NFL SETTLEMENT SUMMARY NFL SETTLEMENT PROGRAM PROGRAM S UMMARY RREPORT EPORT (AS OF 8/12/19) (As of 8/12/19) SECTION 1: TIMELY REGISTRATIONS TOTAL: 20,543 Retired Player 15,921 (78%) Representative Claimant 1,318 (6%) Derivative Claimant 3,304 (16%) SECTION 2: REGISTRATION NOTICES ISSUED BY TYPE TOTAL: 20,543 15,000 12,833 10,000 6,552 5,000 1,158 0 Incomplete Registration 0 BAP Eligible Not BAP Eligible Adverse Notice TOTAL 12,833 6,552 1,158 0 Retired Player 12,694 2,425 802 0 Representative 139 876 303 0 0 3,251 53 0 Derivative SECTION 3: MONETARY AWARD CLAIMS SUBMITTED: 2,857 SECTION 4: QUALIFYING DIAGNOSIS ASSERTED IN MONETARY AWARD CLAIMS Death with CTE Retired Player 2,122 (74%) ALS 126 55 476 Alzheimer’s Disease Representative Claimant 735 (26%) Parkinson’s Disease 165 721 Level 2 1,069 Level 1.5 Unknown © 2019 BrownGreer PLC 245 1 SECTION 5: QUALIFYING DIAGNOSIS DATE ASSERTED IN MONETARY AWARD CLAIMS Pre-Effective Date: 1,964 Death with CTE Post-Effective Date: 655 ALS Parkinson’s Disease No Date Asserted: 238 Alzheimer’s Level 2 Level 1.5 SECTION 6: NOTICES ISSUED ON MONETARY AWARD CLAIMS: 2,5801 952 806 268 196 358 Payable Denied Denied Denied After After Audit2 Withdrawn Request for Additional Documents TOTAL 952 806 196 268 358 Not Appealed 829 672 196 268 358 Appealed 123 134 1 Section 6 counts all Monetary Award claims that have received a notice after claim processing. Claims receiving multiple notices are counted only once based on the most recent notice issued. The number of appealed notices reflects only claims that have been appealed on the most recent notice issued. For a cumulative total of all appeals, see Section 9. 2 The results of the audit closed these claims and directed further alternatives for these Settlement Class Members. 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 $687,707,208 SECTION 7: PAYABLE CLAIMS SUMMARY $580,836,593 $534,270,814 $8,889,556 952 786 771 229 Claims with Monetary Monetary Awards Award Issued1 Notices1 Claims Funded Claims Funded by by the NFL the NFL Parties Parties2 Payments Made to Payments Made Retired Players to Retired Players and Rep. and Rep. Claimants Claimants3 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZ Payments Paymentsfor for 4 Liens Liens Dollars $687,707,208 $580,836,593 $534,270,814 $8,889,556 Claims 952 786 771 229 $800,000,000 $700,000,000 $600,000,000 $500,000,000 $400,000,000 $300,000,000 $200,000,000 $100,000,000 $0 1 The dollars and number of claims shown are the number of notices issued before holdbacks for potential Derivative Claimants, common benefit fees, liens and any determinations on appeals. 2 The dollars and number of claims shown include claims from Retired Players and Representative Claimants. 3 The dollars shown include payments issued on behalf of Settlement Class Members to Third-Party Funders who have accepted rescission of prohibited assignments entered into with Settlement Class Members. 4 The claims shown reflect the Settlement Class Members on whose behalf the Settlement Program has issued payments to resolve liens. The dollars shown reflect all payments the Settlement Program has made on behalf of Settlement Class Members to resolve liens, including (1) payments to the Lien Resolution Administrator to resolve medical liens, (2) payments to the Lien Resolution Administrator for its lien fees, and (3) payments directly to lienholders to resolve non-medical liens. © 2019 BrownGreer PLC NFL SETTLEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT (As of 8/12/19) 2 SECTION 8 STATUSOF OFALL MONETARY AWARD CLAIMS LOCATION MONETARY AWARD CLAIMS (BASED ON ON LASTLAST NOTICE OR AOR CTION ON CLAIM ) (STATUS BASED NOTICE ACTION ON CLAIM) CTE ALS Alzheimer’s Disease Parkinson's Level Disease 2 Level 1.5 Unknown Qualifying Diagnosis Total % 1. In Review Process at Claims Administrator 2 0 2 0 2 3 5 14 <1% 2. MAF Rule 20 Deviation Explanation Required 0 0 0 0 17 23 0 40 1% 3. Notice Ready to Issue 3 0 14 2 44 70 3 136 5% 3 14 26 13 5 11 0 72 3% 0 0 6 2 21 29 11 69 2% 6. Ready for Review by AAP 0 1 13 1 49 59 0 123 4% 7. Last Notice was Award Notice2 1 0 11 5 13 26 0 56 2% 8. Last Notice was Denial Notice3 3 0 1 2 17 26 19 68 2% 9. On Appeal Now4 20 0 7 0 9 17 4 57 2% 0 0 3 1 10 10 0 24 <1% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 2 0 75 100 1 178 6% 4. 