THMEE?r/?S?awzaml?m AkiWYe I, GEORGE L. CARPENTER WILLIAM BOOTH 50 PRINCESS STREET. FOUNDER SAINT JOHN. NB. COMMISSIONER B. ORAMES TERRITORIAL COMMANDER TELEPHONE: January 7th. 1946 OFFICE 3-38?: mr.A.B.Gilbert, Secretary?Treasurer, municipality of Saint John, Saint John,N.B. Dear Sir: Re: Grant to Evangeline Home,Saint John. For over fifty years throughout the Dominion and the Provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island,the Salvation Army has undertaken an extensive and successful work among young women,gir1s and unmarried mothers;this through the medium of our Rescue Homes,Hospitals and Receiving Hemes and it has been the pleasure of your council to make an annual grant to this worthy cause. Our Evangeline Rescue Home at Saint John has relievaithe municipalities of many responsibilities.During the year that has just ended it has Opened its doors to receive some one hundred unfortunate young women.This is a ten percent increase over the preceeding year.As is well known we are facing the aftermath of war with its broken homes,juvenile delinquency and disturbed social relationships;this will account for our increased statistics.However we are pleased to report that those who have come to us,have again been placed to lives of respectibility and usefulness. In making our appeal I feel sure that the number cared for show the great need for the work we are endeavoring to do among the unfortunate,and would ask your council if possible to consider making an increased grant this year to help us maintain and carry on this work which is so necessary these days. On behalf of the Salvation Army,I desire to thank you for your kind assistance during the past year,and I fell confident that we shall receive your support for 1946. Sincen:3%jyours M_,s 4/ Wk (Bu ton Dumerton) Major Public ?elations Dept.Representitive. January 17th 1946. major Burton Dumerton, The Salvation Army, 50 Princess Street, CITY. Dear Sir:- Your communication of January 7th 1946 asking that a grant be made the Evangeline Home for the year 1946, was read at a meeting of municipal Council held on the- 15th instant. On motion it was resolved that the communication be filed and that no action be taken. Yours truly, A. B. Gilbert, County Secretary. WILFRED KITCHING COMMISSIONER W. WYCLIFFE BOOTH Territorial Commander 50 PRINCESS STREB Tiki?ai?id 6/762Z2c f;%g;222mne- C;2:27uze55uen27 Gen SAINT JOHN, N.B. Telephone OFFICE 3-3950 January 14.1957 Mr. 13.0. Smith. Clerk. Saint John County, '??no7 County Court House, er..m~ a . Saint John, N.B. - Dear nr. Smith: Another new year has dawned and it gives us cause for thankfulness to Almighty God for His Blessings upon us during the year that has Just closed. While the majority of us remember the joys of the past, there have been those who have known heartache and dis- appointment. Many of these have had their lives brightened in one of our homes for unmarried mothers. such as the Evangeline Home and Hospital here in Saint John, where during the year 1956 one hundred thirteen girls and eighty-three babies received care. Your Council has been very kind in assisting us in our capital campaign for the next three years, but if it would be possible for you to further assist us by including in your budgets a maintenance grant of 1,000.00 this would help us considerably. Thanking you in anticipation, I am Yours sincerel ,xi? JAMES R. SLOAN) MAJOR PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER N.B. P.E.I. P.S. The amount of $1,000 has been your usual maintenance grant. Wilfred Kitching William Booth General Founder P. 0. BOX 782 50 PRINCESS STREET Commissioner W. Wycliffe Booth . . SAINT JOHN, N.B. Territorial Commander Office oxford 3 - 3950 January 20, 1961smith, 1: Secretary, Municipality of Saint John County, Saint John, N. B. Dear Mr. Smith: We would reSpectfully request the oppor- tunity of a hearing with the members of the Saint John County Council, in connection with the annual grant to the Evangeline Home fer Unmarried liothers for 1961. The increased demand upon our work since the enlargement of the Girls' Home has made demands upon 'ihe Salvation Army greater than ever. Your Council, during the past year, contributed $1,000.00 to this work, and I would appeal to 'the Council for an increase to the amount of t5,000.00. During 1960, The Salvation Army cared for an increased number of girls and their babies from the County of Saint John, making this the highest number for the County, a total of 51 girls and babies. The increased cost of rehabilitation of these girls is the reason for the request. singerely, kSidne;:Tuck) PUBLIC RELATIONSQ FFICER ST/ls N. B. P. E. I. Wing/j William Booth Wilfred Kitching General Founder P. 0. BOX 762 50 Commissioner W. Wycliffe Booth SA STSEET Telephone Territorial Commander Office Oxford 3 - 3950 February 15, 1961. Mr. J. D. MacCallum, 5O Irincess St., Saint John, N. B. Dear John: Further to our conversation as regards our Evangeline Home for unmarried mothers. I did mention to you that I would let you know the cost of the in- dividual girl and her baby. The average stay of the girl is from sixty to ninety days, but you will be interested to know that some girls stay for as long as six months or longer, depending on the girl's circumstances. The approximate cost per girl and her baby is $250.00 for her rehabili- tation. As I mentioned in my letter to the secretary, The Salvation Army was able to assist thirty-one girls and their babies during the year 1960. I would like to express to you our personal appreciation for your interest in the citizens of Saint John, and particularly those who really need a friend. Yours sincerely, (Sidney Tuck) MAJOR PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER ST/jw N.B. P.E.I. @ynrge E. (?at-planter Lmaximum @rames (Eran-:11 ?lnmmissimer 3-3814 Email}, glfnunher) ?