:xzese?swd West Virginia Ethics Commission 5 I In?? ?6 2?91 3 .c g, Lobbyist Actiwty Repoi?t Form 155m - . . . m? 2015?2016 Lobbyist Registration Cycle . mos Com s-N 9 Received West Virginia Ethics Commission Attn: Lobbyist Registrar 210 Brooks St, 51.12300 Charleston, WV 25301 3%553-0664 No scannedifaxed copies For of?ce use ly: Postmarkjm Rec'd Days late Fine Late Sporting fine 1,5,3 QPe?i?W?e?? the 1. Name and contactinformation I Name 4.5% iM?q 1.. Igtbicseem?ggm Mane??23 W. 342. 41.5.3 Address ?919,332,)! 1394-73 Email unreal. gag; 855%. 12f? ?ie. [fa I city, State Zip May. an; on 35.33? L. I 2. Reporting period for which this activity report is being ?led Check Report Period lDue Date i Check Report Ffe_ri_od 1 Due Date isms/15%] [5/15/16 3, 20159.? 5/1/15-3/31/15 9/15/15 29192 i 5/1/16-3/31/15 _Ei/15/16 201s3 i 9/1/15-12/31/15 1/15/17 [2015-3 1/15/16 .. List all employersforganizationst?at you represent as alia?yist ?m_l 4. Lobbying activity summary if there was no activity, indicate "none? Allaeiiviins Relating to the. ual {nolustzy??l- business ammonia .5: Weenies A. Did you spend any money on any public of?cial, employee or member of their immediate family? YES [2 NOS 1 if YES, complete Schedule A and attach to this report. i B. Did you sponsor or contribute to any group event or entertainment? YES I: NC) I if YES, complete Schedule and attach to this report. I 6. Total of all expenditures from Schedule A and Schedule r? If none, mark herel I Report all expenditures made by you and/or your employer on government officials and employees or members of their immediate families in I furtherance of your lobbying activities. '00 not report your compensation as a lobbyist or expenditures by you and/or your employer on your I perSonal meal, lodging, travel,_or of?ce support expenses. For more than one employer, show the appropriate amount of expense for each. i Expenditure Categories i Employerl Employerz Employer3 Employer4 Employers i Employers Total Expended?l A. 1 Meals and Beverages Lodging Advertising Travel Campaign Contributions [000 I .F- IGifts ?Rn?[Other?gfpenses . {ff/417ref/hf, I H. Group Expenditures 5 5 I 5 5 (S from Schedule B) I l. i expenditures 7. Lobbyist certi?cation Please read and sign below I To the best of my knowledge, the information contained hereon and on any attached materials is true, correct, and complete. i understand that It i i i is a violation of WV Code ?63?-9 to willfully and knowi?ly file a prise or incomplete report. I further understand that if convicted of such an act, i . I may be ?ned, sentenced toy)" or both. .--, i. . r? ?47; ,2 weLobbyist Signature: I 5: I ?k i Date: 4115 i if I Wat/11] Form:8cheduieA/10 Name: ?align Date: gig/#425 Schedule A: WV Lobbyist Expenditure Details (Please attach this completed sheet to the WV Lobbyist Activity Report) Instructions: Complete this page if you have made any expenditure other than group entertainment on a public of?cial or employee during this reporting period. If you have made any expenditure in any of the categories listed below, you must report all expenditures in sections 1 or 2 on this form. Categories: Meals Beverages, Lodging, Travel, Gifts, Other Expenditures You are not required to report on Schedule A expenditures on Advertising, Contributions [including political contributions] and Group Entertainment. Expenditures in those categories, regardless of amount must be reported on the Lobbyist Activity Report (LAR) and/or the Group Expenditurer'Shared Expense Report Schedule B. . Elpe?giture Details (Add additional pages or cxplanationas neccsgagi Report all expenditures in any of the categories listed below on a particular person or member of their?i mm ediatc @lyu?fCERT' I those reported in Section la. or 2 (below) or any portion of a ?Group Entertainment? OR ?Shared Expense? event which are to be I reported on Schedule B. Transfer the totals to section 5 on the Lobbyist