyses . The sample was collected at a depth of approximately 0 .5- to 1-foot bgs. The soil sample was collected using clean stainless steel scoops and latex gloves. • Samples were placed into laboratory-supplied jars, labeled, and placed on ice in an insulated cooler. Upon completion of the sampling activities, the sample was submitted to Trace Analysis, Fthli ss:Mont.ana:RACR.doc 3-1 Roy F. Weston. Inc. - Response Adion Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spif{ Site; Fort Bliss, Texas Inc. in El Paso, Texas. The erification sample was submitted for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes {BTEX, EPA Method 8021) and TPH {TX Method I 005) analyses. Based on t he results, BTEX and TPH were not reported above the laboratory PQL in the verification sample. The results are summarized in Table 2. 3.2 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS Seven ACM sites (0-3, 0-5 , 0-17, 0-32, 0-40, 0-54. and 0-85) were previously identified during the 1997 Site Characterization ( ee Table 3, Site Characterization Report, Golder, 1999). Many of the samples were reported to contain between 5% and 35% chrysotile asbestos. Based on the asbestos testing, the identified floor tile and similar materials were removed from the site. The material was properly bagged by a licensed asbestos contractor in six mi ll imeter polyvinyl bags, labeled, and transported to an EPA approved landfill for disposal. A total of 20 bags, or about four CY, of CM were rem 3.3 ed fr m the it and properly disposed . REMOVAL OF CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION DEBRIS Numerous pile of construction and other debris e isted along the power line ea ement. The material wa not hazardou but the presence of the material was visibly unattractive. As part of the response acti ities, approximate! 1.638 CY of non-hazardous construction/demolition debris was loaded into dump trucks and disposal at the Camino Real Landfill in New Mexico, and the Clint and Fort Bliss Landfills in Texas. The removal activities occurred over a four week period in early 2000. 3.4 WASTE CHARACTERIZATION AND DISPOSITION The hydrocarbon impacted oil was placed into 55-gallon drums and stored onsite pending analytical results. Based on the analytical results for TPH, the soil was classified as a Class I, non-hazardous, regulated waste. On January I I , 2000, approximately six CY of the Class I, nonhazardous soil were transported to the Camino Real Landfill in New Mexico. Manifests fo r disposal of the oil i included are Appendix C. • Ftbl i .: Montnna: RA R.doc 3-2 Roy F. Weston. Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site, Fort Bliss, Texas On 29 December 199 , approximate\ fo ur ard of A M were transported by Environmental Reconditioning to the Otero County Landfill in New Mexico . The TNRCC hazardous waste manifest is included in Appendix C. Since the construction debris wa classified as unregulated non-hazardous waste, manifests were not required by the landfill. Trucking trip tickets were used to arrive at a total of 1638 CY of material that was removed and di sposed at several approved landfills in the area. 3.5 VERIFICATION ACTIVITIES Aft.e r reviewing the available data on the site, Fort Bli s decided to collect additional verification samples to document that constituents of concern were not present at the site. In addition, Fort Bliss wanted to conduct additional site reconnai ssance to document that additional waste disposal had not occurred at the site si nce completion of the removal activities. A site reconnaissance visit was conducted in November 2000, and evi dence of additional waste disposal was not ob erved . Verification samples were then coll ected fro m fo ur areas where elevated level s of TPH and S O s were reported in previously collected samples. locations also corresp nded to the area These crapped and excavated during the re ponse actions. The samples were labeled R D-1\ , R D-6V, R D-I OV, and RSD- IIY so as to correlate to previously established sample locations. The ve rification samples were collected from areas where small amounts of gray stai ned oi l were located, and not in the excavation areas where backfill material was added . One additional sample was collected from an area near historical location RSD-24 where dark sand y was noticed during the November 2000 site reconnaissance. The samples were collected in November 2000 and January 200 I, and the location are shown on Figure 4. The samples were collected at a depth of approximately 0.5-foot with new di sposable plastic scoop . The samples were placed in clean and labeled sample contai ners, and the containers were then placed in a cooler w ith ice. At the end of the sampling activities, the sample labels were checked for completeness, additional ice was added to the cooler, and the samples were shipped to Se em Trent Service for analyses. Proper chai n-of cu tody procedures were implemented, and appropriate docu mentati on accompani ed the samp le shipment. Ftbliss:Montann:RACR.doc 3-3 ~'!llallll-.--------------------------------------------, Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss, Texas • 3.5.1 Laboratory Analyses The verification samples were submitted for pol ynucl ear aromatic hydrocarbons (P AHs) and RCRA metals. The e anal es were elected becau e P AHs were the predominant fraction reported in the earlier VOC re ult . Metals \ ere included in the analytical approach since these One sample, RDS- I OV, was also submitted for had not been analyzed previously. polychlorinated biphen Is (PCB ) to confirm the ab ence of this constituent group at the site. This location was selected ince it was reported with the most individual P AH compounds at the highest observed concentrations. The erificat ion sample were analyzed for one or more of the following parameters: • PAHs in accordance with U. . EPA Method 8310 . • PCBs in accordance with . EPA Method 80 2. • Eight RCRA metals in accordance with U. . EPA 60 I 0/7000 series methods . 3.5.2 Verification Sample Results The verification sampling result are ummarized in Table 2, and indi idual laboratory reports are provided in Appendix F. The data were alidated upon receipt, and no ignificant findings were noted that affected the re ult · pecifi PQL ere at or below the TNRCC Tier I PCLs for individual oil analys s. One exception occurred for ample RD - I 00 where the PQL for dibenz(a,h)anthracene (0 . PCL of 0 . 5 mg/kg. -o milligram per kilogram [mg/kg]) wa reported abo e the Tier I o PAH con tituents were reported in this sample, and the elevated PQL is not considered significant. As shown in Table 2. low concentration of a few PAH con tituents were reported in some of the verification sample . benzo(g,h,i)perylene, ln parti ular, phenanthrene, chrysene, benzo(b)tluoranthene, and acenaphthylene acenaphthalene, fluorene, were reported at low concentrations, ome e. ti mated below the laboratory PQL, in sampl es RDS-IV, RSD-1 OV, and RSD-11 V. None of the concentrations exceeded the cri tical PCL. PCBs were not reported in RDS-IOV, the only ample ubmitted for th i anal si . Regarding metal s, chromium, cadmium, lead. and silver were reported in the verifi cation • samples. The concentration of metal are below the Tier I PCL for soil expo ure, but some are Ftblis :Montan :RA 3-4 Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site. Fort Bliss. Texas • above the Tier I P L fi r gr undwater pr t ti n. Ba kgr und metal on entrati n have been established for the Fort Bli s cantonment area; however, it i uncenain whether they would apply given the distance between the ba kground ampling location and the Rubble Dump Site. Therefore, the sample with the highe t concentrations of metals (RDS- IOV) was further tested by the Synthetic Precipitation L a hin , Pr cedure ( PLP) The PLP result were all below the PQL indicating that the metal s are not leachable at the concentrations reported at the site, and the concentrations of metals are protective of groundwater. 3.5.3 Evaluation of Results Historical investigation activities at the ite revealed that ome areas were affected primarily with hydrocarbon constituents at concentrations that exceeded acceptable levels. Additionally, ACM was present in areas of the ite that required action . The hydrocarbon affected areas and the A M wa removed from the site and properly disposed. For the areas not excavated, instance of VOCs, TPH, and VO s were reported, howe er, the concentrations were all reported below the critical Tier I PCLs. • erification ample , collected from the areas where removal activities , ere completed, were not reported with constituent concentrations exceeding the critical P Ls. Therefore, the ontamination ha been removed , r moval actions have been completed, and the site atisfie the requirements of a Remedy tandard A closure under the TRRP . Under this clo ure approach. no further action i required at the ite. -~ Ftbliss:M ntana:R R.doc 3-5 Roy F. Weston. Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss, Texas • 4.0 IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITIES T he fo llowing subsections describe the improvement activities that were completed m association with the respon e actions to reasonably pre ent future dispo al at the site. 4.1 EARTHEN BERM REPAIR Approximately a 1.7 miles stretch of the existing earthen berm along Montana Avenue and the Site Monitor acces road was r paired. There were l l commonly u ed access points that were identified that required repairs . These areas of the berm were repaired using a backhoe, mediumsize bobcat, shovels and hand tool . The impro ement to the earthen berm were conducted to reduce access to the site and surrounding areas. Photographs of the berm repair activities are described in Appendix C. 4.2 •~ SURVEYING AND FENCE INSTALLATION Prior to the installation of the fen ce along Montana Avenue, a Texa -Licensed land surveyor was retained to identif and stake the location of the east-west property line along Montana Avenue. Once the property line was established, a 4-strand barbwire fence was installed along Montana Road and the Site Monitor acce originating along Montana Road Road . The fence was constructed on Fort Bliss property e t of the Rubble Dump Site where the fence for the El Paso International Airport terminated . The fence wa extended along Montana Road to the Site Monitor access road where it turned north . The fence was then extended to the Site Monitor parking lot where nearby security per onnel are always on duty. Brace posts were incorporated into the fence at approximate 300-foot intervals, and no trespassing signs were installed along the fence at I 00-foot interval . The location of the fence is shown in Figure 5. One gate was installed at the power line ea ement road in the event that access was required by the local power company. The gate was ecured with a lock and chain, and Fort Bliss controls access to the gate keys. Photographs of the fence are provided in Appendix C (photograph 3 and 4) . • 4-1 Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss, Texas .• 5.0 CONCLUSIONS • Based on the data and information presented m this report, the following conclusions are provided for the Ru bble Dump Site. • Approximately six cubic yards of hydrocarbon-impacted soil were excavated and transported to Camino Real Landfill in New Mexico for disposal, and approximately four cubic yards of ACM were removed and transported to Otero County Landfill in New Mexico for disposal. • Approximately 1,638 cubic yards of non-hazardous construction/ demolition debris were removed and transported to Camino Real Landfill in New Mexico, and the C lint and Fort Bliss Landfill s in Texas for disposal. • The horizontal and vertical extent of impacted soils have been delineated to concentrations either below the laboratory PQLs (method detection limits) or the critical • Tier 1 PCLs for organic and inorganic constituents. • An ecological evaluation was performed, and the results indicate that the site does not pose unacceptable risks to ecological receptors. • Concentration of constituents remaining in the soils are below the Tier 1 Residential PCLs. Therefore, the Rubble Dump Site is in compliance with a Remedy Standard A, Tier I Closure and no further action is required . • A fence was installed along Montana Road and the Site Monitor access road to control access and prevent future dumping. • This Response Action Completion Report along with the associated appendices comply with the requirements of the Affected Property Assessment Report, 30 TAC §350.S 1 through 350.55 . • Ftblis 5-1 t Roy F. Weston, Inc. - Response Action Completion Report - Rubble Dump Spill Site; Fort Bliss, Texas 6.0 REFERENCES Encon International Inc. (Encon). 2000. Environmental Technical Report, Fort Bliss Ruble Dump and Spill Site lean up near Site Monilor - SWMU-16. 14 June 2000. Golder (Golder Associates). 1997. Final Report. Preliminary Site Investigations. July 1997. Golder. 1999. Final Report, January 1999. ite Characterization Rubble Dump/Spill Site, Fort Bliss, Texas. TNRCC (Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission). 1999. Title 30, Texas Administrative Code §350, Risk Reduction Program Rule. 23 September 1999 . • • Ftbli s: fonlana:RA R.doc 6-1 . :.r,-:.-:-:- ,, . ;-;--.- \,'~,! ~~ I ,;:_ . I .... . . c,·,,_ . ,i. I~t;.• . ,;; I ,' ) I . ," ,I j (' I REF: 7.5 IIIHVTE SERIES {TOPOGRN'HIC MAP ) FORT BUSS SE OUADRANCu: SCM1: : 1:24,000 SOURCE; PRQ.JMINARY SITE ~ TION RO'OR'T , COlD[R ASSOC . INC FOR DBS .N/BOHANN-'N - HUSTOH,INC .(JULY, 199 7 ) SITE LOCATION ... ... . ... . . .. . ' ·.v, Fl ~.1[1 (; FT ' .• \ ' -~ SITT: lifbN:roR ( ~ FACUTY) \ ; . , '·}. I • l .,._ '< ' - I' ~ ,r - • . ~ - . . . ·,;.-:~ ~ ' ·. Jtll, .RUBBl.£ '. - \ .., IOUMP , :.' SPIU. SITE ·t ._, r .,., ,, FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP RUBBLE DU MP SPILL SITE (SWMU 16 ) FORT BLISS, TEXAS • 1., tf • t-~ ~}·,,.Al I MARCH 01 123 7 1002003 NOT TO SCALE ·• . ' "" • . .... Ht· ' ', , ._, · • · .i. ~' ' i.A ., ~. ,, . G1 -~ ., -:....-r I'·"' i ... .:.. --- - • '' ~ .. . . .. ,·;"' / ') t -:: ...... ' ..... .. ~ •,. 2 ' . ~4·· (' ,o - ., I ....... ll ·...r...,__ ~- .,, .. ) h~ ~ ......... J !•, 9. . . ,, RESE 1' '\ t { ·' c·· ! ~ ../ ~ t f .' ~ \ f •. i, · FORT BUSS ' .., l • ""'\ .,._ - :lMWIT'f; . . -.. 'Qf.,. ; I 1 fl / . .::.,; -·- u .- . •1 J 11 .,, ... 'i '' J ..- , •r . I i \ ~ r ' / 'I . - -·,•. .... r- .. ' . (. "- w . ,. .... re , .. .INTERNATIO AIRPORT ' ··.:~ ,. f ,. ~r ' ,~ ..< EL PASO . 1'.l;,- • J'J.iti .t ,, ~TIOf:t :, J (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAJ..) ' S( ' Al I·. I 2 ·1 IH )tl • t I 2 · --:::::-1 0 ·- I 1 ()( , 1 . . _ _____ ___ ~r- . .. -"- '! L FIGURE 2 t '·"l.;. LAND USE ( ( l'\ !Ot HI "\! fl,'\ \l 1n H ~ I MAP LEGEND : 7 .5 WINVTt: SO!!ES (TOPOCAAPHIC MAP) BUSS SE OUAOIWIGl£ RUBBLE DUMP SPILL SITE (SWMU -16) FORT BLISS, TEXAS SITE LOCATI ON : 1:2 4,000 INC DA [ PC:)Jf (1 FEB 01 12371002003 NO >< \DWG\rOR; '.,( Alt AS SHOWN LISS\01.100115 30 TMG 01/ 30 /0 1 ~N II II II 1: ~ 0 .300 I 1 I 600' I SCALE IN FEET NOTES: 1) RDS-SERIES SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING THE PRELIMINARY SITE INVESTIGATION (1995) . LEGEND ELEVATED TPH/SVOC CONCENTRATIONS • 1111 CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS SAMPLE SURFACE SOIL SAMPLE SURFACE SOIL EXCAVATION AREAS (Pl, P2, P3, P4) (SIZE DOES NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL SIZE EXCAVATED) FIGURE 3 . SAMPLE LOCATION MAP .. . . ,. ~Jr" \ 1 - __ Jl_~- RUBBLE DUMP SPILL SITE {SWMU 16) FORT BLISS, TEXAS DATE FEB 01 PROJECT NO. SCALE 12371002003 AS SHOWN lt:\OWG FORT BLJSS\01300116:lO.TMG 01 31 01 -~ 0 I 300' 600' I SCALE IN FEET .... "' ... • • < NOTE: 1) VERIFICATION SAMPLE FORT BUSS #1 WAS A COMPOSITE SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTED FROM EXCAVATED AREAS P1 , P2, P3, P4 UPON COMPLETION OF THE EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES. 2) SU RFACE SOIL SAMPLE RDS - IV, - 6V, - 1OV, - 1 1V, 100 WERE FINAL VERIFICATION SAMPLES COLLECTED ON NOVEMBER 6 , 2000 AND JANUARY 3, 2001. • 1111 LEGEND FINAL VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE SURFACE SOIL EXCAVATION AREAS {Pl. P2, P3, P4) {SIZE DOES NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL SIZE EXCAVATED) FIGURE 4 SURFACE SOIL EXCAVATION • AREAS AND VERIFICATION SAMPLE LOCATIONS .•. : MAP ,~J, \1 -, RUBBLE DUMP SPILL SITE (SWMU 16) FORT BUSS. TEXAS __ Ji -:~-- DATE FEB 01 SCALE AS SHOWN ~ ' NOTE: • FIGURE 5 Aerial photograph of the proj ct s,t a nd odjoin,ng El Paso International airport proper y (Cooper Ae rial Survey, 1995). Fence line for oirpor is illustro ed in blue . The newly installed ence line or the rubble dump/spill site is outl ined in green (a- lnd,co te s yp ico l site access points hot were bloc ed by r pairing t e earthen berm . 50ll!C£: ENWIONMENlAI. TECHNICAL REPORT. ENCON INT[RNATlONAL INC (JUN[ • • . 2000) AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH (FENCE INSTALLATION) RUBBLE DUMP SPILL SITE {SWMU -16) FORT BLISS, TEXAS DATE PROJECT NO. FEB 01 12371002003 SCALE AS SHOWN H:\DWG\fORl Bt1SS\01l10110J0.TMC 01/31/01 Tahle 1 S wnmary o f DetectPd ConcPntrations is Soil Rubble Dump Spill Sitl' (SWI\ I 16) Fort Bliss. El P!lso. TelUls Re ldent11ll Tier l PCLs Sample l.D. RD ·-t TocSoilc--b cwSoll 120 260 3,400 9,500 Naphthalme 4ethylmc Chloride Acetone 2-Butanon.e 16 0.0065 2.4 15 RDS-3 RDS-4 RDS-5 RDS-6 - t - -~(~0 -_1~) - - + - - -('0_- l-'-)- - + - - ' (-0_--'" 1)_--+--"( 0--' l)'--- ll/4/95 11 /4/95 11/4/95 I 1/4/95 11 /4/95 ll/4/95 0.005LI 0.005ll 0.00 5U 0.005U 0.005U o.oom o.oom o.oom o.oom 0.005V NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA - -NA ----+-- ?,;A NA NA 4-M ethyl·2-pent.anonc 4,900 NA NA NA o.oosv NA NA NA NA i 1--- ' - - - - + - - - - - - -----+--·-----+-------+· - - - - - - -. . ; - - - - - - f - - - - - - 2,600 , 4.1 0.005 U 0.005U O.OOSU 0.005 U 0.005U 0.005 U 2-Hexanone Toluene ~ RDS-2 t,__-~ (_O._ - I') --+---~(C_~_l ~) - ~~ ~=,~ifJ1i:1~,~~~t~i~~~ir~~t~1mttJt~i~rrt~t~ti~ti/\1f~]~i1?iit1~ijt%~@t1iti~t~tr~1J~iwr.~w.;1~(;$t~~~}#Jr~t~iit~i~1t,~1t~tj~1t~1r 21. 0 ~600 Benzene Toluene j Ethylbenz.ene 4,0()()i 3 .!l Total Xylenes 3.300 61 Naphtha.lcne =-_ --,------+------+-------,-------+-------+ - - - - - - - 0.0 13 ____ - . ___ . 1_ _ 4._I _______ -=--·- r-· =--- ' 120 = 0340U·-- 0.350 U 0.340U 0.340U O.J30U 0. 1301 0.340U 0.350U 0.340U 0.340 U 0.330U 0.071J ~- L700! -_ :=-· c-CU 40l '--=:- - -o~3'soti-- , - -o-_3_4_o_u- ~ · - -o-.-3-~~- u- - - i - -o-.3-3_o_t _r-+---0-_·4--1o- ~ Phenanthrcne Fluoranthene PyrC11c Bcnzo(a )anthraccnc bis (2· Eth lhe,cyl) phthalau, Chryscne Di-n-octyl phthal&tc Benzo(b )flu oranthene £kll2o{g.h,i)peryl nc 1-Mcthylnaphthalcne Acc:nAphthene Q_j _ 2.300 I 56 1 21 0 960 560 0 340ll k. 9 0.350lJ - O.J50U 0 . 350U - -4:i__ , -R2 ___0 340\/ ~ 60 - 770___ - 1.300 ~- 6 I - -l,!WO - - +l !< I 0.000 JO -- - - - 21.000 f---- 57- J 50 3,400 3 10 3k X7 76 220 1,300 - __O)6 _ : 5.7 - _ ' 0.340 U ·t·-, - - 0.340U 0.330U O 34- ~ 0.330U O 340l.' o J -101 · ()3401-; O 3401' 0 H Ol ' 0 J 40li _ ~ 3_::?~ 0 330 U 0.330U o.330u I 0.340U j_ 0.340U 0.330U I - u'.J50f1 o.34ou -- .. o 340 - , -0 _3301 1 1 · o.35ou : o.340U o.340U o.330L~ r -03 ~- 0 340U - , - O 340U i O 330l' , 1 0 3 0 ' ~-- 0 3401 1 --- .. 0.340U 0.330U 0.350U I 0.340U 0.340lJ , 0 3301 ' ~.350L' ' o 340U , ~ -4_9~ o 3?0 U ·0.350 U 0.340 U I O340U I 0.330U 0.350U L _j __ 0.340l 1 0.0701 1.900 O. IJ OJ 0.330U 0. 140 J 0 330 U· - ~~ -- -- - OJ50l' ! 0.340ll O 340 0.350U I 0.340l 1 1 0.3 40U ·-oJ 5oT" - - ~3oo- r __!):340U _ - R5 __2,_!00 _ ~ 1i< .ooo &nzo{k)flu orantbcne Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno ( 1,2.3-cd) pyrenc Dibenz (a.h) anthraccne Acenaphthylcne Butylbenzylphiha.latc - 0.340U ·-,--034~ f -o.340c,- - - 0~6~ - 0 340U · - __o}SQT; _ I_ 0.3 40l 1 _ I __ 0.340lJ _ + O 340 l ' 0.350U 0.340L: 0 340U ' (U 40l ' 0 340L' 120- - - ~3 4~L' __ 2.5 00 1 .... _ -3-.o-o_o ___, Fluorcne Anthnu:enc 0 -34_0_l' - - 0.1 IOJ O.Ok5J o.34-0U 0.340U o.34ou o.340U 0.340U O.J40U 0.340U o 340 U 0. 340U ~=;:~~'tlf~~~\tfltt.rr}1:~=£~?:·\:\(~J:tt:-{:!:1:\tit~r:tr::1ft[1:r1 :'.::;~\t?rit~Jt\J\ti~t\i~tf.ttttttf~~~~}~:M®lJMr~r)tf)t}Jttirtitt~Jtir:tiimri:~rlt~m~ttJ ,___ 6 3 10 - - - - 0 1 - - - - - - - f - - · - _____ f - - - +- - - - - ... 15 ~----·io ___ - - -iI - - ---- --- -- -1 95 ---- ---r----- ' i:o ·· - - ·=- - ; ·· --= -- - t - · - - - - + - --- - - - - I __. ____L__.___ - - -~.:.42 0 TPH 418.l TPH 1005 C 6 - C, 0 - , .600-1' ---- 1.600 > C, o • Ca C6. C1 Oil & Grease • soo ----· I___-_· __ j_ ___ _:::-_ __ 220 0.75 1~200 - - · - - ---· '-- - - - Lead Mercury Se.lcnium Silver 1 ..!}___ .._ __ ~4_ __ , _ 2.800 43 ,.. 23 ,000 - • ·· Anlcni Barium Cadmium Chr mium ~- l .600 I - 20 _,____ .::- --· 20 r - - ,- ---- -1 - ,--t l - / ---------;,-.- ---r--- 20 ____ :::_,~--' 45.9 --, 40.2 - · - -·-.,.I -- 27 8 - - ------L I 61.7 ~ ~ 25.2 Sample RDS-29 was a trip blank 2 ample S-2 i a duplicate of sample S-1. 1 ample -8 is a dupl icate of sample S- 7. I . Soil sample w analyzed for VO J = lndiClltcs an cstim 1.ed value. hy EPA Method !< I CJ. E mConcentration ex eeds the calibration range of the GC MS B = Analytc detected in method blank. Bold = Detected concentrations exceed the <..Tilical T ier l PCL Ji.,r residential land use al a 30 a-.Te soun:c area . 232/1 <0.0 15 J = Total concentration (mg/kg) I SPLP concentration (mg·L) 1«1fi11al.J.u, Re id cnlial Ti<'r I PC'Ls S,unpl I.D. RDS- to Analytt (0- 1) 11/4/95 Naphthalene Meth lcne CW ride A.cctonc 2-But.anonc 4-Meth 1-2-pen!Jlnonc 2-HeXllllOTIC Toluene RDS- I I (0-1) 11 /4195 RDS-25 (0-1) 11/10/95 0.005U 0 005U NA NA 0.007U 0.005U NA 'A A 'A NA A 0.005U 0.005U I I --r- 0 340U O }40l l • - 0 .340l ' 0 3 OU ~ Phc1lJIIlthrcnc Fluoranthene Pyrene 8enzo( a )anthraocn~ his (2- Eth lhexyl) phU1alate • Cltryllcne Di-n-octyl phthalate Benzo(b )Jluonmthenc Benzo(g.h,i)pcrylenc 2-Melhylnaphthalene 1.700 2.300 1.700 5.6 43 560 1,300 210 960 560 1.800 !<2 770 ' 10,000 30 23 ,000 2.~o~ X5 .l .000 2,300 J!(.000 120 0 340l ' 0 340l' O .l40l ' 0 075 J 0 340l ' 0 340l ' 0 140 \ ' 0.3 40\ 0 l40l ' CU 4ot · -"-- (, Acenaphthene Flu rcne Anthraccne Benz. )lluoranthen~ Benz.a( a )pyrcne lndeno ( 1,2,3-cd) pynnc 5 0.56 5.7 0 55 .1 . '00 5,700 Barium Cadmium Chrnrruum Lead -fer ury 0 H O! ' - ~9 I 50 0 140\ ' 1,400 0 )4 0l ' 3 10 3~ 87 1-101 · 0 \401' 0 1401 ' 0 \40! ' 0 340! . 0 .340! ' 7 (, 2.U 1.300 2.!<00 4\ D,000 500 0 75 1.200 6 10 3 10 I I I CJ 0 340l ' 0.340! ' 0 340 ! ' 0 340l ' 0 140\ ' 0 .140l' 0.340l ' () \4011 0 3401' 0 340l ' 0 340 \ ' 0 140\ 0 340l ' 0 340l ' 0 l4 0l' 0 340l 0 340! 1 - 0.330U 03 30U 0 330l I 0 3301 ' 0 DO U 0.330U 0 30l ' 0 .330l' 0. 330! 1 0 330U -·---- I+ 28.000 8.IIOOE 0 260J- T ll 700E l 1 ---~ 2 500 0 30! ' 21 OOOE 5300 2 GOO o:n ot: 13 OOOE 0 330l' 0 3301_: 0 330l ' I 5(JO o:n ot ' -r , + 0 Bot ' 0 1301' 0.330 U --- 17 {)00lJ 0 330U 8 400E I 17-ooou · 17 .000U 17 ooou 5 400) __ ..._, k OOOJ 6 6001 t 7.500F: - - -t 2.000 I 100 0 330 \ 1 0.330 U 17 ooou 17.00ilU 17 OOOl ' 17 000\ I 14 OOOJ 17 ooou --, -1 - 2.600 0 .340U 0 340\J 0 .340 U 0 340\i O.J40lJ 0 .340U 03 40U 0 '40 0 .J40U 0 J40l1 0 40l ' 0 .340! ' 0 .340 U 0.340U 1-; -1 I 5 I -- 'l ....j. 1,700 TP II 1005 C 6 • C io 1.600 > 10 • C2 C 6 -C 21 l ,t,00 1.600 Oil&GreMC 1 • '' 20 20 20 57!< 145 250 11 5 2.0 30 7.690 ample RDS-29 was" tnp blanl. 2 Sample S-2 is a dupli J Sample S-8 is n duplicate of sample S-7 te of. mple . - I oil sample was analyzed for SVOCs hy J:.Pi\ 1-.fcthod k.l 10 J c Ind icates an estimated va lue E = Concentration exceed! the calibration range of U1e <,C /\ IS B • Analyte dctc...' in method blank. Bold = Detected concentrallons exceed the cnttcal Tier I l'CI f tor rc.sadenltal land 23211<0 .0151 Total con cntration (mg,ki;) ' SPLP conccntrat, u.S<: al a 30 a..-rc source area c Page 2 of 5 Ta ble 1 Summary of lktectf' C1 0 -~• C6 -~I Oil & Grease • - 16 0.340U 340U 0.330U 0.340 U NA 340 U 6.70 U 120 0. 340U 21 0 0.330U 1.700 0.340U NA 340 U 340 U 6.70 U 0 .340U 2,300 960 0.330U 340 U 0 .340U NA 340 U 6.70 U 03 40U 1.700 560 0.330U 0.340U NA 340 U 340 U 6.70 U 0 .340 U 5.6 8.9 0 330 U 0.340U 340 U 340 U 6.70 U NA 340 U 43 81 0 770 0.078J O. I 60J NA 340 U 6.70 U 1 560 0 - --0)40U O 330U O.J40U 340 U 6.70 U 340 U NA ~ 0 ~10:000 - - 03 40- - - -0 . ~ 0.340{) 340 lJ 6.70 U 340 U NA 6 30 0.340l O 330 U 0.3 40U 340 U 340 U 6.70 U NA 1.800 I 23.000 0 340 l ' 0 330U 0.340U 340 U 340 U 6.70 U NA 2,500 - -~ ~ 0 .340U 0 330U 0.340U 340 U 340 U 6.70 U NA 3,000 120 >----0.340U 0 .330lJ 0.340U NA 340 U 340 U 6 .70 U 2,300 150 0.340 U 0.330U 0.340U NA 340 U 340 U 6.70 U 1- - - - - + - - - -1- - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - - i i - - - - - - - i - - - - . . . - - - - 1 - - - 18,000 3,400 0 .340U 0.330U 0.3 40U NA 340 U 340 U 6.70 U 57 31 0 -1--0.340U __ 0 .330U 0.340U NA 340 U 340 U 6.70 U 0 .56 3.8 0.3 40ll ___ 0.330U 0.340U NA 340 U 340 U 6.70 U 5.7 R7 0 .340U 0.330U 0 .340U NA 340 U 340 U 6.70 U 0 .5~ ' 7.6 0 .340U 0 .33UU 0 .340U NA 340 U 340 U 6.70 U 3,800 220 0 340U 0.330U 0.340U NA 340 U 340 U 6.70 U 5,700 1.300 1700.000 0.330U 0.340U NA 340 U 340 U 6.70 U ~o Lead 1 - I 24 13 I 2,800 220 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1- -- - - - 1 - - - - f - - - - - f - - - - ,.......__.. -f------+-- - 43 0 75 1 - -- - - + - · - - - - ~ -·-- - - - - -------------+-·23 ,000 1.200 1\rseni Ir - ~=r<~~~~~~~li~J~~tk~1ti~¥1Jtiffu~l11f~J\JM~~~hWti1il1il\ttlt&tit~i%Jlif!11N.Wf#.~¥¥Jtl1$£f.4t~;w11+!ffJfili\Wtt.filM Naphthalene • 0 .013 4. 1 ,___4_,o_o_o___ 3._s_ _,_____- + - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - + -- - - - -- - Ethylbcnzcne Tota.l Xylencs ,.. I 1,600 20 1,600 1.600 20 20 ~ I 796 70.6 49.7 Sample RD -29 was a trip blank. 1 Sample S-2 is J Srunple S-8 is a duplicate of sample S-7. Soil 51llllple \ J • lndi duplicat of sample - 1. analyzed for SVOCs b EPA Meth.od K 10 tes an estimated value. E = Con cntration c ·ceeds the calibration range of the GC MS. = Analytc detected in method blank. B.oJd • Det.ecicd concen.t rations exceed the critical Tier I PC L f for residcnti I land use 232/l .')'I) phthalatc _ 1.100 __L 56 4J 560 !< 9 x~ 770 S 10.000 ----- ·~ (, 30 1.800 21 .000 2.500 !<5 3.000 120 Chrysene .l 1.300 Di-n-octy l phthalate Benzo(h )flu oranthene Eknzo(g.h.i)pery lcn" Meth lnaphthalenc cenaphthem: Fluorcne Anthracenc Benzo(k )fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrcnc lndeno ( 1,2,3-cd) p:,,Tene :uoo lk .000 57 0 ~6 57 Dibenz (a.h) anthracene 220 5.700 u oo ___ ,. 41 23.000 uad 500 6 31 0 95 C6- C1 0 Ci, c.-c, 150 3.400 310 3 !( in O 55 3.!<00 24 2.!<00 Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromi um > C 10 . - 960 _ 560 7 (, 1 ( 11-2) 8/97 8/97 40.0 l ' - ~) ~I - -- . -- 4 00 l ' 40 0 l ' 4 00 l ' 40 o l ' 40.0 I 40 (1 I ' 4 00 \ . 0 .0053 ll 0.0 12 B 40 0 \ 40.111 4 () 0 l ' 7 IOt· 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7. 10 l' l' 1· l' l' 1. 10 l ' 411 .tl l ' 4 00 1 · 40 0 l ' 00 l ' 40 0 l ' 4 7. 101 ' 7 10 l ' 40 0 1 ' 40 0 l ' 40 0 1 · 4 00 l ' 4.0\1 l ' 4 0 .11 1' 7. 10 l ' 7 10 1 I 710 1' , 1 1o t ' 4 () 0 l ' 40 0 I . 411.111 ' 411.0 1· 4 .1111 1' 40.0 I ' 40 0 l ' 40 0 \ ' 8/97 0 .0056 U 40 0 l ' ~- 7 IO l 1 -IO.O I 40 0 l' 40 0 \ . 4 00 \ . 4 001' 4 00 I ' 4 00 l ' 4 00 l 4 00 l' 4 00 l ' 40 O I ' 40 0 l ' 40 0 l 40 ll \ -UUI I S- 10 (2-4) S- 11 S- 12 (0-2) 8/97 (0-2) 8197 0.0052 U 0.005 2 U 0.0064 U 0.006 1 U 0.011 B 0.0074 B 0.012 B 0.0066 B 0.230 E 0.021 U 0.0 26 U 0 .02 5 0.07 1 0.02 1 U 0 .026 U 0.025 U 0 . 120 0.013 0.026 U O O12 0.02 1 U 0.026 0 .0052 U 0.0052 U 4 00 l ' l' 40 0 l ' 3 S-8 cu-2) .:_- J o--2T H/97 H/97 l~J 400 l '_ , 40.0 l . 4 00 l ' --·-'-40 0 l ' , 4 00 l . + 411.0 I ' 4 00 l . - 4-0 0 S-1 + 4. 10 3.40 U R5 .0 U 4. 10 U 3.40 U RS.OU 4. IO U 35.0 U 3.40 U 85.0 U 4. 10 U · - 3 5 0 l ' t - 3 40 L' 85.0 U 4. IO U --- - 370 l ' 1 35.0ll ).40U 85 .0U 4. IO U :i 10 1· 350 \ :-;-- 3-.4 - 0- ~ - -R - 5-.o- u - ·4. 10 u 370ll I 35:0l!~- T 40U , 85.0 U 4. IO U 3701 -;-- 3s.oc'-- 34o u 41o u :1 70 l ' ' 35JJU -~ T 4UC 4. IOU , :I 70 ll -,- 35 0 lJ I 3.40 LJ--+-----+-·4.lOLJ 1701 ' ' f 5 0- 1! 1 3 40U S50C 4. IOU n o t· 35 0 l ' 340 l '~ !<5 0U 41 0U 370l :-- - 35 .0 l ' ·- ]40 V - K5 .0 l ' 4. IOU 3.70 1· 35.11 \ 1 85.0 U 4. 10 U J 101 · T 85.11 U 4. 10 U iis.o-u--+·-4_ -1_0 3.70 t.: _u_ __ , ---- -- ____.,._ - O 240 I.GOO 20 1.600 20 1.600 20 t- - I -, -+ --- ---!! Sample RDS-29 wa, a tnp hll\lU,. , ample S-2 is a dupli ate of si mple S-1 Sample -8 is a duplicate of sample S- 7 , • S-6 (0- 2) 8/97 13 22 0 0 75 1.200 l 5 10 -I I Oil & Grease 1 S-5 0_QO<, l ' . O.Ojtb ~- • 0 006 l 1 0.0_! 6 ~ 00~ 1:.:_ , 0.0 15 B 0 02 4 l' I O 0 24 l ' 0 0 24 l ' 0 024 l ' -+-Q~:1j_·-=~0 024 l-;O 0 24 U 16 0.0065 2.4 15 ,1- Methyl-2-pentanone '.2-Jle>.'aflonc _ S-1 surfac~ J Soil sample was ana lyzed for J VOCs hy FPA t.t ethod !<31 o lndi ales an estimated \'aluc E = Concaitration ex ·eeds the calihrahon range of the GC !> IS B = Analyte detected in method b lank. Bold ~ Detected oncentrnlions e cecd the ,-nt1cal Tier I PCI f lor re;.1dcnt1al land use at a 23 2/J <0.0 15) = Total concentration (mg'J.. g) SPLP con.:cntrall c l<'llfinal.xls/Table I-Resida1 . _..0 1 l (J a.:rc , nur.:c area Page 4 of 5 Ta ble I Summary of Detected Concenlntiuns is Soil Rubble Dump Spill SitP (SW !\IU 16) F , n Bh~s. El Pa,o. Te"X as ResiM11rial T ie r I Sampl e I.D. PCL.• Amdytr S- 13 Toe ., uI'&<'omb J c;w.,, _ ·1 .,..,u I AJ:etone i 20 _I61J _ 3_,4oo _ 9.500 _ 2-Butan nc 4-Mcthyl-2-pcntanone 2-Hc anonc S- 14 c1i: 1>_!_ \ -8/9 7: · - k/97 2t 0 0 0 13 4.000 4 1 H Bcnzo(b )fluoranthene Bcnzo(g,h. i)peryl ene 16 210 960 60 89 120 t.700 2.:WO 1.700 5 (, Bcnz.o( 11 )anthraccne bis (2- ·thylhcxyl) phthalate Chrysenc Di-n-octyl phthalatc -n !<2 5(,0 770 810.000 .-,.- - 30 0ou - 2-Mcthylnaphthalene Acenaphthcnc Ftuorcnc Anthraccne Benzo(k )fluoranthene Benzo( a )pyrcne Jndcno ( 1.2,3-cd) p)tene Dibenz (a,h) anthra enc Arseni Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead icrcury Selenium ilvcr -6 - 1.kOO 2.500 1,000 2.100 tk .000 57 0 5(, 57 0 ~5 3.!WO 2.XOO 4.1 D.000 500 (, - - •- - 23 .00(J 8~ 120 150 .l.400 11 0 38 !<7 7 <, 220 13 22 0 ! S- IH J (4-6) Trip Blank co-n t-'8/9'7'--+-- 8-/ 9--7-+--'-8/ - 9_7:.._-ll----'-8-/9_7.:._+_.,c 8/9 :_::.7,___ ---- r ·--+----- + ! - - 3(, 0 l ' 0 360 l ' 36.0 l ' 0 360 l ' 7 40 J O 04!! J 1 36 0 l ' 0 360 l 1 36 0 l O 360 l . 36.ll l ' 0 60t· .160l '-.L0360l .-r l6._Ql.'._LQ 360t · .160l' 0.360{ ' l(,Ol' 0360\ ' J(,Ol ' 0360 36 ~- ~ ()_ 3_!,0 36.0 , . 0 360 36.0 1 · • 0:160 -+-36.0 , . 03(,0 16 0 l ' 0 360 36 O l ' \' l ': l. l' l l' ._ NA ---NA A l· 0 37 LT J'.' A - - --36.0ll 0 .37\ ' - - - ~L.1_i~ 360U 037 1' 3.50 U 037C NA 1 }60_ll_ 037lJ f50 11 j ·cj-37l1~ _0', 360U 0 .371 ' 3.50l l 037U I NA 360~ 6]7 1) ·--35_0 _l'_ ~ 037l ' I NA )6 0 U O 37 l. 360l! I -QJ7l / 3.5ot · 0 .37L1 NA 360 l-;--· - 0~371 ; 3.50 U O 37 l ' , !'IA 36.0 l ' 0.37 I ' 3.50 t.: O.J?C ____A 36.0l' I 037l ' - - 1 50l-;- . 017 l ' ~A - - - - --.--· ·:_ ..,__ -._ ___ _j__ • I _._ 36.0 U 0.37l' 3.SO l l , 0.37 ! ' 1 Ni\ 1 1 - -l - l I I 95 0 240 c •. C 10 1.600 20 > C 1o -C2, 1.600 1.600 20 20 - ---- _j__ :S: ,\ NA --- -- ~ - · - -t- - · - 1.200 15 I 0 - 3~50 U_ : _ 0 3'._L~ ; 3.50 U , 0 .37 U ; 0 75 .11 0 ~ 1 f•~™MKily. ..·. S-17 co-1) u I PyTene S- 16 1_6_ _._0c....0 0 53 L' 0.00 54 L' 0 .005 4 0 .0055 U 0.0052 U 0 .0055 U 0.005 U 0.0097 B , 0 0054 L' _o ._0_19 _ B_ O _ ._ o _o5_5_ U__,__o_.O _ J_9_ B ___,_o_.0_0_5_6_B_ _ o._ o _o5__;_ U_ 24 o 0 54 0.022 I 0.022 u 0.022 u o 038 0.022 u 0.020 u I5 0.020 lJ 0.021 U O 022 U 0.020 U 0 0 21 U 0.022 U 0.020 U 0 .003 8 I 0.00 55 ·-:+0.00_5_U_ ..__Q_ 006~ 2.600 ---·- Fluoranthcne S- 15 c2-:.f r c-0--1---< > '-- 4 :-:. _ _l__··· I ~-- TPH 4111.1 TPH 1005 C• · Ci, Oil & GTease 1-- - - - - Sample RDS-29 was a lnp bla nk • Sample S-2 is a dupl11::a1e of samples. I Sample S-!1 is a duphcau of sample S-7 oi l sample was analyzed for SVOCs h) EP,\ ~fethod kl IO J • Indi cate, an ~ im!ltcd rnlue E = Concentration exceeds the calihrat1on range ol the(,(' ~IS 8 ~ Anal yte detected in method hlaru. . Bold = Detected conc.!ntrallon., exceed the ~Tlh.::al T ier I PCL. f for resi den1 1al land us., at a 30 a,·re source area 232/f _ _~ l .!lOO 23.000 2.500 5 1.000 120 2.300 150 I ,000 3.-100 1 57 3 10 0 56 3X !(7 57 0 55 76 3.800 22 0 5,700 1.300 Bcnz.o(a)anthra enc bis (2- Ethylhe;i.-yl) phth.alate hrysenc Di-n-oct l ph1halate Benzo(b )flu oranthenc Benzo(g.h.i)perylene 2-Methylnaphlha.lenc Acenaphthene Fluorene 4:1 560 - ,... ND --:S:D \'D :S:D - Bcnzo(k)fluoranthene Bcnzo(a)py,-en lndeno ( 1.2.3-cd ) pyrene Dibenz (a.,h ) anlhrncen Accnaphthylene Ancnic Barium 24 --· 2.kOO Cadmium 43 ----· 23 .000 :S:D \'I) - - - - RDS- t0V• RDS-11 v• (0.. 