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SUHSHWLWLRQ WUDQVDFWLRQV EHWZHHQ DQG DPRQJ 'HEWRUV DQG RU QRQ GHEWRU DIILOLDWHV FHUWDLQ LQWHUFRPSDQ\ SD\DEOHV DQG UHFHLYDEOHV KDYH EHHQ PDUNHG DV ³GLVSXWHG´ WR SUHVHUYH SRWHQWLDO FODLPV WKDW PD\ H[LVW UHJDUGLQJ VXFK LQWHUFRPSDQ\ SD\DEOHV DQG UHFHLYDEOHV 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 5 of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amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 7 of 162 3XUVXDQW WR WKH Final Order Authorizing The Debtors To (A) Pay Certain Prepetition Compensation And Reimbursable Employee Expenses, (B) Pay And Honor Employee And Retiree Medical And Other Benefits, (C) Continue To Participate In Fe Corp.’s Employee Compensation, Welfare, Retiree Benefit And Pension Plans And Programs, And (D) Continue To Participate In Fe Corp.’s Workers’ Compensation Program And Modify The Automatic Stay With Respect Thereto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rder Authorizing the Debtors to (I)Maintain and Administer Customer Programs and to Perform Under Customer Agreements, (II) Honor Obligations Relating Thereto and (III)Establish Procedures for Notifying Customers in the Debtors’ Chapter 11 Cases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¶ LQWHUHVWV LQ WKH YDULRXV OHDVHV KDYH EHHQ SOHGJHG DV FROODWHUDO WR :LOPLQJWRQ 6DYLQJV )XQG 6RFLHW\ )6% ³:6)6´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amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 8 of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rder (I) Authorizing the Debtors to Continue their Prepetition Insurance Program and (II) Authorizing the Debtors to Pay Any Prepetition Premiums and Related Obligations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otion Of Debtors For Entry Of Interim And Final Orders(A) Authorizing Debtors To (I) Continue Using Their Existing Cash Management System And (II) Maintain Existing Business Accounts And Business Forms; (B) Authorizing Continued Intercompany Transactions; (C) Granting Postpetition Intercompany Claims Administrative Expense Priority; And (D) Granting Related Relief >'RFNHW 1R @ WKH &DVK 0DQDJHPHQW 0RWLRQ DOO GLVEXUVHPHQWV PDGH RQ EHKDOI RI WKH 'HEWRUV JR WKURXJK 1RQ 'HEWRU DIILOLDWH )LUVW(QHUJ\ 6HUYLFH &RPSDQ\ $V VXFK DOO GLVEXUVHPHQWV FDQ EH IRXQG RQ 6WDWHPHQW TXHVWLRQ 6WDWHPHQW 'LUHFWRUV DQG RIILFHUV OLVWHG DV WUDQVIHUHHV LQ 6WDWHPHQW PD\ EH L GLUHFWRUV RU RIILFHUV 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 9 of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amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 10 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Northern Ohio, Eastern Division 18-50757 (AMK) 0.00 + undetermined amounts 6,857,066,063.89 + undetermined amounts 6,857,066,063.89 + undetermined amounts 0.00 + undetermined amounts 0.00 5a + undetermined amounts 7,204,913,808.37 5b + undetermined amounts 7,204,913,808.37 + undetermined amounts 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 11 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Ohio, Eastern Division Northern 18-50757 (AMK) X 0.00 See Attached Rider 556,595,934.00 None 0.00 556,595,934.00 X See Attached Rider 18-50757-amk 123,991,132.24 Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 12 of 162 18-50757 (AMK) FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. 27,105,841.30 See Attached Rider 151,096,973.52 X 192,715,748.54 1,586,338.15 191,129,410.39 831,586.26 798,769.90 32,816.36 191,162,226.75 X None 0.00 See Attached Rider 3,534.60 + undetermined amounts None 0.00 3,534.60 + undetermined amounts 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 13 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. 18-50757 (AMK) X 0.00 X 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 14 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. 18-50757 (AMK) 0.00 X 229,244.62 Office Furniture Net Book Value 229,244.62 0.00 None Undetermined Office Equipment & Software Net Book Value Undetermined 0.00 None 229,244.62 + undetermined amounts X X 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 15 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. 18-50757 (AMK) X None 0.00 None 0.00 Cessna - N52FE Machinery & Equipment 5,600,000.00 Appraisal Value 5,600,000.00 57,428.11 Net Book Value 57,428.11 5,657,428.11 X X 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 16 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. 18-50757 (AMK) X 0.00 0.00 See Attached Rider + undetermined amounts 0.00 + undetermined amounts X X X 0.00 See Attached Rider 0.00 + undetermined amounts None 0.00 None 0.00 Undetermined Customer List Net Book Value Undetermined None 0.00 None 0.00 0.00 + undetermined amounts 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 17 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. 18-50757 (AMK) X X X X 407,338,640.92 See Attached Rider 0.00 See Attached Rider 407,338,640.92 5,445,573,690.66 0.00 See Attached Rider + undetermined amounts 0.00 See Attached Rider + undetermined amounts See Attached Rider 0.00 + undetermined amounts None 0.00 See Attached Rider 99,408,390.71 + undetermined amounts 5,952,320,722.29 + undetermined amounts X 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 18 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. 18-50757 (AMK) 556,595,934.00 151,096,973.52 191,162,226.75 3,534.60 + undetermined amounts 0.00 0.00 229,244.62 + undetermined amounts 5,657,428.11 0.00 + undetermined amounts 0.00 + undetermined amounts 5,952,320,722.29 + undetermined amounts 6,857,066,063.89 + undetermined amounts 0.00 + undetermined amounts 6,857,066,063.89 + undetermined amounts 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 19 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 1, Question 3: Checking, savings, money market, or financial brokerage accounts Name of institution (bank or brokerage firm) Type of account Last 4 digits of account number JPMORGAN BANK Checking 7460 $0.00 JPMORGAN BANK Checking 5604 $554,399,276.00 JPMORGAN BANK Checking 8799 $2,196,658.00 TOTAL Current value of debtor's interest $556,595,934.00 Page 1 of 1 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 20 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 2, Question 7: Deposits, including security deposits and utility deposits Description Name of holder of deposit Current value of debtor's interest Retainer Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP Retainer Law Office of Kathy Kolich Retainer Black, McCuskey, Souers & Arbaugh, LPA Retainer Alvarez & Marsal North America LLC $2,500,000.00 Retainer Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP $6,000,000.00 Retainer Willkie Farr & Gallagher $875,000.00 Retainer Opportune LLP $150,000.00 Retainer Prime Clerk Retainer Brouse McDowell Retainer ICF $410,053.43 Retainer Hogan Lovells $130,000.00 Retainer KPMG Retainer Sitrick and Company Retainer Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP Retainer Latham & Watkins LLP Retainer GLC LLC $350,000.00 Retainer BakerHostetler $350,000.00 Retainer O'Melveny & Myers LLP $825,000.00 Retainer McDonald Hopkins LLC $75,000.00 Retainer Guggenheim Partners $300,000.00 Retainer Sidley Austin LLP $350,000.00 Retainer Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Adequate Assurance New Jersey Natural Gas Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements AEP - Ohio Power Company $4,409,000.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements AEP - Ohio Power SSO (ICR) $11,700,000.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Allegheny Ridge Wind $10,481,250.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Atlantic City Electric Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Austintown Township Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Blue Creek Wind Farm Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Boardman Township Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Casselman Windpower Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements City of Euclid Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements City of Hagerstown Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements City of Parma $750,000.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements City of Stow $164,979.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Dayton Power & Light $3,000,000.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Dayton Power & Light (ICR) $2,020,000.00 $11,773.51 $4,739.80 $13,132.00 $80,000.00 $200,000.00 $50,000.00 $110,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $600,000.00 $25,000.00 $100,000.00 $25,000.00 $158,061.00 $3,500,000.00 $176,676.00 $6,500,000.00 $139,550.00 $3,543,561.00 Collateral Posting To Cover MTM Exposure DTE Energy Trading $200,000.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Duke Energy Ohio SSO (ICR) $700,000.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Duquesne Light Co. $250,000.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements FirstEnergy Utilities $1,737,000.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Government Aggregation Program $1,000,000.00 $360,733.00 Page 1 of 2 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 21 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 2, Question 7: Deposits, including security deposits and utility deposits Description Name of holder of deposit Current value of debtor's interest Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements High Trail Wind Farm Collateral Posting To Cover MTM Exposure Macquarie Energy LLC $1,500,000.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Maryland Solar $1,500,000.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Midwest ISO Collateral Posting To Cover MTM Exposure Morgan Stanley Capital Group Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements North Allegheny Phase III $2,015,676.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements North Allegheny Phase IV $6,802,906.50 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Northwest Ohio Aggregation Coalition (NOAC) $2,343,041.00 Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements PJM Interconnection Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Potomac Electric Power Co. Collateral Posting To Cover Credit Requirements Public Service Electric and Gas Collateral Posting for PA Auction Pre-Bid Security FE PA Utilities (WPP,PN,ME,PP) Collateral Posting to Cover Affiliated Transaction Requirements Allegheny Energy Supply $15,000,000.00 $12,210,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $12,750,000.00 $25,000.00 $15,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $504,000.00 TOTAL $123,991,132.24 Page 2 of 2 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 22 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 2, Question 8: Prepayments, including prepayments on executory contracts, leases, insurance, taxes, and rent Description Name of holder of prepayment Current value of debtor's interest Nexant maintenance renewal 2017 Systems & Software Incorporated $26,751.00 2018 CCH DPC Tax Renewal CCH Incorporated $11,970.00 Prefunded retail gift card program Wirecard North America Inc Capacity reservation fee Nextera Energy Capital Holding $1,096,000.00 Prepaid capacity Talen Energy Supply LLC $3,879,600.00 Prepaid capacity Chief Power JV LLC $4,380,000.00 Prepaid capacity Chief Power JV LLC $4,380,000.00 Prepaid capacity Voltus Inc $3,272,225.00 Prepaid capacity Gridiron Holdings LLC Prepaid capacity LS Power Equity Partners III LP Prepaid capacity Harbor Hydro LLC Prepaid capacity CEF-L Holding LLC Prepaid capacity Lightstone Marketing LLC Prepaid capacity Gridiron Holdings LLC $341,275.00 Prepaid capacity LS Power Equity Partners III LP $357,335.00 P-Card Prepayment Firstenergy Service Company $700,000.00 Prepaid agency fees Moody's Investors Service Inc $6,642.82 Prepaid agency fees Fitch Incorporated $2,267.44 Prepaid agency fees Standard & Poor's Global Rating $1,125.00 $6,310.00 $594,220.00 $1,198,478.00 $519,943.00 $783,290.00 $1,825,000.00 OCC Annual assessment Office of Ohio Consumers' Council PUCO Annual assessment Treasurer State of Ohio $65,205.05 Quarterly assessments North American Electric Reliability Corporation Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Chesterfield Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Canaan Township $3,645.83 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Silver Lake $1,041.67 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Dover Township $3,009.32 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of New Middletown Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Rittman (AMPO) $1,388.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Fulton Township $3,009.32 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Stryker (AMPO) $5,833.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Pike Township $3,009.32 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Leetonia $7,500.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Munroe Falls $1,388.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Clinton Township $6,018.64 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program City of Vermilion $52,560.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Norton $1,880.83 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program German Township $6,018.64 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Perry Township $2,484.17 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Aurora $2,886.25 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program York Township $6,018.64 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Green Camp Township $4,583.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Alliance (AMPO) $3,276.67 $408,843.82 $15,984.90 $3,009.32 $11,666.67 Page 1 of 8 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 23 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 2, Question 8: Prepayments, including prepayments on executory contracts, leases, insurance, taxes, and rent Description Name of holder of prepayment Current value of debtor's interest Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Swancreek Township $9,027.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Perry Twsp, Ohio $4,583.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Stow $5,852.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Wood County Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Grand Rapids Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Grand Prairie $4,583.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Vlg of Hayesville $1,504.75 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Castalia, Ohio $9,166.67 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Boardman Township $7,864.17 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Vlg of Polk $1,504.75 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Knox Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Cleveland Heights $557.31 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Mohican Township $3,009.32 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Hanoverton $4,722.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Cleveland Heights $6,493.44 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Vermillion Township $3,009.32 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Grafton Township $9,444.44 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Clay Center Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Vlg of Jeromesville $3,009.32 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Lyons $4,722.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Limaville Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Webster Township $3,009.32 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Weston $9,444.44 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Rocky Ridge Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Weller Township $3,009.32 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Ney Village, Ohio $4,722.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Rogers Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Weston Township $3,009.32 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Grand Rapids, Ohio $9,444.44 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Yankee Lake Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Mifflin Township $6,018.64 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program West Township $19,444.44 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Andover Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Montgomery Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Radnor Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Orangeville, Ohio Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Boston Heights $694.44 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Creston $694.44 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Baughman Township $694.44 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Beloit, Ohio $9,722.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Jackson Township Trustees $3,240.81 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Madison Township Board of Trustees $3,240.81 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Dalton $12,788.93 $3,009.32 $27,500.00 $173.61 $173.61 $173.61 $173.61 $173.61 $347.22 $6,018.64 $347.22 $2,430.56 $694.44 Page 2 of 8 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 24 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 2, Question 8: Prepayments, including prepayments on executory contracts, leases, insurance, taxes, and rent Description Name of holder of prepayment Current value of debtor's interest Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Scott Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Mantua $3,240.81 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Ballville Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Marblehead Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Smith Twsp, Ohio Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Rice Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program New Waterford Village Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Loudonville Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Riley Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Westfield Center Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Edon, Ohio Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Sandusky Township $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Lisbon $1,041.67 $694.44 $6,481.61 $694.44 $29,166.67 $6,481.61 $694.44 $19,444.44 $6,481.61 $694.44 $9,722.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program St. Clair Twsp. $5,000.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Townsend Township $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Bethlehem Township $1,041.67 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Vlg of Gibsonburg $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Madison Twsp., Ohio $6,250.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Sugarcreek Township $1,041.67 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Washington Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Paris Township $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program City of Canfield $1,388.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Woodville Township $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Madison Twsp., Ohio $63,000.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Fairlawn Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program York Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program City of Westlake Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Rossford Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Sandusky County Commissioners Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of Metamora $5,138.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Lyme Township $2,522.65 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Burton Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Village of West Unity Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Monroeville/Ridgefield Township $3,240.81 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Harrison Township $1,814.58 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Troy Township $1,388.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Liberty Township $1,814.58 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Sherman Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Parma Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Wakeman Village $4,861.11 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Marion Township $1,814.58 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Shawnee Hills Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Salem Township $27,520.00 $1,538.33 $6,481.61 $199,152.50 $1,388.89 $38,887.53 $1,388.89 $10,555.56 $3,240.81 $28,130.50 $694.44 $6,481.61 Page 3 of 8 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 25 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 2, Question 8: Prepayments, including prepayments on executory contracts, leases, insurance, taxes, and rent Description Name of holder of prepayment Current value of debtor's interest Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Monroe Township $1,814.58 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Fairfield Township $1,388.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Lordstown $1,388.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program New Bavary Township $1,814.58 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Lagrange (AMPO) $1,388.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Richfield Township $1,814.58 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Doylestown $2,083.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Damascas Township $3,629.17 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Townsend Township $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Mogadore $2,083.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Flatrock Township $3,629.17 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Norwalk Township $9,722.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Freedon Township $3,629.17 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program McClure Township $3,629.17 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Poland Village $2,777.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Canal Fulton $2,777.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Huron County $12,962.64 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Navarre Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Port Clinton Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Campbell Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Napolean Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Medina Co Townships Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Poland Township $3,573.67 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Washington Township $3,629.17 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Allen Township $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Canfield Township $5,166.67 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Holgate Village $7,258.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Bay Township $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Tallmadge $5,694.50 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Liberty Center Village $7,258.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Benton Township $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Ashland $6,510.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Pleasant Township $7,258.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Erie Township $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Green $7,114.14 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Ridgeville Township $7,258.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Harris Township $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Barberton $8,720.56 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Henry County Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Portage Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Pike Township $1,851.67 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Marion $9,685.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Put-In-Bay Township $6,481.61 $2,777.78 $19,444.44 $2,820.89 $3,629.17 $167,708.32 $30,387.50 $6,481.61 Page 4 of 8 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 26 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 2, Question 8: Prepayments, including prepayments on executory contracts, leases, insurance, taxes, and rent Description Name of holder of prepayment Current value of debtor's interest Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Oak Run Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Massillon Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Farmer Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Paint Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Austintown Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Adams Township $3,240.81 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Range Township $3,703.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Summit County Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Canaan Township $7,407.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Tiffin Township $3,240.81 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Akron Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Darby Township $7,407.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Highland Township $6,481.61 $3,703.89 $11,666.67 $1,620.50 $3,703.89 $12,715.75 $31,363.11 $62,479.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program City of Richmond Hts. Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Noble Township $12,876.67 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Elkrun Township $5,555.56 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Deer Creek Township $7,407.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Butler Township $8,333.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Richland Township $6,481.61 $6,481.61 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Fairfield Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Defiance County $7,407.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Middleton Township $8,333.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Monroe Township $7,407.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Fulton County $25,114.64 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Sebring $11,111.11 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Pleasant Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Ottawa County $13,772.50 $7,407.22 $49,486.50 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Sommerford Township $7,407.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Bronson Township $5,185.25 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Union Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program City of London $7,407.22 $11,233.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Jefferson Township $27,777.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Salem $16,333.