5. Needs Special Master Statute of Limitations Review Last Notice was for Incomplete Claim Package1 10. In Audit Investigation5 11. In Audit-Failure to Provide Information Referred to the Special 12. Investigator by the Special Masters 13. Adverse Audit Report with the Parties for Review 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 <1% 14. Adverse Audit Report Awaiting Response from Those Audited 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 <1% 15. Adverse Audit Report with the Special Masters for Review 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 16. Denied After Audit6 0 0 34 0 76 85 1 196 7% 17. Final Denial 17 3 64 10 136 283 182 695 24% 18. Withdrawn 0 0 15 3 126 105 19 268 9% Ready for Next Month's Payment List 1 0 8 4 7 17 0 37 1% 20. On this Month's Payment List 2 1 10 7 8 23 0 51 2% 21. Paid7 74 36 260 115 105 181 0 771 27% 126 55 476 165 721 1,069 245 2,857 100% 19. 22. Total Claim Packages Submitted 1. The Program has issued notices to 1,918 incomplete claim packages, which is 72% of all Level 1.5 and Level 2 claims and 60% of all other claims. 2. For details on all claims receiving an Award Notice and the dollar values assigned, see Sections 7 and 11. 3. For details on all denied claims, including the denial reasons, see Section 10. 4. For details on all appeals filed by Settlement Class Members and the NFL parties, see Section 9. 5. The Program has audited 1,222, or 43%, of all claims, including 774 claims removed from audit and put back into the claims review process, 202 claims currently in Audit Investigation, 2 claims in Adverse Audit Reports with the Parties or Special Masters for Review or awaiting a response from those audited, 48 claims that were withdrawn while in audit, and 196 claims denied after audit. 6. The results of the audit denied these claims and directed further alternatives for these Settlement Class Members. 7. For total dollars paid to or on behalf of these Settlement Class Members, see Part 5 of Section 11. © 2019 BrownGreer PLC NFL SETTLEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT (As of 8/12/19) 3 SECTION 9 A. STATUS OF ALL APPEALS ON MONETARY AWARD CLAIMS Status 1 Appealed by Class Member Appealed by NFL Parties Total Payable Claims 42 121 163 1. Appeal Filed and in Preliminary Steps 1 3 4 2. Appellee's Opposition Memo Not Received 1 2 3 3. Appellee's Opposition Memo Received 0 3 3 4. Remanded to Claims Administrator 9 1 10 5. With Special Masters for Decision 4 9 13 6. Result Upheld on Appeal 20 77 97 7. Result Overturned on Appeal 3 12 15 4 14 18 231 0 231 8. Closed or Withdrawn 2 Denied Claims B. 1. Appeal Filed and in Preliminary Steps 8 0 8 2. Appellee's Opposition Memo Not Received 28 0 28 3. Appellee's Opposition Memo Received 1 0 1 4. Remanded to Claims Administrator 80 0 80 5. With Special Masters for Decision 2 0 2 6. Result Upheld on Appeal 79 0 79 7. Result Overturned on Appeal 6 0 6 27 0 27 273 121 394 8. Closed or Withdrawn C. 2 TOTAL APPEALS 1 Class Counsel has filed statements in 36 of the Appeals across multiple statuses in the Appeals Process. 2 These are appeals we are no longer processing because (1) the appealing party withdrew or (2) it was closed after being in audit. © 2019 BrownGreer PLC NFL SETTLEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT (As of 8/12/19) 4 SECTION 10 REASONS IN NOTICES OF DENIAL ISSUED ON MONETARY AWARD CLAIMS Reason Claim Denied 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Death with CTE Claims 40 (a) Death occurred after Final Approval 8 (b) Complete Claim Package Not Provided 28 (c) Special Master Denial 5 ALS Claims 3 (a) Special Master Denial 1 (b) Complete Claim Package Not Provided 2 Alzheimer’s Disease Claims 68 (a) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Qualifying Diagnosis 41 (b) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Inappropriate Physician 14 (c) Special Master Denial 8 (d) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Inappropriate Physician 7 (e) Duplicate Claim Alleging Same Qualifying Diagnosis 2 (f) Disqualified Physician 1 Parkinson's Disease Claims 12 (a) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Qualifying Diagnosis 7 (b) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Inappropriate Physician 4 (c) Special Master Denial 1 (d) Complete Claim Package Not Provided 2 Level 2 Claims 159 (a) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Qualifying Diagnosis 6. 7. Notices 71 (b) Special Master Denial 28 (c) Complete Claim Package Not Provided 33 (d) Physician Disqualified by Special Master 17 (e) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Inappropriate Physician 7 (f) Disqualified Neuropsychologist 1 (f) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - MAF Oversight 7 (g) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Special Assignment 2 Level 1.5 Claims 319 (a) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Qualifying Diagnosis 175 (b) Complete Claim Package Not Provided 74 (c) Special Master Denial 42 (d) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Inappropriate Physician 18 (e) Disqualified Physician 11 (f) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - MAF Oversight 9 (g) Disqualified Neuropsychologist 2 (g) Appeals Advisory Panel Denial - Special Assignment 1 (h) Untimely Claim Package - Pre-2/6/17 Qualifying Diagnosis 1 Unconfirmed QD - Complete Claim Package Not Provided 205 (a) Complete Claim Package Not Provided 199 (b) Special Master Denial 3 (c) Untimely Claim Package 8. 9. © 2019 BrownGreer PLC 3 TOTAL DENIAL REASONS PROVIDED ON NOTICES TOTAL NUMBER OF SETTLEMENT CLASS MEMBERS RECEIVING A DENIAL NOTICE NFL SETTLEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT (As of 8/12/19) 837 806 5 SECTION 11 1. MONETARY AWARD PAYMENTS Status by Confirmed Qualifying Diagnosis Number Amount Notices of Monetary Award (Dollars Shown are Before Holdbacks) 952 $687,707,208 78 37 293 132 144 268 $92,919,026 $98,187,130 $135,576,837 $83,434,537 $131,813,386 $145,776,292 93 $87,783,519 1 0 15 6 24 47 $96,521 $0 $6,416,476 $6,203,188 $38,200,117 $36,867,217 37 $17,116,052 (a) Death with CTE 1 $41,604 (b) ALS 0 $0 (c) Alzheimer’s Disease 8 $4,725,235 (d) Parkinson's Disease 4 $1,344,400 (e) Level 2.0 Neurocognitive Impairment 7 $3,571,681 (f) Level 1.5 Neurocognitive Impairment 17 $7,433,133 51 $18,093,118 (a) Death with CTE (b) ALS (c) Alzheimer’s Disease (d) Parkinson's Disease (e) Level 2.0 Neurocognitive Impairment (f) Level 1.5 Neurocognitive Impairment 2. Not Ready to be Included on the Next Monthly Payment List; or a Claim Hold is in Place (Dollars Shown are Before Holdbacks) (a) Death with CTE (b) ALS (c) Alzheimer’s Disease (d) Parkinson's Disease (e) Level 2.0 Neurocognitive Impairment (f) Level 1.5 Neurocognitive Impairment 3. 4. 5. Ready to be Included on the Next Monthly Payment List (Dollars Shown are Before Holdbacks) Claims in the Payment Process (Dollars Shown are After Holdbacks) (a) Death with CTE 2 $151,854 (b) ALS 1 $4,160,374 (c) Alzheimer’s Disease 10 $4,623,424 (d) Parkinson's Disease 7 $1,192,729 (e) Level 2.0 Neurocognitive Impairment 8 $2,863,807 (f) Level 1.5 Neurocognitive Impairment 23 $5,100,930 947 $535,056,000 (a) Death with CTE 74 $88,567,052 (b) ALS 36 $87,951,612 (c) Alzheimer’s Disease 260 $114,040,064 (d) Parkinson's Disease 115 $71,560,741 (e) Level 2.0 Neurocognitive Impairment 105 $81,193,910 (f) Level 1.5 Neurocognitive Impairment 181 $90,957,436 (g) Derivative Claimants 176 $785,185 Paid Claims/Paid to or on Behalf of Class Members or to Lien Holders 1 1 The dollars shown reflect payments issued to Settlement Class Members and on their behalf after all applicable deductions (e.g., Common Benefits Fees, lien holdbacks, potential rescission amounts for Third-Party Funders, etc.). © 2019 BrownGreer PLC NFL SETTLEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT (As of 8/12/19) 6