1) J/3/2001 (0- 1) l/3/01 (0-1) 1/3/200 1 0.0 43 U 0.003 0.004 U 0 .009 U 0.004 U 0.0 44 U 0.003 J 0 .004 J 0 .009 U 0 .004 U 0.21 0U 0.02 1 0.02 1 U 0.02 1 U 0.02 1 1/3 /200 1 2 100 l ' 0 170 l ' 0 21 0 l' - - 0 42 0l ' j 0 .086 LI 0.009 l ' ----t- 0 21 0 l ' ' . ',\ \'D 0 21 0l:--- \'I) \'..\ 0 0!<6 l ' 0 34() t ' ;,,:A \'I) \'D \'D \'I) ;'\I) \D \'D '' I) \'D :-sn :-SD \'I) 13 37 47 6 0 73 70 70.1 500 6 -r---- 3 10 10 95 I. I 0 2-10 C6 -C1 0 1,600 20 , 50 > C,o - Ci, 1.:.6 ~ : 1.(,00 20 20 < 50 , 50 -=-----...l TPH 418.1 TPH 1005 ~-Ci Oil & Grease NA 0.004 U A 0.012 NA 0.009 U 0.03 4 IJ A --- 0.002 NA -- 0 2 10 l.' 0 2 10 l ' IIJISO l ' 2 100 l ' \' A NA 0.004 li NA 0 0 17 4 200 t; 0 ·H O l' 0 0!< 6 l ' 0 0!<6 l ' 22 0 0 75 - - -1.200 1.5 Chromium Lead Mercury • I RDS-6V• (0- 1) (0- 1) J /3/2 00 1 ~ Anthraccne -- , 0- 170 C 0 0 17 l ' I 1 NA A 0 .086-L' 0.009 lJ - --1---0.003 U ~--- · -0 .00 2 U 0 003 l 1 0 .00 2 l ' 0- 009l' ·10 .004 lJ -~ - 1 - - - 0 043 l' I 0.004 li "t' 0 0 1-1 J 0 .0 17 l ' 0 086 l' 0.730 0.073 0.009 U 0.009 0 .02 1 U 0.02 I lJ 0.084 U 0.620 ----+- -- 0.044 U NA A --4- -- ~ q___ 1 _ 22._ I 2.9 3.6 49.3 : 45 .0 106 45.0 ----- + - - -- - -- - --'3 . I /[ <0.005 j 2. I • 0.21 007 B I 9.2/ <0.050 78 I 5.6 8.3 220 16.6 23 2/[ <0.0 151 7.1 - - -+-~'----0.02 U 0 .03 0.0 2 0.02 U 0.37 0.23 O.SI 0.33 O.S7 0 16 0. 12 0 .11 U - - -- ---·----'-=+= 0 03 0.23 0 20 - --r-- ! -- 1 1 Sample RDS-2 9 was a trip hlank 2 Sample S-2 is a duph.:atc of . l\111ple S- 1 1 _ Sample S-8 v a dupli tc of sample S-7 Soil sample was analyzed for SVOCs by EPA 1-.lethod !(1 10 J = Indicates an estimat d value. E = Concentration exceeds the calibration range oflhe C,C MS B = Analyte detected in method blank. Bold = Detected concentrations c ccd !he cnt,cal Tu:r I PCL for residc-ntial land use at a 30 acre source area 232/ [<0.0 151 = Total ncentralion (mg/kg) SPLP conc:entration (mg.IL) ullinal.xWTable 2-Resodm . :IOI Page I of I APPENDIX A PRELIMINARY SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT Golder Associates Final Report Preliminary Site Investigations • Directorate of Environment ·Fort Bliss, Texas and Fort Worth District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • By AII\Golder ~Associates 2201 Buena Vista Dr. SE, Suite 400 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 For DBS JOINT \fENTURE / BOHANNAN-HUSTON INC. 7500 Jefferson NE il\V5J~ Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109 l.!3~ A_ JOINT • V'ENTURE July 1997 FINAL • 21 5.0 RUBBLE DUMP SITE 5.1 Description of Field Ac1ivities 954-2025003 On November 4 and 10, 1995, samples were collected at the Rubble Dump Site as part of a PSI in order to determine the nature and ex1ent of potential contaminants of concern associated with the two reported releases of petroleum/oil/lubricant (POL) and/or septic material, construction debris (specifically roof shingles), and to provide a preliminary assessment of any hazardous materials or contaminants present in the dumping area. The site is located along Power Line Road, southeast of Biggs Anny Air Field, east of the El Paso Airport, and north of Montana Road. Two previous reports of release events at the site were documented in the USAEHA 1988 survey and during a July 1989 site survey (Ft. Bliss/WP 1-3 .8, '}}26/90) . The two releases include: I) release of an unknown liquid which covered an estimated area of 50 feet by l 00 feet, and 2) release of POL which covered an estimated one-mile stretch along both sides of Power Linc Road . The documentation does not include specific information on where the spills were located along Power Line Road. • Prior to the detailed site survey of the dumping area, aerial photos from two different sources were reviewed. The first aerial photos of the area were obtained from a group within Fort Bliss but did not reveal enough detail of the site to identify any release areas . In addition, a 1986 aerial photo comprised of approximately two-thirds to three-<}uarters of the area investigated, was obtained from the City of El Paso, Planning, Research and Development Department. The scale of this photo was better and fi ur separate possible release areas west of Power Line Road were identified on the aerial photo. Field activities were conducted in accordance with the Sampling and Analysis Plan (October 1995) except for the following changes : l) only fifteen surface soil samples were collected; 2) only thirteen different construction debris (roofing material, floor and ceiling tiles, etc) samples were collected; and, 3) sampling locations equally spaced along Power Line Road as described in the Sampling and Analys is Plan were not collected. A fewer number of samples were collected than stated in the Sampling and Analysis Plan because field observations suggested that a smaller number of samples collected were adequate for a preliminary assessment of the site. The main area of the detailed site survey covered an are.a approximately 1.5 miles north-south along Power Line Road and I 00 feet to the east and west of Power Line Road. In some cases, the distance to the west extended as far as 500 feet from Power Line Road. The areas surveyed at greater distances from the road were determined by fi eld observations or suspect areas on the 1986 aerial photo. N inety percent of the unauthorized dumping appeared to be within I 00 feet from the east and west edges of Power Line Road . The additional ten percem of the unauthorized dumping occurred at greater distances from Power Line Road as observed in the field and on the 1986 aerial photo. • During November 2 through 4, 1995 , the si te survey was conducted in the following manner. Colored pin fl ags were utilized to ma rk the potential sample locations . The highest priority category was marked \\ith pink fl ags and included possible asbestos shingles, other construction debris which might contain asbestos, solvent cans, paint cans, and other debris which might contain regulated substances. The medium priori ty category was marked with orange flags and it included other roofing materials, other construction debris, and any other debris whi ch may be of concern. GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN-HUSTON, INC. FINAL 22 954-2025003 The lowest priority category was marked \\1th green flags and it included other types of household items which may be of concern . A I 00-foot grid was set up along Power Line Road so that estimated locations could be detenni.ned when marking sampling locations and other information on a map. It is estimated from the detailed site survey that 80 percent of the materiaJ dumped aJong Power Line Road is construction and/or demolition debris. The remaining 20 percent consists of household trash, empty paint cans, empty solvent cans, broken glass, landscaping debris, plastic, furniture, wood and other miscellaneous household trash. Two of the four dark stained areas previously reported., were found in the detailed site survey of the area. Two additional dark areas on the 1986 aerial photo were checked in the field to detennine if a release was the potential cause of the discoloration detected on the photo. The field check confirmed this making a total of four different release areas observed and sampled in the field . • Fifteen soil samples (RDS-I through RDS- I 1, and RDS-25 through RDS-28) were collected from black stained soil associated '"'ith releases of POL or other unknown Liquids, and from beneath burnt construction debris . Thirteen samples (RDS-12 through RDS-24) were collected from roofing shingles and other construction materials . Sample type and location details are presented in Table 6. All sampling locations are illustrated on the index map for approximately two-thirds of the area of investigation for the Rubble Dump Site in Figure 3. The map only illustrates part of the area of investigation because no samples were collected north of power pole #9 . The index map is broken down into four additional figures (Figures 4 through Figure 7) to illustrate more detail and sample location numbers . 5.2 Sample Analy es All samples were submitted to an approved ACOE MRD laboratory for analyses . Soil samples RDS-I through RDS-I I and RDS -25 through RDS-28 were submitted for VOC anaJysis by EPA SW 846 Methods 5030/8260, SVOC analysis by EPA SW 846 Method 8270, total petroleum hydrocarbons (fPH) by EPA Method 418 . 1, and oil and grease by EPA Method 413 .2. Samples RDS-12 through RDS-24 were submitted for asbestos analysis by EPA Method 600/R-93/116. A trip blank, sample RDS -29 was submitted for VOC anal ysis by EPA SW 846 Methods 5030/8260. A minimal level of data validation was perfonned on the data. included verification of requested deliverables and verification that holdi:-ig times were met for e>..'traction and analyses . No other validation, transcription or calculation checks were perfonned. 5.3 Analytical Resu/Js The detectable concentrations of all anal)tcs are presented in Table 7. The organic and inorganic qualifiers are defined at the bottom of Table 7. VOCs were detected in samples RDS-25 and RDS26 . Naphthalene concentrations in these samples ranged from 5 to 7 µg/kg . Methylene chloride was detected in the trip blank sample (RDS-29) at 230(£) µg/kg . It is possible that this compound is a lab contaminant and not actually present in the sample. SVOCs were detected in samples RD -5 . RDS-6, RDS-7 , RDS-10 , RDS-I I, and RDS-25 through RDS-28 . Ranges of concentrations for detected SVOCs are as follows : ND to 2600 µg/kg bis(2ethylhexyl) phthalatc; ND to 9900(E) µg/k g naphthalene; ND to 75000(E) µg/kg phenanthrene; ND to 16000(£) µg/kg fluoranth ene; ND to 28000(£) µg/kg p)Tene; ND to 8800(E) µg/kg benzo[a]anthracene: ND to 8700(E) µg/kg chrysene: ND to 140(J) µg/kg di-n-octy l phthalate; ND GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC . FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN~USTON, INC. FINAL • 23 954-2025003 to 8400 µg/kg benz.o[b]fluoranthene; ND to 250 µg/kg bcnz.olg,h,i]perylene; ND to 21000(E) µg/kg 2-methylnaphthalene; ND to 5300 µg/kg acenaphthene; ND to 8000(J) µg/kg fluorene ; ND to I3000(E) µg/kg anthracene; ND to 1500(E) µg/kg benzo[k]fluoranthene; ND to 7500(E) µg/kg benzo[a]pyrene; ND to 2000 µg/kg indeno[ 1,2,3-cd]pyrene; ND to 1300 µg/kg dibenz(a,b)anthracene; ND to 14000(1) µg/kg acenaphthylene; and, ND to 1700 µg/kg butylbenzyl phthalate. TPH and oil and grease were detected in samples RDS-I through RDS-5, RDS-7 , RDS-8 , RDS10, RDS-11 and RDS-25 through RDS-28 . The TPH concentrations ranged from ND to 3700 mg/kg and the oil and grease concentrations ranged from ND to 7690 mg/kg. Asbestos \Vas detected in samples RDS-19 and RDS-21 . The asbestos type detected in both samples was chrysotile and the percentages detected were 25% and 60%, respectively. 5.4 I Summary and Recommendations A summary of field observations and analytical results is as follows: • asbestos was identified in floor tiles but not roofing materials as originally expected; • the asbestos floor tiles were randomly scanered across the site; • all the roofing material appeared to be the same type and the samples collected did not contain asbestos; • four POL releases were observed on the west side of Power Line Road and sampled; • naphthalene was detected in two samples from one POL release area; • a wide range of SYOCs were detected in seven of the 15 samples from the POL release areas; • TPH and oil and grease were detected in 13 samples from the POL release areas; • it is possible that these POL release areas ma be older than originally suspected, as suggested by the absence of YOCs ; and, • soil samples were not anal yzed for metal s, pesticides, herbicides and PCBs . Based upon the PSI results for this site, the limited data set suggests there are data gaps fo r metals , pesticides, herbicides and dioxins for the releases areas and there may be additional release areas which have not been identified . The TNRCC does not set action level concentrations (i .e. ·a specific concentration, that wht:n exceeded, requires remedial action) for those YOCs, SYOCs, TPH, and oil and grease identified at the Rubble Dump site . For comparison purposes, the identified compounds are relalcd to " Medium Specific Concentrations for Health-Based Closure/Remediation" identified in Chapter 335, Subchapter S (Risk Reduction Standards) ofihe Industrial Solid Waste and Municipal Hazardous Waste Code set by the TNRCC and to " RiskBased Concentrations" ( mith , 1995) established by the EPA. This comparison is made per the request of Ft. Bliss, Directorate of Environment draft report review. As shown in Table 8, RDS10, a stained soil sample, is above EPA ' s residential land use standard for benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[b ]fluoranthene, bcnzo[a ]pyrene, and indeno[ 1,2,3 -cd)pyrene but below the commercial/industrial land use standard . In addition, sample RDS-I O exceeds both res idential and commercial/industrial land use standards fo r dibenz[a,h)anthracene • Other compounds whi h were detc led in the soi ls but are below both residential and commercial/industrial land use standa rds for the TNRCC and/or EPA are . GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC . FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN~USTON, INC. • • • • • • • 954-2025003 24 FINAL indeno[l.2,3-cdjpyrene naphtha/en bis(2-ethy/heryl)phthalate benzo[ajanthracene chrysene benzo [bJjluoranthene • • • • • fluoranthene pyrene di-n-octyl phthalate benzo{k}jluoranthene benzo[a}pyrene • • • • • acenaphthene fluorene anthracene butylbenzyl dibenz(a,h)anthracene The following compounds are not listed in the TNRCC ' s " Medium Specific Concentrations for Health-Based Closure/Remediation" table or EPA ' s "Risk-Based Concentration" table: • • • phenanthrene benzo[g,h,i)perylene asbestos • • • 2-methylnaphrhalene acenaphthylene various TJCs • TPH • oil and grease comparison with TNRCC's " Medium Specific Concentrations for Health-Based Closure/Remediation" and EPA 's " Risk-Based Concentrations" is not presented in lieu of a risk assessment and does not make inference to bow clean or contaminated the site is based on these values. It is strictly for comparison purposes only and should not be used or interpreted as a risk assessment . The recommendations listed below are in order of highest priority. Additional site investigation activities can be stopped at any time if it is dctennined that the contaminants do not pose an environmental risk. The following activities are recommended at the Rubble Dump Site: J) perform a higher level of data validation to verify analytical results; 2) remove the construction debris which contains asbestos and dispose of it according to regulations; 3) collect additional soil samples from the four known release areas and analyze them for metals, PCBs, pesticides, dioxins, and herbicides ; 4) obtain additional aerial photos prior to and after J986, if possi ble, to identify addjtional suspect release areas and veri fy the additional suspect release areas in the field, if any; 5) if aerial photos are not available to assist with identifying possible release locations, then a detailed site survey may have to be extended to greater distances away from Power Line Road; 6) evaluate all construction deb ri s at the site to detennine if any additional asbestos containing construction debris is present, since the asbestos res ults for the floor tiles suggest that roofing material is not the main construction debris of cc,ncem fo r asbestos; 7) detennine a screening action le el so that a risk assessment can be conducted in order to detennme if any of the contaminants will pose a ri sk to human health or the environment; 8) collect additional samples, if required, to adequately define any newly identified release areas; and, 9) if the contamination for any release area is detennined to be a risk, then a remedial action plan can be prepared to adequately address the issues GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN-HUSTON, INC. TABLi: 6 RUBBLE DUMP SITE SAMPLE LOCATIONS DATE COLLECTED SAMPLE ID 11 /4 /9 5 RDS- 1 11 /4 /95 RDS -2 11 /4/95 RDS-3 11 /4 /95 RDS-4 ::0 J> 11 /4 /95 RD S-5 g l l /4 / 95 RDS -6 11 /4/95 RDS -7 11 /4 / 95 RDS -8 11 /4 / 95 RDS -9 11 /4/9S RDS- 10 z z 11 /4 /9S RDS - 11 ~ (i) 0 6 m V, V, ~ m V, zC') 'Tl 0 ::0 0 CD V, !i:: ai 0 ::c J> ~ l 1/4 /95 RDS- 12 -t 0 ~ 11 /4 / 9S RDS -13 fl l 1/4 / 95 RDS -14 11 /4 /95 RDS - 15 11 /4 /9S RDS- 16 11 /4 /9S RDS -17 C V, z • • • APPROXIMATE SAMPLE I ncAT.ION Black stained sand with dark gray crust on 220 feet N of pole 12 and 84 feet surface of sand, 0 to 6 inches bgs W of road Orange sand below the stained sand at a depth of 220 feet N of pole 12 and 84 feet about 1 ft bas W of road Black stained sand w ith black crust on surface of 180 feet N of pole 12 and about sand , 0 to 6 inches bgs 220 feet W of road Orange sand below the stained sand at a depth of 1 80 feet N of pole 12 and a.b out about 1 ft bgs 220 feet W of road Bla ck stained sand w i th oily odor and dark stained 400 feet N of pole 12 and 1 to 2 gravel feet W of road Black stained sand and co ncrete w ith crusty 525 feet N of pole 13 and 2 to 3 feet W of road residue on sand Black stained sand w ith oily odor and black crust 1 80 feet N of pole #4 and 25 to on surface; 0 to 2 inches bas 30 feet W of road Surface 0 .5 inc hes of sand was not st ai ned, next 185 to 1 90 feet N of pole 14 and 1.5 inches of sand was stained bla ck ; 0.5 to 2.0 40 to 45 feet W of road inches bas 300 feet N of pole 15 and 45 feet Black oil y stained sand ; 0 .0 to 1 .5 Inches bgs W of road Grayish brown crust w ith black stained sand , 2 ft 299 feet N of pole 15 and 40 feet by 3 ft area; cru st was ve ry solid and difficult to W of road break· 0 to 0 .5 inches Burned yell ow styrofoam or plastic w ith bad odor ; 555 fe et N of pole #7 and 25 feet underlying sand was stained gray to black; 0 to W of road 1 S inch"" bas 650 feet N of pole #3 and 10 to Black tar paper and roof shingles 1 S feet W of road 90 to 95 feet N of pole #4 and 65 Black roof shingles to 70 f eet W of road 270 feet N of pole 14 and 25 feet Red , green and black roof shingles W of road 455 foet N of pole 14 and 60 fee t Black and white roof shingles W of road 455 to 460 feet N of pole #4 and Dark brown and black roof shingles SO feet W of road 200 feet N of pole IS and SO feet Bleck roof shingles W of roed SAMPLE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS Photo IA-6; PIO = 0 .0 ppmv PIO = 0 .0 ppmv; Photo I A-7 • overview of stained area PIO = 0.0 ppmv; Photo #A - 8 PIO = 0 .0 ppmv; Photo #A -8 Photo #A-9 ; PIO = 0 .0 ppmv Photo I A- 1O; PIO = 0 .0 ppmv Photo IA -11; PIO .. 0 .0 ppmv Photo #A - 12; PIO = 0 .0 ppmv Photo #A - 13; PIO = 0 .0 ppmv tv V, Photo #A - 14; PIO= 0 .0 ppm Photo #A -14; PIO = 0 .0 ppm Photo IA-1 S Photo #A -16 Photo IA-17 Photo IA- 18 Photo #A -19 '° Photo #A-20 0 V, ~ I tv N V, 0 0 w • • • I TABLES RUBBLE DUMP SITE SAMPLE LOCATIONS DATE COLLE CTED SAMPLE ID SAMPLE DESCR IPTION 11 /4 /95 RDS- 18 Black roof shingles (visibl e fibers) 11 /4 /9 5 RDS - 19 I 1 /4 /95 RDS - 20 Bla ck roof shingles (visibl e fibers) 11/4 /95 RDS -21 Bla ck floor til e 11/4/95 RDS- 22 W hi te wa ll bo ard or ceiling tile fo und w ith other construction debr is 590 feet N of pole 15 and 25 feet W of road 380 feet N of pol e #2 and 6 to 8 feet E of road 197 feet N of pol e #2 and 15 feet W of road g 11 /4 /95 ROS -23 Ye ll owish br own material w ith black ba ck, f ound with other types of co nstru ction debris 195 fee t N of pole #2 and 15 fee t W of road Photo #A -2 6 ~ 11 /4 / 5 RDS- 24 Black, unkno wn type of c onstru ction m11terial . found in same pile as broken til es and shingles 50 0 feet N of pole #1 and 75 f eet W of road Photo #A -27 1 1/ 10 /95 RDS - 25 Black stained sand 44 0 to 450 feet N of pole # 3 and 40 fe et W of road Identified on 1986 ae n al photograph fr om City of El Paso Plannina Dep t. 1 1/10/95 RDS -26 Bla ck stai ned sand 4 50 to 460 feet N of pole # 3 and 5 10 t o 5 15 feet W of road Identi fied on 1 986 aerial ph otog raph fro m City of El Paso Planning Dep t. 11 / 10/95 RDS - 2 7 Bla ck stained sand 90 feet N of pole #6 and 21 5 feet W of road 11 / 10/95 RDS -28 Black sta ined sand 50 feet N of pole #6 and 29 0 feet W of roa d Identified on fr om City of Identified on from Cit v of Wh ite with multicolored spot fl oo r tiles, some tiles 48 5 fee t N of pole #5 end 55 feet have black backi na W of road C) 0 r 0 m ~ l> (/1 (/1 s m en z (') "Tl 0 ~ 0 co (/1 ~ iil 0 :r ?zz ~ :!I: C (/1 ~ 0 ~ z 0 APPROXIM ATE SAMPLE LO CATION 390 feet N of pole #5 end 40 feet W of road COMMENTS Photo IA-21 Photo IA-22 Photo IA-23 Photo #A -24 Ph ot o #A - 25 1 986 aerial photograph El Pa so Planni ng Dep t. 1986 aerial photograph El Paso Plannino Dep t . Notes: road = Po wer Line Road pole # 1 = N = W = Wes t = Ea st E Powe r Pole # 1 North v, '° -"" I N 0 N V, 0 0 <.,J 954-2025003 27 FINAL " • - San'C)le location Area ol stained 90i === Oirtroad - - - EOgeold#l""°'*Mr D Builoog Agure7 Rgure 6 • Flgure 5 ,.'---:s'll, ..,,,,._ .... Agure 4 • - --- -.:.:~ o t-i"TANA f\OAD ·,; ••~ Figure 3. Index map for area of investigation at the Rubble Dump Site, Fort Bliss, Texas. GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN-MUSTON, INC. - 0 ~ \\ II // 954-2025003 28 FINAL \If Sample location Area of stained soil 11 6 I] Major paved road // 'I I \ \\ 11 11 11 --- Dirt road --- Edge of dirt shoulder L] f \\ JJ Ib Rossr.i iRDS21 11 Bu~ding 11 Power pole (:j Jos 22. 23 11 ~.;::::-~~ II ....,,~,,_ 'l°"'="''>-s,, ~~ ----::::--::::- _I I ~--- ;) I • Power pole #2 ~I SCALE: 1 inch = 200 feet 400 ft 200 0 f '-"--~< 11 ~~===-::::-,.. 100 Power pole #3 RDS240 11 11 11 Sou,ce: City of El Paso, Dept. of Planning, Research, and Development, 1986, Sh. 20 No. 8 Modllied by: cARTography by A. Kron, 12/8/95 11 11 11 ~ fI JI II \\ \\ II ll / ' II 11 11 / 11 / ~ ~ \\ II II II --::::===~\\ --=====-- --- - - -- ~'----::::::::-==--------- - - --II \\ \~ ~::::.::::::::::-- -:::::=-- - J'II Power pole #1 . ij'~~ ( -;:::--:::::-";/ lv I r·:: :; .: ;: ---:. ::::,-::::::==========~ --V 1 (, ---- -- ---- :.- - - - - - - ___- ---- -- • Figure 4. Estimated sampling locations between power poles #1 through #3 for the Rubble Dump Site, Fort Bliss, Texas. GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN~USTON, INC. 954-2025003 29 FINAL ll~===~ tr RDS 18 ,1-'::::::::::-::--.. ~"- -7// ,:::;, ":::::::::::::::::::::=::- ~ RDS170 - 0 Dirt road 11 11 11 11 11 Edge of dirt shoulder II Major paved road RDS 15, 16 Building Power pole ---:::::::::;:;..,::::-I/ - : :- " // ~~ "~ ~ /; r~ II //" // jl /; ..--. / -- I~-::=:::::::;-- //' --_/I :::;--- -- '' II 11 t II ROS12st I 11 I TL ~ ~II · 11 Power pole #4 RDS~ I/ ~ !RDS26 \\// • rP )j \\ ;/r \\\\ 11 00 RDS 7 RD~13 • ~\'""7 -7 ,f '' \\II 1/ /,'f I RDS 140I RDSB I/ '\ ll-===-:::::::i /J~ 11 ~~~ ~~ ~ ~r ~--=.:: /// / -----;;;.-- • f 11 11 // ---=======--::--.. ~ 0 Power pole #5 JI I k./f::.~.,,.. --·::::;:::::---- ---~~ I 11 Area of stained soil r ~ ~~ :::::::iI Sample location u ~ 11 11 RDS 9, 100 / ROS2s '' /)// ''\\n//r 11 11 11 ;:~,;,, 11 11 11 II~ 11 / SCALE: 1 inch = 200 feet 100 ~ ,, ~ II 0 200 Source: City of El Paso. Dept. of Planning, Researeh, and Development, 1986, Sh. 20 No. 8 Modified by: cARTography by A . Kron. 1218195 400 ft Power pole #3 II 11 11 Figure 5. Estimated sampling locations between power poles #3 through #5 for the Rubble Dump Site, Fort Bliss, Texas. GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN~USTON, INC. 954-2025003 30 FINAL 0 - Sample location 11 Area of stained soil 11 11 f f • Major paved road 11 11 Dirt road 11 - - - Edge o1 d;rt shoulde, fJt "°"""- 11 -::::::~~%!• Number Sampled Deacrtptlon ROS-1 11/4 /95 RDS- 2 RDS-3 RD S· 4 RDS · 5 11 14195 11/4 /95 11/4/95 11 / 4/95 VohrtRe Orgenlc Compoundo blect 11 eined land TIC1: Unknown TIC orange tend Not Oellcted black 1t1lned H nd o,a,,ge ••net block ttau-.d BIJ I TIC1: Cydo tttr11tilox11ne, octemeth 421Jl TIC1: CvclotetrnJlow1ne, o c-umeth 1 Unkno wn TIC 18 1JI 100!JI Not Detect ed 1-1nd and grovel RDS-8 11/4/95 bl11d. at111ned u nd TICa: 1 Unkno wn TIC 381JI Ol andO,._ Seml-Vollltlle Orgenlc co,,._,nde EPA SW 84 8 Method 11280 Conatltuent (u/akal EPA SW IM8 Method 11270 Cor,ttltuent TICo: 1 Unkno wn acid methyl H itt Cyclopentniloune, deumett,y! e Uni.n.lYted Oil and grono TPH 40.2 Not Ano!Ytod Oll tndgrouo TPH 45 .1 34 .I Not Ma!Ytod Ori end gr• TPH 27 .1 31 .8 Not AM/yiod TPH ,,.,, 29 .1 w N 0 11 Ind 9 t e111 81 . 7 TPH 48 .8 0 ~ and g r• - <25 .2 <25 .0 T PH Not AMlvzed Not Analvred \0 V, .i:,. I N 0 N V, 0 0 w • • TABLE 7 RUBBLE DUMP SITE ANALYTICAL RESULTS lfflll!l• 10 OM• Number s~ 110S· 7 111• 19!1 IIOS-8 11,,195 ........ 0Hc,tpdon Vo!aclle Otgenc Compounde '"'" aw au M11hod 12110 C"'*""- black11alned und Not Oetec1ed bl·· " 11ainad Nol Detected •end (u/..a.a) ot_o,- s.m1.vo1ot111 o,...,ic co.._,,.. IPA IW 148 M.thod 1270 Tot• '°'ICIMII"' ~ ( C"""""COMtlNenl - " • ldtvl bi9t2· Ethylhftyll phthlfatt 7StJ) 571 Off Mldg1•TICt: TPH 551 CyclopentNiloune, de r Not Analyzed Not ANlyied 11 OO(Jl to 21100(JJ 1 IOOIJN) 53DtJNl 180(Jl to 3400IJ) 99ootEI 2100ot£l 6300 21100 7500otEI 13000lEl 1800otEI 2BOOotEl 8800(£) 2IIOIJI 8700IEI uoom 1500 7500tEl 2000 1300 2500 lndeno[ 1,2,3·cd)pyrene Dibtnr(a,h) tnthrocene Benro(a,h,l)perylene TICt: leorMr ol 1thyldimethylbtnr1ne ,..,,,.... of tthylnaohthtlona 89ootJl 3300(JJ 2 loo,,,.,. ol mothylptopylbenrene 2100IJ I lo 3500(J) , t90m1ro ol dtmethylnaphth.llene 1... ,,,., of dimethylphenanttvene 330otJ) to C300(J) SSOOIJI 2 loomero of tr lmethylbeNene 25001Jl to 3300(Jl 2 loo me,. of C 1OH 14 1 loomer of Cl 2H10 1Unknown of C 1 SHI 2 1 l90m1101C10H1' 31001Jl 10 4900(J) CSOOIJI COOO(J) 2800IJI 2 Unltnownt of Cl 7H12 1 Unl t"" TABLE 8 RUBBLE DUMP SITE COMPARISON WITH TNRCC AND EPA STANDARDS Sample ID Number RDS-10 Sample Description black stained sand Contaminant Constituent benzo[a)anthracene benzo[b)fluoranthene benzo[a]pyrene indeno[1 ,2,3-cd]pyrene dibenz[ a,h]anthracene ¥ - soil/air and ingestion standard for residential use (TNRCC) § - soil/air and ingestion standard for industrial use (TNRCC) £ - residential soil (EPA) a - commercial/industrial soil (EPA) nr - not reported mg/kg 8.80E+OO 8.40E+OO 7.SOE+OO 2.00E+OO 1.30E+OO SAi-Res" SAi-ind§ mg/kg nr nr nr nr mg/kg nr nr nr nr nr nr RSOIL£ CSOIL• mg/kg mg/kg 8.80E-01 7.80E+OO 8.80E-01 7.80E+OO 8.80E-02 7.80E-01 8.SOE-01 7.80E+OO 8.80E-02 7.80E-01 w Vt 954-2025003 FINAL B3 - Rubble Dump Site GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. FOR DBS JV/BOHANNAN-HUSTON, INC. U::. VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DAT A SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPO UNDS Lab Name: EA LABO RA TORIES Lab Code: Matrix: (soil/waicr) 5.0 ----- --- ID: 0.53 (mm) -----(uL) 0 tAS Number 1. 2. 3. 11/11/95 Date Analyzed: 11/18/95 0 RTX 502.2 Number TICs found : ---- Lab File ID: VE5A6455.D Date Received: Soil Extract Volume: SDG No. : ------- ML (low/med) GC Column: 8260 ------ Lab Sample ID: 9516203 (g/ mL) % Moisture: not dee. ·•~ Method : WATER Sample wt/vol: Level: Contract: Case No. : EA ENG RSD29 Dilution Factor: Soil Aliquo1 Volume: 1.0 ---- (uL) Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/ L Compound Name RT Est. Cone. Q 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IO. 11. 12. 13. 14 . 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26. 27 . 28. 29 . 30. FORM I VOA-TIC 3/90 040020 EPA SAMPLE NO . IA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DAT A SHEET IRSD29 • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix : (soil /water) Sample wt/vol: Level : Case No .: Method : Lab File ID: VE5A6455 .D 0 -------- CAS No . t75-71 -8 t74-87-3 rTS-01-4 r]4-83-9 75-00-3 t75 -69-4 t75-35-4 75-09-2 156-60-5 75-34-3 594-20-7 156-59-2 ~7-66-3 t74-97-5 t7I -55-6 1563-58-6 56-23-5 107-06-2 t7I-43-2 179-01 -6 t78-87-5 t75-27-4 t74-95-3 108-88-3 179-00-5 106-93-+ 142-28 -9 .• · 127-18-4 124-48-1 108-90-7 k,30-20-6 100-41 -4 106-42-3 SDG No . : (g/mL) 5.0 ---- ML -- GC Column: RTX 502.2 Soil Extract Volume: 8260 Lab Sample ID: 9516203 WATER (low/med ) % Moisture: not dee. • Contract: ID: 0 .53 (mm) ----(uL) Date Received: 11/11/95 Date Analyzed: 11/18/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 Soil Aliquot Volume: Conccmration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) Compound Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1. 1-Dichloroethene Methylene Chloride trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene l , 1-Dichloroethane 2. 2-Dichloropropane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Chloroform Bromochloromethane l , l. l -Trichloroethane l , 1-Dichloropropene Carbon Tetrachloride 1.2-Dichloroethane Benzene T richloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane Dibromomethane Toluene I . 1.2-Trk hl oroet hane l .2- Dibromoe1i1:mc1 EDI3 . 1.3-Dichloropropane Tet rachIoroethene Chlorodibromomethane Chlorobenzene 1. 1. l .2-Tetrachloethane Ethyl benzene m&p Xylenes 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 230 5 ug/L ---Q u u u u u u u E u 5 u 5 5 5 5 u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 (uL) u u u u u - u u u u u u u u L! . .. u u u u u u u Page I of 2 FORM 1 VOA 3/90 040018 lF SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS .2\NALYSIS DATA SHEE7 TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS Case No : Code: EAENG Matrix: SAS No.: {soil/water} SOIL (low/med} % Moisture: Injection Volume: 1. o (Y/N) N 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: CONCENTRATION UNITS (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg 9 COMPOUND NAME 1.-----------2.------------ Unknown_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4.------------ Unk:nown_a_c~1~a-m_e_t~h-y~l-e_s_t_e_r__ Unknown _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ · ============ 7.-----------8.-----------9.------------ • 1.0 pH: - - CAS NUMBER • 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: RT ------ -================= ============================ -------- 3.------------ 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 (uL} (Y/N}N Number TICS found: SA1A7l65 Date Received: C<:>ncentrated Extract Volume: Gl>C Cleanup: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 4 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516202 30.0 {g/ml} Sample wt/vol: Level: RDS-28 Contract: Name : EA LABS • EPA SAMPLE NO: Unknown Unknown Unknown~---------Unknown FORM I SV-TIC 4.31 9.44 10.67 17.40 17.77 18.55 18.59 19.48 20.94 EST. CONC. ------------160 290 220 400 1600 1200 530 540 510 Q ===== J J J J J J J J J 3/90 050715 lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET jljl Name: EA LABS ~f Code: EAENG Ma1:rix: SAS No.: Case No: t Moisture: 30.0 (g/ml) GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. 1. o (Y/N)N SA1A7165 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: In:jection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 4 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516202 (soil/water) SOIL (low/med) RDS-28 Contract: Sample wt/vol: Level: EPA SAMPLE NO: (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg COMPOUND 108-95-2----- ----Phenol 111-44-4---------bis (2-Chloroethyl)ether 95-57-8----- -----2-Chlorophenol 541-73-1--- ------1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7---------1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100-51 -6-- -------Benzyl Alcohol 95-50-1----- -----1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-48-7-- --------2-Methylphenol 108-60-1---------2,2'-oxybis(l-Chloropropane) 106-44-5-- -------4-Methylphenol 621-64-7 ---------N-Nit roso-Di-n-propylamine 67-72-1--- -------Hexachloroethane ~98-95-3-- --------Nitrobenzene 78-59-1-- - -------Isophorone 88-75-5 - ---- -----2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9---------2,4-Dimethylphenol 65-85-0---- ----- -Benzoic acid 111-91-1----- ----bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 120-83-2 ---------2,4-Dichlorophenol ~120-82-1----- -- --1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3----------Naphthalene 106-47-8---------4-Chloroaniline 87-68-3---- ------Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7----------4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 91-57-6- ---------2-Methylnaphthalene 77-47-4--- -------Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 88-06-2- ---------2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ~~ 95-95-4----- -----2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 91-58-7-- --------2-Chloronaphthalene 88-74 -4----------2-Nitroaniline 131-11-3----- - ---Dimethylphthalate 208-96-8---------Acenaphthylene 99-09-2------- ---3- Nitroaniline 83-32-9--- --- - ---Acenaphthene 51-28-5----------2,4-Dinitrophenol FORM I SV-1 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1800 34·0 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1800 340 1800 340 340 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 1800 340 1800 u 3/90 050713 u EPA SAMPLE 1'iU . IA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET IRDS28 Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol : Level : (low/med) % Moisture: not dee . Case No .: Method : Lab File ID : VH8A7170 .D (g/mL) G 5.0 ------- LOW Date Received : 11/11 /95 4 Date Analyzed : 11/22/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 ---- Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- -------- ID : Soil Extract Volume: ----(uL) 0 .53 (mm) Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) CAS No . Compound 195-47-6 100-42-5 75-25-2 98-82-8 t79-34-5 196-18-4 103-65-1 108-86-1 108-67-8 95-49-8 106-43-4 o-Xylene Styrene Bromoform lsopropylbenzene 1, J ,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,2 ,3-Trichloropropane n-Propylbenzene Bro mo benzene 1,3 ,5-Trimethylbenzene 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene ten-Butyl benzene 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene sec-Butyl benzene p-Isopropyltoluene 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene 1.2-Dichlorobenzene l ,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene 1,2.3-Trichlorobenzene 98-06-6 95-63-6 135-98-8 ~-87-6 1541 -7 3-1 106-46-7 104-51 -8 195-50-1 196-12-8 120-82-1 187-68-3 191 -20-3 ~7-61 -6 SDG No .: 8260 Lab Sample ID : 9516202 SOIL GC Column: RTX 502.2 • Contract : ug/Kg Q 5 u 5 5 5 u u u 5 u u 5 5 5 5 (uL) u u u 5 u 5 5 5 u u u 5 u 5 5 5 u u 5 u u 5 u 5 u 5 5 5 5 u u u u 030058 Page 2 of 2 FORM I VOA 3/90 FORM I SAMPLE ANALYSIS RESULTS T--iame: EA Laboratories Case No.: 9542025 _ _ .;ample No.: RDS-27 , Sample matrix: SOIL Total Solids: 98-7% Lab ID Parameter 9'516:rnl OIL AND GREASE TOT PETROL HYDROCARB Contract: FORTBLISS SDG No.: 9516199 Lab Sample ID No.: 9516201 Date Received: 11/11/95 Sample Cone. 70.6 64.7 Concentration Units Analyzed Date mg/kg (dry) mg/kg (dry) 11/28/95 11/28/95 (tf:O·J OS lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET EPA SAMPLE NO: RDS I Name: EA LABS I Contract: Case No: Code: EAENG Mat:C'ix: SAS No.: {soil/water) SOIL (low/med) LeVt:!l: t Ml:>isture: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. 