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program City of Medina $34,016.67 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Carroll Township $9,722.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Millbury $2,777.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Clay Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Madison County Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Green Creek Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Springfield Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Catawba Island Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Gloria Glens $6,250.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Williams County $5,820.83 $9,722.22 $50,001.11 $9,722.22 $5,908.33 $12,962.83 Page 5 of 8 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 27 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 2, Question 8: Prepayments, including prepayments on executory contracts, leases, insurance, taxes, and rent Description Name of holder of prepayment Current value of debtor's interest Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Danbury Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Center Township $9,375.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Center Township $5,908.33 $14,715.56 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Tremont Vlg Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Springfield $2,604.17 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Pleasant Township- Marion County - ADPOP Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Wakeman Township $3,472.29 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Plain Township $6,018.64 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Pleasant - Madison - ADP CS Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Springfield Township $12,036.92 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Marion Township $15,625.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Jackson Township $12,037.04 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Ontario $20,833.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Canaan Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Sugarcreek Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Mansfield Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Darby Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Milton Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Fayette Vlg Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Blooming Grove Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Jefferson Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Vlg of Walbridge Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Sandusky Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Bethlehem Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Wauseon Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Franklin Township $6,018.64 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Milton $303.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Catawba Vlg $2,777.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Troy Township $9,027.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Sugarcreek Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Orange Township $6,018.64 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Caledonia $5,555.56 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Sugar Creek (Wayne County) Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Jackson Township $6,018.64 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Richwood $5,555.56 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Elkrun Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Chippewa Lake $9,027.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Cardington Vlg $11,111.11 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Washington (Stark County) Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Mt. Gilead Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Beaver Township $12,037.04 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Jackson (Stark County) $36,827.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Archbold $16,666.67 $107,500.00 $752.49 $59.16 $107.49 $9,027.78 $135,000.00 $31.65 $3,009.32 $10,416.67 $3,009.32 $161.64 $10,416.67 $3,009.32 $1,648.91 $20,833.33 $443.33 $645.56 $116.67 $85.56 $16,666.67 Page 6 of 8 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 28 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 2, Question 8: Prepayments, including prepayments on executory contracts, leases, insurance, taxes, and rent Description Name of holder of prepayment Current value of debtor's interest Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Lake (Stark County) Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Erie County Commissioners Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Ashland County Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Jackson (Sandusky County) Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Berlin Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Ballville (Sandusky County) Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Coitsville Township $12,037.04 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Ellsworth Township $12,037.04 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Goshen Township $12,037.04 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Green Township $12,037.04 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Milton Township $12,037.04 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Springfield Township $12,037.04 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Cardington Township $11,805.56 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Marlboro Township $13,541.67 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Perry Township $55,590.00 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Lawrence Township $18,055.56 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Sandusky (Sandusky County) Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Perry Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Tuscarawas Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Blooming Grove (Richland County) $1,462.22 $100,000.00 $46.67 $458.89 $12,037.04 $6,587.78 $2,807.78 $3,935.26 $18,055.56 $93.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Washington Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Chippewa Township Trustees $5,902.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Butler (Richland County) Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Ashland Townships $19,559.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Hartville $11,805.56 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Franklin (Richland County) Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Richland County $22,568.90 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Lexington Township $17,708.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Springfield (Richland County) Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Franklin Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Lake Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Township of Marion Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Milton Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Bay Village Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Butler Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program City of Huron Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Green Township $3,009.32 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program West Farmington Vlg $3,472.22 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Gorham Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Washington Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Royalton Township Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Gilead Township $13,888.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Amboy Township $3,009.32 $18,055.56 $85.56 $93.33 $427.78 $1,504.75 $53,967.92 $995.56 $1,504.75 $45,907.50 $3,009.32 $29,250.00 $1,504.75 $13,888.89 $1,504.75 Page 7 of 8 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 29 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 2, Question 8: Prepayments, including prepayments on executory contracts, leases, insurance, taxes, and rent Description Name of holder of prepayment Current value of debtor's interest Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Milton Township $13,888.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Vlg of Lowellville $13,888.89 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Hanover Township $20,833.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Salem Township $20,833.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Unity Township $20,833.33 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program Jackson Township $69,444.44 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program City of Bellevue $27,777.78 Community Grants - Powering Our Communities Program West Chester Township $47,040.00 TOTAL $27,105,841.30 Page 8 of 8 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 30 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 4, Question 15: Non-publicly traded stock and interests in incorporated and unincorporated businesses, including any interest in an LLC, partnership, or joint venture Name of Entity Valuation method used for current value % of ownership Current value of debtor's interest FE Aircraft Leasing Corp. 100 Net Book Value Undetermined FirstEnergy Generation, LLC 100 Net Book Value Undetermined FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC 100 Net Book Value Undetermined Core Mark 0 Market Value $3,534.60 Ormet Corp 0 Market Value $0.00 TOTAL $3,534.60 + undetermined amounts Page 1 of 1 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 31 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 9, Question 55: Any building, other improved real estate, or land which the debtor owns or in which the debtor has an interest Description and location of property Nature and extent of debtor's interest Net book value of debtor's interest Valuation method used for current value Current value of debtor's interest 76 S. Main St., Akron, OH 44308 Leased Office Undetermined Net Book Value Undetermined 76 S. Main St., Akron, OH 44308 Subleased Office Undetermined Net Book Value Undetermined TOTAL $0.00 + undetermined amounts Page 1 of 1 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 32 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 10, Question 60: Patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets Net book value of debtor's interest General description Valuation method used for current value Current value of debtor's interest Registered Trademarks - 3862724 FIRSTGREENS - 10/19/2010 Undetermined Net Book Value Undetermined Registered Trademarks - 3651876 MIXEDGREENS - 07/07/2009 Undetermined Net Book Value Undetermined Registered Trademarks - 3477321 SmartWind - 07/29/2008 Undetermined Net Book Value Undetermined TOTAL $0.00 + undetermined amounts Page 1 of 1 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 33 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 11, Question 71: Notes receivable Description Doubtful or uncollectible amount Face amount Current value of debtor's interest Intercompany Notes Receivables - FE Aircraft Leasing Corp. $240,323.58 $240,323.58 Intercompany Notes Receivables FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. $365,764,249.21 $365,764,249.21 $40,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 $1,334,068.13 $1,334,068.13 Intercompany Notes Receivables FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Intercompany Notes Receivables FirstEnergy Service Company TOTAL $407,338,640.92 A portion of the intercompany notes receivable with FirstEnergy Service Company is cash that sits in a deposit account owned by FirstEnergy Service Company, which is further described in the Cash Management Motion. Page 1 of 1 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 34 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 11, Question 72: Tax refunds and unused net operating losses (NOLs) Description Tax year Current value of debtor's interest New Jersey State Income Tax Refund 2009 $78,878.00 Pennsylvania State Income Tax Refund - (carried forward from tax year 2009) 2017 $368,381.00 Pennsylvania State Franchise Tax Refund - (carried forward from 2017 tax year 2009) $28,011.00 Ohio Municipal Income Tax - Various Jurisdictions Refund - Tax Years 2008-2012 Various $1,563,969.37 Philadelphia Local Income/Gross Receipts Tax Refund 2013 Philadelphia Local Income/Gross Receipts Tax Refund 2014 $7,123.00 Philadelphia Local Income/Gross Receipts Tax Refund 2015 $12,990.00 Michigan Sales & Use Tax Refund 2014 $46,752.72 $15,508.00 Michigan Sales & Use Tax Refund 2016 Ohio Sales and Use Tax Refund - 10-1-2013 thru 8-31-2017 Various $43,125.92 Federal NOL 2011 $160,578,698.00 Federal NOL 2012 $532,425,935.00 Federal NOL 2013 $46,297,056.64 Federal NOL 2014 $784,462,824.55 $274,258.46 Federal NOL 2016 $414,697,488.00 New Jersey NOL 2013 $339,211,023.00 New Jersey NOL 2014 $536,119,671.00 New Jersey NOL 2015 $451,410,872.00 New Jersey NOL 2016 $392,119,975.00 Ohio Municipal Income Tax NOL - Various Jurisdictions 2013 $236,333,442.00 Ohio Municipal Income Tax NOL - Various Jurisdictions 2014 $409,628,807.00 Ohio Municipal Income Tax NOL - Various Jurisdictions 2015 $249,938,091.00 Ohio Municipal Income Tax NOL - Various Jurisdictions 2016 $255,661,321.00 Pennsylvania State Income Tax NOL 2010 $85,950,993.00 Pennsylvania State Income Tax NOL 2011 $23,558,683.00 Pennsylvania State Income Tax NOL 2013 $97,896,949.00 Pennsylvania State Income Tax NOL 2014 $96,003,745.00 Pennsylvania State Income Tax NOL 2015 $90,874,694.00 Pennsylvania State Income Tax NOL 2016 West Virginia Unitary Income Tax - 2000-2016 Various $59,786,722.00 $180,177,703.00 TOTAL $5,445,573,690.66 Listing of NOLs is through 12/31/2017. Additional amounts may be available through the petition date, 3/31/2018. Page 1 of 1 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 35 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 11, Question 73: Interests in insurance policies or annuities Current value of debtor's interest Description Policy type Policy number Limits of Liability Per Occurrence $65M, Per Occurrence Retention $210M Minimum Per Occurrence Retention $2M Limits of Liability Per Occurrence $65M, Per Occurrence Retention $210M Minimum Per Occurrence Retention $2M FE1957/AE03 Undetermined Punitive Damages Insurance Punitive Damages Insurance XP5125606P Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Policy Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Policy DP5024617P Undetermined Excess Follow Form Policy Excess Follow Form Policy FX5025917P Undetermined Liability Limits of $25M and Underlying Limit of Liability Limits of $25M and $185M Underlying Limit of $185M C014839/007 Undetermined Excess Liability Insurance Policy Excess Liability Insurance Policy UFC0034299-08 Undetermined Arch Insurance Company Directors and Officers Liability Arch Insurance Company Directors and Officers Liability DOX9300382-03 Undetermined Aspen Energy & Construction Policy Aspen Energy & Construction Policy PWADC1K17 Undetermined Excess Liability Insurance Policy Excess Liability Insurance Policy XL5128306P Undetermined Excess Workers Compensation Excess Workers Compensation WC5126406P Undetermined Property Insurance Property Insurance PO5343804P Undetermined Excess Cyber Liability Indemnity Policy Excess Cyber Liability Indemnity Policy CP5641503P Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy MCN776142/01/2017 Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy 47-EPC-304097-01 Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy 47-EPC-304965-01 Undetermined Marine Policy Marine Policy Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy 596819900 Excess Management Liability Insurance Excess Management Liability Insurance ADX1001663000 Undetermined Excess General Liability Indemnity Policy Excess General Liability Indemnity Policy 253735-17GL Undetermined Excess Directors and Officers Liability Indemnity Policy Excess Directors and Officers Liability Indemnity Policy 293500-17DO Undetermined Excess Fiduciary Excess Fiduciary 273499-17FL Undetermined Property Insurance Property Insurance 310924-16GP Undetermined Property Insurance Property Insurance 310924-16GP Undetermined Excess Cyber Liability Indemnity Policy Excess Cyber Liability Indemnity Policy 440098-18CY Undetermined Terrorism and/or Sabotage and Sabotage Liability Terrorism and/or Sabotage and Sabotage Liability CMCTR1700131 Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Excess Chubb Policy Directors and Officers Liability Excess Chubb Policy 6801-2342 Undetermined Executive Protection Portfolio Policy Executive Protection Portfolio Policy 8159-0329 Undetermined H864772 Undetermined Page 1 of 3 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 36 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 11, Question 73: Interests in insurance policies or annuities Current value of debtor's interest Description Policy type Policy number Excess Property Damage Excess Property Damage 3604-31-67 Undetermined Crime Excess Policy Crime Excess Policy 8208-1521 Undetermined Aviation Insurance Policy Aviation Insurance Policy 13000553 Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy 01-833-52-78 Undetermined Excess Edge Policy Excess Edge Policy 01-857-55-15 Undetermined All Risks Property (Incl. Boiler & Machinery) Insurance All Risks Property (Incl. Boiler & Machinery) Insurance B0509B0WUI1600301 Undetermined All Risks Property (Incl. Boiler & Machinery) Insurance All Risks Property (Incl. Boiler & Machinery) Insurance B0509B0WUI1600301 Undetermined All Risks of Direct Physical Loss or Damage Including Boiler Explosion and Machinery Breakdown All Risks of Direct Physical Loss or Damage Including Boiler Explosion and Machinery Breakdown B0509B0WUI1600421 Undetermined Crisis Insurance Crisis Insurance 88-086-181 Undetermined Marine Policy Marine Policy NY17LIA15222801 Undetermined Excess Non-Nuclear Property Insurance Policy Excess Non-Nuclear Property Insurance Policy NSIC18-059 Undetermined Excess Non-Nuclear Property Insurance Policy Excess Non-Nuclear Property Insurance Policy NSIC18-067 Undetermined Excess Non-Nuclear Property Insurance Policy Excess Non-Nuclear Property Insurance Policy NSIC18-071 Undetermined Commercial Excess Property Policy Commercial Excess Property Policy 58A3XP000009600 Undetermined Commercial Excess Property Policy Commercial Excess Property Policy 58A3XP000009600 Undetermined Directors & Officers Liability Policy Directors & Officers Liability Policy QPL0759084 Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy 1000620812181 Undetermined Evidence of Cover Evidence of Cover AJD148912F17 Undetermined Evidence of Cover Evidence of Cover AJD148912F17 Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy 14-MGU-17-A41555 Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy 14-MGU-18-A43471 Undetermined Worldwide Vessel Pollution Policy Worldwide Vessel Pollution Policy 51-23418 Undetermined Property Insurance Property Insurance 58A3XP000009600 Undetermined Liability Limit of $50M Per Occurrence, $2M Minimum Occurrence Retention Except $35M Pollution, Employment Practices and Wildfire Liability BM0031116LI17A Liability Limit of $50M Per Occurrence, $2M Minimum Occurrence Retention Except $35M Pollution, Employment Practices and Wildfire Liability Undetermined Excess Insurance Policy Excess Insurance Policy ELU146056-17 Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy ELU146056-17 Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy ELU154859-18 Undetermined Page 2 of 3 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 37 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 11, Question 73: Interests in insurance policies or annuities Current value of debtor's interest Description Policy type Policy number Owner Controlled Workers Compensation Owner Controlled Workers Compensation WC 4353403-04 Undetermined Directors and Officers Liability Policy Directors and Officers Liability Policy DOC6724244-07 Undetermined Xsprop Xsprop PWG836507920c Undetermined Commercial Crime Policy Commercial Crime Policy FID457888107 Undetermined TOTAL $0.00 + undetermined amounts Page 3 of 3 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 38 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 11, Question 74: Causes of action against third parties (whether or not a lawsuit has been filed) Description Nature of claim Current value of debtor's interest Amount requested FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. v. Lehigh Cement Potential Litigation Claim Company, LLC and Paul R. Williams Undetermined Undetermined FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. v. Bluestone Energy Sales Corporation Undetermined Undetermined TOTAL $0.00 + undetermined amounts Potential Litigation Claim Page 1 of 1 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 39 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 11, Question 75: Other contingent and unliquidated claims or causes of action of every nature Current value of debtor's interest Description Nature of claim Amount requested $400,000 Letter of Credit issued by Union Bank of California, N.A. for the benefit of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Letter of Credit for the benefit of Debtor Undetermined Undetermined $1,600,000 Letter of Credit issued by Union Bank of California, N.A. for the benefit of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Letter of Credit for the benefit of Debtor Undetermined Undetermined $6,000,000 Letter of Credit issued by JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. for the benefit of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Letter of Credit for the benefit of Debtor Undetermined Undetermined $10 Letter of Credit issued by Scotiabank (The Letter of Credit for the benefit of Debtor Bank of Nova Scotia) for the benefit of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Undetermined Undetermined $400,000 Letter of Credit issued by Wachovia Bank National Association for the benefit of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Letter of Credit for the benefit of Debtor Undetermined Undetermined $1,350,000 Letter of Credit issued by Wachovia Bank National Association for the benefit of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Letter of Credit for the benefit of Debtor Undetermined Undetermined FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. v. Allegheny Ludlum, LLC Potential Litigation Claim Undetermined Undetermined TOTAL $0.00 + undetermined amounts Page 1 of 1 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 40 of 162 Debtor Name: FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case Number: 18-50757 (AMK) Assets - Real and Personal Property Part 11, Question 77: Other property of any kind not already listed Description Current value of debtor's interest Intercompany Accounts Receivables - FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Intercompany Accounts Receivables - The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company Intercompany Accounts Receivables - Jersey Central Power & Light Company $81,237.57 $2,787,206.79 $8,939.52 Intercompany Accounts Receivables - Metropolitan Edison Company $6,399,723.77 Intercompany Accounts Receivables - Ohio Edison Company $4,789,145.47 Intercompany Accounts Receivables - The Potomac Edison Company $13,350,017.81 Intercompany Accounts Receivables - Pennsylvania Electric Company $4,350,308.41 Intercompany Accounts Receivables - Pennsylvania Power Company $2,336,729.87 Intercompany Accounts Receivables - The Toledo Edison Company $1,318,680.90 Intercompany Accounts Receivables - West Penn Power Company $8,833,431.74 Assets Under Construction Undetermined Renewable Energy Credits $30,121,945.65 Derivatives $25,031,023.21 TOTAL $99,408,390.71 + undetermined amounts Page 1 of 1 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 41 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Northern Ohio, Eastern Division 18-50757 (AMK) X AMEREN SERVICES COMPANY, AS DESIGNATED AGENT Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Describe the lien As provided in UCC File Number OH00158033331 ONE AMEREN PLAZA 1901 CHOUTEAU ST. LOUIS, MO 63103 X Undetermined X X X X X AMEREN SERVICES COMPANY, AS DESIGNATED AGENT Describe the lien As provided in UCC File Number OH00158033553 ONE AMEREN PLAZA 1901 CHOUTEAU ST. LOUIS, MO 63103 X Undetermined X X X X X 0.00 + undetermined amounts 4 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 42 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 1: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. 2.3 Column A Amount of claim Do not deduct the value of collateral Describe debtor's property that is subject to a lien Creditor's name DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. Creditor's mailing address 1111 OLD EAGLE SCHOOL ROAD WAYNE, PA 19087 Describe the lien As provided in UCC File Number OH00197337998 Creditor's email address, if known Is the creditor an insider or related party? Column B Value of collateral that supports this claim $ Undetermined $ Undetermined $ Undetermined $ Undetermined X No Yes Date debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Is anyone else liable on this claim? X No Yes. Fill out Schedule H: Codebtors (Official Form 206H) Do multiple creditors have an interest in the same property? X No As of the petition date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Contingent X Unliquidated X Disputed Yes. Have you already specified the relative priority? No. Specify each creditor, including this creditor, and its relative priority. Yes. The relative priority of creditors is specified on lines 2.4 Creditor's name DEUTSCHE BANK AG NEW YORK BRANCH Describe debtor's property that is subject to a lien Creditor's mailing address 60 WALL STREET MAILSTOP NYC60-4405 NEW YORK, NY 10286 Describe the lien As provided in UCC File Number OH00106030777 Creditor's email address, if known Is the creditor an insider or related party? X No Yes Date debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Is anyone else liable on this claim? X No Yes. Fill out Schedule H: Codebtors (Official Form 206H) Do multiple creditors have an interest in the same property? X No As of the petition date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Contingent X Unliquidated X Disputed Yes. Have you already specified the relative priority? No. Specify each creditor, including this creditor, and its relative priority. Yes. The relative priority of creditors is specified on lines Official Form 206D 18-50757-amk Additional Page of Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 2 of 4 Page 43 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 1: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. 