8/16/2019 of Southern Mall Update from Wanda Austln Update from President Wanda M. Austin 1 message Presidents onlos Wed,0m10,2018 at 1:41 PM Reply-Ta' Presidents To: Dear usc Communlty, It is already the middle of the fall semester and a good tlme for me to provide a brief update on our progress In recent weeks, I attended listening sessions for the presidential seareh on both eainpuses, and met privately with a range of groups, ineluding the Aeademie Senate In smaller settings 1 met widi deans and faeuliy, boards ufeouneilors, undergraduate and graduate student leadership, leadership of the staff senate, and gadierings ufuniversity departments and units I have also had some very insightful eonversations with student, staff, and alumni groups and eommuniiy leaders Many ofyou have provided feedback via digital media These interactions have provided oritieal insights into the range ufperspeetives on a number ofimportant issues Listening is erueial ifwe hope to etfeet change, as is deeply eonsidering ulhers' perspeetives Overall we are aligned regarding the Importance ufliving our values Our eoininitinent to excellence, trust, and transpareney is foundational to our success We will eneourage everyone on our eampuses to strengthen our eulture by being eollaborative, being better listeners, and being pan ofthe solution I have also completed a number of media interviews, ivhieh have provided the opportunity to answer tough questions from those outside of our cummunlly Many of those questions focused on what went wrong and what we are doing to fix things But they also older the opportunity to share infonnation regarding the amazlng researeh, innovative faculty, and outstanding students who enable our phenomenal aehievements I previously wrote to you about some initial changes at the university that are intended to address our most urgent needs I am pleased to report that the Office of meesstonallsm and ls established, the USC Office omebuds Servtees has a presenee on both campuses, and the President's Campus Culture Commission is engaged You can follow our at change.u5c.edu We have a lot of work to do, but we have ample Trajan ereativity, intelleet, and eoininitinent to get the yob done Thank you for the confidence, enoouragement, and support you provide every day right ()nl Wanda Auslln lnlenm President Hmall people 1/2