1.0 (Y/N)N SAl.A7164 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Injection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: l SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 95162 0 1 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: -27 (Y/N) N 11/11/95 Date Extracted: 11/16/ 95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 100-02-7---------4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran 121-14-2---- -----2 ,4 - Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2-------- -2 ,6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2--------- - Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3--------4-Chlorophenyl - phenylether 86-73-7------ - - -- Fluorene ~100-01-6---------4-Nitroaniline S34-52-l------- -- 4,6-Dinitro -2- methylphenol 86-30-6--------- -N- Nitrosodiphenylamine ~101-55-3---------4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1------- --Hexachlorobenzene ~~ 87-86-5----- -- -- -Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8--------- -Phenanthrene 120-12-7------- -- Anthracene 84-74-2--------- - Di-n-butyl phthalate 206-44-0---- ----- Fluoranthene 129-00-0---------Pyrene 85-68-7----------Butylbenzylphthalate 91-94-1----------3,3' -Di chlorobenzidine 56-55-3----------Benzo(a)anthracene 117-81-7-------- - bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9---------Chrysene ~117-84-0---------Di -n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2---------Benzo{b)fluoranthene 207-08 - 9------ ---Benzo(k)fluoranthene 50-32-8----------Benzo(a)pyrene 193-39-5-------- - Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3- - --------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 191-24-2------- --Benzo(g,h,i)perylene •~ FORM I SV-1 Q 1700 330 330 330 330 330 330 1700 1700 330 330 330 1700 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 78 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u J u u u u u u u u 3/90 oso::.1.s J.t C.t'/\ :::.AMt'LC. 1'U . VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS RDS27 Contract: Lab Name: EA LABORA TORlES Lab Code: % Moiswrc: GCColumn: Lab File ID: VH8A7169.D Date Received: LOW (low/med) 11/11/95 Date Analyzed: 11/22/95 not dee. ID: RTX 502.2 0.53 (mm) -----(UL) Soil Extract Volume: SDG No. : ------- (g/mL) G 5.0 ------- Sample wt/vol: 8260 ------ Lab Sample ID: 9516201 SOIL Matrix: (soil/water) Level: Method : Case No.: EA ENG Dilution Factor: 1.0 ---Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- (uL) Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg Number TlCs found : :CAS Number 1. 556-67-2 2. 3. Compound Name icyclotetrasiloJtane. octameth RT Est. Cone. 22.43 10 Q <:. ..;J .. 4. • 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 . 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21. 22 . 23. 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28. 29 . 30. 030049 FORM I VOA-TIC 3/90 IA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET EPA SAMPLl:. NO . IROS27 • • • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG MatriJt: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol : Level : (low/med) % Moisture: Contract : Method: Case No .: Lab File ID: VH8A7169.D (g/mL) G 5.0 ------LOW -------- ID: Soil Extract Volume: ----(uL) GC Column: RTX 502.2 'r75-71-8 74-87-3 75-01-4 4-83-9 i75-00-3 i75-69-4 i75-35-4 5-09-2 156-60-5 75-34-3 ~94-20-7 156-59-2 7-66-3 !74-97-5 71-55-6 563-58-6 56-23-5 107-06-2 [71-43-2 !79-01-6 178-87-5 r75-27-4 i74-95-3 108-88-3 9-00-5 106-93-4 142-28-9 127-18-4 124-48-1 108-90-7 1630-20-6 100-41-4 106-42-3 SDG No.: Lab Sample ID: 9516201 SOIL not dee. CASNo. 8260 0.53 (mm) Date Received: 11/11/95 Date Analyzed: 11/22/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 ---Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- Concentration Unirs: (ug/L or ug/Kg) Compound Dichlorodifluoromelhane Chloromcthane Vinyl Chloride Bromomeihane Chlorocthane Trichlorofluoromethane l, 1-Dichlorocthene Methylene Chloride trans -I, 2-Dichloroethene 1.1 -Dichloroethane 2,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ChJoroform Bromochloromethane I .1. 1-TrichJoroethane I, I -Dichloropropene Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-DichJoroelhane Benzene Trichloroethene 1.2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane Dibromomethane Toluene 1. 1.2-Trichloroethane 1.2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 1.3-Dichloropropane Tetrachloroethene Chlorodibromomethane Chlorobenzene l, l, l ,2-Tetrachloethane Ethy Ibenzene m&p Xylenes 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ug/Kg Q u u u u u u u 5 5 u u u u u 5 u 5 5 5 5 u 5 u 5 5 u u 5 t:J 5 u u 5 5 u 5 u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 u u 5 5 5 (uL) u u u u u u u u u 030047 Page I of 2 FORM I VOA 3/90 lF SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS ~ Name : - Case No: SAS No.: (soil/water) SOIL 30.0 Sample wt/vol: Level: ( low/med) % Mc:>isture: (g/ml) 1. O (Y/N) N 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: :i.---------- -- <4. • - - - - - - - - - - - - CONCENTRATION UNITS (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg 12 COMPOUND NAME Unknown Unknown~~~~~~~~~~~ Unknown Unknown~~~~~~~~~~~ Unknown Unknown~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~============ 8.-----------9.------------ 1().-----------l l. . - - - - - - - - - - - 1;! . - - - - - - - - - - - - • 1.0 pH: CAS NUMBER 1.------------ 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: RT ==~============== ============================ ======== ;~.------------ 11/11/95 Date Extracted: 11/16/95 (uL) (Y/N)N Nurllber TICS found: SA1A7163 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: GPC Cleanup: Lab File ID: G LOW Injt~ction Volume: SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516200 decanted: 4 RDS -26 Contract: EA LABS Code: EAENG MatJrix: EPA SAMPLE NO: Unknown Unknown~~~~~~~~~~~ Unknown Unknown~~~~~~~~~~~ Unknown Unknown~~~~~~~~~~~ FORM I SV-TIC 4.01 6.10 6.33 6.93 9.45 10.68 11.82 12.80 14.10 15.19 15.92 17.91 EST. CONC. ------------190 290 620 180 610 690 200 180 150 170 190 390 3/90 Q ===== J J J J J J J J J J J J lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ·· name: EA LABS u Code: EAENG Matrix: Case No: t Moisture: 3 O. o (g/ml ) Injection Volume: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. Lab File ID: G LOW 1.0 (Y/N)N SA1A7163 Date Received: decanted: 4 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516200 Concc!ntrated Extract Volume: • SAS No.: (soil/water} SOIL (low/med) RDS -26 Contract: Sample wt/vol: Leve:. : EPA SAMPLE NO: (Y/N) N 11/11/95 Date Extracted: 11/16/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg COMPOUND 108-95-2---------Phenol 111-44-4---------bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 95-57-8----------2-Chlorophenol 541-73-1---------1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7---------1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100-51-6------- - -Benzyl Alcohol 95-50-1----------1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-48-7----- -----2-Methylphenol 108-60-1--- ------2,2 '-oxybis(l-Chloropropane) 106-44-5---------4-Methylphenol 621-64-7---------N-Nitroso-Di-n-propylamine 67-72-1----------Hexachloroethane --98-95-3-------- - -Nitrobenzene 78-59-1----------Isophorone 88-75-5-------- - -2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9---------2,4 - Dimethylphenol 65-85-0----------Benzoic acid 111-91-l---------bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 120-83-2---------2,4-Dichlorophenol --120-82-1---------1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3----------Naphthalene 106-47-8---------4-Chloroaniline 87-68-3----------Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7----------4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 91-57-6----------2-Methylnaphthalene 77-47-4----------Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 88-06-2----------2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ---95-95-4----------2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 91-58-7----------2-Chloronaphthalene 88-74-4----------2-Nitroaniline 131-11-3---- --- - -Dimethylphthalate 208-96-8------ --- Acenaphthylene 99-09-2----- ---- -3 -Nitroaniline 83-32-9----------Acenapht h ene 51-28-5----------2, 4-Dinitrophenol FORM I SV-1 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1800 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1800 340 1800 340 340 1800 340 1800 3/90 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u !:.PA !>AMPLI:. l',U . IA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix : (soil/water) Sample wt/vol : Level: (low/med) % Moisture: not dee . Case No. : • Lab Sample ID: 9516200 Lab File ID: VH8A7168.D Date Received : 11/11/95 4 Date Analyzed: 11 /22/95 ID: 0 .53 (mm) ---- (uL) 95-47-6 100-42-5 75-25-2 l-}8-82-8 o-Xylene 195-50-1 196-12-8 120-82-1 7-68-3 191-20-3 187-61-6 SDG No. : 8260 LOW CAS No. (79-34-5 Method: __5_.o_ _ (g/mL) __G_ _ Compound 196-18-4 103-65-1 108-86-1 108-67-8 95-49-8 106-43-4 198-06-6 5-63-6 135-98-8 99-87-6 541-73-1 106-46-7 104-51-8 ---- SOIL GC Column: RTX 502.2 Soil Extract Volume: IRDS26 Contract : Dilution Factor: 1.0 ---Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) Styrene Bromoionn lsopropylbenz.ene l, l .2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane n-Propylbenzene Bromobenzene 1,3 ,5 -Trimethylbenzene 2-Chloroioluene 4-Chlorotoluene tert-Butylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene sec-Butyl benzene p-lsopropy I101 uene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/Kg (UL) Q u u 5 5 5 5 5 u 5 u u u u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 u u 5 u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 u u u u u u u u u u u u J u 030022 Page 2 of2 FORM I VOA 3/90 FORM I SAMPLE ANALYSIS RESULTS _~ .ame: EA Laboratories .ase No.: 9542025 ample No.: RDS-25 ample matrix: SOIL otal Solids: ab D 97.3% Parameter 516199 OIL AND GREASE TOT PETROL HYDROCARB • Contract: FORTBLISS SDG No. : 9516199 Lab Sample ID No.: 9516199 Date Received: 11/11/95 Sample Cone. 7690 3700 Concentration Units Analyzed Date mg/kg (dry} mg/kg (dry) 11/28/95 11/28/95 lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ~ Name: • (soil/water) SOIL GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. • Lab File ID: 1.0 (Y/N)N SA1A71 62 Date Received: Conc,entrated Extract Volume: Injection Volume: G LOW decanted: 3 SDG No: Lab Sample ID : 9516199 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med} % Moisture: • SAS No.: Case No: Sample wt/vol: Level: RDS -25 Contract : EA LABS Code: EAENG Matrix: EPA SAMPLE NO: (Y/N) N 11/11/95 Date Extracted: 11/16/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL} 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 100-02-7------ - --4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran 121-14-2---------2,4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2---------2,6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2----------Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3--------4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether 86-73-7-------- - -Fluorene ~100-01-6------ --- 4-Nitroaniline .534-52-1---------4,6-Dinitro - 2 - methylphenol 86-30-6----- - - - - - N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ~101-55-3------- - -4 - Bromophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1---------Hexachlorobenzene --~ 87-86-5-------- - -Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8-- - ----- - -Phenanthrene 120-12-7------- - -Anthracene 84-74-2-------- - -Di-n-butyl phthalate 206-44-0---------Fluoranthene 129-00-0---------Pyrene 85-68-7----------Butylbenzylphthalate 91-94-1----- - ----3,3' - Dichlorobenzidine 56-55-3----------Benzo(a)anthracene 117-81-7------- - -bis(2-Ethylhexyl ) phthalate 218-01-9---------Chrysene --117-84-0------- - -Di - n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2---- - ----Benzo(b)fluoranthene 207-08-9------- - -Benzo(k)fluoranthene 50-32-8----------Benzo(a)pyrene 193-39-5------- - -Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3----------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 191-24-2---------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene FORM I SV- 1 1800 340 340 340 340 340 340 1800 1800 340 340 340 1800 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 2600 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 3/90 o:-001a It:. VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DAT A SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG (g/mL) --- Date Received: 11/11/95 3 Date Analyzed: l l /22/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 ID: RTX 502 .2 ----2 CAS Number l. 556--67-2 2. Lab File ID: VH8A7165.D G LOW % Moisture: not dee. Number TICs found : SDG No. : ------- ----- Soil Extract -Volume: 8260 ------ Lab Sample ID: 9516199 5.0 (low/med) GCColumn: Method : SOIL Sample wt/vol : Level: Contract : Case No .: Matrix: (soil/water) RDS25 0 .53 (mm) Soil Aliquot Volume: (uL) ---- (uL) Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg Compound Name ICyclotetrasiloxane, octamelh Unknown 3. 4. RT 22.43 25.91 !Est. Cone. 5 31 Q .. J J ' ¥ 5. 6. • 7. 8. 9. - 10. 11. - 12. 13. 14 . 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 . 25 . 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 030011 FORM I VOA-TIC 3/90 EPA SAMPLE NO. JA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix : (soil/water) Sample wt/vol : Level : (low/ med) % Moisture: not dee . CAS No . • 75-71-8 t74-87-3 75-01-4 r74-83-9 r75-00-3 r75-69-4 75-35-4 75-09-2 156-60-5 75-34-3 t594-20-7 156-59-2 7-66-3 4-97-5 71 -55-6 563-58-6 156-23-5 107-06-2 t71-43-2 t79-0I -6 t78-87-5 t75-27-4 4-95-3 108-88-3 179-00-5 106-93-4 142-28-9 127-18-4 124-48-1 108-90-7 1630-20-6 100-41-4 106-42-3 Method: Case No .: SDG No. : 8260 Lab Sample ID : 9516199 SOIL Lab File ID: VH8A7165.D (g/mL) G 5 .0 ------LOW Date Received : 11/11/95 3 Date Analyzed: 11/22/95 ID : GC Column: RTX 502.2 Soil Extract Volume: IRD525 Contract : 0 .53 (mm) ----(uL) Dilution Factor: 1.0 ---Soil Aliquot Volume : ---- Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) Compound Dichlorodifluoromethane Chlorornethane Vinyl Chloride Bromomethane Cbloroc1hane Trichlorofluoromethane l , 1-Dichlorocthene Methylene Chloride trans-1,2-Dichlorocthene l, 1-Dichlorocthane 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 .2 -Dichloropropane cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene Chloroform Bromochloromethane l, l . I -Trichloroethane I , 1-Dichloropropene Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane 5 5 5 5 Benzene 5 Trichloroethene 1,2- Dichloropropane Bro mod ich loromethane 5 5 5 5 Tetrachloroethene Chlorodibromomethane Chlorobenzene 1, 1. 1,2-Tetrachloethane Ethyl benzene m&p Xylenes Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u 5 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 5 u 5 5 u u 5 u 5 Dibromomechane Toluene l , l ,2 -TrichJoroethane 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/Kg 5 5 5 (uL) 5 u 5 u 030009 Pagel of 2 FORM I VOA 3/90 EL~ 1.~ PllalaaaJ. ~ Culo-.llT ••..-.. ,...,.ns1 • ....._ IIT uzsaz AMAIN". Nl Salllllaa.N. CA ll~ I O '1U7U401 -ms.,,.a."' ,_,., -n '11-Zf7-Ul7 71Ul5,JQ5 EA laboratories Tuesday, November 14, 1995 l 9 Loveton Circle Sparks. MD 211 52 Ref Number: W9S7S3 POLARIZED LIGHT MICROSCOPY (PLM) Project 951757 ~IIPLE I SAMPLE TREATMENT APPEARANCE LOCATION Teased ; Blade/Grey RDS.18 I ASBESTOS TYPE " None Detected 35% Cellulose " 55% Other 10% Synthetic Fibrous I . Homogeneous ! " tl.Qtl.~SBESTQS FIBROUS NONFIBROUS L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,RD~m--'------~--, Teased/Crushed : Grey/Black !Fibrous !Layers# i Black RDS-21 ! Teased Fibrous : Homogeneous ! !Grey/Black ! Teased None Detected I ! Tan/Beige i reased 60% Chrysotile None Detected I I 1Brown 10% Cellulose 40% Other 3% Cellulose 2% Synthetic 35% Other 65% Cellulose 25% Other 10% Synthetic. Fibrous I ! Homogeneous I ROS-23 68% Other 50% Glass I Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 2% Synthetic 2 ! I 25% Chrysotile Teased None Detected 70% Cellulose 25% Other 5% Synthetic Fibrous 1Homogeneous I :orm.trlS: For all obviously heterogeneous samples easily separated into subsamples . and for layered samples. each component is analyzed separately. Uso, "# cf Layers" refers to number of separable subsamples. ,~, r-<·1~ Essie J. Spencer aalvst ~ PLM ha1 - laboratory Supervisor -n known 10 miss asbestos .-, a lffl8ff PlleSlos Thus negatr,e PLM results canno1 vuer--floor ltlH - - · lhOuld De lasted wllh · - SEM °' TEM. The IHI reoort only IO · - · tesley EMSL. The aboYe test must not De UffCI by me doent to darn pnidud enocnemem by be NV1.AP nor ..., age<,ey ct tne Unitee valid L-to,y ti not ~~C>le lo, IN ec:cu-acy cl ,~suns <.ciuested to ot,ysocally se-•'• ana enetyze la,....o ....-, A 2 FORM I SAMPLE ANALYSIS RESULTS EA Laboratories Case No.: 9542025 .... Sample No.: RDS-11 Sampl e matrix: SOIL rotal Solids: 97. 4\- Parameter 9516050 OIL AND GREASE TOT PETROL HYDROCARB Contract: FORTBLISS SDG No.: 9516032 Lab Sample ID No.: 9516050 Date Received: 11/07/95 Sample Cone. 2030 2030 Concentration Units mg/kg {dry) mg/kg (dry) Analyzed Date 11/28/95 11/28/95 • 06001.8 ( ,· lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYS:S DATA SHEET Case No: Code: EAENG SAS No.: Matrix : (soil/water) SOIL (low/med) t- Mo,isture: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. • 1.0 (Y/N}N (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 Date Analyzed: 50000 (uL) 11/23/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 5 0 .0 pH: CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg COMPOUND 100-02-7---------4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran ~ - - - - - - - 121-14-2--- - -----2,4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2---------2,6-Dinitrotoluene~----~ 84-66-2----------Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3------- - 4-Chlorophenyl-p~h-e_n_y-r-e~t~h-e-r-~ 86-73-7----------Fluorene -100-01-6---------4-Nitroaniline 534-52-1---------4,6-Dinitro-2--m-e-t~h-y~l-p_h_e_n_o_l~86-30-6------- --- N-Nitrosodiphenylarnine -101-55-3---------4-Brornophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1---------Hexachlorobenzene -87-86-5----------Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8----------Phenanthrene ~-----120-12-7---------Anthracene 84-74-2----------Di - n-butyl~p~h~t~h-a~l~a~t-e----~ 206-44-0---------Fluoranthene 129 - 00 - 0 - - - - - - - - - Pyre n e 85-68-7------- - --Butylb_e_n_z_y~l-p~h-t~h-a~ · I~a-t_e_ _ _ __ 91-94-1----------3,3' - Dichlorobenzidine 56-55-3-- - -------Benzo(a)anthracene ---117-81-7---------bis{2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9---------Chrysene -117-84-0---------Di - n-octyl phthalace 205-99-2---------Benzo{b)fluoranthene _ _ _ __ 207-08-9---------Benzo{k)fluoranthene 50-32-8----------Benzo(a)pyrene ----193-39-5---------Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3------ - ---Dibenz{a,h)anthracene - - - 191-24-2---------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene --------- ----- • SA1A7209 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Injection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 3 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516 0 5 0 30.0 (g/ml) Sa mple wt/vol: Level: RDS-llRE Contract: Name : EA LABS • EPA SAMPLE NO: FORM I SV-1 88000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 12000 88000 88000 17000 17000 17000 88000 11000 16000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 Q u u u u u u J u u u u u u J J u u u u u u u u u 0 u u u u u ' ' 3/90 0 5 0598 ' ' , lF EPA SAMPLE NO: SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS r_a Name: Case No: . . Code: EAENG Matr:Lx: InjeJ::tion Volume: GPC Cleanup: 1. O (Y/N)N Number TICS found: NUMBER =·-· ------------ SA1A7208 Date Received: (Y/N) N decanted: 3 SDG No: Lab File ID: G LOW Conc«?ntrated Extract Volume: 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 Date Analyzed: 50000 (uL) 11/23/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 5C.O pH: - CONCENTRATION UNITS (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg 20 COMPOUND NAME RT EST. CONC. Q z:a:==---------- ============================ ======== ============= ===== J· . ------------ J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 1" 2 ..1081-75-0--3 No.: Lab Sample ID: 9516050 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med) t Moisture : ( ::AS SAS (soil/water) SOIL Sample wt/vol: Level: RDS-11 Contract: EA LABS --------------------------------------------8. -----------9. -----------10. -----------11. -----------12. -----------13. -----------14. -----------15. -----------16. -----------17. -----------18. -----------19. -----------20. -----------4. ti: Isomers of C8H8 1,1'-(l,3-propanediyl ) bis-b Unknown Unknown Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown Unknown Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown Unknown hydrocarbon I Unknown Unknown Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown Unknown FORM I SV-TIC 5.59 15.00 15.62 15.67 20.19 20.86 21.40 21. 57 22.03 22.12 22.17 22.23 22.85 23.44 24.07 24.74 25.38 25.57 26.48 27. 37 230000 250000 240000 86000 180000. 180000 1700000 310000 520000 770000 320000 310000 770000 170000 530000 240000 83000 350900 170000 400000 JN 3/90 050567 lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET - Mat:rix: Case No: EAENG GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. 1.0 (Y/N)N SA1A7208 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Injection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 3 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516050 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med) I M:>isture : •~ SAS No .: (soil/water) SOIL Sam;ple wt/vol: Level: RDS-11 Contract: Name: EA LABS ll!' Code: EPA SAMPLE NO: (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 Date Analyzed: 50000 {uL) 11/23/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 50.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 108-95-2---------Phenol 111-44-4---------bis{2-Chloroethyl)ether 95-57-8- - --------2-Chlorophenol 541-73-1---------1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7-- ------- 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene 100-51-6---------Benzyl Alcohol 95-50 - 1- --------- 1,2 - Dichlorobenzene 95-48-7----------2-Methylphenol . 108-60 -1- --------2,2'-oxybis(l-Chloropropane) 106-44-5-- - ------4-Methylphenol 621-64-7---------N-Nitroso-Di-n - propylamine 67-72-1--- - - - ----Hexachloroethane ~98-95-3------ --- -Nitrobenzene 78-59-1----------Isophorone 88-75-5----------2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9---------2,4-Dimethylphenol 65-85-0 --- -- ----- Benzoic acid lll-91-l---------bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 120-83-2---------2,4-Dichlorophenol ~120-82-1-- ------- 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3----------Naphthalene 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 88000 17000 17000 17000 17000 106-47-8---- ---- -4-Chloroaniline 87-68-3--------- - Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7----------4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 91-57-6----------2-Methylnaphthalene 77-47-4----------Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 88-06-2----------2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ~~ 95-95-4------- ---2, 4,5 -Trichlorophenol 91-58-7----------2-Chloronaphthalene 88-74-4 -- --------2-Nitroaniline 131-11-3------- -- Dimethylphthalate 208-96-8---- -----Acenaphthylene 99-09-2----------3-Nitroaniline 83-32-9--------- - Acenaphthene 51-28-5- ------ ---2,4-Dinitrophenol FORM I 17000 17000 17000 17000 SV-1 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 88000 17000 88000 17000 14000 88000 5400 88000 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u J u J u 3/90 050565 IA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DAT A SHEET • Lab Name: EA LABO RATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol : Level : Oow/med) % Moisture: not dee. Contract : (g/mU Date Received: l ln/95 2 Date Analyzed: 11/17/95 0.53 Compound 195-47-6 98-82-8 a -Xylene Styrene Bromofonn lsopropy Ibenzene 79-34-5 96-18-4 l, 1,2,2-Tetrachloroelhane 1,2,3-TrichJoropropane 103-65-1 108-86-1 n-Propylbenzene Bromobenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 2-Chlorotoluene 4 -Chloroioluene ten-Bucy Ibenzene 1,2,4 -Trimethylbenzene sec-Butyl benzene p-lsopropyltoluene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 108-67-8 95-49-8 106-43-4 98-06-6 95-63-6 135-98-8 99-87-6 541-73-1 106-46-7 104-51-8 95-50-1 96-12-8 120-82-1 87-68-3 91-20-3 87-61-6 (mm) Dilution Factor: 1.0 ---- Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) CAS No . ~5-25-2 Lab File ID: VE5A6447 .D G ---- LOW -------- ID: Soil Extract Volume: ----(uL) 100-42-5 SDG No. : 8260 Lab Sample ID: 9516050 SOIL GC Column: RTX 502.2 •~ Method : Case No .: - -5.0- - 1:.PA ~AM.PU:. .NU . 1.4-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenzene 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ug/Kg (uL) Q u u u u u u u u u u - u u u u u u u u u u 5 u u 5 u 5 u 030184 Page 2 of 2 FORM I VOA 3/90 FORM I SAMPLE ANALYSIS RESULTS I·-= · ame: EA Laboratories se No.: 9542025 _ ample No.: RDS-10 Sample matrix: SOIL Totc:11 Solids: Lab ID Contract: FORTBLISS SDG No.: 9516032 Lab Sample ID No.: 9516049 Date Received: 11/07/95 98. 7% Parameter 9516049 OIL AND GREASE TOT PETROL HYDROCARB Sample Cone. 115 94.9 Concentration Units Analyzed Date mg/kg (dry) mg/kg (dry) 11/28/95 12/01/95 060017 1B EPA SAMPLE NO: SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET T • ~b Name: EA LABS t· Code: Matrix: EAENG Case No: t Moisture: CAS NO. 1.0 (Y/N)N SA1A7205 Date Received: Cot1centrated Extract Volume: Inj ection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 1 GPC Cleanup: Lab Sample ID: 9516049 30.0 {g/ml) (low/med) SDG No: No.: SAS (soil/water) SOIL San,ple wt/vol: Level: RDS-10DL Contract: (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/22/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 50.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 100-02-7---------4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran 121-14-2--- ------2, 4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2---------2,6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2---- ------ Diethylphthalate 7005 -7 2-3-- ------4-Chlorophenyl -phenylether 86-73-7-------- -- Fluorene ~100-01-6------ --- 4-Nitroaniline 534-52-1--- ------4 ,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 86-30-6 ----------N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ~101-55-3---- -----4-B romophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1--- --- - -- Hexachlorobenzene ~~ 87-86-5----------Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8----- -----Phenanthrene 120-12-7---------Anthracene 84-74-2 ----------Di-n- butyl phthalate 206-44-0---------Fluoranthene 129-00-0---------Pyrene 85-68-7-------- - -Butylbenzylphthalate 91-94-1----------3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 56-55-3--- - ------Benzo(a)anthracene 117-81 - 7------- -- bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9---------Chrysene ~117-84-0-------- - Di-n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2------- -- Benzo{b)fluoranthene 207-08 -9---------Benzo(k)fl uoranthene 50-32-8---- ------Benzo(a)pyrene 193-39-5---------Indeno{l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3-------- --Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 191-24-2---- -----Benzo{g,h ,i)perylene FORM I SV-1 86000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 33000 86000 86000 17000 17000 17000 86000 230000 34000 17000 38000 11000-0 17000 17000 21000 17000 29000 17000 7700 17000 8300 17000 17000 17000 Q u u u u u u D u u u u u u D D u D D u u D u D u DJ u DJ u u u 3/90 0~0530 lF SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS T ~b Name: EA LABS • Case No: SAS No.: (soil/water) SOIL (low/med) \ Moisture: Injection Volume: 1.0 (Y/N) N 1000 (uL) .. 2 3 4 5 ~ . -----------. ------------ . ------------ . ------------ . -----------. -----------9 . ------------ 10 . 11 . ------------ -----------12 -----------13 -----------14 . -----------15 . ----------- 16 -----------17 -----------18 -----------19 . -----------20 . ------------ 11/07/95 Date Analyzed: 11/23/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 pH: - CONCENTRATION UNITS (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg 20 COMPOUND NAME CAS NUMBER :m=s::=z========= ==~========================= --·... ----------------------- SA1.A7207 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 (uL} (Y/N)N Nwnber TICS found: l Lab File ID: Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: GPC Cleanup: G LOW decanted : 1 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516049 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: Lev·el: RDS-10RE Contract: Code: EAENG Matrix: EPA SAMPLE NO: Isomers Isomers Isomers Isomers Isomers Isomers Unknown Isomers Isomers Isomers Isomers Isomers Isomers Isomers Isomers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown of trimethylbenzene_ of C9Hl2 of methylpropylbenze of ethyldimethylbenz of ethyldimethylbenz of ClOH14 C. ,c I-I,~ of Cl2Hl0 of ethylnaphthalene of dimethylnaphthale of dimethylnaphthale of dimethylnaphthale of dimethylnaphthale of trimethylnaphthal of trimethylnaphthal PAH 1_ C11H1L) PAH(c:'111t rz.) P..<\H {C.l,1-t1L~ PAH ~ c. n RT 7.10 7.50 7.89 7 . 