2.5 Creditor's name THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS COLLATERAL AGENT, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SECURED PARTIES Creditor's mailing address 101 BARCLAY STREET 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10286 Creditor's email address, if known Column A Amount of claim Do not deduct the value of collateral Describe debtor's property that is subject to a lien Column B Value of collateral that supports this claim $ Undetermined $ Undetermined $ Undetermined $ Undetermined Describe the lien As provided in UCC File Number OH00106031123 for the Benefit of VMAC Energy I, LLC, VMAC LLC, Deutsche Bank AG New York Branch, The Bank of New York, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas and each pledgor thereto Is the creditor an insider or related party? X No Yes Date debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Is anyone else liable on this claim? X No Yes. Fill out Schedule H: Codebtors (Official Form 206H) Do multiple creditors have an interest in the same property? X No As of the petition date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Contingent X Unliquidated X Disputed Yes. Have you already specified the relative priority? No. Specify each creditor, including this creditor, and its relative priority. Yes. The relative priority of creditors is specified on lines 2.6 Creditor's name VMAC ENERGY I, LLC Describe debtor's property that is subject to a lien Creditor's mailing address 55 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10003 Describe the lien As provided in UCC File Number OH00106031345 Creditor's email address, if known Is the creditor an insider or related party? X No Yes Date debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Is anyone else liable on this claim? X No Yes. Fill out Schedule H: Codebtors (Official Form 206H) Do multiple creditors have an interest in the same property? X No As of the petition date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Contingent X Unliquidated X Disputed Yes. Have you already specified the relative priority? No. Specify each creditor, including this creditor, and its relative priority. Yes. The relative priority of creditors is specified on lines Official Form 206D 18-50757-amk Additional Page of Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 3 of 4 Page 44 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: List Others to Be Notified for a Debt Already Listed in Part 1 List in alphabetical order any others who must be notified for a debt already listed in Part 1. Examples of entities that may be listed are collection agencies, assignees of claims listed above, and attorneys for secured creditors. If no other need to be notified for the debts listed in Part 1, do not fill out or submit this page. If additional pages are needed, copy this page. On which line in Part 1 did you enter the related creditor? Name and address Official Form 206D 18-50757-amk Official Part 2 of Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Last 4 digits of account number for this entity Page 4 of 4 Page 45 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Northern Ohio, Eastern Division 18-50757 (AMK) X INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CENTRALIZED INSOLVENCY OPERATIONS PO BOX 7346 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19101-7317 Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined X X Contingent Tax Liability Undetermined X 8 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY CITY OF DETROIT INCOME TAX DIVISION LANSING, MI 48922 X X Contingent Tax Liability Undetermined X 8 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY CITY OF DETROIT INCOME TAX DIVISION LANSING, MI 48922 X X Contingent Tax Liability Undetermined X 8 61 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 46 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 1. Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional PRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 2.4 Total claim Priority creditor's name and mailing address OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION BANKRUPTCY DIVISION 30 E. BROAD ST., 21ST FLOOR COLUMBUS, OH 43215 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Basis for the claim: Contingent Tax Liability Priority amount $ Undetermined $ Undetermined $ Undetermined $ Undetermined $ Undetermined $ Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Is the claim subject to offset? X No Specify code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured Yes claim: 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) (8) 2.5 Priority creditor's name and mailing address PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNSEL BANKRUPTCY / COLLECTIONS UNIT 10TH FLOOR STRAWBERRY SQUARE 4TH & WALNUT STREETS HARRISBURG, PA 17128 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Basis for the claim: Contingent Tax Liability Last 4 digits of account number Is the claim subject to offset? X No Specify code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured Yes claim: 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) (8) 2.6 Priority creditor's name and mailing address REVENUE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION COMPTROLLER OF MARYLAND TAXPAYER SERVICE SECTION 110 CARROLL STREET ANNAPOLIS, MD 21411-0001 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Basis for the claim: Contingent Tax Liability Last 4 digits of account number Is the claim subject to offset? X No Specify code subsection of PRIORITY unsecured Yes claim: 11 U.S.C. § 507(a) (8) Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 2 of 61 Page 47 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. 18-50757 (AMK) Undetermined ACE BOND SERVICES WA10G 436 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106-3703 X X Surety Bond #K08329904 in the amount of $9,169,388 for the benefit of Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Undetermined 50.13 ADL HIGH VOLTAGE INCORPORATED 629 DEERWOOD LANE KELLER, TX 76248 X X Trade Payable Undetermined 360.00 AEP PRO SERV INCORPORATED PO BOX 24424 CANTON, OH 44701-4424 X X Trade Payable Undetermined 4,811.45 AFFILIATED POWER PURCHASERS INTERNATIONAL LLC 2013 NORTHWOOD DRIVE SUITE ONE SALISBURY, MD 21801 X X Trade Payable Undetermined 101.41 ALBRECO INCORPORATED DBA PROFORMA ALBRECHT & COMPANY PO BOX 640814 CINCINNATI, OH 45264 Trade Payable Undetermined 64,568.71 ALL DAMS GENERATION LLC C/O CUBE HYDRO PARTNERS, LLC, ATTENTION: GENERAL COUNSEL TWO BETHESDA METRO CENTER BETHESDA, MD 20814 Trade Payable Undetermined page 3 of 61 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 48 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.7 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ALLEGHENY ENERGY SUPPLY COMPANY, LLC 800 CABIN HILL DRIVE GREENSBURG, PA 15601 Amount of claim $101,916,579.09 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.8 Basis for the claim: Intercompany Notes Payables - Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ALLEGHENY ENERGY SUPPLY COMPANY, LLC 800 CABIN HILL DRIVE GREENSBURG, PA 15601 $520,892.23 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.9 Basis for the claim: Intercompany Accounts Payables - Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address AMEREN SERVICES COMPANY MAIL CODE 1037 PO BOX 66149 ST LOUIS, MO 63166-6149 $718,964.78 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.10 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address AMERICAN BUREAU OF COLLECTIONS INC DBA ABC-AMEGA INCORPORATED 500 SENECA STREET SUITE 400 BUFFALO, NY 14204-1963 $13,921.71 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.11 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address AMERICAN MUNICIPAL POWER-OHIO (AMPATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 2600 AIRPORT DRIVE COLUMBUS, OH 43219 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Derivative Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 4 of 61 Page 49 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.12 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address AMERICAN PRINTING INCORPORATED 1121 TOWER DRIVE AKRON, OH 44305 Amount of claim $190,979.60 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.13 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address AMERICAN TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.14 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes $24.21 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Intercompany Accounts Payables - American Transmission Systems, Incorporated Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address AMPO INCORPORATED 1111 SCHROCK ROAD SUITE 100 COLUMBUS, OH 43229 $8,256.33 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.15 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ANTHONY BAILES, INC. 491 CRANBURY ROAD EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Potential Legal Claim Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.16 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ARDMORE POWER LOGISTICS LLC 24610 DETROIT ROAD SUITE 1200 WESTLAKE, OH 44145 $121.60 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 5 of 61 Page 50 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.17 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ARTISTS INCORPORATED 150 NORTH MILLER ROAD SUITE 300A FAIRLAWN, OH 44333 $200.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.18 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ASPEN ENERGY CORPORATION ATTN JONATHAN PEELE 4789 RINGS ROAD SUITE 100 DUBLIN, OH 43017 $43.11 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.19 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ASSEF ZOBIAN CAMBRIDGE ENERGY SOLUTIONS LLC 50 CHURCH STREET CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 $22,191.78 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.20 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address AT&T 208 S. AKARD ST. DALLAS, TX 75202 $5,084.30 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.21 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address AT&T MOBILITY PO BOX 9004 CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-9004 $111.33 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 6 of 61 Page 51 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.22 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address AUDIO VISUAL INNOVATIONS INC 335 KEN-MAR INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY BROADVIEW HEIGHTS, OH 44147 $1,459.06 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.23 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BABCOCK & BROWN WIND PORTFOLIO LLC ALLEGHENY RIDGE WIND FARM LLC 6688 N CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY STE 500 DALLAS, TX 75206 $1,643,972.80 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.24 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BACA STEIN WHITE & ASSOCIATES INC PO BOX 1466 ROSENBERG, TX 77471 $48,712.50 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.25 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BACIU, ALIN C 2100 NOTTINGHILL DR HINCKLEY, OH 44233 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.26 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BALTIMORE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ATTN REVENUE PROCESSING PO BOX 13070 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19101-3070 $66.50 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 7 of 61 Page 52 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.27 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BARNES, DARLA A 1693 BROOKWOOD DRIVE AKRON, OH 44313 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.28 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BARNES, THOMAS W 1693 BROOKWOOD DRIVE AKRON, OH 44313 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.29 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BELLITT, GERARD J 449 COKESBURY DR THE VILLAGES, FL 32162 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.30 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BM1, LLC ATTN: JOHN K. SMITH C/O LEASING & ASSET FINANCE MUFG / INVESTMENT BANKING 445 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Guarantor of Tax Indemnity Agreement Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Last 4 digits of account number 3.31 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BMARK ENERGY INCORPORATED 791 PRICE STREET #177 PISMO BEACH, CA 93449 $823.11 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 8 of 61 Page 53 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.32 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BOARDVANTAGE INCORPORATED DBA NASDAQ INC LOCKBOX 70700 PO BOX 780700 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19178 $1,208.02 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.33 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BOLENDER, LANCE R 773 TIMBERLINE DRIVE AKRON, OH 44333 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.34 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BORDEA, DARIUS B 149 NORMANDY DR BRUNSWICK, OH 44212 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.35 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BP ENERGY COMPANY ATTN: CHIEF CREDIT OFFICER 201 HELIOS WAY HOUSTON, TX 77079 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Derivative Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.36 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BRENDA S MCLEOD-FARGO STRATEGIC AGGREGATION CONSULTANTS L 3700 MASSILLON ROAD SUITE 341 UNIONTOWN, OH 44685 $3,420.46 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 9 of 61 Page 54 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.37 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BROCKSIEKER, TY A 260 GRAND AVE WELLINGTON, OH 44090 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.38 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BROWN, ROBERT D 11210 BRENTWOOD LANE CHARDON, OH 44024 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.39 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BUCKEYE ASSOC OF SCHOOL ADMIN 8050 NORTH HIGH STREET SUITE 150 COLUMBUS, OH 43235 $35,600.06 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.40 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address BUCKEYE ENERGY BROKERS 8870 DARROW ROAD TWINSBURG, OH 44087 $93,609.72 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.41 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CARMEAN, JEFFREY J 6365 MACKENZIE DR. INDEPENDENCE, OH 44131 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 10 of 61 Page 55 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.42 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CASSELMAN WINDPOWER LLC 1125 NW COUCH STREET STE 700 PORTLAND, OR 97209 Amount of claim $753,097.77 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.43 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CCAOSC ENERGY SOLUTIONS LLC 241 N SUPERIOR STREET SUITE 250 TOLEDO, OH 43604 $61,250.63 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.44 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON WIRELESS PO BOX 25505 LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002-5505 $2,155.90 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.45 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY NATIONAL BUSINESS UNIT 711 THIRD AVENUE SUITE 500 NEW YORK, NY 10017 $8,719.25 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.46 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CHRISLYNN ENERGY SERVICES INC 301 APPLERIDGE COURT GIBSONIA, PA 15044 $1,058.63 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 11 of 61 Page 56 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.47 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CICERO, NICHOLAS 10 FRENCH MILL RUN APT 154 CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH 44223 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.48 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITIGROUP ENERGY INC ATTN: LEGAL DEPARTMENT 2800 POST OAK BLVD SUITE 500 HOUSTON, TX 77056 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Derivative Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.49 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITY OF AKRON ATTN ROBERT WHITE DEPT OF FINANCE 505 MUNICIPAL BLDG AKRON, OH 44308 $540.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.50 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITY OF CINCINNATI 801 PLUM STREET ROOM 246 CINCINNATI, OH 45202 $4.36 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.51 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITY OF CLEVELAND-DIV OF FISCAL CON ATTN CATHERINE TROY 1201 LAKESIDE AVE 2ND FLOOR CLEVELAND, OH 44114 $3.70 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 12 of 61 Page 57 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.52 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITY OF CORTLAND ATTN FRANCE MOYER FINANCIAL DIR 400 NORTH HIGH STREET CORTLAND, OH 44410 Amount of claim $7,142.84 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.53 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITY OF GIRARD ATTN SAMUEL ZIRAFI AUDITOR 100 WEST MAIN STREET SUITE 4 GIRARD, OH 44420 $305.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.54 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITY OF PARMA OHIO 6611 RIDGE ROAD PARMA, OH 44129-5593 $11,250.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.55 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITY OF STREETSBORO ATTN: GLENN BROSKA CITY HALL 9184 SR 43 STREETSBORO, OH 44241 $872.98 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.56 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITY OF STRUTHERS ATTN TERRY P STOCKER MAYOR 6 ELM STREET STRUTHERS, OH 44471-1972 $2,375.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 13 of 61 Page 58 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.57 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITY OF TORONTO 416 CLARK STREET TORONTO, OH 43964 $320.54 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.58 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CITY OF YOUNGSTOWN 26 SOUTH PHELPS STREEET YOUNGSTOWN, OH 44503 $255,000.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.59 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA UNCLAIMED PROPERTY-LOCKBOX 53473 101 NORTH INDEPENDENCE MALL EAST PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 $1,161.61 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.60 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address COMMUNITY ENERGY ADVISORS LLC 3725 MEDINA ROAD SUITE 112 MEDINA, OH 44256 $5,405.19 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.61 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CONLEY, DAVID 3041 LODGE DRIVE NORTH ROYALTON, OH 44133 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 14 of 61 Page 59 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.62 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CONLEY, LAWRENCE M 822 CLEARDALE DR GREENSBURG, PA 15601 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.63 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CONSOLIDATED GRAPHICS GROUP INC 1614 EAST 40TH STREET CLEVELAND, OH 44103-2319 $2,167.11 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.64 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CREWSON, KEVIN 1201 E. MARKET ST APT 419 AKRON, OH 44305 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.65 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CUMMINGS, SUSAN M 5685 BONNIE LOU DRIVE AKRON, OH 44319 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.66 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address CV KINSMAN LLC PO BOX 13051 TUCSON, AZ 85732 $1,880.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 15 of 61 Page 60 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.67 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DACOTT ENERGY SERVICES LTD ATTN SCOTT CHILDS 3 SUGAR CREEK CENTER BLVD STE 450 SUGAR LAND, TX 77478 $1.87 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.68 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP 1201 3RD AVENUE SUITE 2200 SEATTLE, WA 98101 $8,934.28 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.69 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY ATTN GENERAL ACCOUNTING 1900 DRYDEN ROAD DAYTON, OH 45439 $3,823.31 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.70 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DILLON ENERGY SERVICES 23409 JEFFERSON AVENUE SUITE 110 ST CLAIR SHORES, MI 48080-2330 $184.32 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.71 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DON BRODIES THOMAS LIMOUSINE SVC IN DBA T L WORLDWIDE TRANSPORTATION SV PO BOX 6250 AKRON, OH 44312 $1,423.33 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 16 of 61 Page 61 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.72 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DONNELLEY FINANCIAL LLC DBA DONNELLEY FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS PO BOX 842282 BOSTON, MA 02284-2282 Amount of claim $9,632.96 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.73 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DTE ENERGY TRADING ATTN: LARRY STORK 414 SOUTH MAIN STREET SUITE 200 ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Derivative Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.74 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DTN LLC 9110 WEST DODGE ROAD SUITE 100 OMAHA, NE 68114 $20,806.12 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.75 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DUKE ENERGY OHIO INCORPORATED PO BOX 603083 CHARLOTTE, NC 28260-3083 $1,254.81 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.76 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DUKE ENERGY RENEWABLE INCORPORATED DUKE ENERGY RENEWABLE SERVICES LLC 555 SOUTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 $1,352,105.99 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 17 of 61 Page 62 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.77 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address DYNEGY GASCO HOLDINGS LLC DYNEGY MARKETING & TRADE LLC 601 TRAVIS STREET SUITE 1400 HOUSTON, TX 77002 Amount of claim $11,000.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.78 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address EAGLE ENERGY LLC ATTN DON MARSHALL 4465 BRIDGETOWN ROAD SUITE 1 CINCINNATI, OH 45211 $41.57 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.79 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ECOVA INCORPORATED 1313 NORTH ATLANTIC SUITE 5000 SPOKANE, WA 99201 $5,483.42 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.80 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ENERGY AMERICA LLC ATTN: VP, HEAD OF CREDIT 12 GREENWAY PLAZA SUITE 250 HOUSTON, TX 77046 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Derivative Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.81 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS INC PO BOX 255 684 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD SUITE 200 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-0255 $181.17 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 18 of 61 Page 63 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.82 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ENERGY RESOURCES GROUP LLC ATTN PAMELA K APGAR 1983 HATFIELD ROAD LEBANON, OH 45036 $185.40 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.83 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ENERGYSOLVE LLC 350 NORTH ORLEANS STREET STE 6666 CHICAGO, IL 60654 $28.47 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.84 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ENERNOC INCORPORATED DEPT CH #16381 PALATINE, IL 60055-6381 $42,385.04 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.85 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ENGELHARDT, CHARLES E 13578 INVERNESS AVENUE UNIONTOWN, OH 44685 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.86 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address EVOLUTION MARKETS INCORPORATED PO BOX 10129 UNIONDALE, NY 11555 $2,484.30 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 19 of 61 Page 64 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.87 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address EXECUTIVE ENERGY SERVICES LLC PO BOX 230757 FAIR HAVEN, MI 48023 Amount of claim $2,229.06 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.88 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address EYSSEN, JON W 241 MARLEE COURT BRUNSWICK, OH 44212 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.89 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FARGO, BRENDA S 3538 SADDLEBORO DRIVE UNIONTOWN, OH 44685 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.90 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FE AIRCRAFT LEASING CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $2,562,405.54 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.91 Basis for the claim: Intercompany Notes Payable - MP Frozen Note - FE Aircraft Lease Corp. Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FELTNER, DAVID L 564 DELAWARE AVE AKRON, OH 44303 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 20 of 61 Page 65 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.92 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FERNANDEZ, TREVOR J 2235 HEIGHTS DR WADSWORTH, OH 44281 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.93 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FES RETAIL OPERATION REFUNDS 2800 POTTSVILLE PIKE READING, PA 19605 $256,265.97 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.94 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FEUCHT, RANDY G 5030 HIGHSADDLE AVENUE NW MASSILLON, OH 44646 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.95 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FEUCHT,RANDY G LOC. - AK34 POTTSVILLE PIKE READING, PA 19605 $283.75 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.96 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRST COMMUNICATIONS LLC 3340 WEST MARKET STREET AKRON, OH 44333 $345.15 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 21 of 61 Page 66 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.97 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRST SOLAR INCORPORATED 350 W WASHINGTON ST STE 600 TEMPE, AZ 85281 $273,665.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.98 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $500,000,000.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Revolving Credit Facility - Drawn Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.99 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Qualified Pension Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.100 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $200,000,000.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Revolving Credit Facility - Surety Support Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.101 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk $ Undetermined Basis for the claim: Letter Of Credit PF-S01281A, In The Amount Of $307,056.00 For The Benefit Of Power 4 Schools Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 22 of 61 Page 67 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.102 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.103 Amount of claim Basis for the claim: Letter Of Credit PF-S01281A, In The Amount Of $1,568,443.00 For The Benefit Of Power 4 Schools Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $3,812,189.62 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Intercompany Notes Payables - FirstEnergy Corp. Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.104 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $2,245,901.82 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Intercompany Accounts Payables - FirstEnergy Corp. Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.105 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $743,566,635.86 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.106 Basis for the claim: Intercompany Notes Payable - MP Frozen Note - FirstEnergy Generation, LLC Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $76,078,792.30 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Intercompany Accounts Payables - FirstEnergy Generation, LLC Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 23 of 61 Page 68 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.107 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $928,562,534.42 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Intercompany Notes Payables - FirstEnergy Generation, LLC Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.108 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $1,016,713,517.23 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Inter-Company Debt Guarantee Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.109 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $286,156,371.45 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.110 Basis for the claim: Intercompany Notes Payable - MP Frozen Note - FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $136,656,826.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.111 Basis for the claim: Intercompany Accounts Payables - FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $1,331,523,314.21 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Basis for the claim: Intercompany Notes Payables - FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 24 of 61 Page 69 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.112 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $1,140,493,939.58 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Inter-Company Debt Guarantee Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.113 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $7,478,021.32 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.114 Basis for the claim: Intercompany Notes Payables - FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY SERVICE COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $5,993,162.70 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Intercompany Accounts Payables - FirstEnergy Service Company Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.115 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FIRSTENERGY SERVICE COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Retiree Benefits Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.116 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FLEISHOUR, COLE 9109 HIGHLAND CREEK AVE NW N. CANTON, OH 44720 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 25 of 61 Page 70 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.117 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FORD, ERIN 270 PONTIUS ST NW MOGADORE, OH 44260-9221 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.118 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address FOUT, MICHAEL W 13067 MARK PATH DOYLESTOWN, OH 44230 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.119 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address GASKELL, JENNIFER A 3907 SHAWNEE ST NW UNIONTOWN, OH 44685 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.120 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address GIANNANTONIO, RICK C 19465 KENSINGTON COURT STRONGSVILLE, OH 44136 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.121 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address GILBERT, YING W 525 BUTTERCUP WAY FT MILL, SC 29715-8773 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 26 of 61 Page 71 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.122 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address GLAXOSMITHKLINE CONSUMER HEALTHCARE ATTN SHERRI BRANHAM 1000 GSK DRIVE MOON TOWNSHIP, PA 15108 Amount of claim $19,095.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.123 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address GLENVIEW CONSULTING GROUP LTD 417 CHERRY CREEK PROSPECT HEIGHTS, IL 60070 $1,778.08 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.124 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address GONZALEZ, JUAN A 6710 HURON AVE MADISON, OH 44057 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.125 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address GRANT THORNTON LLP FIRSTENERGY SUT ESCROW ACCOUNT 1901 SOUTH MEYERS ROAD SUITE 455 OAKBROOK TERRACE, IL 60181 $135,200.96 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.126 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address GREENBERG TRAURIG LLP 54 STATE STREET 6TH FLOOR ALBANY, NY 12207 $13,434.69 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 27 of 61 Page 72 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.127 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address GRIFFING, DAVID L 2850 LIMINGTON ST NW NORTH CANTON, OH 44720 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.128 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address GROUP SERVICES INCORPORATED FORMERLY COSE GROUP SERVICES INC 1240 HURON ROAD SUITE 300 CLEVELAND, OH 44115 $49.12 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.129 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address HB HAYES & ASSOCIATES LLC DBA ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCE 8225 FARNSWORTH RD STE A 10 WATERVILLE, OH 43566 $29.07 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.130 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address HIGH TRAIL WIND FARM LLC 808 TRAVIS SUITE 700 HOUSTON, TX 77002 $2,178,932.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.131 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address HOLDER, DAVID A 12186 CARMICHAEL CIRCLE NORTH HUNTINGDON, PA 15642 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 28 of 61 Page 73 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.132 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address HOLDER,DAVID A LOC. - GR09 POTTSVILLE PIKE READING, PA 19605 $177.80 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.133 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address HP INC DBA HP COMPUTING & PRINTING INC 13207 COLLECTION CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO, IL 60693-3207 $126.36 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.134 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address HRACH, R JOSEPH 5734 ENNISHANNON PLACE DUBLIN, OH 43016 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.135 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address HUFF JR, GERALD H P O BOX 262 2918 ALDA PARKWAY BRUNSWICK, OH 44212 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.136 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address IBERDROLA RENEWABLES LLC DBA BLUE CREEK WIND FARM LLC 1125 NW COUCH STREET SUITE 700 PORTLAND, OR 97209 $1,749,554.18 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 29 of 61 Page 74 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.137 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ICE DATA LP ICE DATA 5660 NEW NORTHSIDE DRIVE 3RD FL ATLANTA, GA 31193-3269 Amount of claim $3,500.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.138 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address IEU-OHIO ADMINISTRATION COMPANY 21 EAST STATE STREET 17TH FLOOR COLUMBUS, OH 43215 $43,166.07 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.139 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ILLINOIS OFFICE - STATE TREASURER UNCLAIMED PROPERTY DIVISION 1 W OLD STATE CAPITOL PLZ STE 400 SPRINGFIELD, IL 62701-1390 $308.54 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.140 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address INDEPENDENT ENERGY CONSULTANTS INC ATTN MARK BURNS 215 W GARFIELD ST SUITE 210 AURORA, OH 44202 $134,889.45 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.141 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address INDU SOLAR HOLDINGS LLC SEC BESD SOLAR ONE PO BOX 19001 700 NORTH ADAMS STREET GREEN BAY, WI 54307-9001 $138,390.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 30 of 61 Page 75 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.142 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address INTEGRITY ENERGY LTD 5711 GRANT AVE CLEVELAND, OH 44140 $75.58 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.143 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE INC ICE US OTC COMMODITY MARKETS LLC PO BOX 935278 ATLANTA, GA 31193-5278 $16,787.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.144 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE INC ICE TRADE VAULT LLC PO BOX 935281 ATLANTA, GA 31193-5281 $375.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.145 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address J. ANDREW ASSOCIATES 123 DUNDEE CT., STE. 215 CYPRESS, TX 77429 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Potential Legal Claim Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.146 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address JAMSHIDI, ALI 6377 HIGHLAND GREEN DR MEDINA, OH 44256 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 31 of 61 Page 76 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.147 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address JODOIN, JONATHAN 6294 SEVILLE ROAD SEVILLE, OH 44273 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.148 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 270 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10017 $937.75 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.149 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address KAISER, ROBERT A 620 W GREENVIEW PLACE GREEN VALLEY, AZ 85614 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.150 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address KELBACH, JEFFREY A 4890 PERSIMMON LANE NORTH ROYALTON, OH 44133 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.151 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address KELLY, BENJAMIN L 3157 RIDGEWOOD RD. MEDINA, OH 44256 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 32 of 61 Page 77 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.152 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address KEYTEX ENERGY SOLUTIONS LLC 200 BRUSH RUN ROAD SUITE C GREENSBURG, PA 15601 Amount of claim $9,745.41 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.153 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address KILBANE, BRENDAN M 1308 WELLINGSHIRE CIRCLE CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH 44221 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.154 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address KORMUSHOFF, MICHAEL W 955 MAYFAIR RD AKRON, OH 44303 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.155 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address KRAMER, MICHELLE C/O ROMANO LAW OFFICE ATTN: DAVID J. ROMANO, ESQ. 363 WASHINGTON AVE. CLARKSBURG, WV 26301 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Potential Legal Claim Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.156 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address KRAUSE, RICHARD E 1004 COUNTY RD 601 ASHLAND, OH 44805 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 33 of 61 Page 78 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.157 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address KRAYN WIND LLC TAS# 550308 C/O BLACKROCK, INC. 40 EAST 52ND STREET NEW YORK, NY 10022 Amount of claim $1,519,286.30 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.158 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address KUSUMA, RAYMOND D 316 KENRIDGE RD FAIRLAWN, OH 44333 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.159 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address LAFLAME, GREGORY F 9023 KENNEMER CIRCLE NW N CANTON, OH 44720 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.160 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address $25,765.38 LAKE LYNN GENERATION LLC As of the petition filing date, the claim is: C/O CUBE HYDRO PARTNERS, LLC, ATTENTION: GENERAL COUNSEL Check all that apply. 2 BETHESDA METRO CENTER BETHESDA, MD 20815 Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.161 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address LATHAM & WATKINS LLP 555 11TH STREET NW SUITE 1000 WASHINGTON, DC 20004 $4,217.05 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 34 of 61 Page 79 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.162 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address LAYMON, ANGELITA M 3444 MARQUETTE STREET NW UNIONTOWN, OH 44685 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.163 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address LEMPNER, KATHLEEN 446 CARLIN RD SAGAMORE HILLS, OH 44067 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.164 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address LEPP, ALEXANDRA C 1402 WELLINGSHIRE CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH 44221 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.165 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address LEVEL ONE LLC PO BOX 2093 SOUTHEASTERN, PA 19399 $7,771.69 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.166 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address LIBERTY MUTUAL SURETY 2200 RENAISSANCE BLVD. SUITE 400 KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406-2755 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk $ Undetermined Basis for the claim: Surety Bond #285037849 in the amount of $45,000 for the benefit of United States District Court Northern District of Ohio Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 35 of 61 Page 80 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.167 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address LIVERPOOL TOWNSHIP 353 ADA STREET EAST LIVERPOOL, OH 43920 $286.66 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.168 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MACQUARIE ENERGY LLC ATTN: LEGAL RISK MANAGEMENT ONE ALLEN CENTER 500 DALLAS STREET HOUSTON, TX 77002 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Derivative Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.169 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MADDEN, THOMAS J 166 FAIRWAY DR AKRON, OH 44313 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.170 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address $ Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST A As of the petition filing date, the claim is: C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST Check all that apply. SVC X 300 DELAWARE AVE X 9TH FLOOR X WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Basis for the claim: Guarantor of Mansfield Sale Leaseback Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.171 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address $ Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST B As of the petition filing date, the claim is: C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST Check all that apply. SVC X 300 DELAWARE AVE X 9TH FLOOR X WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Basis for the claim: Guarantor of Mansfield Sale Leaseback Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 36 of 61 Page 81 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.172 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address $ Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST C As of the petition filing date, the claim is: C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST Check all that apply. SVC X 300 DELAWARE AVE X 9TH FLOOR X WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Basis for the claim: Guarantor of Mansfield Sale Leaseback Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.173 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address $ Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST D As of the petition filing date, the claim is: C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST Check all that apply. SVC X 300 DELAWARE AVE X 9TH FLOOR X WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Basis for the claim: Guarantor of Mansfield Sale Leaseback Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.174 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address $ Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST E As of the petition filing date, the claim is: C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST Check all that apply. SVC X 300 DELAWARE AVE X 9TH FLOOR X WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Basis for the claim: Guarantor of Mansfield Sale Leaseback Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.175 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address $ Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST F As of the petition filing date, the claim is: C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST Check all that apply. SVC X 300 DELAWARE AVE X 9TH FLOOR X WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Basis for the claim: Guarantor of Mansfield Sale Leaseback Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.176 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MARYLAND SOLAR HOLDINGS INC C/O FIRST SOLAR DEVELOPMENT LLC 11757 KATY FWY SUITE 400 HOUSTON, TX 77079 $649,866.15 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 37 of 61 Page 82 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.177 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MAXCOM INCORPORATED 10358 WILBERT DRIVE KIRTLAND, OH 44094 $163.77 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.178 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MAYNARD, CHRISTINE 937 HERON SPRINGS PKWY #307 STOW, OH 44224 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.179 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MCCANN II, JAMES H 10430 PRICE ST ALLIANCE, OH 44601 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.180 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MCCARTNEY, MONICA 1265 NEPTUNE AVE. AKRON, OH 44301 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.181 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MCGOVERN, ROBERT F 4753 DOYLE ROAD PITTSBURGH, PA 15227 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 38 of 61 Page 83 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.182 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MCKINNEY, RANDY 4846 CLIMAS ROAD NEW FLORENCE, PA $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Potential Legal Claim Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.183 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MEDAS, LISA A 12195 PARK CLIFF STRONGSVILLE, OH 44136 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.184 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address METLIFE CAPITAL, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ATTN: MARK BISCI ONE METLIFE WAY WHIPPANY, NJ 07981 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Guarantor of Tax Indemnity Agreement Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.185 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MEYERSDALE WINDPOWER LLC 700 UNIVERSE BOULEVARD JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 $355,914.70 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.186 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MIDCONTINENT INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR INCORPORATED 701 CITY CENTER DRIVE CARMEL, IN 46032 $1,360,777.30 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 39 of 61 Page 84 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.187 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MIDCONTINENT INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR INCORPORATED 701 CITY CENTER DRIVE CARMEL, IN 46032 Amount of claim $773,652.04 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.188 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MIDCONTINENT INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR INCORPORATED PO BOX 4202 CARMEL, IN 46082-4202 $267,972.02 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.189 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MIZER, KEVIN R 3800 NORTH SHORE DRIVE AKRON, OH 44333 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.190 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MIZUHO BANK LTD HARBORSIDE FINANCIAL CENTER 1800 PLAZA TEN JERSEY CITY, NJ 07311-4098 $8,569.99 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.191 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MOBILNET INCORPORATED DBA SMITH COMMUNICATIONS GROUP 1119 SANDSTONE ROAD GREENSBURG, PA 15601 $791.10 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 40 of 61 Page 85 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.192 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address MONONGAHELA POWER COMPANY 5001 NASA BOULEVARD FAIRMONT, WV 26554 $465.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.193 Amount of claim Basis for the claim: Intercompany Accounts Payables - Monongahela Power Company Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY C/O PINO & ASSOCIATES, LLP ATTN: MATTHEW D. KENNEDY, ESQ. WESTCHESTER FINANCIAL CENTER50 MAIN STREET16TH FLOOR WHITE PLAINS, NY 10606 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Potential Legal Claim Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.194 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address NEW RIVER GROUP LLC DBA SCIOTO ENERGY 4041 NORTH HIGH STREET SUITE 202 COLUMBUS, OH 43214 $17.72 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.195 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address NEXTERA ENERGY POWER MARKETING LLC ATTN: CONTRACTS/LEGAL DEPARTMENT 700 UNIVERSE BLVD JUNO NEACH, FL 33408 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Derivative Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.196 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address NORTH SHORE ENERGY CONSULTING LLC 18843 WHITE OAK DRIVE CHAGRIN FALLS, OH 44023 $5,798.55 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 41 of 61 Page 86 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.197 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address NORTHEAST ENERGY ADVISORS LLC 10900 PERRY HIGHWAY #210 WEXFORD, PA 15090 Amount of claim $4,418.50 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.198 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address OHIO ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL 8050 NORTH HIGH STREET SUITE 170 COLUMBUS, OH 43235 $35,600.06 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.199 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address OHIO SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION 8050 NORTH HIGH STREET SUITE 100 COLUMBUS, OH 43235 $35,600.06 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.200 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address OHIO SCHOOLS COUNCIL 6393 OAK TREE BOULEVARD STE 377 INDEPENDENCE, OH 44131 $26,357.44 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.201 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address OHIO VALLEY ELECTRIC CORPORATION PO BOX 7247 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19170-8683 $2,602,183.17 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 42 of 61 Page 87 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.202 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address OML ENERGY SOLUTIONS LLC 5577 AIRPORT HIGHWAY SUITE 101 TOLEDO, OH 43615 $799.06 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.203 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ONDEMAND ENERGY LP PO BOX 869 MOON TOWNSHIP, PA 15108 $22,713.70 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.204 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PACER SERVICE CENTER PO BOX 71364 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19176-1364 $130.70 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.205 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PALMER ENERGY COMPANY INCORPORATED 5577 AIRPORT HIGHWAY SUITE 101 TOLEDO, OH 43615 $57,975.68 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.206 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PATRIOT ENERGY GROUP INCORPORATED 1 ROUNDER WAY SUITE 200 BURLINGTON, MA 01801 $57.23 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 43 of 61 Page 88 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.207 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address $84,293.98 PE HYDRO GENERATION As of the petition filing date, the claim is: C/O CUBE HYDRO PARTNERS, LLC, ATTENTION: GENERAL COUNSEL Check all that apply. 2 BETHESDA METRO CENTER BETHESDA, MD 20815 Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.208 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE BUREAU OF CORPORATION TAXES PO BOX 280701 HARRISBURG, PA 17128 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: 2014 Pennsylvania Gross Receipts Tax Audit Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.209 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE BUREAU OF CORPORATION TAXES PO BOX 280701 HARRISBURG, PA 17128 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: 2015 Pennsylvania Gross Receipts Tax Audit Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.210 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE BUREAU OF CORPORATION TAXES PO BOX 280701 HARRISBURG, PA 17128 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: 2012 Pennsylvania Gross Receipts Tax Audit Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.211 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE BUREAU OF CORPORATION TAXES PO BOX 280701 HARRISBURG, PA 17128 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: 2013 Pennsylvania Gross Receipts Tax Audit Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 44 of 61 Page 89 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.212 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PEPCO SPECIAL BILLING PO BOX 96288 WASHINGTON, DC 20090-6288 $8.04 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.213 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PESTOTNIK, ERIKA 18301 MARCELLA ROAD CLEVELAND, OH 44119 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.214 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PETERMAN, DEAN A C/O ROMANO LAW OFFICE ATTN: DAVID J. ROMANO, ESQ. 363 WASHINGTON AVE. CLARKSBURG, WV 26301 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Potential Legal Claim Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.215 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PJM ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SERV 2750 MONROE BOULEVARD AUDUBON, PA 19403 $6,585.84 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.216 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PJM SETTLEMENT INC 2750 MONROE BOULEVARD AUDUBON, PA 19403 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Derivative Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 45 of 61 Page 90 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.217 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PLEASANT TOWNSHIP 1035 OWENS ROAD WEST MARION, OH 43302 Amount of claim $1,390.