8/13/2019 University ufsuumem Mall important Message trom Presldenl Wanda Austin regarding ixeaklng news Important Message from President Wanda M. Austin regarding breaking news 1 message Presidents ottles Tue. Mar 12, 201 9 at 3:41 AM Reply-Ta: Presidenls ottice Maich12l2019 Dear use Communilyl want to intorm you or an ongoing wide-ranging criminal investigation involving universities nationwide, including use. The government has made a public announcement and disseminated the charging documents. The tederal government has alleged that use is a victim in a scheme perpetrated against the university hy a long-time Athletics Department employee, one current coach and three tormer coaching statt, who were allegedly involved in a college admissions scheme and have heen charged by the government on multiple charges. At this time, we have no reason to helieve that Admissions employees or senior administrators were aware oi the scheme or took pan in any wrongdoing--and we believe the government concurs in that assessment. The govemment has repeatedly intormed us that it vrews use as a victim and that these employees purposetully deceived use. We have planne significant remedial ettons. We will take all appropriate employment actions. We will review admissions decisions, We are identitying all tunds received that may he connected to the gavernmenl's allegations, And we will he implementing signiticant process and training enhancements to prevent anything like this trom ever happening again, It is immensely disappoinling Ihal individuals would abuse iheii position al Ihe universily in Ihis way, As our work on culture and values eanlinuesl we must lake the appropriate action when we heeame aware ot behavior that is contrary to our values. I appreciate the ettorts ot the stall who diligently responded to the government's investigation, and tor the broad commitment ot our community to address problems as we leam ot them. We will continue to cooperate tully with all law entorcement and regulatory investigations. Any media calls can be ieferred to me USC Media Line 213-740-2215, Dr, Wanda M. Ausiin Presidenl mips Hmall google 1/2 8/13/2019 University of Southern California Mail - Important Message from President Wanda M. Austin regarding breaking news https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=904340b36b&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1627815945135069248&simpl=msg-f%3A16278159451… 2/2