98 2500 3300 3600 6800 8.24 4400 8.29 8.58 12.18 12.36 12.51 12.68 12.93 13.10 14.04 14.23 19.51 19.80 19.99 20.41 4200 1600 4500 3100 4600 3900 4100 3900 2000 2700 1500 2900 1700 2100 1800 20.47 11 , 1. EST. CONC. Q ======== ======n======= ===== J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J l ..;C: ·-JZ./ I /S ~ • FORM I SV-TIC 3/90 0~0491 lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET :.iii Name : • Case No: l GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. • 1. O (Y/N)N SA1A7207 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Inj iection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 1 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516049 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med) Mc:>isture: • SAS No.: (soil/water) SOIL Sample wt/vol: Levc!l: RDS-lORE Contract: EA LABS Code: EAENG Matrix: EPA SAMPLE NO: (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/23/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 108-95-2---------Phenol lll-44-4---------bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 95-57-8----------2 -Chlorophenol 541-73-1-------- -1,3- Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7---------1,4 -Dichlorobenzene 100-51-6---------Benzyl Alcohol 95-50-1----------1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-48 - 7----------2-Methylphenol 108-60-1---------2,2' - oxybis(l-Chloropropane) 106-44-5---------4-Methylphenol 621-64-7---------N-Nitroso -Di-n-propylamine 67-72-1 ---------- Hexachloroethane ~98 - 95-3----- --- --Nitrobenzene 78-59-1---- ------Isophorone 88-75-5 ----------2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9---------2,4-Dirnethylphenol 65-85-0------- ---Benzoic acid lll-91-l---------bis(2-Chloroechoxy ) methane 120-83-2----- ----2, 4-Dichloropheriol ~120-82-1---------1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3----------Naphthalene 106-47-8---------4-Chloroaniline 87-68-3---- - -----Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7------- - --4-Chloro-3 - methylphenol 91-57-6----------2-Methylnaphthalene 77-47-4----------Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 88-06-2---- ------2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ~~ 95-95-4---- ------2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 91-58-7--- -------2-Chloronaphthalene 88-74-4-- - ------- 2- Nitroaniline 131-11-3 ------- --Dimethylphthalate 208-96-8-------- - Acenaphthylene 99-09-2---- --- - --3- Nitroanil i ne 83-32-9------ ----Acenaphthene 51-28-5----------2,4 -Dinitrophenol FORM I SV- 1 Q 140 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 180 330 330 330 330 330 330 1700 330 330 330 13000 330 330 330 22000 330 330 1700 330 1700 330 330 1700 9500 1700 3/90 J u u u u u u u u J u u u u u u u u u u E u u u E u u u u u u u u E u - ~"'-------------------------------------EPA SAMPLE NO: lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET I Code: EAENG MatidX: SAS No .: Case No: {soil/water) SOIL (low/med) % Moisture: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. 1. O (Y/N)N (Y/N) N 1000 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 Date Analyzed: (uL) 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 100-02-7---------4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9-------- -Dibenzofuran 121-14-2---------2,4 -Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2- --- ---- -2,6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2--------- -Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3- -------4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether 86-73-7------ ----Fluorene -100-01-6 ---------4-Nitroaniline 534-52-1---------4,6 - Dinitro-2-methylphenol - 86-30-6--- -------N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 101-55-3---------4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1---------Hexachlorobenzene -87-86-5 - ---------Pe ntachlorophenol 85-01-8 ----------Phenanthrene 120-12-7----- -- --Anthracene 84-74-2-- -- - -----Di-n-butyl phthalate 206-44-0 --- --- ---Fluoranthene 129-00-0---------Pyrene 85-68-7--------- -Butylbenzylphthalate 91-94-1----- -----3,3 ' -D ichlorobenzidine 56-55-3----------Benzo(a)anthracene 117-81-7-------- -bis(2-Et hylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9- --------Chrysene -117-84-0---------Di-n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2-- -------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 207-08-9- --------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 50-32-8----- -----Benzo(a)pyrene 193-39-5----- --- -Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3------ ----Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 191-24-2---------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene • SA1A7168 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Inji?ction Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 1 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516049 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: Level: RDS-1,0 Contract: Name : EA LABS FORM I SV - 1 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u 1700 330 330 330 330 330 2600 1700 1700 330 330 330 1700 75000 E E 13000 330 u 16000 28000 E E u 330 330 8800 260 8700 ... , 330 8400 1500 7500 2000 1300 2500 u ' E J .. E .. u E E 3/90 050450 VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DAT A SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS Contract: Lab Name: EA LABOR ATORIES Lab Code: Matrix: (soil/water) % Moisture: GCColumn: _G_ __ Lab File ID : \"E5A6443 .D Date Received: LOW ID: RTX 502.2 0 .53 (mm) ------- . (uL) Number TJCs found : I ln/95 Date Analyzed: 11/17/95 not dee. SoiJ Extract Volume: SDG No. : ------- _ _s_._o_ _ tglmL) {low/med) 8260 Lab Sample JD: 9516049 SOIL Sample wt,vol : Level: Method : Case No .: EA ENG RDS10 0 icAS Number Dilution Factor: l.O ---- Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- (uL) Concentration Units: (ug/ L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg Compound Name RT Est. Cone. Q l. 2. 3. 4. 5. • 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 14 . 15 . 16. 17 . 18. 19 . ...20. 21. 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . • 29 . 30. 030176 FORM I VOA -TIC 3190 EPA SAMPLE 1'10. IA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DA TA SHEET • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol : Level : (low/med) % Moisture: Contract : Case No .: CAS No. 75-71-8 174-87-3 175-01-4 r,4-83-9 r75-00-3 i75-69-4 75-35-4 75-09-2 156-60-5 r,5.34.3 ~94-20-7 156-59-2 ~7-66-3 :74-97-5 r, 1-55-6 563-58-6 56-23-5 107-06-2 171-43-2 t79-0l -6 178-87-5 175-27-4 174-95-3 108-88-3 179-00-5 106-93-4 142-28-9 127-18-4 124-48- 1 108-90-7 1630-20-6 100-41-4 106-42-3 SDG No.: 8260 Lab Sample ID: 9516049 Lab File ID: VE5A6443.D (g/mL) G 5.0 ------- LOW not dee. Soil Extraet Volume: •· Method : SOIL ID: GC Colunm: RTX 502.2 • ---- ---- rDSIO 0.53 (mm) Date Received : 11/7/95 Date Analyzed: 11/17/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 ---- Soil Aliquot Volume: - - - - (uL) (uL) Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) Compound Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Bromomethane Chlorocthane Trichlorofluoromethane l, 1-Dichloroelhene Methylene Chloride trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 1.1-Dichloroethane 2,2-Dichloropropane cis-1 ,2-Dichloroethene Chloroform Bromochloromethane l, l, 1-Trichloroethane l, 1-Dichloropropene Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Benzene Trichloroethene 1.2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane Dibromomethane Toluene l, l ,2-Trichloroethane 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 1,3-Dichloropropane Tetrachloroelhene Chlorodibromomethane Chlorobenzene I, l , l.2-Tetrachloelhane Ethyl benzene m&p Xylenes 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 s 5 5 s 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ug/Kg Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u tJ u u u u u u u u u 5 u 5 5 5 u u u 5 u 5 u 0301?4 Page I of 2 FORM l VOA 3190 lF SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS TA Name: Case No: SAS No.: Matrix: (soil/water) SOIL (low/med) Inje•c.tion Volume: {Y/N) N Number TICS found: CAS NUMBER sa:..c:1 : : - - - - =- - -- =- - l.541-02-6---2.540-97-6---- 3.------------ • 4.------------ -----------• ----------------------- . 8.------------ 9 -----------10 . ------------ • 1. o SA1A7l6l Date Received: 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 (Y /N) N Conc,entrated Extract Volume: GPC Cleanup: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 1 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516048 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: \ Moisture: RDS-9 Contract: EA LABS ~Code: EAENG Level: EPA SAMPLE NO: Date Analyzed: 1000 (uL) 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: - - CONCENTRATION UNITS (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg 10 COMPOUND NAME ================= ========== Cyclopentasiloxane tu., "1:<4,.1I Cyclohexasiloxane · Hc:d., m,1f,ril Unknown ' Unknown Unknown---------------------Unknown Unknown--------------------Unknown Unknown--------------------Unknown FORM I SV-TIC RT -------8.94 11.02 18.55 18.58 18.72 19.22 19.48 EST. CONC. Q ===========-= ===== 1100 530 3400 JN JN J 1500 J 210 210 1800 J J J J J J 20.10 250 20.62 20.93 190 1500 -. 3/90 050433 lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET T,& ;Name: - Case No: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. J • I 1.0 (Y/N)N SA1A7161 Date Received: Conct?ntrated Extract Volume: Injec::tion Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 1 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516048 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med) t Mo:lsture: ; No.: SAS (soil/water) SOIL Samp1e wt/vol: Level: RDS-9 Contract: EA LABS .Code: EAENG Matr;ix: EPA SAMPLE NO: (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: (uL) 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 108-95-2---------Phenol 111-44-4---------bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 95-57-8----------2-Chlorophenol 541-73-1---------1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7---------1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100-51-6---------Benzyl Alcohol 95-50-1----------1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-48-7----------2-Methylphenol 108-60-1---------2,2' - oxybis(l-Chloropropane) 106-44-5---------4-Methylphenol 621-64-7---------N-Nitroso-Di-n-propylamine 67-72-1----------Hexachloroethane ~98-95-3----------Nitrobenzene 78-59-1----------Isophorone 88-75-5----------2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9---------2,4-Dimethylphenol 65-85-0----------Benzoic acid lll-91-1---------bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 120-83-2---------2,4-Dichlorophenol ~120-82-1---------1,2,4 -Tri chlorobenzene 91-20-3- - --------Naphthalene 106-47-8---------4-Chloroaniline 87-68-3----------Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7----------4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 91-57-6----------2-Methylnaphthalene 77-47-4----------Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 88-06-2----------2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ~~ 95-95-4----------2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 91-58-7----------2-Chloronaphthalene 88-74-4----------2-Nitroaniline 131-11-3---------Dimethylphthalate 208-96-8- - -------Acenaphthylene 99-09-2 ------ - ---3-Nitroaniline 83-32-9- ----- - - --Acenaphthene 51-28-5------ ----2 ,4 -Dinit rophenol FORM I SV-1 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 1700 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 1700 330 1700 330 330 1700 330 1700 3/90 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u IA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol : Level: {low/med) Contract : Case No. : --- Method : Lab File ID: VE5A6442.D LOW ID: • ---- 0 .53 (mm) (uL) Date Received: lln/95 Date Analyzed: 11/17/95 Dilution Factor: - -1.0- Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) CAS No. Compound 95-47-6 o-Xylene Styrene Bromoform lsopropylbcnzene l, l ,2,2-Tetrachloroctbane 1,2.3-Trichloropropane n-Propylbcnzenc Bromobcnzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbcnzenc 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Cblorotoluene ten-Butyl benzene 1,2.4-Trimethylbenzenc sec-Butyl benzene p-lsopropyilolucnc 1.3-Dichlorobenz.ene I .4-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbcnzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene l .2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2.4-Trichlorobenz.ene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene 1,2.3-Trichlorobenzene 75-25-2 98-82-8 r79-34-5 196-18-4 103-65-1 108-86- 1 !08-67-8 95-49-8 106-43-4 198-06-6 ~5-63-6 135-98-8 99-87-6 541 -73-1 106-46-7 104-51-8 195-50-1 196- 12-8 120-82-1 187-68-3 191 -20-3 187-61-6 SDG No.: (g/mL) G 5.0 ------ GC Column: RTX 502.2 10042-5 8260 Lab Sample ID: 9516048 SOIL % Moisture: not dee. Soil Extrac1 Volume: r.PA SAMPLt i\lU . 5 5 5 5 5 5 ug/Kg Q u u u u u u 5 u 5 u 5 5 5 u 5 5 5 5 {uL) u u u u u u 5 u 5 u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 u u u u u u u UJU 166 Page 2 of 2 FORM I VOA 3/90 FORM I SAMPLE ANAI..YSIS RESULTS ,1me: EA Laboratories • .:- i1Se No.: 9542025 ilmple No.: RDS-8 ampl•? matrix: SOIL otal Solids: 98.5% Contract: FORTBLISS SDG No.: 9516032 La.b Sample ID No.: 9516047 Date Received: 11/07/95 -------------------------------------- ab D Parameter 5160•l7 OIL AND GREASE TOT PETROL HYDROCARB Sample Cone . 145 142 Concentration Units Analyzed mg/kg (dry) mg/kg (dry) 11/28/95 11/28/95 Date • 060015 EPA SAMPLE NO: lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET '.~ame: EA LABS • Case No: Code: EAENG Matrix: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. • 1.0 (Y/N)N SA1A7184 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Injection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 2 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516047 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med} t Moisture: • No.: SAS (soil/water} SOIL Sample wt/vol: Level: RDS-8 RE Contract: (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/21/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 100-02-7---------4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran 121-14-2---------2,4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2---------2,6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2----------Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3--------4-Chlorophenyl - phenylether 86-73-7----------Fluorene ~100-01-6---------4-Nitroaniline 534-52-1---------4,6-Dinitro-2 - methylphenol 86-30-6----------N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ~101-55-3---------4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1---------Hexachlorobenzene ~~ 87-86-5----------Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8----------Phenanthrene 120-12-7---------Anthracene 84-74-2----------Di - n-butyl phthalate 206-44-0---------Fluoranthene 129-00-0---------Pyrene 85-68-7----------Butylbenzylphthalate 91-94-1----------3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 56-55-3----------Benzo(a)anthracene 117-81-7---------bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9---------Chrysene ~117-84-0---------Di-n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2---------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 207-08-9---------Benzo(k}fluoranthene 50-32-8----------Benzo{a)pyrene 193-39-5---------Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3----------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 191-24-2---------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene FORM I SV-1 1700 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 1700 340 340 340 1700 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 3/90 05041\) lF SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS &_ :riTame: J . RDS-8 Contract : EA LABS Code: EAENG Matr.ix: Case No: (g/ml) Injec:tion Volume: C::AS NUMBER l .. 541-02-6---2 .. 540-97-6---- 3.------------ 4 , ------------ :~ .----------------------- 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 Date Analyzed: 1000 (uL) (uL) (Y/N)N Number TICS found: • l. o SA1A7160 Date Received: LOW Conc,~ntrated Extract Volume: GPC Cleanup: Lab File ID: G decanted: (Y/N) N 2 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516 047 30.0 (low/med) I" Mo:lsture: . SAS No.: (soil/ SOIL Samp:Le wt/vol: Level: EPA SAMPLE NO : 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 pH: - - CONCENTRATION UNITS (ug/L or ug/Kg} ug/Kg 6 COMPOUND NAME RT EST. CONC. ==-========================= ======== ==========-v= Cyclopenta~iloxane,c/.;ff,ms. i...11Cyclohexasiloxane ri,:¢;, c .. 5 n'1 IUnknown • Unknown Unknown~~-~~~----Unknown ----------- FORM I SV-TIC 8.93 11.02 18.55 18.59 19.48 20.94 270 170 2600 1100 2600 1900 Q ===== JN JN J J J J 3/90 0 5040 3 ~, ,:;.. ."" ,i' lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGAN~CS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET EPA SAMPLE NO: RDS-8 - Name : EA LABS ~ Code: EAENG Matrix: Contract: (soil/water) SOIL (low/med) t Moisture: GPC Cleanup: 1.0 (Y/N)N SA1A7160 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: InjE~ction Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 2 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516047 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: Levt~l: SAS No.: Case No: (Y/N) 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 N 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: (uL) 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 pH: CONCENTRATION UNITS: CAS NO. • • COMPOUND (ug/L or ug/Kg ) ug/Kg 108-95-2---------Phenol ll1-44-4---------bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 95-57-8-------- --2-Chlorophenol 541-73-1---------1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7- --------1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100-51-6-------- -Benzyl Alcohol 95-50-1--------- -1 ,2 -Dichlorobenzene 95-48-7----------2-Methylphenol 108-60-1---------2,2'-oxybis(l-Chloropropane) 106-44 -5--- -- ----4-Methylphenol 621-64-7------- --N-Nitroso-Di-n-propylamine 67-72-1-------- --Hexachloroethane ~98-95-3--------- -Nitrobenzene 78-59-1----------Isophorone 88-75-5------ ----2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9-------- -2 ,4 -Dimethylphenol 65-85-0-------- --Benzoic acid lll-91-l---------bis(2-Chlorcethoxy)methane 120-83-2---------2,4-Dichlorophenol ~120-82-1---- -----1 ,2,4 -Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3----------Naphthalene 106-47-8------- --4-Chloroaniline 87-68-3----------Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7----------4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 91-57-6----------2-Methylnaphthalene 77-47-4-------- --Hexachlorocrclopentadiene 88-06-2----------2,4,6-Trich orophenol ~~ 95-95-4----------2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 91-58-7------- ---2-Chl oronaphthalene 88-74-4----------2-Nitroaniline 131-11-3---------Dimethylphthalate 208-96-8---------Acenaphthylene 99-09-2----------3 -Nit roaniline 83-32-9------ ----Acenaphthene 51-28-5----------2,4 - Dinitrophenol FORM I SV-1 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 34{) 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 340 1700 340 340 1700 340 1700 3/90 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u EPA ~AMPU: 1'<0. IA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol : Level : ~ (low/med) Moisture: not dee. Method : Case No .: Lab File ID : VE5A6441.D LOW Date Received: lln/95 2 Date Analyzed: 11/17/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 ID: 0.53 (mm) Soil Aliquot Volume: (uL) • Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) CAS No. Compound &5-47-6 100-42-5 o-Xylene Styrene Bromofonn lsopropy I benzene 1.1 .2,2-Tctrachlorocthane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane n-Propylbenz.ene Bromobcnz.ene 1,3.5-Trimethylbenz.ene 2-ChJorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene ten-Butyl benzene 1.2.4-Trimethylbcnz.ene sec- ButyI benzene p-lsopropy Itoluene 1.3-Dichlorobcnzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbcnz.ene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane r79-34-5 196-18-4 103-65- 1 108-86-1 108-67-8 95-49-8 106-43-4 98-06-6 &5-63-6 135-98-8 99-87-6 541 -73-1 106-46-7 104-51-8 195-50-1 196-12-8 120-82-1 187-68-3 191-20-3 187-61-6 SDG No.: (g/mL) G 5.0 ------- -------Soil Extract Volume: ---- 98-82-8 8260 Lab Sample ID: 9516047 SOIL GC Column: RTX 502.2 175-25-2 rDS8 Contract : 1.2. 4-Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene 1,2,3 -Trichlorobcnzene 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ug/Kg ---Q u u u u u u 5 u 5 u 5 5 u u 5 u u u u ·u 5 u u 5 5 u 5 5 - u u u 5 5 5 5 5 5 (uL) u u u Page 2 of2 FORM I VOA O:J01S7 3190 FORM I SAMPLE ANALYSIS RESULTS 1me: EA Laboratories 1se .N o. : 9542025 • lmple No. : RDS-7 ample matrix: SOIL otal Solids: 98.3% ll) D Parameter S160~l6 OIL AND GREASE TOT PETROL HYDROCARB Contract: FORTBLISS SDG No .: 9516032 Lab Sample ID No.: 9516046 Date Received: 11/07/95 Sample Cone. 578 556 Concentration Units mg/kg (dry) mg/kg (dry} Analyzed Date 11/28/95 12/01/95 • 060014 lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Mame: EA LABS • Case No : ~ 2 CAS NO. Lab File ID: 1. O (Y/N}N SAl.A7183 Date Received: :onct?ntrated Extract Volume: :;pc Cleanup: G LOW decanted: tnje<:tion Volume: SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516046 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med} Mo;l sture: • SAS No.: (soil/water) SOIL Sample wt/vol: r..evel: RDS-7 RE Contract: Code: EAENG ~atrix: EPA SAMPLE NO: (Y/N) N 1000 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/21/95 Dilution Factor: (uL} 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 100-02-7------ - --4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran 121-14-2---------2,4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2---------2,6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2----------Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3------ -- 4-Chlorophenyl - phenylether 86-73-7----------Fluorene ~100-01-6---------4-Nitroaniline 534-52-1---- ----- 4,6-Dinitro - 2-methylphenol 86-30-6--------- - N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ~101-55-3---------4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1---------Hexachlorobenzene ~~ 87-86-5----------Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8----------Phenanthrene 120-12-7---------Anthracene 84-74-2----------Di-n-butyl phthalate 206-44-0------- - -Fluoranthene 129-00-0---------Pyrene 85-68-7-------- - -Butylbenzylphthalate 91-94-1---- - --- -- 3,3' -Dichlorobenzidine 56-55-3----------Benzo(a)anthracene 117-81-7---------bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9---------Chrysene ~117-84-0---------Di-n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2---------Benzo(b}fluoranthene 207-08-9---------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 50-32-8----------Benzo(a}pyrene 193-39-5---------Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3----------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 191-24-2---------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene FORM I SV-1 1700 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 1700 340 340 340 1700 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 77 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u J u u u u u u u u 3/90 050383 lF SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS Name: EA LABS • Case No: :njection Volume: 1.0 (Y/N) N Number TICS found: CA.S NUMBER ccsR============= 1 . 541-02-6---2.540-97-6---- 3.------------ 4 . ------------ .____________ ============_ 8.------------ 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: (uL) (Y/N)N SA1A71S9 Date Rec eived: :o ncentrated Extract Volume: IPC Cleanup: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 2 SDG No : Lab Sample ID: 9516046 30. 0 (g/ml) (low/med) r Moisture: ..,~ SAS No.: (soil/water) SOIL ,ample wt /vol : .ev e.l: RDS-7 Contract: Co de: EAENG ~at1·ix: EPA SAMPLE NO: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 pH: - - CONCENTRATION UNITS (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg 8 COMPOUND NAME RT EST. CONC. ==-========================= ======== ======-====== 8.93 Cyclopentasiloxane, ,!,u,n.-:+f..320 /1 Cyclohexasiloxane ,·1c&,s .-,&.,/Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown hydrocarbon- - - - Unknown ~---Unknown~---------~ Unknown Unknown~ - -- - - - - - - ~ FORM I SV-TIC 11.03 15.41 16.36 18.54 18.58 19.48 20.94 170 200 190 2300 980 1600 1300 Q ilf:.' ===== • \It JN JN J J J J J J 3/90 050 367 ;l- lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET I _, Code: EAENG SAS No.: Case No: (soil/water) SOIL (low/med) \ M<>isture: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. 1.0 (Y/N) N SA1A7159 Da·te Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Injt!ction Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 2 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516046 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: LeVt!l: RDS-7 Contract: I Name: EA LABS Mat~rix: EPA SAMPLE NO: (Y/N) 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 N 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 108-95-2---------Phenol lll-44-4---------bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 95-57-8----------2-Chlorophenol 541-73-1---------1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7---------1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100-51-6---------Benzyl Alcohol 95-50-1----------1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-48-7----------2-Methylphenol 108-60-1---------2,2'-oxybis(l-Chloropropane) 106-44-5---------4-Methylphenol 621-64-7---------N-Nitroso-Di-n-propylamine 67-72-1--------- - Hexachloroethane ~98-95-3----------Nitrobenzene 78-59-1----------Isophorone 88-75-5----------2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9---------2,4-Dimethylphenol 65-85-0----------Benzoic acid lll-91-l------- - -bis(2-Chloroethoxy ) methane 120-83-2---------2,4-Dichlorophenol ~120-82-1---------1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3----------Naphthalene 106-47-8---------4 - Chloroaniline 87-68-3----------Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7----------4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 91-57-6----------2-Methylnaphthalene 77-47-4----------Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 88-06-2----------2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ~~ 95-95-4----------2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 91-58-7----------2-Chloronaphthalene 88-74-4----------2-Nitroaniline 131-11-3-- - ---- - -Dimethylphthalate 208-96-8---------Acenaphthylene 99-09-2----------3 - Nitroaniline 83-32-9----------Acenaphthene 51-28-5----------2,4-Dinitrophenol FORM I SV- 1 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 340 1700 340 340 1700 340 1700 3/90 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u r • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol: Level : (low/med) % Moisture: not dee. Contract: Method : Case No. : 8260 rD~ SDG No.: Lab Sample ID : 9516046 SOIL 5 .0 ---- (g/mL) Lab File IO : VE5A6440.D G ---- LOW Date Received: 11 n 195 2 Date Analyzed: 11/17/95 ------------- GC ColuDU1: RTX 502.2 ID: 0 .53 (mm) (uL) Soil Extract Volume: • .t:.PA SAMPLE 1'0. lA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Dilution Factor: l.O ---Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) CAS No. Compound 195-47-6 100-42-5 i75-25-2 98-82-8 79-34-5 96-18-4 103-65-1 108-86- 1 108-67-8 95-49-8 106-43-4 98-06-6 95-63-6 135-98"8 ()9-87-6 541 -73-1 106-46-7 104-51 -8 1'15-50-1 196-12-8 120-82- l 7-68-3 91-20-3 7-61 -6 o-Xylene Styrene Bromoform lsopropylbenzene l, 1,2,2-Tetrachlorocthane 1.2,3-Trichloropropane n-Propylbenzene Bromobenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1en-Butylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene sec-Butylbenz.cne p-lsopropy l10 Iuene l ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.4-Dichlorobenzene n-Bu1ylbenz.ene 1.2-Dichlorobenz.cne 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1.2,4-Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene 1.2 ,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/Kg Q 5 5 5 5 u u u u 5 5 u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 u u u u u u u u u u u u u 5 u u u u 5 5 u u 5 5 5 (uL) 030148 Page 2 of 2 FORM I VOA 3/90 FORM I SAMPLE ANALYSIS RESULTS ~ame: EA Laboratories :ase No.: 9542025 _ iample No.: RDS-6 ;ample matrix: SOIL rotal Solids: 98.0\ :.ab (0 Parameter Contract: FORTBLISS SDG No.: 9516032 Lab Sample ID No.: 9516045 Date Received: 11/07/95 Sample Cone. Concentration Units Analyzed Date mg/kg (dry) 12/01/95 ·~516045 ~--.~---------------------- -------- -----------------------------------------<25.2 mg/kg (dry) OIL AND GREASE 11/28/95 TOT PETROL HYDROCARB <25.0 060013 lB EPA SAMPLE NO: SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Jab Name: EA LABS Case No: .Code: EAENG Mat:r.:·ix: SAS No.: (soil/water) SOIL (low/med) t Mo,isture: GPC Cleanup: 1.0 {Y/N)N SA1A7182 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Injection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 2 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516045 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: Level: RDS-6 RE Contract: (Y/N) Date Extracted: 11/14/95 N 1000 11/07/95 Date Analyzed: (uL) (uL) 11/21/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 pH: CONCENTRATION UNITS: CAS NO. COMPOUND (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 100-02-7---------4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran 121-14-2---------2,4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2---------2,6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2----------Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3--------4-Chlorophenyl - phenylether 86-73-7----------Fluorene --100-01-6------- -- 4-Nitroaniline 534-52-1---------4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 86-30-6----------N-Nitrosodiphenylamine --101-55-3---------4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1---------Hexachlorobenzene ---87-86-5------- --- Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8------ ----Phenanthrene 120-12-7---------Anthracene 84-74-2------ ---- Di-n-butyl phthalate 206-44-0---------Fluoranthene 129-00-0-------- - Pyrene 85-68-7----- ----- Butylbenzylphthalate 91-94-1----------3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 56-55-3----------Benzo(a)anthracene 117-81-7---------bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9---------Chrysene --117-84-0---------Di-n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2---------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 207-08-9------- - -Benzo (k)fluoranthene 50-32-8----------Benzo(a)pyrene 193-39-5------ --- Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3----------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 191-24-2---------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene FORM I SV-1 1700 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 1700 340 340 340 1700 110 340 340 340 430 340 340 340 2100 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 Q u u u u u u u u u u u P' u J u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 3/90 050335 lF SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS • T-.b Name: EA LABS Case No: Injection Volume: 1.0 (Y/N)N Number TICS found: CAS NUMBER =•••==a:========: -· 2.------------ 1.541-02 - 6---- 3.-------- ---- 4.540-97-6---5.92-52-4---- - . -----------. ------------ 8.------------ 9.-----------·o. - - - - - - - - - - - ]. 1.----- --- ---].; l :2.-----------1 :3.-----------1 •l.-----------1 s.-----------1 6.------- ----l '1.------- ----1 0.---------- - 1 2 !}.------------ ().----- ------- SA1A7158 Date Received: (Y/N) N CO:ncentrated Extract Volume: GPC Cleanup: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 2 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516045 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med) t Moisture: • SAS No.: (soil/water) SOIL Sample wt/vol: Level: RDS-6 Contract: Code: EAENG Matrix: EPA SAMPLE NO: 1000 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 Date Analyzed: (uL) 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: - CONCENTRATION UNITS (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg 20 COMPOUND NAME RT Isomer~ of C7H5NS Unknown ~ "~~"' 1(. c . <.. , cI Cyclohexasi oxane <"1t;£':t\ ,. ,-rw \:&I· Bi phenyl ' Isomeri of trimethylnaphtha~ r\i. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10.45 10.68 11.02 12.27 13.94 14.43 14.55 14.75 15.27 15.38 15.45 15.64 16.08 16.22 17.46 18.20 18.56 19.49 20.94 EST. CONC. Q ------ -- =-=========== •==-== ============================ -------Cyclopentasiloxane .·J.u, ""'' il 18.93 470 JN I 210 290 290 260 170 350 170 220 1100 170 180 300 550 220 . 580 1500 2000 3800 2400 J J JN JN J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J '. -· 1 (,..:;{ .. ti FORM I SV-TIC ., · 1.: ,~":, 3/90 osoJoo lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET .• Code: EAENG Case No: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. 