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.218 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PONTOON SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED 10151 DEERWOOD PARK BLVD BLD 200 ST JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 $32,053.77 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.219 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PREMIER ENERGY CORPORATION 417 CHERRY CREEK LANE STE 250 PROSPECT HEIGHTS, IL 60070 $1,466.51 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.220 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PREMIER POWER SOLUTIONS LLC 107 BRECKENRIDGE STREET SUITE 4 GROVE CITY, PA 16127 $422.49 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.221 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PRICE, DENNIS E 32118 CYPRESS VALLEY DR WESLEY CHAPEL, FL 33545 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 46 of 61 Page 91 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.222 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address PRYOR, ERIC J 917 MULL AVENUE SUITE PH3 AKRON, OH 44313 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.223 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address RADER, LORRAINE M 8587 NORTHWOOD DRIVE BROADVIEW HTS, OH 44147 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.224 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address RC ENERGY JCP1 LLC 225 WEST HUBBARD ST STE 200 CHICAGO, IL 60654 $705.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.225 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address RERICHA, CHARLENE M 564 JESSICA LN WADSWORTH, OH 44281 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.226 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address RICH, BENJAMIN T 11260 QUAIL HOLLOW DRIVE PAINESVILLE, OH 44077 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 47 of 61 Page 92 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.227 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address RINEHART, STEVEN T 871 TARTAN DRIVE VENICE, FL 34293 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.228 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ROBINSON, ERNEST D 8970 W. CALLA ROAD CANFIELD, OH 44406 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.229 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ROSE, ROBERT A 3078 STONEBROOKE LANE MEDINA, OH 44256 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.230 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ROTH, ALFRED G 4516 REGAL DR. COPLEY, OH 44321 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.231 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SARKIS, BENJAMIN R 466 ELY RD AKRON, OH 44313 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 48 of 61 Page 93 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.232 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SCHMUHL, THOMAS R 134 S LINWOOD AVENUE NORWALK, OH 44857 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.233 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SCHNEIDER, DONALD R PO BOX 72011 AKRON, OH 44372 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.234 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SCHWEBEL BAKING COMPANY 965 E MIDLOTHIAN BLVD YOUNGSTOWN, OH 44502 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Potential Legal Claim Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.235 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PO BOX 952121 DALLAS, TX 75395 $34.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.236 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SHUTTLEWORTH, TAMARA 97 37TH ST SW BARBERTON, OH 44203 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 49 of 61 Page 94 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.237 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SKUPINSKI, ROBERT C 3261 EDGERTON ROAD NORTH ROYALTON, OH 44133 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.238 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address STEIN, LINDA L 137 N HAMETOWN ROAD AKRON, OH 44333 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.239 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SUMMIT ADVANTAGE LLC 3340 WEST MARKET STREET AKRON, OH 44333 $51,775.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.240 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SUMMIT ENERGY SERVICES INCORPORATED ATTN KIM PUCKETT 10350 ORMSBY PARK PLACE STE 400 LOUISVILLE, KY 40223 $4,037.21 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.241 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SUPER, PAUL B 655 LAKESIDE DRIVE AVON LAKE, OH 44012 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 50 of 61 Page 95 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.242 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SWAGELOK COMPANY 29500 SOLON RD SOLON, OH 44139 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Potential Legal Claim Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.243 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address SWINTEK, TIMOTHY T 3938 MARS DRIVE BRUNSWICK, OH 44212 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.244 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TACKETT, DAVID L 479 HICKORY HOLLOW DR CANFIELD, OH 44406 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.245 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TANGENT ENERGY SOLUTIONS INC PO BOX 1140 204 GALE LANE KENNETT SQUARE, PA 19348 $10,011.87 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.246 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TELCO PROS INCORPORATED 2020 CENTER STREET CLEVELAND, OH 44113 $434.46 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 51 of 61 Page 96 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.247 Amount of claim Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TELELANGUAGE INC PO BOX 12059 OLYMPIA, WA 98508-2059 $139.08 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.248 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TERRAFORM POWER LLC ENFINITY BNB NAPOLEON SOLAR LLC 7550 WISCONSIN AVE 9TH FLOOR BETHESDA, MD 20814 $76,860.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.249 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TFS ENERGY FUTURES LLC 32 OLD SLIP 34TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10005 $6,570.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.250 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. ATTN: EARL HUNT, VICE PRESIDENT GLOBAL CORPORATE TRUST SERVICES 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 $334,818,056.56 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Senior Notes 6.05% due August 15, 2021 - CUSIP 33766JAD5 Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.251 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. ATTN: EARL HUNT, VICE PRESIDENT GLOBAL CORPORATE TRUST SERVICES 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 $366,368,888.50 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Senior Notes 6.8% due August 15, 2039 - CUSIP 33766JAF0 Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 52 of 61 Page 97 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.252 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address THE RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT SVC CORP DBA RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES 4836 BRECKSVILLE ROAD RICHFIELD, OH 44286 Amount of claim $5,662.36 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.253 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address THE STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ATTN: THOMAS J SMITH, P.E. BUILDING 5, 1900 KANAWHA BLVD E CHARLESTON, WV 25305 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X X Basis for the claim: Potential Legal Claim Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.254 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address THE UTILITIES GROUP INCORPORATED ATTN JENNIFER KIST 11260 CHESTER ROAD SUITE 540 CINCINNATI, OH 45246 $777.59 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.255 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TIAN, SHUHAN 35360 SADDLE CREEK DRIVE AVON, OH 44011 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.256 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TITAN ENERGY NEW ENGLAND INC ATTN JERRY HAWKINS 2317 SILAS DEANE HWY ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 $7,432.02 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 53 of 61 Page 98 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.257 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TOLLESON III, VICTO 3419 COLUMBUS AVE SANDUSKY, OH 44870 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.258 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TRAVAGLIONE, FRANK 3942 RAINTREE CIRCLE UNIONTOWN, OH 44685 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.259 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TRAVELERS BOND & FINANCIAL PRODUCTS ATTENTION: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT COMMERCIAL SURETY ONE TOWN SQUARE HARTFORD, CT 06183 Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.260 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Surety Bond #103767738 in the amount of $250,000 for the benefit of New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TRAVELERS BOND & FINANCIAL PRODUCTS ATTENTION: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT COMMERCIAL SURETY ONE TOWN SQUARE HARTFORD, CT 06183 Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.261 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Surety Bond #105742840 in the amount of $9,169,388 for the benefit of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TRAVELERS BOND & FINANCIAL PRODUCTS ATTENTION: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT COMMERCIAL SURETY ONE TOWN SQUARE HARTFORD, CT 06183 Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Surety Bond #103773834 in the amount of $50,000 for the benefit of District of Columbia Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 54 of 61 Page 99 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.262 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TRAVELERS BOND & FINANCIAL PRODUCTS ATTENTION: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT COMMERCIAL SURETY ONE TOWN SQUARE HARTFORD, CT 06183 Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.263 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Surety Bond #104967804 in the amount of $300,000 for the benefit of The People of The State of Illinois Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TREASURER STATE OF OHIO ATTN ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS UNIT 30 EAST BROAD STREET 9TH FLOOR COLUMBUS, OH 43215-3461 Amount of claim $814,051.21 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.264 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address TREBEL LLC 4067 TREELINE COURT WESTERVILLE, OH 43082 $15,439.05 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.265 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address UMB BANK NA 1010 GRAND BOULEVARD KANSAS CITY, MO 64106 $720.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.266 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address URBAN RENEWABLES 6397 EMERALD PARKWAY SUITE 200 DUBLIN, OH 43016 $2,080.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 55 of 61 Page 100 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.267 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address VICTOR, BRADFORD E 92 WOLCOTT RD AKRON, OH 44313 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.268 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address WALGREEN COMPANY 106 WILMOT ROAD MS 1630 DEERFIELD, IL 60015-5123 $40,725.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.269 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address WARVELL, KEVIN T 10 MOCCASIN TRAIL NEW CASTLE, PA 16105 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.270 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address WATKINS, CHAD 4049 TIMBER RUN RAVENNA, OH 44266 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.271 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address WELLTOWER INCORPORATED 4500 DORR STREET TOLEDO, OH 43615 $3,780.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 56 of 61 Page 101 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.272 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address WILHITE, CHAD R 750 MULL AVE 6G AKRON, OH 44313 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.273 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address WIRECARD NORTH AMERICA INC 555 NORTH LANE SUITE 5040 CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428 $84,405.00 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.274 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address WOLVERINE POWER SUPPLY COOPERATIVE ATTN: OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR - ENERGY 10125 W WATERGATE ROAD PO BOX 229 CADILLAC, MI 49601-0229 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Derivative Liability Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.275 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address YELLOW CREEK TOWNSHIP PO BOX 584 WELLSVILLE, OH 43968-0584 $131.66 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Accrued Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.276 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address YUAN, ARTHUR W 8588 MAJORCA LANE NAPLES, FL 34114 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 57 of 61 Page 102 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Debtor Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 2: Additional Page Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. If no additional NONPRIORITY creditors exist, do not fill out or submit this page. 3.277 Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ZALTSBERG, RITA 269 SHIAWASSEE AVE FAIRLAWN, OH 44333 Amount of claim $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.278 Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ZEMPLEO INCORPORATED 4000 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY SUITE 240 SAN RAMON, CA 94583 $13,967.31 As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X X Basis for the claim: Trade Payable Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number 3.279 Is the claim subject to offset? No Yes Nonpriority creditor's name and mailing address ZINNO, ALFRED D 6570 ETHEL STREET NW CANTON, OH 44718 $ Undetermined As of the petition filing date, the claim is: Check all that apply. X Basis for the claim: Employee Liabilities Date or dates debt was incurred Undetermined Last 4 digits of account number Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Is the claim subject to offset? X No Yes Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 58 of 61 Page 103 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 3: List Others to Be Notified About Unsecured Claims 4. List in alphabetical order any others who must be notified for claims listed in Parts 1 and 2. Examples of entities that may be listed are collection agencies, assignees of claims listed above, and attorneys for unsecured creditors. If no others need to be notified for the debts listed in Parts 1 and 2, do not fill out or submit this page. If additional pages are needed, copy the next page. Name and mailing address On which line in Part 1 or Part 2 is the related creditor (if any) listed? 1 ANTHONY BAILES, INC. C/O SHAMY, SHIPPERS & LONSKI, P.C. 911 LIVINGSTON AVE NORTH BRUNSWICK, NJ 08902 Line 15 2 BLUESTONE ENERGY SALES CORPORATION 302 S. JEFFERSON STREET 28601 CHAGRIN BLVD., STE 500 ROANOKE, VA 24011 Line 234 3 J. ANDREW ASSOCIATES C/O MCBRAYER, MCGINNIS, LESLIE & KIRKLAND, PLLC ATTN: JASON S. MORGAN 201 EAST MAIN STREETSUITE 900 LEXINGTON, KY 40507 Line 145 4 KRAMER, MICHELLE C/O ROMANO LAW OFFICE ATTN: DAVID J. ROMANO, ESQ. 363 WASHINGTON AVE. CLARKSBURG, WV 26301 Line 155 5 MCKINNEY, RANDY C/O EDGAR SNYDER & ASSOCIATES, LLC ATTN: TODD BERKEY, ESQ. US STEEL TOWER, 10TH FLOOR, 600 GRANT ST. PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 Line 182 6 NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY C/O PINO & ASSOCIATES, LLP ATTN: MATTHEW D. KENNEDY, ESQ. WESTCHESTER FINANCIAL CENTER50 MAIN STREET16TH FLOOR WHITE PLAINS, NY 10606 Line 193 7 PETERMAN, DEAN A C/O ROMANO LAW OFFICE ATTN: DAVID J. ROMANO, ESQ. 363 WASHINGTON AVE. CLARKSBURG, WV 26301 Line 214 Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Last 4 digits of account number, if any Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 59 of 61 Page 104 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Part 3: Additional Page for Others to Be Notified About Unsecured Claims Name and mailing address On which line in Part 1 or Part 2 is the related creditor (if any) listed? 8 REED SMITH LLP ATTN: EMILY DEVAN 1201 N. MARKET STREET SUITE 150 WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Line 250 9 REED SMITH LLP ATTN: EMILY DEVAN 1201 N. MARKET STREET SUITE 150 WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Line 251 10 REED SMITH LLP ATTN: KURT GWYNNE 1201 N. MARKET STREET SUITE 150 WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Line 250 11 REED SMITH LLP ATTN: KURT GWYNNE 1201 N. MARKET STREET SUITE 150 WILMINGTON, DE 19801 Line 251 12 SCHWEBEL BAKING COMPANY C/O SCOTT+SCOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LLP ATTN: GEOFFREY M. JOHNSON 12434 CEDAR ROAD, STE. 12 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, OH 44106 Line 234 13 SWAGELOK COMPANY C/O MANSOUR GAVIN LPA ATTN: JEFFREY M. EMBLETON NORTH POINT TOWER1001 LAKESIDE AVENUE, SUITE 1400 CLEVELAND, OH 44114 Line 242 14 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY GOVERNMENT - DAG ATTN: JENNIFER J. PROVENZANO, VICE PRESIDENT 500 ROSS STREET 12TH FLOOR PITTSBURGH, PA 15262 Line 251 15 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY GOVERNMENT - DAG ATTN: JENNIFER J. PROVENZANO, VICE PRESIDENT 500 ROSS STREET 12TH FLOOR PITTSBURGH, PA 15262 Line 250 Official Form 206E/F 18-50757-amk Last 4 digits of account number, if any Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Not listed. Explain Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 60 of 61 Page 105 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. 18-50757 (AMK) 0.00 + undetermined amounts 7,204,913,808.37 + undetermined amounts 7,204,913,808.37 + undetermined amounts Page 60 of 61 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 106 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Ohio, Eastern Division Northern 11 18-50757 (AMK) X Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 05/21/2010 4500 DORR STREET HOLDINGS, LLC 4500 DORR STREET TOLEDO, OH 43615 Undetermined Purchase Order - 55124236, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements 8760 INCORPORATED PO BOX 59546 BIRMINGHAM, AL 35259 Undetermined Purchase Order - 55120028, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements AA BLUEPRINT COMPANY INCORPORATED 2757 GILCHRIST ROAD AKRON, OH 44305-4400 Undetermined Purchase Order - 55125225, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements ABB ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE INC 400 PERIMETER CNTR TERRACE STE 500 ATLANTA, GA 30346 Undetermined Indemnity Agreement, Dated: 12/17/2014 ACE GROUP HOLDINGS INC. 436 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 Undetermined 52 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 107 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.6 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 3/3/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined AEP-OHIO ATTN: DIANA LOVE 303 MARCONI BLVD COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.7 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 02/12/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined ALL DAMS GENERATION, LLC C/O CUBE HYDRO PARTNERS, LLC, ATTENTION: GENERAL COUNSEL 2 BETHESDA METRO CENTER BETHESDA, MD 20814 List the contract number of any government contract 2.8 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 05/09/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined ALLEGHENY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC ATN: VICE PRESIDENT POWER SUPPLY & ENGINEERING 212 LOCUST STREET P.O. BOX 1266 HARRISBURG, PA 17108-1266 List the contract number of any government contract 2.9 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 05/19/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined ALLEGHENY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC ATN: VICE PRESIDENT POWER SUPPLY & ENGINEERING 212 LOCUST STREET P.O. BOX 1266 HARRISBURG, PA 17108-1266 List the contract number of any government contract 2.10 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Sales Contract/Trade Agreement, Dated: 08/01/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined ALLEGHENY ENERGY SUPPLY COMPANY, LLC 800 CABIN HILL DRIVE GREENSBURG, PA 15601 List the contract number of any government contract 2.11 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 03/21/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined ALLEGHENY RIDGE WIND FARM, LLC C/O MANAGER ONE SOUTH BROAD STREET, FLOOR 20 PHILADEPHIA, PA 19107 List the contract number of any government contract 2.12 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 45512547, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined ALVAREZ & MARSAL NORTH AMERICA LLC 600 MADISON AVENUE 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10022 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 2 of 52 Page 108 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.13 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 08/22/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined AMEREN ENERGY MARKETING COMPANY ATTN: DIRECTOR OF CREDIT 1901 CHOUTEAU AVE., MC960 ST. LOUIS, MO 63103 List the contract number of any government contract 2.14 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124292, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined AMERICAN BUREAU OF COLLECTIONS INC DBA ABC-AMEGA INCORPORATED 500 SENECA STREET SUITE 400 BUFFALO, NY 14204-1963 List the contract number of any government contract 2.15 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 06/01/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE CORPORATION AS AGENT FOR AEP OPERATING COMPANIES ATTN: CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT 155 W NATIONWIDE BLVD, STE 500 COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.16 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Sales Contract/Trade Agreement, Dated: 12/31/2000 State the term remaining Undetermined AMERICAN MUNICIPAL POWER - OHIO, INC 2600 AIRPORT DRIVE ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION COLUMBUS, OH 43219 List the contract number of any government contract 2.17 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124301, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined AMERICAN PRINTING INCORPORATED 1121 TOWER DRIVE AKRON, OH 44305 List the contract number of any government contract 2.18 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 46103615, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined ARDMORE POWER LOGISTICS LLC 24610 DETROIT ROAD SUITE 1200 WESTLAKE, OH 44145 List the contract number of any government contract 2.19 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 47818463, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined ARDMORE POWER LOGISTICS LLC 24610 DETROIT ROAD SUITE 1200 WESTLAKE, OH 44145 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 3 of 52 Page 109 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.20 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124595, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined ARTISTS INCORPORATED 150 NORTH MILLER ROAD SUITE 300A FAIRLAWN, OH 44333 List the contract number of any government contract 2.21 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124030, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined ASSEF ZOBIAN CAMBRIDGE ENERGY SOLUTIONS LLC 50 CHURCH STREET CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 List the contract number of any government contract 2.22 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124243, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined AUDIO VISUAL INNOVATIONS INC 335 KEN-MAR INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY BROADVIEW HEIGHTS, OH 44147 List the contract number of any government contract 2.23 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124023, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined BACA STEIN WHITE & ASSOCIATES INC PO BOX 1466 ROSENBERG, TX 77471 List the contract number of any government contract 2.24 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 05/15/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined BARCLAY'S BANK PLC 10 THE SOUTH COLONNADE CANARY WHARF LONDON E14 4PU UNITED KINGDOM List the contract number of any government contract 2.25 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC. 745 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10019 List the contract number of any government contract 2.26 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55123978, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined BCG RESOURCES LLC 41 SOUTH HIGH STREET STE 3750 S COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 4 of 52 Page 110 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.27 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124024, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined BEACON HEALTH OPTIONS INCORPORATED 240 COPORATED BOULEVARD NORFOLK, VA 23502 List the contract number of any government contract 2.28 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 06/10/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined BEAVER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 250 INSURANCE STREET SUITE 300 BEAVER, PA 15009 List the contract number of any government contract 2.29 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/01/2008 State the term remaining Undetermined BEAVER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 250 INSURANCE STREET SUITE 300 BEAVER, PA 15009 List the contract number of any government contract 2.30 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/17/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined BEAVER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 250 INSURANCE STREET SUITE 300 BEAVER, PA 15009 List the contract number of any government contract 2.31 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 10/01/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined BEAVER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 250 INSURANCE STREET SUITE 300 BEAVER, PA 15009 List the contract number of any government contract 2.32 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 09/05/2008 State the term remaining Undetermined BEAVER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 250 INSURANCE STREET SUITE 300 BEAVER, PA 15009 List the contract number of any government contract 2.33 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 04/02/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined BEAVER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 250 INSURANCE STREET SUITE 300 BEAVER, PA 15009 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 5 of 52 Page 111 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.34 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 07/01/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined BEAVER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 250 INSURANCE STREET SUITE 300 BEAVER, PA 15009 List the contract number of any government contract 2.35 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Indemnity Agreement, Dated: 12/19/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined BELCHER, SAMUEL L. 3848 EGRET DRIVE AKRON, OH 44319 List the contract number of any government contract 2.36 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Employee Benefit Plans, Dated: 12/19/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined BLICKLE, JOHN C. 4701 ST. ANDREWS AKRON, OH 44303 List the contract number of any government contract 2.37 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 02/08/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined BLUE CREEK WIND FARM LLC C/O CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 1125 NW COUCH SUITE 700 PORTLAND, OR 97209 List the contract number of any government contract 2.38 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 10/10/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined BLUESTONE ENERGY SALES CORPORATION 302 SOUTH JEFFERSON STREET ROANOKE, VA 24011 List the contract number of any government contract 2.39 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Participation Agreement, Dated: 6/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined BM1, LLC MUFG / INVESTMENT BANKING 445 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 List the contract number of any government contract 2.40 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 01/28/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined BNB NAPOLEON SOLAR, LLC 325 HUDSON STREET, 9TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10013 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 6 of 52 Page 112 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.41 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 10/25/2000 State the term remaining Undetermined BNP PARIBAS ATTN: CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT 525 WASHINGTON BLVD JERSEY CITY, NJ 07310 List the contract number of any government contract 2.42 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 05/01/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined BNP PARIBAS ENERGY TRADING GP ATTN: CONMMODITY INDEXED TRANSACTIONS 787 SEVENTH AVENUE 30TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10019 List the contract number of any government contract 2.43 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 12/14/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined BNP PARIBAS ENERGY TRADING GP ATTN: CONMMODITY INDEXED TRANSACTIONS 787 SEVENTH AVENUE 30TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10019 List the contract number of any government contract 2.44 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Indemnity Agreement, Dated: 12/19/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined BOLAND, JAMES C. 3877-4 LANDER ROAD CHAGRIN FALLS, OH 44022 List the contract number of any government contract 2.45 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 10/25/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined BP ENERGY COMPANY 201 HELIOS WAY HOUSTON, TX 77079 List the contract number of any government contract 2.46 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124638, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined BRILLIANT ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY LTD 4811 VAN EPPS ROAD CLEVELAND, OH 44131-1082 List the contract number of any government contract 2.47 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 05/17/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE ATTN: GENERAL MANAGER, TRADING DOCUMENTATION, CAPITAL RISKS MANAGEMENT 161 BAY STREET BROOKFIELD PLACE, 10TH FLOOR TORONTO, ON MFJ 2S8 CANADA List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 7 of 52 Page 113 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.48 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 04/15/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined CARBON VISION, LLC 20600 CHAGRIN BLVD., STE. 1100 SHAKER HEIGHTS, OH 44122 List the contract number of any government contract 2.49 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 08/03/2005 State the term remaining Undetermined CARGILL POWER MARKETS, LLC 12700 WHITEWATER DRIVE ATTENTION: CREDIT/ENERGY ADMINISTRATION MINNETONKA, MN 55343-9439 List the contract number of any government contract 2.50 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 11/30/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined CASSELMAN WINDPOWER, LLC 1125 NW COUCH SUITE 700 PORTLAND, OR List the contract number of any government contract 2.51 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 11/30/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined CASSELMAN WINDPOWER, LLC 1125 NW COUCH SUITE 700 PORTLAND, OR List the contract number of any government contract 2.52 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125303, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined CCH INCORPORATED C/O WOLTERS KLUWER 2700 LAKE COOK ROAD RIVERWOODS, IL 60015 List the contract number of any government contract 2.53 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 06/10/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined CITIBANK, N.A. 388 GREENWICH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10013 List the contract number of any government contract 2.54 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 10/01/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined CITIGROUP ENERGY, INC 2800 POST OAK BLVD SUTIE 500 ATTEN: COMMODITY OPERATIONS GROUP HOUSTON, TX 77056 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 8 of 52 Page 114 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.55 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124056, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined CITY OF LORAIN 200 WEST ERIE AVENUE 6TH FLOOR LORAIN, OH 44052 List the contract number of any government contract 2.56 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125544, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined CITY OF LORAIN 200 WEST ERIE AVENUE 6TH FLOOR LORAIN, OH 44052 List the contract number of any government contract 2.57 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Professional Service Contract (& Temps), Dated: 12/23/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined CITY OF LORAIN, INC. 200 WEST ERIE AVENUE LORAINE, OH 44052 List the contract number of any government contract 2.58 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124579, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined CONSOLIDATED GRAPHICS GROUP INC 1614 EAST 40TH STREET CLEVELAND, OH 44103-2319 List the contract number of any government contract 2.59 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124320, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined CONSOLIDATED GRAPHICS GROUP INC 1614 EAST 40TH STREET CLEVELAND, OH 44103-2319 List the contract number of any government contract 2.60 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125954, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined CORPORATE SCREENING SERVICES INC 16530 COMMERCE STREET CLEVELAND, OH 44130 List the contract number of any government contract 2.61 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 10/30/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined DAYTON POWER & LIGHT ATTN: BRIAN HYLANDER 1065 WOODMAN DRIVE DAYTON, OH 45432 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 9 of 52 Page 115 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.62 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 07/08/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS MARKETING, LLC ONE HESS PLAZA, 11TH FLOOR WOODBRIDGE, NJ 07095 List the contract number of any government contract 2.63 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 02/25/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS MARKETING, LLC ONE HESS PLAZA, 11TH FLOOR WOODBRIDGE, NJ 07095 List the contract number of any government contract 2.64 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Lease: Equipment, Dated: 01/18/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined DLL FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS PARTNER ATTN:MICHELLE VOKERT 1111 OLD EAGLE SCHOOL ROAD WAYME, PA 19087 List the contract number of any government contract 2.65 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124646, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined DOWNING ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED DBA DOWNING EXHIBITS 1287 CENTERVIEW CIRCLE COPLEY, OH 44321-1632 List the contract number of any government contract 2.66 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 12/07/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined DTE ENERGY TRADING 414 S. MAIN STREET SUITE 200 ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 List the contract number of any government contract 2.67 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 02/13/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined DTE ENERGY TRADING INC. 414 S. MAIN STREET SUITE 200 ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 List the contract number of any government contract 2.68 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 02/13/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined DTE ENERGY TRADING, INC. 414 S. MAIN STREET SUITE 200 ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 10 of 52 Page 116 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.69 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125478, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined DTN LLC 9110 WEST DODGE ROAD SUITE 100 OMAHA, NE 68114 List the contract number of any government contract 2.70 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 11/28/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined DUKE ENERGY KENTUCKY, INC. ATTN: STEPHEN HERRERA 526 S CHURCH ST CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 List the contract number of any government contract 2.71 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 12/16/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined DUKE ENERGY OHIO ATTN: LEWIS CAMP 550 SOUTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 List the contract number of any government contract 2.72 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 02/04/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 411 SEVENTH AVENUE, MD 15-2 PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 List the contract number of any government contract 2.73 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 02/04/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 411 SEVENTH AVENUE, MD 15-2 PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 List the contract number of any government contract 2.74 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 09/28/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined DUQUESNE POWER LLC ATTN: LEGAL DEPARTMENT 411 SEVENTH AVENUE MD 16-4 PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 List the contract number of any government contract 2.75 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 04/19/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined EDF TRADING 4700 WEST SAM HOUSTON PKWY N HOUSTON, TX 77041 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 11 of 52 Page 117 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.76 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 08/14/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined ENERGY AMERICA, LLC 12 GREENWAY PLAZA SUITE 250 HOUSTON, TX 77046 List the contract number of any government contract 2.77 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 12/11/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined ENERGY AMERICAN LLC 12 GREENWAY PLAZA SUITE 250 HOUSTON, TX 77046 List the contract number of any government contract 2.78 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124639, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE INC - ESRI INC 380 NEW YORK STREET REDLANDS, CA 92373-8100 List the contract number of any government contract 2.79 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 09/15/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined EXELON GENERATION COMPANY, LLC 111 MARKET PLACE, SUITE 500 BALTIMORE, MD 21202 List the contract number of any government contract 2.80 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124302, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined EXPERIS US INCORPORATED 6000 LOMBARDO CENTER STE 400 CLEVELAND, OH 44131 List the contract number of any government contract 2.81 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Revolving Credit Note, Dated: 09/29/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined FE AIRCRAFT LEASING CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.82 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 06/23/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined FIFTH THIRD SECURITIES, INC. 34 FOUNTAIN SQUARE PLAZA CINCINNATI, OH 45202 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 12 of 52 Page 118 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.83 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/06/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.84 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/6/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.85 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Tax Allocation Agreement, Dated: 1/1/2002 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.86 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/06/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.87 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/06/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.88 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/06/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.89 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/06/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 13 of 52 Page 119 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.90 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Partnership Agreement, Dated: 12/19/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.91 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/06/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY CORP. 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.92 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 01/01/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.93 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/06/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.94 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantees, Dated: 03/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.95 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Sales Contract/Trade Agreement, Dated: 01/01/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.96 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Agency Agreement, Dated: 12/17/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 14 of 52 Page 120 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.97 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Revolving Credit Note, Dated: 01/31/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.98 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Revolving Credit Note, Dated: 09/29/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.99 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.100 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Agency Agreement, Dated: 02/28/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.101 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantees, Dated: 03/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.102 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantees, Dated: 3/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.103 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 15 of 52 Page 121 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.104 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantees, Dated: 03/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.105 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Revolving Credit Note, Dated: 03/29/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.106 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.107 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.108 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Sales Contract/Trade Agreement, Dated: 01/01/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.109 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 05/02/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.110 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/06/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 16 of 52 Page 122 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.111 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 3/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.112 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Revolving Credit Note, Dated: 09/29/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.113 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 05/02/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.114 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 8/10/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION, LLC 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.115 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Agency Agreement, Dated: 06/30/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.116 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Agency Agreement, Dated: 06/29/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.117 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Aircraft Dry Lease Agreement, Dated: 10/21/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY SERVICE COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 17 of 52 Page 123 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.118 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Shared Service Agreement, Dated: 04/25/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY SERVICE COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.119 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Money Pool Agreement, Dated: 3/16/2018 State the term remaining Undetermined FIRSTENERGY SERVICE COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.120 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125168, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined FIS ENERGY SYSTEMS INCORPORATED FKA SUNGARD ENERGY SYSTEMS INC 1331 LAMAR STREET HOUSTON, TX 77010 List the contract number of any government contract 2.121 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 04/17/2008 State the term remaining Undetermined FORKED RIVER POWER LLC ATTN EAGLE KWOK SUITE 1210, 715 - 5 AVENUE SW CALGARY, AB CANADA List the contract number of any government contract 2.122 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125368, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined GENESYS TELECOMMUNICATIONS LABS PO BOX 201005 DALLAS, TX 75320-1005 List the contract number of any government contract 2.123 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Service Contract, Dated: 01/02/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined GENSCAPE INC. 445 MARKET ST., SUITE 200 LOUISVILLE, KY 40202 List the contract number of any government contract 2.124 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 09/11/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. 200 WEST STREET NEW YORK, NY 10282 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 18 of 52 Page 124 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.125 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 06/23/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. 200 WEST STREET NEW YORK, NY 10282 List the contract number of any government contract 2.126 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Service Contract, Dated: 01/18/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. 200 WEST STREET NEW YORK, NY 10282 List the contract number of any government contract 2.127 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125829, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined GUARD-IT CORPORATION 1250 S CAPITAL OF TEXAS HWY AUSTIN, TX 78746 List the contract number of any government contract 2.128 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124655, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined HERIP DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC 5995 CENTER STREET PENINSULA, OH 44264-9588 List the contract number of any government contract 2.129 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 9/14/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined HIGH TRAIL WIND FARM, LLC HIGH TRAIL WIND FARM, LLC C/O HORIZON WIND ENERGY LLC 808 TRAVIS SUITE 700 ATTN: CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER HOUSTON, TX 77002 List the contract number of any government contract 2.130 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 09/14/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined HOOSIER ENERGY RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 7398 N. STATE ROAD 37 BLOOMINGTON, IN 47404 List the contract number of any government contract 2.131 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 09/14/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined HOOSIER ENERGY RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 7398 N. STATE ROADE 37 BLOOMINGTON, IN 74704 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 19 of 52 Page 125 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.132 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124469, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined HP INC 1501 PAGE MILL ROAD PALO ALTO, CA 94304 List the contract number of any government contract 2.133 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55126068, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined HP INC 1501 PAGE MILL ROAD PALO ALTO, CA 94304 List the contract number of any government contract 2.134 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124690, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined HUDSON INCENTIVES INCORPORATED PO BOX 396 5211 HUDSON DRIVE UNIT B HUDSON, OH 44236 List the contract number of any government contract 2.135 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 04/09/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined HULL & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6397 EMERALD PARKWAY DUBLIN, OH 43016 List the contract number of any government contract 2.136 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124614, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined ICE DATA LP ICE DATA 5660 NEW NORTHSIDE DRIVE 3RD FL ATLANTA, GA 31193-3269 List the contract number of any government contract 2.137 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Licensing Agreement, Dated: 11/13/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined INDUSTRIAL INFO RESOURCES, INC. BRIAN LYNCH 2277 PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 300 SUGAR LAND, TX 77479 List the contract number of any government contract 2.138 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 46103618, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined INTEGRITY PRINT SOLUTIONS INC 567 EAST TURKEYFOOT LAKE ROAD AKRON, OH 44319 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 20 of 52 Page 126 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.139 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 47819447, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined INTEGRITY PRINT SOLUTIONS INC 567 EAST TURKEYFOOT LAKE ROAD AKRON, OH 44319 List the contract number of any government contract 2.140 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125127, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ENTERPRISES L DBA NEURALWARE 409 ELK STREET SUITE 200 CARNEGIE, PA 15106-2627 List the contract number of any government contract 2.141 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124678, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined INTERACTIVE MARKETING SERVICES INC DBA IMR INCORPORATED 15275 COLLIER BOULEVARD STE 201-337 NAPLES, FL 34119-6750 List the contract number of any government contract 2.142 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 01/25/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined J. ARON & COMPANY 200 WEST STREET NEW YORK, NY 10282 List the contract number of any government contract 2.143 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/15/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 383 MADISON AVENUE, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.144 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/02/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 383 MADISON AVENUE, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.145 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/02/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 383 MADISON AVENUE, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 21 of 52 Page 127 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.146 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 383 MADISON AVENUE, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.147 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 06/23/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 383 MADISON AVENUE, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.148 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/15/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 383 MADISON AVENUE, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.149 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/13/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES, LLC 383 MADISON AVENUE, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.150 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 06/23/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES, LLC 383 MADISON AVENUE, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.151 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/02/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES, LLC 383 MADISON AVENUE, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.152 