Memorandum of Underatandlng MOU.001-MPT BETWEENTHE The Iowa Depaltrnent of Trar111portallon AND The Iowa Department of Pubflc Safely PARTIES: THIS AGREEMENT Is made and entered lnlo on the date of signingbetween the Iowa Department of Tran1portallon (hentlnaner •ool") and the Iowa Department of Public Safely (herainafler "DPS1. PURPOSE: The purpoaaol lhls Agreement la to (1) effectuatethe funding of an upgrade to the existing DOT Feela! Recognition System, as detailed in MorphoTrust USA's Quotation Reference Number FQ20130531MRPH02,dated Dll/30l2013, and (2) post-upgrade, to enable file-sharing of the DOT Facial RecognfflDflSystem, spedflcally the enhanced MorphoTru11 USA's Biometric Identification Product, between DOT and DPS. AGREEMENT ADMINISTRATORS: Director Paul Steier of !he DOT Bun,au of Investigationand Identity Protection18the Authorized State Officialfor this Ag111ement. The Authorlmd State Officialmuetapprove any changes In Iha lellllS or condlllona of this Agreemanl NegoHallons cona,mlng 1h11Agreementshould be referred lo the above-namedpersonat 515-237-3260 or of the Iowa Department of Pubic Safety hn been Special Agent in Charge Terry C111N111an designated by Iha Racipienl as Agreement Coordinator. This Individual ill respon1ible for all admlnillfalive mattere of this agn,ement, Including compliance. Negoliallon1 canc:emlngthis Agreement should be referred to Iha above-named ptn0n al 515-nS-6037 or FUNDING. DPS agrees to assume exdullve financial ntsponsl>lUI)'for au cost, surrounding thla upgrade to core Facial Recognition System. as delaDedabove,without expectation of contribution by or remunerationfrom DOT. and Tennlnallon." and DURATION: Subject to the provillons dblcuued below ln "ModlflcaUon not to ueeed the completion date of this conllact (no. PC0089t), this Agreement 1haDremain In effect for two (2) years from the affective date or until modllied or tennlnated II provided in thla Agreemenl, whichever occurs firsL This Agreement may be extended for an additional signed by the authorized representativesfor the period oJ two (2) years by written ag1811111ant parties. LIMITATIONSON USE: OPS ag111e1 lo IIMIthe motorvehlde record inlonnalion subjectto and In accordancewith the limilatlonsoJ all applk:able stateand Federal laws, including the OPPA, 18 U.S.C. §§2721·25, and laNBCode §321.11. Iowa DOT 102978 GULaw Privacy FR PROTECTION OF DATA: OPS agree, to employ any and au l8CUllty meaau11111 as are reaeonably necessa,y lo protect lhe Hlegalor unauthorizedaccea1 to or racfilclosin of any data andfor lnformallon lhal OPS (lncludlng lls agent. and employees) comes to pouess as a 11111ull of this Ag!ffmenl. DPS agrees not to sell, aaalgn,or olhlllWila transfer or dladose any data or 1nrormatlonoblalned or received pursuant to this Agreement except for purposee expressly permllled under the DPAA and lowa Code §321.11. Transfer meant dissemlnallon by written, audio,orelectronic maam. MAINTENANCE OF DATA:DOT aeknowledges and agrees that It both Iha file-sharing11ervlceand Ihadata associated therewi1h. wmexclusively maintain RECORD KEEPING: DPS agrees lo keep a raconl for flW (SJ yeara of BUperaons lo whom any Information oblalnadunder this Agreement Is redi&cloled in accordance with 1h11precadlng paragraph, end conslelanl with all slatutmy HmRaUons found thlln!ln, which ahal also Include the purpose for whk:hIha 1nr0ffllat1on 11to be uaed by any auch third party. DPS a11umesrun rasponalbility for auuring record maintenance and protection, Including determining the methods used for record keeping and Iha sufliciancy or such methods under al appllcabla state and Federal law. OPS agniea lo make such recordsavailable lo DOT upon request. NOTIFICATION ANO COOPERATION: In the event of any breech of I-or 11ecurllyInvolving peraonal Information,lndudlng breach by any thirdparty,OPS agrees Hwlll lmmedlalely notify DOT upon dlscove,y and wtll fully cooperate withDOT to lnvesllgate