1.0 (Y/N)N SA1A7158 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Inj ,ection Volume: SDG No: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 2 No . : Lab Sample ID: 9516045 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med) t Moisture: • SAS (soil/water) SOIL Sample wt/vol: Level: RDS-6 Contract: • Name : EA LABS Matrix: EPA SAMPLE NO: (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: (uL) 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 108-95-2---------Phenol 111-44-4---------bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 95-57-8----------2-Chlorophenol 541-73-1---------1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7------- -- 1,4 - Dichlorobenzene 100-51-6---------Benzyl Alcohol 95-50-1----------1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-48-7----------2-Methylphenol 108-60-1-------- - 2,2' - oxybis(l - Chloropropane) 106-44-5------ - --4-Methylphenol 621-64-7---------N-Nitroso-Di-n-propylamine 67-72-1----------Hexachloroethane --98-95-3-------- -- Nitrobenzene 78-59-1-------- - -Isophorone 88-75-5----------2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9---------2,4-Dirnethylphenol 65-85-0-------- - -Benzoic acid 111-91-l---------bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 120-83-2-------- - 2,4-Dichlorophenol --120-82-1---------1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3----------Naphthalene 106-47-8---------4-Chloroaniline 87-68-3----------Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7----------4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 91-57-6----------2-Methylnaphthalene 77-47-4-------- - -Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 88-06-2----------2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ---95-95-4----------2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 91-58-7----------2-Chloronaphthalene 88-74-4-------- -- 2-Nitroaniline 131-11-3---------Dimethylphthalate 208-96-8---------Acenaphthylene 99-09-2---------- 3 -Nitroaniline 83-32-9---- - --- - -Ace naphthene 51-28-5----------2,4-Dinitrophenol FORM I SV-1 Q 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 87.0 340 340 340 95 340 340 340 85 340 340 1700 340 1700 340 340 1700 340 1700 u u D u u u u u u u u u u u u u J u u u J u u u J u u u u u u u u u u 3/90 050298 lA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Lab Name: EA LABO RA TORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/waxer) Sample wt/vol : Level : (low/med) % Moisture: not dee . Contract : CAS No. 95-47-6 100-42-5 75-25-2 98-82-8 9-34-5 196-18-4 103-65-1 108-86-1 108-67-8 5-49-8 106-43-4 &8-06-6 &5-63-6 135-98-8 99--87-6 541-73-1 106-46-7 104-51-8 195-50-1 196-12-8 120-82-1 7-68-3 191-20-3 7-61-6 rDS6 SDG No.: 8260 Lab Sample ID : 9516045 SOIL Lab File ID : VE5A6431.D (g/mL) 5.0 G ------- LOW Date Received : I In/95 2 Date Analyzed: 11/16/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 ---- Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- lD: GC Column: RTX 502.2 Soil Extract Volume: Method : Case No . : 1:.PA !>AMPU:. ;\U. 0 .53 (mm) (UL) ---- Concentration Units : (ug/ L or ug/Kg) Compound o-Xylenc Styrene Bromofonn Jsopropylbenzcnc 1, 1,2.2-Tetrachloroethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropanc n-Propylbenz.cne Bromobcnzcne 1.3.5-Trimethylbenzcne 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene ten-Butylbenzene 1.2.4 -Trimethylbenzene sec-Butylbenzcne p-Jsopropyltolucne 1,3-Dichlorobenzcne 1.4-Dichlorobenzcne n-Butylbenzene I .2-Dichlorobenzcne 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2.4-Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene 1,2 ,3-T richlorobenzene ug/Kg Q 5 5 u 5 u 5 5 5 5 u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 (uL) u u u u u u u u u u u 5 u 5 u 5 5 5 5 5 u t:J u u u 5 u 5 u 5 u 030138 Page 2 of 2 FORM I VOA 3/90 FORM I SAMPLE ANALYSI S RESULTS Name: EA Laborator i es 1Case No . : 9542025 Sample No.: RDS-5 Samp,le matrix: SOIL Total Solids: 99 . 3% · ~ Lab ID Parameter 9516044 OIL AND GREASE TOT PETROL HYDROCARB Contract: FORTBLISS SDG No . : 9516032 Lab Sample ID No.: 9516044 Date Received : 11/07/95 Sample Cone . 61.7 46.6 Concentration Units Analyzed Date mg/kg (dry} 11/28/95 12/01/95 mg/kg {dry) 060012 lB EPA SAMPLE NO: SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ~~ Name: EA LABS Case No: . . Code: EAENG Mat:rix: SAS No.: (soil/water) SOIL {low/med) \' Moisture: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. Lab File ID: 1.0 (Y/N)N SA1A7181 Date Received: Co:r.centrated Extract Volume: Injection Volume: G LOW decanted: 1 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516044 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: Level: RDS-5 RE Contract: (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/21/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 100-02-7---------4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran 121-14-2---------2,4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2---------2,6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2----------Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3--------4-Chlorophenyl-phenylecher 86-73-7----------Fluorene --100-01-6---------4-Nitroaniline .534-52-1---------4,6-Dinitro-2-mechylphenol 86-30-6----------N-Nitrosodiphenylamine --101-55-3---------4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1---------Hexachlorobenzene ---87-86-5----------Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8----------Phenanthrene 120-12-7---------Anthracene 84-74-2----------Di-n-butyl phthalate 206-44-0---------Fluoranthene 129-00-0---------Pyrene 85-68-7----------Butylbenzylphthalate 91-94-1----------3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 56-55-3----------Benzo(a)anthracene 117-81-7---------bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9---------Chrysene --117-84-0---------Di-n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2---------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 207-08-9---------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 50-32-8----------Benzo(a)pyrene 193-39-5---------Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3----------Dibenz(a,h ) anchracene 191-24-2---------Benzo(g,h,ilperylene 1700 330 330 330 330 330 330 1700 1700 330 330 330 1700 330 330 330 330 33'0 330 330 330 =610 330 330 330 330 330 330 ]30 330 Q .. . :....,. u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 050269 FORM I SV-1 3/90 ..()S05G9 lF SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS Name : EA LABS i Case No: SAS No.: (soil/water) SOIL (low/med) t Moisture: Injection Volume: 1.0 {Y/N)N Number TICS found: CAS NUMBER SA1A7157 Date Received: (Y/N) N Coicicentrated Extract Volume: GPC Cleanup: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 1 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516044 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: Le'i7el: RDS-5 Contract: Code: EAENG Matrix: EPA SAMPLE NO: 1000 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 Date Analyzed: (uL) (uL) 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 pH: - - CONCENTRATION UNITS (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg 19 COMPOUND NAME RT EST. CONC. Q ••cs--==•----==-= ============================ ======== ==-==-======= ====z= 1.541-02-6---- 2.------------ 3.------------ 4.------------ • 5.-----------. ------------ . ------------ 8.-----------9.------------ 10.----------- - 11.------------ 12.------------ 13.-----------14.-----------15.-----------16.-----------17.-----------18.-----------19.------------ cyclopentasiloxane. cJ .. , ..........,tf_, \ Unknown ' Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown Unknown Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown hydrocarbon Unknown hydrocarbon 8.93 18.55 18.58 18.72 18.92 19.22 19.48 20.09 20.32 20.63 20.93 21.71 22.36 22.99 23.60 24.24 24.95 25.80 27.94 280 2200 1000 160 140 170 2500 230 140 JN ~ 'J J J J J J J J J : 370 2200 230 140 640 360 3500 270 4800 1600 J J J J J J J J ~ • FORM I SV -TIC 3/90 0502·11 l.,n<., , 11, I'r J -OSOS·l-1 lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET I Case No : Code: EAENG SAS No.: 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med) % Moisture: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. 1.0 (Y/N)N SA1A7157 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Injection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 1 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516044 (soil/water) SOIL Sample wt/vol: Le·vel: RDS-5 Contract: Name: EA LABS Matrix: EPA SAMPLE NO: (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 108-95-2---------Phenol 111-44-4---------bis(2-~C~h~l-o_r_o_e~t~h-y~l~)-e~t~h-e-r~~~95-57-8----------2-Chlorophenol 541-73-1---------1,3-Dichlorobe_n_z_e_n_e~~~~~106-46-7---------1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100-51-6---------Benzyl Alcohol ~~~~~ 95-50-1----------1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-48-7----------2-Methylphenol ~~~~~ 108-60-1---------2,2'-oxybis(l-Chloropropane) 106-44-5-------- - 4-Methylphenol 621-64-7---------N-Nitroso-Di-n___p_r_o_p_y~l~a-m-i~'n-e~~ 67-72-1----------Hexachloroethane ~98-95-3----------Nitrobenzene 78-59-1----------Isophorone ~~~~~~~~~ 88-75-5----------2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9---------2,4-Dimethylprh-e_n_o~l~~~~~~ 65-85-0----------Benzoic acid 111-91-1---------bis(2-Chloro-e~t~h-o-xy--.)~m-e-t~h~a~n-e~120-83-2---------2,4-Dichlorophenol ~120-82-1---------1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3----------Naphthalene ~~~106-47-8---------4-Chloroaniline 87-68-3----------Hexachlorobutad~i-e_n_e~~~~~59-50-7----------4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 91-57-6----------2-Methylnaphthalene ~~~ 77-47-4----------Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 88-06-2----------2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ~~ 95-95-4----------2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 91-58-7----------2-Chloronaphthalene ~~~~ 88-74-4----------2-Nitroaniline 131-11~3---------Dimethylphthal-a~t-e~~~~~~208-96-8- - - -- ----Acenaphthylene 99-09-2----------3 -Nitroaniline~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 83-32-9----------Acenaphthene 51-28-5----------2,4-Dinitrop~h-e_n_o~l~~~~~~- Q 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 1700 33U 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 1700 330 1700 330 330 1700 330 1700 U U u U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U u U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U • - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FORM I SV-1 3/90 ~~v.-u~ f:.PA !>AMt'Lc. i\U. lA VOLA TrLE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Lab Name: EA LABO RA TORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol: Level: (low/med) % Moisture: Case No .: --- SDG No.: Method : Lab Sample ID: 9516044 SOIL __5_.o_ _ (g/mL) _ _G_ _ Lab File ID: VE5A6430.D LOW not dee. ID: GC Column: RTX 502 .2 Soil Extract Volume: IRDS5 Contract: 0 .53 (mm) ----(uL) Date Received: I tn/95 Date Analyzed: 11/16/95 1.0 ---Soil Aliquot Volume: ---Dilution Factor: Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) CAS No. Compound 5-47-6 100-42-5 o-Xylcnc Styrene Bromoform lsopropylbcnzene I , l , 2 ,2-Tctrachlorocthane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane n-Propylbcnzcnc Bromobcnzcne 1,3,5-Trimethylbcnzene 2-Chlorotolucnc 4-Chlorotoluenc tcn-Bu1ylbcnzcnc 1,2,4-Trimcthylbcnzcnc scc-Butylbcnz.cnc p-Isopropyltolucne 1,3-Dichlorobcnzcne 1.4-Dichlorobcnzcne n-Butylbenzcnc I ,2-Dichlorobcnzcnc l ,2-Dibromo-3C Cleanup: CAS NO. 1. o (Y/N)N SA1A7156 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: I:ujection Volume: SDG No: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 3 No.: Lab Sample ID: 9516043 (soil/water) SOIL Sample wt/vol: Lt!vel: RDS-4 Contract: {Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: ll/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: {uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg}ug/Kg 100-02-7---------4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran 121-14-2---------2,4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2---------2,6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2----------Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3--------4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether 86-73-7----------Fluorene --l00-0l-6---------4-Nitroan1l1ne 534-52-1---------4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 86-30-6----------N-Nitrosodiphenylamine --101-55-3---------4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1---------Hexachlorobenzene ---87-86-5----------Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8----------Phenanthrene 120-12-7---------Anthracene 84-74-2----------Di-n-butyl phthalate 206-44-0---------Fluoranthene 129-00-0---------Pyrene 85-68-7----------Butylbenzylphthalate 91-94-1----------3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 56-55-3----------Benzo{a)anthracene 117-81-7---------bis{2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9------- -- Chrysene --117-84-0---------Di-n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2---------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 207-08-9---------Benzo {k)fl uoranthene 50-32-8----------Benzo(a ) pyrene 193-39-5---------Indeno{l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3----------Dibenz (a,h) anthracene 191-24-2---------Benzo{g,h,i)perylene FORM I SV-1 Q 1800 340 340 340 340 340 340 1800 1800 340 340 340 1800 340 340 340 340 34·0 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 3/90 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS Contract : Lab Name: EA LABOR ATORIES • Lab Code: EA ENG Mauix: (soil/water) Level: Lab File ID: VE5A6429.D Date Received: 10: 0 .53 (mm) (UL) 2 1.0 Dilution Factor: Soil Aliquot Volume: ----- Number TtCs found: 11nt9S Date Analyzed: l l/16/9S 3 RTX 502.2 Soil Extract Volume: SDG No.: ------- G (g/ mL) LOW % Moisture: not dee . 8260 ------ Lab Sample 10: 9516043 5 .0 (low.'med) GCColumn : Method : Case No. : SOIL Sample wt/vol : RDS4 ---- (uL) Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/ Kg) ug/Kg CAS Number Compound Name l . 556-67-2 2. ieyclotetrasiloxane. octamctb Unknown RT 22.50 26.07 Q Est. Cone. 18 u 100 J ' 3. 4. • 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 14 . 15 . 16. 17. 18. 19 . .20. 21. 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26. 27 . 28 . 29. 30. 030119 FORM I VOA -TIC 3190 t.t'A ~AMt'Lt:. ~U . lA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DAT A SHEET Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Case No.: --- Method : 8260 ------ (low/med) ' SDG No.: ' Lab File ID: VE5A6429 .D (g/mL) G 5.0 ------- Sample wt/vol : fo~ Lab Sample ID : 9516043 SOIL Matrix: (soil/water) Level: Contract: \ LOW Date Recxived: l ln/95 3 Date Analyzed: 11/16/95 Dilution Factor: 1.0 J " J ' ~ 1, Moisture: not dee. -------- GC Column: RTX 502.2 Soil Extract Volume: 1, I> 1, 1, I' Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) Dichlorodifluoromcthanc Chloromctbanc Vinyl Chloride Trichlorofluoromcthanc 5 I, 1-Dichlorocthene Methylene Chloride 5 u 157-66-3 74-97-5 Bromochloromethanc 1-55-6 I , I , I -Trichloroethane 5 l, 1-Dichloropropene 63-58-6 156-23-5 107-06-2 171-43-2 9-01-6 r78-87-5 ~5-27-4 1,2-Dichloroethane Benzene Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropanc Bromodichloromcthanc 174-95-3 Dibromomcthanc 108-88-3 ~9-00-5 Toluene l , 1,2-Trichlorocthanc 1,2-0ibromocthane(EDB) 1,3-Dichloropropane 108-90-7 30-20-6 HXHI-4 106-42-3 Carbon Tetrachloride TeLrachloroeLhcnc Chlorodibromomethane Chlorobenzene l , l, 1,2-Tetrachloethane ·., -~ .. ., . . u u u 5 u 5 5 u u 5 u u ' u u ' u u 5 5 5 u 5 u 5 5 u u u u ' u u Elhylbenzene 5 5 u m&p Xylenes 5 u FORM I VOA ) u u 5 ! u u 5 5 5 5 5 5 Page I of 2 ··- u u u u u 2.2-Dichloropropanc cis-1 ,2-Dichloroctbcnc Chloroform 127- 18-4 124-48-1 5 5 l, 1-Dichlorocthane 142-28-9 u Bromomcthanc S-34-3 94-20-7 156-59-2 J Q 5 5 5 5 5 5 (uL) ·, ug/Kg Chlorocthanc trans-1.2-Dichlorocthcnc .. ---- 5 5 )56~-5 106-93-4 1:.) Soil Aliquot Volume: 175-71-8 174-87-3 5-01-4 r74-83-9 ~5-00-3 5-09-2 (mm) ----(uL) Compound 75-35-4 • 0.53 CAS No. S-69-4 r: ID: , ''!: . u30117 3/90 ' '.,• lF SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS -~ Name: EA LABS • Code : EAENG Matrix: RDS-3 Contract: SAS No .: Case No: SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 951 604 2 (so il/water) SOIL 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: Levul: (low/med) t Moisture: Injf!ction Volume: l. O (Y/N)N Nutnber TICS found: CAS NUMBER Lab File ID: SA1A7155 Date Received: (Y/N) N Concentrated Extract Volume: GPC Cleanup: G LOW decanted: 2 EPA SAMPLE NO: 1000 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: - - CONCENTRATION UNITS (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg 9 COMPOUND NAME RT EST. CONC. Q ---··===a:::==:========= ============================ ======== ======-======= ===== 5.18 190 J :L.------------ Unknown Cyclope_n_t_a_s_i_l_o_xa __n_e___(_.le-,--~-,-,-,~-,-, ;?.541-02-6---:3.540-97-6- --- 4.------------ ' '5.------------ i.-----------) -----------13.-----------~3. ------------ 4 Cyclohexasiloxane cfoctt>( (. ~ ,(~/Unknown Unknown---------------------Unknown Unknown---------------------Unknown Unknown__.h-y~d~r-o_c_a_r_b_o_n__________ 8.93 11.02 12.90 18.54 18.58 19.48 20.94 22.99 1800 1300 270 1300 530 2200 1900 150 JN JN J J J J J J ii' • . FORM I SV-TIC 3/90 ,· - :\ ' ,ti'> •j~VNiV - ~,~' \/ lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 1 1 Name : EA LABS Case No: Cleanup: CAS NO. • 1.0 {Y/N)N SA1A7 l55 Date Received: Con.centrated Extract Volume: Injection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 2 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516 042 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med) t Moisture: GPC SAS No.: (soil/water) SOIL Sample wt/vol: Lev-el: RDS-3 Contract : • Code: EAENG Matrix: EPA SAMPLE NO: {Y/N) N 1000 11/07/9 5 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 Date Analyzed: (uL) 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg}ug/Kg 108-95-2---------Phenol 111-44-4---------bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 95-57-8----------2-Chlorophenol 541-73-1---------1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7---------1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100-51-6---------Benzyl Alcohol 95-50-1----- - ----1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-48-7--------- - 2-Methylphenol 108-60-1---------2,2'-oxybis(l-Chloropropane) 106-44-5------- - -4-Methylphenol 621-64-7---------N-Nitroso-Di-n-propylamine 67-72-1----------Hexachloroethane ~98-95-3----------Nitrobenzene 78-59-1----------Isophorone 88-75-5----------2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9---------2,4-Dimethylphenol 65-85-0----------Benzoic acid 111-91-1---------bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 120-83-2---------2,4-Dichlorophenol ~120-82-1---------1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3----------Naphthalene 106-47-8---------4-Chloroaniline 87-68-3----------Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7----------4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 91-57-6----------2-Methylnaphthalene 77-47-4----------Hexachlorocrclopentadiene 88-06-2----------2,4,6-Trich orophenol 95-95-4----------2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 91-58-7----------2-Chloronaphthalene 88-74-4----------2-Nitroaniline 131-11-3---------Dimethylphthalate 208-96-8--- -- ----Acenaphthylene 99-09-2 - ------- -- 3-Nitroaniline 83-32-9------- - - - Acenaphthene 51-28-5--------- - 2,4-DinitrophenoI FORM I SV- 1 ~~ 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 Q u u u u u u u u u u u .u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 340 u 340 u u u u 1700 340 1700 340 1700 3/90 u u IA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol: Level: Oow/mcd) % Moisture: not dee. Contract : Case No .: Method : 8260 ES3 SDG No .: Lab Sample ID : 9516042 SOIL Lab File ID: VE5A6426 .D (g/mL) G 5.0 ------- LOW Date Received: 11n/9S 2 Date Analyzed: 11/16/95 ID: GC Column: RTX 502.2 Soil Extract Volume: --- EPA SAMPLE. l'IU. ---- 0. 53 Dilution Factor: 1.0 ---- Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- (mm) (uL) (uL) Concentration Units: Compound 5-47-6 100-42-5 r75-2S-2 a-Xylene Styrene Bromofonn Isopropyl bcnz.cne l, l ,2,2-Tetrachloroethanc 1,2,3-Trichloropropane n-Propylbenzene Bromobenzenc 1,3,5-Trimcthylbenzcne 2-Cblorotolucnc 4 -Chlorotoluene ten-Butyl benzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenz.cne sec-Butyl benzene p-lsopropyltoluene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene l ,4-Dichlorobenzene n-Butylbenz.ene 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropanc 1,2 ,4 -Trichlorobenzcne Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene 1.2.3-Trichlorobenzene 98-82-8 • 79-34-5 196-18-4 103-65- 1 108-86-1 108-67-8 95-49,8 106-43-4 8-06-6 !95-63-6 135-98-8 99-87-6 541 -73-1 106-46-7 104-51 -8 5 -50- l 196- 12-8 120-82-1 7-68-3 191-20-3 187-61-6 • (ug/L or ug/Kg) CAS No. ug/Kg Q 5 5 u u 5 5 u 5 u u u 5 5 5 u u 5 5 u 5 u 5 u u u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - u u u u ·U u u u u u u O:i0108 Page 2 of 2 FORM I VOA 3/90 FORM I SAMPLE ANALYSIS RESULTS TiiName: EA Laboratories ase No.: 9542025 ample No. : RDS-2 Sample matrix: SOIL Totcl Solids: 95.1% Lab ID Parameter 95161)41 OIL AND GREASE TOT PETROL HYDROCARB Contract: FORTBLISS SDG No.: 9516032 Lab Sample ID No.: 9516041 Date Received: 11/07/95 Sample Cone. 40.2 29.1 Concentration Units mg/kg (dry) mg/kg (dry) Analyzed Date 11/28/95 12/01/95 • 060009 1B SEMIVOLATILE ORGAN~CS ANALYSIS DATA Name : • Case No: No.: SAS {soil/water) SOIL t Moisture: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. 1. o (Y/N) N SA1A7154 Date Received: Conc::entrated Extract Volume : Injt!ction Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 5 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516041 30.0 (g/ml) Sample wt/vol: (low/med) RDS-2 Contract: EA LABS Code: EAENG Mat1:-ix: EPA SAMPLE NO: SSEET (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 100-02-7---------4-Nitrophenol 132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran 121-14-2---------2,4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2---------2,6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2----------Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3--------4 - Chlorophenyl-phenylether 86-73-7----------Fluorene --100-01-6----- - ---4-Nitroaniline 534-52-1---------4,6-Dinitro - 2-methylphenol 86-30-6----------N-Nitrosodiphenylamine --101-55-3---------4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1---------Hexachlorobenzene ---87-86-5----------Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8----------Phenanthrene 120-12-7---------Anthracene 84-74-2----------Di-n-butyl phthalate 206-44-0---------Fluoranthene 129-00-0---------Pyrene 85-68-7----------Butylbenzylphthalate 91-94-1----------3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 56-55-3----------Benzo(a)anthracene 117-81-7---------bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9---------Chrysene --117-84-0------- - -Di-n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2---------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 207-08-9---------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 50-32-8----------Benzo(a)pyrene 193-39-5---------Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3----------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 191-24-2---------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene FORM I SV-1 1800 350 350 350 350 350 350 1800 1800 350 350 350 1800 350 350 350 350 35·0 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 3/90 Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS .t Contract: Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: Matrix: (soil/water) 5 .0 (low/med) GCColumn: Lab File ID: VE5A6398.D G Date Received: 5 ID: ----- Number TICs found : 0 tAS Number 11n195 Date Analyu:d: 11/13/95 RTX 502.2 Soil Exrract Volume: SDG No.: ------- (g/ mL) LOW % Moisture: not dee. 8260 L:tb Sample ID: 9516041 SOIL Sample wt/vol: Level : Method : Case No.: EA ENG RDS:? 0 .53 (mm) Dilution Factor: Soil Aliquot Volume: (UL) 1.0 ---- (ul) Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) •Jg/Kg Compound Name RT Est. Cone. Q l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. • 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 . .20. 21. 22. 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . • 28. 29. 30 . O:iOlOO FORM I VOA -TIC 3.' 90 EPA SAMPLE NO. IA VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET • Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol : Level: (low/med) % Moisture: not dee. Method : Case No. : 8260 rDS2 SDG No.: Lab Sample JD: 9516041 SOIL Lab File ID: VE5A6398.0 G 5.0 (g/mL) ------- LOW Dace Received: I ln/95 5 Date Analyzed: 11/13/95 -------- GC Column: RTX 502.2 Soil Extract Volume: Contract : ID: 0 .53 Dilution Factor: (mm) _ _ _ _ (uL) 1.0 ---- Soil Aliquot Volume: - - - - (uL) Concentration Units: CAS No. • • 75-71-8 74-87-3 t75-0l-4 74-83-9 r,s-00-3 rlS-69-4 r,5. 35-4 r,5-09.2 156-60-5 75-34-3 594-20-7 156-59-2 67-66-3 74-97-5 71 -55-6 563-58-6 56-23-5 107-06-2 71-43-2 79-01 -6 78-87-5 t75-27-4 r,4.95.3 108-88-3 79-00-5 106-93-4 )42-28-9 127-18-4 124-48-1 108-90-7 630-20-6 100-41-4 106-42-3 (ug/ L or ug/Kg) Compound Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane ug/Kg 5 5 Vinyl Chloride 5 Bromomethane Chloroe thane 5 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.1-Dichloroechene Methylene Chloride trans- 1.2-Dichloroethene 1.1-Dichloroethane 2,2-Dichloropropane cis- 1,2-Dichlorocthene Chlorofonn Bromochloromethane I, 1.1 -Trichloroelhane l, 1-Dichloropropcne Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Benzene Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 5 5 5 Dibromomethane Toluene l, l ,2-Trichloroechane 1.2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 1,3-Dichloropropane Tetrachloroelhene Chlorodibromomethane Chlorobenzene I , l , 1,2-Tetrachloethane Ethy Ibenzene m&p Xylenes Page 1 of 2 FORM I VOA 5 5 Q u u u u u u u u u 5 u 5 5 u u 5 u u 5 5 5 u u u 5 u 5 5 u u 5 5 u 5 5 u u 5 u 5 5 5 5 5 u u u u u u 5 5 5 u u 5 u 030098 3/90 lF SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS ?fa me: EA LABS • Case No: SAS No. : (soil/water) SOIL lampl.e wt/vol: ,evel.: njection Volume: 1.0 (Y/N}N Number TICS found: CAS NUMBER SA1A7l80 Date Received: (Y/N) N :oncentrated Extract Volume: IPC Cleanup: Lab File I D: G LOW decanted: 2 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 951604 0 30.0 (g/ml) (low/med} : Moisture: RDS-1 RE Contract : Code: EAENG latr1x: EPA SAMPLE NO: 11 / 07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/21/95 Dilution Factor: (uL} 1.0 pH: - - CONCENTRATION UNITS {ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg 11 COMPOUND NAME RT EST. CONC. Q ••••••=========== ===== =========-=======-==============-----=--=cc===== - 1.------------ 2.-----------3.-----------4.541-02-6---_,_, _________ _ • 8.:-··=== === == ==== ----------9. - ----------- 10. ··----------- 11. ·------------- • Unknown Unknown--------------------Unknown Cyclope-n~t-a-s-1~1-o_x_a_n_e__c_lt-~-..--n-,-t~.,...-,-IUnknown o""cic~"",c. c:~ ,'c\. Unknown Unknown--------------------Unknown acid methyl ester___ Unknown Unknown--------------------Unknown --------------------- FORM I SV-TIC 4.30 5.16 7.26 8.91 10.64 11.00 16.11 17.36 240 180 140 1000 J J J 220 J J J J J J J 570 18.51 160 200 2100 19.45 20.91 2000 1500 3/90 JN lB SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SAS No.: Case No: Code: EAENG llatrix: (soil/water) SOIL r (low/med) Mo,isture: ;pc Cleanup: CAS NO. (Y/N)N (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 1000 (uL) Date Analyzed: 11/21/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 108-95-2---------Phenol 111-44-4---- - ----bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 95-57-8--------- - 2-Chlorophenol 541-73-1---------1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7------- - -1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100-51-6---------Benzyl Alcohol 95-50-1----------1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-48-7--------- -2- Methylbhenol 108-60-1-------- -2 ,2'-oxy is(l-Chloropropane) 106-44-5------- -- 4-Methylphenol 621-64-7-------- - N-Nitroso-Di-n-propylamine 67-72-1----------Hexachloroethane --98-95-3----------Nitrobenzene 78-59-1----------Isophorone 88-75-5-------- -- 2-Nitrophenol 105-67-9---------2,4-Dimethylphenol 65-85-0----------Benzoic acid lll-91-1---------bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 120-83-2---------2,4-Dichlorophenol --120-82-1------ ---1 ,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3----------Naphthalene 106-47-8---------4-Chloroaniline 87-68-3----------Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7----------4-Chloro-3-methrlphenol 91-57-6-- - -------2-Methylnaphtha ene 77-47-4----------Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 88-06-2----------2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ---95-95-4----------2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 91-58-7----------2-Chloronaphthalene 88-74-4----------2-Nitroaniline 131-11-3------- -- Dimethylphthalate 208-96-8---- ----- Acenaphthylene 99-09-2- ---------3-Nitroanil ine 83-32-9----------Acenaphthene 51-28-5------- ---2,4-Dinitrophenol • • 1. o SA1A7180 Date Received: :oncientrated Extract Volume: :njec::tion Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 2 SDG No: Lab Sample ID: 9516040 30.0 (g/ml) ;ample wt/vol: ..evel: RDS-1 RE Contract: .....rame: EA LABS . EPA SAMPLE NO: Q 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 340 1700 340 340 1700 340 1700 FORM I SV-1 o'-10101. 3190 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u lB EPA SAMPLE NO: SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ~ Name : - Case No: Code : EAENG Matx·ix: GPC Cleanup: CAS NO. 1.0 {Y/N)N (Y/N) N 11/07/95 Date Extracted: 11/14/95 10-00 (uL} Date Analyzed: 11/20/95 Dilution Factor: (uL) 1.0 pH: COMPOUND CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/Kg)ug/Kg 100-02-7---------4-Nitrophenol_------------132-64-9---------Dibenzofuran 121-14-2---------2,4-Dinitrot_o..,..l_u_e_n_e---------606-20-2---------2 , 6-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2------ - ---Diethylphthalate --------7005-72-3- - - - - - - -4-Chlorophenyl-p.,...h_e_n_y..,..l_e...,..t.,..h_e_r--86-73-7- - - - - - - - - -Fluorene -100-01-6---------4-Nitroaniline 534-52-1---------4,6-binitro-2--m-e~t~h-y..,..l_p.,..h_e_n_o..,..l--86-30-6----------N-Nitrosodiphenylamine --101-55-3---------4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 118-74-1----- ---- Hexachlorobenzene ---87-86-5----------Pentachlorophenol 85-01-8----------Phenanthrene ----------120-12-7---------Anthracene 84-74-2----------Di-n-butyl~p-h-t~h-a_l_a_t_e_______ 206-44-0---------Fluoranthene ---------------129 - 00 - 0 - - - - - - - - - Pyre n e 85-68-7--------- - Butylb_e_n_z_y..,..l-p-h-t-h_a..,..l_a...,..t_e_________ 91-94-1----------3,3' -Dichlorobenzidine 56-55-3----------Benzo{a)anthracene -----117-81-7---------bis{2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 218-01-9---------Chrysene -117-84-0---------Di-n-octyl phthalate 205-99-2---------Benzo(b)fluoranthene-------207-08-9---------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 50-32-8----------Benzo(a)pyrene -------193-39-5---------Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 53-70-3----------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -----191-24-2---------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ------ • SA1A715 3 Date Received: Concentrated Extract Volume: Injection Volume: Lab File ID: G LOW decanted: 2 SDG No: Lab Sampl e ID: 951604 0 30. O (g/ml) (low/med) t Moisture: • SAS No. : (soil/water) SOIL Sample wt/vol: Leve·l: RDS-1 Contract: EA LABS FORM I SV-1 Q 1700 340 340 340 340 340 340 1700 1700 340 340 340 1700 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DAT A SHEET TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS Contract : Lab Name: EA LA.B ORATORIES • Lab Code: Matrix: (soil/water) ~ 5.0 (low/med) (g/mL) SDG No.: Lab File ID: VESA6439.D G Date Received: llnl9S Date Analyud: ll/17/95 2 ID: RTX 502.2 0.53 (mm) (uL) Soil Extract Volume: 8260 Lab Sample :D: 9516040 LOW Moisture: not dee. GCColumn: Method: SOIL Sample wt/vol: Level : Case No. : EA ENG RDS1 Dilution Factor: 1.0 Soil Aliquot Volume: (uL) Concentration Units: (ug/L or ug/Kg) ug/Kg Number TICs found : ICAS Number l. 2. 3. 4. Compound Name RT 26.08 Unknown Est. Cone. 6 Q J 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 . ..20. 21. 22. 23 . 24 . 25. 26. 27 . 28 . 29. 30. 