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/13/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES, LLC 383 MADISON AVENUE, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 22 of 52 Page 128 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.153 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 10/24/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN VENTURES ENERGY CORPORATION 277 PARK AVENUE, 11TH FLOOR ATTENTION: COMMODITY OPERATIONS NEW YORK, NY 10172 List the contract number of any government contract 2.154 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Sales Contract/Trade Agreement, Dated: 02/01/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined J.P. MORGAN VENTURES ENERGY CORPORATION 277 PARK AVENUE ATTENTION COMMODITY OPERATIONS NEW YORK, NY 10172 List the contract number of any government contract 2.155 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 03/19/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 300 MADISON AVENUE MORRISTOWN, NJ 07962-1911 List the contract number of any government contract 2.156 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 10/24/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 125 LONDON WALL 13TH FLOOR ATTENTION: LEGAL DEPARTMENT-FX AND DERIVAIVES GROUP LONDON EC2Y 5AJ UNITED KINGDOM List the contract number of any government contract 2.157 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/02/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined JP MORGAN SECURITIES 383 MADISON AVENUE 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.158 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/15/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined KEYBANC CAPITAL MARKETS KEYBANC CAPITAL MARKETS INC. 127 PUBLIC SQUARE CLEVELAND, OH 44114 List the contract number of any government contract 2.159 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 06/23/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined KEYBANC CAPITAL MARKETS, INC. 227 W. MONROE ST. SUITE 1800 CHICAGO, IL 60606 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 23 of 52 Page 129 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.160 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 08/20/2008 State the term remaining Undetermined KRAYN WIND, LLC C/O BLACKROCK, INC. 40 EAST 52ND STREET NEW YORK, NY 10022 List the contract number of any government contract 2.161 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 02/12/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined LAKE LYNN GENERATION, LLC C/O CUBE HYDRO PARTNERS, LLC, ATTENTION: GENERAL COUNSEL 2 BETHESDA METRO CENTER BETHESDA, MD 20815 List the contract number of any government contract 2.162 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Lease: Building and Land, Dated: 1/1/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined LAUREN MARIE WARD 76 SOUTH MAIN ST. SUITE 140 AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.163 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Service Contract, Dated: 11/10/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined LEVEL ONE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 3 GREAT VALLEY PARKWAY SUITE 100 MALVERN, PA 19355 List the contract number of any government contract 2.164 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Service Contract, Dated: 11/30/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined LEVEL ONE LLC 3 GREAT VALLEY PARKWAY SUITE 100 MALVERN, PA 19355 List the contract number of any government contract 2.165 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Service Contract, Dated: 05/07/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined LEVEL ONE LLC 3 GREAT VALLEY PARKWAY SUITE 100 MALVERN, PA 19355 List the contract number of any government contract 2.166 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124853, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined LEVEL ONE LLC 3 GREAT VALLEY PARKWAY SUITE 100 MALVERN, PA 19355-1416 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 24 of 52 Page 130 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.167 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124026, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined LEVEL ONE LLC 3 GREAT VALLEY PARKWAY SUITE 100 MALVERN, PA 19355-1416 List the contract number of any government contract 2.168 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124846, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined LEVEL ONE LLC 3 GREAT VALLEY PARKWAY SUITE 100 MALVERN, PA 19355-1416 List the contract number of any government contract 2.169 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Indemnity Agreement, Dated: 01/01/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined LIBERTY MUTUAL 1001 4TH AVENUE SUITE 1700 SEATTLE, WA 98154 List the contract number of any government contract 2.170 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 09/27/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined MACQUARIE ENERGY LLC 500 DALLAS STREET SUITE 3300 HOUSTON, TX 77002 List the contract number of any government contract 2.171 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 09/27/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined MACQUARIE GROUP OF COMPANIES ONE ALLEN CENTER 500 DALLAS STREET LEVEL 31 HOUSTON, TX 77002 List the contract number of any government contract 2.172 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantees, Dated: 10/12/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined MACQUARIER PHYSICAL COMMODITIES UK LIMITED 28 ROPEMAKER PLACE LONDON EC2Y 9HD UNITED KINGDOM List the contract number of any government contract 2.173 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 7/1/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST A C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST SVC 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 25 of 52 Page 131 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.174 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 6/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST A C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST SVC 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract 2.175 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 7/1/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST B C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST SVC 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract 2.176 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 6/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST B C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST SVC 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract 2.177 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 7/1/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST C C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST SVC 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract 2.178 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 6/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST C C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST SVC 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract 2.179 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 7/1/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST D C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST SVC 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract 2.180 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 6/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST D C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST SVC 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 26 of 52 Page 132 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.181 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 7/1/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST E C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST SVC 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract 2.182 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 6/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST E C/O U.S. BANK NATIONAL TRUST ASSOCIATION, CORPORATE TRUST SVC 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract 2.183 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 6/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST F 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract 2.184 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantee, Dated: 7/1/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST F 300 DELAWARE AVE 9TH FLOOR WILMINGTON, DE 19801 List the contract number of any government contract 2.185 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124749, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined MANUFACTURERS EDUCATION COUNCIL INC BLENDONVIEW OFFICE PARK 5050 PINE CREEK DRIVE SUITE A WESTERVILLE, OH 43081-4852 List the contract number of any government contract 2.186 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 10/14/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined MARYLAND SOLAR LLC 46-48 MARYLAND AVENUE, SUITE 400 ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 List the contract number of any government contract 2.187 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55126082, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined MAXCOM INCORPORATED 10358 WILBERT DRIVE KIRTLAND, OH 44094 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 27 of 52 Page 133 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.188 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Service Contract, Dated: 07/01/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined MCKINLEY INC 320 NORTH MAIN SUITE 200 ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 List the contract number of any government contract 2.189 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 02/19/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined MERRILL LYNCH COMMODITIES INC ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 20 EAST GREENWAY PLAZA 7TH FLOOR HOUSTON, TX 77046 List the contract number of any government contract 2.190 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 02/19/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined MERRILL LYNCH COMMODITIES INC ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 20 EAST GREENWAY PLAZA 7TH FLOOR HOUSTON, TX 77046 List the contract number of any government contract 2.191 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 02/19/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined MERRILL LYNCH COMMODITIES INC ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 20 EAST GREENWAY PLAZA 7TH FLOOR HOUSTON, TX 77046 List the contract number of any government contract 2.192 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 09/11/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & SMITH INCORPORATED ONE BRYANT PARK 12TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10036 List the contract number of any government contract 2.193 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/30/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER, & SMITH INCORPORATED 4 WORLD FINANCIAL CENTER 11TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10080 List the contract number of any government contract 2.194 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Employee Benefit Plans, Dated: 01/01/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 200 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10166 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 28 of 52 Page 134 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.195 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 10/30/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY 2800 POTTSVILLE PIKE READING , PA 19605-2459 List the contract number of any government contract 2.196 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 01/17/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY 2800 POTTSVILLE PIKE READING , PA 19605-2459 List the contract number of any government contract 2.197 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 04/21/2003 State the term remaining Undetermined MEYERSDALE WINDPOWER, LLC 1001 MCKINNEY, SUITE 1740 HUSTON, TX 77002 List the contract number of any government contract 2.198 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 04/21/2003 State the term remaining Undetermined MEYERSDALE WINDPOWER, LLC 1001 MCKINNEY, SUITE 1740 HUSTON, TX 77002 List the contract number of any government contract 2.199 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 09/05/2008 State the term remaining Undetermined MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INCORPORATED 1221 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, 30TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10020 List the contract number of any government contract 2.200 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/05/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INCORPORATED 1221 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, 30TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10020 List the contract number of any government contract 2.201 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/11/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INCORPORATED 1221 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, 30TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10020 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 29 of 52 Page 135 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.202 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined MORGAN STANLEY & CO. LLC 1221 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS 30TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10020 List the contract number of any government contract 2.203 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 04/02/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined MORGAN STANLEY & CO. LLC 1221 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS 30TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10020 List the contract number of any government contract 2.204 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 01/18/2002 State the term remaining Undetermined MORGAN STANLEY CAPITAL GROUP INC. ATTN: COMMODITIES 2000 WESTCHESTER AVENUE PURCHASE, NY 10577-2530 List the contract number of any government contract 2.205 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Employee Benefit Plans, Dated: 12/19/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined MOUL, DONALD 7757 FORST CREEK COURT MAUMEE, OH 43537 List the contract number of any government contract 2.206 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/17/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined NEXTERA ENERGY POWER MARKETING, INC 700 UNIVERSE BLVD JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 List the contract number of any government contract 2.207 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 6/1/2019 State the term remaining Undetermined NEXTERA ENERGY POWER MARKETING, LLC 700 UNLVERSE BLVD. JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 List the contract number of any government contract 2.208 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 11/17/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined NEXTERA ENERGY POWER MARKETING, LLC 700 UNLVERSE BLVD. JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 30 of 52 Page 136 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.209 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 6/1/2019 State the term remaining Undetermined NEXTERA ENERGY POWER MARKETING, LLC 700 UNLVERSE BLVD. JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 List the contract number of any government contract 2.210 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 04/23/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined NEXTERA ENERGY POWER MARKETING, LLC 700 UNLVERSE BLVD. JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 List the contract number of any government contract 2.211 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Agency Agreement, Dated: 12/12/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined NEXTERA ENERGY POWER MARKETING, LLC 700 UNLVERSE BLVD. JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 List the contract number of any government contract 2.212 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 6/1/2019 State the term remaining Undetermined NEXTERA ENERGY POWER MARKETING, LLC 700 UNLVERSE BLVD. JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 List the contract number of any government contract 2.213 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 10/01/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined NOBLE AMERICAS GAS & POWER CORP ATTN: LEGAL DEPARTMENT FOUR STAMFORD PLAZA 107 ELM STREET STAMFORD, CT 06902 List the contract number of any government contract 2.214 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 10/01/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined NOBLE AMERICAS GAS & POWER CORP. FOUR STAMFORD PLAZA 107 ELM STREET, 7TH FLOOR ATTN: LEGAL DEPARTMENT STAMFORD, CT 06901 List the contract number of any government contract 2.215 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Service Contract, Dated: 09/01/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined NORTH ALLEGHENY WIND, LLC ONE SOUTH BROAD STREET, FLOOR 20 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19107 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 31 of 52 Page 137 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.216 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 09/18/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined NORTH ALLEGHENY WIND, LLC ONE SOUTH BROAD STREET, FLOOR 20 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19107 List the contract number of any government contract 2.217 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 09/18/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined NORTH ALLEGHENY WIND, LLC. ONE SOUTH BROAD STREET FLOOR 20 ATTN: MANAGER PHILADELPHIA, PA List the contract number of any government contract 2.218 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124714, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined NORTHEAST PROJECTIONS INCORPORATED 8600 SWEET VALLEY DRIVE CLEVELAND, OH 44125 List the contract number of any government contract 2.219 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.220 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 10/01/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.221 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/13/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.222 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 04/02/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 32 of 52 Page 138 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.223 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.224 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/11/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.225 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/13/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.226 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.227 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/30/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.228 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 09/05/2008 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.229 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/01/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 33 of 52 Page 139 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.230 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/15/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.231 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/01/2008 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.232 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 06/09/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.233 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/30/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.234 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/05/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.235 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/17/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.236 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 07/01/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO AIR QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1718 LEVEQUE TOWER 50 WEST BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 34 of 52 Page 140 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.237 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 04/18/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO EDISON COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.238 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 02/28/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO EDISON COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.239 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Lease: Building and Land, Dated: 05/18/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO EDISON TOWER LLC ATTN: CEO 320 NORTH MAIN SUITE 200 ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 List the contract number of any government contract 2.240 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.241 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 07/01/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.242 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/11/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.243 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/01/2008 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 35 of 52 Page 141 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.244 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/13/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.245 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/17/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.246 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/30/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.247 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/01/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.248 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 10/01/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.249 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.250 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 36 of 52 Page 142 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.251 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 09/05/2008 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.252 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 04/02/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 480 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43215 List the contract number of any government contract 2.253 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125194, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined OPEN ACCESS TECHNOLOGY INT (OATI) INCORPORATED 3660 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE NE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55418 List the contract number of any government contract 2.254 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 45520992, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined OPEN SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL INC 4101 ARROWHEAD DRIVE MEDINA, MN 55340 List the contract number of any government contract 2.255 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124178, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined PALISADE CORPORATION 798 CASCADILLA STREET ITHACA, NY 14850 List the contract number of any government contract 2.256 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 02/12/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined PE HYDRO GENERATION, LLC C/O CUBE HYDRO PARTNERS, LLC, ATTENTION: GENERAL COUNSEL 2 BETHESDA METRO CENTER BETHESDA, MD 20815 List the contract number of any government contract 2.257 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 09/22/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined PENNSYLVANIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FINANCING AUTHORITY COMMONWEALTH KEYSTONE BUILDING 400 NORTH ST. 4TH FLOOR HARRISBURG, PA 17120 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 37 of 52 Page 143 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.258 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/15/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined PENNSYLVANIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FINANCING AUTHORITY COMMONWEALTH KEYSTONE BUILDING 400 NORTH ST. 4TH FLOOR HARRISBURG, PA 17120 List the contract number of any government contract 2.259 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/02/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined PENNSYLVANIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FINANCING AUTHORITY COMMONWEALTH KEYSTONE BUILDING 400 NORTH ST. 4TH FLOOR HARRISBURG, PA 17120 List the contract number of any government contract 2.260 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 01/17/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY 5404 EVANS ROAD ERIE , PA 16509 List the contract number of any government contract 2.261 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 01/17/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined PENNSYLVANIA POWER COMPANY 233 FRENZ DRIVE NEW CASTLE, PA 16101 List the contract number of any government contract 2.262 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 10/30/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined PENNSYLVANIA POWER COMPANY 233 FRENZ DRIVE NEW CASTLE, PA 16101 List the contract number of any government contract 2.263 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 01/15/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined PENNSYLVANIA POWER COMPANY 233 FRENZ DRIVE NEW CASTLE, PA 16101 List the contract number of any government contract 2.264 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 02/28/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined PENNSYLVANIA POWER COMPANY 233 FRENZ DRIVE NEW CASTLE, PA 16101 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 38 of 52 Page 144 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.265 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined PNC CAPITAL MARKETS LLC THREE PNC PLAZA 225 FIFTH AVENUE, 5TH FLOOR PITTSBURGH, PA 15222 List the contract number of any government contract 2.266 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/04/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined PNC CAPITAL MARKETS LLC THREE PNC PLAZA 225 FIFTH AVENUE, 5TH FLOOR PITTSBURGH, PA 15222 List the contract number of any government contract 2.267 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124255, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined PONTOON SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED 10151 DEERWOOD PARK BLVD BLD 200 ST JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 List the contract number of any government contract 2.268 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124256, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined PONTOON SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED 10151 DEERWOOD