Iha lssua(s) and take all corrective action required by DOT. LIABILITY: To the extant permitted by Iowa law, DPS acknowledges and agrees that 11wtff be responalble for audamage, from any claim• arising out of ita aa:eu to or use of Iha data andfor Information obtained under thl1 Agreemenl, Including but not Jlmlledlo: lhu rodlacloaureof any dala andfor lnfonnallon obtained In connedlon with this Agreement. whether authorized or unauthorized, while the data and/or lnfOffllallon Is under DPS control; any clalm that OPS faUed to provide adequate aacurily for andfor administrative control ovar lhu dalal'lllformation, Including claims regarding panword secuity; any breach of thisAgreement; and any daim lhat DPS, or II lhlrd-party that obtained tha data fn>mOPS, otherwise violated the DPAA and/orIowa extent pennlHedby app&cablestale and Federal •-· Code §321.11, aff 1h11 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: With 11111pec:l to lnformallon a1111llable under this file-sharing agreement, DPS accepts and aeknowledgn that neither the Iowa DepartmentofTransportaUon nor any of Its employees, agenls, ofllc:lm, or Mlign881 makes any wamu,ty, e,cpre11 or Implied, Including the warranlle&of merchantabilityand fitneas for a partlcular purpose 11 to the motor vehicle record information, or 1Mume1 anylegal 0abllily or responsibilityfor the aCQll'llcy, completene11.or uaefulnesa of any dala or Information. MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION: This Ag!ffmenl cao be mcKifted or amendedby lhe mutual assent of both parties only. Thia Agreement may be lermlnalad by althll' pally with a thirty (30) day writtan notice. except In the case of DPS' misuse, mllapproptiallon, or unlawful 2 Iowa DOT 102979 GULaw Privacy FR dineminaUonof data and/orInformationobtainedunder thia Agreement.ln Iha event of which DOTraservaa1h11 rightto immlldlatelyterminalalhis Agreement. Thia AGREEMENT11effective on the dataof uecuUon of Iha IHl algnatory henilo. IOWADE~~ATION BY; ~ Paul TrombinoIll Dlraclor Iowa DOT IOWADEPARTMENTOF PUBLICSAFETY Commissioner 102980 GULaw Privacy FR Addendum to Memorandum of Understandln1 MOU-OOl-MVT BElWEENlHE The Iowa Oepartmenl of Transportation AHO 1he Iowa Department of PubllcSafety The Iowa Department of Transportation {hereinafter "001"') and lhC!Iowa Department of PubllcSafety (hereinafter "DPS") apeo lo eatend and modify the Memorandum of Undentandlna between DOTand DPS,sl1r,edby DPSCommissionerI.any L Noble an Sanuary ll, 2014, and by DOTDirector Paul Trombino Illon Februa,y 4, 2014, u follows: 1. Under "PURPOSE", the followlnalansua,e shall be deleted "111 effectuate the fundln1of an uparade to the exlsUnsDOTFacialRem,nltlon System,as detailed In Mo,phoTrusl USA's Quotitlon RerereRte number FQ2D13D531MRPH02, dated 09/30/2013, and 12) post- upsrade/' 2. The entire paraan,ph entitled "FUNDING" shaUbe modified to state: DOT shaH be responifble for1hemu of maintenance ortherxJslloc QOTEKilll Brmco111on System associated with the primary vendor, MotphoTrust USACI.OPS shaU be!CSPRNH>ic forlbe ants auod1ted withthtfrHctn•h>1 androi!DScOIQCll of aEs £am'""n Worutatfon. lb! DQJwfllRIPYfdc orsen'""*t forI! wcbP5F11l1IA111118ftllle115,'lteiM ,h,.lllhl>QI' ,,. • .. ,.,d ..... ,,.,," fll11111111 kfm any8lsbYPl!ildn canbernilk,tbs: par11es mustrt•cb anwummsu 10tbcfundfar tbrr,of. 3. 1he entire para1raph entitled "DUltA TION"shaUbe deleted, andInIts place the followlna shall be Inserted: "Subject ta the proylslon dhcuswd below In "Modlllatlan and TermlHtfon." this Acrtement shall remainIn effect for a penod of fivl! years from the effective date until modified or terminated as pn,YkledIn this AlfffmenL• Allof the remalnlna p,ov!Slonsof the Memorandum of Undentandln1 not modified hen:by shall remain In full farce and effect. :~ Paul Trombino Ill Onctor DATE, Iowa DOT '?/2(~6 IOWADEPARTMENT OFPV8UCSAFETY a~;~ RQD~ Commissioner DAT£ : 102981 µ({ 9// V GULaw Privacy FR