030090 FORM I VOA · TIC 3/90 IA t:.t'A ~AMt'Lt:. ~U. VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Lab Name: EA LABORATORIES Lab Code: EA ENG Matrix: (soil/water) Sample wt/vol : Level: (low/med) % Moisture: not dee. Case No .: • 156-60-5 5-34-3 594-20-7 156-59-2 67-66-3 174-97-5 1-55-6 563-58-6 ~6-23-5 107-06-2 171-43-2 179-01-6 178-87-5 17.5-27-4 174-95-3 108-88-3 179-00-5 106-93-4 142-28-9 127-18-4 124-48-1 108-90-7 30-20-6 100-41-4 106-42-3 rDSI SDG No.: 8260 Lab Sample ID: 9516040 Lab File ID: VE5A6439.D (g/mU G 5.0 ----- LOW Date Received: 11n195 2 Date Analyzed: 11/17/95 Dilution Factor: - -l.O- - Soil Aliquot Volume: ---- -------- ID: Soil Extract Volume: ----(uL) 175-71-8 174-87-3 175-01-4 74-83-9 175-00-3 175-69-4 175-35-4 175-09-2 Method : --- SOIL GC Column: RTX 502.2 CAS No. Contract : 0.53 (mm) Concentration Units : (ug/L or ug/Kg) Compound Dichlorodi fluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Bro mo methane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1, 1-Dichloroethene Methylene Chloride trans-1,2-Dichlorocthcne 1.1-Dichloroethane 2 ,2-Dichloropropane cis-1 ,2-Dichloroethene Chlorofonn Bromochloromethane 1, l , l -Trichloroethane l, 1-Dichloropropcne Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Benzene Trichloroethene I .2-Dichloropropanc Bromodichloromethanc Dibromomethane Toluene l, l ,2-Trichloroethane I ,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) I ,3-Dichloropropane Tetrachloroethene Chlorodibromomethane Chlorobenzene I, l, l .2-Tetrachloe1hane Ethyl benzene m&p Xylenes 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ug/Kg Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 5 u 5 u u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 (uL) u u u u u u u u u u u u u u O:i0088 Page I of 2 FORM I VOA 3/90 APPENDIX SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT Golder Associates : .... ·, • Prepared for: Fort Worth District Army Corps of Engineers and Directorate of Environment Fort Bliss, Texas Site Characterization Rubble Dump/Spill Site Fort Bliss, Texas , Final Report January 1999 , , , , , , , , Prepared by: ' ~ • • • -~ Albuquerque, New Mexico 954 2025.012 In Association with: DBS-JV/Bohannan-Huston, Inc. Albuquerque, New Mexico .- ., .. ., .. ..• . •~~ .• iif IC !II • - 7 January, 1999 Fort Worth District Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 17300 Fort Worth, TX 76102 ATfN: HENRY KASTEN RE: Final Report: Site Characterization Rubble Dump/Spill Site, Fort Bliss, Texas Dear Herny: On behalf of DBS Joint Venture (Bohannan-Huston, Inc.), Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) is pleased to provide the Fort Worth District Anny Corps of Engineers with the included 5 copies of the Final Report entitled Site Characterization Rubble Dump/Spill Site, Fort Bliss, Texas. With the submittal of report DBS Joint Venture has completed all requirements called out in the Scope of Work for contract DACA63-95-D-0052, delivery order no. 0012 . During the field investigation Golder conducted waste pile mapping beyond the stated 200 feet east and west of the Power Line Road. This mapping, beyond that called for in the Scope of Work, was necessary to complete volumetric calculations on rubble piles which exist along side dirt roads . In addition, a detailed section describing several engineering control methods to limit access to the site has been added to the report at the request of Mr. Kelly Blough . Golder feels that this additional information provides a more complete understanding of the nature and volume of wastes at the site and necessary measures to restrict access . ~ ~ ~ .,""'_' We hope this report meets your needs, the needs of Fort Bliss as well as the TNRCC. lfwe may be of further service on this project or others please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, GOLDER AS SOCIATES INC. R-J?aw~ R. Bruce Hallett, Ph.D. Project Manager cc: G . Walhood (BHI, 1 copy ofreport) E:\L_HKutai-fmal rq>ort.doc • • • .• . . .• • • • • • . • . , . •. ' . ' . FINAL 954-2025 .012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Site characterization acti ities were successfully conducted at the Rubble Dump/Spill Site during August 1997 in accordance with the approved Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan. The objectives of these activities were to identify and quantify the presence of hazardous substances in soil, identify and quantify the presence of asbestos in floor tiles and roofing shingles, map and describe the rubble piles, prepare a cost estimate for the removal and proper disposal of illegally dumped material, and identify potential engineering controls to limit future access to the site Of the 50 suspected asbestos containing material samples that were collected, 26 samples contained visible quantities of a bestos; 25 of these samples were floor tiles and one was tar paper roofing material. Small quantities of VOCs (acetone, 2-butanone, 4-methyl-2pentanone, and toluene) were det cted in 4 of the 18 oil sample . Concentrations of all VOC analytes are 4 to 6 orders of magnitude lower than TNRCC's Medium Specific Concentrations for residential and industrial land use. There were no SVOCs detected in the soil samples, however, there are problems in interpreting the detected analyte concentrations on several samples because of the field sampling objectives and laboratory sample preparation method . Ninety-one stations containing tar paper roofing material and floor tiles were mapped and described . With the exception of one pile. all tar paper roofing material is considered nonhazardous. All floor tile piles are considered to contain asbestos and are therefore classified as regulated waste. A total of 70 stations containing non-hazardous construction/demolition debris (i .e., rubble) were mapped and described . This material consists primarily of landscaping rocks, yard brush, household trash, etc. There is an estimated 9 yd3 of asbestos containing material and 1200 yd of various rubble types including landscaping rock, concrete, yard brush, tires, glass, empty paint cans, and household trash . The total olume of tar paper roofing material is estimated at 136 yd 3 . The analytical results from soil amples collected in this study are unclear in the level of VOC and SVOC contamination, however, it is reco mmended that the estimated 3 yd 3 of stained soil be removed and properly disposed . . New engineering control methods are proposed fo r implementation in order to curtail future illegal dumping in the area . Dirt barricades, concrete banicades, and chain link fence were evaluated as po sible solutions, however, it is recommended that barbed wire fencing and "NO DUMPlNG" ign be used , which will provide the most effective, long term, cost-effective solution to prevent future illegal dumping at this site. • • The cost of removal and disposal of the asbestos containing material to a permitted disposal facility is estimated at $5,154 . The cost of removal and disposal of the stained soil to an appropriately perrrutted facility is estimated at $3 ,000. The range of cost for the removal of all rubble to a commercial waste landfill is estimated at $20,800 to $56,700. Golder Associates Inc for DBS Joint Venture • • FINAL • Based upon the site characterization activities conducted at the Rubble Dump/Spill Site, the following actions are recommended to remediate and protect the site: • • • • • • • • .• II 1) Remove and dispose of all asbestos containing material (the bulk of which is floor tiles) at a permitted disposal facility ; 2) Remove and dispose of all non-hazardous construction/demolition material, tar paper roofing material, yard brush, household trash, etc., at the Fort Bliss landfill; 3) Remove and dispose of all stained soil to a properly permitted treatment/clisposal facility; and 4) Construct a barbed wire fence and place '~O DUMPING" signs along Montana Avenue and adjacent to the OST A access road to prevent/deter future illegal dumping at the site . a • • • -•~. • " . • " .. ' .... ... .... .... .... 954-2025 .012 Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture , , , , ·• ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . • • • • ... ·•. FINAL 954-2025.012 111 TABLE OF ONTENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................. .. ......... .... .... ....... ......... ....... ...... .. .... ... ... .. ........ .... .. . 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION .. ...... .. ...... ........... .... ...... ..... .... ... .... ......... ... .... .... .. .. ..... ... .. ... ........ . 1 2.0 PREPARATION OF WORK PLAN AND HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN .. ........ . 2 3.0 REVIEW OF EXISTING DATA ..... ............. ...... ........ ... ... .... ..... ....... ....... .. ........... ... 3 3 .1 Site Location ......................... ......... .. ...... ............................. .... ......... ....... .. ... ..... .. 3 3.2 liistorical Data ...... ........ ........... ...... ........ .. .... ...... ...... ...... .. .... ..... ................. ...... .. .. 3 3.3 Aerial Photograph Review ............. ... ....... ..... ................ .. ... .. ....... ..... .... .. .... ....... ... 4 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF FJELD ACTIVITIES .............. ............ ..... ........... ..... ..... .... ..... .. 9 4.1 Site Reconnaissance ........ ......................... .. ... ..................... ..... ...... ....... ....... .. ..... .. 9 4.2 Floor Tiles and Tar Paper Roofing Material Sampling ................. ...... ............. .... .. 9 4.3 Soil Sampling ........... ... ............. ... .... ..... .......... .. ... ...... .... ... ..... .. ... .......... ...... ........ 10 4.4 Waste Management.. ..... .... ...... ... ............... ..... .......... ........ ........ ...... ..... .. ..... ........ 10 4.5 Mapping of Debris Piles and Spills ... .. ...... ..... ... ... .. .... .... ... ..... ... ......... ...... ... ....... . 11 4.6 Volume Estimation ... .... . . .. ... ....... .. .... . ...... ... .. .... .......... .. ... ....... ... ..... ......... . .. ... ... . 11 5.0 SAMPLE ANALYSES ... .... ................................................................................. .. 13 5.1 Asbestos ..... ... ... ...... .. .. .. ....... .. ... .. ............. ... ....................... ......... .... ............. ... ... 13 5.2 Soil ............... ... ........... .. ...... ................... ....... .. .. ........ ..... .... .... ... .. ........... ... ... ...... 13 6.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS .. .... .... ... ... ..... ... .... ..... .. ... .......... .. ..... ... .. ...... .... ... ........ ... 14 6.1 Asbestos ..... ... ........ ...... .. ..... ... ......... .......... .... .. ............... ......... ............... ......... ... 14 6.2 Soil ........... ... ...... .. .. ........................................ ... .. .................. . ....... ............. .... ... 14 6.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control ...... ..... .... .. ....... ....... .. ......... .. .............. .. .. .... ... 15 6.3.1 Asbestos ... .... ... ..... ...... .... ... ................. ... ........ ...... ....... ... .. .. .. ................... .. . 15 6.3.2 Soil .............. ... ........... ........ .... .. .... ... ... .. ... ............... ...... ... .... .. .... .. .. .. ......... .. 15 6.3.3 Trip Blank .. .. .... .. ............ ... .. ... ...... ..... .. ... .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ....... .... .............. .... 16 6.4 Data Validation ............ ... ........ .... ....... .... ..... ..................... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... .. 16 6.4 .1 Data Quality Objectives ......... .. .. ... ................ .. ..... .... ..... ......... ....... ........... ... 16 6.4.2 Major Deficiencies ........ ...... ... .. .... .......... .............. .. .... ... .. ........ ... ... ..... ... ..... 17 6.4.3 Minor Deficiencies .. ........... ...... ............... ...... ..... .. ...... ..... ....... .. ...... ......... ... 17 6.4.4 Field QC .. ........... ..... ........ ... .... ........ ....................... .. .. .... ....... .... .... ............. 18 6.4.5 Tentatively ldentified Compounds .................. ...... ... .. .. ........... ... ......... ........ 18 6.4.6 Quantitation Limits and Reported Results ... ... .... ...... ......... .. ... ...... ..... ....... .. . 18 7.0 COMPARISON OF SOIL RESULTS WlTH TNRCC ACTION LEVELS .... ........ 24 8.0 MAPPING OF DEBRIS PILES AND VOLUME ESTIMATION ........ ... .... ... ........ 26 8.1 Previously Mapped Spill Sites ... ................. .. ......... ...... .... ........ ... .. ... .. ...... ...... ... .. 26 8.2 August 1997 Observations ..... ... . ........ .. .. .......... ...... .. ....... ... ... ... ...... ............... .. .. 26 8.3 Volume Estimation .. .... ..... ... ...... .. .... .... ....... ..... .. .................. .... ......... ... .. .. ..... ... .. 27 9.0 COST ESTIMATE FOR REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL ......... .. ... .. .... ....... ..... ....... 30 9.1 Soil ... .. .......... .... .... .... .. ..... ....... ..... ... ...... .... ......... ........ .. .. ...... ......... ... .... ..... .. ..... .. 30 9.2 Asbestos ....... ........ .. .... ... ........ .. ... .... .... .. ... ... ... .. ...... ..... .. .. .... ..... .. .. .. ......... ... .... .... 30 9.3 Other Rubble .... .............................. .. ..... ..... .... ......... ......... ......... .. ........ .... .... ...... 31 10.0 ENGINEERING CONTROLS TO LIMIT ASSESS .......... ... ........... ...... .. .......... 32 10.1 Current Method of Access Control. ... ... .......... ... .. ......... .. ... .... .... ... ....... ...... ... .. 32 10.2 Dirt Barricades ................................. ........ ... .. ......... .. ..... ....... .. ...... ........... ... .... 32 • • • Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture FINAL • • IV 10.3 Concrete Barricades ...... .......................... .... .. .... ... ....... .. ........................ ... ...... 33 10.4 Barbed Wire Fence ...... .......... ... ......... .... ......... ..... ...... .. .......................... ........ . 33 10.5 Chain Link Fence ....... .. .. ............................. .................... ..... .................. ... ..... 34 11.0 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS .. ........ .. .... .... ....... ............ .. .......... .. 36 12.0 REFERENCES .. ............ ......... ...... .. .... .... ............ ... ....... .... ..... .......... ... .... .. .. .. .... . 37 • II • • • • • . • • • . . . . " • • • ...' . ... ... ... . ... ... • . 954-2025 .012 Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture • • FINAL V 954-2025 .012 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Listing of aerial photographs reviewed ..... .... .... ........ .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .. .... ....... .. 8 Table 2. List of Hazardous/Regulated and Non-Hazardous material categories identified during the field investigation ............ .... ... ..... ... ............................... .. ..... ... ..... .... .. ... 12 Table 3. Asbestos analytical results ............. ..... ...... .. ........ .... ....................... ...... .. ........ .. 19 Table 4. Soil analytical data .............. ........ ......................... ........ ...... ........... ... ... .. ... ....... 21 Table 5. Analyses perfonned on each soil sample ...... ... ... .. .. ..... ................... ... ... ........ ... . 23 Table 6. Comparison of soil analytical results with TNRCC Action Levels ... .... ...... ... ..... 25 Table 7. Volume estimates of dumped materials ............................ ........... .. .. .. ....... .. ...... 28 Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture • • • FINAL V1 954-2025 .012 LIST OF FIGURES • • .• • • • • . • •. Figure 1. Topographic location map of the Rubble Dump/Spill field site. Each square equals 1 square mile (after Defense Mapping Agency, 1978) . ... ..... ...... ......... ........... . 6 Figure 2. Aerial photograph of the Rubble Dump/Spill field site. The boundary of the study area is outlined in white (Cooper Aerial Survey, 1986) ......... ...... ..... .. ... ...... ..... 7 Figure 3. Rubble Dump/Spill Site field investigation area showing the location of PA field sampling points and spills . ..... ... .... ............. ..... ...... ... ......... .. ..... ..................... ........ .. 29 Figure 4. Aerial photograph of the study area and adjoining El Paso International Airport property (Cooper Aerial Survey, 1995). Fence line for airport is outlined in blue. Proposed fence line for the Rubble Dump/Spill Site is outlined in red (a - indicates site access points) . ........ ..... .... ....... .......... ...... ....... .......... ..... .... ....... ..... ................... 35 . ' • . • • • ' ' ' "' .... .... Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture .., • FINAL vu 954-2025 .012 LIST OF PLATES Plate 1 Aerial photograph field map showing station and sampling locations. • ..• •. • • • • • • • • ... . • .. . ...• • .. • • ·• . • • • Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture , ' . • ., vm FINAL ·•~ ' • t ' • • • 954-2025 .012 APPENDICES Appendix A Detailed Statement of Work: Site Characterization of Contaminated Soil and Waste Materials, Power Line Road Rubble Dump/Spill Site, Fort Bliss Texas Appendix B USAEHA 1988 Survey and July 1989 Site Survey Appendix C Sample Collection Logs Appendix D Station Description Sheets Appendix E Asbestos Sample Analytical Data Appendix F Soil VOC and SVOC Sample Analytical Data Appendix G Field Photographs Appendix H Data Validation Supporting Documentation Appendix I Safety KJeen Asbestos Removal Cost Estimate ·• I • Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture I I IX FINAL • ·•t • • • ' • -• " " • I.\ ... -" ... .-... ~ ' ..." ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS CESWF U .S. Anny Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District CFR Code of Federal Regulations CRQL Contractor Required Quantitation Limits DOE Directorate of Environment EPA Environmental Protection Agency MRD Missouri River District PPE Personal protective equipment PA Preliminary Assessment QC Quality Control RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act svoc Semivolatile organic compound SWDL Southwestern Division Laboratory TNRCC Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission TPH Total petroleum hydrocarbon voe Volatile organic compound 9' ... '• ' .... .... .... ... ... ... - -• -.. ...... Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 954-2025 .0 12 ' ' FINAL ·• 1.0 954-2025 .012 It • • • I I • I • • . INTRODUCTION During August 1997, site characterization activities were conducted at the Rubble Dump/Spill Site at Fort Bliss, Texas for the Fort Worth District Anny Corps of Engineers (CESWF) Office, under contract DACA63-95-D-0052, delivery order no . 0012. Trus work was performed by Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) under subcontract to DBS Joint Venture. The objectives of trus site characterization were to identify and quantify the presence of hazardous substances in soil, identify and quantify the presence of asbestos in floor tile and tar paper roofing material, map and describe the rubble piles, prepare a cost estimate for the removal and proper disposal of illegally dumped material, and identify potential engineering controls to limit future access to the site . The site characterization activities were successfully conducted in accordance with the Work Plan (Golder Associates Inc., 1997a) and Health and Safety Plan (Golder Associates Inc., 1997b). These plan were reviewed and approved by CESWF and the Fort Bliss Directorate of Environment (DOE). All laboratory analyses were performed in accordance with approved Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) test methods by a Missouri River District (MRD) validated analytical laboratory. Disposal cost estimates are based on the estimated volumes of the different waste types, local labor costs, and estimated duration of the removal work . • • • . "' . Execution of trus delivery order included the following tasks : 1) Preparation of a Work Plan and Health and Safety Plan 2) Review of existing site data and aerial photographs; 3) Collection and analysis of suspected asbestos containing materials; 4) Collection and analysis of surface and subsurface soil samples at spill sites; 5) Location mapping of debris piles, 6) Waste volume estimation; 7) Identification of potential engineering controls to limit access to the site; 8) Preparation of a cost estimate for removal and disposal of iJlegally dumped material; and 9) Preparation of this report which documents the results of the above tasks . • • ' . . ... . • • . • ... .. . . ~ Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture _,______________________________________ FINAL 2.0 2 954-2025 .012 PREPARATION OF WORK PLAN AND HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN A Draft Work Plan containing a Sampling and Analysis Plan was submitted in July 1997 in accordance with Section 3.3 of the Statement of Work (Appendix A). This plan was reviewed by Kelly Blough of DOE and Beverly Post ofCESWF. Comments were faxed to the Golder office on 23 July, 1997 . The comments were addressed by Golder and a revised Work Plan was submitted on 29 July, 1997 and subsequently approved . A Draft Health and Safety Plan was submitted in July 1997 in accordance with Section 3 .4 of the Statement of Work (Appendix A) . This plan was reviewed internally by Golder Certified Industrial Hygienist, Michael Cannon prior to being sent the DOE and CESWF . Dennis Ostrander, Safety and Occupational Health Specialist with the Fort Bliss Safety Office reviewed the Draft Health and Safety Plan and provided several recommendations for revision . Madeline Morgan, Industrial Hygienist with the CESWF also reviewed the Draft Health and Safety Plan and recommended several revisions. Comments were faxed to the Golder office . The comments were addressed by Golder and a revised Health and Safety Plan was submitted on 22 July, 1997 and was subsequently approved . ... ... ... . ... . ... . . ... . .. .. Golder Associates Inc . for DBS Joint Venture - 1---------------------------------3 FINAL • 3.0 REVIEW OF EXISTING DAT A 3.1 Site Location 954-2025 .012 The power line road Rubble Dump/Spill Site is located in El Paso County in far west Texas on Fort Bliss property in the area immediately north of Montana Avenue at latitude 31 ° 48' 05 ' north and longitude 106° 1 ' 50" west (Figure I) This site consists of a large discontinuous area of unauthorized and illegal dumping and has uncontrolled public access. According to a DOE report (Appendix B) the initial start of dumping is not known. Over the 21 month time period between the field work for a Preliminary Assessment (PA; in November 1995) and this field investigation (August 1997) illegal dumping appeared to be continuing and consisted primarily oflandscaping debris (e.g ., landscaping rock, yard brush) and construction/demolition material (e.g. concrete blocks, wood paneling, roofing shingles). • The area of investigation as defined in the Statement of Work for this delivery order (Appendix A) is an approximately l mile stretch of dirt road between power poles I though 9 and 200 feet east and we~i. of the road (Figure 2). This area of investigation covers approximately 48 acres, however, nearly twice that acreage was visited and mapped in order to evaluate the complet e extent of illegal dumping at this site . 3.2 Historical Da ta A review of e.x.isting Fort Bliss hi tori cal record s was conducted to detennine the use and past environmental studies conducted at the site. Summarized below in chronological order is a history of the use and study of the Rubble Dump/Spill Site: 1988 - Site listed in a Fort Bliss environmental database indicating the site ' s location, description, operation dates, waste description, suspected releases, and environmental recommendations (Appendi. B). 1989 - Site listed in a Fort Bli s environmental database stating similar information as above, as well as scheduling a site investigation for April 1995 (Appendix B). 1995 (Dec.) - A PA of the site reports soils contaminated with semi volatile organic compounds (SVOC), TPH, and oil and grease, and several ceiling and floor tiles containing a bestos (Golder Federal ervices, 1997) ' In the PA a number of VOCs were detected in 7 of the 15 oil samples collected at 4 ' areas of stained soil; TPH and oil and grease were detected in all 15 of the soil samples; and asbestos was detected in 2 floor tile samples but was not detected in 8 roofing shingle sample . " ·•~ The PA report found only I of the 7 contaminated soil samples exceeded both the EPA residential and commerciaVindustrial land use standards for dibenzo[ a,h ]anthracene (EPA, . Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 4 FINAL • 954-2025 .012 1995). This same sample was also above EPA s residential land use standard for benzo[ a]anthracene, benzo[b ]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, and indeno[ 1 2,3-cd]pyrene but below the commercial/industrial land use standard for these compounds. Other compounds which were detected in the soils but were below residential and commercial/industrial land use standards for the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) and/or EPA are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • indeno[ 1,2,3-cd)pyrene naphthalene bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate benzo[a]anthracene chrysene benzo[b]fluoranthene fluoranthene pyrene di-n-octyl phthalate benzo[k]fluoranthene benzo[a]pyrene acenaphthene tluorene anthracene butylbenzyl phthalate dibenzo(a,h)anthracene The following compounds were detected at the Rubble Dump/ Spill Site but are not currently listed in the TNRCC' s "Medium Specific Concentrations for Health-Based Closure/Remediation" table or EPA's "Risk-Based Concentration" table (EPA, 1995): • • • • phenanthrene benzo[g,h,i]perylene 2-methylnaphthalene acenaphthylene • TPH • oil and grease 3.3 Aerial Photograph Review During the Fall of 1995, in preparation for the PA, all available aerial photographs were searched in the Fort Bliss DOE archives with the assistance of Ms. Kelly Poche. This search did not tum up any relevant photographs. In the Fall of 1996 a database search of available aerial photographic images was conducted by the University ofNew Mexico ' s Earth Data Analysis Center in Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture FINAL 6 954-2025 .012 • • Figure 1. Topographic location map of the Rubble Dump/SpiU field site. Each square equals 1 square mile (after Defense Mapping Agency, 1978). Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture FINAL • 5 954-2025 .012 Albuquerque, New Mexico . Their search pro ided a list of 66 images ranging from color infrared to black and white stereo pairs. The images listed in Table 1 were evaluated because their scale was most appropriate for this study . This evaluation concluded that at a scale of l :20,000 to 1:24,000 the resolution of individual waste piles was not po sible and limited these images from being used to study the history of illegal dumping. A final search was conducted with the City of El Paso Planning, Research, and Development Department which identified a 1986 Cooper Aerial photograph was taken at a scale of 1: 12,000. This photo had sufficient resolution to use as a field map (see Plate I), however, the re oluti n i n t great enough to identify individual waste piles or evaluate a chronologic evolution of illegal dumping activities. Cooper Aerial had also taken one photo of the study area in October 1995 . This photo is at a scale of 1:24,000 and does not provide adequate resolution for waste pile mapping. The various searches for aerial photographic co erage of the Rubble Dump/Spill Site were successful in finding a photograph suitable as a field map . However, no existing photographs were at a large enough scale to evaluate the history and patterns of illegal dumping . • • Golder Associates Inc . for DBS Joint Venture • • Figure 2. Aerial photograph of the Rubble Dump/ pill field site. The boundary of the stud~· area is outlined in white (Cooper Aerial S urvey, 1986). FINAL 954-2025 .012 8 • Agency U.S. Geoloirical Survey • • Texas Dept. of Transportation Cooper Aerial Texas Dept. of Transportation Date Sept. 1991 May 1988 April 1981 Sept. 1979 Scale 1:24,000 1:24,000 1:20,000 1:24,000 Table 1. Listing of aerial photographs reviewed. Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture Film Type Color Black and White Black and White Black and White 9 FINAL • 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF FIELD ACTIVITIES 4.1 Site Reconnaissance 954-2025 .012 A site reconnaissance was conducted 11-12 August, 1997 prior to sampling to confirm the results of the PA (Golder Federal Services, 1997) and determine if additional wastes had been dumped since the PA field investigation was conducted in November 1995. Rubble piles of suspected asbestos containing floor tiles and tar paper roofing materials were marked with orange pin flags . Rubble piles oflandscaping and construction/demolition materials were marked with green pin flags . Stained soil locations were marked with pink pin flags . 4.2 Floor Tiles and Tar Paper Roofing Material Sampling The sampling effort concentrated on collecting samples from items such as floor tiles and less on roofing shingles, as none of the 8 roofing shingles collected for the PA contained asbestos. However several old piles of roofing material, which appeared to have a fibrous texture, were sampled. • A Sample Collection Form (Appendix C) was completed for each asbestos sample collected. Information recorded included: • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,. • Date Time Sample ID Sampling Location Media Station Sample Type Sample Depth Sample Description Aliquot Amount Sample Container Preservation Method Sampler (signature and date) All sampling locations were staked and numbered with orange pin flags for subsequent field identification and plotted on a field map. Sample preparation of suspected asbestos containing material consisted of placing the sample in a plastic zip lock bag. All asbestos sampling was conducted in Level D personal protective equipment (PPE), in accordance with the Health and Safety Plan (Golder Associates Inc., 1997b). Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 10 FINAL • 4.3 954-2025 .012 Soil Sampling A priority was placed on collecting soil samples from previously undefined and unsampled spill sites. Only two new spill sites were discovered . Additional samples were collected from topographic depressions (e.g., dips in the road or pot holes) to evaluate if any organic compounds had migrated from adjacent spill sites. Samples were also collected from spills previously identified in the PA in order to determine the vertical depth of contamination. All soil sampling was conducted in Level D PPE, in accordance with the Health and Safety Plan (Golder Associates Inc., 1997b). A Sample Collection Form (Appendix C) was completed for each soil sample collected. The information recorded on each form is the same as previously described for the suspected asbestos containing samples in Section 4.2. All soil sampling location were staked and numbered with pink pin flags for subsequent field identification, and plotted on a field map . All samples were collected utilizing stainless steel sampling spoons and stainless steel mixing bowls. • All SVOC samples were thoroughly mixed and homogenized in a clean, stainless steel mixing bowl. Following homogenization, the SYOC soil sample was placed in a 125 rn1 gJass jar. AJI voe samples, upon collection, were immediately placed in 125 rn1 amber glass sample containers. Each VOC jar was filled to capacity to eliminate any headspace . All VOC and SVOC samples were labeled, sealed, and shipped so that the integrity of the samples was maintained. Each voe and SYOe sample jar was labeled with the sample identification number, date and time sampled. analytical parameter, preservation method, and sampler's initials. All sampling equipment was decontaminated between each use to prevent cross contamination, as described below. 4.4 Waste Management Two types of waste were generated during asbestos and soil sampling activities. These included: • • PPE; and decontamination fluids. PPE and disposable sampling upplies (e.g., latex gloves, plastic bags) utilized during field activities were collected in several large plastic ziplock bags. At the end of the project these bags were disposed of at the city landfill. • All reusable sampling equipment such as the stainless steel bowls and stainless steel sampling spoons were decontaminated between samples to prevent cross contamination. Two spray bottles were filled , one with an Alconox ™/deionized water mixture and the Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture I FINAL 11 954-2025 .012 other with only deionized water. After each sampling episode the bowl and spoon were washed using the Alconox ™/deionized water mixture and a paper towel, then double rinsed with deionized water and allowed to air dry . Decontamination fluid was captured in a large wash tub and allowed to completely evaporate over a period of two days. All paper towels used in the decontamination process were placed inside a ziplock plastic bag which was disposed at the city landfill . 