Leonard Fineday From: Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 4:06 PM To: Leonard Fineday Subject: Fw: Question LEECH LAKE OPIOID TREATMENT PH FAX: 218-335-4580 From:* Sent: We nes ay, June 28, 2017 2:29 PM To Subject: FW: Question Leech Lake Opioid Treatment ll Fax: 218-335-4580 Sent: Wednes ay, June Subject: RE: Question The short answer is yes for the Encounter rate ($391) the client would need to meet all the eligibility requirements. What is the current LLOTP manual for take home doses? Planner/State Opioid Treatment Authority Representativel ADAD Minnesota Department of Human Services PO Box 64977 St Paul, MN 55164-0977 F: 651 431 7449 Original Message-??-? Sent: Wedne'sda June 28, 2017 11:34 AM Subject: RE: Question Just to verify that I am understanding this correctly. We can dispense 30 days at a time to the client and bill DHS the $391.00 a day for the 30 days that were dispensed to the client for take homes. Thank you for your time and patience i am still learning . Leech Lake Opioid Treatment Fax: 218-335?4580 Sent: wednes ay, une 28, 201? 11:09 AM SubjectiLRE: Question MAT programs dispense a maximum of 30 doses at a given time. As such, the maximum you can bill at one time is 30 doses. Does that answer your question? Planner/State Opioid Treatment Authority Representativel ADAD Minnesota Department of Human Services PO Box 64977 St Paul, MN 55164-0977 F: 651 431 7449 ?gum-3A .. Message Sent: Wednesday, June 28. 2017 11:02 AM Sugiect: RE: Question Yes that is what I mean. Leech Lake Opioid Treatment Fax: 218-335-4580 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 10:48 AM Subject; RE: Question Hello, Do you mean how many dispensed doses can you give at one time and bill for, e.g. six dispensed for six days, 14 dispensed for 14 days, 30 dispensed for 30 days, etc? Planner/State Opioid Treatment Authority Representativel ADAD Minnesota Department of Human Services PO Box 64977 St Paul MN 55164?0977 age-n1 2474 F: 651 431 7449 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, A Subject: Question I am wondering if you could answerer a question. 0n how many take homes are allowed to be billed for at'a time? We are currently able to bill for 6 days at a time. The reason is the program would like to follow the TIP 43 per SAMSHA best practices. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. Leech Lake Opioid Treatment ll Fax: 218-335-4580 Caution: This e-mail and attached documents, if any, may contain information that is protected by state or_federal law. E-mai! containing private or protected information should not be sent over a public (nonsecure) Internet" unless it is pursuant to OHS standards. This e-mail should be forwarded only on a strictly need-to-know basis. If you are not the intended recipient, please: (1) notify the sender immediately, (2) do not forward the message, (3) do not print the message and (4) erase the message from your system.