@112 33321): 3 DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS NEW BRUNSWICK AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND so PRINCESS STREET SAINT JOHN, N. a. January 11th., 191+}. Mr. W. Ross, Secretary. Municipality oi Saint John, Court Itense, Sydney Street, Saint John, N. 3. Dear Sir} :39: County Grantg Evanreline Rescue Home Pint John Permit me to take tHiq opportunity of wishing the I:3eeve and County counoillore the bri?htest and Best for 19h} an? pt the same time on tehelf of merritorinl Lehder, Commiesioner ?enjemin Oremee, I would ike to the Salvation Army's deep gratitude for the support, both moral and finencinl that the no?noil hrsh?iven to the cecinl "art of our OrganiZPtien in cenere?len? the Evenaeline Heme *n 99int John in particular. I take this opportunitv of appeeltne to you one? wgein on behelf of the mnn" u??ovtunpte Deena we heve Been asked to tnke were of ?nring 19MB. I mi?h+ say the number of cases eccepted th49 veer wee 67 ee ageinet 62 last year. Without your support it maul? He impoeeihle for me to meet this conetent Remand?and I might an? if we hn? the necemmodation we could ha?dle man? 3?31?? I Wonl? enereciote you lettint me know t" return the Hate of your kennel Meet?ng, en? if posn?tle, I w*11 arrenee for coeeone to represent the qn'hretion Army at t?n-?t meet-1n? to the shorter?! of Offi?er Perg?m?l men? of our Officer: Eeing engered in Var Work both in ?ene?p nn? would vov do me the favour of making this appeel on our behalf at +he en*d meeting. Might I remind you thet owine to ?er cen?ittone the need of such accommodation in our Homes is erevter than in previews years end the rovince of New BrunEWick is no exception to this rmle. Thankine "on one ant 011 for your practical snppo?t in the pact and awaiting the result of the Boord'e decision for ?taying God's richeqt bleeqire ?pen you T?e nn? all, tee/rm Your: etnnerelr, (Ernest H. Green} Major. DIVISIONAI tau. ?eniamin @rames (52:13:52 31L @arpenter @nwral - GInmmissimur The 5albation army sweats 3-3314 (?i?ium ?uidly, gambler) ?@112 mm. (Ex-g? 3 DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS NEW BRUNSWICK AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 50 PRINCESS STREET SAINT JOHN. N. B. January 13th., 19th. Miss Helen S. Brewster, Acting county Secretary, County Court House, Saint John, N. 3. Dear Miss Brewster: Re: Grants Evangeline Rescue Home Saint John With the approach of the County Council's Annual Meeting, permit me to draw your attention once again to the grant which the members of your Council have so graciously passed in favour of The Tvangeline Rescue Home in previous.years. The Social Work of our Organization has been called upon to meet unprecedented demands, especially in its chain of Rescue Homes from Coast to Coast, in fact at times we are unable to accommodate all applicants. The number of unfortunate girls cared for has shown a steady increase at the Saint John institution. As you may know we are non-racial and non?sectarian in the caSes cared for in such Havens. your information the number of Rescue cases admitted from the various Counties for the year ending December 19h} was 71 as against 67 in 19h2 and 62 in l9hl. The need of your Council's support for this work, which in sine ways is the most highly efficient branch of The Salvation Army's Social Welfare activity. is greater than previously owing to war conditions in the Cities, Towns and Villages of this Province. I have arranged for an Officer in the district to represent our organization but owing to some Council meetings falling on the same date it may be impossible for him to attend in which case I would deeply appreciate you placing it before the Board for consider- ation. Thanking you once again for past support and I await the result of the Council's decision for l9hh (Eleni-52 3ft C?arpmter (Kane ral '?Iclephuuc 3-3314 @ramzs mommisshmer ?012192 Salhation army gah?gw??m (William glimmer) ?@112 mtg" DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS NEW BRUNSWICK AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 50 PRINCESS STREET SAINT JOHN. N. B. February 17th., 19hh. Miss Helen Brewster. County Secretary, Court House, Sydney Street, Saint John, N. B. Dear Miss Brewster: Rel County Grant - Evangeline Rescue Home Further to our recent correspondence on the aboveasubject, I have today received a letter from Lieut?Colonel H. C. Tutte, our National Public Relations Secretary, and he points out that the action of the County Council will leave us $500.00 short unless, further consideration is given the matter. With one or two exceptions all the counties in the Province make an Annual Grant in the cases sent to the Evangeline Rescue Home. In fact, some have consistently increased their amounts and at the same time sent us a fine letter of appreciation for the splendid co-operation they always receive from the Matron and her Staff. The County is an area outside the boundary of the United? Services Appeal and it is therefore considered an unreasonable decision. A line in due course will oblige. Yours sincerely, (Ernest H. Green) Brigadier DIVISIONAL COMMANDER