4.5 Mapping of Debris Piles and Spills All rubble piles within the study area boundary were flagged and plotted on a 36-in wide aerial photograph (Plate 1). A Station Description Sheet (Appendix D) was completed for each waste pile and spill site and the following information was recorded : • • • • Station Number Waste Description Volume Estimation Hazardous/Non-Hazardous Constituents Individual rubble piles were isolated and easily distinguished between power poles 7 and 9 in most cases and one Station Description Sheet was completed for each rubble pile. Between power poles 1 and 7 the rubble piles were more concentrated and several piles were typically grouped on one Station Description Sheet. To the degree possible the "Hazardous/Non-Hazardous" category was determined while in the field . If soil or asbestos samples were being collected from that station, then the "Hazardous/NonHazardous" category was not completed until the analytical results were obtained. Waste materials were categorized in the field into the different types of Hazardous/Regulated or Non-Hazardous materials listed in Table 2. During field sampling sufficient infom1ation was gathered on suspected asbestos containing material to classify it as either friable or nonfriable (TNRCC, 1996a). Contaminated soils were classified as hazardous wastes (based on RCRA definition, 40 CFR 261) after analytical results had been received . Form codes were assigned to the various waste materials based on "Guidelines for the Classification and Coding of Industrial Waste and Hazardous Wastes (TNRCC, 1995). 4.6 Volume Estimation Volume estimates of the rubble piles and stained soil were tabulated during the site reconnaissance phase of the field project. Volumes were visually estimated based on the number of 55-gallon drums needed to contain the material and were recorded on Station Description Sheets (Appendix D) Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 12 FINAL 954-2025 .012 • Bazardous/Reirnlated Asbestos containing material (analytical results reciuired) Contaminated soils (analytical results required) • • Non-Hazardous Construction and/or demolition debris (including tar paper roofing material) All other rubble (i.e., household trash, glass, landscaping debris, plastic, furniture, and wood) Table 2. List of Hazardous/Regulated and Non-Hazardous material categories identified during the field investigation . Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 13 FINAL • s.o SAMPLE ANALYSES 5.1 Asbestos 954-2025.012 All suspected asbestos containing samples were shipped to Paragon Analytics, lnc., in Fort Collins, Colorado for analysis by EPA Method 600/R-93/116. This is a visual estimation method using electron microscopy. Analyses were completed by Reservoirs Environmental Services, lnc. a subconsultant to Paragon Analytics, lnc. The analytical results are included in Appendix E. S.2 Soil All soil samples were shipped to Paragon Analytics, Inc., in Fort Collins Colorado for analysis ofVOCs using SW-846 Method 8260 and SVOCs using SW-846 Method 8270. Paragon Analytics, Inc. is MRD validated to perform both of these analyses. The analytical results are included in Appendix F. • On 21 August, 1997 two quality control (QC) soil samples (QA-1 and QA-2) were collected. Because of potential shipping delays caused by the UPS strike and in order to assure sample delivery, these samples were shipped via Southwest Airline air freight under chain of custody to the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers Southwestern Division Laboratory (SWDL) in Dallas Texas and held for counter pick-up at Dallas Love Field. Both samples were marked on the chain of custody for analysis of VOCs using SW-846 Method 8260 and SVOCs using SW-846 Method 8270. Golder Associates lnc. for DBS Joint Venture 14 FINAL • 6.0 ANALYTICAL RES ULTS 6.1 Asbestos 954-2025 .012 Results for asbestos analyses are presented in Table 3. Fifty samples of floor tile, roofing material and sheet rock were sampled . Chrysotile, one form of asbestos, was detected in 25 of the 30 floor tile samples, in l of the 17 roofing material samples, and in none of the 3 sheet rock samples. Floor tiles were analyzed both on the top and bottom of the sample (see Layer A and Bin Table 3). Asbestos concentration ranges from trace to 35% for the 25 floor tile samples that tested positive for asbestos . The one roofing material sample contained 25% asbestos. According to TNRCC regulations (TNRCC, 1996a) "non-friable asbestos-containing material that contains greater than 1 percent asbestos but has been subjected to sanding, grinding, cutting, or abrading, or that has a high probability of being reduced to powder in the course of demolition or renovation" is considered a regulated waste. Of the 26 asbestos containing samples, all are non-friable, greater than 1 percent asbestos, have been subjected to cutting, and are therefore considered a regulated waste. All samples and their associated waste piles have been assigned a TNRCC Form Code of311-1 (classification of TNRCC, 1995) indicating the waste is asbestos solids and/or debris (311 designation) and a non-hazardous industrial Class 1 waste ( 1 designation) . All samples testing positive for asbestos and their associated waste piles are further classified as a Category I non-friable asbestos-containing material (per TNRCC, 1996a). 6.2 • ' ... Soil The detectable concentrations of all organic analytes are presented in Table 4 . VOCs were detected in 4 of the 18 soil samples. The most common analyte detected is acetone, occurring in 3 of the 4 samples and ranging in concentration from 38 to 230 µg/kg . Toluene (6.8 µg/kg) was found in one sample and 2-butanone (71 µg/kg) and 4-methyl-2pentanone (120 µg/kg) were found in the same sample that had the highest acetone concentration. Methylene chloride was detected in every soil sample and is considered to be a laboratory contaminant as it also appears in the method blank (Appendix F). All methylene chloride results have been flagged with a "B" in Table 4 indicating that this analyte was present in the method blank . No SVOCs were detected in any of the 18 soil samples collected from the Rubble Dump/Spill Site. However, because of the potential high concentrations of SVOCs, Paragon Analytics, Inc., needed to dilute the following samples prior to analysis to avoid gas chromatograph machine failure: S-1, S-2, S-4, S-6, S-9, S-11 , S-13 , and S-15 . Golder Associates lnc. for DBS Joint Venture 15 FINAL 954-2025 .012 , ·• Although there were non-detect for all of the analytes in each of the above samples, individual quantitation report and spectrographs how peak s of some analytes, albeit, at or below the ( elevated) reporting limit . These spectrographs indicate contamination is present but not quantifiable. ln an effort to identify the contaminant Paragon Analytics, lnc ., the contract laboratory, can reprocess the data to determine tentatively identified compound (TICs). However, the proces ing will likely only resolve the spectra to a class of compounds and not specifically identify individual compounds, therefore it is felt the reprocessing will be of little value The quanti tation reports and spectrographs are included in Appendix F. Only 18 soil ample were collected, instead of the 25 proposed in the Work Plan. The decision to collect fewer sample · wa based on the field information available after the site area had been mapped and only two new spill sites had been discovered . The paucity of new spill sites and the diffi ulty of id entifyi ng the old pill sites from the 1995 PA made it impossible to complete the proposed soil sampling. The two new spills, Stations P-2 and P-3 , appear to be motor oil spills (Appendix G) and represent a small volume of waste. ·• I ·• An attempt was made at several locations to evaluate the vertical leaching of individual spills by collected both a near surface ample (0-2 inches depth) and a deeper sample ( 4-6 inches depth) . This was done at Station P-2 (samples S- 1 and S-3), P-3 (samples S-9 and S-10), 0 -52 (samples S-13 and S-14 ). P-4 (samples S-15 and S-1 6), and 0-80 (samples S17 and S-18) . Samples S-1 and S-3 at Station P-2 did not contain organic compounds. For the other 4 station , OCs were detected in the surface sample (0-2 inch depth), but in every case the deeper sample contained no VOCs . This indicates that voes are currently not leaching below the surface spill Four samples, S-4, S-5 , -6. and S-11 were collected near rubble piles at lower elevations or in depres ions. These samples were collected to determine if seasonal rains could transport voes and SVOCs away from their originating rubble pile. No contaminants were detected in any of these 4 samples indicating a low probability of voe transport by this mechanism . 6.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 6.3.l Asbestos No quality control (QC ) samples were req uired to be collected for asbestos per the Work Plan. 6.3.2 Soil Two sets of QC oil samples were collected and sent to Paragon Analytics, lnc . for VOC and SVOC analyses . Analytical results are presented in Table 4 One set was collected in triplicate from station P-2 at a depth of 0-2 inches, with one sampl e submitted as an Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 16 FINAL 954-2025 .012 unknown (S-1 ), the second sample submitted as a QC duplicate (S-2), and a third sample submitted to SWDL (QA-1 ). Results for amp Ies S- I and S-2 showed that no VOCs and SVOCs were detected (Table 4). The second set of QC soil triplicates included samples S-7, S-8, and QA-2. Sample S-7 was submitted as an unknown and S-8 as a QC duplicate. QA-2 was sub111jtted to SWDL Results for samples S-7 and -8 showed that no VOCs and SVOCs were detected (Table 4) Two QC soil sample were collected and shipped to the SWDL, as discu ssed in Section 5.2. These two samples QA-1 and QA-2 were triplicates of the samples collected above. The analytical results for these two ample are not included in thi report . 6.3.3 Trip Blank One trip blank was anal yzed by Paragon Analytics, Inc. for VOCs . This trip blank was prepared by Paragon prior to the beginning of field sampling, shipped to Golder in a sample cooler, and kept in the cooler throughout the field project . No YOCs were detected in the trip blank (Table 4). A method blank, different from the trip blank, did detect methylene chloride as de cribed in ection 6.2 . 6.4 ·• I Data Validation This section presents the result of data validation of the data packages from Paragon Analytical, Inc. Sample informati on is summarized in Table 5. I • • ' • I • Iii . Data validati on and analytical data management was conducted in accordance with the USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review (EPA, 1993) and Golder Associates technical procedure TP-2 .2-12 (Golder Associates Inc., 1995), respecti vely. The data review process provides information on analytical limitations of the data based on specific quality control (QC) criteria outlined in the referenced documents. Attachments l and 2 in Appendix H provide the following information: Attachment 1. Glossary of Data Reporting Qualifiers Attachment 2. Summary of Data Qualifications • . • • 6.4.1 Data Quality Objectives This section presents a summary of the data quality for this project in terms of the referenced validation criteria • • Precision. Goals for preci ion were met, with the exception of those deficiencies listed below . . . Accuracy. Goals for accuracy were met, with the exception of those deficiencies listed ·•~ • . below . Golder As ociates Inc for DBS Joint Venture 17 . FINAL 954-2025.012 Completeness. The data package was complete for alJ requested analyses. A total of 19 samples were validated in this data package with a total of 2572 determinations reported, all of which were deemed valid. This results in a completeness of 100 percent. 6.4.2 Major Deficiencies No major deficiencies were identified during data validation which required qualification of data as unusable. 6.4.3 Minor Deficiencies The following minor deficiencies were identified during data validation which required qualification of data. VOC Initial Calibration The initial calibration percent RSD was greater than 30% for the following constituents: vinyl acetate, chloromethane, vinyl chloride, acetone, methylene chloride, 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether, trichlorofluoromethane, 2-butanone, 4-methyl-2-pentanone, m,p-xylene, and naphthalene. Attachments l and 2 of Appendix H provide a summary of the samples affected, data qualifications applied, and supporting documentation. VOC Continuing Calibration The continuing calibration percent di.fference was greater than 25% for the following constituents: trichlorofluoromethane, methyl-t-butyl ether, vinyl acetate, 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether, 1 3-dichloropropane, 1,2-dibromoethane, 1,2,3 trichloropropane. Attachments 1 and 2 of Appendix H provide a summary of the samples affected, data qualifications applied, and supporting documentation. SVOC Continuing Calibration The continuing calibration percent difference was greater than 25% for the following constituents: 2,4-dinitrophenol, 4-nitrophenol, 4-nitroaniline, bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, indeno( 1,2,3-c,d)pyrene, dibenzo( a,h)anthracene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene. Attachments l and 2 of Appendix H provide a summary of the samples affected, data qualifications applied, and supporting documentation. VOC Method Blank • Methylene chloride was detected in the method blank so sample results less than 10 times the associated blank result were qualified B and raised to the detection limit. Attachments • Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 18 FINAL 954-2025.012 I and 2 of Appendix H provide a summary of the samples affected, data qualifications applied, and supporting documentation. · voe Surrogates The surrogate recoveries were outside the accuracy control limits for samples S-4, S-6, S7, S-9, S-11, S-15, and S-17. Attachments I and 2 of Appendix H provide a summary of the samples affected, data qualifications applied, and supporting documentation. voe lnternal Standards • ' • • • I • • • The internal standard areas were outside the control limits for samples S-2, S-4, S-17, S15, S-6, S-7, S-9, S-10, S-11 , S-12, and S-13 . Attachments l and 2 of Appendix H provide a summary of the samples affected, data qualifications applied, and supporting documentation. SVOC Internal Standards The internal standard areas were outside the control limits for samples S-13 , S-11, S-10, S-6, S-18, S-17 S-16, S-15 and S-14 . Attachments I and 2 of Appendix H provide a summary of the samples affected data qualifications applied, and supporting documentation . 6.4.4 Field QC Trip Blanks One VOA trip blank was identified and analyzed. No compounds were detected . 6.4.5 Tentati\'ely Identified Compounds I No tentatively identified compounds (Ties) were reported by the laboratory. . 6.4.6 . .• • • • • • . • Quantitation Limits and Reported Results eRQLs have not been established for this project, therefore, detection limits have not been evaluated. According to validation procedures qualification of data is not required . The analytical data discussed in this report in support of the Rubble Dump/Spill Site characterization are acceptable for their intended use . Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture ~~~,-~0-!'-.t-i!"___ !!_e.t_____-_-----'--------------~•,__-----------'---~---_..:::=.:-===..!. Sample# Station# Layer Material Physical Description A-26 Q.32 A B Floor tile A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 Q.34 0 -J.4 Q.38 0-38 Q.39 Q.54 A A A A A A B Floor lile Roofina Floor Ille Roofina Floor tile Floor Hie A Floorlile A-33 0 -53 A-34 0 -52 A-35 0-58 A-36 A-37 0 -58 0 -59 A-3 8 B C A B A B A Floor Ille Floor tile A Roofina Floor tile 0-68 B A Roofing A-39 0 -61 A Floor tile A-40 A-41 A-42 G-65 0 -75 0-75 A A A Roofina Floor tile Roofing A-43 Q.74 A Floor tile B A-44 A-45 0 -70 0 -65 A-46 A-4 7 A-48 0 -64 0-87 0 -87 A-49 A-50 0 -87 0 -91 A A B A A A B A A Floor tile Floor Ille Roofina Roofina Floor tile Floor Ille Floor tile Black fibrous tile Brown granular cement-like tile Tan aranular tile Black fibrous aranular tar Whih>lnreen Ille Black fibrous tar Grav w/whlte swirl tile Black tar Grav/white Ille Clear yellow resin White fibrous tile Black backlna material Black tar Red fibrous Ille Black fibrous tar Licht red fibrous tar Black/brown fibrous material Pink plaster wnight green paint Red Ille Black fibrous tar wtwhite material White tile wlblack backing material Black fibrous tar material White aranular material Black fibrous tar material wired paint Black fibrous tar Whitetlle Blue tile Black fibrous tar Beiaetlle Black fibrous tar material Black fibrous tar material Black fibrous tar Whitetile Red fibrous floor tile Gray cement-!lke fibrous material w/whlte paint Aabestos Method &OOIR-931116 Regulated' Tt'IIRCC Form Category' Mineral Visual Estimate (%) Chrysotile Chrysotile 15 15 Yes 311 -1 I Chrvsotile 5 ND Yes No Yes No No Yes 311 -1 390 311-1 390 390 311 -1 I No 390 Yes 311 - 1 I Yes 311-1 I No Yes 390 311-1 I 2 ND No 390 ND No 390 Chrvsolile Chrvsotile 25 2 NO Yes Yes No 311 -1 31 1-1 390 I I Chrysotile Chrvsotile 15 Yes 311 -1 I No Yes 390 31 1- 1 I No No Yes 390 390 311 -1 I Yes Yes 311-1 311 -1 I I Chrvsotlle Chrvsotile Chrysotile Chrvsotile Chrysotile Chrvsotile Chrysotile Chrv sotile Chrysotlle Chrvsolile Chrysotile Chrvsollle Chrvsotile Chrysotlle 5 ND ND ND 5 ND ND ND 5 20 10 15 ND 2 Code' l I 2 ND 10 5 ND ND 8 5 10 25 ND • not detected; TR - lrace A. B, C • different sides or surfaces of the same sample r.. Regulated vs. non-regulated based on definition In 30 TAC 330.2 (definitions) v • 311 - 1 is asbestos solids and debris, Category 1 waste; 390 is nonhazardous concrete/c:emenVconstructlon debris (TNRCC, 1995) c . Category I includes gaskets. packing, resilient ftoor covering and asphalt roofing products (TNRCC, 1995) Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture • • • P P • r ~ • ~ , • ~ • .. . . . . . . . Table 3. Asbest os ana1y I f1ca resu Its. Layer Material A Floor tile Physical Dffcrtptlon 0 -2 B A-2 0-5 A B A Floor tile Floor tile Floor tile A-3 A-4 0 -6 0 -3 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 0 -12 0-13 0 -9 0 -11 0-7 A-10 0 -7 A-11 0-16 A Roofing A-12 0 -17 A Floor tile A-13 0 -17 A Roofing A-14 0-18 A Floor tile A-15 A-16 0 - 18 0 -19 A A Roofinci Roofing A-17 0 -20 A B A B A B A Floor tile A-18 0 -20 A-19 0 -20 A B A A A A A B A B Sheet rock Sheet rock Sheet rock Roofing Floor tile Floor tile Floor 1ile Floor tile Roofing A-20 0 -14 A-21 A-22 0 -15 0 -29 A A-23 0 -26 A B A Floor tile A B Floor tile A-24 0 -26 A-25 0-40 A • • • • • • . . . . . . . .. . . Roofing Roofing Roofing Brown fibrous material White material Black fibrous tar Off-white tile :Beioe aranular Ille Black tar Whltetite White fibrous ofaster White fibrous olaster White fibrous olaster Black fibrous tar Black tar Grav fibrous aranular tile Black fibrous tar Off-white tile Black fibrous tar w/green and white Qranutar material Green fibrous material w/black tar Black fibrous tar w/wh ite granular material Brown fibrous cement -like material wired paint Black fibrous material Black fibrous tar w/whlte aranular material Black fibrous tar Tan fibrous tile Black fibrous tar Grav/black fibrous tile Black tar BeiQetile Black fibrous tar w/white ,aranular material Black fibrous tar Black fibrous tar material w/whlte aranular material Black tar Brown and white tile Black fibrous tar material w/brrNlfl and white granular material Black fibrous tar Gray granular cement-like tile 954-2025.01. Asbestos Method IOO/R-93/116 Mineral A-1 .. - FINAL. Samptet Station t • ~ Chrysotlle Chrvsotile Chrvsotlle Chrvsotile Chrysotile Chrvsotile Chrysotlle Chrysolile Chrysotile Chrysotile Chrysotile Chrvsotile Chrysotile Chrvsotile Chrysotile Chrysolite Chrvsotile Chrysotile Chrysotile ~gulated< THRCC Form Code' Visual Estimate (%) NO NO 10 2 5 TR 5 NO ND ND ND 2 15 10 2 ND Category• No 390 Yes 311-1 I Yes Yes 311 -1 311 -1 I I No No No Yes 390 390 390 390 311 -1 I Yes 311 -1 I No 390 25 Yes 311 - 1 ND No 390 35 Yes 311 -1 ND NO No No 390 390 15 Yes 311 -1 I 20 20 Yes 311 -1 I 5 Yes 311 -1 I 3 ND No 390 ND ND No No 390 390 ND 3 ND Yes 311 -1 No 390 20 15 Yes 311-1 No I I 5 Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture I I - -. --. FIN•---------· . . S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 Location Physical Description stained, dark orangishbrown sand stained, dark orangish0-2 Duplicate of S-1 brown sand stained , orangish-brown 4-6 Station P-2 sand brownish-black sand; ru nsurface Station G-17, in the vicinity of a burned-out tire off 0-2 S-5 0-2 S-6 0-2 S-7 0-2 S-8 S-9 0-2 0-2 Station P-2 Volatile Organic Compounds EPA SW 846 Method 8260 (µg/kg) Constituent methylene chloride (J ,8) methylene chloride 9 (8) methylene chloride 5.4 (8) methylene chloride 16 (8) (J,8) Near station G-14, sample dark orangish-brown sand ; methylene chloride from a depression in the run-off road (ru n-off from waste IPiles) brown sand ; run-off 15 (8 ) methyle ne chloride Station 0 -30, sample taken down slope of a ta r paper rubble pile (J) toluene 12 (8) methylene chloride stained , medium black Station 0 -29, sample sand ; same as RDS -27 site taken in middle of dirt road CJ 8) methvlene chloride oranaish-brown sand Duolicate of S-7 stained , brownish-black ·\ 23~·(6) Station P-3, obvious motor ti -~.r.· .t-;l'a. ;, •~ ''.; :j;_ sand oil spill ~ t{ • .. ~' ' 11 (8) methylene chloride ~SalBit:·· .;JJ;!:;. "'i2!,," rr· ''.+"rilb•~«fY.ti·11lE i\~iY·4 ~ :~~ I .. ,·•' S-10 2-4 Station P-3, deeper than S orangish-brown sand 9, to evaluate leaching S-11 0-2 Station 0 -47 - 954-2025.012. Table 4. Soil analytical data. Sample# Sample Depth (in) . ... . 0 '1 I ' ;..t1•' .. t •ga;r... ~P.e .. . . ' . :. ,·z,....\, ~ 2-hexanone methylene chloride 4-methvl-2-oentanone medium black sand; run-off methylene chloride - (J) 7.4 (8) {J) 12 (8) Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture TNRCC Form Codet 301 -H Semlvolatlle Organic Compounds EPA SW 846 Method 8270 (µg/kg) Constituent bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (J) " ,. ,. " r r ,,. , ,. ., .. .,. • .. . , . .. . . . . ., I 954-2025 .012 . Table 4. Continued ... Sample# Sample Location Depth (in) S-12 0-2 Station 0 -53, near empty aint cans S-13 0-1 Station 0-52 Physical Description Volatile Organic Compounds EPA SW 846 Method 8260 (µg/kg) Constituent stained, brownish-black methylene chloride sand medium black, crusted sand ; same as RDS-13 site TNRCC Fonn Codet Semivolatile Organic Compounds EPA SW 846 Method 8270 (µg/kg) Constituent 6.6 (B) 301-H bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (J) bis(2-ethylhexyl}phthalate (J) bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (J) bis(2-ethylhexyl}phthalate (J) bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (J) .. S-14 2-4 S-15 0-1 S-16 4 S-17 0-1 S-18 4-6 methylene chloride 2-butanone toluene methylene chloride Station 0 -52 , deeper than orangish-brown sand S-13 to evaluate leachin medium brown , crusted methylene chloride Station P-4 sand ; same as RDS-25 site Station P-4 . deeper than S orangish-brown sand 15 to evaluate leachin Near station 0-80 medium black , crusted sand ; same as RDS-1 site Near station 0-80, deeper orangish-brown sand than S-17 to evaluate leachin toluene . . . . .. ·. ·- J,· methylene chloride 19 (8) 6.8 301-H methylene chloride 5.6 (8) QA Sample Tri Blank water 301-H (J ,B) meth lene chloride Result Qualifiers: B - analyte is found in the method blank as well as in the sample ; indicates blank contamination E - concentration exceeds the upper level of the calibration range of the instrument J - estimated value £ - 301-H is soil contaminated with organics and a hazaradous classification (TNRCC, 1995) Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture J,8 ' , ' ., 23 FINAL 954-2025 .012 I, I I I I ' I • • • • • I SAMPLE ID S-1 COMMENTS ANALYSIS fvlEDlA TRlPBLANK VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/ SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/ SVOA 8270 VOA 8260/SVOA 8270 VOA 8260 SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOJL SOIL SOJL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL WATER S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 S-14 II . S-15 S-16 S-17 S-18 Trip Blank ." • . • • .. • . Table 5. Analyses performed on each soiJ sample. Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture FINAL 7.0 24 954-2025 .012 COMPARISON OF SOIL RESULTS WITH TNRCC ACTION LEVELS The soil analytical results are compared to TNRCC's Medium Specific Concentration for Risk Reduction Standard 2 (TNRCC, 1993) in Table 6. Medium specific concentrations for acetone 2-butanone, 4-methyl-2-pentanone, and toluene, four analytes detected in this investigation, are 4 to 6 orders of magnitude lower than the stated residential and industrial land use soil values and 3 to 5 orders of magnitude lower than the stated groundwater protection standards for both residential and industrial water use. Results from PA soil samples are discussed in Section 3.2 . I • • • • • • • • • • Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 25 FINAL 954-2025 .012 • Sample# • S-9 voes TNRCC Action Levels' EPA SW U6 Method 8260 SAi-ind SAi-Res Constituent (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) 4.16E+07 acetone 230 3.82E+07 71 7.58 E+06 1.40 E+07 2-butanone 1.02 E+08 4-methyl-2120 1.37 E+07 pentanone 54 4.16E+07 3.82E+07 acetone 6.8 3.58E+07 3.63E+07 toluene 38 3.82E+07 4.16E+07 acetone S-13 S-15 S-17 £ - Action levels from TNRCC, 1993. nr - not reported TNRCC Action Levels£ GWD-Res GWD-lnd (µg/kg) (µg/kg) 3.65E+05 4.16E+06 1.83 E+OS 5.11 E+OS 1.83 E+05 5.11 E+OS 1.83E+05 1.00E+OS 1.00E+OS Table 6. Comparison of soil analytical results with TNRCC Action Levels. Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 5.11 E+OS 1.00 E+OS 1.00E~07 • • • FINAL 26 . 8.0 MAPPING OF DEBRL PILES AND VOLUME ESTIMATION • 8.1 Previously Mapped Spill Sites • • • I! • • • • • • 1111 • = • • • • • • . . . • • • • • . • Two of the four mapped spills located during the November 1995 PA field activities were not visible during the August 1997 site characterization (Figure 3). Wind blown fine sand and silt has covered these site. These two sites were eventually located after digging 0.250. 5 inches below the soil surface. Both sites are located on a dirt road which is topographically 0.5 to 1.0 feet below adjacent debris piles and mounded soil. This situation allows for sand and silt from the adjacent high areas to blow and accumulate into the low dirt road . 8.2 August 1997 Observations Based upon recollections from the 199 5 PA field team and field notes taken during the PA, minor dumping has occurred in the last 21 months. This material consists primarily of landscaping debris such as granite pebbles, limestone cobbles, and yard brush, and remodeling materials such as concrete, wood paneling, and ceramic tile. Only two new 3 spills were discovered, consisting of less than 1 yd of contaminated soil. These two sites, P-1 and P-2, are located on the west side of the dirt road between power pole 8 and. 9 (Plate 1) . A total of91 stations were logged and mapped for roofing shingles and floor tiles (Plate 1). Tar paper roofing material typically was found in large, semi-rounded piles. Older piles of roofing material have welded together due to the sun and have taken on a burnt appearance. With the exception of one tar paper roofing pile (G-65) all tar paper roofing material is considered to be free of asbestos based on the analytical results (Table 3) Floor tile piles are generally small in volume, with older tiles having upturned and broken edges. Some floor tiles have become brittle while others remain flexible. Every occurrence of floor tiling was sampled and aU floor tiles are considered to contain asbestos based on the analytical results (Table 3) . A total of 70 stations were logged and mapped under the category of non-hazardous construction/demolition debris, landscaping rocks, yard brush, household trash, etc., (collectively termed rubble in this report) . Construction/demolition debris and landscaping debris piles are typically large to medium sized. Yard brush and household trash generally form low standing piles with significant dispersion surrounding the original point source. Scattered debris consisting primarily of wind dispersed household trash and yard brush forms a zone that typically extends 50 to 200 ft beyond the point source. On the field map (Plate 1) these zones are identified as "Scattered Debris." The zone of " Scattered Debris" becomes wider near Montana A venue due to the larger volume of dumped material in this area . . • • 954-2025 .012 Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 27 FINAL • 954-2025 .012 A majority of rubble is concentrated between power pole l and 7. Rubble piles are so close together in this area and of similar content that they are often lumped together and mapped and described as a single station. Thi i especially the case between power poles 1 and 3. Mapping of rubble piles has in some cases extended more than 200 feet east and west of the power line road . During the initial reconnaissance of the area Golder decided that mapping would extend beyond those boundaries in order to characterize and provide more complete volumetric calculations on rubble piles which exist along side dirt roads. Dirt roads, besides the main north-south power line road, are numerous in the area. Dumpers have taken ad antage of thi and ha e driven several hundreds of feet off the power line road to dump their loads. 8.3 Volume Estimation The volume of waste per station was visually estimated in terms of the number of 55gallon drums needed to contain the wastes and was recorded on the Station Description Sheets (Appendix D). The volumes of three different waste types are summarized in Table 7. The number of drums were then converted to cubic yards . • Golder Associates Inc . for DBS Joint Venture 28 FINAL Material Rubble Stained Soil Tar Paper Asbestos containing waste 954-2025 .012 55-Gallon Drums Cubic Yards 4400 1200 3 136 9 IO 500 30 '' Table 7. Volume estimates of dumped materials. Golder Associates Inc. for DBS Joint Venture 954-2025 .012 29 FINAL • _·--- ---__ = 111' - ..,...,,_.,. II Olrl"*' II II llII II , - - ECl0-C28 C6 - C28 (1) Copy to Client Resu lt <50 . <50. <50 . Unit mg / Kg mg / Kg mg / Kg Detection Limit 50 . so. 50 . Analysis Date 12-24-99 12-24-99 12 - 24 - 99 .. _5 Ripley 6701 Aberdeen Avonue, Ste \I Lubbock, loxa s 79424 Tel (806) 794 - 1296 Fax (806 ) 794 - 1298 1 (800) 378- 1296 Company Name: ft!.J C, ,-_) (Street , City, Zip) /.. Address: / '\:) 7 ~ (.JN.. /:.Av\ \<' ~ n Contact Person: . ~~( l(/ l ,\ '7-7 ·" I\Jl t::t: 16 t, 7""JC.:1 1'"J LAB Order ID # 1 (668) 586 ·3443 s -~ Phone II : CHAiN-OF-CUSTOOY At~O Ai~ALVSIS ncCUEST El Paso . Texa s 79922 · 1028 Tel (915) 585·344 ~ax (!115) 585- 4 44 TraceAnalysis, Inc. j:- ~ (_ o, . SI" A ),-,:,y ANALYSIS REQUEST (1 (Cir cle or Specify Method No.) i ,.._ ~ A- :h ._s ·'/ v LA- H en 0 C1> Pro1cc t Name: / rl 1vcf v\.', ~ - Sa111pl / Alt c-w--<. --- ·- - - - E ::, r --4 Relinquished by: - - ~ ,.., (_') ::! 0 CJ) 0 :i (I <{ w z N 0 ~ I "' 0 0 -- - u (.1> !P iii > E Q ;;; 0 Cl. ...I I- ll. ll. u u I- ·- ----- - --- - ·-- . > en n. f !I> 0 -- ,_ .__ CD ·-- -- - Received ~.,.... - - - - - >--· :x: 1 -- · 1-- >--1-- I- I-- - - -- ·- - - -· -- - - -- - -- ·-· ·- - - - - -- -· -- -- . --- 1--- -- - ·- ·- - f . - >-- f.-. -- - -· - - -- -- --- - Tim e: Date: 0 ,_,.... I- - - - - ,. . _ -- - ,. . _ -- ,_ ·- 0 E ::, 0 -- <-- - .J"J-/,,. ,i} v- /n - ~ -- - -- - LAB USE ,_ - - -- 1-- -· - -- - I- -- - - ·- - - ·- - - l -- ~ ·-· -- ·- - REMARKS: ONLY TimcA~ l~ d b y: Da te: Tim e: Date: Time: Intact {l I Headspace Received at Laborat ory by : Rel inquished by: Oat~/ !I> I- - - -- - -- - - - ----- - - - - -·- .. Date: ...I ...I ...I 0 ,0 - -- - -- -- - -· 0 N <( u I: -i=., "="' .,., "' ll. 0 ~ "' ;:;, 0 "' ,_ ;,;"',i, ;,;'" 0 ~ ~ CD .< N w I- ,1~J.· -- C "' " ",o (I) "' co "' <("' <( ,\ - - - ! . -- - ------- ------- Rel inquished by: w l ----·--- - - - - - -v , <( 0 ll. ~ O> -- - - · - - -·- llJ a 0 l< --------- .:::>'-- ,, in co <1> 0 f> _I :;5- I:!- ( /),-.jJ.:\, l E u Cfi'7J7L{ -- (! ' ' '- _.._.{ ) - ·, l PREScnv,.1rvE METHOD MATRIX _______________ Addres.s fJ U/1 Telephone # z. { ; f '- ,lp-,,,; f-v't - S vJ H %, 7 r ?if.//,~ .s, $ CHECK HERE FOR BILLING CONTACT PERSON Name f.. fr V I Company G~coN AH H Jv.)