Report. - Recipient mama?s?"land date of _i i Mealswt?x Lodging 5 Travel Gifts Other Total expenditure Beverages Expanded .m . _4 1a Gifts (Group) Ordinaril} gifts tdindividiial legislatbrs must not exceed $25. Gifts suchas key chains, mugs, day- timers etc., gixiim to ELI: members? of the House or Senate, the entire Legislature or to standing or joint committees should be listed here- Describe the item, to which group it was given and the total cost. You need not list each legislator who received the gift, only the name of the group. Transfer the Malpost to the Lobbyist Actjlit): Report, section Describe the glide] __Which_ggip_ileceived the gift? __'_Total cost of giftls} 2. Participation in a Panel or Speaking Engagement Roper?t the categories listed below which such expenditure was for the?iridividual?s participation? in a panel or speaking engagement (event). Transfer the totals to section 5 on the Lobbyist Activity Report ?scipient?n-am-e?a?nd?mr?ehi ?Meals at F~Lodgirig ??Travel "Elf?ts Imeduled EntertammenthTot?al?g C. - I EX ended on 1.857113? I ia_ - 104.3766 4, Wm . aw. 74/ NUCA Anni. Ma: 1? - . _Ihc?Subjects of Lobbying For each recipient identi?cdin 1, la 2 aboxTe, Heap?lain brie?y the subjects of lobbying?.? List the and .1 i then the subject matter of the lobbying. Example: ?Del. Joe I ones Health Care?. ?House Finance Committee - Environment.? I West Virginia Ethics Commission . ?joey? ten-?g; WestVireinia Ethics Commission bb . A . I. 3 13? Attn: Lobbyist Registrar .5 210 Brooks St., Steorm Two Charmm 2015-2016 Lobbyist Registration Cycle 304-558-0664 No scanned/faxed copies For of?ce Ese only: I .. Recejva Postmark a Rec?d :7 Days late Fine tote reporting fine $10 perhusiness day/dost the due dotg?E?0 i t; Name andcontact information Name i Z. Phone 35?? 55/53 Address 90 Boy 3623 Email 0. - I City, State Zip 4339? period for whichihisactivity h" - - Check Report i Period l_Due Date_ Check Report ;Period iDue Bat?e? 5/15/15; __2015?2 gents-gyms ?1315 2015-2 '5/1/16-8/31f16 1 9/15/16 2016-3 39/1/16-12/31/15 1/15/17 2015?1 2015-3 -.. I 3. List all employers/orgallizations that you represent as a lobbyiSt - 4. 5 1. 2. 3 4. Lobbying activity summary if there ?raspg activity, indicate "none" :fU/ daffy/Hes Relating to the. anal induolx/ Gamma/fifth} .- . 5. Expenditures A. Did you spend any money on any public official, employee or member of their Immediate family? YES NO if YES, complete Schedule A and attach to this report. B. Did you sponsor or contribute to any group event or entertainment? YES NO {f YES, complete Schedule and attach to this report. 6. Total of all expenditures from Schedule A and Schedule I if none, mark herel AJ Report all expenditures made by you and/or your employer on government officials and employees or members of their immediate families in i furtherance of your lobbying activities. -Do not report your compensation as a lobbyist or expenditures by you and/or your employer on your personal meal, lodging, travel, or office support expenses. For more than one employer, show the appropriate amount of expense for each. 1 Expenditure Categories Employerl EmployerZ EmployerB Empioyer4 I EmployerS I EmployerlS Total Expanded Meals and-Beverages ?1.5 1 Lodging Advertising 5 i i D. Travel Campaign Contributions S/J?fo?o 5 5 I 5 iGifts rs '5 15 I G. OtherExpenses "?13ij 79" 5 5 5 7% H. Group Expenditures 5 5' 3 (S from Schedule B) I I TOTAL ofallexpendrtures ?$444374 5 1 5116104, 7% I . 7._L_obbyist certi?gtion Please read and sign below To the best of my knowledge, the information contained hereon and on any attached materials is true, correct, and complete. I understand that it I is a violation of WV Code to willfully and knowingly file a false or incomplete report. i further understand that if convicted of such an act, I . may be fined, sentenced to jail or both. I I LobbyistSignature: dz ?731/2:? Date: z??f/liss' . 