POND and PODD offenses: ?Minimum of a 1 year program (possibiliTy of up To 22 monThs) -All 6 program requiremenTs musT be complefed for a clienT To successfully compleTe The program. ?ClienTs are generally scheduled To sTarT The program 3?5 weeks from Their couri daTe in order To come into The - program TesTing clean and To obTain The required inTake fee. ?ClienTs may call and requesT an earlier or laTer daTe for inTake depending on Their currenf siTuaTion. -ClienTs are responsible for TesTing clean and as scheduled (random color sysTem). ?lf noT TesTing Through TASC ouT of sTaTe clienT), only accrediTed laboraTory based TesTing will be accepTed. ?C ienTs may be eXCUsed from TesTing wiTh pre?approval from case manager. ClienTs will be required To submiT supporting documenTaTion. 3 Hour Druq Education Seminar- Classes are held on Thursdays from 6pm-9pm. This is a Time class per clienT. 24 Hours of Subsfance Abuse Counseling- ?ClienTs will be referred for subsTance abuse counseling assessmenT and services (group or individual sessions). All clienfs musT successfully compIeTe a of 24 hours of subsTance abuse counseling. 48 Hours of Self-Help meeTinqs- -A l clienTs mUsT aTTend a MINIMUM of 48 hours of self-help mee?ngs. ClienTs are encouraged To (buT noT limited To) aTTend AA, NA, CMA, eTc meeTings. Meetings are held 7 days a week from Sam-Midnighf and are free To aTTend. ClienTs are noT resTricTed To a cerTain meeTing if They are in TASC on a cocaine charge, The clienT is noT mandaTed To aTTend NA, They can aTTend CMA, AA, Pills Anonymous, eTc.). Ciienfs can aTTend any meeTing and are encouraged To Try differenT meeTings unTil They ?nd one They feel comforTable wiTh. ClienTs are also encouraged To obtain-a sponsor for Oddl'i?lOr?lOi support When needed. MonThix ConTacT- ?ClienTs are required To mainTain monTth conTacT wiTh Their case managers. ClienTs may need To meeT face To face for paperwork signing. Depending on The clienT's progress in The program and where They live in regards To The assigned case manager, phone conTacT or e?mail conTacT may be accepTable. Fees- ?Al ciienTs are required To make paymenTs. v?ClienTs will remain on The TASC program unTiI Their balance is paid in full ?ClienTs able To provide veri?cafion of ?nancial hardship may be placed on a fee agreemenT -C ienTs providing wriTTen documenTaTion of indigenf sTaTus may be eligible for fee reducTion DES award leTTers) Comprehensive Solutions. Proven Results. Corporate Office, 4016 N. Black Canyon Hwy, Phoenix, AZ 85017 (602) 25477328 . 5ivear. - sit-7?. signi?es; - -w I. ?run pan -. .3: Possession ot Mariiuana Program: ?6 month program with option of early release All 3 program requirements must be completed for a client to successfully complete the program. Clients are generally scheduled to start the program 3?5 weeks from their court date in order to come into the program testing clean and to obtain the required intake fee. Clients may call and request an earlier or later date for intake depending on their current situation. ?Clients are responsible for testing clean and as scheduled (random color system). -It not testing through TASC (Le. out of state client), only accredited laboratory based testing will be accepted. -Clients may be excused from testing with pre-approval from case manager. Clients will be required to submit supporting documentation. 3 Hour Druq Education Seminar- ?Classes are held on Thursdays from ?pm-9pm. This is a i time class per client. Fees- ?Al clients are required to make payments. -Clients will remain on the TASC program until their balance is paid in full ?Clients able to provide verificatibn of financial hardship may be placed on a fee agreement -C ients providing written documentation?of indigent status may be eligible for fee reduction DES award letters) Substance Abuse Counseling- -If a client shows a new usage for marijuana or tests positive for any other illegal substance (including prescription drugs that are not verified with a valid prescription), the client will be referred for substance abuse counseling assessment and services (group or individual sessions). All clients must successfully complete their recommended hours of substance abuse counseling. Comprehensive Solutions. Proven Results. TASCSOLUTIONSORG Corporate Office, 4016 N. Black Canyon Hwy, Phoenix, AZ 85017 (602) 254-7328