PARK BLVD BLD 200 ST JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 List the contract number of any government contract 2.269 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124036, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined POWER COSTS INCORPORATED 301 DAVID L BOREN BLVD SUITE 2000 NORMAN, OK 73072 List the contract number of any government contract 2.270 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 07/01/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined PPL ENERGY PLUS, LLC ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION (GENPL7) TWO NORTH NINTH STREET ALLENTOWN, PA 18101-1179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.271 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 07/01/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined PPL ENERGYPLUS, LLC ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION (GENPL7) TWO NORTH NINTH STREET ALLENTOWN, PA 18101-1179 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 39 of 52 Page 145 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.272 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124759, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined PRODUCERS ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 330 CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD AKRON, OH 44333 List the contract number of any government contract 2.273 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 07/13/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined PSEG ENERGY RESOURCES & TRADE LLC ATTN: MANAGER-WHOLESALE CONTRACTS 80 PARK PLAZA, T19 NEWARK, NJ 07102-4194 List the contract number of any government contract 2.274 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined RBC CAPITAL MARKETS, LLC 200 VESEY STREET 9TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10281 List the contract number of any government contract 2.275 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 09/10/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined RC ENERGY JCP1, LLC 233 NORTH MICHIGAN AVE, SUITE 2330 CHICAGO, IL 60601 List the contract number of any government contract 2.276 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 45512551, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined ROBERT HALF INTERNATIONAL INC DBA RH LEGAL 2613 CAMINO RAMON BISHOP RANCH #3 SAN RAMON, CA 94583 List the contract number of any government contract 2.277 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124562, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined S GROUP INCORPORATED 1942 NEWTON STREET AKRON, OH 44305 List the contract number of any government contract 2.278 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125052, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined S&P GLOBAL/FKA MCGRAW HILL FINANCIA DBA PLATTS TWO PENN PLAZA 25TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10121-2298 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 40 of 52 Page 146 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.279 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124875, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined SANDRA REVEE KELLY 1101 MEADOW SPUR AKRON, OH 44333 List the contract number of any government contract 2.280 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124806, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined SAS INSTITUTE INCORPORATED PUBLICATIONS SALES DEPT SAS CAMPUS DRIVE CARY, NC 27513 List the contract number of any government contract 2.281 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 08/17/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined SEC BELLEFONTE SD SOLAR ONE, LLC C/O DUKE ENERGY GENERATION SERVICES, ATTENTION BRIAN K STALLMAN, VICE PRESIDENT OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 139 EAST 4TH STREET CINCINNATI, OH 45202 List the contract number of any government contract 2.282 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 08/17/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined SEC BESD SOLAR ONE, LLC C/O PRESIDENT OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT , DUKE ENERGY GENERATION SERVICES 139 EAST 4TH STREET CINCINNATI, OH 45202 List the contract number of any government contract 2.283 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 02/12/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined SENECA GENERATION, LLC C/O LS POWER DEVELOPMENT, LLC, ATTENTION: DAVID HADEN ONE TOWER CENTER, 21ST FLOOR EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ 08816 List the contract number of any government contract 2.284 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 04/01/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined SHELL ENERGY NORTH AMERICA (US) L.P. ATTN: CONTRACTS NORTH AMERICA 1000 MAIN STREET, LEVEL 12 HOUSTON, TX 77002 List the contract number of any government contract 2.285 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 04/01/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined SHELL ENERGY NORTH AMERICA (US), L.P 1000 MAIN STREET LEVEL 12 ATTN: CONTRACTS NORTH AMERICA HOUSTON, TX 77002 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 41 of 52 Page 147 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.286 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55126118, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 290 DAVIDSON AVENUE SOMERSET, NJ 08873 List the contract number of any government contract 2.287 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124466, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined SPEAKERBUS INCORPORATED 45 BROADWAY SUITE 2430 NEW YORK, NY 10006 List the contract number of any government contract 2.288 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125927, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined SPECIAL RESPONSE CORPORATION 14804 YORK ROAD SPARKS, MD 21152 List the contract number of any government contract 2.289 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Indemnity Agreement, Dated: 10/14/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. 385 WASHINGTON STREET SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-1309 List the contract number of any government contract 2.290 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124925, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined STERLING INFOSYSTEMS INCORPORATED ONE STATE STREET 24TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10004 List the contract number of any government contract 2.291 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 10/21/2017 State the term remaining Undetermined SUEZ ENERGY MARKETING NA INC ATTN: VP CREDIT 1990 POST OAK BOULEVARD SUITE 1900 HOUSTON, TX 77056-4499 List the contract number of any government contract 2.292 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124016, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined SUMMIT ADVANTAGE LLC 3340 WEST MARKET STREET AKRON, OH 44333 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 42 of 52 Page 148 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.293 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124468, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE INCORPORATED DBA EXCELERGY 100 QUANNAPOWITT PARKWAY SUTE 405 WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 List the contract number of any government contract 2.294 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125511, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE INCORPORATED DBA EXCELERGY 100 QUANNAPOWITT PARKWAY SUTE 405 WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 List the contract number of any government contract 2.295 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55123993, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined TANGENT ENERGY SOLUTIONS INC PO BOX 1140 204 GALE LANE KENNETT SQUARE, PA 19348 List the contract number of any government contract 2.296 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124597, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined TELELANGUAGE INC 514 SW 6TH AVENUE 4TH FLOOR PORTLAND, OR 97204 List the contract number of any government contract 2.297 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124866, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined TELELANGUAGE INC 514 SW 6TH AVENUE 4TH FLOOR PORTLAND, OR 97204 List the contract number of any government contract 2.298 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124215, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined TELVENT USA HOLDINGS LLC DBA TELVENT DTN LLC 9110 WEST DODGE ROAD OMAHA, NE 68114-3324 List the contract number of any government contract 2.299 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125289, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined TELVENT USA HOLDINGS LLC DBA TELVENT DTN LLC 9110 WEST DODGE ROAD OMAHA, NE 68114-3324 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 43 of 52 Page 149 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.300 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 12/01/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined TENASKA POWER SERVICES CO ATTN: DIRECTOR, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 1701 E. LAMAR BOULEVARD, SUITE 100 ARLINGTON, TX 76006 List the contract number of any government contract 2.301 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124233, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined TETRA TECH INCORPORATED 661 ANDERSON DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15220-2700 List the contract number of any government contract 2.302 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/01/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BAI{K OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.303 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/04/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.304 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/07/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.305 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/05/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.306 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/17/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 44 of 52 Page 150 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.307 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/27/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.308 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 09/22/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.309 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 09/18/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.310 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 04/02/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.311 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 06/26/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.312 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/01/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.313 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/01/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 45 of 52 Page 151 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.314 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/21/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.315 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/07/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.316 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.317 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/02/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.318 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/20/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.319 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 11/30/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, NA 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.320 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/01/2009 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY. N.A. ATTN: CORPORATE TRUST DEPARTMENT THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY. N.A. 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 46 of 52 Page 152 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.321 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 12/01/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.322 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantor - Pass Through Trust Agreement, Dated: 6/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY 1660 WEST 2ND STREET SUITE 830 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 List the contract number of any government contract 2.323 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 01/10/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ATTN: GLOBAL CAPITAL MARKETS DOCUMENTATION 40 KING STREET WEST SCOTIA PLAZA, 55TH FLOOR TORONTO, ON M5H 1H1 CANADA List the contract number of any government contract 2.324 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 01/10/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ATTN: GLOBAL CAPITAL MARKETS DOCUMENTATION 40 KING STREET WEST SCOTIA PLAZA, 55TH FLOOR TORONTO, ON M5H 1H1 CANADA List the contract number of any government contract 2.325 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 04/02/2012 State the term remaining Undetermined THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ATTN: GLOBAL CAPITAL MARKETS DOCUMENTATION 40 KING STREET WEST SCOTIA PLAZA, 55TH FLOOR TORONTO, ON M5H 1H1 CANADA List the contract number of any government contract 2.326 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Licensing Agreement, Dated: 01/01/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined THE CENTER FOR RESOURCE SOLUTIONS P.O. BOX 29512 SAN FRANCISKO, CA 94129 List the contract number of any government contract 2.327 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 12/28/2005 State the term remaining Undetermined THE CINCINNATI GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 139 EAST FOURTH STREET CINCINNATI, OH 45202 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 47 of 52 Page 153 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.328 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 04/18/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.329 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 01/28/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined THE POTOMAC EDISON COMPANY 10802 BOWER AVENUE WILLIAMSPORT, MD 21795 List the contract number of any government contract 2.330 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124028, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined THE RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT SVC CORP DBA RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES 4836 BRECKSVILLE ROAD RICHFIELD, OH 44286 List the contract number of any government contract 2.331 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/13/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined THE REMARKETING AGENTS 9 C/O J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES LLC, ACTING AS REPRESENTATIVE 383 MADISON AVENUE 8TH FLOOR NY, NY 10179 List the contract number of any government contract 2.332 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 04/18/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.333 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 02/28/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY 76 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON, OH 44308 List the contract number of any government contract 2.334 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 11/28/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined THE UNION LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER COMPANY MANAGER, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 139 EAST FOURTH STREET, EA 503 CINCINNATI, OH 45201-0960 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 48 of 52 Page 154 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.335 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124231, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined TKM PRINT SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED 760 KILLIAN ROAD AKRON, OH 44319 List the contract number of any government contract 2.336 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Indemnity Agreement, Dated: 10/14/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA ONE TOWER SQUARE HARTFORD, CT 06183 List the contract number of any government contract 2.337 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 08/21/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined U.S. BANCORP INVESTMENTS, INC. 60 LIVINGSTON AVENUE EP-MN-WN3C SAINT PAUL, MN 55107 List the contract number of any government contract 2.338 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Finance Agreement, Dated: 03/27/2006 State the term remaining Undetermined UBS AG, STAMFORD BRANCH ATTN: BANKING PRODUCTS/DENISE BUSHEE UBS AG STAMFORD BRANCH 677 WASHINGTON BLVD STAMFORD, CT 06912 List the contract number of any government contract 2.339 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 11/26/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY C/O AMEREN SERVICES COMPANY ATTN:, DIRECTOR OF CREDIT 1901 CHOUTEAU AVE., MC 960 ST. LOUIS, MO 63101 List the contract number of any government contract 2.340 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Guarantees, Dated: 08/11/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined URENCO, INC. SUITE 300 1560 WILSON BOULEVARD ARLINGTON, VA 22209-2463 List the contract number of any government contract 2.341 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55121034, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined VALUEOPTIONS INCORPORATED 240 CORPORATE BOULEVARD NORFOLK, VA 23502 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 49 of 52 Page 155 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.342 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 10/19/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY 120 TREDEGAR STREET RICHMOND, VA 23219 List the contract number of any government contract 2.343 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 10/19/2007 State the term remaining Undetermined VIRGININA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION P.O. BOX 24773 RICHMOND, VA 23260 List the contract number of any government contract 2.344 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 05/28/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined VIRIDIAN ENERGY, LLC 1055 WASHINGTON BLVD., 7TH FLOOR, SUITE 700 STAMFORD, CT 06901 List the contract number of any government contract 2.345 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Employee Benefit Plans, Dated: 01/01/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined VISION SERVICE PLAN 3333 QUALITY DRIVE RANCHO CORDOVA, CA 95670 List the contract number of any government contract 2.346 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 02/27/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined VITOL INC. 1100 LOUSIANA ST. , SUITE 5500 HUSTON, TX 77002 List the contract number of any government contract 2.347 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 09/11/2015 State the term remaining Undetermined VXI GLOBAL SOLUTIONS 401 CLEVELAND AVE CANTON, OH 44702 List the contract number of any government contract 2.348 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124021, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined VXI GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED 220 WEST 1ST STREET 3RD FLOOW LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 50 of 52 Page 156 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.349 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124668, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined VXI GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED 220 WEST 1ST STREET 3RD FLOOW LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 List the contract number of any government contract 2.350 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Derivatives/Swaps/Foreign Exchange/Hedging Agreement, Dated: 05/05/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined WABASH VALLEY POWER ASSOCIATION, INC ATTN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 722 NORTH HIGH SCHOOL ROAD INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46214-3756 List the contract number of any government contract 2.351 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55124033, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined WAGEWORKS INCORPORATED PO BOX 8363 PASADENA, CA 91109-8363 List the contract number of any government contract 2.352 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 06/16/2011 State the term remaining Undetermined WALGREEN CO. 106 WILMOT ROAD, MS 1630 DEERFIELD, IL 60015 List the contract number of any government contract 2.353 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55111069, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined WEICHERT WORKFORCE MOBILITY INC 1625 STATE ROUTE 10 MORRIS PLAINS, NJ 7950 List the contract number of any government contract 2.354 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 10/30/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined WEST PENN POWER COMPANY 800 CABIN HILL DRIVE GREENSBURG, PA 15601 List the contract number of any government contract 2.355 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Provider of Last Resort, Dated: 01/17/2013 State the term remaining Undetermined WEST PENN POWER COMPANY 800 CABIN HILL DRIVE GREENSBURG, PA 15601 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 51 of 52 Page 157 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. List all contracts and unexpired leases 2.356 State the name and mailing address for all other parties with whom the debtor has an executory contract or unexpired lease State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Indemnity Agreement, Dated: 12/17/2014 State the term remaining Undetermined WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 436 WALNUT STREET PO BOX 1000 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 List the contract number of any government contract 2.357 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125218, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined WIRECARD NORTH AMERICA INC 555 NORTH LANE SUITE 5040 CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428 List the contract number of any government contract 2.358 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Purchase Order - 55125214, Applicable Terms and Conditions and All Associated Agreements State the term remaining Undetermined WIRECARD NORTH AMERICA INC 555 NORTH LANE SUITE 5040 CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428 List the contract number of any government contract 2.359 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Lease: Building and Land, Dated: 06/01/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined XO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, LLC C/O PORTFOLIO SOLUTIONS GROUP, LLC ATTN: LEASE ADMINISTRATOR 1301 W. 22ND STREET SUITE 102 OAKBROOK, IL 60523 List the contract number of any government contract 2.360 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Power Supply Agreement, Dated: 10/29/2010 State the term remaining Undetermined ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI C/OLORI L. VOSS, CINCINNATI ZOO&BOTANICAL GARDEN 3400 VINE STREET CINCINNATI, OH 45220 List the contract number of any government contract 2.361 State what the contract or lease is for and the nature of the debtor’s interest Indemnity Agreement, Dated: 10/14/2016 State the term remaining Undetermined ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY ONE LIBERTY PLAZA 165 BROADWAY, 32ND FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10006 List the contract number of any government contract Official Form 206G 18-50757-amk Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 52 of 52 Page 158 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Ohio, Eastern Division Northern 18-50757 (AMK) X FirstEnergy Generation, LLC 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 BM1, LLC X FE Aircraft Leasing Corp. 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FIRSTENERGY CORP. X FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FirstEnergy Generation, LLC 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FIRSTENERGY CORP. X FIRSTENERGY CORP. X FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FIRSTENERGY CORP. X FIRSTENERGY CORP. X 3 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 159 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Codebtors Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. Column 1: Codebtor Column 2: Creditor Name 2.7 Mailing address Check all schedules that apply: Name Norton Energy Storage L.L.C. 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FIRSTENERGY CORP. D X E/F G 2.8 2.9 FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FirstEnergy Generation, LLC 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST A D X E/F G MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST A D X E/F G 2.10 2.11 FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FirstEnergy Generation, LLC 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST B D X E/F G MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST B D X E/F G 2.12 2.13 FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FirstEnergy Generation, LLC 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST C D X E/F G MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST C D X E/F G 2.14 2.15 FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FirstEnergy Generation, LLC 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST D D X E/F G MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST D D X E/F G 2.16 2.17 FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FirstEnergy Generation, LLC 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST E D X E/F G MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST E D X E/F G Official Form 206H 18-50757-amk Schedule H: Codebtors Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 2 of 3 Page 160 of 162 Debtor FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Case number (if known) 18-50757 (AMK) Name Additional Page if Debtor Has More Codebtors Copy this page only if more space is needed. Continue numbering the lines sequentially from the previous page. Column 1: Codebtor Column 2: Creditor Name 2.18 2.19 Mailing address Check all schedules that apply: Name FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 FirstEnergy Generation, LLC 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST F D X E/F G MANSFIELD 2007 TRUST F D X E/F G 2.20 FirstEnergy Generation, LLC 341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 Official Form 206H 18-50757-amk METLIFE CAPITAL, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Schedule H: Codebtors Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 D X E/F G Page 3 of 3 Page 161 of 162 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Northern Ohio, Eastern Division 18-50757 (AMK) X X X X X X 05/15/2018 /s/ Kevin Warvell Kevin Warvell Chief Financial Officer 18-50757-amk Doc 547 FILED 05/15/18 ENTERED 05/15/18 22:52:35 Page 162 of 162