NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION BRAINSTORMING DOCUMENT ONLY EXPLORATION OF ANY IDEA - EVEN IF OUR AGENCIES COULD NOT SUPPORT IT Review of FFA schedules and Must Fund levels Objective: While seemingly contrary to the traditional public health and environmental agency objectives, exploring project ?mding and sequencing of clean-up in favor of short term redevelopment can be viewed as enhancing public health because of the generation of jobs, housing and other opportunities that allow for improvement in quality of life. While the ultimate goal is to clean up the entire Shipyard and turn the entire site into productive reuse, in the short term it may be necessary to stall some clean efforts in order to kick start the redevelopment in a few small areas. To this end, Parcel 49, Parcel and a utility corridor are the top priorities for redevelopment. And the remainder of Parcel and portions of Parcel needed for parking are secondary priorities. In particular, the cleanup order, by ?scal year, for the new redevelopment proposals are: FY08 Parcel 49 radiation cleanup and progress on paperwork for FOSET FY09 Parcel 49 (soil hotspots gw paperwork to get to FOSET) and Parcel (remaining rad soil hotspots gw and paperwork for FOSET). With goal of FOSET of Parcel 49 and by mid-2009 and real property transfer of Parcel 49 by mid-2009 (If needed some of cleanup could continue until end of 2009) FY10 Utility Corridor and remainder of Parcel rad cleanup soil hotspots gw. If not already completed, real property transfer of Parcel would happen at beginning of 2010 or later. FY11 Finish Remainder of Parcel and the areas of needed for stadium parking rad cleanup soil hotspots gw then FOSET and real property transfer of utility corridor, remainder of and the parking areas by end of 201 1. In order to meet these objectives and assuming that funding levels may only allow for the above mentioned projects and very little else, then we can make the following suggestions. Assume that you start with the idea that you need to cut all funding to all projects (except those listed above for each year) and then each priority below builds on the same ?scal year priority directly above. Another way to imagine it - we are originally told there is only enough money to do these new redevelopment proposals. And then gradually, out of the blue, someone gives us (or pick some number) every few months how would we add the programs back in? What would be the top priorities? We then negotiate about moving the priorities around is groundwater more important than an FS, PP, We can then each draw a line where our agency would say you absolutely have to ?md this priority and all those above or else. And then, when we ?nd out how much money the Navy actually gets (later this summer?) we?ll know where we can truly draw the line RESPONSE TO PRA REQUEST #18-3839 CCSF 000205 or if the whole deal starts getting shaky because the Navy doesn?t have enough money to fund both the new redevelopment proposals and each Agency?s absolutely must ?l?d priorities. So here goes a ?rst try: FY08 minimum is Parcel 49 radiation cleanup and progress on paperwork for FOSET: Add-Ins are: Priority 1 - landfill gas monitoring and extraction but only collect and verify data and send letters if any anomalies do not write reports. Also if possible reduce the amount of monitoring on Crisp Rd instead of all 13 points only sample every other point. 0 Paperwork that is required to keep Parcel moving forward towards FOSET by mid-2009 Priority 2 (add to priorityl) continue on paperwork for Parcel 49 PS, PP and ROD Priority 3 (add to l, 2) - Removal of PCB hot spots in the shoreline at Parcel E-2 Priority 4 (add to 1,2,3) - perform some groundwater monitoring all over HPS in areas where we are concerned that contamination is migrating into Bay. Only collect data and send letters when data shows concern but do not write full reports Priority 5 (add to continue on paperwork for Parcel TMSRA, PP, Amended ROD Priority 6 (add to continue FS, PP and ROD on non-Parcel 49 areas of Priority 7 (add to - continue FS, PP and ROD on Parcel E-2 Priority 8 (add to more groundwater monitoring for areas of concern in plume areas of HPS. Only collect data and send letters when data shows concern but do not write reports Priority 9 (add to VS, PP and ROD for Parcel sediments Priority lO - you get the idea add your favorite projects in whatever