11/31/15) I i Form: Schedule N10 Name: Date: 224g; 45 Schedule A: WV Lobbyist Expenditure Details (Please attach this completed sheet to the WV Lobbyist Activity Report) Instructions: Complete this page if you have made any expenditure other than group entertainment on a public of?cial or employee during this reporting period. If you have made any expenditure in any of the categories listed below, you must report all expenditures in sections 1 or 2 on this form. Categories: Meals Beverages, Lodging, Travel, Gigf'ts?, Other Expenditures You are not required to report on Schedule A expenditures on Advertising, Contributions [including political contributions] and Group Entertainment. Expenditures in those categories, regardless of amount must be reported on the Lobbyist Activity Report (LAR) and/or the Group Expenditure/Shared Expense Report Schedule B. additional pages _01 egpimanation as necessary) A Report all expenditures in any of the categories listed below on a particular person or member of their immediate family Bibi?3PT? those reported in Section la. or 2 (below) or any portion of a ?Group Entertainment? OR ?Shared Expense? event which are to be I reported on Schedule B. Transfer the totals to section 5 on the Lobbyist Report. . Meals Lodging Travel Gifts Other Total 3 Beverages Expended i 1 Recipient name(s) and date of expenditure . 1 a Gifts (Group) WOrdinarily gifts to individual legislators must not exceed $25. Gifts such as key chains, mugs, to ALL?member; of the House or Senate, the entire Legislature or to standing or joint committees should be listed here. Describe the item, to which group it was given and the total cost. You need not list each legislator who received the gift, only the name of the group. Transfer the ?u cost to _th_e liobbyist i?ctivit'. Reporttsectignms?lf. -. Which gLogp receivid the Gift? _:_Total post of giftis) i the giftis) urn?? 2. Participation in a Panel or Speaking Engagement Reportweitpenditures on a" particular person in the dategenes ?red below when?such exp?enditure Erotic individual?s pjawrtidipa?on in a panel or speaking engagement (event). Transfer the totals to section 5 on the Lobbyist Activity Report i *Reg?ient?nanie and event Meals 8. 1z Egg?mg frav?el ._Gifts . Scheduled Ehiertai?an?t? Total Beverages . &Other Exoended quiT-E . 11mg om?di?T . to tea Mime! Meeting, @Fz?z? 3. Subjects of Lobbying FoFEa?h recipient?idEnti?ed 15 a brie?y?the'suaecis oflobbying. List theindividual or groupreci?pient and? . then the subject matter of the lobbying- Example: ?Del. Joe Jones Health Care". ?House Finance Committee - Environment.? I a? it I West Virginia Ethics Commission Attn: Lobbyist Registrar 210 Brooks St, Ste. 300 Charleston,wv 25301 304? 558-0664 No scannedffaxed copies For 03ch use on 6' WV Ethics Commission 32$: i- '2 tote reporting fine - 510_per business day past the due date ($250 maximum) West VirgInia EthIcs Commissmn ??wiwd .21 Lobb ist Activit Re ortF orm '32 SEP i5 235. 2015- 2016 Lobbyist Registration Cycle 1. Name and contact information Thain igia?am Busy-?25m" Phone 3139?. 31/1. $15.3 Address .9 Box 242% Email i basin: a ultimaiicom I (at) ii a I City, State Zip 5.3.3? . 2. Reporting period for which this activity report is being filed Check Report I Period Due Date I Check Report I Period Due Date 29251-1 1 liligi?ao?s 5(15/15 @9151 1/1/16-4/30/16 5/15/16 20152 5/1f15-8f31f15 2016-2 I sil/ls?azsl/ls 9/15/16 3 9/1/15-12/31/15 1/15/16 I 2016-3 i Les/17 201% 3. List all employersforgamzations that you represent _as a lobbyist 1. IAN Oval gsaci'a [Egg Lobbying activity summary? if there was no activity, indicate" none? Hil motions Relatinj to ?ve 303! ihdusi?l! trbusimrss aommuni'_fy I S. Expenditures . A. Did you spend any money on any public official employee or member of their immediate family? YES N0 IZI if YES compiete Schedule A and attach to this report B. Did you sponsor or contribute to any group event or