ATTITUDES OF DURHAM BUSINESSES TOWARD A BAG FEE ALICIA ZHAO MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CANDIDATE 2020 DUKE UNIVERSITY ALICIA.ZHAO@DUKE.EDU OVERVIEW METHODOLOGY CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESSES SURVEYED RESULTS CONCULSION AND NEXT STEPS METHODOLOGY  Survey creation  Two-minute survey on sustainability practices, attitudes toward fees, and concerns  Survey distribution  Targeted 210 businesses  115 via email  38 via Facebook/Contact Page  50 via postcard  7 in-person  38 responses CHARACTERISTICS: BUSINESS TYPE Food 22 Restaurants 4 Bars/Breweries 3 Bakeries/Cafes 1 Caterer Retail 2 Clothing Stores 2 Gift Stores 1 Convenience Store Grocery 1 Grocery Store CHARACTERISTICS: BUSINESS AREA 5? fl. .2 5 .4 Emu.m-I - w. .. r? 2 424M944 . -. .. -1-.-.-.UEG-EI. EMENT H?gn. Edi Japan. METIEsri :Th?a?ugn' 1c; Open-Etteef?xdgp canttibutnlsCemn'ynity INE- CHARACTERISTICS: USE OF PLASTICS/ALTERNATIVES Single-use plastics used by businesses (n=23) Alternatives used by businesses (n=33) Paper bags Compostable takeout containers Styrofoam Providing straws only when requested Compostable utensils Reusable takeout containers Plastic bags Collect compostable items Compostable straws Asking before providing straws Plastic straws No bags Paper straws 0 5 10 15 20 Reusable bags 0 5 10 15 20 25 RESULTS 1. There is widespread support for both a bag fee and a Styrofoam fee. Responses of all businesses to a bag fee and a Styrofoam fee (n=38) Bag fee 24 23 Styrofoam fee 7 Strongly favor or somewhat favor 9 Neither favor nor oppose 7 6 Strongly oppose or somewhat oppose RESULTS 2. Most businesses that use single-use plastics are supportive of or neutral to the fees. Responses of businesses that use single-use plastics to a bag fee and a Styrofoam fee (n=23) Bag fee 12 Styrofoam fee 11 6 7 6 4 Strongly favor or somewhat favor Neither favor nor oppose Strongly oppose or somewhat oppose RESULTS 3. When asked to identify potential concerns, affordability was the primary concern. Businesses very concerned or somewhat concerned about affordability, hygiene, customer support, and participation from other businesses (n=31) Affordability of alternatives 24% 34% Hygiene Customer support 24% 18% Participation from other businesses INTERVIEWS Challenges Potential Cost Savings  Financial Cost  Reducing the usage of bags  Consumer behavior  Training staff  Marketing strategies CONCLUSIONS Takeaways  Most businesses, including those that use single-use plastics, would be supportive of a bag fee.  Businesses are primarily concerned with financial cost. Next Steps  Continue to survey and interview businesses.  Increase representation from businesses in different areas, and from non-restaurant businesses.