STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF BROOKINGS STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, Plaintiff. VS. RENAE R. FAYANT STREET BROOKINGS, SD 57006 and ROBERT L. PRICE, JR, DOB: .7W STREET BROOKINGS, so 57006 Defendants, IN CIRCUIT COURT MAGISTRATE DIVISION THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CRI19- INDICTMENT FOR: COUNT 1: MURDER IN THE SECOND DEGREE A CLASS FELONY VIOLATION OF SDCL 22-16-7 COUNT 2: MANSLAUGHTER IN THE FIRST DEGREE A CLASS FELONY VIOLATION OF SDCL 2246-150) COUNT 3: ABUSE OR CRUELTY TO A MINOR UNDER AGE 7 A CLASS 3 VIOLATION THE BROOKINGS GRAND JURY That on or about the 31st day of July, 2019, in the County of Brookings, State of South Dakota, Renae R. Fayant and Robert L. Prloe Jr., and commit the public otfenses of Count 1: Murder in the Second Degree, A Class Felony. (SDCL 22-16-7); In the alternative Count 2: Manslaughter in the First Degree, A Class Felony, (SDCL Count 3: Abuse or Cruelty to a Minor Under Me 7, A Class 3 Felony, (SDCL 26-10--1), in that they did: COUNT 1: cause the death ofanother person, namely: -, by an act imminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, without the design to effect the death oi any particular person: or IN THE ALTERNATIVE: COUNT 2: then and there cause the death of-, without any design to effect the death of-, while engaged in the commission of any felony other than provided in SDCL 22-16-40), to-wit' Child Abuse; in violation of SDCL 2640-1: and COUNT 3: abuse. expose, tenure. torment or cruelly punish a minor, namely, in a manner which does not constitute aggravated assault, while said Victim was less than seven (7) years of age with a date of birth of- contrary to statute in such case made and provided against the peace and dignity of the State of South Dakota. Dated this 2nd day of August. 2019, at Brookings. South Dakota LL TRUE THIS INDICTMENT IS MADE WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF AT LEAST SIX GRAND JURORS. Gr Jury Foreperson WITNESSES WHO TESTIFIED BEFORE THE GRAND JURY IN REGARD TO THIS INDICTMENT: Joel Perry and Jeff Kollars