entertainment? YES NC) Z1 if YES, complete Schedule and attach to this report. i 6. Total of ail expenditures from Schedule A and Scheduie it If none, mark hereI I I Report all expenditures made by you andi'or your employer on government of?cials and employees or members of their immediate in furtherance of your lobbying activities. Do not report your compensation as a lobbyist or eXpenditures by you and/or your employer on your _personal meal lodging, travel, or office support expenses. For more than one employer show the appropriate amount of expense for each. I Employer 1 I Employer 2 I Employer 3 Em pioyer4 I Employer 5 I Employer 6 Total Expanded Expendlture Categories Tmeail?shand Beverages Lodging Advertising Travel Campaign Contrib?utions I I 5 I3 F. I Gifts 5 I i i 5 G. Other Expenses 5 13-9313393119,? Group Expenditures i i i 5 I from Schedule B) - I. I TOTAL ofall expenditures I 5 521145 I ?2 . 7. Lobbyist certification- Please read and sign below To the best of my knowledge, the information contained hereon and on any attached materials is true correct and complete. i understand that it SB 3- 9 to willfutly and knowingly le 3 false or incomplete report. i further understand that if convicted of such an act i] oi'bmrw 7? I Lobbyist Signature: - I/qu - Date: I I I I I [713.351 I is a violation of WV Code 5 I may be fined, sentenced to ForrTIIScheduieAHO Name: ?gs?g Date: 2ti?225 Schedule A: WV Lobbyist Expenditure Details (Please attach this completed sheet to the WV Lobbyist Activity Report) Instructions: Complete this page if you have made any expenditure other than group entertainment on a public official or employee during this reporting period. If you have made any expenditure in any of the categories listed below, you must report all expenditures in sections 1 or 2 on this form. Categories: Meals Beverages, Lodging, revel, Gi?s, Other Expenditures You are not required to report on Schedule A expenditures on Advertising, Contributions [including political contributions] and Group Entertainment. Expenditures in those categories, regardless of amount must be reported on the Lobbyist Activity Report (LAR) andfor the Group Expenditure/Shared Expense Report Schedule B. 1. Emepditu re Details?ddadditional pages_or_expl?_an_atipn as Eoessary) Report all expenditures in any of the categories listed below on a particular person or member of their immediate family EXCEPT E: those reported in Section is. or 2 (below) or any portion of a ?Group Entertainment? 0R ?Shared Expense? event which are to be reported on Schedule B. Transfer the totals to section 5 on the Lobbyist Report. Heap?ism name(s) and date of Meals Lodging Travel .- Gifts Other iTotal ?xp_e_ndlture Beverages Expanded _FOLIAt-?aaenditsteamim .j [1 1 a Gifts (Group) Ordinarily gigs ir?diyidual legislators ?st not exceed $315? Gifts such??3 chem-mugs, day tiiners etc., given toin?meemb ers of the House or Senate, the entire Legislature or to standing or joint committees should be listed here. Describe the item, to whi ch group it was given and the total cost. You need not list each legislator who received the gift, only the name of the group. Transfer the _t?al Baron. eaten .5 F- .__Deic_ribe_tbe . W_hich group received the Iota] 5 2. Participation in a Panel or Speaking Engagement _Repoi-t?expenditureson a particular in thencai'egori es listed b?i?di'v {adieu such participation in a panel or speaking engagement (event). Transfer the totals to section 5 on the lobbyist Activity Report ??cfplentnameanud eye?mu Meals-8. i Lodging??(Traitor - - Gi?sm' Scheduled Entertainm'enth "lo?tam I ?verages - I Other may Hu?F'P?hlaL . 59?8? Bd?? newer - . . w_ nominee-imfdb 3. Subjects of Lobbying i For each recipient identi?edin 1, 1a 2 above, explain brie?y the subjects of or gRip recipient and then the subject matter of the lobbying. Example: ?Del. Joe Jones Health Care?. ?House Finance Committee - Environment.?