order works for you FY09 Parcel 49 (soil hotspots gw paperwork to get to FOSET) and Parcel (remaining rad soil hotspots gw and paperwork for FOSET). With goal of FOSET of Parcel 49 and by mid-2009 and real property transfer of Parcel 49 by mid-2009 (If needed some of cleanup could continue until end of 2009) Add-Ins are: Priority 1 - landfill gas monitoring and extraction but only collect and verify data and send letters if any anomalies do not write reports. Also if possible reduce the amount of monitoring on Crisp Rd instead of all 13 points only sample every other pomt. Priority 2 (add to priorityl) continue on paperwork for Parcel 49 F8, PP and ROD Priority 3 (add to l, 2) - Removal of PCB hot spots in the shoreline at Parcel E-2 Priority 4 (add to 1,2,3) - perform some groundwater monitoring all over HPS in areas where we are concerned that contamination is migrating into Bay. Only collect data and send letters when data shows concern but do not write full reports RESPONSE TO PRA REQUEST #18-3839 CCSF 000206 Priority 5 (add to 1,2,3,4) - continue on paperwork for Parcel TMSRA, PP, Amended ROD Priority 6 (add to continue FS, PP and ROD on non-Parcel 49 areas of Priority 7 (add to more groundwater monitoring for areas of concern in plume areas of HPS. Only collect data and send letters when data shows concern but do not write full reports Priority 8 (add to - continue FS, PP and ROD on Parcel E-2 Priority 9 (add to VS, PP and ROD for Parcel sediments Priority 10 (add to you get the idea add your favorite projects in whatever order works for you FY10 Utility Corridor and remainder of Parcel rad cleanup soil hotspots gw. Progress on paperwork for FOSET for Utility Corridor and remainder of D. If not already done, real property transfer of Parcel would happen at beginning of 2010 or later. Add-Ins are: Priority 1 - land?ll gas monitoring and extraction but only collect and verify data and send letters if any anomalies do not write full reports. Also if possible reduce the amount of monitoring on Crisp Rd instead of all 13 points only sample every other pomt. Priority 2 (add to priorityl) finish in the ?eld cleanup work on Parcel Priority 3 (add to 1&2) - make progress on Parcel PP and ROD if not already done. Priority 4 (add to 1,2,3) - perform some groundwater monitoring all over HPS in areas where we are concerned that contamination is migrating into Bay. Only collect data and send letters when data shows concern but do not write full reports for one year Priority 5 (add to continue FS, PP, ROD on non-Parcel 49 areas of Priority 6 (add to more groundwater monitoring for areas of concern in plume areas of HPS. Only collect data and send letters when data shows concern but do not write ?Jll reports Priority 7 (add to - continue FS, PP and ROD on Parcel E-2 Priority 8 (add to VS, PP and ROD for Parcel sediments Priority 9 (add to you get the idea add your favorite projects in whatever order works for you FY11 Finish Remainder of Parcel and the areas of needed for stadium parking rad cleanup soil hotspots gw then FOSET and real property transfer of utility corridor, remainder of and the parking areas by end of 201 1. Add-Ins are: Priority 1 - landfill gas monitoring and extraction but only collect and verify data and send letters if any anomalies do not write ?Jll reports. Also if possible reduce the amount of monitoring on Crisp Rd instead of all 13 points only sample every other pomt. RESPONSE TO PRA REQUEST #18-3839 CCSF 000207 Priority 2 (add to priorityl) perform some groundwater monitoring all over HPS in areas where we are concerned that contamination is migrating into Bay. Only collect data and send letters when data shows concern but do not write reports Priority 3 (add to l, 2) - continue FS, PP, ROD on non-Parcel 49 areas of and parking areas of Parcel Priority 4 (add to 1,2,3) - more groundwater monitoring for areas of concern in plume areas of HPS. Only collect data and send letters when data shows concern but do not write full reports Priority 5 (add to continue PP, ROD on Parcel E-2 Priority 6 (add to PP and ROD for Parcel sediments Priority 7 (add to you get the idea add your favorite projects in whatever order works for you FY12 and beyond Back to ?inding (within reason) for all work at all remaining Parcels C, E, E-2, with the goal of doing a ?nal FOSET for remaining parcels in two, three, or four years? RESPONSE TO PRA REQUEST #18-3839 CCSF 000208