---v. ~ ~ /?Yr Cfi1 _v_ A-J DS'j u LA ~< . C r'~ ~ F I O I 1 / I Fax # Telephone # ·• T 8L - 2 5 68 - 711 9 Address / J o 2 • - F l} I '2 7 7'11.:?,. Sf! - ~f: z / /f. 3. lYPE Al°'l> SO{JRCE OF CONI'Al\-llNATION / PHYSICAL SITE LOCATION Cit1-! ,),·- - ~ 4AV' • ~J 4. ESTl.i-"IATED VOLUME OF SOIL s O ; / /- - 3 ,//1fr-1 ~{) :,y cubic yards 5. S1.JPPORTING ~"'lALYTICAL DOCUMENTATION (please attach) · Required: (Additional TCLP, reactivity, pH, ignitability, PCBs) 6. CERTIFICATION I BEING I HEREBY CERTIFY TIIAT THIS IS AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF THE SOIL NOT P~0Fl1..ED MT> THAT TIIE SOIL IS CONTAMINATED Wlffi OTHER I MATERIALS lHAT WOULD PROHIBIT IANDFARM REMEDIATION AND ULTIMATE NON-RCRA DISPOSAL. Position Date f&;: UJ:: r1/11/00 1 ~ CAMINO REAL LANDFILL P.O. Box 580 Sunland Park, N.M . 88063 17677 (505) 589-9440 Plense prtnt or type. (Form designed tor use on ehte (12-p1tch1 typewr iter ) • NON HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 11 . \A•N l f:"C ST Generat or 's US EPA ID No 2 . Page 1 1lntormat 1on in the shaded areas of 1s not reQu ired by Federal law. OOCU"4f'o T ~O I ~I. Generator' s Name and Mailing Address r' _t /;c._s ,, .".,,:, 41. Generator' s Phone ( -· - .,,.. Transporter 1 Company Name _.., :z,_ +- I ffr_ I' ( • r ..' / _ f( - --:- ~ / /-;, 10. ... ,: \.y • • ..,,,. - t:.-z. _..._ \I :;,v. I ,,. '' i . E. State Transporter's ID F. Transporter's Phone US EPA ID Number G. / State Facility's ID I l/ H . Facility's Phone - I 12. Containers 11A. 11 . US DOT Descript ion (i ncluding Proper Sh ipping Name . Non Hazard C l ass , and ID Number) HM a. 0 E . - - - ""· ,: .•, '. . -· No ..1 - State Generator' s ID US EPA ID Number I 9. Designated Facility Name ~nd Site Add ress B. D. Transporter's Phone 8. '7. Transporter 2 Company Name State Man ifest Document Number C. State Transporter's ID US EPA ID Number 6. I C A. !... -t"~,'\.-·- C;.\ r'-~ ff'- ' Type - 14. Unit Wt/Vol. > ... ~ i ~ 13. Tota l Quantity ! i,. I. Waste No. I C'-: b. E ,.II T 0 R c. d. J . Additional Descriptions for Materials llsted Above K. Handling codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Speci al Handling Instructions and Ad ditional In fo rmat ion 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of th is consignment are fully and acc urately descnbed abo•e by proper sh1pp1ng name and are ctas.sit,ed. packed. marked , and la beled , and are ,' .. T in a ll respects I n proper co nd1t 1on for tra nsport b y h ighway accord i ng to app licab le internationa l and naltonal go"4trnmen t regulations. including appltcabte state regulations. II I am a large auantlty g.enerator, I cen1fy th at I ha•• a program 1n place to rele method of trutmen t. storage. or disposal currently ava.ilable lo me wh1cn m1n1m1..tes the presen t and future threat to human health and the environment. O R , if t am a small quantity generat or. I ha•e made a gooo faith elfon to min1m1ze my waste generation and select the best waste management method that 1s available to me and th at t can afford I PrintedfTyped Name R.. '1- ~ I r · t-" 1 , ,;~5cs.' ~ Signature£ l._.;... 17. Transporter 1 Acknow ledgement of Rece ipt of M ateria ls PrintedfTyped Name sp II T £ A , ( ' - I -----·- 18. Transporter 2 Ack nowledgement of Rec eipt of Mate ria ls Pri ntedfTyped Name Month Da y Year I -· ( L- / I I V Date Month Day Signature M 0 . L - .__--'- r - ~ ;(,,~.'....1 t:-._, I I I I I Date Month Day Signature I Year I Year I 19. Di screpancy Indicat ion Space I T 20. Facili t y Owner or Operator. Certificat ion of rece ipt of haza rdou s m ate ria l s covered b y th is man i fes t ex c ept as noted in Item 19. y PrintedfT~d Name ll 4A. ) (rn..r-c-l I') , J A- White · orig inal /! I f Signature • Yellow,Transporter I I - ~ Pink -TSO Facil it y ~ Date Mo nth Da y Year I c ·/1 1 / ~ Gold -Rod -Generator' s first copy ____,....__ ' ....,.._ ___- - - - -------··-----CAMINO REAL LANDFILL Sunland Park , N.M . 88063 P.O. Box 580 22801 (505) 589-9440 Jeate print or type. (Form des gned lor use on ehte ( 12,pitchi typewrit er l Generator' s US EPA ID N o . NON HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 2. Pa ge 1 1 lnforma1 1on in the shaded areas of A. State Man i fest Document Number 3 Generator' s Name and Mailing Addre ss -!, :_, .l,. ..s: , . Generator's Phone ( B. State Generator' s ID '1 .(" 5 . Transporter 1 Company Name ~ _":;r-' .-· ~ ,-..:, +t I US EPA ID Number 6 - C. State Transporter's ID 0 . Transporter's Phone I , -..;__, , ' 8. 7. Transporter 2 Company Name US EPA 10 Number E. State Transporter's ID I s,. ~::: :~ F. Transoorter's Phone US EPA 10 Number 10. Designated Facil ity N~me and Site Address :•,"' . H . Facility's Phone : I I 12. Con1a1ners "· No. i.-. _{' l,· (" . ·... G. State Facility's ID I •. .- ; ' 11A. 11 . US DOT Description (i ncluding Proper Sh i pping Name. Non Hazard t~M Class. and 10 Number) a. 1s not re quired by Federal law . ..... '\' . ' - l _ _C-" Type 13 14 . To ta l Ouan t1 tv Unit Wt/Vo l. ~ 3 I. Waste No. 1_.,LJ al---4-------------------------------~ .....---f'--t------+---f--------l b. " E I: ""T 1---+-c-.- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --l-----!..___..,.______l'-_-+- ------1 g d. K. Handli ng codes for Wastes Listed Above ,I. Additional Descriptions tor Materials Li sted Above 5. Spec ia l Ha nd ling Instruct ions and Addi tiona l Informat ion '16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare !hat the con lents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above Oy proper sh ipping name and are ctassiHad, packed, marked . and 1a1>eleel. and are in all respecis 1n proper condition for !ranspon oy highway according to applicab le interna t,onal and na11ona1 go-.mment regulations. ,nctuaing applicable stale regulations. ti t am a large quantity generator. l certity thal I have a program in place to rl!Ouce the •olume and !oxicily ot waste genera1ea 10 tne deg ree I have determined to o. economically practicable and that I have selecll'd the pracllc aO le method of treatment. storage. or disposal currentl y a,a,lallle to me wh ich minimizes tt· . ... · SPEC1AL HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATtON:_ _ _ _ __ -~-..-......d----"''--LA""'.l.._c......__rt:_ _ _ _ _ __ ~--4/.~7*'1~LL....,A.J..~q;~~sst=~-- - .f.L_1Ii_1_ r.L . N ~ f Authori.~ed Agent . ; •; .. / Signature Date Received . ' ·. \ -' PART 111 ·~..- · · :·.. TRANSPORT R . . : · '·.-i·. ·.: . , :.:_ · :. N~ME Of. ~~'NS~O~TER #1 :!nv 1ronmcnu 1 Becoo·d ft, anJ>ERMIT#:._..=..::;...¥-=-'-,;...A..:.- _..:... , ·ADDRESS: ,S6H .Boefng St 12 .. CITV/STATE/Zl~.:·1u Pua, tx 19925 · TRUCK#: ·.' . -', · PHONE: · · . · · - '\ :. · · < :. · ·:c-", ...., ...•.· ~·· ~ ..:.;\.t-!•.· •t ', ..'. - • - ··· -·- -·- ---·--·- - · - - - -·-----··- ·- -·- -· _·-·---~ --- - . ___. ------' . '\ - . . . NAME';Of: °fRANSPORTER #2: PERMli #: '· ·, .ADDRESS·:.~·:'.'/. ' ( #: . ·- - - -!"-.-.-.-. ..·· CITY1STATE/ZIP: • . ' :. ···.·· ··,>''. i.J•: 1:. ~ E: . ._ _ _ __..:.._..:.._______ The foltowtng stlf-nt INlfl be slqned by IN IN ,1 4 ll 4. Generator's P hone ( C, I\ ) ~( V - / ~I CJ Manife st Doc ument No 2. Page 1 of P" ; , / ) h,c.·ML f. J 18 Transporter 2 Ackno.:111edgemen1 ol Rec eipt cf Ma te nals PnntedfTyped Name I I_ - . ............. ./.J;'(/ I - I - -· Day Mon th I .I I ' . ~ I Year t .. ,W Date •1 Year Day fo.lonth I I ','1,/ Date " Sign atu re E ~ . ~t/ " 1· S,gna tu re ' 1~/ j C I . . I R Year Day Mon th I I 19. Discrepancy Indication Space \ I L I 20. Fac1hty Owner or Operator: Cert1f1ca t1on of receipt of haza rdous m.11enals covered by this manifest except as noted 1n Item 19. . T y Printed/Typed Name '- JI·J.. /1. // , . TNHCC-0311 (Rev. 0110~/97) / /'/l £ r' ~~ 1 r,r J I r· Signature ...,_.__ t;- . j'I ./)-· ' White. original -' Pink-TSO Fa® ( Date ~ YY f • ' /;/ l Yellow-lf:atisporter '- ):~ Month Day Year 1.1-c.· l.?0 t:, '1 G reen- Generator's first copy ATTACHMENT F • • Photographic Documentation -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1[1 ; l:\"TER.~ ..\TIO'.',;Al. l'.',;C. • Photograph No. 1: View of the subject site from Montana Avenue's main gate looking north along the north-south pathway . • Photograph No. 2: Typical view of a stockpile consisting of concrete debris/rubble before clean up . • Photograph No. 3: The surveying was done to determine the east-west property line along Montana Avenue. Note the red-colored survey stake near the Montana right-of-way . Photograph No. 4: The repaired earthen berm and the newly installed barbwire fence along Montana Avenue . Photograph No. 5: Typical view of the subject site with concrete debris and roofing materials before clean-up actions were initiated . Photograph No. 6: General view of the field operations at the subject site where a mediumsize bobcat was used to relocate the heavier debris to various collection areas. • • -·1!11111---------------------------------------------- • • • Typical view of the subject site with a backhoe loading the construction debris . A medium-size backhoe was used to load the dump trucks for disposal activities. Photograph No. 9: View of disposal activities where hydrocarbon contaminated soil is being removed from the subject site . Photograph No. 10: View of the asbestos disposal activities at the subject site. • I' • Photograph No. 11 : View of the north-south pathway of the subject site after completing cleanup activities . Photograph No. 12: General view of the remediated subject site near the main entrance. • Photograph No. 13: View of remediated area near power pole 6. which previously contained large quantities of construction debris (May 25. 2000) . Photograph No. 14: View of remediated area between power poles 8 and 9, near northern portion of the north-south pathway (May 25, 2000). APPENDIX THE EDR WATER WELL REVIEW R : Environmental :Data : Resources, Inc. • : an..edrcompany The EDR-Water Well Review Fort Bliss Rubble Dump Spill S Montana Avenue El Paso, TX 79916 The Source For Environmental Risk Management Data 3530 Post Road Southport, Connecticut 06490 January 31, 2001 Inquiry Number: 587617-1 Nationwide Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-352-0050 Fax: 1-800-231-6802 Environmental Data Resources, Inc. Water Well Review Report EDR reviewed available records made public by the state of Texa at the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) and obtained information identifying the approximate location of public and private water wells within the rcque ted Area of Review (AOR). EDR researched the located and plotted water wells identified on county highway map or USGS 7 .5 minute topographic maps at the TWDB. EDR transferred the approximate water well locations onto a map for the client's review. EDR cannot guarantee the accuracy of the infom1ation provided by state agencies. This review is intende.d to provide the user with a "working approximation" of reported well locations. The following are guidelines used to review available driller logs for water wells associated with client site information within theAOR. • ldentify Located Wells within the AOR according to the TWDB files. • Identify Plotted Wells within the AOR according to the TWDB files . • Identify Partially Numbered Wells within the AOR according to the TNRCC files containing records submitted by the well driller. • Identify Unnumbered Well within the AOR accorcling to the TNRCC files containing records submilted by the well driller. Description of Te~ Area of Review-(AOR): Standard area of review is a 1/2 mile circumference around client speci fied target property. Located Water Well: Well locations that have been field checked by a TWDB or USGS staff member, spotted on a USGS 7.5' Topographical or county highway map, as igned a unique identification number, and filed at the TWDB. Plotted Water Well: Approximate well locations spotted on county highway maps by the TWDB staff members according to information submitted on the driller's log. The accuracy of the location for these wells is dependent on the driller. The state assigned unique identification numbers to these wells, but in high-density areas, a single identification number may represent multiple well locations. The TWDB eliminated this plotting activity in June 1986. Partially Numbered Water Well: Water well locations established to within a 2.5 minute topographic quadrangle and identified by the TNRCC according to maps ubmitted with the driller's log. Each water well was assigned a State ID number by the TNRCC. Note: This method for recording water well locations was procedure from 1986 to 1991. Unnumbered Water Well: Well locations identified on the driller's logs and corresponding driller's maps maintained by the TNRCC records. Note: The TNRCC implemented this procedure in 1991 . Please call EDR Nationwide Customer Service al 1-800-352-0050 (8am-8pm ET) wilh questions or comments about your report. Thank you f or your business! Disclaimer Copyright and Trademark Notice This reporr contains infonnation obtain ed from a variety of public and other sources. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPUED, IS MAD£ WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH Tli/S REPORT. eNVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIF/CA/LY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT UM/TAT/ON. WARRANTIES AS TO NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, ACCURACY, VA UDITY, COMPLETENESS, SUITABIUTY, CONDITION, QUALITY, MERCHANTAB1U1Y. OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED OR REFERENCED TIIEREIN OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE PREPARATION THEREOF. AU RIS K IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. No liability to anyone is assumed, whether arising out of errors or omissions, negligence, accident or any other cause, for any loss or damage, including, without limitation, special. incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages. Entire contents copyright 1998 by En vironmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or fonnat, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, In c., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written pem1ission. EDR and the edr logos are trademarks of J::11vironmental l>ata Resources. Ill e. o r its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their re.<,pecti ve o wners. Use of such trademarks does nor constitute an endorsement by Environmental Data Resources. In c. , or its affiliates, of the organizations claiming ownership thereof or the info nnation obtained f rom such organizations and contained herein . • Environmental Data Resources, Inc. Water Well Review ·•~ Site Name: Fort Bliss Rubble Dump Spill S Address: Montana Avenue State: TX City: El Paso WELL CLASSIFICATION Inquiry #:587617-1 Zip: 79916 NUMBER IDENTIFIED WITHINAOR LOCATED 4 PLOTIED 0 PARTIAllY NUMBERED 0 UNNUMBERED 0 TOTAL NUMBER IDENTIFIED 4 Located Water Wells: 49-14-503,505,511, 512 Plotted Water Wells: NONE Partially Numbered Water Wells: NONE Unnumbered Water Wells: NONE •• 587617-1 1 l i I I I I ,' I i I I I ;' :' I i' I l \ ., . I I I / 'I I I I \ I l I \I I ' _,, .- ,, . / / ~---- l I ~ --, I l I ' ', I /. I r . I I I . \ • -,__ -=tL--~ I D \ ~~ f- \ l I _ f-.... / .,_ I Af>PROX IM TE LOC T IO , • ONLY WATER W ELL LOC TION i\ l P WELL WITH IN A 1/2 i\ ll LE RADI US rotn BLISS RC IIBLE DU1vtl' .'PII.I. SITE MOJ'\T NA A VEN ' E El. I' SO. TX 79 16 u . I' so cou :r t; , C 7.5 i\ llN TE QUA DR NC LE Fon Blis SE TX • : Environmental : Data : Resources, Inc. E V!RONMENTA L DATA RESOURCES 1000 WEST AVE. SU ITE A AUSTIN. 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No. :A'It CHEMICAL WATER ANALYSIS REPORT . .. ; ,. SfllllNPOftto: G,round Water Dau end Protection Division 1 txas Water -Oe11elopnlent Board · · P.O. Box 13087 JMtin. Ttiw ffl11 T.mperau,re OOFITDC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Date Recei-;,ed u · ~V t Labort1'KV No. ' , .. Alffi 19. i Yi 6 :; J , ) MGIL SB • • • MEIL ll icart>onete I • J_ :t. $ulfei. • J. • ~ 3 -·--·- 7 Chloride • ?•I Fl\toric» . ,..._,,,, . Ni trm · [)...,.,.. . pH • • [) [)loro~ ~J . . ,tienolphdletein AIUlinity • C .C03 • I. . O_____ 0111,* Cotlductei,ce ''"~cmJ1 ___ "I) " / 1.,t,o iteffll Mii be -'vied if dledtld. .~ T M ~ ..-ned lro 1111e ~ . 11 , . . , _ . ltv c-..itnl1111lt1p1yl,.. l>Y G..19171 to ... eq.,,.....,., .,_.. rot of carbonet•, •ncl ffW ~ Ii TOlal HllldMlf • C .C03 ~ Ni"091" A,,_lt • N . CVde Nitrite · N · N l tr.U • N ......._ 11fWre t. ..... 11'11M COffllNl.UOl'I of \hie 1 - . ;l , ~ c v c.. _ iftTolel i._ _.,.~....,.... 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SU\.PATU AS SO• 'II, ERROR F ./> as NOa TOTAL PHOSPHATES AS l\,tg/1 CARBONATES • MAGNDIUM PO• as Mg SuL.FATC as FLUOAIOl!:S as K u as ·c, CHLORIDES as N1 FoTASSIUM C03 !IICARNONATU HCO CAl.CIUM "I ('.a SOOIUM /. / ANION · CATION BALANCE ANIONS NITRATE A.auk. £.. ~e:A COAAECTNES7i>F~LYSIS CHECKING Cl F&.UORIOES AS R Sample Taker Delivered By ~PHENOL A&.KALINlTV AS C. CO ~ so, as N1TRAT£S as F NO, PO, Pl-tosPHATES Bl • CHLOAINI!: RESIDUAL (Mg/I) TUR8101TY (N.T.U.) CATIONS pH . CALCIUM IS Cl MA~NESIUM as LAS ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY at pml'IOS/t:rn • •c SoOIUM a5 -------------~-~~~ 1"11£~ ELECTRICAL CONOUCTIVITV at JJmftOI/Cffl PoTASSIUM l.ANGELll!:R INOl!:X AQGADSIVITV INOE:>< JUN 2 -0 86 I\ ' ,-ORM 4171-4US ; . Na as K .j i - I .! iI . ! ,Ii ~ Of' TOTAL CATIONS • Mg , ic , Commission GW 1 • TEl[AS WAYE& DEV&LOPll&NT IOA& D 1'1ald lo. 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'~to Total H.,.._ • C aCOJ A--,. - N . _9._8 $_ a,~Cyde Nltrtlit • N • Nin. · N TWDN-WD-1 U19!J. 2 ·17-'NII • · • ,,,. __... .. r.,.-,.. ,.~ ,.__, ~,........,, ,,,..-. . f••h .,.flCII ., o._, .............. _ ' .JL- :{' II TWDBE-GW ONLY. 'f 'f- / ' ( - ~ Pn,gn,n , ' °· "1Jj. No. (~t;;o.,t - ~ 7 (, "'I I - CHEMICAL WATER ANALYSIS REPORT ,..,, ( iround w,ter D1u •nd Proteetlon Dwilion ltH1 W11er Development BCNlld P'.O. Box·13087 lwstin. Tu• 78111 / -U- a.outtoa ,_, 5..,,. ,..,.. .. ....,, S\..c.Gn,e;R.rlR?t.€ ciw ~ - 01p1t1 ...:..·· . . --· . . . ~ ClldUM • • -----------GPM P .. CHEMICAL ANALVSIS Date Received : ! . MEIL MG/l .. . . . .. l • I Toual '· .. .. () -., I • 5 3. 7•I -- .. . I . - .... - .. -- ..... --- a..c..oon.te ..,.ol'ted t . lfl'IY"'iJ l'V OA9171 to - . . . 1::z.,o . ,.. 11\i9 .-lyaie ie ~ . . . - . . IIIY ~ ,....,. e.Qwt- letlt ..... of ca,Mtl.... .... .._ ~,,...._,. 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Exclu ion crit eria refer to those conditions at an affected property which preclude the need fo r a fonnal ecologicaJ ri sk assessment (ERA) because there are incomplete or insignificant ecological exposure pathways due to the nature of the affected property setting and/or the condit ion of the affected property media. This checklist (and/or a Tier 2 or 3 ERA or the equivalent) must be completed by the per on for all affected property subject to the TRRP. The per on should be famil iar with the affected property but need not be a professional scientist in order to re pond, although some questions will likely require contacting a wildlife management agen y (i .e. , Texa Parks and Wildlife Department or U.S . Fish and Wildlife Service) . The checklist is des igned fo r genera l applicabilit y to all affected property ; however, there may be unusual circum stances which require professiona l j udgement in order to determine the need for further ecological evaJuation (e.g . . cave-dwelling receptors) . In the e ca es, the per on is strongly encouraged to contact TNRCC before proceed ing. Be ides some preliminary infonnation , the checkli t con ist s of th ree major parts, each of which must be completed unless otherwise instructed. PART I requests affected property identification and background information. PART II contains the actual exc lu sion criteria and supportive infonnation. PART ill i a qualitative ummary tatement and a cert ification of the infonnation provided by the person. Answer to both PARTS I and II should reflect existing conditions and should not consider future remedial actions at the affected property, although it is understood that, at a minimum , human health will always be protected . Completion of the checklist should lead to a logical conclusion as to whether fu rther eva luation is warra nted. Definitions of terms used in the checklist ha e been provided and use rs are trongly encouraged to fa miliarize them elves with these definition s before beginning the checkli st. Name of Facil ity: Rubble Dump Spill Site - Near Site Monitor (SWMU 16) Affected Property Location : J J(X)() Monrana A venue El Paso. Texas Maili ng Addres : Fr Bliss, D OE A 7ZC Building 622 Ft . Bliss, Te.xas 79916 • TNRCC Case Tracking #s: Not applicable Solid Waste Reg istration #s: SWMU 16 Voluntary Cleanup Program#: Not applicable EPA I.D . #s: Not applicable :' 1Delm.:rt 1Fort 81i,s1E oRisk Checkh!a • Ruhh lc Dump doc PART I. Affected Property Identification and Background Information • L) Provide a description of the spec ific area of the response action and the nature of the release . Include estimated acreage of the affected property and the facility property , and a description of the type of facility and/o r operation associated with the affected property . Also describe the location of the affected property with respect to the facility property boundaries and public roadways. The Rubhle Dump Spill Site is located southt!ast uf Biggs Army Air Field just west of the Fort Bliss 'ite Monitor (radar) facility. A location map 1s pro vided as FiK7tre 1. The site consists of an approximate one-mile section along a north-south tre11di11g power line easement that originates off of Mo11tana Road in El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. The site has been identified as the area extending JOO-feet 011 either ide of the 011e-mile section of the poll'er l111e easement. The site is located on the Fort Bliss Military Reservation, and was used as a11 111w11thon=ed dumpi11g area by 11nh10wn but presumed local persons. Historically, access was 1101 co11trolled a11d this area of the Fort Bliss Military Reservation was not f enced or gated 771e area was 11eva used as a du mp site by Fort Bliss, but could easily be accessed by others.from Mo11tana Ruad to di.\pose of xe11eral re.fuse and construction debris so as to avoid the di!>posal fees at the local landfill. Response actions have been conducted at the site a11d include the following: • • • • • • • Repaired the existing earthen berm that exte11Js approx1mate~v J. 7 miles along Mo11ta11a Road and the Site Monitor access road to make access to the area more difficult. Installed a 4-strand barbwire fe nce alOJJK Montana N.oad and the Site Monitor access road to control access to the area and prewlll fut ure dump111g Excavated and disposed of approximately 6 clf hic yard,· (CY) (~( hydrocarbon impacted soil. Removed and di posed of approximately I. 638 C'Y <~( 11011-hazardous cu11str11ctio11 debris. Removed and dfaposed of approximately.four yard\· of AC'/1.1. Collected verification soil samplesfrom the excamtwn areas and the site to document successful restoration of the site. Attach avaiJable USGS topographic maps and/or aerial or other affected property photographs to this fonn to depict the affected property and surrounding area . Indicate attachments: 12:J Topo map 12:J Aerial D Other photo 2) Identify environmental media known or suspected to contain chemicals of concern (COCs) at the present time. Check all that apply: Known/Suspected COC Location Based on ampLing data? 12:J Soil 12:J Yes D D D • 5 ft below ground surface Soil > 5 ft below ground surface Groundwater Surface Water/Sediments :$ 0 0 0 0 0 Yes 0 Yes D Yes Explain (previously submitted infonnation may be referenced) : H: !l.ll>d,ncn\f Bli slEcoRisk Check list - Rubble Dump do,- 2 No No No No • Visibly impacted soils associated with the Rubble Spill Site ha ve been excavated and transponed off-site for disposal. Based on the analyrical results of venfication soil samples, no constituents were detected above the critical Tier 1 PCLs for reside,uial land use . 3) Provide the infonnation below for the nearest urface water body wh1ch has become or has the potential to become impacted from migrating COCs via surface water runoff, air deposition , groundwater seepage, etc. Excl ude wastewater treatm ent facilities and stonnwater conveyances/impoundments authorized by pem1it. Al o exclude conveyances, decorative ponds , and those portions of process facilities which are : a. Not in contact with surface waters of the State or other surfa e waters whlch are ultimately in contact with surface waters of the State; and b. Not consistently or routinely utilized as va luable habitat for natural communities including birds, mammals , reptiles , etc. The nearest surface water body is approximarely 1,500 fee t to the sourhwest of the property and is a small pond. The wate r body is best described as a: D freshwater stream : D D t8J D D D • perennial (has wate r all year) _ _ _ intermittent (dries up completely for at least l week a year) _ _ _ inte rmittent wi th perennial pools freshwater swamp/ marsh/ wetland saltwater or brack1sh marsh/s wamp/ wetland reservoir, lake , o r pond ; approxim ate surface ac res: (less rhan ~-acre) drainage ditch tidal tream ' bay ' e tuary other; specify Is the water body }jsted as a State classified segment in Appendix C of the current Texas Surface Water Quality Standards; §§307 .1 - 307 . 10? 0 Ye Segment # Use Clas ification: (8J No If the water body i not a State class ified segment , identify the first downstream classified segment. Name: Rio Grande below International Dam Segment #: 2308 U e Classification : • Warer body nor suitable for contact recreation As necessary , provide further description of surface wate rs in the vici nity of the affected property : See Attachment. H: 1Dehnert\Fort Bliss\Eco R, sk Ched.l ,st - Rubble Dump.doc 3 • PART II. Exclusion Criteria and Supportive Information Subpart A. Surface Water/Sediment Exposure (Complete in all cases.) 1) Regarding the affected property where a response action is being pursued under the TRRP, have COCs migrated and resulted in an unauthorized release or imminent threat of unauthorized release to either surface waters or to their associated sediments? Exclude wastewater treatment facilities and stonnwater conveyances/impoundments authorized by pennit. Also exclude conveyances, decorative ponds , and those portions of process facilitie which are: a. Not in contact with surface waters of the State or other surface waters which are ultimately in contact with surface waters of the State; and b. Not consistently or routinely utilized as valuable habitat for natural communities in luding birds , mammals , reptiles, etc. ~No 0Ye Explain: • The ground surface at the "ite 1s 011/y covered with approximately 10% - 20% vegetaled. Oh ·e rvations made during the fie ld im·estigalion indicate that drainage from the site varies along the power line ea ·ement. No natural gullies or creeks cross the site . If the an wer is Yes to Subpart A above, the affected property does not meet the exclusion criteria. Skip Subparts B - D and complete PART m - Qualitative Summary and Cenification . If the answer is No , go to Subpart B. Subpart B. Affected Property Setting (Complete only if "No" provided in Subpart A.) In answering "Yes" to the following question, it is unde rstood that the affected property is not attractive to wildlife or livestock , including threatened or endangered species (i.e. , the affected property does not serve as valuable habitat , foraging area , or refuge for ecological communities). (May require consultation with wildlife management agencies .) I) Is the affected property wholJy contained within contiguous land characterized by : pavement, buildings, land caped area , functioning cap , roadways , equipment storage area, manufacturing or process area , other surface cover or structure or otherwise disturbed ground? 0Yes Explain : [8J No The si1e is undeveloped land which previously had public access. During the response actions, a -I-strand barbwire f ence was constmcted to limit access to the site for further dumping. The site is located 011 Ft. Bliss and has restricted acces . • If the answer to Subpart B above i Yes, the affected property meets the exclu ion criteria. Skip Subparts C and D and complete PART ID - Qualitative Summary and Certification. If the answer to Subpart B above is No , go to Subpart C . H: Dchn.:rt ort BlisslEcoRi k hccklist - Rubhle Dump.doc 4 • Subpart C. Soil Exposure (Complete only if "No" provided in Subpart B.) 1) Are COCs which are in the soil of the affected property solely below the first 5 feet beneath ground surface or does the affected property have a physical barrier present to prevent exposure of receptors to COCs in surface soil? 0Yes ~No Explain: Impacted soils have been ex.cavated and disposed off-site. Based on analytical results of soil verification samples, concentration of constituents remaining in place are below the critical Tier 1 PCLs for residential land use. If the answer to Subpart C above is Yes , the affected property meets the exclusion criteria. Skip Subpart D and complete PART ill - Qualitative Summary and Certification . If the answer to Subpart C above is No, proceed to Subpart D. Subpart D. De Minimus Land Area (Complete only if "No" provided in Subpart C.) In answering "Yes to the question below , it is understood that all of the following conditions apply: • • • • • The affected property is not known to sen1e as habitat , foraging area, or refuge to threatened/endangered or otherwise protected pecies. (Will likely require consultation with wildlife management agencies .) Similar but ml.impacted habitat exist within a half-mile radiu . The affected property is not known to be located within one-quarter mile of sensitive environmental areas (e.g. , rookeries , wildlife management areas , preserves). (Will likely require consultation with wildlife management agencies.) There is no reason to suspect that the COCs associated with the affected property will migrate such that the affected property will become larger than one acre. 1) Using human health protective concentration levels as a basis to determine the extent of the COCs, does the affected property consist of one acre or less and does it meet all of the conditions above? [;8J Yes 0No Explain how conditions are met/not met: If the answer to Subpart D above is Ye , then no further ecological evaluation is needed at this affected property . Complete PART m - Qualitative Summary and Certification. If the answer to Subpart D above is No, proceed to Tier 2 or 3 or comparable ERA. C: y Documents GSB FTBLISS nontana Eoo Ri . k Che kli st • Rubble Dump.doc 5 PART • m. Qualitati ve Summary and Certification (Complete in all cases.) Attach a brief tatement (not to exceed I page) summarizing the info nnation you have provided in this form . This summary should in lude sufficient infom1ation to erify that the affected property meets or does not meet the ex lu ion criteria. The per ·on hould make the initial decision regarding the need for further ecological evaluation (i.e .. Tie r 2 or 3) ba ed upon the results of this checklist. After review , TNRCC will make a final determination on the need for furt her assessment. Note that the person bas the continuing obligation to re-enter the ERA process if changing circumstances result in the affected property not meeting the Tier 1 exclu ion criteria. The ite is a relatively flat rectangular- haped pro pert con i ting of approximately 25 acres. The United States Geological Survey (U GS) quadrangle map. presented a Figure 1, indicates that the site lie at an elevation of approximatel y 3,96 5 feet above mean sea level. The ground surface at the ite is covered with approximately 80% oils and 20% vegetation . Observation s made during the fi Id in e tigation ind icate that drainage from the site varie along the power line ea ement. No natural gullie or creek cross the si te The neare t receiving body of water is an unnamed pond located approximate! 1,500 feet south wes t of the site The first downstream classified egment ha been identified as the Rio Grande bel ow the Internati o nal Dam (Segment No . 2308). • The ite i not attractive to wildlife or live_tock, in luding threatened or endangered specie . The ite doe not appear to serve as valuab le habi tat. fo raging area. or refuge for ecological communitie . Impacted oil exceeding the Tier l PCL · have been e cavated and tran ported off-site for di po al. The excavati on areas were backfi lled to urface grade Based on this infonnation , the evaluation i warranted . ite meet the exc lu ion c riteria and no further ecological Completed by: ___G =.c.reco.-,S . = =.-"B =-,1.·a= . :: d= d.,_'_ _ __ (Typed/Printed Name) Pro ·ecr Mana er (Title) (Date) I believe that the infonnation ubmitted is true, accurate , and complete, to the best of my knowledge . David Dodge Ft Bliss Resrorarion Pro ram Mana er • (Typed/Primed Name of Person) (Title of Person) ( ignmure of Person) (Date Signed) 1y Do uments\G ' B FTBLI- S1montana l:coRi